metacurity, to random

"In one of the coolest and more outrageous repair stories in quite some time, four white-hat hackers helped a regional rail company in southwest Poland unbrick a train that had been artificially rendered inoperable by the train’s manufacturer after an independent maintenance company worked on it."


@metacurity TBH, this should be penalized by authorities as the if not plot against (which & are!) it really is...

Anything else would be undue leniency towards and tge fact that this literally !

dadamsda, to random German avatar

Auto als Waffe

In zwei aktuellen Fällen fühlten sich die Angeklagten angeblich "bedroht" und attackierten deshalb Menschen mit dem Auto. Ob die Richter da mitspielen?

#Rechtsextremist fährt in Menschengruppe:

#Autofahrerin rammt aus "Angst" Radfahrerin von hinten:

#Bedrohung #Auto #AutoAlsWaffe #Prozess #Straßenverkehr


@dadamsda Klassissche #Charlottesville - Methode-

Hat ja in der Causa #HeatherHeyer auch geklappt...

#WasFehlt: #Mordanklage!


martin_ueding, to random German avatar

📝 Zugeparkte Hauptstraße verlangsamt Buslinie 608

4censord, to random avatar

Just received a security notification from an email provider about the newest outlook "features"


@4censord I hope @bfdi & @bsi will ban not just but the entire and product suite for good.

bfdi, to random German avatar

Die Meldungen über ein vermutetes Datensammeln von MS über Outlook sind alarmierend. Wir werden am Dienstag beim Treffen der europäischen Datenschutzaufsichtsbehörden die rechtlich dafür federführenden irischen Datenschutzbeauftragten um einen Bericht bitten

mhoye, to random avatar

God, that's a great way of describing this new Dropbox mandatory-opt-in AI decision:

"Your unpublished drafts become somebody else's autocomplete."

I mean why bother waiting until something's been published to scrape it as training data if you're just gonna steal it either way?


@mhoye How about refusing to use #Dropbox then?

#WhatyouAllowIsWhatWillContinue - SVERY SINGLE TIME!!!

korrupt, to chrome German avatar

Ich kapier die aktuelle #chrome-Panik nicht. Topics ist massiv datensparsamer als alles vorher. Ich hab selber jobbedingt einige Einblicke in Targeting und kann für mich sicher sagen, dass ich mit G.-Bordmitteln das Targeten spezifischer User nicht hinkriege (nicht, dass es vorher einfach gewesen wäre). Aus Marketersicht ist alles, was Google seit der Universal Analytics-Abkündigung gemacht hat, massiv im User- und Datenschutzinteresse gewesen. Wer letztes Jahr kein Problem mit Chrome hatte...

kkarhan, (edited ) to privacy

This is not - this is just a shitty excuse and a serious infringement on the and of and so hard that I hope @EU_Commission and @kartellamt will force to provide free access to the tools without any need for or any ! video via


@BMWK @EU_Commission

And yes, it is vital to go after #Apple because #WhatYouAllowIsWhatWillContinue and if they normalize this shit we won't be able to stop that crap later!!!

DerKlimablog, (edited ) to berlin German avatar

Die #CDU verkündet in #Berlin, der Kampf gegen das #Auto sei beendet und sie werde die Hälfte der Stellen bei der Radwegeplanung streichen, #Radwege schmaler machen sowie Geld in #Flugtaxis und Hyperloops stecken. Das sei #Verkehrspolitik für ein „Miteinander“ und für „alle“. Kein Witz! (Links in den Kommis)

Weltweit passiert derweil das Gegenteil:

#Verkehrswende #KlimaKrise #Klimaschutz #Klimakatastrophe #Fahrrad #mdRzA

PS: Am genau selben Tag:


@Blahster @DerKlimablog ja doch...

Mensch kann jene Arschlöcher nicht bedienen...


TheBird, to random

#KOSA Is horrifying, and honestly, I'm worried it'll pass. That Democrats will throw away LGBTQIA people's right to exist AT ALL on the Internet for this bullshit idea of "protecting minors."

Kids are being used as fodder for culture genocide. It's sickening. Please fight tooth and nail to stop KOSA.

LGBTQIA folks have a right to exist. Our writings, art, existence, media all have a right to exist.

LGBTQIA kids have a right to exist too.

KOSA won't protect anyone. It will be used as a weapon to destroy the lives of people and harass us to death or worse. I'm legit shaken that Democrats in America signed on to this atrocity -- they really don't give a shit about us anymore.

I also worry this will impact the ability for websites and places like here to exist even in other countries that are safe for LGBTQIA folks.

Fighting for the right to exist at all is exhausting. But that's the point, isn't it? The Conversative Right wants to enact genocide, to exhaust us so that we give up and allow them to erase our existence entirely. And it's not just LGBTQIA folks being targeted -- People of Color, disabled people, Jewish people, and folks who exist at the intersections of those identities are as well. Basically anyone who is not white abled-bodied cishet conversative Christian is a target for these assholes.

Please fight this and all the other atrocities that these assholes keep throwing at us.

Don't give up hope.

Choose hope. "Hope is a discipline," Mariame Kaba wrote in "We Do This 'Til We Free Us," so let's enact the discipline of hope and continue to fight tooth and nail for the right of people like us to exist and THRIVE.


@TheBird Remember: That #Cyberfacism is intentional ant the only way to stop it is to fight against it by all means necessary.

After all, #WhatYouAllowIsWhatWillContinue !

dramypsyd, to random avatar

Humanity could have spent its days chasing butterflies and watching sunsets and loving each other and instead I have to download an app and make an account to access the office printer


@dramypsyd which I won't do and I refuse to buy or use such @internetofshit / #InternetOfShit devices because #WhatYouAllowIsWhatWillContinue and I reject the #Enshittification!

malwaretech, (edited ) to random

For anyone unaware, Google Chrome is currently rolling out an update that track your interests based on browsing history, then share them with 3rd party websites. The notification page makes it sound like they added a new privacy feature, but in actuality they automatically enrolled you into their tracking system and you have to go and manually opt out.


@wess @GuyDudeman @malwaretech @torproject yeah, and #CloudFlare is a #RogueISP noone should use or even tolerate!

#WhatYouAllowIsWhatWillContinue also goes for everything else...

SheDrivesMobility, to random German avatar


  • Loading...
  • kkarhan,

    @SheDrivesMobility Das Problem ist ja #MangelndeVerantwortbarkeit und #MangelndeKonsequenzen ....

    Was hindert @AufstandLastGen daran zu klagen?

    Würde zumindest den Vorwurf der #Selbstjustiz zerstören!



    @Chaotica @SheDrivesMobility @AufstandLastGen

    Ja, aber ein absurd weiches, ähnlich wie das TSG-Urteil von 2011:

    Und solange das #BVerfG zahnlos entscheidet, wird sich auch nix ändern!

    In beiden Fällen gab's keine Konsequenzen und niemensch wurde zur Verantwortung gezogen...

    #MangelndeVerantwortbarkeit #MangelndeKonsequenzen #WhatYouAllowIsWhatWillContinue

    Freiheitsrechte, to random German avatar

    Ein Erfolg für die #Presse- u. Rundfunkfreiheit ✊: Die Durchsuchungen beim freien Sender
    @RDL waren rechtswidrig, entscheidet das Landgericht Karlsruhe auf unsere Beschwerde. Anlass der Durchsuchungen war ein Link zum Archiv von linksunten.indymedia in einem Artikel.


    @Freiheitsrechte @RDL das Problem daran:

    Niemensch wird für diese offensichtlich verfassungsfeindliche Shice zur Verantwortung gezogen noch werden Betroffene Entschädigt!

    #MangelndeVerantwortbarkeit & #MangelndeKonsequenzen sind das Problem!!!

    carnage4life, to random avatar

    I’m late to the party but congratulations to the Indian Space Agency for being the fourth country to land on the moon.

    The trip cost $75 million which is cheaper than a bunch of Hollywood movies about going to space including Gravity & Interstellar.

    The space race is back.


    @feld @mekkaokereke @carnage4life #LackOfAccountability and #LackOfConsequences are the core issues we're facing.

    #WhatYouAllowIsWhatWillContinue applies espechally to #Politricks!

    b9AcE, to random avatar

    I have seen some cheering that the BRICS bloc (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) will expand by adding Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates on January 1, 2024, presenting that bloc as some "alternative" to USA and/or NATO economic dominance and imperialism.
    Take another look at the names of those States.
    Actual genocide, war crimes, torture, brutal sexism and LGBTQ-phobia, other crimes against humanity, nukes, dictatorship, neo-colonialism, wars of aggression and other imperialist expansion aggression, and so on and so on.

    One more bloc doing the same as the other bloc is not an "alternative".
    It is more of the same, mutually legitimizing the principles violating humanity and when their spheres of influence overlap, the conflict caused by the ruling class' thirst for power will devastate the billions of regular people, you and me, not them.
    The "alternative" is never ever to support one bloc against another.
    The alternative is to reject and resist all blocs of economic domination, military imperialism or other oppression.
    Just say no.


    @b9AcE and yes, "legitimizing principles" is a big Problem.

    The West normalized interventions for profit, do the rest does that too.

    The "P.R." #China doesn't do genocide against the Uygurs but does a "War on Terror" according to their propanda outlets.

    #WhatYouAllowIsWhatWillContinue applies espechally in international law.

    #VetoPowers were the crucial mistake of the #UN!

    stephie_hamburg, to random German avatar

    Was Hass, der in Politik und Medien auf trans Personen anrichtet kann man auch hier beispielhaft in dieser Studie ablesen in der Ende 2022 Anbieter für trans Healthcare für Jugendliche zu ihren Erfahrungen befragt worden sind.

    70% der Befragten berichteten, dass sie bedroht wurden, häufig via SocialMedia, Post/Mail. Einige erhielten Todesdrohungen.

    »Adolescent Providers' Experiences of Harassment Related to Delivering Gender-Affirming Care«


    @stephie_hamburg Genau das ist das Problem:

    #WhatYouAllowIsWhatWillContinue greift bei jeglicher Form von #Faschismus.

    Das Problem ist nicht dass es transfeindliche Personen gibt, sondern dass diese andere Menschen konsequenz- und straffrei schikanieren können!

    RitaWerner, to random German avatar

    Lasst euch im Herbst oder 12 Monate nach letzter, bitte wieder gegen #COVID19 impfen.

    OkayKay, to random


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  • kkarhan,

    @OkayKay and that's the real issue: Men and Boys are neither facing accountability nor consequences.

    And that needs to change!


    ceracole, to climate

    These wildfires in northwestern Canada appear to be starting to trap people. Why hasn't the Canadian military sent planes to evacuate them? Or have the government pay the commercial airlines to do so where possible? This would avoid price gouging and may be the easiest and fastest option.

    Not sure because of distance, but resources from the US (Alaska/Washington) could also help evacuate quickly.

    We are watching and waiting. No one is proactive anymore.

    #wildfires #climate


    @ceracole that is intentional!

    They got away with #democide by #inaction ( see 'rona #pandemic: #CovidIsNotOver ) and thus have neither incentive nor threat of #consequences to do anything!


    kkarhan, to random

    Ja so wird das nichts mit der Verfolgung von und der

    Hier sollte das @bmi mal Nachschulung machen...


    @bmi ist ja nicht so als sei die "V.R." #China zimplerlich oder diskret...

    Entsprechende Shice wurde auch von anderen #UN-#Vetomächte|n geduldet, und wie bei allen #Verbrechen gilt:

    isAutonomous, to random German avatar

    Die diversen heftigen Lücken in der Cloud von Microsoft betreffen auch Privatkunden.
    Cloud ist praktisch, nutze ich auch. Daher hier wieder ein paar Hinweise:

    • Es sollten nur Bilder in die Cloud-Bilder-App hochgeladen werden, die nicht gegen einen verwendet werden können.
    • Persönliche Dokumente, Finanzdaten, manche Bilder, ..., sollten nur verschlüsselt abgelegt werden (z.B. Cryptomator).
    • Man sollte immer wissen, was man in der Cloud liegen hat -> Aufräumen, löschen, Überblick behalten.

    @isAutonomous Ja, also ich kenn' das Kabel - hab's allerdings mit garantierten SLAs...

    Das Problem ist dass durch die Weiternutzung und Bezahlung jenes Verhalten gebilligt UND honoriert wird!


    blinkygal, to random

    I've seen a steady stream of "We've updated our Privacy Policy" emails landing in my inbox over the last week or two and maybe I should go read all those new policies but it feels bad and just makes me want to stop using tech services owned by (American?) corporations.


    @blinkygal Thus the only winning move is to refuse to use any services of said companies and boycott them into insolvency!

    The only winning move otherwise is to specifically choose someone who solely is being paid to keep things up and running OR even better: #SelfHosting!

    Otherwise one is complicit by consent in a legally enforceable way!

    I didn't make the rules and I hate those rules as well!

    autonomysolidarity, to uk German avatar

    The U.K. Government Is Very Close To Eroding Encryption Worldwide

    "The U.K. Parliament is pushing ahead with a sprawling internet regulation bill that will, among other things, undermine the privacy of people around the world. The Online Safety Bill, now at the final stage before passage in the House of Lords, gives the British government the ability to force backdoors into messaging services, which will destroy end-to-end encryption. No amendments have been accepted that would mitigate the bill’s most dangerous elements. "


    @autonomysolidarity @eff and that's the core problem with it:

    If one starts it it'll get normalized.

    IOW: #WhatYouAllowIsWhatWillContinue !!!

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