rdfhrn, to rant German
@rdfhrn@hessen.social avatar


Ich archiviere alle Dokumente in einem #CMS

Blöd genug, dass #congstar Rechnungen (wegen Datenschutz - hahaha) nicht mehr per Mail versendet. Muss mich also auf der Webseite anmelden, das Dokument öffnen und ins CMS "drucken". Nicht schön, aber einfach und flott genug.

Jetzt stellen sie alles um. Rechnungen nur noch in der App. D.h. Ich öffne die App, lade das pdf herunter, verschicke das über den Acrobat Reader an mich per Mail und drucke es dann ins CMS.

Also schreibe ich eine Mail

jadugar63, to rant
@jadugar63@mastodon.social avatar

#rant There’s nothing more irritating in the #gym #weightroom than some jackass parking his ass in the equipment next to you and reeking of #CheapPerfume .
All y’all gots to stop ruining the nice dank environment.

kagan, to rant
@kagan@wandering.shop avatar

Someone else's mentions maybe aren't the place to put this, so I'll put it in my own timeline, where I get to say whatever TF I want:

MikeH, to Facebook

is my post, Sharkey edition (it's basically the same one as I posted when I joined mastodon.me.uk).

I am, like many others here, a refugee from other social media sites. In my case, it all started way back in 1990 when I did the DT200 information technology course. This gave me access to their CoSy based conferencing system. From there I explored various before joining . From there I migrated to and via and alt newsgroups.

My posts are likely to cover a variety of areas such as: , , and . Now that I've got a few more characters to play with I may also post the occasional .

montag, to rant German

In der Kieler Kommunalpolitik wird gerade über den Neubau eines Fussballstadions gestritten. Dabei hat der CDU Ratsherr Sebastian Thiede dieses Argument vorgebracht:

kn-online.de hat geschrieben:

„Wenig hilfreich sind die geäußerten kostspieligen Wünsche der grün-roten Kooperation hinsichtlich Klimaneutralität und nachhaltiger Bauweise, die die monetäre kommunale Finanzlage wie so oft ignorieren und eine schnelle Bauumsetzung erschweren“, so Thiede.

Das Teil ist ein Fussballstadion und somit ganz und gar nicht Lebensnotwendig, es dient nur der Unterhaltung. Und da hat man gefälligst auf Klimaneutralität und Nachhaltigkeit zu achten! Die Stadt Kiel hat immerhin schon vor ein paar Jahren den ausgerufen (Quelle: Klimanotstand Kiel). Wenn dadurch der Neubau teurer wird, muss man halt mehr Eintritt zahlen.Und davon mal ganz abgesehen frage ich mich sowieso was die Stadt damit zu tun hat, sie muss es nur genehmigen oder halt nicht. Um die Finanzierung eines größeren Stadions sollte sich der Verein selber kümmern. Das regelmäßige Polizei-Großaufgebot um die "Fans" in Schach zu halten kostet die Stadt und das Land ja sowieso schon genug.

Neubau des Holstein-Stadions: Kieler CDU befürchtet schon jetzt Verzug

pixelate, to rant
@pixelate@tweesecake.social avatar

Okay, so I get that news is mostly for non-technical people. I get it. But my goodness, can we not get a little better than "6 rumored iPhone 16 camera upgrades?" The camera? Again, and again, and again! Like is that all people think about? #rant

roymathur, to uk
@roymathur@mastodon.social avatar
Crell, to rant
@Crell@phpc.social avatar

Docs: Here's how to use feature X.
Built-in help in the tool: There is no feature X.

If this is your project, you fail. Seriously, just, you fail.


faab64, to Israel

Some 52 years ago, when I was in 4th grade of primary school, I found a book "who put glasses on the kid's eyes" in a small book shop in open bazaar of my hometown Ahvaz in khuzestan province of Iran.

A few days later, we had to bring a book to school and read it in front of the class. Happy as I was to have found a great book, I took it to school and read it in front of the class.

I couldn't understand why my teacher was acting so scared and stopped me before I had finished the book and sent me to the principals office.
I was nervous, didn't know what I had done wrong and our principal, who was a really nice man, and went to the same university as my oldest sister took the book and asked me where I had bought it. I knew something was wrong, so I said I bought it at the book store of our local mosque, to protect the guy who was my source of cheap and lovely books and would buy back my old ones to help me afford buying new ones.

In the evening my father came home, agitated and clearly upset. Asked me what I have done and I explained the situation, including the fact that I lied about wher I had bought the book. Told him the highlight of the book about a happy child who was living in a town with happy people who were all wearing glasses.

He was seeing flowers, colorful houses. Nice people and happy children all around him, birds flying in the sky and everyone were so friendly to him.

Until one day he fell of and his glasses broke. He couldn't believe his eyes, the flowers, colorful houses and happy people were all gone. All he could see was a run down city, with piles of garbage everywhere, people wearing worn out clothes, looking hungry and sick.

He was nece happy after that, he couldn't believe that everyone were walking around with glasses and we're happy all the time. But he was sad and miserable, because he had seen his town without those glasses.

Anyway. My father took me to a building close to the main police station on the other side of the Karun river, he spent almost entire day in a room where I could people screaming at him and a few times someone his the table very hard. But couldn't hear what they were saying.
My dad came out. Pulled my hand without saying a word, we walked for an hour to get home, didn't take taxi as we used to do.

He didn't say a word during the whole day and told me to go over my books and bring all the books I had bought from that shop, he through them in a metal bucket and poured some fuel over it, set them on fire and waited until they were completely burned, mixed the ashes to turn them into dust, filled the bucket with water and through it in the toilet.

He told me to never go back to that shop and be careful to take any books to school from now on.

That' was my first interaction with the notorious Savak police of Shah of Iran. In the next days, all the 4 book stores in our town were raided. Books confiscated and doors locked. Never heard about any of them again.

Reading the comments of pro Israeli accounts on mastodon reminded me of that book and that experience that changed my life when I was only 8 years old.

This post specially triggered those memories. Unlike the kid in my book and the people living in the town, these people know very well tat what they are posting is not true, they have seen the horror of the past 76 years of occupation, they have seen the 66 times they were subject to UNSC charges, and 45 that were vetoed by the US..

But they don't care, they see themselves as victims. They don't see the millions of starving palestinians, or the millions living in refuge camps around the world as worthy of their empathy or cause of why Palestinians and some of the world is fed up with their out of control criminal behavior

They don't have glasses on their eyes, they have chosen to be selective and above the laws of the world.

@palestine @israel

PeterLG, to religion
@PeterLG@theblower.au avatar

It's That Simple.

My daughter, T, rang to vent the other day. Her 5-year-old, C, had come home from public school pre-Easter and proceeded to tell T all about Jesus being persecuted and crucified, dying, and then being alive again.
Now, T takes after us; thoroughly atheist; to say that she was taken aback would be an understatement. In essence, C now believed in the resurrection and thought that anybody who died could come back to life. It took a weekq to convince her of the truth (dead is dead and the bible is a storybook), but as we know, that shit sticks.

The same afternoon as the revelation, before the steam had dissipated, T rang the school to enquire, mostly politely, 𝙒𝙏𝘼𝙁?? C had not been to any religion-based classes and should not have been exposed to this rubbish/nonsense/garbage. The school apologised and said they would look into it. Apparently, other parents had complained, too...


#Religion #School #Atheist #Rant

@PeterLG@theblower.au avatar

... cont.

The teacher, in all innocence (apparently) had been telling the story of Easter from the Christian point of view without realising (apparently) that children are sponges, especially at that age and in a situation where they have been told repeatedly that 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩.

Now, to my mind, any teacher who doesn't understand that shouldn't be a teacher. Or it was quite deliberate, in which case they shouldn't be a teacher in a government school.

The teacher apologised and the school closed the case but T is still dealing with the fallout, with C occasionally coming out with comments about people dying and coming back to life. Like I said, this shit sticks, often for life.

We're all born atheist; the real indoctrination is religion.

acelaya, (edited ) to Redis Spanish
@acelaya@mastodon.social avatar

The new website has broken so many links. Some redirect to their new corresponding urls, but not all of them, and it's very hard to find anything in their new marketing-focused website 😩

farah, to rant
@farah@beige.party avatar

I’m so tired of people dismissing me when I try to put up some kinda boundary. “I cannot do both things” doesn’t mean I don’t want to do either of them; it’s your invitation to take responsibility of one task so I can concentrate on the other. If you want me to do both, I’ll need considerable time. Why do people get so angry with this setup is beyond me. #rant

beandev, to rant German
@beandev@social.tchncs.de avatar

Die Fame Account Beitragsschleudern, die sich Screenshots aus anderen Netzwerken kopieren und hier verbreiten und dann nicht mal anbringen wollen, weil es ja nur um Favs, Boosts und Follower*innen geht, ist pures Ego-Marketing.

Das wird von den selben Menschen kritisiert, die diese Beiträge trotzdem weiterverteilen. 🤷😂

weirdadmiral, to rant German
@weirdadmiral@rollenspiel.social avatar

Erster Schultag nach den Ferien - und falls ihr euch fragt, wieso wir einen Lehrermangel haben, könnte ich euch allein aus den sechs Schulstunden heute so viele Gründe präsentieren, dass ihr danach schreiend weglauft. War nicht geplant. Ich mag nicht mehr. Ein toller Kollege hat heute dann tatsächlich überraschend die Reißleine gezogen und steigt jetzt komplett aus Schule aus - und ich zieh mich jetzt erstmal erschöpft mit brüllenden Kopfschmerzen zurück und brauche ein paar Stunden Ruhe. #rant

hamoid, to rant
@hamoid@genart.social avatar

@twilliability I also want to #rant about something: the stupid bahn.de website: you go there, say you are two people traveling from A to B with 2 bicycles, click search, buy, and it sells you a ticket for one person and zero bicycles. You want more? do more purchases! ¯_(ツ)_/¯

britt, to rant
@britt@mstdn.games avatar

Today I learned …
that you cannot ask for another specialist if you have one… even if that specialist is a complete asshole and you feel uncomfortable working with them.

Thanks Canadian healthcare, Thanks.

0xDEADBEEF, to rant
@0xDEADBEEF@fosstodon.org avatar

I wish managers would realize that's cheaper in the long run to rewrite a legacy application from scratch than it is to keep patching and fixing it for short-term results.

#softwareDevelopment #rant #itManagement

zeppe, to rant Italian
@zeppe@puntarella.party avatar

E ora un bel #rant a ciel sereno. IL DOPPIAGGIO ITALIANO È IL MALE

No, non tanto perché va persa una parte importante della recitazione originale, non per quei motivi che si dicono sempre (e che comunque sono veri).

Ma perché da decenni contribuisce a incistare nella società un linguaggio puttanofobico, rafforzando conseguentemente lo stigma per il #sexwork

ogni "holy shit" diventa "porca troia" perché dire "merda" pare brutto invece le troie ahah sticazzi

ogni "jesus christ" diventa "porca puttana" perché non di può nominare gesù invano e poi finiscono entrambi con una vocale aperta

ogni "motherfucker" diventa "figlio di puttana"

ecc ecc ecc

"grandissima scuola del doppiaggio italiano eccellenza della nostra cultura" SANTA MERDA vedete di andarvene a fanculo GESÙ CRISTO

seguitemi per altre pacate disanime.

bananabob, to rant
@bananabob@mastodon.nz avatar

Long, long ago in its wisdom our local council decided to out-source the rubbish collection. Now you can choose from 3 ,or to my knowledge, maybe 4 companies that provide collection of rubbish and recycling. That means on rubbish day there are at least 6 diesel trucks, 1 for rubbish, 1 for the recycling, going up and down our roads. That has to be great for the environment, and it is no cheaper, the rubbish collection charges go up every 6 months.

#GrumpyOldMan #Rant

Crell, to rant
@Crell@phpc.social avatar

Some apps use "update". Some use "upgrade". Depending on context, the mean the same thing.

Both piss me off at the lack of standardization.


farah, to rant
@farah@beige.party avatar

It’s a shame I never used my hatred for clothes shopping as a motivator for weight loss. I always assumed I don’t like clothes shopping because of my size. Who knows, it’s like a weird chicken-egg situation. Wish I was more accepting of my body without being obsessed.

dadifroggie, to fediverse
@dadifroggie@infosec.town avatar

A rant about social protocols
Recently, I read an article that talked about that someone, tried to do a new platform called “Content Nation”. This is a German platform that allows people to write content (to be honest, I don’t really know what it does.) and publish it. And recently, the creators tried to implement the ActivityPub protocol. They did so by using the official documentation provided by @w3c.
The problem was that the last time the official documentation was updated, was in 23 January 2018. So, this means that a lot of new standards that other platforms like Mastodon, Misskey, etc... use are not written in there. But this isn’t the fault of the service developers, this is the fault of the W3C that hasn’t been an update to the protocol officially to support the new standards in the industry such as Webfinger, SharedInbox, Privacy Scopes, and Opt-Out for Search…
The thing, is that this led to a lot of people thinking that this site was some kind of scraper and started making the crawler crash or, even worse, someone tried to load CP inside the platform.
Recently, BlueSky opened its AT protocol for everyone to use and federate, due to this, there has been a bit of a discussion inside these platforms. This made me think, why did BlueSky feel the necessity to make another protocol? If there is one already, why do we need another one that competes, wasn’t the objective of protocols to allow interoperability?
So, I did a bit of digging and I found two things. The first one is that they wanted so solve a few things that AP does not support officially (here are the main points, not all of them):

Account portability. A person’s online identity should not be owned by corporations with no accountability to their users. With the AT Protocol, you can move your account from one provider to another without losing any of your data or social graph.
Algorithmic choice. Algorithms dictate what we see and who we can reach. We must have control over our algorithms if we're going to trust in our online spaces. The AT Protocol includes an open algorithms mode so users have more control over their experience.

A lot of these problems are already present on ActivityPub for a long time. The account portability of ActivityPub let’s say it’s not intuitive. You have to do a lot of things and even then, there are some things like the posts that you make or the favourites that don’t transfer (in the case of favourites you need to transfer them manually, the same for blocks and mutes).
Also, right now 99% if not all software that uses ActivityPub, does not have an algorithm that orders content for you to see, but shows you everything in chronological order (I don’t know if its intentional or if it’s a limit of AP) and the only thing you have to discover topics is trough hashtags that maybe someone forgot to tag.
Furthermore, not to mention that on ActivityPub, you are at the mercy of the server moderators, so this means that if you know someone that is on an instance that is blocked by yours, you won’t be able to talk to them unless you change the instance, which in a way it’s not very decentralized.
The other protocols
By doing research, I realized that there are a lot of other protocols (for example Nostr) that have its own implementation of things maybe there are some that are bridged and other not.
Such protocols have different features, for example Nostr allows you to suggest content edit to other people’s posts, move your content easily, etc.
How can we solve this?
First, we have to know why all these other companies make their own. I must say, that most of them probably do because AP does not allow customization of posts or the adding of new features for everyone and the fact that it’s not been updated for 6 whole years makes matters worse.
What the developers want, is a protocol that lets them create wherever they want and add everything the want, for example the edit thing that I said the Nostr supports, the only way to add it to AP, would be or only on your software or find another software that is willing to implement that feature, the rest of the market is left behind as well as the users that depending on what it is, they don’t understand.
My solution to this problem would be to add some kind of per user plugin system directly to the AP that allows for devs to implement add-ons that do with the JSON strings that add buttons or scripts at least to send and receive data. As well as to add some kind of CSS support for the posts and profiles. Of course, the point of these is that if you make a platform, and you are the only one using these characteristics, well… but in case that everybody wants to use it and everybody makes their own plugins it would be chaos.
For this, the solution I proposed would be like something you add while the W3C updates the protocol to support a very popular feature. #socialprotocols #nostr #activitypub #W3C #ATprotocol #rant #blogpost #ContentNation

Crell, to rant
@Crell@phpc.social avatar

Videos that auto-play but muted are wrong in every possible perspective. Even if I want to see it, then by the time I unmute I've missed the first several seconds. And if I don't want to, I'm wasting a ton of bandwidth for video I don't want.

There is no situation in which "autoplay muted" is the correct answer. Absolutely none.

If your website is doing it, you are wrong. Please stop. Now.


kuketzblog, to rant German
@kuketzblog@social.tchncs.de avatar

Fußball ist wirklich nur noch ein großes Kommerz-Güllefass. Ich hab früher wirklich gerne EM oder WM geschaut. Aber bereits seit der WM in Katar habe ich aufgehört. Ab 2027 ist nun Nike Ausrüster und der neue Werbepartner vom DFB ist TikTok. Das einzige worum es noch geht: Geld. Da schalte ich erst gar nicht mehr ein. Gibt ja zum Glück andere packende Sportarten wie Handball.

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