@mapto@qoto.org avatar



Studying how people interact, in the past (#CulturalAnalytics) and today (#EdTech #Crowdsourcing). Researcher at https://fediscience.org/@IslabUnimi, University of Milan. Bulgarian activist for legal reform with https://masto.ai/@pravosadiezv. I use dedicated accounts for different languages.

My profile is searchable with https://www.tootfinder.ch/

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

sarahjelm, to sweden Swedish
@sarahjelm@mastodon.social avatar

#PISA … ALL of the news of today in #sweden
Read this by Jenny-Maria
#grades go up but PISA results go down …
(And Sweden did not close any contemporary schools during Covid)

@education @edutooter @edutooters @socialscience @politicalscience

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@denspier @sarahjelm @education @edutooter @edutooters @socialscience @politicalscience in case it actually matters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programme_for_International_Student_Assessment#Framework
Turns out (what a surprise!) OECD didn't design the study, but just sponsor its roll out across countries

Daojoan, to random
@Daojoan@mastodon.social avatar

How can I support you today?

Share your work, critique a draft, brainstorm together?

I'm here to help. In any way.

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@Daojoan hi Joan, your offer does look very generous and I'd like to take advantage. Thank you for putting it out.

This paper has already been accepted, but it is an early presentation of an ongoing project. I wonder if it might interest you:

Title: "Towards a Phenomenographic Framework for Exploratory Visual Analysis of Bibliographic Data"

Abstract: "A recurring challenge when studying history of translation is interpreting catalogue metadata. On one
hand such interpretation is limited by the fact that data present in catalogue records is tabular and nominative, and not quantitative. On the other hand, such research is guided by tacit knowledge of scholars
in the humanities, and thus it could be challenging to reproduce its results. We take inspiration from phenomenography, a discipline within educational research that examines how students perceive the
phenomena being learned. We adopt the view that scienti昀椀c inquiry is a collective form of learning.
By doing this, we turn to the phenomenographic theory that variation is necessary to understand the
phenomena being studied, and is achieved through three distinct patterns of variance: contrast, generalisation and fusion. We propose an approach to visualise the combination of nominal data and tacit
knowledge by subjecting it to these three patterns. We illustrate our approach with two case studies
from literary translations between Italy and the UK in the post-war 20th century. Our claim is that on
one hand this guides scholars on how to analytically approach their research questions, on the other
it drives them to externalise and validate hidden assumptions. Our approach offers a way of doing
reproducible science not only when conducting literature research with bibliographic data. It is also
applicable in the wider cases within the humanities when tabular data are available."


fedifaschifo, to fediverso
@fedifaschifo@mastodon.social avatar

Qual è il problema del Fediverso italiano?

Ho sempre immaginato il fediverso come una BBS ma un po’ più aperta che avrebbe potuto trasformare il web in qualcosa di nuovo.

In realtà le mie previsioni non si sono avverate.



@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@fedifaschifo @Star_VoidY @fediverso quando dici "italiani" intendi in lingua italiana, su hosting italiano, oppure una comunità (quasi) esclusivamente italiana di nazionalità. Io tendo a confondermi tra queste.

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@fedifaschifo @Star_VoidY @fediverso perdonami la prossima domanda: a che servono le istanze italiane e perché dovremmo occuparsene di loro? Scusa, io non sono italiano. Mi pongo le stesse domande per le istanze bulgare e non riesco a trovare nessuna giustificazione valida. Dopo la comunità bulgara (nel mondo fisico) è circa 10 volte più piccola di quella italiana e per diverse ragioni e molto meno interessante

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@fedifaschifo @Star_VoidY @fediverso

Il server è indipendente dalla lingua che utilizzino i suoi utenti. In più, io utilizzo diverse lingue e non penso che una tra loro potrebbe determinare la mia identità. Se un server in Italia avrebbe da proporre qualcosa autentico come lo fanno diversi server in Germania, per esempio, facilmente troverebbe una sua comunità, che sicuramente non sarebbe isolata secondo la sua lingua. Quelli tedeschi non sono solamente in tedesco, anche se l'influenza è imponente.

PS: Chiaramente sai poco della comunità bulgara, ma questo importa poco.

siderea, (edited ) to random

There are two problems that are coming for Mastodon of which apparently an awful lot of people are unaware. These problems are coming for Mastodon not because of anything specific to Mastodon: they come to all growing social media platforms. But for some reason most people haven't noticed them, per se.

The first problem is that scale has social effects. Most technical people know that scale has technological effects. Same thing's true on the social side, too.


CC: @Gargron

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@siderea @Crell post it here please. Thank you for this huge work!

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@siderea @Crell did you see this? Already making waves in the Italian community. https://mastodon.social/@fedifaschifo/111488849240369217
PS: translator's nickname/handle means "the fediverse sux," literally

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@siderea @Crell well, I do have to apologise for all the unintelligible Italian that you'll keep getting for a while. But hopefully the fact that this is making an impact should compensate the annoyance.

TomLarrow, to genart
@TomLarrow@vis.social avatar

Been a super stressful few weeks, but I've had this #CreativeCoding sketch in #py5 running in the background of my file server generating hundreds of images. It gave me something to look forward to seeing the results at at the end of each day.

Tonight I sorted through the images and picked out a few of my favorites

Code: https://codeberg.org/TomLarrow/creative-coding-experiments/src/branch/main/x_0100/x_0113

Flowing ribbons of purple with bright green highlights
A flow field where lines of red and blue flow together
an abstract curve shape of shades of orange and blue

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@TomLarrow I love the alt texts. No irony, putting abstraction in words is an artistic expression of its own

mapto, to random
@mapto@qoto.org avatar

Wow, that's a cool story. Infocom's Zork interpreter sources leaked/found decades after they made history.

ceoln, to mastodon
@ceoln@qoto.org avatar

One thing that could be improved about #Mastodon , or at least #qoto 's version, is that if there's a thread going on and you reply to an item in it, and the person who wrote that item then blocks you, there is afaict no affordance at all to find the rest of the thread again...

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@ceoln not in your posts and replies? I've never had this situation

randahl, to random
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

When I grew up, bombing hospitals and killing children was wrong.

It did not matter whose hospital or children it was.

It was just wrong.

@mapto@qoto.org avatar
@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@TruthSandwich @gavinisdie @randahl there are still civilians inside, they should be protected even when in military bases. This is exactly the reason both_sides use them as human shields

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@TruthSandwich @gavinisdie @randahl I suppose you know that to make a valid argument you need to provide evidence for it. If you want to negate a claim about Netanyahu (it's not the people of Israel, but its leadership that makes these decisions, as well as the decisions to stand by them once confirmed), you don't talk about what Hamas does. If one side commits atrocities, it doesn't mean the other doesn't. In fact it does

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@Properganda @anubis2814 @randahl both sides show genocidal intent. Yes, Hamas does it more violently. Israel knows to be more careful in its appearance, but even before October this year has been the most violent one, with Palestinian victims being much more, and with West Bank being under continuous pressure by armed settlers with documented government and military support

mapto, to privacy
@mapto@qoto.org avatar

Excuse me for reposting:
We are conducting a study where we need to keep audio recordings of participant evaluations. Can anyone suggest how the voices in these recordings could be distorted so they could be anonymised? I thought it is an easy problem, but similar questions on several platforms remain unanswered. @dataGovernance @datasovereignty

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@vanderbeeken @dataGovernance @datasovereignty hm, I'm not so sure. Certainly the type of data we collect is not so sensitive to justify including resourceful actors in a possible threat model of ours.

As for transcripts, if they were readily available and not a sufficient proxy for the recording, converting them in audio wouldn't solve the problem

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@vanderbeeken @dataGovernance @datasovereignty it is I that should thank you for considering my issue. In this other response I quoted one of the studies mentioned in your article. https://qoto.org/@mapto/111407685657723169
The scope of my intended anonymisation is not to publicly distribute the recordings and give unlimited time to any potential attacker to try to deanonymise them, but rather, in case at any point we need to refer back to the original data, we can show a particular point of interest as evidence of our data collection for auditing purposes.

johncarlosbaez, (edited ) to random
@johncarlosbaez@mathstodon.xyz avatar

The tritone - the dissonant sound halfway between any note and the note that vibrates twice as fast - is sometimes called "diabolus in musica". Yes: THE DEVIL IN MUSIC! 😈

Believe it or not, this devil also afflicts modern data storage. But first: there's a lot of misinformation about the tritone. Was it really banned in the Middle Ages? Adam Neely's great video here clears it up. He goes into a lot of detail. But not enough detail for me!

As I studied just intonation in Renaissance music - where frequency ratios should be simple fractions built by multiplying and dividing the numbers 2, 3, and 5 - I realized that the tritone is DEVILISHLY DIFFICULT for this system!

You see, the tritone vibrates with a frequency of √2 ≈ 1.414 times that of the sound it's sitting over. This number is not only irrational - making Pythagoras turn in his grave - there are also four competing ways to approximate it in just intonation:

25/18 ≈ 1.38888
45/32 ≈ 1.40625
64/45 ≈ 1.42222
36/25 = 1.44

And the ratios of these frequencies vexed early music theorists so much they all have their own individual names!

For example,

(36/25)/(45/32) = 128/125 = 2⁷/5³

is called the "lesser diesis". This number shows up automatically when you try to approximate powers of 5 by powers of 2. But notice:

128/125 = 1024/1000

also shows up when you try to approximate powers of 10 by powers of 2. For example, when we talk about a kilobyte, we usually don't mean 1000 bytes - we usually mean 1024. So we're a bit off! And our error is the "lesser diesis" - a number discovered in the Renaissance, or even earlier, by musicians fighting the devil in music.



@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@johncarlosbaez of course approximating powers of 10 with powers of 2 is the same as approximating powers of 5 with powers of 2, simply because 10=5*2 and the twos cancel out

shoq, to random
@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

Once again, it seems necessary to warn the American Left that when a completely fascist movement is about to seize control of their country, it’s probably not the best time to whine that that Democrats won’t buy them a fucking pony.

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@shoq @JoeChip @CassandraZeroCovid you'll get surprised to how many people your pony is something that is a right -to-live standard in the developed world like universal healthcare or gun controls

CitizenWald, to history
@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

Re: authentic & fake #Jews: the tragic #Gaza war has predictably led to bad #history going viral:. European Jews are descendants of medieval #Turkic converts--#Khazars-- thus have no #historical & #genetic connection to the land of #Israel

A myth, promoted by a combination of the cynical or stupid, sadly embraced by the naive & uninformed

Sadly relevant, as I will give a virtual talk about this at Indiana Uni this week.

Old 🧵


#Mazeldon #antisemitism 1/n

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@CitizenWald @histodons you seem to be trying to address cheap identitarian racism with a scientific argument. Allow me to challenge that such approach is meaningful. There's a gap between how readers perceive the two arguments, and it doesn't play in your favour in the case of those representatives of the majority in Western countries who are looking for reinforcement of their views.

For an interpretation that is somewhat defining for the issue, consider the notion of epistemic vigilance:
"This debate between reductionism and anti-reductionism revolves around two distinct issues, one normative and the other descriptive. The normative issue has to
do with the conditions in which a belief acquired through testimony qualifies as knowledge. The descriptive issue has to do with the cognitive and social practices
involved in the production and acceptance of testimony. The two issues are explicitly linked in a ‘third way’ approach which assumes that our actual practices, which involve some degree of vigilance, are likely to be reasonable, and therefore at least indicative of what the norm should be (e.g. Adler, 2003, Fricker, 2006)."

appassionato, to books
@appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

Language, Thought and Reality
Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf

The pioneering linguist Benjamin Whorf (1897–1941) grasped the relationship between human language and human thinking: how language can shape our innermost thoughts. His basic thesis is that our perception of the world and our ways of thinking about it are deeply influenced by the structure of the languages we speak.


@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@LupinoArts @jk @appassionato @bookstodon @linguistics there's research (ref Lea Boroditsky) that people speaking languages that have distinct words for shades of blue (Russian, Italian) are better at distinguishing the actual shades of blue

@mapto@qoto.org avatar
AuthorHelp, to books
@AuthorHelp@social.authorhelp.uk avatar

The first #FediBookFair is set for this coming weekend, 4th/5th November 2023.

Over those two days, #authors and #publishers are invited to post about their #books, research, etc, using the #⁠FediBookFair hashtag.

#Readers can watch or follow the hashtag to find books to buy, and interesting authors to follow.

Details: https://authorhelp.uk/fedibookfair/

FAQ: https://authorhelp.uk/fedibookfair-faq/

#author #WritersOfMastodon #writing #WritingCommunity #bookstodon
@authorindiespeak @writingcommunity

@mapto@qoto.org avatar

@AuthorHelp @authorindiespeak @writingcommunity wow, kinda cool it overlaps with @openfest

@mapto@qoto.org avatar
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