A place to discuss Windows PC Software

@aronow@hachyderm.io avatar

I (finally) have a role to share!

#Fullstack #Software Engineer for a small company improving government services through tech.

  • Fully remote within the US (government requirement)

  • 3+ years eng exp

  • 2+ years modern OOP exp, (#RubyOnRails a big bonus)

  • Some exp with unit testing and cloud services

  • Salary - $120k-$149k

Please shoot a resume or LinkedIn profile to jenna@aronow.io if you’re interested!

#fedihire #JobOpportunity #hiring

collective_zero, German
@collective_zero@ipv6.social avatar

, und haben eigentlich in ihrem Koalitionsvertrag vereinbart, dass Aufträge für „in der Regel als Open Source beauftragt“ werden. Denn der verbreitete Einsatz von -Produkten steht schon lange in der Kritik. Bereits 2019 stellte eine Studie im Auftrag des ‘s eine Abhängigkeit der von wenigen Software-Anbietern fest…“



@collective_zero Die sollten erst mal kompetente Open Source Entwickler einstellen und entscheiden lassen. OpenSource ist aus einer Community oder aus purem Eigenbedarf eines Entwicklers gewachsen. Das kann nicht beauftragt werden. Dabei kommt dann so ein Scheiß wie die Corona App raus. Tausende haben sich zwar den Quelltext auf Github angesehen, was schon als Erfolg gefeiert wurde, mitgearbeitet hat wohl kaum einer. Open Source ist für alle, auch der Eigenbedarf-Entwickler gibt es für alle frei und freut sich sogar über Nutzung und Feedback, um sein Projekt noch besser zu machen. Ich habe keinen Lösungsvorschlag, wie Open Source Community und Behörden zusammen gebracht werden könnten, aber was Open Source ist, sollten die Behörden erst mal wissen, bevor sie Open Source "bestellen". Außerdem vermute ich, daß oft gar nicht gecheckt wird, welche Open Source Alternative es für welchen Zweck bereits gibt. Stattdessen wird einfachheitshalber beim Marktführer bestellt.

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

Although wildfires are not great, I am somewhat excited my software to map these is working out and drawing pretty pictures and auto-tagging fire names. https://m.ai6yr.org/

@firefly@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@ai6yr i like it too!

@GIMP@floss.social avatar

Contributor devlog "Experiments with AppImage" by Bruno, one of our latest contributors, yet extremely active regarding packaging:

#GIMP #software #packaging

@friction@floss.social avatar

@GIMP In our experience it's best to build on a EL compatible distro. v7 if possible else v8. This will give you the best compatibility possible, we also recommend just using appimagetool https://github.com/friction2d/friction/blob/main/src/scripts/build_vfxplatform_package.sh#L192

redhotcyber, Italian
@redhotcyber@mastodon.bida.im avatar

Attacco agli ATM riuscito! Un Tasso del 99% di Efficacia Spaventa tutte le Banche Europee

Nello spazio #digitale si sta diffondendo attivamente un nuovo tipo di #malware #ATM. Il suo tasso di successo, secondo i suoi autori, raggiunge il 99%.

Questo #software dannoso, chiamato “EU ATM Malware”, è in grado di #hackerare quasi tutti gli sportelli #bancomat in #Europa e circa il 60% degli sportelli bancomat in tutto il mondo, il che rappresenta una #minaccia significativa per la sicurezza bancaria globale..

#redhotcyber #online #it #ai #hacking #innovation #privacy #cybersecurity #technology #engineering #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity


emill1984, Polish
@emill1984@101010.pl avatar

Chciałem sobie przy okazji wyjazdu na #Wegry sprawdzić jak działa #Waze zamiast #Yanosik.a i #GoogleMaps

Ludzie,jak Wy możecie z tego korzystać, przecież to pokazuje o godzinę dłuższą trasę i bez alternatyw 🤨

#nawigacja #oprogramowanie #software


After stewing for a long time in my head, a thought finally hit me. Why don't I build a single piece of software that does everything I want the way I want it.

Instead of finding a personal finance app, a invoicing app, a bookmarking app, a goodreads like app...etc., Why don't I just build a Django supersite with all these apps in one?

I don't have to define it as any kind of app, make it generic, worry about code quality or maintainability or anything really. Heck, I can even write a dead narrow PDF parser that parses my credit card statements and energy bills and have it all in the same app.

It just needs to support one user me. Has anyone else tried this route? Building a superapp for yourself?

#Software #SelfHosted #Personal

@ff3@fosstodon.org avatar

@tecoholic Never tried it, but it reminds me of this: https://beepb00p.xyz/hpi.html


@tecoholic could be that supersite?

@GlenDownton@mastodon.au avatar

Looks like I'll be spending the weekend making the key #software #architecture decision for my new project - what shall I call it?

#developer #devlife

@GlenDownton@mastodon.au avatar

Just asked #ChatGPT to come up with a name and I like it's suggestion. Which is annoying.

doefom, German
@doefom@mastodon.social avatar

What’s the best piece of #software you use in your daily work as a #laravel developer?

@emd@cosocial.ca avatar

@doefom Ray

@doefom@mastodon.social avatar

@emd how could I not know this exists. Thanks for the hint! Will try this

emill1984, Polish
@emill1984@101010.pl avatar

Od wczoraj #Slack na moim komputerze wykazuje bardzo dziwne zachowanie, otoz...

ilekroc nie otworze sobie jego okienka, to od razu w miejscu na wpisanie wiadomosci pojawia mi sie... to co mam w schowku 🙃 Zaden inny #komunikator sie tak nie zachowuje

#oprogramowanie #software

@eoinoneill@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

If you ever wonder why people like open source :

  • Think of a feature you'd like to see in your favorite closed source application (let's say Discord, as I did recently)
  • Look into if you can submit feedback or suggestions to whichever company makes said software. You'll only have this option if you're lucky, frankly.
  • Push a feature into the void and pray to the gods that someone both sees it and understands the value.

Consider that, with , you can just test it out yourself.

@eoinoneill@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

You also don't need to try to justify a feature using some metric like market demand nor will you get pushback around the idea that an idea is too niche or confusing. Anything that helps you, you can add yourself. And if others find it useful -- then, great -- go ahead an collaborate if you wish.

@codeandsupply@hachyderm.io avatar

awards travel assistance to people who are:

  • coming to Pittsburgh for a conference, speaking or just attending
  • living in Pittsburgh but needing assistance to afford to speak elsewhere in the US

Our funding is purely from individual donors and some small donor-advised funds.

Help us show what has to offer.


@bruce@hachyderm.io avatar

@codeandsupply Small thing: it’s kind to people using screen readers to use camel case for hash tags. In this case: A screen reader will handle the camel case as distinct words instead of trying to pronounce the whole thing as a single word.

minioctt, Italian

Questa non è un’ode all’MSX (me la terrò in serbo per una prossima volta), però cazzo se è buono l’MSX. Ora che lo guardo un pochino meglio, per molti versi sembra decisamente più allettante del NES, e mi sa che rischia di diventare la mia piattaforma preferita, dal punto di vista dello . (Riguardo il gaming invece, si continua ad andare semplicemente dove stanno i giochi volta per volta, il resto conta meno di zero.) 🥶️

Lo stereotipo che i giochi scrollano di cacca in parte è vero, e certamente il NES sotto quel punto di vista rimane migliore, però per il resto… l’audio è oggettivamente migliore (ha più roba dei 4 canali), il video negli altri ambiti è più potente e flessibile con anche diverse modalità (e con MSX2 diviene tutto ancora meglio), e per il resto… l’MSX è uno standard per home computer, non una console, per cui si gode di più memoria senza bestemmie, supporto di prima classe a dispositivi come mouse e tastiera, o anche espansioni più oscure. 👹️

Volendo quasi quasi programmare per questa piattaforma quel recente giochino che ho in mente, perché credo di riuscire a fare qualcosa di artisticamente più valido con le limitazioni d’epoca (ma sento che il NES rischia di essere un mal di testa troppo grosso), ho provato a cercare qualcosa… E inizialmente mi stavo un po’ scoraggiando, non riuscendo a trovare materiale soddisfacente, ma continuando a scavare ho trovato MSXgl; sembra una multimediale eccellente, permette di in #C con astrazioni comode per quasi ogni cosa. La documentazione non è perfetta, molti dettagli non sono detti quindi un po’ ho dovuto guardare i sorgenti dell’engine e degli esempi, e un po’ cercare in giro… ma è comunque sorprendentemente ottima. 😻️

Per iniziare a prendere familiarità col tutto, ho fatto giusto questo po’ ora: una ROM che mostra due linee di dialogo senza senso all’avvio, e poi cambia scena e inizia a riprodurre una musica. Ovviamente, gli assets sono quelli di , non ho ancora iniziato a produrre nulla, anche perché devo prima capire quale modalità video è la migliore per questa mia applicazione… 🧐️https://octospacc.altervista.org/2024/05/18/msx-more-like-sex/




gambling on the msx

@keithius@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

🎵 Friday morning deployments, oh yay~ 🎵

#software #development

emill1984, Polish
@emill1984@101010.pl avatar

Ciekawe ile jeszcze potrwaja problemy #MeteoPL z zasilaniem - bo przyznam, ze bez ich strony i prognozy to troche jak bez reki

#software #PrognozaPogody

emill1984, Polish
@emill1984@101010.pl avatar

zyskal funkcje latwego budowania Wiki i "Bazy Wiedzy"

Moze bym w koncu gdzies spisal cala pracowa dokumentacje.. ? 😆

kubikpixel, (edited ) German
@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar

Hach ja, die Schweiz ist ja neutral und hat deswegen nichts zu verbergen... oder... oder?!??

»Russische Software beim Bund: "Das würde unseren Ruf ruinieren"«

🙄 https://www.srf.ch/news/dialog/cybersicherheit-russische-software-beim-bund-das-wuerde-unseren-ruf-ruinieren

@rc2225@mastodon.social avatar

@kubikpixel Dein Zitat ist aber auch nicht wirklich offen….
Suggeriert für mich eher, dass dies eine Aussage aus einem Bundesamt ist. Ist es nicht, weil in dieser Textstelle um Hintertüren geht.

@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar

@rc2225 nicht mein Zitat, das ist der Artikeltitel 🙄

@alien@fosstodon.org avatar

Java updates for 2024Q2

Three weeks ago, the quarterly (security and stability) updates to various Java source code repositories were released. This means, new packages for OpenJDK versions 8, 11 and 17 are now in my Slackware repository. It took a while but hey, here they are.
For OpenJDK 8 I still use icedtea to compile the Java sources because it is convenient. The more modern


@JHein@mastodon.social avatar

One of the most legendary things I've seen in an office was done by a project lead.

His team was meant to refactor a huge obsolete system.

He managed to create a huge complicated diagram along the office wall of the current system, its various parts, and its sub-systems.

He then said, "This isn't worth it." Then he left the office. I was later told that he quit.

His team found it hilarious. They knew they were doomed. 😅

@depereo@mastodon.social avatar

Nothing more batshit than (like , for example) popping up notifications that you could 'Host a webinar!' and making you click "Maybe Later" instead of "The fuck is this?!".

I need a response dialogue like "I never want to hear a single thing out of you ever again. I am forced to use this godawful software for my job. Do not limit my response to polite noncommittal declination. If I could burn your binary I would."

@coldclimate@hachyderm.io avatar

@depereo yes

@jupiter@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Hey, any web dev people here?

How would one implement an image / video / zip downloader that first hits S3, and if unsuccessful, then hits IPFS as a fallback.

Like, that type of thing needs to already exist in some form, right?

#software #website #conservation

@schizanon@mastodon.social avatar

@ArneBab @jupiter why not use IPFS before your S3 budget runs out?

My point was that IPFS isn't going to have your file unless people have been downloading it with IPFS, or you are paying a pinning service to host it.

@ArneBab@rollenspiel.social avatar

@schizanon have you tried how user experience differs between both? @jupiter

@lx@swiss.social avatar

Why is writing a working CardDAV/CalDAV server apparently so difficult? I’ve never seen an implementation that is not buggy and messes up my data. Or is it not the server and rather the clients?

@lx@swiss.social avatar

For example, contact photos disappearing or becoming a pixelated mess, random contacts appearing that cannot be deleted, reminders in calendar events getting ignored or reset to the 15min default, etc…

@sanityinc@hachyderm.io avatar

Can you teach "taste" in design? I'm not sure I can, but I know it when I see it (or fail to).

@grahamperrin@bsd.cafe avatar

It's time.

Thanks – to the countless software developers and contributors who rarely, or never, receive a personal thank-you.

Some of the most challenging projects can trigger unfairly negative responses, when positive updates are offered. To the few developers who are bold and generous enough to take on these extraordinary challenges: a very special thank-you. You know who you are.

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

😅BBC: North Yorkshire Council to phase out apostrophe use on street signs😭

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@ai6yr currently writing a proposal to rename my street to

Robert'); drop tables streets;--

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