@theropologist@beige.party avatar



In the middle like a bird without a beak 🐓 Admin of this here instance 🦖 I have no idea what I'm doing 🦣 he/him 🙆‍♂️

Alt Text: Avi is the head of a rooster with a velociraptor's face instead of a beak, seen in profile and looking majestic af. The header is a hilariously inaccurate 19th-century woodcut depicting an iguanodon and a megalosaurus as big lumbering quadrapedal lizards biting each other. Neither of them seems bothered by this, in fact they both are sporting big goofy toothy grins.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

theropologist, to random
@theropologist@beige.party avatar

:bc: Attention Beige Party-goers! :bc:

Mastodon version 4.2.9 has been released, so I will be upgrading the instance to the latest version this weekend.

The maintenance window will start at 3AM UTC on Sunday, June 2nd and end at 5AM. If you're in the Western Hemisphere, that's 11PM EDT on Saturday, June 1st to 1AM on Sunday, June 2nd.

I don't plan on taking any servers down during the upgrade, but always, be prepared for the site to go down briefly at any time during the maintenance window, or until I give the all-clear.

Thanks, and Beige-bless :bb:

theropologist, to random
@theropologist@beige.party avatar

A tartan so beige it strikes apathy into the hearts of your enemies

theropologist, to random
@theropologist@beige.party avatar

Beowulf is pretty wild, and I haven't even gotten to the fight with Grendel yet. Beowulf has just shown up and is like Hey this Grendel character? I'm gonna waste his ass for you. And then Unferth is like Pshaw! You can't even swim good, Bro! Breca totally crushed you in that swimming contest. And Beowulf is like Really? You want to go there? Sorry I was too busy slaying NINE sea monsters to worry about winning some stupid little race, and by the way I was swimming in full armor and carrying a sword, but you're welcome for the steep decline in sea monster attacks lately. Do you even slay, Bro? Oh wait l, what am I saying, if you were even halfway decent at slaying then I wouldn't have to come here with all my Geat bros to save your sorry ass! And Unferth just sits there in silence because what are you gonna say after having been so thoroughly owned?

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr Because that's basically what medieval warriors were lol

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

So I got to the Grendel flight and it's basically Beowulf doing an atomic half-Nelson on Grendel, and Grendel is like, This is weak Bro, usually I can feast on Scyldings with impunity! The Geats are like Hell yeah Bro! Hold him down we're gonna stab his ass with our swords! But of course the swords don't work. Only the unbridled power of slick oiled up muscles rubbing against each other can subdue this baleful hell-hunk. Beowulf is like Hold up, Bros! Let me show you how it's done! And he rips his fucking arm off. Grendel, utterly demoralized, staggers off to find some dismal swamp to fuck off and die in. Even the narrator seems to feel bad for Grendel. He's like, Most days Grendel had a killer time raiding Heorot, feasting on man flesh and spreading blood and gore and giblets all over the mead benches, but this time, well my dudes, let's just say this was Grendel's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

And then it's time for the sequel. Grendel 2: Grendel Mother. The same basic concept, but in a different location. It plays out like a Hollywood sequel too. After Grendel is defeated they throw a huge party. Everyone is getting lit and smacking Beowulf on the back and going Hell Yeah Bro, the minstrel is playing that old banger about Finn The Frisian, Unferth is off to the side sucking eggs. All is right with the world.

But that very night, when everyone's guard is down, Hrothgar's favorite thane gets nabbed and dragged away. In the morning, someone conveniently recalls, Oh yeah there were actually TWO monsters terrorizing the countryside: Grendel and his mother. It's time to slay again, Bros! And this time...it's personal.

So Beowulf and his Geat bros go to this haunted lake in the middle of a haunted forest that's teaming with sea monsters and snakes and eels and stuff. Beowulf is like Bros! I got this, but Unferth shouts Wait! Listen, Beowulf, I know I gave you a hard time earlier but it's only because I respect you so goddamn much, and I know I could never be as much of a badass as you. Here, take this sword that's been in my family for generations. I hear it's pretty good at stabbing people, not that I'd know myself, on account of me being such a pathetic sniveling coward and all.

Beowulf takes the sword, and with a shit-eating grin lifts it up over his head and yells, Listen up Bros! I'm heading down into that lake to stab the shit out of Grendel's mom. I'm not gonna lie to you guys, it's gonna be pretty dangerous down there, so if I don't make it back, I want you all to know that I'm leaving this kickass sword to my good buddy Unferth, for always believing in me! Everyone cheers. Unferth is like Wait, what? But too late, SPLASH! Beowulf is already in the lake.

No sooner does Beowulf get to the bottom than Grendel's mom snatches him in her talons. He's in a pretty tight spot; he can't break free and all these sea monsters and snakes and eels are attacking him. He swings Unferth's sword at Grendel's mom but of course it's useless, just like Unferth. Beowulf chucks the janky ass sword aside and tries wailing on her with his fists for a while. This makes him feel better, but doesn't seem have much effect on Grendel's mom. But then he sees a different, way bigger, way cooler sword, so he grabs it and slices her head clean off.

This releases so much blood and gore that it starts spewing up on the surface and Hrothgar and the Geat bros are like woah dude, it's not looking good for ol' Beowulf, but just then he bursts up out of the water in triumph, his long hair whipping back and glistening in the sunlight like some badass sexy Shampoo commercial.

He tosses a sword hilt to Hrothgar and is like Bro, I found this awesome sword down there, it was so choice but the blade totally melted in all that gnarly monster blood. The hilt is still pretty killer though, and Hrothgar is like Dude! This is the coolest sword I've ever seen! Check out the rare smithwork and jewels! Unferth is like Ok, but what about that sword I lent you? The one that's been in my family for generations?

Beowulf says Don't worry little buddy, I didn't forget about you, and he tosses Grendel's giant head at Unferth, knocking his pathetic ass to the ground. Unferth is like Wait, what? But too late, Beowulf has already turned to the camera, giving a big thumbs up. Freeze frame and roll credits over a killer Bon Jovi tune.

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

Post credit scene: Beowulf approaches Unferth and hands him the sword.

Hey man, I had one of my Geats fetch this from the bottom of that lake. It's not a bad sword, it's got a decent cutting edge and all, it was just completely useless to me in this particular situation. But don't worry, I don't blame you for that. I mean, how could you have known, never having slayed any fell monsters before? Hey, I'm a magnanimous guy!

And then he flashes those pearly whites. He truly is a considerate man.

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

holy shit, I didn't think they were gonna be able to top Grendel's mom, but now there's a freakin' dragon?? This is gonna be lit!

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

So Beowulf heads home to Sweden in triumph. Everyone agrees that he is one killer dude. Eventually he becomes king of the Geats. After about 50 years he's a grizzled old "The Dude" type, ruling the Geats with a righteous hand and looking forward to fading away into the warm glow of legend.

But then this fuckin' dragon starts terrorizing the land, lighting up the sky with a crimson glow and torching all the villages. Beowulf is too old for this shit, but he can't ignore the threat, mostly because the dragon burned his own house down, and that was so not cool.

Beowulf thought to himself, "Yeah I'm a king and I guess I could get some armies together to fight this dragon, but that's not really my style. Back in my glory days, all I needed was a few good Geat bros by my side to go out and kick some major butt." So he gathers up eleven of his best warriors, and then also forces Antonio Banderas to come along to show them the way because he was the asshole who stole the chalice from the dragon's hoard and started this whole mess in the first place.

They journey to the dragon's den and Beowulf stands up on a cliff's edge to address his men. He starts to give a rousing speech, but gets sidetracked into telling his whole life story, about how he and king Hygelac were such good bros and how he definitely didn't murder Hygelac's heir to claim the throne, then he starts going on about the wars with the Swedes. All the Geats have heard this story a hundred times, but they've learned it's better to just let him get it out of his system now, rather than try to interrupt him and drag it out even longer.

Finally he manages to meander back to his original point.

"Listen up, Bros! I don't have to tell you that I slayed some pretty gnarly beasts back in my day, but to be honest I've never been all that great with a sword. I swing them with such awesome strength that they tend to just snap like toothpicks. No, I've always felt more comfortable murdering things with my bare hands—I prefer the personal touch—but since this is a dragon with hot steaming scales and stuff I guess I'll have to go at it with the sword. I know I brought you all here to fight the dragon with me, but I'm just as tough as I've ever been, so I'm gonna head in there alone and slay it myself."

He pauses for a second, waiting for Unferth to make some kind of wisecrack, but of course Unferth isn't there. There's just Antonio Banderas, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Well all right, I guess I'll go stab that dragon now."

Beowulf heads into the cave and right off the bat things are not looking good. This dragon is good and pissed and he charges Beowulf all wreathed in flames and steam and spewing fire out of its mouth and shit. Beowulf goes to town on it with the sword but can't make a dent in the scales. With the dragon bearing down on him and his sword failing him, Beowulf has a thought that had never occurred to him before: "This could be it. I might die here."

This really bums him out.

From outside, all the Geats can see is flame and smoke belching out of the cave entrance and they're like, "Godspeed Beowulf!" and turn tail to GTFO. All except Wiglaf, who is like, "Bros! Beowulf chose us because we are his most trusted and most badass thanes! Oh, and also you, Antonio Banderas. We can't abandon him now when he needs us the most! The Geats are like, "Godspeed Wiglaf!" and GTFO.

So Wiglaf heads into the cave and is like, "Don't worry Beowulf! I got you, Bro!" Beowulf feels reinvigorated by his thane having his back, so he swings his sword extra hard and clocks that dragon right on the noggin, but wouldn't you know it, the dang thing snaps like a toothpick. "Damnit!" bellows Beowulf, "Not again!"

Then the dragon chomps down on Beowulf's neck and makes him bleed his own blood. Things are looking pretty grim! But then Good Guy Wiglaf lunges in and plunges his sword into the dragon's belly.

"Don't worry Wiglaf!" Beowulf shouts, "I'll save you!" And he pulls out his knife and shoves it deep in the dragon's flank. The dragon belches one last feeble smoke ring and dies.

Wiglaf and Beowulf high five. "We did it Bro!" But Beowulf isn't feeling so hot. He doubles over and pukes his guts out. "Wiglaf, my dude," he says, "I think that dragon might have poisoned me." Wiglaf rushes to his side. "What can I do for you, Bro?" Beowulf stammers, "G-go bring me some of that dragon gold. I want to see it before I die." Wiglaf does as he's told and the old man smiles ruefully as he gazes on all that glittery treasure. "Totally worth it," he whispers, and then he's gone.

Wiglaf goes out and addresses the Geats. "Well, we killed the dragon, but Beowulf is dead, and considering you all are a bunch of sniveling cowards, I'm guessing the Swedes will probably invade soon and wipe us all out. But you know, everything in this world is doomed to decay into dust anyway so I guess it doesn't really matter."

The Geats just kind of look at each other, trying to avoid eye contact. Of all the ways this day could have turned out, they never imagined it ending up this huge of a bummer.

"Anyway, we should probably give Beowulf a funeral. He was a righteous dude, after all."

They burn him on a pyre and construct a big burial mound to hold his ashes. It's still there in Sweden if you want to go see it. I hear some cows hang out up there now.

Wiglaf also had them bury the dragon gold in there because it was probably cursed. If Unferth had been around he probably would have said something smart-alecky like, "Do you want dragons? Because that's how you get dragons." But of course Unferth wasn't there. There was just Antonio Banderas, rubbing his hands together and licking his lips.

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

The cows hanging out up there now

theropologist, to random
@theropologist@beige.party avatar

If I were Sir Gawain I would have simply given the Green Knight a small peck on the cheek

theropologist, to random
@theropologist@beige.party avatar

How's it going out there? Do people still laugh? From over here it just feels like everyone is pissed off.

theropologist, to random
@theropologist@beige.party avatar

I just wrote a strongly-worded comment on my quarterly survey at work, so don't tell me I don't know how to stick it to the Man.

theropologist, to random
@theropologist@beige.party avatar

I know everyone hates AI and I get it, I really do. I'm not trying to diminish people's concerns. All I'm saying is I tried a month of Midjorney to see what all the fuss was about and I blew through my credits in two days generating pictures of people covered in spaghetti.

So perhaps this is a cautionary tale after all.

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

Just FYI - My Avi is not an AI, it's an actual art made by an actual artist: Jennifer Miller. I didn't have to commission it because she had already painted an image of a Velocirooster. I asked for her permission to use it and she very graciously agreed. I also bought a print of it so I could send some money her way.

She's a fantastic artist so you should go to her website and buy her art:


@theropologist@beige.party avatar

@kevinteljeur Capitalism?

the_etrain, to random
@the_etrain@beige.party avatar

It's stupid raining on the stupid weekend. Again. Anyway, here are some stupid irises I've be meaning to post.

White and yellow iris

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

@the_etrain Those irises are so pretty I want to punch them in their stupid pretty faces

theropologist, to random
@theropologist@beige.party avatar


@theropologist@beige.party avatar

Nice effort, but pretty mid compared to the other ones.

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

You can't argue with facts

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

But on the other hand...

theropologist, to random
@theropologist@beige.party avatar

:bc: Attention Beige Party-goers! :bc:

State of The Instance - May 2024

Let's Talk About Policy, Baby!

Yes, everyone's favorite topic: Moderation Policy! But a well-crafted policy can be a thing of beauty. The main idea is to do all the decision-making work ahead of time and document it in a clear and easy to understand way, so that when the time comes to make a moderation decision, you don't have to do any thinking in the moment when tensions and emotions might be running high, you can just apply the policy. As someone who recently had to write a semi-coherent policy at 3 AM while on vacation, I can get behind this idea.

The other benefit is transparency. If everyone is aware of the policy and can read it themselves, then moderation action becomes more predictable, both for the moderator and for the moderated. After a year and half of running this instance I can confidently assert that I still have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just another schmuck figuring it out as I go along. The best way that I can think of to mitigate this is to be as transparent as possible, so that you all are at least aware of WHAT I am doing and WHY, even if I am ultimately just winging it.

So, to that end I would like to start using these monthly updates to develop a written moderation policy covering all of the instance rules. I will explain how I interpret each rule as it relates to moderation policy and then invite your input so that we can craft a clear policy that makes sense to everyone.

My plan is to cover one rule a month, but before we start, we should think about what the heck it is we're doing here in the first place. What is the guiding principle that informs all rule making and moderation decisions? That's right, we're talking about that North Star of corporate gibberish: The Mission Statement

After thinking it over a bit, I think this sums up our mission:

To provide a safe and welcoming environment where people feel valued and respected, and are encouraged to be themselves.

The point I want to drive home here is that my approach to moderation is humanistic. I am more concerned with providing good outcomes for actual individuals than adhering to any specific principles or ideologies. This should not be confused with utilitarianism. The most good for the most people often results in terrible outcomes for the minority. As I've stated before, my other overarching principle is asking who has the power in a given situation, and who is in need of protection. When in doubt, always defer to protecting those in need of protection.

The second part, about encouraging people to be themselves, refers to identity. People should be respected and celebrated for who they ARE, but that doesn't mean we are obligated to accept everything they DO. In fact we might have some fairly heated arguments about what people do, which is why we need moderation policy in the first place.

OK, so now that we've got foundational principles down, let's move on to the first rule. It's a rule so basic that it's actually baked into the reporting interface, regardless of what the actual instance rules are. It is something so noxious to the functioning of the internet that developing strategies against it is a full-time discipline in the field of Computer Science. I am speaking of course, of the dreaded Spam.

Spam is one of those things that you think you can easily identify until you start looking into all of the various edge cases. OK, that's true of most abstract concepts, but even more so for spam. I had previously included an explicit instance rule prohibiting spam, but I have since removed it because I think it mostly caused confusion for people who were worried that they might be unintentionally end up violating the rule. One thing I am fairly certain about is that if you are a spammer, you know you're a spammer. If you are operating in good faith then it's very unlikely that you would accidentally run afoul of the anti-spam rule. However, for the sake of clarity, let's start by defining some things that are not spam:

  • Posts about your personal project or business
  • Fundraisers and mutual aid requests
  • Posts promoting a particular cause or organization

These kinds of posts are not spam in and of themselves but they can become spam if they are sent in the form of unsolicited DMs, randomly @ people who have nothing to do with the content of the post, or if they are posted with such frequency that they disrupt the normal operation of the instance.

So here I think we are circling a pretty solid definition of spam:

Unsolicited and unwanted communication that impairs the legitimate functioning of a communications network

I think that's a pretty decent general rule, but what sort of behaviors would fall under that definition? Let's look at Mastodon's reporting interface. When you report something as spam, it gives three examples:

  • malicious links
  • fake engagement
  • repetitive replies

I think malicious links is pretty clear cut. If you are posting links that are intended to deceive people and potentially send them to unsafe web sites, that is definitely against the rules.

Similarly, repetitive replies are pretty easy to recognize. If someone is posting the same reply to a bunch of different posts just to gain visibility without engaging with the original post at all, then that is pretty clearly spam.

That brings us to fake engagement, which is a little squishier. Fake engagement is not just a reply that you don't like. That might be a case for a personal block, but it's not a rule violation. My definition of fake engagement is posting a reply with the sole purpose of promoting a particular agenda, with no effort to actually engage with the discussion. This is still open to a lot of interpretation, so I will also say that fake engagement is a pattern of behavior. Posting one reply like this is not going to get you flagged for fake engagement, but if you are repetitively posting unwanted replies on many different posts, all pushing the same agenda without engaging in the discussion, then that could be considered fake engagement. It's also just rude and annoying.

So, bringing this all together, this is my definition of spam as it applies to moderation policy:

  1. Repetitive unsolicited DMs
  2. Randomly tagging users with an @ in posts that have nothing to do with them
  3. Scam posts that are intended to deceive people and/or exploit them financially
  4. Repetitive posts that disrupt the normal operation of the instance
  5. Posting malicious links with the intent to deceive people or direct them to harmful websites
  6. Hijacking the replies of a post solely to promote something unrelated to the post
  7. Repeatedly replying to posts with the sole purpose of pushing a particular agenda and with no good faith effort to engage in the discussion

Just a reminder, there is no longer a dedicated anti-spam rule listed under the instance rules, but you can always select spam as an option in the Mastodon reporting interface.

OK, I think that's enough policy for one month. I invite you all to share your thoughts. This is what I came up with, but please let me know if I got something wrong or missed something that should be added. I want to put together a policy that we can all understand and agree on. My plan is to start going over the enumerated instance rules, one rule per month, starting next month. At the end of this process I will compile everything into a policy document and post a link to it in the about section of the site.

On to the numbers!

My billing cycle for Hetzner has gone back to normal, but the date that the invoice is generated has changed from the 1st of the month to the 15th, so you can expect these updates within a couple days after that. Despite the change of the billing date, the invoice still covers only the previous month, so for example all of the numbers I post in May will apply to April, and then the May numbers will be in my June update. Since I can't post these until the middle of the month, the numbers are going to reflect a point in time from the first of the month. Previously, when I was posting closer to the first of the month, I would include additional users and donations from the first few days of the current month in addition to the numbers from the previous month. Since it doesn't make sense to include an additional 15 days of the current month, all the numbers I report will apply only to the previous month.

New sign-ups:

In the month of April we gained 31 new party-goers, for a grand total of 411 big-time beige business-doers. Of those, 264 accounts have been active in the last month.

Welcome new party-goers! if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.


For the month of April we received $335.00 in donations. After PayPal fees, that comes out to $297.30. We had $1,579.67 left over from March, so our total available funds for paying the April hosting fees was $1,876.97.

The hosting fees for April break down as follows:

VPS Hosting: $98.88
Foreign Transaction Fee: $2.66
S3 Storage: $9.30
SMTP Relay: $15.00

Total: $125.84

After paying the hosting bills for April, we have $1,751.13 left in donation funds. That's enough to keep us running for over a year, so we are in good shape. Thank you to all who donated! If anyone would like to donate, here is the link:


It can also be found in my profile header and in the about section of the site.

And once again a big thanks to all you beautiful Beige Party-goers. You all are what makes this place great!

Beige-bless :bb:

A spreadsheet breaking down the donations for the month of April: Date Amount Fees Net 4/1/2024 $10.00 $1.34 $8.66 4/2/2024 $5.00 $0.91 $4.09 4/2/2024 $50.00 $4.74 $45.26 4/3/2024 $10.00 $1.34 $8.66 4/4/2024 $10.00 $0.84 $9.16 4/6/2024 $10.00 $1.34 $8.66 4/6/2024 $10.00 $1.49 $8.51 4/7/2024 $10.00 $0.84 $9.16 4/9/2024 $5.00 $0.91 $4.09 4/9/2024 $50.00 $2.24 $47.76 4/11/2024 $5.00 $0.64 $4.36 4/11/2024 $10.00 $0.99 $9.01 4/14/2024 $10.00 $1.34 $8.66 4/14/2024 $10.00 $1.49 $8.51 4/17/2024 $5.00 $0.91 $4.09 4/17/2024 $5.00 $0.91 $4.09 4/18/2024 $5.00 $0.74 $4.26 4/18/2024 $10.00 $0.84 $9.16 4/18/2024 $5.00 $0.66 $4.34 4/20/2024 $5.00 $0.91 $4.09 4/21/2024 $5.00 $0.91 $4.09 4/21/2024 $10.00 $1.34 $8.66 4/21/2024 $5.00 $0.91 $4.09 4/21/2024 $5.00 $0.99 $4.01 4/22/2024 $5.00 $0.91 $4.09 4/25/2024 $5.00 $0.91 $4.09 4/27/2024 $50.00 $4.74 $45.26 4/29/2024 $5.00 $0.91 $4.09 4/30/2024 $5.00 $0.66 $4.34 Total $335.00 $37.70 $297.30

theropologist, to random
@theropologist@beige.party avatar

:bc: Attention Beige Party-goers! :bc:

A word about antisemitism, the state of Israel, and the war in Gaza

The war in Gaza has brought a lot of issues to a head and for the most part I have remained silent about specifics because my personal opinions should not be relevant to my job as a moderator. However, things at Beige Party have recently crossed a line where I felt I had to take action, and I feel it is my duty to explain what is informing my decisions on this matter.

Just a warning, this is going to be an extremely long post, so if you just want to know about the moderation policy you can skip to the end. It actually turns out to be quite simple.

First of all, I think it's important to explain where I'm coming from because this is a deeply personal issue for me. As a cis-hetero white male cloaked in all the undeserved privilege that entails I don't feel like it is my place to comment on most matters of identity, other than to recofnize bigotry where it occurs and enforce the site rules when something crosses the line. When I am unsure, I will seek out a trusted member of the affected community to get their perspective before I make a decision. In this case, however, I am a member of the community in question, and the issues of antisemitism, fascism, and genocide have informed my personhood basically since I have been a self-aware, thinking, feeling being, and have played a foundational role in forming my core morality and code of ethics.

I hate presenting this as if it were a set of qualifications, but I think it's important for you to know where I come from so you can understand my nuanced views on a very fraught and complicated subject.

I am part Jewish. I was not raised culturally or religiously Jewish, so I've never felt completely comfortable claiming that identity. However, I am Jewish enough for Hitler to have murdered two of my direct ancestors, and to have inherited the generational trauma of genocide. I am also part German, so I also understand the insidiousness of ethno-fascism and its inevitable consequences. There are a lot of words for it but ultimately, on a human level, it comes down to the murder of innocent people.

None of this is theoretical to me, or distant memories handed down to me over generations. I have a grandmother who is a living link to what it was like to grow up as a half Jewish girl in Hitler's Germany and to have a parent and a grandparent sent to a concentration camp to be murdered, and another parent jailed for trying to get their family out of a fascist country. This is all very real and present for me, and has been my whole life. It is in my bones.

Having said all that, let me go over some core principles that I have used to guide my moderation decisions when it comes to antisemitism and the actions of the government of the state of Israel:

Antisemitism is real and insidious and it has been for thousands of years. My definition of antisemitism is targeting Jewish people on the basis of their ethnic and/or religious identity. Like any form of bigotry it's targeting people based on who they are.

The state of Israel is a sovereign nation with all the rights and responsibilities of any sovereign nation that wishes to remain in good standing with the current world order. Disagreeing with the actions of the state of Israel or any members of its government is not antisemitism. Despite what the government of Israel claims it does not represent all Jews everywhere, and the very claim of ownership of an entire ethno-cultural group by a sovereign state is a mark of fascism. It's the very thing Hitler did to justify his crimes in Europe.

Zionism is a nationalist political ideology. It does claim religion as a justification but many political ideologies do. Nations rarly go to war over religion, but governments often use religion as a way to justify their wars. Being against zionism as a political ideology is not antisemitic, just as all Jews are not obligated to be zionists. Zionism as a political ideology dates to the 19th century. The first historical mention of the Jewish people dates back to 1220 BCE. Jewish people are quite capable of existing independently of zionism. They have for thousands of years.

Israel is an apartheid state. I think many will disagree with this statement, but there is no other way to describe the facts on the ground. They have kept the occupied territories in limbo for nearly 60 years specifically to disenfranchise the Arab population. The reality is that if you are born an Arab in Gaza or the West Bank you do not enjoy the full rights of a citizen of Israel, based solely on your ethnicity. That is apartheid. Acknowledging that fact is not antisemitism. The Jewish people are not responsible for this situation, the government of Israel is.

The state of Israel has, and continues to commit genocide. This is also going to be controversial, but I just can't see it any other way. International law is pretty clear on this. Even if an adversary is not abiding by international law, a state engaging in a military conflict has a responsibility to protect civilians. Collective punishment of the Palestinian people for the crimes of Hamas is a war crime, and it cannot be justified. Genocide was also committed in the initial wars of independence, where entire Arab villages were wiped off the map. This is not the same as saying Israel has no right to exist. I am an American of European ancestry, and as such, my very existence on this continent is the result of genocide. We can not hold people responsible for the crimes of past generations, but when we see genocide happening it is our responsibility as human beings to call it out. Doing so is not antisemitism. Again, these are crimes being carried out by the government of Israel, and despite what it claims, the government of Israel does not represent all Jewish people.

The government of Israel is sliding increasingly towards facism. It is ruled by a far-right nationalist coalition that is bent on consolidating power and dismantling democratic rule. Not only does the government of Israel not represent all Jews, it doesn't even represent all Israelis, as we have seen with protests against the legislation to weaken the supreme court. Again, as an American, I can relate. There are many things my government does that I don't agree with and there's very little I can do about it directly. Directing hatred against Israeli citizens for the actions of their government is wrong, as is holding the Jewish people as a whole responsible for those actions. However, being against the actions of an increasingly fascist state is not antisemitism.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that murders civilians to achieve its goals. It claims to represent the Palestinian people but it has no problem with putting them in harm's way to achieve their ends. The events of October 7th were reprehensible and should not be celebrated by anyone. Hamas saw their increasing irrelevance on the world stage so they committed genocide so that they could not be ignored. Part of their calculation was that the response by the government of Israel would be so severe that Hamas's crimes would quickly fade from the public discourse. They were right, and in doing so they offered up the lives of the people they claim to represent as an acceptable loss for their larger goal, which is the destruction of the state of Israel. Acknowledging Hamas's crimes does not negate the crimes of the state of Israel, both are responsible for their actions and there is no moral high ground here, only death, destruction, and the perpetuation of human misery.

That said, the facts on the ground are what they are. Israel exists and so does Palestine. Both have a right to exist because the people exist. Normal, everyday people, who want the same thing that anyone wants: Safety, security, the chance to just make it through the day and maybe the opportunity to improve their lives a little bit. Any government, organization, or ideology that simply wishes one of these groups of people out of existence is not operating in reality and is morally bankrupt. Furthermore, they are doing a disservice to the people they claim to represent by further perpetuating conflict, death, and human misery.

So that's a lot of words, and plenty for many different people to have problems with at least some of them. As a moderator I try to keep my personal beliefs and opinions out of moderation decisions and just stick to the rules as written. So much about the situation in Gaza has warped the discourse into a tangled mess, but ultimately I think the rules as written are sufficient to handle it.

Really, it's very simple:

  1. Targeting people based on who they ARE is against the rules

  2. Disagreeing with what people, organizations, or governments DO is not

  3. Advocating for violence against anyone for ANY reason is against the rules

In any cases where the rules seem to come in conflict with one another, my overarching principal is asking who has power in this situation, and who is in need of protection. When in doubt I always defer to those in need of protection.

I invite your thoughts on this subject, but please keep it civil and respectful. I am never one to claim that I have all the answers. Like most people, I am just trying to make sense out of a terrible situation so that I can hopefully do the right thing, or at the very least not cause more harm.

Thank you, and Beige-bless :bb:

theropologist, to random
@theropologist@beige.party avatar

After having to figure out how to do some minor plumbing repairs around the house I have come to appreciate the humble gasket as the only thing separating civilized society from utter chaos

@theropologist@beige.party avatar

@juanejot Ha, self-sealing stem-bolts are probably my favorite piece of future technology in Star Trek precisely because they are so vaguely defined. But Nog knows a quality product when he sees one. Listen, Mr, do you think I'd be wasting your time with a pile of boring old stem bolts? These babies are SELF-SEALING!

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