amolith, to random avatar

@snikket_im has officially launched their XMPP hosting platform :flan_cheer: This one subscription gets you a personal XMPP server for yourself, your family, and some friends! :flan_smile:

"…it became increasingly clear that, as easy as we make self-hosting, it’s always going to require skills or time that people don’t have. If we want everyone to be a part of this network, we can’t expect them all to learn Linux, SSH and system administration!"

snikket_im, to random

Happy to announce that we just published a new release of the Snikket server software!

You can read all about it in our blog post:

#snikket #xmpp

snikket_im, to android

Just a heads-up that #Snikket #Android has been pulled by #Google from the store. We'll work on restoring it once we figure out their (as usual) nonsensical complaints. Apologies to everyone affected. Please look at #FDroid and free yourself.

Today's excuse for delisting yet another #XMPP app?

"Your app is uploading users' Image information without posting a privacy policy link or text within the Play Distributed App."

Funny. What's this then?? 👀


@danie10 @snikket_im

I personally feel that this is the optimal delivery and update methodology for future software distribution.

I've written about this at length in several articles, and more and more service daemons and client software are taking advantage of this form of direct from the developers method of delivery - not just Android apps.

#FairEmail is one such app that even states in the docs that this is the preferred method, although they do support a total of four methods:

  • Google PlayStore - crippleware due to google funding source restrictions. In all cases, this is by far the worst distribution point for software, if not with respect for the product that the developers want to deliver, but also with regards for the privacy of the users who are tracked, mined, and themselves repackaged as a quantifiable inventory item.
  • F-Droid custom Dev's repo - 2nd best option, because this is built with the developer's keys when the developer decides to push the product, and contain all feature sets that the developer chooses to include.
  • F-Droid repo - 3rd best option, since it is signed with F-Droid's keys and typically lags by some measure of time with respect to release dates, considering that F-Droid staff pushes these out on a best effort basis, according to the time they have available to do so.
  • Direct from the developers Git repo - This is the best method. They push a release and the next time you open the app you're notified of an update.

This is part of the magic of Slackware's philosophy too - Patrick and team don't church it up like most distro's do (Debian and AlmaLinux quite often, quite heavily wrt customizations, use Apache or Nginx HTTP servers as examples). Slackware tries to package up software as close to how the upstream intends it to be.

In earlier articles I've published on the topic, I've focused at times on a solution to a theme proffered by #Moxie_Marlinspike, who denigrates the open source model somewhat, for being at a great disadvantage when compared to that of proprietary solutions that can update and evolve protocols, APIs, etc., on a whim, because they're centrally managed and controlled by a single dictatorial source. Microsoft is one such classic example. You simply have NO CHOICE as to when you must allow your software to be EOLed, evolve, or update itself.

Using this model, however, where a central repo, or a distributed, CDN type of repo mirroring is deployed at the origin by the development team itself, FOSS has no problem upgrading even things like protocols as they evolve. Of course, it is ultimately up to the operators of the software to allow updates and the prerogative of the developers to establish the level of nags that users of the software will experience until they permit the updates to occur, but that's beyond the scope of the basis of advocating for this type of delivery model.

Okay I think I'm bordering on hijacking this thread, so I'll make a comment about these types of shennigans by Google, and how one one hand it's certainly a huge frustration, if not an impediment to being found and adopted by users, but moreover, a predatory practice by one of the most egregious violators of personal choice in the free market of consumerism and commerce.

It may hurt being pulled like that, but IMO, I don't think there's anything preventing the good folks behind #Snikket from pushing out the kind of crippleware that google wants them to, while at the same time pushing banner splashes in the app that explain just how fricken' useless it is under the terms necessary to distribute it via that medium, and encouraging users to install it instead by following the instructions at the #git_repo for a fully featured, #e2ee secure messaging platform.

IOW, there's always a silver lining - wear this dejection as a badge of honor and as the evidence to support the fact that you're on the right track!

#tallship #FOSS #privacy #crippleware


snikket_im, to opensource

Our latest blog post dives into the funding of the Snikket project. Funding open-source is rarely easy. Grants, donations, sponsorships - we've tried them all 🙂

snikket_im, to telegram

Many people affected by the recent blocking of #Telegram in 🇪🇸 Spain are looking for alternatives - especially decentralized ones.

#Snikket is one of those alternatives, and fully open-source. However, our Spanish translations are lacking, which can lead to a poor experience for our #hispanohablante friends.

If you think you could help us with translation, please reach out 🙂

fabio, to Matrix avatar

I wish that (and ) were better designed.

It has become among the most popular open messaging protocols, but it remains a scalability nightmare.

It's literally the Blockchain of messaging. Its current state is given by the sum of the whole chain of events received since t=0. It's a brittle append-only ledger, and any modifications you do to it are very likely to break it.

Do you have a huge 100GB database and you want to clean up old stuff? Sorry, you can't. There are some non-official solutions for compacting the events, but they're all likely to break your db - and none worked so far in my case.

Do you have users on your instance that entered a busy room on Then you'll get all the join/leave events of that busy room on your db, with no way of deleting them, and nothing to do unless your users exit those rooms.

Did you start your instance by toying with the default SQLite backend, and now that it's become big you want to move to Postgres? Sorry, no official guides provided, only unofficial procedures scattered across a bunch of blogs.

Do you want to change the name of your server? Sorry, you can't. All the events are tightly coupled to your server name. The advised solution is to simply start a new instance.

Such a rigid and brittle implementation shouldn't have become an open de facto standard without much questioning about its poor design decisions.

At the very least, some official tools must be provided to enable admins to compact events. If the size of the database is guaranteed to increase indefinitely, then entry barriers against self-hosting are only going to increase.


@chuck @fabio @Menel

Don't think I heard of #Snikket yet, I should check it out. When I set up #XMPP again I want it to run on my Kubernetes cluster, since that's where most things already live anyway. I also want to be able to have bridges to other platforms that I use, such as #Signal and (sadly) #Matrix, so I can have one good client for all my chat again, like we had back in the Ol' Days.

kyle, to random

"Look what happened to ", yeah, I use it every day without even thinking about it to receive calls and texts with zero friction thanks to the asskickery of and . The only thing I feel cut off from is Verizon. SUCK IT VERIZON

cryptgoat, to Signal German avatar

Dass man die #Telefonnummer bei #Signal verbergen kann, ist wichtig. Trotzdem müssen wir weiterhin darauf vertrauen, dass die Nummer in den Händen von Signal und deren Dienstleistern sicher bleibt. Man erinnere sich an den #Twilio-Hack (Twilio ist für die Registration und Verifikation der Telefonnummer bei Signal verantwortlich):

Wenn #Anonymität das wichtigste Kriterium ist, empfehle ich aber weiterhin einen #Messenger/Dienst zu nutzen, der die Telefonnummer gar nicht erst erhebt, z.B. #Threema, #DeltaChat, #XMPP / #Conversations oder #Matrix. #SimpleX entwickelt sich ebenso gut. Eine gute Übersicht über verschiedene Möglichkeiten findet ihr in der Messenger-Matrix von @kuketzblog: #Security #Privacy

debacle, avatar

@DrMarkussi @HeleneSchoesel @cryptgoat

  1. Ich finde kein download link zum OnPrem-Server. Achso, das ist gar keine #freieSoftware? Danke, aber nein danke!

  2. Wieviele der angeblich 11 Millionen Users erreiche ich mit OnPrem? Achso, keinen einzigen, weil nicht federiert wird? Danke, aber nein danke!

Dann doch lieber #Ejabberd oder #Prosody bzw. #Snikket! Federiert und #freeSoftware.

PS: Meine Tastatur ist hoffentlich sicher genug:

#Jabber #XMPP

rresoli, to random Italian avatar
"We believe that the ideal online communication network is larger than any single organization, and that it should offer people freedom and choice. That’s why we built on open standards () and everything we produce is open source, so that people can inspect it and run it themselves."

Goffi, to random French avatar

#Libervia now supports SCRAM-SHA authentication. Previously relying on outdated Twisted #XMPP mechanisms, we experienced incompatibilities with recent servers like #Snikket. This issue is resolved, and Libervia can now operate with up-to-date Snikket instances.

Dio9sys, to random

New writeup on my gemini capsule!

This time, it's about setting up your very own Snikket chat server.


#gemini #geminispace #smolnet #xmpp #snikket

pablo, to Matrix

Rambled a bit about my experience playing with setting up a Snikket and a Matrix server:

systeam, to chat German

Chatting in our organization has been difficult so far because we don't have a real IM - not even on the board. That has now changed: we now #chat with #snikket #xmpp. This is quick and easy!💬

lsintoni, to selfhosted in XMPP Server?

@stown take a look at #Snikket
Is a semplified Prosody-like server you can install with docker.

And OMEMO is a very good enryption protocol, same as Signal.

carlux, to random avatar

Ho deciso: il 2024 sarà l'anno dell'abbandono di Whatsapp, a favore di Telegram / Signal. Chi di voi lo ha già fatto? Quali strategie avete adottato per evitare di rimanere isolati?

pollo, avatar

@carlux Non ho mai usato WA, nè Telegram, nè Signal, nè alcunchè che vada a sfruculiare nella mia rubrica. Con i familiari e amici che vogliono usarlo uso #XMPP, nell'incarnazione #Snikket (ho un server personale). Naturalmente comunico anche con chiunque abbia un account XMPP altrove ...

eversten, to fdroid avatar

What a great morning on for users:

  1. A beta version of 2.15 arrived at F-Droid. It looks great and now uses Material 3 theme. Be aware: To install this version you need to explicitly select it in F-Droid.

  2. A new minor version has been released which brings GIF import, compatible stickers and other improvements.

  3. A new version has been released bringing fixes and improvements from Conversations to Snikket users.

🎉 Have a nice weekend 🎉

activistPnk, to xmpp in Matrix vs. XMPP, Security, Privacy, Apps, Efficiency ?

Similar to IRC, where I never found nice usable apps for my taste, I thought XMPP was deprecated, but that doesnt seem so?

A very easy to use phone app is #Snikket. When I force normies to reach me over XMPP, I generally suggest Snikket to them. For the desktop I like the text UI of profanity. But it is glitchy and would be hard to use for anyone who lives in the shelter of a GUI.

#Matrix is theoretically decentralized but the mere fact that the flagship instance is on #Cloudflare suggests the developers are not on the ball about privacy or digital rights. Whenever I have been asked to join a Matrix room, there was reference to that Cloudflare instance, so I refuse it.

#Signal has many problems. I won’t even consider touching it as long as supplying a mobile phone number is a registration requirement.

(btw, i did not see the youtube video so I don’t know if it covered the problems I mention)

matthewguy, to random

Anyone any tips for getting remote family to start using #XMPP rather than WhatsApp etc? Offered to setup accounts and send login details? Apart from transatlantic flights any other tips? #FamilyTechSupport


@matthewguy I've setted up my #Snikket instance, invited and installed all my family member and then told them: if you want to talk im here and then deleted wa.

Maybe brutal, but worked!

strypey, to chat avatar

#Snikket has launched a hosting service;

"Our goal, as a not-for-profit organization, is to run this sustainably. Our business model is a simple one that does not involve data harvesting/mining. Instead we charge a simple fee per instance that you host with us... This fee pays for the servers, maintenance and other associated costs. Any extra revenue is used to further our goals - building and promoting sustainable communication solutions."


#chat #XMPP

Castiai, to orgmode avatar

I have just finished the same procedure as every year:

The Christmas donation round-up!

I am saying thank you with money to and

Keep up the good work folks!


aks, to Matrix avatar

Can i use my homeserver as server? Or do i have to spin up separate xmpp server and then use puppet bridge?


A matrix homeserver can't speak xmpp. You need a separate xmpp server.
are popular choices.

As long as you only want a bridge, I think you don't need an xmpp server tho bifrost can speak xmpp (I think)

pablo, to Matrix Spanish

Escribí un poco sobre mi experiencia jugando con levantar servidores de Matrix y Snikket:

Goffi, to random French avatar

Talking about strategy, and the use of #Snikket as a flagship for #XMPP, and end-up that it's not a good idea for a bunch of reasons.

#XMPP Summit

hund, to random

Snikket seems to be broken big times. iOS users doesn't get all messages or images. At least it seems to only happen in MUCs. Logs doesn't say a word about it.

I've been using XMPP for almost two decades now. I have never had any issues like this before. I have my whole family on XMPP.. We rely on XMPP for all communication. I really don't know what to do. :/

#XMPP #Snikket

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