
@vicgrinberg@mastodon.social avatar

Get into the car in the morning and drive through France into Belgium on the way to the Netherlands. And the only sign of change of country is a sign along the road that I almost missed. Nobody checked our (German) IDs and we did not need a passport.

Living in the , we tend to take it for granted that we can easily cross borders. But it's an wonder, an achievement, something worth fighting for.

@Teop_Versant@mastodon.social avatar

@vicgrinberg It is with regret that humanity has not advanced to the point where fighting is not necessary. We need a global community where differences are resolved in a more human manner. War is hell, and should be avoided at all costs. There is no glory in war.

@ottaross@mastodon.social avatar

@vicgrinberg I hope the repeated, self-inflicted body blows the UK is suffering due to Brexit are and remain visible across the continent so nobody else feels so inclined to do a repeat.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

AFP- Centrist groups have retained a majority in the European Union parliament despite high-profile gains by far-right parties: projection

@Snowshadow@mastodon.social avatar

Whew! <wipes worried sweat from brow> That's a relief because most articles I read said the outcome would be far right gaining control.

@Lazarou@mastodon.social avatar

@GottaLaff the Oligarch Media will be pushing the notion that Fascism is ascendant and inevitable.
The fight is very much still on, despite their bias

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@mutter01 You're a hero and a patriot.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@RIJim I ask myself that every damn day

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

AFP-Macron dissolves French parliament, calls new legislative elections for June 30 after heavy loss in vote

tagesschau, German
@tagesschau@ard.social avatar

Wer wählte wen bei der Europawahl 2024?

Welche Wählergruppen stimmten besonders häufig für wen? Welche Partei schnitt bei Erstwählern gut ab und wer bei Rentnern? Bei wem machten Männer und Frauen ihr Kreuz? Ein Überblick auf Basis der Daten von infratest dimap.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/europawahl/wahl/europawahl-wer-waehlte-wen-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Europawahl #EU #Wahlverhalten #Deutschland #Bevölkerungsgruppen

tagesschau, German
@tagesschau@ard.social avatar

Was Wählende bei der Europawahl über die Grünen denken

Wie kam es zu den Verlusten der Grünen bei der Europawahl? Was war den Wählerinnen und Wählern wichtig. Welche Themen waren entscheidend? Bei welchen Kompetenzen haben sie eingebüßt. Ein Überblick in Grafiken.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/europawahl/grafiken-eu-wahl-gruene-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

@rysiek@mstdn.social avatar

More than twelve years ago I was invited by @LaQuadrature to come to the Europarlament to help stop ACTA:

This was the first time I got a chance to directly talk to MEPs to try change their minds on an issue I cared deeply about. It was not the last.

I've done a lot of activism, on both EU and national level. My experience with the European Parliament remains the best.

It really matters who we send there. And we do have a say on that.

Go vote. 🇪🇺

@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

🇪🇺 Today, if you are EU citizen, please go out to vote. Vote for yourself, vote for the community, and please go out and vote for us "Europeans" disenfranchised by Brexit 🙏

christianschwaegerl, German
@christianschwaegerl@mastodon.social avatar

Back in November 2023, I wrote about the looming backlash in environmental politics in the EU for Yale E360. Now the Union and its parties are entering the decisive phase of this struggle, both with the ongoing elections, which will result in a new parliament and commission, and with the imminent decision of the Council of member states about the #NatureRestorationLaw https://e360.yale.edu/features/europe-environment-backlash #EU #Euelection #Europe #climate

@lil_meow_meow@mastodon.social avatar


That the German Fidesz started openly denying the climate crisis by fighting the Green Deal - which falls short on every single measure anyway - was visible from space as soon as they lost the GE in 2021.

@christianschwaegerl@mastodon.social avatar
tagesschau, German
@tagesschau@ard.social avatar

Ist die Europäische Union undemokratisch?

Die Mitglieder der EU-Organe werden entweder direkt gewählt oder von den nationalen Regierungen nach Brüssel geschickt. Die Union hat zwar Schönheitsfehler - aber ist sie deshalb auch undemokratisch? Von Christian Feld.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/europawahl/eu/demokratie-106.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

tagesschau, German
@tagesschau@ard.social avatar

Ist die EU ein Verlustgeschäft für Deutschland?

Deutschland zahlt mehr Geld in EU-Töpfe, als es daraus erhält - es ist ein sogenannter Nettozahler. Aber bedeutet diese Rechnung, dass die Deutschen ohne die Europäische Union besser dran wären? Von Ilias Hamdani.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/europawahl/eu/finanzen-106.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Europawahl #EU #Finanzen

@wonka@chaos.social avatar

@tagesschau Auf solche Kopfzeilenfragen Ist die Antwort zu 99.9% "Nein!". Solltet ihr wissen und daher unterlassen.

@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

#MAGA marks #DDay anniversary w/vote to defund #NATO

#Trump's #AmericaFirst movement could lead… #Europe to seek #nuclear weapons

Today is the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landing at #Normandy, #France, where ~160k #Allied troops pulled off the largest invasion by sea in history. From that point on #America was in charge of #AlliedForces & it was the beginning of the end of #WWII

@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

Donald had no idea about the significance of the term "" when he first started saying it, believing erroneously that he'd thought up the slogan himself even though he'd no doubt heard it somewhere during his 77 yrs. Before the US entered the war the was the name of the movement & many of its members also happened to be just a little bit taken w/that fella from Germany.

@iuculano@masto.ai avatar

My take is a little different, @Nonilex

knew EXACTLY what the historical significance of the term "" was the moment he started saying it, knowing FULL WELL the was the name of the movement. He is one of those that happen to be more than just a little bit taken w/ that fella from Germany.

@mina@berlin.social avatar

Many people don't care to vote in European elections, because they think, it doesn't matter, but this is far from true.

European laws, be it on environmental or social standards, consumer protections, privacy and more affect every person in the (and to a degree: beyond) and the parliament, our directly elected representatives, plays a central role in the institutional process.

Please go and vote! Fascists and "fascists with some manners" (conservatives) will!

@br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar

EXCLUSIVE: Days before EU elections, Facebook is failing to flag inflammatory AI ads

#eu #farright


NatureMC, (edited )
@NatureMC@mastodon.online avatar

If you look for a kind of #Wahlomat (testing machine) for the #EUElections, I recommend https://euandi.eu/ Just choose your country/language.

Ihr sucht nach einem #EU-Wahlomat? Wählt euer Land/die Sprache.

De quel parti suis-je proche ? Le test pour toutes les listes. Choisis le pays et la langue.

#elections #Wahlen #Europawahl #Europa #Parteien #party #parti #Politik #politique #politics

@gabrielesvelto@fosstodon.org avatar

Depending on which country you are in, the have started, or will start very soon. I can't stress how important they are. Not only because we're facing off with far-right groups funded and propped by foreign regimes, but also because our future's at stake and yet our share of the vote is small.

At 43, I don't consider myself young anymore, I'm a grown ass adult, and yet there's more electors in the EU who are older than me than those who are younger than me.

@gabrielesvelto@fosstodon.org avatar

Regardless of their political affiliation those people don't necessarily have the same priorities that I have, and certainly don't have the same priorities of people in their 20s. But it's our future they're deciding about, and our children's future.

So if you're young you must go and vote, or your future will be decided by people who'd rather keep driving a hulking SUV than preventing mass extinction and widespread misery.

@tomhengl@fosstodon.org avatar

@gabrielesvelto how grotesque is this: all those xenophobic, genetic-race-nationalists, anti-EU political movements applying for EU parlament (so they can destroy it from inside?). Because the biggest problems of our continent is: immigration (asylum seekers), islam and low fertility? It reveals how deeply conservative and primitive European continent is. Anyway, European Union is a noble project, maybe the best thing that happened since the Renaissance.

@KimPerales@toad.social avatar

Many people in Europe are better informed about US politics than Americans. They understand the peril of 2nd term for TFG. NATO alliances would be shattered, much of Ukraine -handed over to Putin...

"Europe braces for Trump’s return."

#NATO #USPolitics #Putin #Ukraine #TFG


kubikpixel, German
@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar

Deren Ausreden sind einfach nur plump und frech oder wissen die es wirklich nicht besser?!?? Nun ja, bis die mal selber deswegen betroffen sein werden…

»Verschlüsselung: Polizei will in Echtzeit an Datenströme von WhatsApp & Co.
Eine Informationsfreiheitsanfrage eröffnet Einblicke in die Arbeit der europäischen "Going Dark"-Expertengruppe, die das "Verschlüsselungsproblem" knacken soll.«

🤦 https://www.heise.de/news/Verschluesselung-Polizei-will-in-Echtzeit-an-Datenstroeme-von-WhatsApp-Co-9747785.html

@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar

🧵 …nun ja, dies oben erwähnte könnte noch zur allgemeinen Datenverlust und Unsicherheit führen, wenn die schon damit scheitern. Dies ist für mich, das ignorieren der Sicherheit von den Verantwortlichen.

»Mithören, wenn Beamte sprechen:
Die Software Webex hat mehr Lücken, als der Betreiber Cisco behauptete. Wir fanden Tausende Videokonferenzen von Ministerien – und wählten uns in einige ein.«

🤦 https://www.zeit.de/digital/datenschutz/2024-06/webex-sicherheitsluecke-ministerien-cybersicherheit-it

#webex #lucken #internet #beamte #it #cisco #ministerin #software #lucke

@skykiss@sfba.social avatar
@skykiss@sfba.social avatar

I found the nazis in our congress.


@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

It is easy to dismiss as crazy, but this crazy lady has tremendous influence within the (which is scary).

She wants the 🇺🇸 out of , & if is re-elected, you will have numerous backing an updated version of this bill.

👉🏾 Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls for U.S. Withdrawal From NATO https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-calls-us-withdrawal-nato-1812339

Greene was the Congresswoman who popularized being a in the GOP & has emboldened others by her actions.

tine_schreibt, German
@tine_schreibt@literatur.social avatar

Die und andere Parteien in der würden gern verbieten. Denn und mögen ihre * am liebsten.
Um ihnen möglichst in die Suppe zu spucken, brauchen wir ein |weites Recht auf Abtreibung. Die Petition dazu gibt es bereits, ihr müsst nur unterschreiben (auf der offiziellen EU-Plattform).


  • Natürlich gibt es auch schwangere Männer, aber wir reden hier vom Weltbild der Nazis, also....
outi, Finnish
@outi@suomi.social avatar

politiikalla on väliä 👋

Analysis: European power-sector emissions fall by 20% since last EU election | https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-european-power-sector-emissions-fall-by-20-since-last-eu-election/

#euvaalit #eurovaalit #vaalit #eu #elections

Jigsaw_You, Dutch
@Jigsaw_You@mastodon.nl avatar
@hanse_mina@mastodon.social avatar

is developing multiple “land corridors” to rush troops and armour to the front lines in the event of a major European ground war with .

American soldiers would land at one of five ports and be channelled along pre-planned logistical routes to confront a possible attack by .


@Lazarou@mastodon.social avatar

@hanse_mina rather than deal with Climate Change, Russia is forcing us to deal with them instead, I will curse that nation forever...

@VikingChieftain@krigskunst.social avatar

@Lazarou @hanse_mina

The reduction of Russia's CO2 emissions has been largely driven by Ukraine.

@systemmatters@pnpde.social avatar

Zeigt eure Unterstützung für die Europäische Union mit unseren exklusiven "Europe Matters" Tassen! ☕ Nutzt unser Angebot bis Sonntag und seid bereit für die Europawahl 🌟 https://www.system-matters.de/shop/europe-matters-tasse/

🗳️ Am 09. Juni ist Europawahl! Macht euer Kreuz und genießt euren Kaffee in stilvollen Tassen.

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