DivergentDumpsterPhoenix, to disabled
@DivergentDumpsterPhoenix@disabled.social avatar

We need to stop dodging the question of disability. It's okay to be disabled and Autistic, trying to keep the two concept separate is in itself a form of ableism.


@actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #neurodivergence #disability #disabled #disabilitytheory #medicalmodel #socialmodel #medicalmodelofdisability #socialmodelofdisability #ableism


@DivergentDumpsterPhoenix @autisticadvocacy @actuallyautistic Thank you! as someone who is both #Blind and #ActuallyAutistic, the processing difficulties caused by #Autism are actually more impacting, in today's day and age, than the challenges #Blindness presents. The degree to which autism is a #Disability may vary widely between autistics, but there are those of us for whom the disability aspect is very real.

lorimeyers, to random

tentando entender meu problema com amizades na terapia #autista

@gato@ayom.media avatar

@lorimeyers valeu por compartilhar. Ta me levando a refletir nas minhas próprias experiências de amizade. Tenho muita dificuldade inclusive de manter contato a distância e já me culpei muito por isso.

Tenho tentado usar a #autistando e o grupo @autistando para falar dos temas e experiênvias autistas. A ideia é ser algo tipo o #ActuallyAutistic que é usado por autistas que falam inglês pra compartilhar experiências.


sometimes there's even a slight delay.


#askingautistics #actuallyautistic

happyborg, to random
@happyborg@fosstodon.org avatar

TIL: an autistic young man loved Mickey Mouse while growing up and wore Mickey hats with ears a lot because this helped him regulate feelings that easily get overloaded by everyday things in #autistic folks.

He became an advocate for #ActuallyAutistic people and gave evidence to the US Congress, wearing his Mickey Mouse 🐭 ears!

#ConnorCummings 👏


@happyborg Awww heck yeah. As an #ActuallyAutistic mega-fan of #Disney- someone who's watched the ENTIRE animated canon and a lot of their other materials- I can totally relate and appreciate this.

gutenberg_org, to books
@gutenberg_org@mastodon.social avatar

"One never reaches home, but wherever friendly paths intersect the whole world looks like home for a time."

Hermann Karl Hesse was born #OTD in 1877.

His best-known works include Demian, Steppenwolf, Siddhartha, and The Glass Bead Game, each of which explores an individual's search for authenticity, self-knowledge and spirituality. In 1946, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature. via @Wikipedia

Books by Herman Hesse at PG:

#books #literature

riggbeck, (edited )
@riggbeck@mastodon.social avatar

@gutenberg_org @Wikipedia

I read all of Hesse's books as a teenager, but the one I enjoyed most was Steppenwolf. I identified in a crass and simplistic way with Harry Haller as a way to shock the bourgoisie.

I started re-reading it a few days ago. I now understand with a shock of recognition that the Steppenwolf is #actuallyautistic, something that probably informed my previous identification, though I didn't have the words or concepts at the time.

Like meeting a long-lost friend.

Claire, to random

Hi! New to Mastadon (part of the twitter migration) and hoping to connect with some #ActuallyAutistic people.

Woud also love to connect with people who practice #disabilitypride and #madpride.

(Gotta be honest, still figuring this site out!)

@britt@mstdn.games avatar

@Claire Hey Claire, welcome to Mastodon! I’m sure you’ll quickly find your people :)) The #ActuallyAutistic community here is strong as well as the #disability community. (Both of which I’m a member)

I’m happy to help you if you need any help navigating the Fediverse. 🤗

GradAusDenker, to random German

Egal, wer sich gerade lustig macht oder schimpft über die, die bisher bei Twitter ausgeharrt haben. Ihr habt keine Ahnung.
Für mich als Autist war das meine Heimat und meine einzige Chance, sowas wie einen Freundeskreis zu haben und soziale Kontakte eingehen zu können. Das ist jetzt mit einem Schlag weg und ich verloren. Mastodon kann das für mich nicht ersetzen, weil diese Umstellung für mich mehr als nur eine Herausforderung ist. Sie ist eine schier unüberwindbare Bergkette des Himalaya. 🥺

@Sci_Fi_FanGirl@hessen.social avatar


Kann ich sehr gut verstehen. Ging mir ähnlich, als ich von Twitter weg bin. Neuanfänge und ungewollte Umstellungen sind immer schwer.

Auf Twitter hatte ich keine #autism Bubble. Der Austausch hier in der Gruppe @actuallyautistic hilft mir sehr. Probier den #actuallyautistic und folg der Gruppe.

Gibt auch einige deutschsprachige in der #autismus Bubble hier.

Was ich hier schätze: viel mehr echten und gewinnbringenden Austausch.


@Micheleyee @actuallyautistic That's wonderful if it's the case but it would be a rare exception. The thing I don't understand is there are already lots of #ActuallyAutistic psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors etc. They just seem to be overlooked even though they could make the DX process easier & quicker.

falcoskywolf, to random

One of my other places I operate is a server called ARBOR Unity Team- where people can nurture their roots!

ARBOR stands for:

Operations and

A work in progress to try to help folks network and find info!

DM me the word ARBOR for the link!

@felyashono@disabled.social avatar

@theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic @actuallyautistics Ummm, avoid social situations? But seriously, this comes up for me a lot at work, and I rely heavily on scripting.


transponderings, to queer
@transponderings@eldritch.cafe avatar

Watch Scottish Green Councillor Blair Anderson sharing his personal experience of conversion therapy as a gay man 💚


I’m grateful for the Scottish Green Party’s place in the Scottish Government meaning that an end to LGBT+ conversion practices is in sight

(I didn’t say LGBTQIA+ because I don’t know for sure where the less-talked-about sexualities and gender identities will fit, nor whether this will have any effect on forced surgery for intersex children)

#LGBTQIA+ #ConversionTherapy #ConversionPractice #BanConversionTherapy #EndConversionTherapy #ScottishGreens

@transponderings@eldritch.cafe avatar

I know this has been talked about in the Scottish Government at some point, but there is sadly no plan at the moment to include ABA (applied behaviour analysis) or PBS (positive behaviour support) in an initial conversion practice ban

Regrettably, these practices are being used increasingly in the UK and Scottish context, yet conversion practices that vainly attempt to make Autistic people neurotypical are no less abhorrent than conversion practices that attempt to make people like LGBT+ people cishet 😖

A handy timeline comparing the pathologisations of queer and Autistic people:


#ActuallyAutistic #ConversionTherapy #ConversionPractice #ABA #PBS #BanABA #ScottishGovernment

DivergentDumpsterPhoenix, to autisticadvocacy
@DivergentDumpsterPhoenix@disabled.social avatar

@DivergentDumpsterPhoenix @actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy
Je n'ai pas de mots pour décrire mes sentiments ; j'ai des sensations, fugaces, mêmes si elles peuvent être réactivées par le fait de repenser à la situation, mais c'est tout
Et ça peut me demander des jours pour analyser mes sentiments, ou alors ça explose dans des moments de tension sans que j'ai rien vu venir

btaroli, to actuallyautistic
@btaroli@federate.social avatar

OK, the burnout has me. Started a couple days ago. I’m not 100% what triggered it, but I think it may have been assisted by the “therapy” experience last Friday. Regardless, I can feel a discord between my brain and body. I’m up today and feel rested but my brain is stuck.

So switching gears to today. Staying home. Light work duty. Maybe a nap. Let’s see if we can ease ourselves into a . If I had a , I’d be in it now.


@btaroli@federate.social avatar

The good news is that day seems to have helped. Managed to be productive in the morning and napped like a champ after lunch. Feeling a bit better this evening. Isolating and recentering is always the way.

If I find out that this purely , and a and actual support from helps address or even moderate it, then I would be a happy camper.

moh_kohn, to random
@moh_kohn@mastodon.scot avatar

So I have some really big news. I have been diagnosed with autism, or what in the past would have been called Asperger's Syndrome.

Autism isn't exactly what I thought it was, and probably isn't exactly what you imagine either.

@simon_brooke@mastodon.scot avatar

@moh_kohn This morning I almost had a melt-down because I could not find the stainless steel jug in which I normally froth milk.

You'll know the feeling, although your triggers will be different.

Welcome to the #ActuallyAutistic club.

BZBrainz, to Autism
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@audhd @actuallyautistic

Let’s exchange coping strategies! Even positive stressors can increase meltdowns, shutdowns, etc.

❇️ What do you do when you have a very big change coming to your life that you want?

I’ll share mine as a comment soon. #autism #autistic #audhd #actuallyautistic

BZBrainz, (edited )
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@audhd @actuallyautistic I'm excited and anxious about moving out of state for three months. To help, I've been researching the area, looking at photos, and possibly taking an early trip to plot out better what a day could look like. Until the move, coping will include alerts/reminders to breathe and ground myself, research/rehearsing, deeply embracing self-soothing activities, and sensory mitigation to offload stress. #autistic #audhd #autism #actuallyautistic

Hare, to KindActions

Can you help our family save our storage unit before they auction off all of our belongings? 😓

Every $5 gets us closer? 🙏🏻


Thank you for boosting! 💗✨


Sorry for the noise, but I'm desperate to keep my fiancé and our cats safe. 😰

Our newest blog entry!



Please boost, donate, comment... anything, please, we are about to lose literally EVERYTHING 😭


Update to our family's Ko-fi, please read and boost to help us survive!

We only have from today until tomorrow morning to raise the remaining $1777 we need to avoid eviction and save our storage unit‼️



Still needing a large amount of help, pls boost my posts, this is an emergency‼️😭

foo, to asd

Hello , I think an is required.

I am in my 40s and only just realising that i am probably .

I've been through a process over the last year or so that has brought me to a sudden realisation, particularly as my son is getting into his teens and I am recognising certain behaviours (but other factors too, including my sibling's diagnosis too). So I'm currently self-diagnosed, but when i made a list of traits, it got quite extensive, including long lists and mindmaps of traits I'd never thought were anything but "well thats just how I am". I am awaiting a formal assessment (which may be a 3 year wait) after which they will likely say I am . I know a lot of people on the autistic spectrum (both diagnosed and completely unaware) and can spot many traits a mile off, but seemingly it took many years to see them in myself.

So this is a bit of a learning journey for me, and when a formal diagnosis comes, I will need to decide who I disclose this to in the real world. Due to ableism in society and general lack of understanding, I'm really not sure how many people I will want to disclose to, after a lifetime of masking.

Hopefully a bit of interaction on this instance will be helpful for me. Especially looking to hear from people who have gone through diagnosis later in life.

@adelinej@thecanadian.social avatar

@foo Welcome to the #ActuallyAutistic community! Many of us were self/officially diagnosed very late in life. Some of use also #AutisticOver50


orangegoldgreen, to Autism

Sometimes I'm worried that my gender might be masculine(ish) Miyazaki film characters who really, really needed therapy but somehow avoided it by having a ✨girl✨ swoop in and do a lot of emotional labor to teach them a valuable life lesson. I think subconsciously I've avoided acknowledging a desire to date women because I don't want to hurt them by accidentally putting them in that position, which causes me some level of gender dysphoria - I only have that level of self awareness from being hurt by people treating me like a manic pixie dream girl (thanks #autism ).

I really have no idea what to do about all this, considering I'm AFAB and find my current body really, really, really ridiculously good looking, but also want people to emotionally treat me as masculine? 😖 Also I am in #therapy. Also I have very bad imposter syndrome and constantly second guess my every feeling.

I wish there was a word to describe my experience so I could easily find and talk to people with similar struggles.

#pridemonth #queer #lgbtq #alphabetmafia #questioning #actuallyautistic #agender @autistics

theautisticcoach, to actuallyautistic

Woke up this morning totally dysregulated at a level that I haven’t felt in a while. Months.

No clearly obvious reasons why.

Need to explore.

Yes, this happens to #ActuallyAutistic coaches, therapists & educators too. All the know-how in the world can’t stop life.

@actuallyautistic @actuallyautistics

queerthoughts, to queer


I'm #ActuallyAutistic and #Queer and am currently studying environmental and geochemistry. I live in Belgium but am quite familiar with the UK as a good proportion of my friends are British. My interests include trains, British road signs and road design and (the history of) the Internet and social media.

I rarely use my actual name online; most people call me either Ex or Luna. Feel free to DM me on here or other social media you might see me on, I'm trying my best to be as open as I can!

btaroli, to random
@btaroli@federate.social avatar

Day 1 of CubingUSA Western Championship 2023 was fun. But these two #AuDHD people are emotionally and even physically exhausted today. We’ll miss a few events today but a day of rest is required now. https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/competitions/CubingUSAWesternChampionship2023 #ActuallyAutistic #RubiksCube #WCA

Wide view of entire competition space.

ashleyspencer, to actuallyautistic
@ashleyspencer@autistics.life avatar

For those of you new to https://autistics.life and fellow autistics new to Mastodon:

I also have a discord server for us Autistic Mastodonians. Here’s the link:


@actuallyautistic #ActuallyAutistic

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