BlumeEvolution, to sciencefiction German avatar

Guten Morgen - Tässle Kaffee ☕️?

Isaac Asimov war mit über 500 (!) Büchern der Vielschreiber des 20. Jahrhunderts und gilt als einer der „großen Drei“ der . Die -Fernsehserie bügelt Schwächen seiner Bücher aus, zu denen er sich auch in einem seiner Briefe äußerte.

gaelle, to random French avatar

Question dev #frontend avec #foundation (que j’apprends tout juste). Si je veux intégrer un menu, mais que dans le contexte de ce menu, la couleur par défaut de liens soit différente de celle globale ? Je veux pas juste changer la couleur des a à l’intérieur, parce que les flèches de sous-menus utilisent cette couleur également. Est-ce qu’il y a un moyen de modifier une variable localement dans un sélecteur, et que les mixins appelées utilisent les valeurs locales ?

J’ai essayé ça, sans succès :

.main-menu {<br></br>  $anchor-color: $black;<br></br>  @include menu-base;<br></br>}<br></br>

Vu ce que je comprends de SCSS, la redéfinition de la variable dans le contexte du sélecteur devrait s’appliquer localement ?

cdarwin, to random avatar

In 2017, Andrew Intrater donated $250,000 to Trump’s inauguration fund
and, a few months later, donated $35,000 to Trump’s reelection campaign.
Intrater is a cousin of Viktor Vekselberg, a Russian oligarch who was sanctioned by the U.S. in 2018 for his connections to Putin.
We know that oligarchs play an integral role in funding Russian influence operations.
One oligarch revealed to special counsel Robert Mueller that Putin held quarterly meetings with his oligarchs to discuss strategic spending.
In 2018, a Texas-based firm donated money to House Speaker #Mike #Johnson.
That firm is 88 percent owned by three Russians.
And last week, we learned that Trump Media received loans from a Russian bank to help the company stay afloat before it went public and at a time when no U.S. bank would lend to Trump.
Any donations that might have been made through anonymous LLCs to PACs
—perhaps with attached quid pro quos
—are likely to remain opaque, due to the Supreme Court’s #CitizensUnited decision.
And we cannot say if the financial transactions we do know about are nefarious.
But the pattern paints a disturbing picture, particularly given many 🔸House Republicans’ rabid opposition to Ukraine aid 🔸and Trump’s reported Ukraine peace plan, which would 🔹cede Crimea and parts of eastern Ukraine to Russia. 🔹
A similar plan was floated by Paul #Manafort, Trump’s 2016 campaign chairman, and his partner Konstantin #Kilimnik, a Russian intelligence operative, during the 2016 election.

Among the entities promoted by the Voice of Europe propaganda network was Hungary’s Center for Fundamental Rights, which “considers preserving national identity, sovereignty, and Judeo-Christian social traditions as its primary mission.” #CFR is funded by the government of Viktor Orbán and has twice organized a conference in Budapest for the Conservative Political Action Committee, which helps shape policy on the American right.
The #Heritage #Foundation
—which has spearheaded #Project2025, the authoritarian blueprint for a future Republican administration
—has become increasingly cozy with Hungary, and even hosted Orbán privately last month.
It is quite possible, perhaps even likely, that some people who are 🔥on the Russian payroll were at the Heritage event, their role to influence and build support for pro-Russian policies.
We now have overwhelming evidence of 💥vast pro-Russian influence operations throughout Europe 💥that seek to exploit politicians, media personalities, and others—and some of these efforts have been successful.
Here in the United States, while a pattern has emerged, we don’t know the full extent of the influence yet.
👉But it would be foolish, not to mention dangerous, to think we are immune.

Lsquare28, to books avatar


“Forward the Foundation” by Isaac Asimov

And with this, I have completed my decades-long journey through the #FoundationSeries. I started back in the ‘80’s. I remember being fascinated by #Foundation, and enjoying #FoundationandEmpire. But, for reasons lost in time, I never finished F&E. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I finally decided to return to the series, restarting from the beginning. Now, it is done.
#BookWyrm #Books @bookstodon

cdarwin, to america avatar

If Donald Trump returns to the White House, close allies want to dramatically change the government's interpretation of #Civil #Rights-era laws to💥 focus on "anti-white racism" 💥rather than discrimination against people of color.

Trump's Justice Department would push to #eliminate or #upend programs in government and corporate America that are designed to counter racism that has favored whites.

Targets would range from decades-old policies aimed at giving minorities economic opportunities, to more recent programs that began in response to the pandemic and the killing of George Floyd.

Trump campaign spokesperson #Steven #Cheung told Axios: "As President Trump has said, all staff, offices, and initiatives connected to Biden's un-American policy will be immediately #terminated."

Longtime aides and allies preparing for a potential second Trump administration have been laying legal groundwork with a flurry of lawsuits and legal complaints — some of which have been successful.

A central vehicle for the effort has been #America #First #Legal, founded by former Trump aide #Stephen #Miller, who has called the group conservatives' "long-awaited answer to the ACLU."

America First cited the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in February in a lawsuit against CBS and Paramount Global for what the group argued was discrimination against a white, straight man who was a writer for the show "Seal Team" in 2017.

In February, the group filed a civil rights complaint against the NFL over its "Rooney Rule."

The rule — named for Dan #Rooney, late owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers — was instituted in 2003 and expanded in 2022.
It requires NFL teams to interview at least two minority candidates for vacant general manager, head coach and coordinator positions.

American First argued that "given the limited time frame to hire executives and coaches after the season, this results in fewer opportunities for similarly situated, well-qualified candidates who are not minorities."

In 2021, Miller's group successfully sued to block the implementation of a $29 billion pandemic-era program for women- and minority-owned restaurants, saying it discriminated against white-owned businesses.

"This ruling is the first, but crucial, step towards ending government-sponsored racial discrimination," Miller said then.

Other Trump-aligned groups are preparing for a future Trump Justice Department to implement — or challenge — policies on a broader scale.

The #Heritage #Foundation's well-funded "#Project2025" envisions a second Trump administration ending what it calls "affirmative discrimination."

Part of the plan, written by former Trump Justice Department official #Gene #Hamilton, argues that "advancing the interests of certain segments of American society ... comes at the expense of other Americans — and in nearly all cases violates longstanding federal law."

Hamilton is America First Legal's general counsel.

Such groups have gained momentum with the #Supreme #Court's turn to the right
— most notably its recent rejection of affirmative action in college admissions.

The court ruled that programs designed to benefit people of color and address past injustices discriminate against white and Asian Americans.

In 2021, a federal judge blocked a $4 billion program to help Black farmers

virtualbri, to streaming avatar

I never found the Foundation books compelling, so I'm a bad judge of them compared to the books. I do wonder what people who really love them think about all the changes to the books, like right off the bat.

#Foundation #Streaming #SciFi #Books

jann, to random avatar

@tvaziri I'm just GOBsmacked by the fantastic (evidently in-camera - according to show runner David S. Goyer) results that #Foundation is getting in season 2! I'm on episode 5 - and OMG! 😳 👏

I can't wait to finish S02!

timventura, to scifi avatar

#Dune vs. #Foundation: Check out Tim O'Reilly's "Rogue Gods", a comparison between Frank Herbert's Dune & Isaac Asimov's Foundation #scifi series. LINK:

#sciencefiction #dune2 @timoreilly @OReillyMedia


cdarwin, to TeslaMotors avatar

Elon Musk’s charity may bear his name, but it can’t seem to match his penchant for high-dollar spending.

According to a New York Times analysis of his charity’s giving in 2022, the #Musk #Foundation gave out just $160 million in grants
—a whopping $234 million #less #than the five-percent #legal #minimum it needed to distribute between 2021 and 2022.

It was the fourth-largest shortfall of any U.S. charity in 2022, the last year for which records are available.

The revelation was one of multiple in the Times’ report on Musk’s charitable giving, which has often benefited his own associates or those of his companies.

Musk reportedly filled some of the foundation’s coffers by donating Tesla stock, which he is allowed to claim as a tax deduction.

Not all of the charity’s donations have benefited his own interests, however:
The foundation donated more than $1 million to schools in Flint, Michigan, and a charity aimed at helping children there.

But where that foundation donates is still up to him and the foundation’s board—which includes just him and two other volunteers.

Lsquare28, to books avatar
amadeus, to Musicproduction avatar

The #battery powered #musicproduction is now provisionally set up. However, the #inverter is causing problems. It is not charging the batteries from the #grid. Probably because of #voltage #fluctuation. 🤔 But we'll solve that too and then I'll finally be able to #makemusic again. I'm euphoric in other ways too. #company #foundation and such. #happy #busy #gratefull 😝😇🥳

Fuse boxes with readout and inverter. I Intend to make the wiring more beautiful. 😝
Batteries in the rack cabinet.

gnulinux, to foss German avatar

Open Collective schliesst

Welche Organisationen gibt es im Open Collective Umfeld und welche Alternativen gibt es nach der Auflösung?

#OCF #opencollective #Foundation #Crowdfunding #FOSS #Stiftung #Linux

swordplay, to scifi avatar

Got any suggestions for #SciFi TV?

No horror, please, nor gritty dystopic tough guy stuff. Over it.

Recently I've enjoyed #Foundation, #TheGoodPlace, #StarTrek: Strange New Worlds. Caught up on #DoctorWho.

ST:SNW in particular really hit the spot. We can actually work together to fix things, ya know. (I know ya know :) )

I'd also consider some light mysteries with some style - big fan of #NeroWolfe and #Columbo for instance. Or heist stuff like #LeverageTV and #HustleTV

tvPlusNews, to random avatar

David S. Goyer has stepped down as showrunner for the rest of season 3 of #Foundation, which is scheduled to resume filming in Prague on March 6.

Executive producer Bill Bost will be taking his place, while Goyer will remain creatively involved writing scripts.



tvPlusNews, to AppleTVPlus avatar

Troy Kotsur has joined the season 3 cast of #Foundation on #AppleTVPlus.

Kotsur will play Preem Palver, the leader of a planet of psychics.

The sci-fi series is scheduled to resume filming early next month.



Hotchka, to apple avatar

Crisis averted! Production on the remaining episodes of Season 3 of Apple TV's "Foundation" will resume March 6 after a production shutdown due to budget and other issues. A casualty of the cuts is David S. Goyer, who will complete his writing services and remain as exec producer, but will not direct any further episodes of Season 3.

Njames, to php avatar

Also #php where is performance on the radar of the #foundation ?

zhang.dianli, to writing

In addition to my love of things #stochastic, I'm also deeply fascinated with #permanence, especially in the form of #writing. When I was young I was always imagining the kind of person who magically figured out that you could make black marks on stone, or cuts in wood, or whatever you liked translate to words. What a genius she must have been! (Yes, in my imagination it was always a woman.) People often claim that agriculture was the #foundation of #civilization. I disagree. It was permanence and precision in #communication that is the foundation of civilization. Writing, in short.

This is why I collect interesting forms of writing (like the bamboo slips I've shared in the past) as well as interesting or beautiful tools of writing. Today's little photo-essay is about the latter.

This is a so-called "eternal pencil". I have several of them, but this one I got because it's just so beautiful as well as practical. Details in the alt text as usual.

(Mastodon users will have to click through to see all the photos.)

Opening the box and removing the sponge protective layer reveals a decorative fake-vellum sheet over the actual contents. The fake vellum is inscribed with this Chinese idiom: 腹有诗书气自华 (fù yǒu shī shū qì zì huá, meaning literally roughly "having a belly full of poetry and books makes one's breath shine" and more idiomatically "being a student of letters and poems makes one's mark") Through the translucent vellum can be made out the shape of the included pencil and its two replacement heads.
The contents on display, flipped the other way to have the pencil pointing down, show the nice elegant design of the parts. The pencil is made of purple sandalwood and has a little brass plate embedded on the top that reads "eternal pencil" again.
The little brass plate on the purple sandalwood pencil is shown in closer detail, revealing both what the plate says more clearly and the very nice wood of the pencil body.
Pencil and replacement heads removed from the box.

james, to random avatar

I have to watch some of their other shows but either way just #foundation and #ForAllMankind are enough to justify a semi regular Apple TV+ subscription as a sci fi fan.

If another one or two hook my I bet I’ll be keeping it for more than a month or two at a time

grahamperrin, to android avatar

The Land Before Linux: The Unix desktops • The Register

<> @sjvn

❝Today, thanks to Android and ChromeOS, Linux is an important end-user operating system. But, before Linux, there were important Unix desktops, although most of them never made it. …❞

#analysis #Android #Apple #benevolent #cats #Canonical #ChromeOS #consensus #containers #Dell #desktop #dictator #dogs #DragonflyBSD #expert #Flatpak #Foundation #FreeBSD #GhostBSD #GNU #GPL #group #jails #licence #license #Linus #Linux #Mac #Mach #macOS #market #Microsoft #NeXT #NeXTSTEP #opinion #POSIX #share #Slackware #Snap #standards #success #Sun #technology #Torvalds #UNIX #Windows #work #year

osjobhub, to marketing avatar

Are you an open source marketing professional? The Rust Foundation is looking for a marketing specialist to focus on membership, events, and training. Learn more on

morpork, to scifi Polish avatar

Tempo czytania książek od końca ciepłej pogody spadło do zera prawie. Mimo to znalazłem chwilkę na dokończenie "Fundacji" Isaaca Asimova ! Cieszę się ,że ta klasyka trafiła w moje ręcę. Odczuwam tu troszkę vibe jak przy Diunie ale oczywiście to totalnie inne dzieła. Z podobnych motywów autor zwraca tu uwagę na taki "bigger picture" ewolucji świata, społeczności, zależności pomiędzy wydarzeniami, nieuchronności upadku imperiów. No i oczywiście odpowiednik przewidywania przyszłości w postaci nauki psychohistorii. Takie sci-fi wydaje się być najprzyjemniej strawne dla logiki bo stanowi alegorie wydarzeń na świecie. Bardzo przyjemnie się to czyta . Zasłużenie uważa się go za jednego z mistrzów.

Pora się zabrać za "Fundacja i Imperium" 😁

#IsaacAsimov #Fundacja #Foundation #SciFi #ScienceFiction #FantastykaNaukowa #Książka

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