GottaLaff, avatar

As always, I’ll be juggling coverage of Shouty McCokeFace’s testimony from mult sources; if you @ me w a ques, I won’t be able to reply, so please make sure to say “Not for you, Laffy” or, “For others to answer” or something. TY!

THREAD 🧵will start here 1/…

Via Klasfeld:

…from .

’s 2nd day of testimony will begin later this morning. On the 1st, he tried to shift focus to his accountants—& the AG's counsel shed light on his father's trust.

GottaLaff, avatar

2/ Proceedings about to begin. They’re allowing photographers to take pics now.

FYI: It’s only 7 am here in Calif. You’ll see a gap when I take off to do what I gotta do, but I will catch you up on every entry when I get back.

GottaLaff, avatar

3/ Klasfeld:

Don Jr.'s testimony resumes:

NYAG's counsel Colleen Faherty asks whether he discussed his testimony yesterday with anyone.

He didn't, he says. (Me: 😂🙄)

mloxton, avatar

Ohhh that may be a trap



Tim OBrien told Nicole Wallace that the kids are a chip off the old blockhead. Lying is their bread and butter. All. The. Time. So we know Jr talked to daddy last night about the case. Perjury is a way of life for the Drumpfs.

ETA: He also said that they are just as stupid and ignorant as Trump. Boggles the mind.

SummerDay, avatar


Telling lies is a way of life if you’re a member of that family.

rameshgupta, avatar


The eye roll is priceless 😆

GottaLaff, avatar

4/ Klasfeld:

Don Jr. is shown an email with the subject line "URGENT Factchecking Inquiry from Forbes," dated March 3, 2017.

Don Jr.'s response to the magazine's detailed questions:

“Insane amount of stuff there.”

(Note: That's what Don Jr. wrote in the email chain, not what he said on the stand.)

Indeed, the Forbes press inquiry that evoked that response from Don Jr. was... detailed.

Don Jr.:

"Again, for purposes of accounting, I relied upon the accountants."👈🏼🙄

GottaLaff, avatar

5/ Klasfeld:

Don Jr. is shown a loan document from Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas dated March 13, 2017.

He signed the document as "attorney in fact" for his father.

GottaLaff, avatar

6/ Klasfeld:

The document had him attest:

“The foregoing presents fairly in all material respects the financial condition of Guarantor at the period presented.” Don Jr. testifies that he doesn't recall this specific document, but signing certifications like this generally.

"I'm sure I've signed dozens of these [certifications] in my time as trustee," he said.

[Me: Sound familiar? Daddy Trump: I’m sure I’ve taken photos with thousands of people. I have no idea who this is.]

philip_cardella, avatar

@GottaLaff Laffy (not urgent), when the text has parentheticals like (me: asshole) is that YOU saying that or the person you're quoting?

GottaLaff, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar

7/ Klasfeld:

Don Jr shown father's statement of financial condition for June 30, 2017.

It notes the trustees were responsible for report at the time. Don Jr. became a trustee that year, the 1st of his father's presidency.

NYAG's counsel repeats series of q’s about Don Jr.'s involvement in the statements of financial condition for the other years of his father's presidency. Don Jr. remained a trustee for 2018, 2019, and 2020.

"Rinse and repeat," Don Jr. responds, w a chuckle. [Me: Asshole]

darthstar, avatar

She's got him dead to rights with the paper trail. His only recourse now is to accept and undergo this humiliation until the last document. After that, it's Eric's turn.

GottaLaff, avatar

8/ Klasfeld:

Donny shown another certification to Deutsche Bank that he signed on Oct. 31 2017.

It also attached a statement of financial condition.

Q: You signed certification intending that the bank would rely on it.

A: I would be fine w them relying on it.

GottaLaff, avatar

9/ Klasfeld:

NYAG repeats Q, Don Jr. dances around the question of his intent, even after pressed by Justice Engoron.

"It's not as simple as 'yes or no.'"

[Emptywheel notes:👆 A remarkably similar answer to the one Michael Cohen gave. Will Trump demand a directed verdict again?]

Don Jr. said that he assumed banks would perform their own due diligence.

GottaLaff, avatar

10/ Klasfeld:

NYAG's counsel Colleen Faherty continues to systematically confront Don Jr. with his signed certifications to banks and representations on statements of financial condition.

Trump Jr., in turn, continues to emphasize the advice of his lawyers and accountants. 🙄

GottaLaff, avatar

11/ Klasfeld:

Faherty moves on from Jr.'s representations to Deutsche Bank to others he made to acct firm Whitley Penn

NYAG shows Jr. his signature on an agreement to sell the Trump Ferry Point golf club in The Bronx.

He signed as president of Trump Ferry Point LLC.
Donald Trump

This line of q sparked objections from defense bc the deal took place this yr, well after filing of lawsuit

Engoron allows it, after Faherty argues fraudulent statements about the property were backdrop of the sale

GottaLaff, avatar

12/ I'm back at my computer now, not just my phone, so now I can include Lisa Rubin's extensive reporting.

First, Klasfeld:

Engoron questioned Don Jr. directly:

Q: Mr. Trump, did you have anything to do with the statements of financial condition?

A: No, I did not, your honor.

GottaLaff, avatar

13/ Rubin:

He has no specific recollection, he testifies, of signing an indemnity to Zurich Insurance in or around 2017. He recognizes his signature, however.

“Between 2011 and present, you have been generally apprised of the operating revenue of the organization?” He agrees, generally yes.

GottaLaff, avatar

14/ Rubin:

She then shows him a “corporate modified cash flow projections vs. actual” memo from Weisselberg to him and Eric for 2017.

The adjusted net cash flow for 2017 was only $2.2 million despite a projected figure much higher.

He does not recall whether he requested that Weisselberg prepare his document but confirmed that he and his siblings regularly got these updates.



I don't recall.
I am dumb.
I am merely a figurehead.
It's all their fault.
I barely knew anything.
I barely knew them.

The Trump Mantra.

GottaLaff, avatar

15/ Rubin:

Faherty is trying to understand if the Trump Org had made changes occasioned by their investigation. Following a back-and-forth about what questions are and are not appropriate, she is asking why Mark Hawthorne, who Jr. described as a CPA, is now CFO.

GottaLaff, avatar

16/ Rubin:

He says because Weisselberg left. And despite the build-up, she is done, and the defense has no cross. Don Jr. just left the courtroom, followed by all his lawyers, for a five-minute break in the action.




It should be called a coke break. For the entire fam.

GottaLaff, avatar

17/ Engoron has a great sense of humor, but takes no crap from anyone.


Eric Trump enters the courtroom and sits at the defense table.

Engoron quips:

"Does everyone have their make-up on?"

(Don Jr. joked that he should have worn make-up when the photographers and videographers came in yesterday, as they're doing again now.)

NYAG's counsel Andrew Amer calls the witness to the stand.

Eric Trump is sworn in.

GottaLaff, avatar

18/ Rubin's take:

Don Jr. is off the stand, having engaged in a mostly pleasant and dull back and forth with the AG’s office that was no less damning. And now, we await his taller, younger co-defendant and brother, Eric, who just strode in.

GottaLaff, avatar

19/ Rubin:

Andrew Amer of the AG’s office is now examining Eric, but before he started, he asked that any lengthy disputes about evidence should happen outside the witness’s earshot and that Eric should be excused if that happened.

Eric is, as expected, softer-spoken and has to be prodded by Engoron to speak into the mike. He affirms he reported to his father between 2014, when he became an EVP, and January 2017 and confirms he did not report to anyone else.



Not for Laffy!
Eric may be the ehhhh - less intelligent one however, I also believe he knows in his gut that he will take the fall FIRST basically because that was always the plan... ... ...

And believe me, The Trumps have ALWAYS had an exit plan.

Ivanka used it first - Eric is the last to leave.

GottaLaff, avatar

20/ Rubin:

Weisselberg was at the same level as the three Trump children during his period, Eric confirms, and McConney was “directly under Mr. Weisselberg.”


Eric Trump denies involvement in the statements of financial condition:

"That is incorrect. I never had anything to do with the statements of financial condition."

That line of q came up when NYAG counsel Andrew Amer confronted him w this notation on a data supporting spreadsheet for the 2013 statement of financial condition.

GottaLaff, avatar

21/ Rubin:

But between Jan. 2017 and Jan. 2021, fair to say you ran the day-to-day operations of the Trump Org., alongside Weisselberg and Jr.? Yes, Eric says.

Eric did not report to anyone during this period, he testifies. And his father relied on him and the two trustees — Weisselberg and his brother — to run the business, although he took directions from his dad if and when they were given.

GottaLaff, avatar

22/ Rubin:

LOL I bet >>“Some of the best years of my life,” Eric says of his living on the Seven Springs property, for which he later had responsibility beginning in 2012.

Eric too says, “I never had anything to do with the statement of financial condition … People asked me questions all the time, but I never worked on the statement of financial condition.”

GottaLaff, avatar

23/ Rubin:

Asked whether he even understood his dad had a statement of financial condition as of 2012, Eric says, “Not that I recall.” He clarifies, “I don’t know what I knew at the time.”

(This matters because in his supporting data worksheets underlying the statements of financial condition, McConney cited phone conversations with Eric in 2012 and 2013 as the basis for the valuation of Seven Springs.)

GottaLaff, avatar

24/ [btw, I bracket my own comments like this, & usually start w/ "Me:..." to differentiate. Or I >> at a quote. Emojis are mine.]


Amer moves on to discuss Trump’s Charlotte, NC golf club, which was acquired in 2012. A board member of that club shared with Eric in Jan. 2012 a letter sent to club members on the prior day about the potential purchase of that club by the Trump Org.

GottaLaff, avatar

25/ Rubin:

Eric recalls club members had to approve the sale by a vote & were told their options included the sale of club assets to the Trump Org. That letter also states “Trump drafted a few and approved all statements related to that offer.”

Eric remembers being a key negotiator of that deal but does not recall whether he was involved in drafting or reviewing the statements made as part of the offer. He says, “It would depend on the statements.”

[Me: Drinking game yet on "I don't recall"?]

tersenurse, avatar

@GottaLaff as an RN I'm afraid I can't endorse an "I don't recall" drinking game in this instance


@tersenurse @GottaLaff I was going to make it a leftover Halloween candy eating game but that wouldn't be any healthier 🍬🍫🍭


@GottaLaff. Christ Almighty! Apparently, any set of morons can run a mult- million maybe multi-billion) $ business. Who knew? All those poor suckers wasting their time on MBAs 😜

NanBP, avatar

@GottaLaff NO RESPONSE needed - just a comment: my fav parts of your coverage - which is heroic- are the (me) followed by the snarky comment I, too, am thinking upon reading it ☺️

GottaLaff, avatar

@NanBP Yay!

kwheaton, avatar

@GottaLaff @NanBP agreed we like your snark!

GottaLaff, avatar

26/ Rubin:

(The import of this line of questioning is not readily apparent to me, given that the transaction took place in 2012, but my guess is that it is designed to show Eric’s awareness and access to representations about his net worth dating back to well before the statute of limitations kick in.”)

GottaLaff, avatar

27/ Rubin:

Amer shows Eric a summary of the due diligence done by the club members about Trump’s financial condition. Eric says he can’t confirm language referring to a “financial statement prepared by a CPA firm reflecting Donald Trump’s net worth” is about the statements of financial condition.

That summary further states “the cash and cash equivalents was in the hundreds of millions. The assets in the billion of dollars were more than 10 times the liabilities on the financial statement.”

GottaLaff, avatar

28/ Rubin:

[Me: DRINK!] Eric does not recall whether he helped arrange for that member to review Trump’s statement of financial condition. Amer now shows him an email from the member to Eric and Weisselberg reflecting his travel to the Trump Org. to review that information.

Atticus1956, avatar

@GottaLaff Eric & Donny have memories as bad as their daddy's, and at such young ages too!

GottaLaff, avatar

29/ Rubin:

Eric still does not recall the meeting, but doesn’t dispute it happened. Eric also told Weisselberg in a Feb. 2012 email that the deal was “on the one yard line.” Eric confirms he wanted to get it done.

gepandz, avatar


For others keeping track of the drinking game rules, if he doesn't recall the conversation, sure, that's one drink, but do you need to drink again when he doesn't remember even with documentary evidence? Like, is that a twofer? I want to play by the rules, but also don't want to get hurt... 🤣

GottaLaff, avatar

@gepandz The rules are: Drink as much as possible for any reason

GottaLaff, avatar

30/ Klasfeld hasn't posted for awhile. I may just stick with Lisa Rubin. She's so thorough. If Klasfeld adds anything, I'll post.

Reminder: Emojis mine.


Now Amer moves on to further emails between that member, Weisselberg and Eric about the member’s due diligence as to Trump’s financial condition. Eric’s response to the member reflects — 👉🏼despite his lack of recollection now 👈🏼— that he reviewed the due diligence summary.

GottaLaff, avatar

31/ ["Pique."]

Eric’s response shows some pique: They showed him the financials in person because of their sensitivity and that he was “bound by confidentiality.”

Eric asks in the email for the member’s assurance that the due diligence summary will not be distributed and that he would limit communications to assuring members that Trump had the financial wherewithal to make the purchase.

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff omg hahahaha

GottaLaff, avatar

32/ Rubin:

Eric confirms they would want to keep them confidential, “no different than any other private company in the world.” He says he wouldn’t have wanted 1200 people to have access to the financials.

Amer is asking Eric whether
by 2012, he was aware that the Trump Org was using the statements of financial condition to demonstrate the company’s financial wherewithal to a third party,

Eric is steadfast: The member met with Weisselberg; “that’s not what I did at the company.”

GottaLaff, avatar

33/ Klasfeld is back. Some redundancy here bc I'm sharing multi reports:

Eric Trump is shown an email chain about the purchase of North Carolina golf club.

Allen Weisselberg asked Eric Trump on Feb. 12, 2012:

“Before I respond I want to make sure you and your dad are still going forward with this deal. Your dad did not sound very upbeat about the deal. He spoke about how little we would make and that he did not see himself going to NC etc.”

GottaLaff, avatar

34/ Klasfeld:

Eric Trump replied to Weisselberg the next day that the deal was still on track to move ahead:

“We have bigger fish to fry but we have it on the one yard line.”

GottaLaff, avatar

35/ Klasfeld:

Another email exchange from Feb. 15, 2012, bw Eric & Philip Delk, who was performing due diligence for the North Car club.

Eric reminded Delk that his inspection of the company's financials was "bound by confidentiality."

In the email, Eric Trump told Delk the company "without question" had the "financial wherewithal to purchase, renovate and operate this asset."

"I trust you understand and would appreciate you giving me your reassurance that this will not be distributed.”

GottaLaff, avatar

36/ Back to Rubin:

👉🏼Amer is incredulous. You had no idea you had no financials the member was looking at as part of his due diligence? That’s your testimony? Eric says yes, he knew he was looking at “financials” but he did not understand what specifically he was looking at.👈🏼

“Can we at least agree that by 2012, you were aware the company had personal financials to demonstrate to third parties that the company had the financial wherewithal?”

GottaLaff, avatar

37/ Rubin:

And Eric’s answer amounts to a no: “I was not aware of the statements of financial condition, I did not work on the statements of financial condition. I have been very clear about that.”

Amer asks whether it’s true that McConney specifically represented to Eric that he needed information about the value of Seven Springs for his dad’s statements of financial condition.
👉🏼Eric says no. But here comes the email proof.👈🏼


Not for Laffy

"I did not have sex with that woman"

PandaChronicle, avatar

Comment, no response necessary 🙃So, incompetent, lying, and throwing his brother under the bus 🙄🤣

GottaLaff, avatar

38/ 😏


McConney told Eric expressly in 8/20/13 email, in connection w a call between them reflected in the work papers, that he needed assistance w valuing 7 Springs for his father’s statement of financial condition. And McConney attached an excerpt from his supporting data spreadsheet.

So Eric now admits that by Aug 2013, he had seen portions of work papers underlying the statement of finan condition & he mustv been aware of existence of the statements of final condition.

GottaLaff, avatar

39/ [LOL. Eric's floundering]


Looking at spreadsheet, Eric testifies he easily cd have given McConney the facts abt which portions of the parcels are to be developed/used but says the value seems to have been determined the prior year, prior to his involvement in the project.

Klasfeld's take next.

GottaLaff, avatar

40/ 🤭


Earlier, Eric flatly denied having "anything to do w" his dad's statements of financial condition.

Amer confronts him with then-Trump Org controller Jeff McConney's Aug. 20, 2013 email to him.

“I’m working on your Dads annual financial statement."

William3rd, avatar

@GottaLaff Q For everyone: Is Eric's only defense the Sgt Schulz "I know Nothing, Nothing" defense and does he really think it is a defense?

GottaLaff, avatar

41/ Rubin:

“I think it’s established that this predated me…At least that’s not I’m reading this.” Amer explains he just wants to know whether the detail about the 7 mansions was within his knowledge at that time. Eric says yes.

Amer goes back to the email: McConney tells you that he needed your help in valuing Seven Springs. It’s a fact, isn’t it, you knew your father’s statement of financial condition was provided to a bank well before then, in Feb. 2012? “Not to my recollection.”


GottaLaff, avatar

42/ [Loving the old "Oh yeah? Well here's the email, Dimwit McTrumpKlan!"]


Amer then takes out a 2012 email between an employee of First National Bank of Long Island and Weisselberg that the latter forwards to Eric, along with an attached confidentiality agreement.

“The chance of my reading a confidentiality agreement that I didn’t execute is close to zero,” Eric states, 👉🏼even though he admits he received it and it references Donald Trump’s statement of financial condition.👈🏼


@GottaLaff Trump family should certainly demand a refund on all tuition and costs that they spent on educating these two clowns.

Atticus1956, avatar

IOW, he was an outer perimeter executive that was in total control of nothing? Humph...I want that big bucks & perks job!

GottaLaff, avatar

43/ [Eric's always been... cracked]


Eric finally cracks a little, raising his voice in saying, “We are a major corporation. Of course we had financial statements!”

👉🏼And finally, Amer gets the admission he wants: that at least by the time of his 2013 communications with McConney, Eric understood that his father had statements of financial condition with which his help was needed.👈🏼

bradpatrick, avatar

@GottaLaff sigh...they never learn that the admission is inevitable, and delaying it is just going to make it more painful. The judge is judging his obstreperousness. Every minute of stonewalling counts against him.



Eric: "We're a major financial corporation that I couldn't be bothered overseeing."

spocko, avatar

Trump to Eric last night, "I'll love you best if you don't betray me!"

GottaLaff, avatar

44/ Lunch break.


@GottaLaff thank you for this Laffy 😊

GottaLaff, avatar
bkahn, avatar


Thanks for all the posts! No need to reply. I'll go sweep some leaves and then come back for more of Super Eric the wonder business boy. The judge must be shaking his head in amazement. I am.

GottaLaff, avatar

45/ LOL, you love to see it.


Eric Trump is back on the stand at the New York Attorney General’s civil fraud trial, and👉🏼 his temper is flaring👈🏼, saying where he thinks “we’re getting tripped up” is that he did not register that the questions McConney was asking were for statements of financial condition.

Amer insists on a yes or no question; 👉 Eric concedes it appears he knew he was being asked for assistance with his father’s annual financial statements.👈

GottaLaff, avatar

46/ Rubin:

Later in Apr. 2013, Weisselberg tells Eric in an email that Amer shows him that he wants to delay paying off a loan in connection with Seven Springs 👉🏼to keep the cash balance in his dad’s financial statements were as high as possible.

Eric admits that he understood as of the date of that email that the statements were prepared as of 6/30 of each year and that it had a cash balance component.

GottaLaff, avatar

47/ Rubin:

Amer persists, “You understood as of the date of this email that your father had an annual financial statement that included liquidity as well as his overall net worth?” 👉🏼Eric: Yes. 👈🏼

Now, they are looking at a July 2013 email exchange between Weisselberg and Eric about the Trump Las Vegas project. In it, Weisselberg told Eric that his dad’s financial statement was needed to secure a line of credit; Eric replied they would not need a line of credit and emphasizes this now.

GottaLaff, avatar

48/ Rubin:

>>“You read it, right?” Eric acknowledges he did and that by reading it, he would have understood that the Trump Org. was contemplating giving a bank Trump’s statement of financial condition.

Amer moves on to a 2013 email between McConney and Eric in which McConney asks for input on the footnotes of statement of financial condition. Eric says yes, maintaining that it would have been information about two golf properties he was working on.

GottaLaff, avatar

49/ Eric's being Tish'd.


Amer is asking whether he understood, based on the email, that McConney sent him a portion of his dad’s statements of financial condition.

Eric won’t give that and just says he understood his input was being solicited before finally admitting he understood McConney attached a portion of his dad’s draft financial statement.

GottaLaff, avatar

50/ Rubin:

>>Now Amer is showing Eric video excerpts from his deposition, where he says he does not recall ever seeing or working on statements of financial condition before this case arose. (Amer is not shown, but it appears he took the deposition as well.)

“To the best of my knowledge, it’s not something I saw… it’s just not in the purview of what I do.”

GottaLaff, avatar

51/ Dimwit McTrumpKlan is struggling. Real shame. Being on the losing side hurts. 🎻


Eric also disclaimed providing information for use in the statements of financial condition—and he disclaimed that eight ways from Sunday.

Amer: Will you now concede that you were well aware of your dad’s statements of financial condition by the time of those emails?

“No, I was not very familiar with my father’s statement of financial condition.”

GottaLaff, avatar

52/ Rubin:

But he does admit — in contrast to his sworn deposition testimony — that he knew as of August 2013 that McConney was soliciting information from him for use in the statements of financial condition.

Amer: Will you now agree that you knew about the backup for the statements of financial condition? Eric tries to provide some caveats around the admission,👉🏼 but says yes.

GottaLaff, avatar

53/ Rubin:

At his deposition, Eric testified that he never had an understanding when speaking to McConney that he was seeking information for the statements of financial condition.

💡Eric now testifies that it did not register with him then, but it now appears that he did know.💡

Amer objects to the speechifying. Engoron agrees. Amer tells Eric, “Your lawyers will have an opportunity to question you. They might not take it, but they’ll have it.”


I can't wait for daddy to have another temper tantrum meltdown on his socials tonight.

GottaLaff, avatar

@5klp471 Ooooo, time for...


GottaLaff, avatar

54/ Rubin:

Now we’re talking about the conservation easement donation on the Seven Springs property, in which Eric played a key role.

Amer is now trying to establish that that donation was contemplated for some time, showing Eric a 2012 letter through which a law firm retained an appraiser’s services in connection with discussions about an easement.

(The law firm involved was where Trump outside tax lawyer Sherri Dillon was then practicing.)

GottaLaff, avatar

55/ Couldn't resist this from Dan Alexander:

Donald Trump, their father, has not showed here to watch his sons testify so far.

Eric Trump is back on the stand after lunch, and this is getting ugly. The AG's office is juxtaposing a series of documents with what Eric said during his sworn deposition and what is saying now. There seems to be contradiction after contradiction.


Receipts. So many receipts.

solownh, avatar


Trump: Eric who?


@GottaLaff Not a question for you, but I wish I could see the defense attorneys’ expressions….

GottaLaff, avatar

56/ Rubin:

Amer is now trying to get into an email between Dillon’s colleague, another lawyer representing Trump the elder, and the appraiser. Trump’s side objects on hearsay grounds; Amer is ready with the rule that permits the admission of conversations between and among a party’s agent.

Notwithstanding the appraiser’s view of the value per lot at Seven Springs, the spreadsheet prepared months later does not appear reflect any of the information obtained from the appraiser.

GottaLaff, avatar

57/ Rubin:

Do you recognize any of these figures as coming from the appraiser, Amer asks? I don’t recognize any of these figures, so no, Eric says.

GottaLaff, avatar

58/ Rubin:

We are now, at long last, talking about Trump’s securing appraisal services from David McArdle of Cushman & Wakefield. Eric insists Sherri Dillon was closer to this process,
👉🏼another indicator of their “blame the (now-fired/resigned) experts” strategy.👈🏼

William3rd, avatar

@GottaLaff Great. Nothing Eric did or did not do is his fault. He cannot even remember which part of the Trump organization employs him. Either he is a completely willing stooge for daddy or one of the dumbest humans still in "business." After this performance, he couldn't get hired to run a no name convenience store.

GottaLaff, avatar

59/ 🦈::Cue: Jaws Theme::🦈


But Amer is building up to a critical point about Eric’s intent:

Eric worked with a professional appraiser to value the donation of the conservation easement at Seven Springs and even signed the engagement letter.

But that appraiser was terminated months later, as reflected in an email shown to Eric, and then reengaged the next year, according to Amer.

IdahoLark, avatar

@GottaLaff i freakin’ love all of your comments before sharing Rubin’s posts. Thank you for your threads.

GottaLaff, avatar

@IdahoLark Thank you for that. I always wonder…

MerelyAHut, avatar

@IdahoLark @GottaLaff I do as well. Much gratitude to you for keeping us updated. Really appreciate your efforts.

GottaLaff, avatar
WagesOf, avatar

@GottaLaff so we've collectively agreed that there's no level of lying or dishonesty under oath that will lead to a perjury charge, making the oath and the entirety of depositions and testimony a farse.

GottaLaff, avatar

60/ Rubin:

Eric affirms that in 2015, he directed Sherri Dillon to get that appraisal finalized so they could complete the donation by the end of the year.

>>I suspect Amer will ultimately force an admission that the resulting appraisal was discarded and/or discounted by the Trump Org., and concealed from Mazars and others in order to inflate Trump’s net worth.

GottaLaff, avatar

61/ Lol at Ross/Rachel reference.


But now, we are on a break, as Ross and Rachel might have said. So stay tuned.

GottaLaff, avatar

62/ Klasfeld:

We're back.

Eric Trump is being questioned about the appraisal of the 71 units at the Trump National Golf Club, in Westchester, New York.

GottaLaff, avatar

63/ Rubin:

We’re in last stretch of Trump trial testimony for today w Eric still on stand about appraisal of another property: Trump Briarcliff, where the org was planning to build 70-something residential units.

As with most of what we’ve seen today, this occurred before the statute of limitations started to run—but to the extent the related valuations are incorporated in statements of financial condition for years to come, they are relevant to the AG’s remaining claims as well as relief.

GottaLaff, avatar

64/ Rubin:

Amer just shows Eric an email where the appraiser says, per a conversation with Eric, that he intends to perform a discounted cash flow analysis to reflect the expected income from the as-yet unbuilt units. Eric says he didn’t understand what method would be used.

(Spoiler: The ultimate valuation did not, in fact, discount that projected income but valued the units as if the income could be realized immediately and without any deduction for costs of building, marketing, etc.)

GottaLaff, avatar

65/ Rubin:

Appraiser tells Eric over email he’ll be doing a discounted cash flow analysis & looks fwd to receiving comparable sales figures, which Eric then receives from Trump International Realty staff and forwards to the appraiser. Eric disputes none of this.

By September 2013, the appraiser writes to Eric and says he’s ready to share his valuation conclusions. 👉🏼Eric doesn’t recall whether any call happened nor does he have any recollection “of this whole subject,” he testifies.👈🏼 [Drink!]

Dr_Von2, avatar

@GottaLaff I'm drinking pints of beer, so by this point I'm out :blobugh:

GottaLaff, avatar

@Dr_Von2 Wuss!

GottaLaff, avatar

66/ Rubin:

The appraiser later says he’s holding off on sending a written appraisal per his conversation with Sherri Dillon. Hmmmm.

At the time, the appraiser told Dillon the “more supportable value” was $45 million and that Dillon indicated Eric learned that and was pleased. 👉 Eric again has zero recollection of this. [Drink!.. Hic!]

GottaLaff, avatar

67/ Poor Schmucky McNoBrain keeps getting busted.


He doesn’t remember whether it was his decision to hold off on the written appraisal. But Amer shows him the supporting worksheet for the statement of financial condition reflecting that the value of the sell-out was based on comps, as learned from a conversation with Eric.

GottaLaff, avatar

68/ We're now at the pathetic liar Schmucky McNoBrain saying "I'm the sponge and you're the glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you" part of our program. Or as I like to call it, Nuh-UH! YOU!!


Eric accuses Amer of conflating two very different topics: the conservation easement and the value of the unbuilt units.

GottaLaff, avatar

69/ Rubin:

Amer is undeterred, telling Eric he sent the comps, the day before you talked to McConney, to McArdle for use in valuing the 71-unit conservation easement.

He asks whether he told McArdle to hold off on sending written appraisal until after the statement of finan condition was issued. “No,” Eric said.

And in the worksheets supporting the 2016 statement of financial condition, Eric confirms that he did likely tell McConney to leave the value as is because “nothing had changed.”

GottaLaff, avatar

70/ Best way to begin a toot in this thread: "Eric admits..."


Eric admits he knew as of November 2015 that the “more supportable value” was $45 million, according to the appraiser, David McArdle of Cushman & Wakefield.

GottaLaff, avatar

71/ "Did not refresh his recollection..." Say it with me: Drink!


At his deposition, which is now being played, he said he recognizes the name David McArdle “very vaguely” but that emails he saw — not to him — did not refresh his recollection that McArdle was the appraiser retained.

GottaLaff, avatar

72/ Rubin:

That was “inconsistent with what his role was at the company” because he “had not been involved in appraisal work at the company,” Eric testified at that deposition. 👉🏼Will you concede that your testimony was incorrect?, Amer asked.

GottaLaff, avatar

73/ Rubin:

“Certainly, I was aware of it,” but Eric maintains that testimony was true. “I really was not involved in the appraisal work; clearly, I made an introduction,” and was on a phone call.

👉🏼Kise is on his feet now, and Amer angrily asks that the witness be excused, so as not to influence his testimony.

GottaLaff, avatar

74/ Reminder: Emojis are from me, not Rubin.


Kise says Eric’s lack of a recollection doesn’t change anything, and this is repetitive, Kise insists.

😏Engoron is unmoved. “Let’s continue.”

SummerDay, avatar


I’m grateful we have judges like Energon and Chutkan.

GottaLaff, avatar

75/ FailSon McOopsFace: I lied, perjured myself, crimed, and am a total disgrace, but only a teensy teensy bit, so no countsies!


Amer reminds him of the comps he sent, the emails with McArdle. “Do you stand by your testimony that you really weren’t involved in appraisal work?”

“I was clearly involved, but to a really small point.”





@GottaLaff "me involved? Of course not. I just pretended to be in charge. Everybody knew that!"

GottaLaff, avatar

76/ Dufus McTrumpFail just referred to himself as an "operator."


Amer is unsatisfied and tries to obtain a clearer answer. Engoron disagrees: “It’s asked and answered.” Eric stands by his earlier testimony. Period.

Will you concede that your testimony was incorrect that you don’t focus on appraisals between law firms and appraisers? “No. I don’t focus on appraisals. I am an operator.”

oreoteeth, avatar

@GottaLaff If this is the kind of operator he means I'll allow it

GottaLaff, avatar

77/ (my server is crashing... delays)


Will you concede you had significant back and forth with McArdle? No, Eric maintains.

Were you on a video conference call in 2021 with Patrick Birney, Ray Flores and your brother to discuss the statements of financial condition? It’s possible, Eric admits, 👉🏼but he does not remember. 👈🏼Amer reads from Birney’s trial testimony to refresh Eric’s recollection.

Flies4no1, avatar

@GottaLaff “It’s possible“ ??? [ gargles drink ]

CaseyL, avatar


That "I don't remember" strategy might - only might! - work on a jury, but I don't see it working on a bench trial before Judge Ergoron.


@GottaLaff I'm not a drinker, but I think I'm still getting a little buzzed from all the DRINK moments!

GottaLaff, avatar

78/ Rubin:

Is your memory now jogged? No, Eric says.

Birney testified that the change in golf course valuation method was discussed with Don, Jr. and Eric at that 2021 meeting, something Birney characterized as a “significant change to the year before.” Amer tries again after reading that: Does that jog your recollection?

No, but Eric confirms that he likes Patrick Birney very much and has no reason to doubt his testimony; he “could have been on that phone call.”

GottaLaff, avatar

79/ Rubin:

Birney testified the purpose of the call was to advise you and Don Jr. of the change in the methodology for valuing golf courses. “That seems possible, yes.”

👉🏼Man, Eric is working hard to not give an inch.

Amer shows him the 2021 supporting data worksheet for the statements of financial condition, which reflects that a change was made on the basis of advice from Marcus Millichap, a golf course consulting company.

GottaLaff, avatar

80/ Okay, drinking game is over. LieFace McCrimeFam got us all too drunk.👇🏼


“Does that trigger a recollection for you about being on a call where that change in methodology was discussed?” “It does not.”

kwheaton, avatar

@GottaLaff hard to getting the liar to admit he lied about lying. Trumps believe their own lies after awhile. I am sure #daddyMcDonald won't be happy with Eric. Great job perjuring himself 🤏only little lies.

GottaLaff, avatar

81/ Rubin:

Amer points to a note indicating Marcus Millichap also advised them to value certain courses at 10x EBITDA.

👉🏼That too does not refresh Eric’s recollection about the call. 🍻

tdwllms1, avatar


all... man... how can a guy with such a shit memory even remember how to put on pants, much less run a multi-hundred million dollar business....

PandaChronicle, avatar

yeah, seems kind of incompetent to hold a position of responsibility. But maybe that’s his value to T senior.

GottaLaff, avatar

82/ Rubin:

Amer then asks if he understood at the time of the call about the 2021 conference call that the AG was already investigating. ⚡️It goes to his credibility, Amer said, if he cannot remember a meeting that happened after they knew they were under investigation.⚡️

GottaLaff, avatar

83/ Rubin:

Robert and Kise are strenuously objecting, Kise on the ground that Alan Garten was on that call and therefore, Amer is trying to invade privilege.

Kise refers to his principal law clerk, and now👀🔥 Engoron, while calm, is furious, noting that the obsession with his clerk seems misogynistic to him. Any further reference to my principal law clerk will result in my expanding the order to the attorneys, Engoron says.👀🔥

PattyHanson, avatar


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  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @PattyHanson NO idea

    acrousey, avatar

    @GottaLaff Open for discussion: like no doxxing or anything like that, but, seriously, what is up with the Trump defense and this clerk?!

    tirrimas, avatar

    @GottaLaff sounds like there's something about that call they don't want exposed.

    NIH_LLAMAS, avatar
    GottaLaff, avatar

    84/ The word is shameless, despicable, slimy, Trump-like... not 'unbowed.'


    Kise is unbowed: I have my own First Amendment rights and an obligation to zealously represent my client, especially when I feel as if I am fighting this case on two fronts.

    😳Kise comments that he needs to make a record about the political background of the person sitting to the judge’s right.

    [Me: Trump's base is Kise's audience here, and of course, Trump. Utterly disgusting.]

    PandaChronicle, avatar


    GottaLaff, avatar

    85/ Rubin:

    Habba assures Engoron that the issue is not misogyny but that the law clerk’s behavior is inappropriate and that the judge’s positions appear to be whatever she tells him what they should be through notes. Habba continues by complaining that the examination is repetitive.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    86/ 🔥


    Engoron: “I have an absolute unfettered right to get advice from my principal law clerk. There is no First Amendment value to talking about her,” especially when making things up, if it compromises her safety.

    [Me: Seems to me they're itching to provoke Engoron into losing it.. he won't do that, he's a pro... to go for a mistrial or reversal. Engoron seems to be staying calm, per Rubin]


    The most they'll manage is to be sanctioned.

    spocko, avatar

    NOT A QUESTION @GottaLaff
    Gagging Trump is working, so now Kise has picked up the ball (gag). This is appealing to his Audience of one, but this is the Judge's courtroom.

    GottaLaff, avatar
    GottaLaff, avatar

    @spocko I agree.


    @GottaLaff @spocko I think it's also intended to appeal to Trumps supporters. For Trump the legal process is another tool for demagoguery. He thinks he can lose in court but still incite enough vitriol to gain power or wreak chaos if he doesn't.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @leeolds Yep, that's what I said in my thread, too.


    @GottaLaff yep. As you said, doing it in part "to rile up the base".

    FinchHaven, avatar


    The problem here is that the problem is a real one, #Kise's deflection notwithstanding

    Obsessively raising the "issue" of Engoron's [female] clerk is going to trigger #Trump, and possibly a #MAGA freak when #FOXNews runs with it

    If Trump blows up on #TruthSocial again, Trump's toast

    If one of Trump's cult actually goes off and does something physical either at or to Engoron's clerk, it's sh1t-hitting-fan all around

    And what's Kise's real point here?

    A judge and his/her clerk cannot communicate during trial?


    cc @GottaLaff

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @FinchHaven As I said earlier, it was intended to rile his base, play to the audience of Trump, since Trump got fined for breaking his gag order by going after her online. What I don't get is how they managed to bring it up today, in what context. @spocko

    FinchHaven, avatar


    Yeah, agreed

    It seems like it's something Kise has to check off his to-do list for the day before he's back in contact with Trump

    Maybe there's still something going on there we can never see

    But Kise has about beaten this horse to death a couple times over

    cc @spocko

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @FinchHaven He'll keep beating it to please his boss, until he's fined. And even then he may still do it. @spocko

    GottaLaff, avatar

    87/ Rubin:

    Amer finally gets a word in: I am allowed to put in evidence about an event that happened two years ago and explore the credibility of his claim that he doesn’t remember it. This witness’s testimony is great; this is not about my being unhappy with it. And finally, his investigative testimony is in the public record; there is no revealing anything that is not well documented.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    88/ Rubin:

    Kise goes back to his insistence that there is potential bias.

    🔥👀Engoron literally pounds the table: “You are not entitled to my notes!”

    [Me: Kise doth protesteth too mucheth. "Some of my best friends are women/wives/girls!"🙄]
    Kise: “I am not a misogynist. I am happily married. I have a seventeen-year-old daughter.”

    🎯>>>(Author’s [Rubin's] note: Having a wife or female child doesn’t automatically take misogyny off the table.)


    Dissing the judge and clerk like that will get them sanctioned, and the appeals panel may just decide to double the penalty.


    @GottaLaff snort King Henry VIII had six wives and two daughters. And had two of his wives beheaded for doing either nothing, or what Henry himself had done many, many times.

    LittleTownJane, avatar

    @GottaLaff OH. MY. (Something). Never in my wildest dreams would I, having practiced 30y in state courts, lots of litigation, go anywhere near this path.

    gepandz, avatar

    @LittleTownJane @GottaLaff

    Maybe they figure that, if they get sanctioned or disbarred, they'll end up on a board or thinktank somewhere, what @pkrugman calls "Wingnut Welfare"?

    I'm just stunned by their behavior.

    I guess if you can't win the game fair and square, work the refs, but, geez... 😬


    @GottaLaff 100% on the note. There are plenty of creeps with wives and daughters. Plenty.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    89/ I'm gonna back up and share Klasfeld's reporting, for some clarity... it's kinda long.


    Q: You consider Patrick Birney to be a solid guy?
    A: I like Patrick Birney very much.

    Q: And you considered Patrick Birney to be a solid guy?

    Eric Trump looks at and gestures to the judge, who notes that the witness previously answered the question.

    Amer's questioning turns to Eric Trump's growing awareness of the NYAG's investigation.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    90/ Klasfeld:

    Cliff Robert jumps up to object, accusing NYAG of trying to "sensationalize" the trial with Eric Trump's invocations of the Fifth Amendment.

    Amer concedes that was the direction he was going, and he says that it's relevant.

    Robert notes the subject matter is coming at the end of the day, when it could dominate the news cycle.

    Chris Kise joins in:

    "I don't know what else, other than sensationalizing is the issue. [...] Or just harassing the witness."


    I was unaware that the courts were obliged to take account of the news cycle when managing the progress of a trial. Clearly I need a refresher course in civics.
    Or someone somewhere does...

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @n1xnx Because Trump never sensationalizes at all, outside the court room.

    It's all about Trump's audience.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    91/ Klasfeld:

    Engoron tears into Kise, after he refers to the clerk:

    "Do not refer to my staff again." [...]

    "She's a civil servant."

    "Sometimes I think there's a bit of misogyny in you referring to my female principal law clerk."

    Alina Habba defends Kise against allegations of misogyny:

    "I assure you that’s not the issue."

    He says he has to make a record if he sees potential bias.

    acrousey, avatar

    Not necessarily at you, @GottaLaff

    I'm still lost as to how the clerk was brought into this matter. Is it just a redirect to kill some time?

    What's the defense's infatuation with her?

    acrousey, avatar

    @GottaLaff Ok, I think I found the root of this:

    This all goes back to that post that Trump Sr. got fined for. They believe she's biased because she was at an event and posed for a photo with Chuck Schumer.

    Which means they did their research and are trying their darndest to find any weak links, even if that includes verbally attacking and potentially throwing his angry mob at this innocent woman for having had been in a picture with a known Democrat. That's nuts.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @acrousey Oh, I know all that. I was trying to figure out how it tied into today's proceedings. What was the connection?

    acrousey, avatar

    @GottaLaff "Oh no! Eric's going to perjure himself! Someone quick! The pocket sand!"

    Pocket sand "Sha sha-sha!"

    The defense is essentially Dale Gribble from King of the Hill. Or perhaps Rusty Shackleford. Probably Rusty.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @acrousey No idea of that reference.

    PandaChronicle, avatar

    @acrousey @GottaLaff
    same question

    acrousey, avatar
    GottaLaff, avatar

    @acrousey Again, that's how it started ages ago, then Trump got fined for breaking the gag order about the photo. But I haven't yet seen how it tied into today's proceedings. @PandaChronicle

    PandaChronicle, avatar

    gonna read your new thread to see if it answers any questions. I knew about the original TFG offense, just couldn't figure out why Kise thought it relevant to today's testimony.
    As always, thank you so much for your extensive reporting!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @PandaChronicle Not my reporting, theirs! But YVW!

    PandaChronicle, avatar

    That's what I meant!🙃

    earthlingusa, avatar

    @acrousey @GottaLaff
    When in trouble…DISTRACT! Sure it’s an overall strategy to blame her for losing the trial and ask for a retrial, but the timing was to redirect away from Eric’s perjuries.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @earthlingusa @acrousey It won't work. Trump's troubles farrrr overwhelm all other news. But sure, that's what they do.


    @GottaLaff I must have missed something. Why do they keep going on about the clerk?

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @monicarooney She posed for a photo with Schumer, Trump got fined for bashing her about it.


    @GottaLaff yes, sorry. I forgot about that because it seems so stupid.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    92/ Klasfeld:

    She claims the clerk's conduct has been inappropriate.

    Engoron pounds the table in asserting his right to protect his clerk.

    "It's not a security issue," Kise says.

    Kise says, "I'm not a misogynist," adding that he has a 17-year-old daughter.

    On that fiery note, trial is done for the day.


    justiceLICSW, avatar

    @GottaLaff IANAL but this was unbelievable and thank you. 💙

    GottaLaff, avatar

    Thanks for all this (sober up!😆)

    GottaLaff, avatar
    PandaChronicle, avatar

    @GottaLaff @PollyWaugh

    danciruli, avatar

    @GottaLaff In the old days, I would have said that was a page-turner. I guess it was a page-refresher!

    Thanks for all the typing, now go rest those fingers!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @danciruli I'm pooped!

    chrisU, avatar


    GottaLaff, avatar

    @chrisU No encores today!

    TCatInReality, avatar


    Eric Trump testimony has been fire!

    Thanks so much for doing these 👏👏👏

    GottaLaff, avatar
    kbsez, avatar


    where is this stuff about his LAW clerk coming from? Trump went off on her and now they seem to be accusing her of some sort of political bias but what is the origin of this? She registered Democrat or did she donate five dollars to Joe Biden‘s campaign? what’s QAnon bullshit rumor is prompting all this?

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @kbsez Oh, and to rile up the base

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @kbsez They're trying to use it for an appeal tactic. Bias.

    kbsez, avatar


    but what is the origin? Did one of these legal eagles decide “we need to piss off the judge so let’s go after his law clerk, and accuse her of anything“?

    I was expecting one of them to whip out some horrific thing from her past like she donated to Planned Parenthood or the ACLU.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @kbsez Origin today? Or originally. Originally it was her photo with Schumer.

    Today, apparently, Kise referred to her, but nobody got more specific than that. I'll watch the shows tonight to find out.

    kbsez, avatar


    Ahhhh that’s it. I hadn’t heard about the Schumer photo

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @kbsez Oh. Well that's how it all started, and how Trump got fined.

    tdwllms1, avatar

    @GottaLaff @kbsez

    yep, it's all they have as their client is guilty...


    @GottaLaff @kbsez All they need is some plausible BS for the Bribey McCorruptpants (shoutout to Laffy) SCOTUS to reverse. That’s their thinking, I think.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @pnwpetey That's what I said: Appeal tactic. @kbsez


    @GottaLaff are his attorneys trying trying to get Trump thrown in jail? Cause he's going to be foaming at the mouth after their performance at the end of the testimony today, and sounds like Judge Engoron is not happy.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @RazzleDK No, they're trying to get the judge to blow up and then call for either a mistrial or reversal.


    @GottaLaff Hope he holds it together. Still think Trump will lose his feeble mind on social media later on.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @RazzleDK He will.


    @GottaLaff 💅 🍹


    @GottaLaff Thank you!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @leslier YVW

    SummerDay, avatar


    It isn’t enough to have a daughter if he doesn’t treat her as an equal to his sons. Some “men” don’t.

    Darxyanne, avatar

    @GottaLaff you did a heck of a job today, thank you!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Darxyanne Thanks!!

    HardBeingGreen, avatar

    @GottaLaff always fascinating reading. Thanks

    I'd have 🍿 but I haven't even had breakfast yet lol

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @GottaLaff Holy. Mother. Of. God.

    DoctorDNS, avatar

    @GottaLaff great job today

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @DoctorDNS Thank you!

    pmonks, avatar

    @GottaLaff So we’ve 107% confirmed that Kise is a misogynist, is my key takeaway.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @pmonks And a putz.

    tinkb333, avatar

    @GottaLaff Thank you for all the great coverage. I read you before I go searching headlines.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tinkb333 Oh dear, lol. Thank so much.

    JimmyB, avatar

    @GottaLaff epic!!! Thanks so much…

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @JimmyB YVW!


    I've just been busted for hiding in the stock room to catch up. Thank you SO much for doing all of this, especially when there is so much else demanding your attention

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Hedgewizard LOL, you were? Uh oh!!

    You're welcome. I'm glad I have it to distract me.

    MsMissy, avatar

    @GottaLaff What the HELL is their obsession with Engoron's law cleark? This is just weird. He's gonna need to extend that gag order.

    kwheaton, avatar

    @MsMissy @GottaLaff a ploy to overshadow Eric's terrible performance today.

    GottaLaff, avatar
    GottaLaff, avatar

    @MsMissy The obsession is that she posed for a photo with Schumer, Trump bashed her, got gagged.

    And this:

    panamared27401, avatar

    @GottaLaff Looks like Guido is trying to blame everyone but himself. Good luck with that, son. And Laffy, TYVM for your hard work today! Outstanding job!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @panamared27401 Aw, thanks!

    Snowshadow, avatar

    Thank you for taking the time to report on the "play-by-play" of the trial. : )

    hannahshouse2, avatar

    92! I think this may be the longest one I've ever seen you do. Thank you so much for keeping us all informed!
    It is such a valuable service you provide. I, like others, have a news list and you're the first one I check every morning. Cause i'm west coast too.
    And I apologize if my favoriting every one of your posts is annoying. I do it so I know where I left off throughout the day. 🙂

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @hannahshouse2 YVW! It is the longest!!

    The favoriting doesn’t bother me at all. I rarely get a chance to look at them. I’m sorry I miss them.

    JaneDoeTheFirst, (edited )


    It's interesting that Eric's/Kise's strategy is to stonewall because he doesn't want to plead the Fifth and look spectacularly guilty like the criminal mobster he has already been shown to be. 🤔 That would be bad news for the boy.

    noondlyt, avatar

    @GottaLaff Thank you so very much. This, your work here, is just amazing.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @noondlyt Thank you!

    ochaos, avatar


  • Loading...
  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @ochaos I'll say

    Micritone45, avatar
    tinkb333, avatar

    @GottaLaff Not to mention that Kise's invocation of "I have a seventeen-year-old daughter" is creepy AF.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tinkb333 Well, HE'S creepy as fuck, so yeah, lol


    @GottaLaff thanks Lisa, Laffy. Worth saying. Sad that we're still educating folks on this point.



    Kise is not a misogynist because of a wife and daughter? Has he never heard of chattel?

    PandaChronicle, avatar


    paulc, avatar

    @GottaLaff Your names for the Trump boys are the best.

    Come for the legal analysis, stay for the naming.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @paulc Woot! Thanks!

    tiamat271, avatar

    @paulc @GottaLaff Indeed! The names, emojis, and additional colorful commentary were chef’s kiss 🏆

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tiamat271 Oh yay! Thanks! @paulc

    PandaChronicle, avatar


    GottaLaff, avatar

    @GottaLaff more proof he can’t follow a thought, see a pattern, tried to develop any skills.


    @GottaLaff if the business DID continue to operate after this case, can you imagine anyone willing to do business with such vacuous nitwits as the trumps?

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @makkhorn That's part of the fun of seeing all this unfold

    HomerHarlequin, avatar

    Perjury abounds...lock him up!

    SummerDay, avatar


    Thank you for doing this.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @SummerDay 👍

    wordshaper, avatar

    @GottaLaff I originally read that last bit as "Your lawyers will have an opportunity to question you. They may not LIKE it, but they'll have it" and... that may be true as well.


    @GottaLaff I always thought Eric was the weakest link.

    PandaChronicle, avatar

    Whomp whomp
    (comment only, no reply)

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @PandaChronicle Ahem, WOMP is not spelled with an H.

    Grammar Police sneaking out ....

    PandaChronicle, avatar


    GottaLaff, avatar

    @PandaChronicle Welllllll.... Okay!😊

    PandaChronicle, avatar

    @GottaLaff 🙄🤣🙃

    mbwood, avatar

    @GottaLaff they’re trying to push it all off on Weaselburg, right?


    @GottaLaff "We're getting tripped up on me not bein' able to Trumpsplain this because you're just too dense" ... it's ironic that this follows Bankman-Fried's similar attempts yesterday to "explain" away fraud to the non-tech-bros in his jury.

    msbellows, avatar
    GottaLaff, avatar

    @msbellows Eric's been Tish'd.

    paezha, avatar


    It appears the Trumps are highly paid idiots who believe what others tell them to believe: the accountants in particular


    @paezha @GottaLaff NOT A QUESTION FOR LAFFY

    They pay people to tell them what they want to hear and believe.

    They're still idiots regardless

    noondlyt, avatar

    @GottaLaff "You can't handle the truth!" moment 😂


    @GottaLaff I can’t help thinking about his #SNL parody pretty much any time I hear his name. 😂

    Eric Trump Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @bcharper Me too!!!!

    Thad, avatar

    @GottaLaff I know the mixed metaphor isn't the important part here, but jeez, these people are so dumb.

    frostchild, avatar

    @GottaLaff I wonder how much eric trump knew, given he was always mocked on late night shows as being dumb. Its possible he stayed away from those evil dealings because they thought he was stupid, or he might have decided he didn't know enough to help with it.
    If its the latter, he is actually smarter than his siblings. I hope that is true, because that would be amusing but also would say he's at least less of problem than those around him.

    TeeCeeGee, avatar

    @GottaLaff I would have opened with the question, "Mr. Trump, have you ingested any illicit substances that may affect your ability to answer questions accurately today?" and watched the little piggy sweat. 😄

    KSargent, avatar

    @GottaLaff "[Me: Drinking game yet on "I don't recall"?]"

    Life-threatening game, I should imagine.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @KSargent I have alcohol poisoning now

    KSargent, avatar

    @GottaLaff RIP.

    It was a worthy cause and you will be celebrated by history.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @KSargent Thank you. I need a drink.

    KSargent, avatar

    @GottaLaff Understandable. Only the sweet release of death can take away the pain of transcribing the Trump Large Adult Children all day.


    @GottaLaff Don't do that drinking game - you will seriously die with this witness! 😂

    Travler, avatar

    @GottaLaff A sidebar observation to that comment is that over the life of Trump Org. so many criminal, near criminal and unethical business acts have taken place he just might be telling the truth.


    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Travler Naaaaah.

    Eetschrijver, avatar

    @GottaLaff I didn't think this kind of session involved emoji nowadays, but thanks for clarifying. 😉

    andybrwn, avatar

    @GottaLaff Directions from Dad sounds like TFG was still involved.

    sharonecathcart, avatar

    @andybrwn @GottaLaff

    Yep. So much for the alleged divestiture ...

    DoctorDNS, avatar

    @GottaLaff given that there is no jury only a judge here, how damaging was Don Jr's testimony?

    He seemed to thing this was all a nothing burger.



    @GottaLaff I’ve always said that Eric is the dullest knife in the drawer. I hope he proves me right, for entertainment value at least.

    mloxton, avatar

    I have this sneaking suspicion that the law does not see that as an excuse, and that if you sign something, you own it, regardless of whether you implicitly trusted some expert.

    Going to be interesting to see if the "yeah, I signed it and attested, but I just deferred to the CPA" argument pans out.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @mloxton This judge won't buy it



    PLEASE - Provide Legal Exculpation And Sign Everything

    darthstar, avatar

    @GottaLaff Banks rely on the documentation provided to them. They do not do independent audits of every applicant.

    If he submitted false information, that's on him and not on the bank.

    kwheaton, (edited ) avatar

    @GottaLaff Don Jr. <I lied just like my Dad taught me to> if the bank believed me <or MAGA morons> that is their problem.

    leswarden, avatar

    @GottaLaff Me: typical MO, blame someone else.

    tofugolem, avatar

    This defense cracks me up no matter how many times I hear it.

    Whether or not you assume that someone else will check if you are lying doesn't excuse signing your name to a document that lies.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tofugolem This is all pretty entertaining, in a perverse kind of way

    tofugolem, avatar

    Schadenfreude. Yes.

    colo_lee, avatar

    @GottaLaff These guys are so certain they're "clever" "rich" guys and can get away with anything. What the rest of us agree with you in calling "assholes"...


    @GottaLaff “it’s meaningless because I do it so much” I also feel it’s easy to commit many crimes, you get used to it after awhile

    leswarden, avatar

    @GottaLaff To nobody really: Why wouldn’t he say this. It’s worked for them forever! 🤯

    Gorfram, avatar

    @GottaLaff “Shouty McCokeFace” very well may be the most apt nickname ever.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Gorfram 😁

    tofugolem, avatar

    "Shouty McCokeFace" will never not be funny.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tofugolem Woot!


    @GottaLaff 👍🏻👍🏻


    @GottaLaff This is a must read:


    @GottaLaff Thanks for this excellent thread!!

    Shadyboots, avatar

    @GottaLaff Don Jr benefited financially from the inflated valuation---mens rea

    kbsez, avatar


    Thanks for all the hard work... let's hope Junior waked and coked before court. I want more excitement than yesterday

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @kbsez We had some pretty good excitement yesterday!

    philip_cardella, avatar

    @GottaLaff you're the best!

    GottaLaff, avatar
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