

ScottyB avatar


IT Professional, NUFC Fan, Dad and long-time hobbyist. I also like to cook.

Federated avatar


Loving #Science, the #Environment, and #Equality. Big fan of #FOM and #Democracy.
After 26 years in 🇬🇧 🇳🇱 🇮🇪 🇬🇧 back in 🇩🇪.
Posting mainly about #HomeCooking and #Food, sometimes adding #Sunrise, #Clouds, #Politics and #LocalHistory. I love #Cycling to get around (manche kennen mich als #RadelnInH auf der Vogelschissseite, ich bin #Ganzjahresradfahrer in #Hannover, seit 2018 haben wir kein Auto mehr).
More time consuming interests: #Photography, #Languages, #LearningJapanese, #Anime avatar


Woke Antifa Mobster. 24/7/365 stream of: news, salty commentary and vitriol from a mostly leftist/progressive perspective. News feed is my own custom, hippie-biased algo. Commentary is me. I try to answer in a somewhat timely manner but often fail, so... sorry. #fedi22 #news #resist #antifa #woke #politics #socialjustice #fbr #ifb #science #openscience #openaccess #opendata #reproducibility #opensource #foss #privacy #based


My taste buds are mostly tickled by #JapaneseFood and #IndianFood but also many other cuisines. Cooking for my family. Hoping to inspire more people to cook proper food at home. #Cooking #Mastonom #Food avatar


Words for hire. Canadian, so… funny-ish? West Coast. Foodie. Oxford commas are a hill I’ll die on. Traveller. Anti-Nazi, pro-science.

In 2015, I sold everything to travel the world for over 4 years. I stopped 3 months before the pandemic. 25 countries in the Before Times? Worth it.

I share photography, tasty things, & cooking tips. I'm also political, left-leaning. Victoria, Canada.

And I swear. A lot.

#politics #yyj #travel #food #cooking #writing #writer #photography #canadian avatar


I like cake. I'm an East (San Francisco) Bay, California, USA human. Married, cis, old, white.
#TransRightsAreHumanRights #BlackLivesMatter avatar


#Artist. Couturier. Magical homosexual.

The elf in the custom #couture tailoring business Elfkin.

Married for the past 15 years to the extraordinary

Living in the belly of the West Hollywood beast.

Made with parts from 🇬🇷🇬🇧🇩🇪.

It should go without saying that all Black and trans lives matter.

Alt text. Profile pic: line art illustrated head of a man with a shaved head and beard. Header: stylized flower outline being stitched on denim. avatar


Creative Director: #ThemeParks, Interactive at #Pixar ~ #KingdomHearts Consultant ~ Mom to an #autistic #limbdifferent son ~ she/her

SF Bay Area - Go #49ers!


Boss of the Minnesota HotDish Mafia. PhD American Studies/Environmental History. Emmy Award Winner. All history is local. I may have written a few books. My loves include: cooking, baking, Proust, British mystery programs. Disabled and agoraphobic. avatar


Queer Southeast Asian in California working on #civictech. I lead the product team at San Francisco Digital Services.

I write about food, immigrant life, pets, steel bikes, photography and other analog hobbies. avatar


Programmer/Systems Analyst, Gamer Girl, Streamer, Absurdist, Premier Remix Culture Enjoyer, Voter.

Genderfluid, She/Her.

Send me cool unique games no one's heard of.

All Social etc links here: avatar




  • private account, not speaking for my employer
  • most posts expire after 12 months
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  • full text search enabled avatar


Designer, illustrator, web dev, metalhead, runner, aspiring Buddha, cat lover, unpublished writer (working on fixing that) and amateur chef


Keep up the pace, steady in death’s face…

#Running #Illustration #Writing #Writer #Cooking #Cats #Buddhism #HeavyMetal avatar


living proof you don't need to be smart to code

#nobot #searchable avatar


am liza sabater, the og blogdiva & resident afroboricua #antifa #dyslexic #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD tití.

surviving breast #cancer is my F/T job; but #dogs, #cats, #sports, #sewing, #cooking and #Monsterdon give me the energy to continue chronicling American fascism.

so #fuckCancer & #COVID19, join a #union & fight for #UBI & #Medicare4All avatar


From #India. Here for #photography, #travel pictures, #food, #TechStuff and the silly #banter. Janitor of this instance and I welcome you to join. I'm hopeful you might like it here - it's peaceful and the intention is to keep it that way.

I maintain the bots🤖 @India @bangalore @Mumbai @Delhi avatar


I organize books for fun at the public library. Knit, crochet, cook, read a lot, walk a lot , look at things. Small menagerie of birds and squirrels. Petsitter.

Lived in Venice Beach in the 60's, Utah in the 70's, and Oregon ever since. Big fan of Alaska, Seattle, San Francisco, New York, and Hawaiian Beaches.

All photos are by me on a phone camera, unless credited.

Avatar photo is me wearing an orchid. Banner photo is a skein of waterfowl in the skies above Eugene. avatar


People who live in glass houses shouldn't change clothes.


Software developer and (sometimes) blogger trying to figure out secret to living a healthy and content life into his 100's.


Gardener, cook, White Sox fan. Interested in sustainability and urbanism avatar


Nerd who edits #science stuff. Immigrant to #Japan (#Chiba)

Plays and runs #dnd. #Grammar enthusiast. Posts stupid #jokes and #puns (sorry). He/FoC.

Famichiki Mod :famichiki: :famichiki:

I’ll be much more likely to follow back if you have a full profile and there is human interaction first 🙂 avatar


Nucleic Acids #Chemist, #Biochemist, #Food & #Drink Lover - not always in that order.
Formerly @KitchenChemProf (Twitter)
#Homeschooling Dad of teens. Trying to read more recent SF&F - read a lot in late 80s to 90/00s.
Personal, not research lab account.

#FoodScience #Chemistry #Cooking #Gastronomy #FlavorScience #Taste #BBQ #Curry #Science #RNA #DNA #KitchenChemistry #KitchenScience #Academia #Cocktails #Parenting #Kids #Homeschool #Travel #Japan #RoadTrip #Music #Movies #SF #SFF avatar


Uni Łódź archaeologist, table-top gamer, book worm, punster, science fan, blogger, Leftie, Swede

#archaeology #ttrpg #boardgames #books #science #blogging #progressive #stockholm #sweden #lodz #poland avatar


Hello! I am a Librarian sharing my Retro collection with Mastodon. #Retro #Vintage #Nostalgia #Ephemera #popculture . avatar


The account of AI6YR Ben, on his own server. Also at (ham radio). Yes, I'm the guy who found that hiker using only the selfie of his feet. If you want to support this server, avatar


Gen X, more poesie than psycho, once and future student, carer, seachanger, and occasional crankypants.


Food, booze, books, cats, games, synth, theatre, travel; all that kind of thing. avatar


Co-host of "The Dalrymple Report", a podcast dedicated to tech, friendship, and curiosities.

I wrote Audio Cupcake (audio processing app), bunch of dev books, created (hockey site) support kindness and community,

CMU/Stanford alum.



Hockey writer & aspiring author | Epileptic | Queer | Animation lover | Teams in pinned comment
#ECHL #fedi22 #Hockey #Lacrosse #NFL #NHL #NLL #NWSL #WomensSports avatar


Sean and Ruchika - on vacation since September 17, 2014 💍 ❤️

A couple from #USA and #India posting our adventures!

Met in #Delhi, lived in #Toronto, currently based in #Chicago.

A few hashtags about us!

#travel #vegetarian #vegan #food #cafe #coffee #indian #urbanexploration #city #citylife #art #nature #adventure #boardgames

Profile: Photo of us at the Lan Su Chinese Garden in Portland, Oregon, USA taken in July 2023.

Header: Sunset in Pushkar, Rajasthan, India from March 2023. avatar


Supporter of progressive economic policy. Aspring small business owner. Volunteer lawyer. Amateur economist. Software developer.
#BoycottMeta avatar


I'm from the 70s. I'm married. I'm a Mahayana Buddhist some Chan some Zen some Vajrayana. I have ancestors from Puerto Rico but I'm not Hispanic. I have ancestors from the Seneca nation but I'm not indigenous. I have ancestors from Ireland and France but I'm not European. I've never been to the place I was born. The borderlands are my home.

Entiendo Español y puedo imitarlo (más o menos). avatar


Good food, healthy flavoursome eating. Vegetarian. Rustic, home grown and/or home cooked food. Lover of life, people, cultures, travel. Champion of growth, change and awareness. Curious. Always learning. Loving life and its challenges. Australian. Ancient. Impatient with ppl who posts are dogmatic, uncurious, condescending, judgemental, or just BS.

Don't expect many photos. This is not Insta.

Posts auto-delete regularly.

Tarntanya (aka Adelaide), Australia avatar


She/her. A late bloomer in life! I teach meditation full-time and dog training on the side. Also decided to pursue my passion (writing). I have a master's in making my tragedies seem funny. Die-hard #PhiladelphiaEagles fan love #yoga, dancing, Columbo reruns, #jazz, and #blues. Post frequently about the bears at Katmai Nat'l. Park, SWFL Eagle Cam. Classic #Virgo, and can overthink just about everything.

Follow me for relaxation tips at: avatar


Programmer, sysadmin, guitarist, singer, climber, cyclist. haproxy fan boy. Co-founder Brightbox.

Currently faffing with #homeautomation, baking #sourdough and restoring an antique #pianola

#cats #dogs #yorkshire #guitar #singer #ruby #devops #diy #boardgames #cooking #curry #bouldering #climbing #cycling #kubernetes

#socialism #feminist #antiracist #lgbtqrights #transrights avatar


I am, or have been, in no particular order, a: parent, data analyst, aircraft designer, guitarist, project manager, chartered mechanical engineer, chorus member, tinkerer, programmer, music fan, executive assistant, traveller, glider pilot, concert promoter, crowd herder and supermarket cashier. avatar


Founder of MajorsHouse

LANFest Board member

Community Manager of Twitch Raleigh


Founder of MajorToot (

Admin of


Thoughts expressed here are my own!

Please support the MajorsHouse Network!



#Tech #Gaming #Streaming #Twitch #YouTube


verifiably super disabled
mildly allergic to capital letters & semicolons

my goal is to post enough #ParkerIsTheBest cat photos for you to stay for the hot takes avatar


Aries crone emerita. I meme, therefore I am. #Thinker; #writer; #painter; #poet; #digitalart creator; #photographer; fierce #liberal; former Dem #ResistanceActivist on TW with 26k followers, but I’m here for the art. 🌈Ally. #Disabled & living life from my couch in sunny #NorCal, but my ❤️ is in #Paris. Perennial #geology student of the PNW, #Zentnerd. If reincarnation is true, I’m returning as a Northern Royal Albatross. Supporter 🔶OK TO REPOST MEMES🔶 avatar


Family Caregiver.
Eco/Social Justice Activist. Disability Advocate. Decolonizer. Accessibility Consultant. Eldercare Liason.
Teochew Chinese. War & Polio Survivor.
Neurodivergent. Nature lover. Cat lover. Photographer. Avid gardener. Water & forest protector. Moss toucher. Tree hugger. Bird watcher. GenX. Anti-capitalist.
Vancouver Island, BC.

#AsianMastodon #BIPOC #StopEcocide #BeTheChange


I'm here now:

[avatar image is a middle aged white woman with glasses and two braids]
[header is a portion of illuminated manuscript] avatar


Hi, I'm Sloth! I'm an open world #GuildWars2 commander for Mystic Trading Company and Hardstuck, specializing in farms around the legendary weapon market. I also play other games and stream cooking whenever I need to do mealprep. avatar


internet elder with cozy hobbies (#knitting #embroidery #reading)

aggressively progressive


currently in the foggy end of #sanfrancisco

follow requests granted liberally, but not if your profile is empty avatar


An Ottawa-based Ross who is inspired by people who have interests and pursue them.

Physics degreed, engineering careered. Enthusiastic about makerism, science, food, culture and art/design. Inordinately fond of breadmaking and chair design.

Trivialities, ephemera and daily activities.
#Ottawa #Canada #maker

Profile ALT text: Avatar is a white ceramic coffee mug like you might find in a diner. The banner is the famous Earthrise image where the Earth is just appearing over the moon.


Tai Chi, Food, Climate Change, Music, Politics from a pragmatic progressive perspective, Outdoors in Colorado and elsewhere.
(He/Him) avatar


I’m a #gaymer who loves romps in the digital world! Books, Creative Writing, Anime/Manga, Movies, and Art help me recharge in-between shifts at work. Despite the fact I’m here to connect to others, anxiety sometimes disrupts jolly conversations.

Pronouns: He/Him


Basilius Besler is my mentor and Hortus Eystettensis is my codex.
🌿 Rogue Georgia botanist who belongs to the California Redwoods 🌲
🍽 Epicurean swash-buckler / also whiskey 🥃
🧑🏻‍🍳 Ed’s personal chef 🥬
✍🏻 Political connoisseur
🇺🇸 Pedigreed DAR

(Photos are my own)

#gardening #GardenDesign #NativePlants #horticulture #cooking #FoodHistory #sfba #democracy #GeorgiaPolitics avatar


Front-end Engineer. Aggressive keyboard navigation tester. Years of experience fighting against bright ideas. Opinions are my own. she/her avatar


Technologist at Large,
Retro Futurist,
batteries included.

Programmer, maker of hardware, 3D stuff, and jewellery.
Been CTO-type a number of times, best known is Shazam, but I really prefer making stuff to management.

Stable genius

Open to gigs.

Being nice to people absolutist.

searchable avatar


It's pretty much all about Gulf Coast sheep, cats, and food over here... Life of a smallholder on the prairie. Grow Zone 6a.

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