

ChoosyChow avatar


I write, make music, paint, and all sorts of other creative stuff. Though if I was any good at it, I’d probably be doing it for a living 🤔

testing avatar


zu testzwecken > this is my favorite alt acc on the fedi

Federated avatar

  • Author of:
    • "Out of Time"
    • "The Singular Case of the Three Witches"
    • "Scavenger Hunt"
    • "Last Call"
    • "The Roland Targus Series"

  • iOS dev, thought provoker, ideaist, paronomasiac, etc. avatar


Fast run down: (You really should read it if you're following me.)

✒️I'm an #LightNovel author of #Yuri #Paranormal #Romance. (#YuriWierdTales)

⛩️👻My work in progress is “For Love of a Konbini Idol, I Faced Her Onry Lover.”

🎌I microblog on Japanese underground idols. (Chika)
✒️I post frequently to writer’s and music prompts and post plushie & food pictures.

To get the most out of following, filter on hashtags you are not interested in.

⛩️👻My serialized novel: #KonbiniIdol
✒️Writing: #Writing #WritersCoffeeClub #WordWeavers #PennedPossibilities
🎌Idols: #Jidol #KaigaiIdol #MenmaMonday
🎵Music: #TuneTuesday #MusicWomenWednesday #JMusicFriday
🧸Plushie: #Plushie

🎵🎌I sponsor the music prompt JMusicFiday, the" Daily Tsukishiro Himari" and MenmaMonday avatar


Board game designs, strange writings, and random thoughts, graciously provided by David Dawkins.
#Writer #Writing #BoardGames #Fantasy #SciFi #Authodon avatar


Had a long career as a photographer & writer about the outdoors, but now much more focused on fiction, especially SF. Author website is
Lots of photos and quite a lot of words at
Still very much into the #outdoors, especially #cycling #gravelbikes (I’ve written about that too). avatar


I am an eclectic witchy wordsmith crafting enchantments through fantasy novels. Beyond quills and keyboards, I unleash my creativity on illustrations and visual art and dabble in the mystiques of Linux-y things.

I am Dutch and dyslexic. While I do my best to minimize errors, please forgive me for the occasional slip-up.

Profile picture: Me wearing a purple witch hat. avatar


writer, artist, mum, spoonie, and very tired avatar


RS, pronounced /är' əs/. Professional #SF #fiction writer coming back from burn-out. Writes character-driven #SFF (science fiction #fantasy) and some #fanfiction (#MLP). #ClarionWest 98 graduate. #SFWA life member. Studied non-western culture, #folklore, and #mythology. #Feminist #Writer and #Author in the #WritingCommunity amongst the #WritersOfMastodon.

Goals: Return to paid publication. Provide interesting content for followers. Make friends; attract colleagues. See intro post for more...


the hex is silent

professional source code complainer, Pwnie Awards 2014 Best Song



I am only responsible for what I do/say/write. Not for what you make of it!

Head of the Teleyal family
Author of the D&D story at
Characters on are owned by me

Timezone: Europe/Berlin

Read more about the character at

I love digital art, writing, fantasy, and sometimes Sci-Fi.

#Writing #AmWriting #Fantasy #DungeonsAndDragons #DnD #DigitalArt #FediWriter #FediArt


Writer and career multi-tasker, with obsessions for MG--speculative / grounded fantasy & lit fic, music (Juilliard, cello), ecology (PhD), & dogs (agility trainer),,,
#WritingCommunity, #writers, #WritersofMastodon avatar


I'm Owen Tyme and I'm a novelist.

I prefer to write action-filled science fantasy, though I sometimes write fantasy or science fiction, when the inspiration takes me there. I love grounding what I write in science, even when writing about dragons, witches and wizards.

Though I currently call Liberal, Kansas home, I was born in the California Bay Area. I've come to enjoy the mild climate of Kansas. I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

#author #writing #publishing avatar


Aspiring fantasy author and geek, with a bunch of chronic illnesses.

The Last Philosopher is my first book under the subtitle, Nothing is Everything.

It's been called imaginative, funny, and unique. People have even gone so far as to compare it to #DouglasAdams and #TerryPratchett.
My response to that comparison, is to go hide under the covers for a week with embarrassment.

Posts about writing, reading, books, libraries, and geekstuff.

Tags: #Writing #Author #Indie #Fantasy #Comedy #Satire avatar


Damon Thomas is a sixth-generation Floridian who grew up on the banks of the Suwannee in rural Dixie County, FL. A kid there once burned down the Scout Hut. An old log cabin in the Cross City park. When asked why he just said that he was bored. All from the area could relate. Small town boredom. Rural gloom. Damon has released 20 Spoken Word albums & 7 books on life in that Southern Gothic setting. #SouthernGothic #writing

Avatar: person in front of fake trees
Header: chain halo skull sticker avatar


Author | Aussie | Written all kinds of tales over the years - romance, murder mystery, science fiction and fantasy and more.
Warning: Short term memory loss. avatar


Writer. Journalist. Raconteur.

I live in Cape May, New Jersey, USA, where I write about politics, culture, science, history, religion and travel. I look a bit like if Hagrid ate Harry. I hate bullies no matter what side they’re on. I'm kind, until you push me. Three kids. Seven grands. Running out of fucks.

Phillies. Eagles. Liverpool.

There are some who call me—Tim.

Publisher of three pubs: Ellemeno, Rome, and A Bit Dodgy. avatar


¹ Recent books:

tech - OpenBSD Mastery: Filesystems, DNSSEC Mastery 2/e
Fantasy - Prohibition Orcs
Mystery - $ git sync murder
Collection: Apocalypse Moi

Pet rats. Martial arts. Punch Nazis & terfs. If it wasn't on Industrial Records it's not industrial music, it's just sparkling noise. He/him. Bangpath old. Gelato! avatar


Retired. Fiber arts. Books. Spec Fic. Colorado Header Mountains are view from site. She/her. ace/aro/NB Survived the Marshall Fire. The view didn't burn #nobridge avatar


Beginner hard science fiction writer and science enthusiast.

My identity and beliefs: female/cis/bi/furry. Non-specific Progressive Protestant Christian. Market technosocialist. Anti-crypto/NFTs. Neutral on AI.

Discord: @maxythefoxy

------I wrote two sci-fi novels, check them out! avatar


Malaysian tech writer. Works in tech. Former journalist but always a writer. Autodidact.

If you follow me I promise that I'm absolutely random.

Toots #IndieWeb #Obsidian #Malaysia #TootSEA #Books #TV #Writing #CDrama #KDrama #Urbanism #Cats #Dogs #Tech and very occasional #GeoPolitics

Occasionally talks in Manglish. avatar


Never forget, for everyone in this world, a "flower meadow" can be created
Just believe it, for everyone

nickname...NGP...thank you my dear friend Tim

You will find my poems and ballads here

My second account
For my poems, thoughts, lyrics and threads

#betterworld #givethemavoice #poem #writing #democracy #kindness #photography #fotografie #love #liebe #together #zusammen #future #tolerance #human #history #greece #poetry avatar


Bestselling SFF Author. THE CALLING and THE CHASM (Finding Humanity series). SILENCE OF THE SONG TREES. Cat Magnet. Yogi. Environmentalist. 🏳️‍🌈Ally. BLM.


#Supernatural fan. Love to watch and re-watch :)
I am a Dean girl but I love many other characters.
I write #Destiel fics on #AO3 - a very good friend convinced me to start writing a year ago and then she convinced me to publish too.
I am ok with all ships and fans.
Do not like drama.
Love J2M and many other actors/actresses.
I am a fan of their new works, so I am also a fan of #TheBoys, #Walker, #TheWinchesters, and can't wait to see Misha in his new role.
Love #RadioCompany
she/her avatar


"The object isn't to make art, it's to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable." - Robert Henri

Here to create intentional community with kind, generous, open-hearted and good-humored people.

All power - social, political, economic, academic, or technological - belongs to The People.

Not anonymous. Not your mom.

Follow my alt account under my nom de plume: avatar


#Author, Cloud Consultant, #Naturist, #Linux fan, #theremin, #bodhran player and #MicroFreak owner.
Also #vegan and #EVdriver.

Find out more about me:

Listed on #fedi22. Won't boost images without ALT text.
Sincere Intelligence proponent. avatar


Human-shaped, monkey-loving, robot-fighting, pirate-hearted, storytelling junkie, Mark is an award-winning author of satire and science fiction.

(alt texts: avatar is mark looking worried in a space helmet. The banner is a herd of dairy cattle running away from an invading swarm of UFOs.) avatar


I Write. I make films. Transmedia artist. My blog is about my works and life. I daydream a lot and want to be paid for it. Been creating #sff #scifi since 2001 but only recently got BSFA 2021 + Nommo Awards 2022 shortlist. PKD Awards 2024 finalist!

My films #DilmanShortFilms

#fedi22 #filmmaking #writing #writingcommunity

East Africa

Avatar: my selfie in a grey hood, in a misty freezing town, I look miserable. Header: comic page of a woman holding a baby avatar


Technical consultant at TPGi, JavaScript accessibility specialist, writer, musician, neurodivergent (ADHD), vegetarian, socialist. avatar


Writer, walker, atheist, cinema lover, hobby musician, science junkie, perpetual maths student, cricket fan, chess patzer. I post about new music a LOT! #Music #NewMusic avatar


General Fiction and Genre Mashing writer... mainly for adults, chocolate lover, foodie, animal lover, quick learner, up for almost anything



Email (for work only): avatar


I’m a #gaymer who loves romps in the digital world! Books, Creative Writing, Anime/Manga, Movies, and Art help me recharge in-between shifts at work. Despite the fact I’m here to connect to others, anxiety sometimes disrupts jolly conversations.

Pronouns: He/Him


A professional dilettante, Alistair Young was born in England and now lives in Wichita, Kansas with his wife and two dogs. One morning, he woke up with a universe in his head, and knowing this was a sign of either insanity or literature, started writing and hopes for the best. avatar


Aussie in Singas.

Writer. Code dabbler. Former TV/film/commercial video producer/director/actor.

Married to
Two bratty sons.

One of my novels (read it for free):

Fingerprint: 79A1 DC6C D367 8A31 135A 7AFA 940E 4231 D7B9 B15C

Other instances (semi-active): avatar


Fantasy writer, poet, blogger, doodler, avid reader and crafty gal trying to curtail her crafty exploits to just a few.

Currently those are crochet and whittling, but next week it may be something totally different.

Lives in the Netherlands with her husband and three cats.

avatar by hungrydamy on etsy avatar


Fantasy writer, poet, blogger, doodler, avid reader and crafty gal trying to curtail her crafty exploits to just a few.

Currently those are crochet and whittling, but next week it may be something totally different.

Lives in the Netherlands with her husband and three cats.

Most posts self destruct in a month

avatar by hungrydamy on etsy avatar


Leanpub is a unique platform for writing & publishing, with a bookstore that helps readers discover new books & authors every day! Follow us for news & deals! avatar


Formerly from Twitter and Trans, bi, she / her. Writing, dreams, politics, science, metaphysics.

Blocking and muting you is the easiest thing in the world if you mouth off at me. avatar


Writer/podcaster; fan of books, podcasts, hockey, baseball, curling & movies. Regional Traffic Manager for Rogers Radio in Ottawa. Views & opinions are my own.

I was also diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 35. Sometimes I talk about that.

You can find links to my work at avatar


• A irreverent guy with a wandering spirit, stranger in a strange land.
• Politically incorrect.
• Microsoft and Big Tech hater, Linux user.
• Bookworm: Classic Theology, Philosophy, History and Novels reader.
• Analog music collector: Compact Discs, Vinyl Records and Cassettes in the XXI century.
• Old videogames lover: DOOM, Wolfenstein, ROTT, Heretic, Wolfenstein, etc.
• Japanophile, Asian Movies and Music lover, addicted to JPop since 1985.

#fedi22 #JPop #Japan #JapaneseMusic #1980s #Retro


Editor, writer, lapsed biologist living in the west of Ireland. Also

#language #books #nature #words #editing #writing #environment #film

Header pic: mossy beech trees on a small rise in a local wood.
Profile pic: half my face in a warm grey hoody surrounded by trees in the Burren 🌳


Putting words together in pleasing ways.

Discover my Fantasy, SF and Steampunk books, also erotica, with LGBTQ+ and diverse leads.

Patterner's World best reading order:

  • Dragons of Esternes (4 books, complete)
  • Patterner's Path (4 books, complete)
  • Dragons of a Wounded Land (5 books, not complete)

I have no time for bigots (of any stripe). Safe for everyone else.

#Writing #WriteOnce #WritingCommunity #Fantasy #SciFi #Steampunk #Erotica #Queer #LGBTQ+ #biFic #3dRender avatar


#Author (#NonFiction #Gothic #Horror #Fantasy). Anthology Editor. #Writing Coach.
Rescuer & Trainer of #Cats. #Permaculture Gardener in #Bulgaria. avatar


I write epic and contemporary fantasy novels along with all sorts of varied shorter fiction - SF, Steampunk, Dark Fantasy. She/her. All opinions I post here are absolutely my own. You can find out a whole lot more at avatar


documenting myself & building a personal online library @ / chronically struggling with health & existence. particularly interested in #philosophy. other interests: #cooking #photography #running avatar


Posting #webcomic discussions every Wednesday for creators to network and share their craft. avatar


33, she/her.

Deactivated my Twitter account in March 2022. Deleted Tiktok in 2023.

Blogger, musician, reader, photographer, writer. I love posting about technology and books. avatar


Dad. Writer. Amateur photographer. Dabbler in tabletop game design. Fan of books, tabletop/video games, comics, music and movies. Neutral Good. He/him.
Thoughts and opinions are my own. avatar


I write #erotica about sexy #GreekGods & #GreekMythology 🏛️

Commissions are open:

New stories every month on Patreon:

I host #MythologyMonday and #FannyFriday.


#Mythology #writer #indieauthor #forHire #commissionMe #fedi22
Searchable via avatar


Kris Bock writes #mystery #suspense and #romance novels, many with outdoor adventures and Southwestern landscapes. avatar


Welcome to Flipboard’s culture and entertainment picks. You'll find insightful interviews, revealing reviews and thought-provoking features. Posts are handpicked by Flipboard editors. Boosts do not imply endorsement, but are used to highlight posts we think the community might find interesting. #Culture #Entertainment #TheArts #Food

For more culture picks, follow Flipboard's federated Culture Desk (@theculturedesk)

Header photo: Group of people having fun at concert. Photo by Getty Images


Canadian, occupying land resulting from bad faith deals with indigenous peoples, between Toronto and Ottawa. @ 314.8 PPM CO² . Privilege is transparent to the privileged.

Tags: #3dprinting #AI #art #artist #CAD #cnc #climate #FOSS #FreeCAD #fusedGlass #glass #glassArt #Neurodivergent #php #photography #science #software #woodworking #writer #writing

Writer working on my first SF/cyberpunk novel.

I'm aphantasic. Instead I process abstractions. Abstract algebra is intuitive to me.

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