MikeDunnAuthor, to Russia

Today in Labor History October 20, 1905: A general strike was called during the first Russian Revolution, (Jan 1905-June 2007). Over 15,000 revolutionaries and 3,600 Russia troops were killed during the uprising.

#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #russia #Revolution #massacre #GeneralStrike

Perspective, to random
@Perspective@c.im avatar

Is there any front that the Ford "government" isn't *ing up!?

When a governing political party gets this far off the rails we either need an automatic call for an election or a general strike to demand it.

#greenbeltscandal #rcmpinvestigation #NotwithstandingClause #ontariohealthcare #ontarioeducation #onpoli #generalstrike


MikeDunnAuthor, to random

Today in Labor History October 19, 1922: Beginning of a railroad strike in Duran, Ecuador that led to a 3-day General Strike by railway workers in neighboring Guayaquil. Police and military massacred over 300 workers.

#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #guayaquil #ecuador #strike #massacre #police #PoliceBrutality #GeneralStrike #PoliceMurder

MikeDunnAuthor, to LGBTQ

Today in Labor History October 17, 1950: The "Salt of the Earth" zinc mine strike began in Silver City, New Mexico. The strike lasted for 14-months and inspired the film “Salt of the Earth,” which was blacklisted. The film was one of the first to portray a feminist political point of view, particularly through Actress Rosaura Revueltas’s role as Esperanza Quintero. When the Company uses the new Taft-Hartley Act (which also bans General Strikes) to impose an injunction preventing the men from picketing, their wives go walk the picket line in their places. LGBTQ and labor activist Will Geer also played in the film. Writer Michael Wilson, director Herbert Biberman and producer Paul Jarrico had all been blacklisted for their alleged communist ties. Only 13 of the 13,000 theaters in the U.S. showed the film.

#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #SaltOfTheEarth #strike #union #GeneralStrike #lgbtq #TaftHartley #communism #feminism #MexicanAmerican #chicano #censorship #FreeSpeech #mining

MikeDunnAuthor, to anarchism

Today in Labor History October 13, 1909: Demonstrations were held throughout Europe in protest of the execution of anarchist educator Francisco Ferrer. Violent confrontations between protesters and police occurred in Paris, where over 500,000 people turned out. 20,000 demonstrated in Argentina and led to a General Strike.

#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #FranciscoFerrer #education #schools #protests #demonstration #GeneralStrike #spain #solidarity #DeathPenalty

leftylabourtech, to ontario
@leftylabourtech@mstdn.social avatar
MikeDunnAuthor, to random

Fuck Taft-Hartley!


MikeDunnAuthor, to IWW

Today in Labor History September 30, 1912: The Lawrence, Massachusetts “Bread and Roses” textile strike was in full swing. On this date, 12,000 textile workers walked out of mills to protest the arrests of two leaders of the strike. Police clubbed strikers and arrested many, while the bosses fired 1,500. IWW co-founder Big Bill Haywood threatened another general strike to get the workers reinstated. Strike leaders Arturo Giovannitti and Joe Ettor were eventually acquitted 58 days later. During the strike, IWW organizers Bill Haywood and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn came up with the plan of sending hundreds of the strikers' hungry children to live with sympathetic families in New York, New Jersey, and Vermont, a move that drew widespread sympathy for the strikers. Nearly 300 workers were arrested during the strike; three were killed. After the strike was over, IWW co-founder and socialist candidate for president, Eugene Debs, said "The Victory at Lawrence was the most decisive and far-reaching ever won by organized labor."

Several novels have been written against the backdrop of this famous strike: The Cry of the Street (1913), by Mabel Farnum; Fighting for Bread and Roses (2005), by Lynn A. Coleman; Bread and Roses, Too (2006), by Katherine Paterson

#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #BreadAndRoses #union #strike #IWW #massachusetts #BigBillHaywood #GeneralStrike #police #PoliceBrutality #fiction #novel #HistoricalFiction #books #author #writer @bookstadon

neatchee, (edited ) to politics
@neatchee@urusai.social avatar

Given the impending govt shutdown, can I get some votes on a general strike? I'm serious. Boost this. Someone has to hold these ducks accountable beyond the polls

#GeneralStrike #politics #usa #shutdown



No. Just no.

It’s a terrible idea.

#GeneralStrike #politics #usa #shutdown

georgetakei, to random

Kevin McCarthy actually said this: “If we have to play into overtime to curb spending and secure the border, I’m prepared to do it.” Let’s get one thing straight. There is NO OVERTIME. Overtime means you shut the government down and don’t pay federal workers, including military personnel, for their service and time. What a joke. What a loser.


Everyone, and I mean everyone, who is not getting a paycheck should not go to work.

#EssentialWorkers died for us during #COVID19. The #WorkingClass is essential. Air traffic controllers are NOT slaves. Neither are SSA workers, park rangers, FDA inspectors, ...

If you're not getting paid what are you working for? Let the billionaires take responsibility for a change.

#GeneralStrike #WeThePeople #Solidarity #GovernmentShutdown

mrwclarkson, to Moe

If there was any doubt about #MOE being a total dick, he has successfully removed it. #NeverVoteConservative #Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan to invoke notwithstanding clause over school pronoun policy - The Globe and Mail https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-saskatchewan-pronoun-policy-notwithstanding-clause/

@leftylabourtech@mstdn.social avatar

@gemelliz @mrwclarkson That was the point of #DougFord attempting to use Section 33 to strip the bargaining rights from #CUPE education workers. He backed down, only under the threat of a #generalstrike

It will require a similar level of pressure to get Scott Moe to back down on this.

MikeDunnAuthor, to italy

Today in Labor History September 28, 1920: Throughout September there were widespread armed occupations of Italian factories by workers. The actions originated in the auto factories, steel mills and machine tool plants, but spread to many other industries, including cotton mills, hosiery firms, lignite mines, tire factories, breweries & distilleries, steamships and warehouses in the port towns. At its height, 600,000 workers participated in the anti-capitalist protests for worker control and empowerment.

#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #BiennioRossa #italy #anticapitalist #WorkerControl #occupation #strike #GeneralStrike

pezmico, to random
@pezmico@mastodon.nz avatar

Happy for the strike result!

will soon win too.

Now it's eyes on , a big hooray for the Movement and to the working class once again finding its power.

'Workers of the world unite.
You have nothing to lose but your chains!'

MikeDunnAuthor, to italy

Today in Labor History September 3, 1920: Workers took over and occupied nearly all the factories in Spezia, Italy, in opposition to both the bosses and the union leadership. 600,000 workers participated in the occupations. They continued operations, but under their leadership and control, rather than the bosses’. Their goal was to build the movement into a revolutionary General Strike and to create a workers’ socialist republic in which the workers controlled all industry. Union leadership, in collaboration with the government and plant owners, eventually convinced most workers to accept a sell-out deal. And by February, 1921, the owners went on the offensive against the workers, aided by Fascist thugs.

#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #italy #fascism #GeneralStrike #union #occupation #Revolution #socialism

MikeDunnAuthor, to IWW

Today in Labor History September 3, 1915: Australian Wobbly (IWW member) Tom Barker was arrested for his anti-war poster. Later that month, 12 other IWW leaders got 5-15 years, each, for opposing World War I. Prior to this, he was forced out of New Zealand for helping to organize the Aukland General Strike. After the Australian authorities arrested him, he was deported to Chile, before traveling the world helping to organize workers.

persagen, to random
@persagen@mastodon.social avatar

[thread] politics, populism

  • Culture wars, divisive rhetoric, political ideologies, populist memes are existential threats to humanity & civilization
  • divide and conquer wedge strategy
  • facilitate far-right tropes, electoral victories
  • shroud campaigns devoid substantive policies, change
  • rooted in concentration of wealth & pursuit of power, influence

#populism #CultureWars #FarRight #ChristianRight #GOP #neofascism #ideology

@leftylabourtech@mstdn.social avatar

@persagen @Geoffberner The trick is to build mass social movements such that regardless as to who is in power, they will back off. We need politicians who are afraid of the people.

A case in point. In Ontario Doug Ford backed off on over riding the constitution against education workers after being threatened with a #generalstrike

leftylabourtech, to Canada
@leftylabourtech@mstdn.social avatar

I am now officially recognized as an "old person" in #Canada and the government now pays me for being an old person. For these payments, I thank the #Winnipeg #generalstrike participants of 1919, along with #Labour MP's JS Woodsworth and AA Heaps.

I know why my bread is being buttered and it isn't because of the generosity of this country's ruling class.

MikeDunnAuthor, to IWW

Today in Labor History August 27, 1917: The IWW was made illegal in Australia and their membership rolls were given to employers, leading to widespread repression. Despite all this, the IWW helped lead the General Strike of 1917.

#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #IWW #australia #ww1 #union #GeneralStrike


whangdoodler, to random Finnish

the circus that currently performs in finnish government is getting so out of hands that im just waiting for the day it just implodes in on it self like couple billionaires in a submarine.

below some things from the government period so far:


All that is essential to understand about the labour rights in the governments programme is this:

it is meant to crush the labour movement and unions while cementing the pay gap between genders. Its not the claimed “nordic model” it is the american “work 3 jobs = have no money = no rights” model.


The STTK government no longer trusts genuine preparation in the tripartite work on the government programme. The organisation also believes that the economic policy promises made by Prime Minister Petter Orpo (Coalition Party) have melted away. "It is purely a question of the fact that in the development of labour and social security they want to weaken working conditions and the right to industrial action, as well as the security of the most vulnerable and unemployed in the labour market," said Antti Palola, President of the STTK. "While before the elections the emphasis was on strong public finances and curbing debt, in its first budget dispute the government is offsetting an additional ten billion in debt and easing taxes on the well-off, for example by selling off state assets. The government's programme is a jamming programme and voters have been misled."
According to the STTK's assessment, the government's aim seems to be to scrap the current Finnish labour market system so that trade unions would lose the ability to negotiate working conditions. "The government says it wants to take the Finnish labour market in the direction of the Nordic countries," says Palola. "In reality, the working life provisions in the government's programme have nothing to do with the so-called Nordic model, but are a selection of objectives that Finnish employers and entrepreneurs like, with nothing in return for workers. The government's Nordic story is a fairy tale." The organisation does not agree with the objectives of the government programme.
"The government's stated objective of tying the maximum level of wage increases in any conciliation to wage increases in the export sector is impossible. The change would interfere with the free right of trade unions to bargain and would cement the pay gap between women and men." Labour Minister Arto Satonen (NCP) announced in late August that he would invite the social partners and other stakeholders to a joint seminar in November. "It is good that the minister wants to strengthen the dialogue between the social partners," says Palola. "However, this has not created expectations on the wage side that the trade union movement will be genuinely consulted. This was also stated at a meeting of the leadership of the central organisations of employees and their bureau federations a week ago."


short wrap up from how its going in the nazi-joke-governed Finland this week.

still waiting for the general strike.


Been rooting for general strike since the government programme was published..

Disabled people have already been thrown under the buss by the nazi government, when parliament agreed to postpone and reopen The Disability Service Act that was to already be in action.

im afraid that if something isn’t done fast, one group after another will be sacrificed in this fascist purge, thats what is says in the program.

The general strike has been a method of anarchist revolution since the early 20th century, when anarchists borrowed the concept from the revolutionary syndicalists. Like all anarchist tools, it was born in practical struggles and not in the armchairs of theorists. Now too, students and schoolchildren have risen spontaneously to demand a general strike, independently of the anarchists, because there is no other option. It is difficult to see how the government could retreat from its programme without a general strike or the threat of one. The labour movement is not incompatible with democracy. It is a necessary defence mechanism of democracy in a situation where power has been gained by blatant lying before the elections. There have been four general strikes in Finnish history, if you include the brief "collective strike" of the 1980s. The first two of these are to be thanked for the fact that the country has universal and equal suffrage. The fifth may be necessary if we want Finland to have a workers' movement at all.


Union actions agains Finlands nazi-government and its austerity policies have begun.

Union leader: “From here the actions will intensify. If nothing else helps, Finland will be put to halt if necessary.”


#antiGovernmentProtest #JHL #labourMovement #union #politics #politicsFI #finland #naziJokeGovernment #strikes #generalStrike #austerity #cabinetOfHorrors #petteriOrpo #basicFinnNazis #rightWingPolitics

The employees of the Helsinki-based public utility Stara marched out of their workplaces on Thursday 12 October. The march will last for an hour and will take place at the end of the shifts. In practice, the marches start between 13.30 and 14.30. Stara is an enterprise of the City of Helsinki, which, among other things, manages streets and parks and carries out construction works in the city. The walkout will stop work at all Stara offices and construction sites. The JHL says in a press release that this is a political industrial action that affects all employees of the company. Officials are not involved in the walkout. The walkout at Stara is part of a series of protests launched in September by the Federation of Public and Welfare Workers (JHL) and other trade unions. The demonstrations are said to be against government policies that would erode workers' rights and social security for Finns.
JHL President Päivi Niemi-Laine says the union is ready to negotiate on working life reforms. As the government wants to unilaterally dictate terms, the union must defend the interests of its members with stronger measures.
“From here forward, the actions will intensify. If nothing else helps, Finland will be put to halt if necessary," Niemi-Laine says in the press release.

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