petersuber, to internet avatar

I just took an survey on "how the research community views and uses different platforms for professional and personal purposes."

One question asked which social-media platforms I use, and offered a list of platforms with checkboxes. The list included . It omitted and .

Rasta, to Marriage avatar

Sometimes, briefly, I miss my days as an influencer online. That was never my plan, but as you know, the former Twitter used Algorithms. The more engagement you made, the higher your presence became. My followers have always been higher than the amount I follow. The more I follow, the less I see, caught up in a fast moving stream of (mostly garbage) ReTweets. #ENGAGEMENT is not Boosting or Liking, it's responding, dialogue, comments, and conversation.
#Influencer #Klout #Twitter #Gifts #Thread

Rasta, avatar

Until #Google hurt us all badly by their inability to keep a Social Platform #GooglePlus , I was extremely active in G+. (@NovaScotiaRasta)
The more people you reach, the better, my following on Twitter and Google Plus was huge, embarrassingly huge. I tried to remove idle/dead accounts and suspected #bots and I do the same here. No profile, no photo, no posts, BLOCK.
I learned from (self-professed) Top #SocialMedia experts,
#ENGAGEMENT #Influencer #Klout #Twitter #Gifts #Thread

Rasta, avatar

I knew long ago, how fake #Facebook was. If you don't pay to be top listed, you won't get there by influence, it's intentionally done, and more. EyeNose (I know)
A measurement site, #KLOUT, scraped our Social Media accounts, looking for Influencers,and started raising my Klout Score by the day. Perhaps I had a slow week, and stayed at the 60 score?

Then, a random #trend event, and I'd go up two points overnight #PERKS #SocialMedia #ENGAGEMENT #Influencer #Twitter #GooglePlus #Gifts #Thread

contrarian, to random avatar

Why does still have a "Share to " button?

fedijedi, to Starwars avatar

Hello there! I am Fedi Jedi! (I moved here to my new instance so here's a new introduction)

I'm just a simple jedi making my way in the Fediverse. Way back, I used to be the Star Wars guy on Google+, RIP. I am a Star Wars super aficionado. I've seen all the films and tv shows to date. The Clone Wars and prequels are my favorite! I was the president of the Star Wars club at my university. Been to Star Wars Celebration Anaheim 2015 and Orlando 2017. I waited overnight in the Anaheim Convention Center basement to see the first Force Awakens trailer in the main hall that was crazy. I've been to Tatooine (aka Death Valley) and seen the filming locations there. Visited the Lucasfilm HQ in San Francisco and seen the famous Yoda statue and lobby. I collect Black Series and LEGO. I am making a dedicated Star Wars Lemmy.... stay tuned :)

Also: I live in SoCal, LA/OC. I love movies, especially sci-fi & westerns! I use Garuda Linux.

#StarWars #Introduction #SciFi #Linux #OpenSource #GooglePlus

Gif of Obi-Wan Kenobi as played by Ewan Macgregor say "Hello there" as seen in Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith

youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

A fictional way of looking at

  • Web (the multiverse)
  • Zot (a.k.a. protocol universe)
  • galaxy
    -- note 1: communication with the Fediverse is standard practice in this universe.
  • galaxy
    -- note 1: developed a way to communicate across the Mycelial Web (a.k.a. the multiverse). Can also communicate with BlueSky and diaspora.
  • Mycelium (a.k.a. protocol universe)
  • galaxy
    -- note 1: developed a way to communicate across the Mycelial Web (a.k.a. the multiverse). Can also communicate with BlueSky and diaspora.
  • galaxy
  • star/solar system
  • galaxy
  • star/solar system
  • galaxy
  • star/solar system
  • galaxy
  • star/solar system
  • Sky Mycelium (a.k.a. universe)
  • galaxy
  • star/solar system
  • Mycelium (a.k.a. protocol universe)
  • Matrix Mycelium (a.k.a. protocol universe)
  • Mycelium
  • galaxy
  • galaxy (closed borders; isolated; aware of other mycelium/universes)
  • star/solar system
  • #X Mycelium (closed borders; isolated; have not discovered there are other mycelium/universes besides their own)
  • Mycelium (closed borders; isolated; rumours has it their government decided against connecting with the other mycelium/universes, but they are aware)
  • Mycelium (closed borders; isolated; aware of other mycelium/universes)
  • / Mycelium - collapsed
  • * Mycelium (Diaspora protocol universe)
  • diaspora galaxy empire (software)
  • star/solar system (instance)
  • galaxy (software)
  • star/solar system (instance)
  • + ( universe) - collapsed

… and so on.

three_star_dave, to mastodon avatar

A year ago today, I took the plunge and set myself up on #Mastodon . I'd been a pretty heavy user of #Twitter -- and #GooglePlus before that. I can't recall precisely which particular set of shenanigans from #ElonMusk brought me here, but here I am, some 4K posts later.

I'm not sure it feels like home yet, but it does feel very comfortable. Nice to have have the chance to meet all y'all.

cliffwade, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

Were you an active user of Google+(Google Plus)?

Please BOOST for maximum exposure to the

Comment below with how you used it the most and if you miss it or not!

schattendasein, to random German avatar

Spricht mir aus der Seele der Artikel 😭😭😭
G+ war so ein großartiges Netzwerk und die Features bis heute unerreicht.

caos, avatar

@schattendasein @bafpudvhe ich habe keine Erfahrungen mit #GooglePlus , aber von den Zugängen ins Fediverse gibt es bestimmt welche, die zumindest näher dran sind als Mastodon. Welche anderen Fedi-Dienste habt Ihr Euch denn bislang angeschaut?

EllieK, to Bloomscrolling avatar

Silent Sunday

Peonies are some of the loveliest of flowers and favourites of mine. They last such a short time, but are so sweet-smelling, so soft.

This was taken through a hole in a plastic bag, giving the soft focus effect. It was inspired by my participation in one of the most creative photographic mentorships I've ever experienced, in #GooglePlus

#Bloomscrolling #Flowers #Flower #SoftFocus #Canon #Peony #FloralFriday #Friday #EllieKPosts #SilentSunday #Blur #IntentionalBlur #insects

juergen_hubert, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

I was rather active back on Google+ back in the day (and I am a bit miffed that Google ended it one week before I started my Patreon campaign).

And the one feature I truly miss are the "Collections". Basically, you could assign each of your posts to a single Collection you've defined. For example, I created the following Collections (among others):

  • "RPG" (tabletop role-playing games)
  • "Politics"
  • "Deutsch" (German-language posts)
  • "Science"

and so forth. And those who followed me could choose whether to follow my entire stream, or only specific collections. Someone who wasn't interested in Politics could unsubscribe to these posts. Someone who could not read German could thus not have my German-language posts show up in their stream - and so forth.

This was an amazing feature for keeping the signlal-to-noise ratio high in people's streams. And I would love it if someone implemented a -based approach for this - but I am not sure if would even support such a subdivision.

EDIT: @sl007 pointed out that this feature IS, in fact, part of the ActivityPub standard and thus could be implemented on the Fediverse - but apparently, no one has done so yet. Read the following for the details:

Rasta, to singapore avatar

Some mornings, I feel like I need to wake @MaJ1

That's got to be one handsome squirrel, having so much beauty rest? 😉​

#Singapore friends, I need more of them. They are just sitting down for evening Tea when I get up, and they love to show off their clean city. I've never been, and will never go, but I love seeing the pictures.

Matter of fact, traveling vicariously through others has been an obsession since my #GooglePlus days.

Those who are online when I am, show me your communities?

a spiraling clock pattern with roman numerals, continuously moving in a hypnotic fashion (look away, I beseech you) and the caption THERE'S NO FUTURE IN TIME TRAVEL

dameoutlaw, to fediverse

I would love to see #Fediverse alternatives to #Discord #LinkedIn #Substack #MySpace #GooglePlus

mstankiewicz, to fediverse Polish avatar


Tutaj wspominałem o tym, że za tydzień robię pierwszą (jak do tej pory) publiczną gamingową transmisję na żywo na Tube.Pol.Social:

Dzisiaj dodałem do tamtego wpisu jeszcze link ( do pliku ICS, dzięki czemu możecie w prosty sposób sobie dodać wydarzenie do swojego kalendarza!

Jako ciekawostkę mogę powiedzieć, że sam plik jest (tak samo jak będzie transmisja) hostowany na serwerach @ftdl, lecz nie na instancji #PeerTube (bo przecież się nie da hostować plików na PeerTube ;p), a na #Nextcloud "Nasza Chmura" (, więc jeśli czytacie ten toot z Mastodona Pol.Social lub /kbina Bin.Pol.Social to tak naprawdę wcale nie opuszczacie serwisów Fundacji!
Jak tak przeczytałem co właśnie napisałem to to trochę tak jakbym transmisję robił na #YouTube, kalendarz wrzucił do #KalendarzGoogle (lub jako plik na #DyskGoogle), a post na śp. #GooglePlus - wszystko byłoby w rękach jednej firmy – #Google. Gdyby nie fakt, że #FTDL nie robi tego dla zysku, tylko z dobrego serca to mielibyśmy własnego polskiego Google'a 😆
Jednak przecież z czegoś trzeba utrzymywać tę infrastrukturę, prawda? W związku z tym zachęcam do przeczytania wpisu @m0bi13 na temat wspierania Fundacji:

Do zobaczenia za tydzień na transmisji!

Edent, to archive avatar

Does anyone know if old Google+ posts are archived anywhere?

Specifically -

I've looked in the usual places, but can't find a copy.

#GooglePlus #Archive #GoneButNotForgotten

grammaticus, to random avatar

Last night I pulled the plug on my #MeWe account. I opened it back when #GooglePlus folded and I needed somewhere else to go.

I know how people feel about Google but I loved Google Plus - its really nice layout, the concept of circles, a wonderful group of people I interacted with...

We tried to replicate that on MeWe, but it failed. It quickly became obvious that the network is also a magnet for conspiracy theorists and alt-right. I held on for as long as I could, but - game over

stefano, to threads avatar

And so it seems that Threads is, in fact, losing active users day by day. No surprise there. First, they announced a massive user growth (anyone with an Instagram account can sign up with a click). At first, even Europeans managed to sign up by downloading the apk, but then they locked everything down. In the end, it became just another social platform we've seen before, just like many others, from the same old company that keeps changing its look but remains the same, with no particularly notable innovations. Many have returned (or stayed) on Twitter... uh, I mean X.
Google+, in its time, brought some substantial novelties. Threads, not so much.

Patient and conscious users (especially those who experienced the dawn of the social media era) have started to also/move to specific Mastodon instances.

All in all, Musk's arrival had the same effect as breaking a bottle: shards scatter everywhere, and there's no way to put them back together.

#Threads #SocialMedia #Instagram #X #BirdSite #Facebook #Meta #Twitter #Mastodon #Innovation #GooglePlus #MuskEffect #Change #Google #Google+

pluralistic, to random avatar

Powerful people imprisoned by the cluelessness of their own isolation, locked up with their own motivated reasoning: "It's impossible to get a CEO to understand something when his quarterly earnings call depends on him not understanding it."


If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:


pluralistic, avatar

A couple years after Schmidt's anti-privacy manifesto, Google launched #GooglePlus, a social network where everyone was required to use their "real name."

This decision - justified as a means of ensuring civility and a transparent ruse to improve ad targeting - kicked off the #NymWars:


Raccoon, to bluesky avatar

So like, is #BlueSky a real site? I keep hearing about it, but I've been on the wait list for months, The feed is private so I have no idea what's going on there, and I've never even seen a screen cap of that interface...

Is anything actually like happening there? Does anyone actually like go there? Is it even active?

From what I can tell, 90% of the people who are going to Twitter alternatives are coming here to Mastodon. BlueSky, being invite only, hasn't even been able to achieve any sort of momentum...

Does anyone else remember #GooglePlus? That thing Google made that was way better than #Facebook, but they never actually released it, so people set up accounts on invites that just ended up being mostly unused?

I feel like #JackDorsey, like most #TechBros, isn't paying attention to history, and doesn't get that you need to hit hard and fast with these, and get as many switches as possible while there's hype, like #Threads (the spyware app) at least seems to be attempting...

ErikJonker, avatar

#GooglePlus was accessible for everyone after an invite-only period, I really liked it

ephzero, to random avatar

@lauren The name sounded familiar and now I'm quite sure I remember that motorcycle ... do I remember you from #googleplus? #friendfeed? Or even #orkut? 😛

benhaube, to random avatar

I miss #googleplus so much. I can't help but wonder if it would have been able to take advantage of the current situation in social media if Google had not killed it.

gadgetero, to threads avatar

Could Threads end up like Google Plus? Everyone used it for a few weeks and then was forgotten and gone forever #threads #googleplus

darth_akeda, to random avatar

Man I would love a fedi #MySpace and #GooglePlus

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