robotwig, to movies avatar

"You may not like what you are going to see..."

All shot practically using figures and miniature sets

#robocop #murphy #toyphotography #actionfigurephotography #acba #miniatures #miniaturephotography #scifiphotography #cinematography #creativephoto #80sscifi #photography #movies


cdarwin, to random avatar

US politicians step up condemnation of Israel over Gaza

Connecticut Democrat Chris #Murphy, a member of the Senate foreign relations committee, warned that Hamas was likely to become stronger if Israel waged an all-out assault in Rafah.

“I want #Hamas gone,” Murphy said. “I don’t want them to ever have the ability to hit Israel again. ⭐️[But] I worry that the number of civilians that are dying are ultimately going to provide permanent recruiting material to Hamas, and it will be a threat for years to come.

“We cannot have an invasion of Rafah that ends up in tens of thousands of additional civilians dying. ⭐️That will be bad for Israel from a moral and strategic standpoint.”

He continued: “So I am certainly willing to call out Israel when I think that they have made strategic and moral mistakes in this war. We should [also] be calling out Hamas for the attacks that began this war, the way in which they have violated the rules of engagement, and the fact that the quickest route to end this war is for Hamas to surrender and protect the people of Gaza.”

Murphy’s comments amounted to some of the strongest criticism yet by a centrist US politician against Israel, which the Gaza health ministry said on Sunday had now killed more than 35,000 people in strikes since the 7 October attacks by Hamas.

Stronger condemnation came from Vermont Democratic senator Bernie #Sanders, a member of the party’s progressive wing.
“Any objective observer knows Israel has ⭐️broken international law … has ⭐️broken American law – and in my view, Israel should not be receiving another nickel in US military aid,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press, adding that Hamas was “a terrible, disgusting terrorist organization that began this war”.

Meanwhile, #Blinken’s commentary was considerably more measured. In an interview with CBS’s Face the Nation, the Joe Biden White House’s top diplomat said it is “reasonable to assess that in certain instances Israel acted in ways that are⭐️ not consistent” with international humanitarian laws.

Blinken’s comments on Sunday came after #Biden threatened to ⭐️stop supplying Israel with weapons if it invaded Rafah.
That came as the White House said the US had stopped the transfer of 3,500 high payload “dumb” bombs over concerns of the growing number of civilian casualties in Gaza.

Blinken stopped short of explicitly accusing Israel of violating international law as it pursued its offensive against the Palestinian militant group Hamas.
He said it was “critical” to note that Israel itself has accountability processes – and there were hundreds of active inquiries as well as criminal investigations into different incidents, showing Israel had “the ability, means and the actions to self-correct.

“It had been very difficult to determine, particularly in the midst of war, exactly what happened and to draw final conclusions from any one incident,” he said, adding that the US was avoiding any firm assessment over a potential breach because Hamas “hides behind as well as underneath civilian populations, in schools and hospitals”.

cdarwin, avatar

US threatens to block more arms sales if assault on Rafah goes ahead

The US may block more weapons systems to Israel if it goes ahead with a ground offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, has said.

The US has already suspended the shipment of 3,500 2,000lb (907kg) and 500lb (227kg) high-payload bombs following concerns over the scale of civilian casualties in Israel’s war in the territory.

Blinken also said he was concerned that any further ground captured by Israel would create a vacuum “that’s likely to be filled by chaos, by anarchy, and ultimately by Hamas again”.

#Murphy #Hamas #Sanders #Blinken #Biden

orbite, to art Russian avatar
sfwrtr, to writing avatar

it's the little things that make you question your perception of reality. I've pretty much relegated luck and superstition to coincidence and focus concentrated by worry.

Today, however, I was told that a package would arrive soon via a messenger. I thought, the best way to make it arrive immediately was to do something that would make me unavailable to answer the door for the messenger. I had to get dressed, and did so quickly, not wanting to specifically do anything wrong. But,

I left my phone in the closet. I could not hear when the Ring doorbell was pressed.

In another room, brushing my hair not 30 seconds later, I realized that I had left my phone in the closet. I rushed back to the closet, picked up my phone, and noticed the notification that the messenger had arrived.

The video showed he was already leaving...

This is what happens when I try to disbelieve in the all holy Murphy.

#Nonfiction #Writer #Writing #Author #WritersOfMastodon #WritingCommunity #Luck #Superstition #Murphy #Murphy'sLaw

minioctt, (edited ) to Amazon Italian

La legge di #Murphy ha colpito fortissimo oggi col pacco #Amazon: dovevo andare a casa di mia nonna, e ho pensato di approfittarne per passare al locker a ritirare il mio #pacco… ma per la via all’andata ancora non risultava consegnato. Sulla via del ritorno controllo di nuovo varie volte… ma niente. Appena salgo a casa, ricontrollo ancora, ed ecco stavolta che risulta consegnato, ovviamente. Vado a pescare la mail con il codice, e vedo che era arrivata esattamente 1 minuto prima. Se avessi deciso di controllare proprio di fronte al portone mi sarei risparmiata di salire, avrei direttamente invertito la marcia e via… e invece son dovuta riscendere e andare a prendere sto coso. (E ho pure sudato, perché ho pensato “boh si c’è fin troppo sole, ma c’è anche vento, meglio se la porto anche ora la giacca… e perciò il vento era sparito e ho avuto solo caldo.) 😓️ figa che ho visto: nel credito Amazon ho di nuovo tutti gli ~11 euro di quell’articolo che ho cancellato ieri, il che vuol dire che… la #spedizione non mi è stata accreditata, anche se alla fin dei conti il mio #ordine elaborato è finito per essere sotto la soglia minima per la spedizione gratuita. Quindi, alla fine, dopo aver perso 1 volta ho vinto ben 2 volte. E credo proprio che terrò a mente questa informazione per il futuro… (anche se francamente dubito che con un ordine normale, non buggato, questo #metodo possa funzionare e farmi non pagare le #spedizioni, ma chissà…) Comunque l’ultimo articolo per qualche ragione arriva domani; lo prenderò approfittandone al ritorno dall’università, e a quel punto se mi gira faccio il post recensione di tutti gli #acquisti. 🙃️

#acquisti #Amazon #metodo #Murphy #ordine #pacco #spedizione #spedizioni

minioctt, (edited ) to random Italian

La #Legge di #Murphy colpisce anche quando si tratta di prendere il #bus, ecco qualche nuovo corollario (non tutti, altri me li riservo per le prossime volte): 😬️

  • Quando credi di essere in ottimo #orario, il bus è passato molto tempo prima.
  • Quando pensi di essere appena giusto in #tempo per non perderlo, il bus è già partito e lo vedi con la coda dell’occhio.
  • Quando ritieni di essere in #ritardo, il bus è perfettamente puntuale.
  • Qualora dovessi metterti anche a #correre per evitare di perderlo, il bus farà addirittura ritardo.

La settimana scorsa una #lezione era finita giusto in tempo per permettermi di tornare a casina con l’ultimo bus disponibile prima di un enorme buco (1 ora e 10 minuti da tabella oraria, 1 ora e 30 minuti da prassi), o almeno così credevo… faccio una #corsa per metà del tragitto tra aula e fermata, e vedo un bus della #SITA che se ne stava già andando, con ben 2 minuti di anticipo; non lo avrei mai raggiunto. Mi metto un po’ ad aspettare con calma, con in mente la falsa speranza che quello magari era di un’altra linea e che il mio era semplicemente in ritardo… ovviamente non è passato nulla, era quello il mio. 😓️

Oggi invece vedo di darmi una leggera mossa e prendermi addirittura qualche altro minuto di anticipo, e tra l’altro becco il mio #autobus per la parte di tragitto a piedi, quindi per sicurezza corro e corro, perché non c’è tanta gente fuori e la paura che scappi via è forte… e puntualmente anche inutile. Infatti, è partito addirittura con 1 minuto di ritardo, ho aspettato diversi minuti seduta lì dentro, e, a sto giro, non so se è colpa dell’essere pomeriggio, ma le mie gambe sono veramente morte a correre, e per un tratto ho dovuto pure un attimo rallentare. Almeno però l’ho preso, dai… 🙏️

#autobus #bus #correre #corsa #legge #lezione #Murphy #orario #ritardo #SITA #tempo

nilsskirnir, to random

The Democratic leadership (whatever that means) has apparently gone whole hog on Zionism and Russian conspiracy theories. #GenocideJoe, #pelosi and #murphy are all keen to believe that the Palestinians are suffering this US sponsored genocide to distract from Ukraine.
WTF? Palestinians are folks whove been fighting ethnic cleansing and genocide for 75 years. In fact, if there is any country in the world similar to Russia, it is Israel. The Democratic brain`trust is old, tired, and out of touch.

sfwrtr, to Writers avatar

My sky has fallen! See photos.

One of those days, continued. Finding leaks in rafter bays in the adjacent room, hunting for rotted wood, but it means cutting up a faux painted ceiling of clouds.

I'm crying inside.

#Writer #Writers #Author #WritingLife #WritingCommunity #WritersMastodon #Murphy #MurphysLaw #Photography

Life is stranger than #fiction

cazabon, to Philippines

I have, literally, 7 different flavours of subminiature crimp-pin connectors in my parts collection.

And yet, somehow, whatever I'm working on has a nearly-identical-but-not-quite kind that isn't in my collection.

Murphy was an optimist.

#murphy #jst #xh #ph #xa #pa #zh #gh #sh #MurphysLaw #NotQuite #almost #electronics #hobby #crimp #pin #socket

larsibacken, to music avatar
GW, to Israel

Sens. Chris #Murphy, Bernie #Sanders Come Out In Support of Conditions On U.S. Aid to #Israel

The Connecticut Democrat joined his Vermont colleague Sunday, calling the levels of civilian harm in #Gaza “unacceptable” and “unsustainable.”

The Democrat, sits on the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, confirmed that attaching strings to the House-approved $14.3 billion aid package to Israel is in the mix when Congress returns from Thanksgiving recess on Monday.

larsibacken, to music avatar
astroPug, to Law

Getting ready for a large gathering. Time to break a champagne glass in the dishwasher.

#MurphysLaw #Murphy #Law

larsibacken, to music avatar
larsibacken, to music avatar
larsibacken, (edited ) to music avatar
jordanbrock, to animals

Plushy French fries

schokokaese, to motivation German

#Murphy 🙈

Ich versuche heute seit dem Feierabend, etwas fleißig zu sein und aufzuräumen. Denn ich werde vermutlich morgen bei einem Einzug mithelfen und es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass danach ein #Spieleabend stattfindet. Bei mir, da ich in der gleichen Stadt wohne, meine Wohnung aber bereits seit ein paar Jahren (zumindest halbwegs) eingerichtet ist 😅

Gerade war ich in der Stadt. Ich wollte einmal Geld abheben und zu Rossmann. Da merke ich, dass die Girokarte noch zuhause ist, da ich gestern Abend dachte, die noch am PC zu benötigen.

Zusammen mit dem Fakt, dass mir ein genauer Startpunkt für morgen und somit eine konkrete "Deadline" fürs Saubermachen fehlt, ist nun meine ohnehin nicht so große #Motivation auf Null gesunken 😣

Ich hoffe, es kommt nicht morgen irgendwann unvermittelt die Nachricht: "Du kannst jetzt kommen, hier ist die Anschrift: ..." 😱

JamesGleick, to random avatar

The most blatantly corrupt Supreme Court Justice in U.S. history.

“At least 38 destination vacations, including a previously unreported voyage on a yacht around the Bahamas; 26 private jet flights, plus an additional eight by helicopter; a dozen VIP passes to sporting events, typically perched in the skybox; two stays at luxury resorts in Florida and Jamaica; and one standing invitation to an uber-exclusive golf club ...” @ProPublica

CindyWeinstein, avatar

@JamesGleick. Reading this was like experiencing food poisoning. Increasing sense of nausea with each paragraph read. But so so grateful to and and for bringing to the light these gross violations.

flexghost, to random avatar

I’m not sure what’s more depressing

The fact a Supreme Court justice can be bought so easily

The fact that many people have access to Clarence Thomas on his “paid vacations”

The fact we have to multiply that by at least 38

Or the fact that it’s basically only one news organization that’s has been investigating this rampant corruption


@flexghost. "To track Thomas’ relationships and travel, ProPublica examined flight data, emails from airport and university officials, security detail records, tax court filings, meeting minutes and a trove of photographs from personal albums, including cards that Thomas’ wife, Ginni, sent to friends. In addition, reporters interviewed more than 100 eyewitnesses." Finding the truth takes work & time, esp. when it's being hidden. Thank you , ,

Robotwig, to random

“Dead or alive, you're coming with me.”

All shot practically except muzzle flash which I added digitally the rest is all real.

#robocop #murphy #toyphotography #acba #80sscifi #miniaturephotography #creativephotography #photographicart

juliegiovacchini, to random French avatar

Discussion très intéressante avec des collègues. En partant du principe que vous faites confiance et que vous vous sentez en sécurité, vous avez l'argent pour payer un ticket pour explorer l'épave du Titanic, est-ce que vous y allez ?
C'était très intéressant parce que personne n'était du même avis, soit parce que nous n'avons pas les mêmes fantasmes aventuriers, soit parce que le dilemme entre coût (financier et écologique) et envie semblait insoluble.

brunus, avatar

@juliegiovacchini Salut ! En même temps... est ce que tu sautes en parachute, dont l'ouverture est commandée par Bluetooth, avec un altimètre qui fonctionne par SMS et un casque VR sur la tronche, raccordé à la cam que tu as sur le casque ?

Avoir ces informations ça peut vachement aider à se faire une opinion ! 😜
"Si quelque chose doit merder, ça va merder..." Loi de Murphy !
#Titan #Titanic #Murphy

chad, to random

Had a brief outage as all the web servers collectively went on strike.

On election day of all days.

Anyway, we’re back. #mstdnca



#Murphy was an optimist.

cazabon, to random

People troll in the real world, in their work too. #Kudos to the #engineer who decided that "1620" and "2016" should both be valid, incompatible button-cell battery sizes.

#troll #work #murphy #MurphysLaw

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