DoomsdaysCW, to climate

Demonstrators Decry Lawsuits Targeting Movement Against

via @igd December 21, 2023

"Report on recent protest in Abingdon, Virginia against SLAPP lawsuits targeting the movement fighting the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP).

"Mountain Valley Pipeline is suing dozens of pipeline opponents in multiple jurisdictions for millions of dollars as part of a campaign of ongoing repression. Penn Stuart, the law firm behind the injunctions currently being levied against pipeline fighters in Virginia, and their Lawyer Wade Massie are hired by EQT Midstream, the largest partner in the MVP. Today, people had an office party at the Penn Stuart offices in Abingdon, VA, causing a ruckus."

Read more:

DoomsdaysCW, to Georgia

Don’t Stop: Continuing the Fight against

Six More Months in the Movement to Defend the Forest
2023-12-12 via

"Escalating Repression: and the Furtherance of the Conspiracy

"With the benefit of hindsight, it is clear that the 'tactics of organized criminals' language Governor Kemp used on July 2 was not just boilerplate copy drafted by an intern, nor was the August 2 press conference simply propaganda to assure backers that the state could still protect their investments. These phrases and statements were shaping operations, carefully crafted interventions designed to position the government for their next operation: the blanket criminalization of the entire movement.

"On August 29, the Attorney General of , Christopher M. Carr, filed an indictment with the Fulton County Superior Court, bringing charges against 61 people under Georgia’s version of the Rackeeter-Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act O.C.G.A. § 16-14-4. The indictment became public on September 5. The document, which is over 100 pages long and very poorly written, claims that the 'conspiracy' (which it names 'Defend the Atlanta Forest') was 'founded' on May 25, 2020—the day that officers murdered , precipitating a nationwide .

"This was a serious escalation. It did not catch everyone by surprise: the has been braced for such charges since February. The authorities and their extreme-right proxies had been demanding a full-scale crackdown on the movement for over a year, spreading a conspiracy theory that the movement was a mafia controlled by a shadowy and well-connected group (a narrative some activists also reproduced, apparently with no sense of irony). According to one version of this conspiracy theory, circulated by far-right trolls, the Network for Stronger Communities (a Georgia-based nonprofit organization) operates a number of financial enterprises, including the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, that coordinate acts of terrorism in order to accumulate wealth and influence. Of the 61 accused, three were members of the Atlanta Solidarity Fund. The 42 people already facing charges were also indicted, as well as a number of other people whose connection to the movement was unclear. The indictment alleged that some people had committed acts in 'overt furtherance of the conspiracy' such as buying for . UK is using similar tactics, arresting people for just having [ or in their possession.]

"The RICO indictment was not a legal procedure but a political act. It was not a judicial intervention to suppress criminal activity but a government measure to crush what the text describes as ',' ',' ',' '.”

"It is not simply 61 people who are on trial. By dating the case to the murder of George Floyd, the prosecution showed that their real target was the entire population of millions that participated in the consequent revolt. This is not an unusual court case, but a new chapter in the fight between those who seek to preserve the hierarchies of a structurally white supremacist society and those fighting to destroy it root and branch. The indictment does not present a list of crimes. It describes the contours and values of a rival society emerging within the movement to stop Cop City, aspiring to reinvent the world according to a different logic.

"The Fulton County Judge assigned to the RICO case immediately recused himself. Until then, judges had not recused themselves from cases related to the movement even when they possessed obvious ties to the Atlanta Police Foundation."

Full article:

DoomsdaysCW, to australia

, 97, among dozens arrested in protest

26 November 2023

Sydney, Australia, Nov 26 (EFE).- "Dozens of protesters, including a 97-year-old man, were arrested on Sunday during a protest off Australia’s east coast that disrupted operations at the country’s biggest coal export port.

" group had organized the protest to block the traffic of coal cargo ships in the port of Newcastle since Saturday.

"The group said on its Twitter account that at least 59 people have been arrested so far.

"Since Saturday, groups of 50 to 60 protesters have been taking turns in rostered two-hour shifts getting on canoes and inflatable boats and preventing ships from leaving the port.

"Among the protesters who went out to sea was Alan Stuart, a 97-year-old religious pastor.

"Stuart said he was doing it for his grandchildren and future generations after being pulled out of his boat by the police.

"'I am doing this for my grandchildren and future generations because I don’t want to leave them a world full of increasingly severe and frequent ,' he said. 'I am so sorry that they will have to suffer the consequences of our inaction. So, I think it is my duty to do what I can and to stand up for what I know is right.'

"Rising Tide claims that the protest prevented more than half a million tonnes of coal from leaving the Newcastle port by the time the demonstration ended.

"Protesters demand that the Australian government stop all new projects that involve the use of fossil energy and confront the more decisively.

"The climate crisis is one of the big issues of political debate in Australia, a country exposed to the effects of and .

"Australia is the world’s second largest exporter of thermal coal and the largest exporter of cooking coal."

DoomsdaysCW, to climate

Wired: How to Protest Safely: What to Bring, What to Do, and What to Avoid

If you’re planning on hitting the streets, here’s what you need to know.

by Louryn Stramp and Lauren Good
June, 2022

"Reproductive rights in America have drastically changed. The US Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, which opens the doors to states criminalizing abortion and blocking access to information about it. Certain legal experts note that the language used in the current draft from Justice Samuel Alito could further erode protections surrounding birth control, gay marriage, and interracial marriage, which implies additional civil rights are under threat.

"This guide to safe protesting was originally written in 2020 during the nationwide outcry over police brutality, which overwhelmingly targets Black people like George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Tony McDade. Whether you’re marching for racial justice, reproductive rights, or climate conservation, our advice applies to most protests.

"If you're thinking about joining a protest near you, there are some crucial factors to consider: Police brutality is an abstract concept for some but a stark reality for others. Similarly, few people think about abortion access until they need it. There are ways you can contribute to police brutality causes or to abortion funds and independent clinics if you don't feel safe protesting or are otherwise unable to physically do so. You can also donate time to community groups, drop off supplies for protests, or contact local legislators.

How to Protest Safely in the Age of Surveillance

"That being said, protesting is a right of all Americans under the First Amendment (more on that below). Before you head out, you should know that police across the country have acted with unnecessary force, including driving vehicles through crowds, partially blinding a photojournalist, and macing children. The list goes on and on.

"If you still want to join in, we've gathered some advice, as well as a list of items you may want to bring with you. Be careful, and stay safe.

Table of Contents

  • What to Bring (and Not Bring) to a Protest
  • Before You Leave
  • Know Your Rights
  • While You're at the Protest
  • What to Avoid
  • What to Do If …
  • After the Protest

Read more [paywall]:

Internet Archive:

DoomsdaysCW, to uk


"In the last few weeks, unprecedented numbers of people have taken to the streets all around the to stand up for what they believe in. You might be one of them.

"Download ’s Practical Guide for useful protest tips like what to wear, how to stay safe and who to call if you find yourself in trouble.

"Liberty challenges injustice, defends freedom and campaigns to make sure everyone in the UK is treated fairly."


PDF link:

DoomsdaysCW, to climate

claim partial victory in law challenge

claim success after partial overturn of state laws that criminalised protest actions near major hubs

Lisa Cox
Wed 13 Dec 2023 03.23 EST

“The New South Wales supreme court has found that parts of anti-protest laws introduced by the former Perrottet government are unconstitutional because they infringe on the implied freedom of political communication.
“The laws were introduced in 2022 in response to a series of climate protests that disrupted Port Botany.

“The laws, which passed with the support of the then Labor opposition, added a new section to the state’s Crimes Act to target protest activities at major facilities such as railways, ports, transport facilities or infrastructure.

“The new offences, which carried maximum penalties of two years imprisonment and $22,000 in fines, applied in circumstances where protest activities caused damage to the facility, seriously disrupted or obstructed people attempting to use the facility, closed or partially closed the facility, or caused people trying to use the facility to be redirected.

“Two 'knitting nannas' – Helen Kvelde and Dominique Jacobs – took legal action to defend the right to protest, arguing that the new laws fundamentally undermined their right to political communication.
Their legal representative, the Environmental Defenders Office, argued that criminalising certain protest activities was unconstitutional because it impermissibly burdened the implied freedom of political communication.

“In a judgment on Wednesday afternoon, the court found the new section of the Crimes Act did 'effectively burden the implied freedom in its terms, operation, and effect … the law is, therefore, constitutionally invalid unless justified'.

“The court found the burden was unjustified where the protest activity caused people to be redirected or caused a facility to be partially closed. Those parts of the laws were therefore invalid.

“Kvelde said she was happy the court had given 'some acknowledgement to the democratic right to protest'.

“’But these laws to me feel like a distraction. As if both Labor and the Liberal party are trying to get the population angry with protesters instead of angry against politicians for failing to protect us from ,' she said.

“’I’m not sure what we can do next, but it doesn’t feel right to just let this go. We need to fight for our democratic right to protest peacefully. I wish people would understand that ultimately these laws could affect anyone – anyone the government of the day does not like.'

“A spokesperson for the Minns government said it was 'carefully considering the judgment and seeking advice on appeal options or options for legislative reform to ensure that protest activity is appropriately regulated and balances the rights and freedoms of the people of NSW'.

“The NSW spokesperson for climate change and the environment, Sue Higginson, called on Labor to consider the judgment in full. 'While the court upheld parts of the law targeting the actions of protestors it found parts to be unconstitutional. Clearly, the former Coalition government enacted harsh and draconian laws, it was an overreach,' she said.

“‘The Minns Labor government should now repeal all of the Coalition’s anti-protest laws as they have now been shown to be bad laws and, as civil society has maintained since they were first introduced, they are entirely unnecessary.'

“The knitting nannas also asked the court to find amendments to regulations that altered the definition of 'major bridge, tunnel or road' to be beyond the government’s regulation-making power and therefore invalid. But the court found those amendments were valid.”

DoomsdaysCW, to climate

police arrest more than 100 protesters

by Oscar Grenfell
27 November 2023

"In one of the largest mass arrests of recent years, police in (NSW) detained some 109 protesters on Sunday evening. They had participated in a 30-hour maritime demonstration of 34 kayaks, surfboards and pontoons at the port of Newcastle, aimed at blocking coal shipments and the broader promotion of fossil fuels. The protest had been given police permission until 4 p.m., at which point the arrests suddenly started.

"The arrests point to a deepening crackdown on the . Significantly, this is being spearheaded by Labor governments, now in office federally and at the state and territory levels across mainland . The detentions indicate official fears over growing social opposition, related not only to climate change, but to Israel’s genocidal assault on , a broader eruption of and the soaring cost-of-living.

"The action, organised by the organisation, saw dozens and at times more than a hundred people take to the water in small vessels to prevent loads from exiting the port. The activists said they succeeded in delaying multiple shipments, but noted that this is only a fraction of the coal that passes through the port each year.

"In comments at the protest and since, representatives of Rising Tide pointed to the increasingly catastrophic consequences of climate change. In Australia, this included one of the worst seasons in 2019-20, and massive in northern NSW and parts of last year that displaced thousands.

"Along with their abandonment of the flood victims and others impacted by climate change, the Labor governments are doing nothing to address the underlying crisis.

"The federal Labor administration cynically appealed to discontent over the issue in the May 2022 election. Its policy is a 43 percent emissions reduction by 2030 and net-zero by 2050. Scientists have warned that both are woefully inadequate, compared with the scale of the crisis. But even these targets are entirely meaningless, with Labor approving dozens of new coal and projects across the country.

"The protest was not a snap action or an unauthorised event. It had received prior approval from police. Demonstrators were addressed by prominent political figures, including federal Greens leader Adam Bandt and one of his predecessors, Brown. The Greens, their references to the environmental crisis notwithstanding, seek to collaborate with Labor, as it greenlights projects and defends the whole profit system that is responsible for climate change.

"Given the establishment character of the speakers and the police authorisation, the subsequent crackdown was particularly striking.

"Police have claimed that approval was only until 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoon and that participants then refused to leave the port’s waters. By 5:30 p.m., the port was cleared, and its operations were resumed.

"The speed of the police crackdown indicates extensive prior planning. Footage on social media shows at least one police vessel approaching the activists and moving to detain them.

"The police arrests were indiscriminate. Among the 109 arrested was , a 97-year-old clergyman. Five children were detained.

"In a statement on X/Twitter, Legal Observers NSW said five of its representatives were arrested. 'Observers were present to document the actions of police and connect any protesters arrested with legal representation,' it stated.

"Despite being marked out with coloured vests and having repeatedly spoken to police during the event, the observers were nevertheless hauled in. They noted that this was an attack on 'the right to document and monitor protest as media and independent observers,' which 'is an internationally protected right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.'

"Three of the legal observers were charged, joining more than 100 others. Even the children who participated have reportedly been referred to relevant authorities under the Young Offenders Act.

"The blanket charge applied to the adult protesters of unreasonable interference by use of a vessel under section 13 of the state’s Marine Safety Act carries a maximum penalty of a $5,500 fine. While most protesters were released on bail after being booked, two organisers, including one with impaired vision, were detained overnight in a police watchhouse. They received hundreds of dollars in fines, with a judge declining to impose the maximum fine because of their lack of a criminal history. The remaining protesters face court next year.

"The arrests and charges were clearly intended to send a message that further disruptions will not be tolerated. If that were not the case, the protesters could simply have been moved on without the mass detention or subsequent charges."

Read more:

AKingsDeathbyOwl, to random
indianewswatch, to Kashmir
killer_rabbit90, to BadInternetBills avatar
PoliticalCartoon, to random

Suella Braverman’s leadership ambitions by Peter Brookes #Braverman #SuellaBraverman #RishiSunak #MarchForPalestine #RightToProtest #BravermanMustGo - political cartoon gallery in London

fkamiah17, (edited ) to UKpolitics avatar

PM's spox this morning, 11.30: " ... the Met’s position on the pro-Palestinian march on Armistice Day is not the end point and can be kept under review as the intelligence picture evolves throughout the week."
12.45: Rowley summoned to No 10 (via Harry Cole on Xitter).
Edit: Sadiq Khan - MR's other boss - is not invited to m/ting.
Also: Rowley was due to give a talk at the IfG at 13.30, which was cancelled at 12pm. 🤷‍♀️
#UKPolitics #RightToProtest #FuckTheTories #MetPolice

imagesofprotest, to random

Calling for a #ceasefire on #ArmisticeDay is not controversial. These protests have been attended by hundreds of thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds with minimal trouble. The planned protest is not due to take place on #RemembranceDay, nor is it due to take place near the #Cenotaph. It is not a #HateMarch. All we have here is an attack on our #RightToProtest and a #MediaFrenzy whipping up fear amongst the population. #FreePalestine #FuckTheTories

Nickiquote, to random avatar

“Government officials have drawn up deeply controversial proposals to broaden the definition of extremism to include anyone who “undermines” the country’s institutions and its values, according to documents seen by the Observer.”

Looking forward to the doors of the Daily Mail, the Telegraph, the Home Office, 55 Tufton Street and Conservative Central Office being kicked in by the Met the moment this legislation gets Royal Assent.

#ToriesOut #Fascism #RightToProtest

MsDropbear425, (edited ) to climate

Over recent days many peeps have tooted about this,, & just now i finally got around to reading it.

Hahaha, amazeballs. Never again shall i gently mock for their analogy propensity. They ain't got nuffin' on these idiot 🙄 🤦‍♀️​

Possibly the part of the essay where i laughed loudest, was this;

Nordhaus has opined that agriculture is “the part of the economy that is sensitive to climate change,” but because it accounts for just 3 percent of national output, climate disruption of food production cannot produce a “very large effect on the U.S. economy.” It is unfortunate for his calculations that agriculture is the foundation on which the other 97 percent of GDP depends. Without food — strange that one needs to reiterate this — there is no economy, no society, no civilization.

fkamiah17, (edited ) to UKpolitics avatar

🚨 And so it begins. All protesters who haven't left by 7pm will be arrested, on the orders of the Transport Secretary. Free speech is dead.
EDIT: Having been forcibly removed from King's Cross by the police, the protest is continuing outside the station. ✊🇵🇸
Telegraph: "Gaza sit-in protest at King’s Cross station banned by Transport Secretary"

fkamiah17, to random avatar

Brilliant comment by the excellent director Asif Kapadia on the other place:
"I’ve been on marches against apartheid in South Africa, the Poll Tax, for school grants, for the NHS, Stop the war in Iraq, Greta’s climate march, anti #Brexshit, stop bombing of Gaza. What do they all have in common? All of the people marching were on the right side of history."
#MarchForPalestine #RightToProtest #GazaGenocide #CeasefireNow

PoliticalCartoon, to random

Dave Brown on #SuellaBraverman #RishiSunak #Jihad #Demonstations #RightToProtest #Gaza #ToryLeadership #Sunackered – political cartoon gallery in London

MsDropbear84, to climate


>Like most of the world’s 58,700 large dams, those in California were built for yesterday’s more stable climate patterns. But as climate change taxes the world’s water systems—affecting rainfall, snowmelt, and evaporation—it’s getting tough to predict how much water gets to a dam, and when. Dams are increasingly either water-starved, unable to maintain supplies of power and water for their communities, or overwhelmed and forced to release more water than desired—risking flooding downstream.

>But at one major dam in Northern California, operators have been demonstrating how to not just weather these erratic and intense storms, but capitalize on them. Management crews at New Bullards Bar, built in 1970, entered last winter armed with new forecasting tools that gave unprecedented insight into the size and strength of the coming storms—allowing them to strategize how to handle the rain.

>First, they let the rains refill their reservoir, a typical move after a long drought. Then, as more storms formed at sea, they made the tough choice to release some of this precious hoard through their hydropower turbines, confident that more rain was coming. “I felt a little nervous at first,” says John James, director of resource planning at Yuba Water Agency in Northern California. Fresh showers soon validated the move. New Bullards Bar ended winter with plumped water supplies, a 150 percent boost in power generation, and a clean safety record. The strategy offers a glimpse of how better forecasting can allow hydropower to adapt to the climate change.

>Modeling studies have long suggested that better weather forecasts would be invaluable for dam managers. Now this is being confirmed in real life. New Bullards Bar is one of a half-dozen pilot sites teaming up with the US Army Corps of Engineers to test how cutting-edge forecasting can be used to optimize operations in the real world. Early tests of the methods, called forecast-informed reservoir operations, have given operators the confidence to hold 5-20 percent reserve margins beyond their reservoirs’ typical capacity, says Cary Talbot, who heads the initiative for the Army Corps.

bobjmsn, to Freedom avatar

The High Court has granted Liberty permission to take legal action against Suella Braverman for unlawfully introducing new anti-protest legislation which had been democratically rejected by Parliament. Way to go Liberty!

#LibertyHumanRights #SuellaBraverman #RightToProtest #freedom #fascism #ToryFascism

Justice30, to random

#CPC23 "The High Court has granted Liberty permission to take legal action against the Home Secretary Suella Braverman for unlawfully introducing new anti-protest legislation which had been democratically rejected by Parliament just a few months earlier"

#RightToProtest #Braverman

onrust, (edited ) to climate

Milestone! Today marks week three of an #ExtinctionRebellion marathon demo on the #A12 to demand an end to fossil fuel subsidies.

For three weeks in a row, rebels have been making use of their #RightToProtest by blocking a road in front of the Houses of Parliament in The Hague.

How long must this continue? Until they stop killing the planet 🔥

pic: District8

#XR #StopFossieleSubsidies #ClimateEmergency #JustStopOil #JustStopCoal

fkamiah17, to UKpolitics avatar
onrust, to climate

Amnesty International sounds the alarm about Dutch crackdown on peaceful, non-violent protest involving civil disobedience.

During the ongoing #ExtinctionRebellion #A12 marathon demo in The Hague, officials and police have:

  • Used disproportional force, violence against protesters
  • Humiliated disabled protesters
  • Misrepresented the legal right to protest
  • Misused child safety agency resources
  • Confiscated megaphones, musical instruments of supporters, violating their right to free expression

Report (in Dutch):

#XR #ClimateEmergency #RightToProtest #Netherlands

Nickiquote, to climate avatar
Nickiquote, avatar

Members of a jury have the absolute, unfettered right to decline to be the executioners of unjust laws.

The point of the exercise should be to introduce humanity to a system otherwise perfectly designed to repress, intimidate and make an example of deviants and rebels, and by extension the rest of us.

Otherwise, all the jury system does is ensure that lots more people are walking around with blood on their hands.

#TrialByJury #ClimateJustice #CivilLiberties #RightToProtest #TrudiWarner

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