uliwitness, to random German
@uliwitness@chaos.social avatar

Fun Fact: “donation" is a specific legal term that is protected in many countries. Many people colloquially call any amount of money that you get without having to do something specific in return a “donation”. If you do that in public (e.g. on web sites or broadcast video like Twitch or YouTube) you get in trouble in most countries, because you must be an accredited charitable organization to be allowed to ask for donations.

You may, however, solicit tips in many places.

IHeartBadCode, to insanepeoplefacebook in Sovereign citizen gives advice.
IHeartBadCode avatar

TILA-RESPA of 2015. Extends only to banking institutions in limited situations related to home loans. 12 USC ch. 27.

You cannot just read a single sentence from that act, the three day period, and just randomly apply it everywhere. And I have no idea where the 45⁰ thing comes from but sounds right up there with bay leaves and candles.

Obey the law. #NotLegalAdvice

Amelia, to random

Would u be intersted in a fedi / webhosting service, since im thinking of making a nonprofit anyway for transfem.org we could probably offer a sorta service where u pay for server costs and well a small fee and i setup servers for you (Sharkey, Wikimedia and stuff) and the fee would be used to fund transfem.org (servies) so kinda like donations but u actually get stuff for it

this is just a dumb idea because i see people interested in this stuff but we obviously can't really provide such services as part of our main servuice


@luna @Amelia I do think that's a a good idea, tho I'd suggest making it a #cooperative or a small #corporation for obvious reasons...

#NotLegalAdvice #NotFinancialAdvice #NotTaxAdvice

kkarhan, to random

I can confirm this observation by #LouisRossmann...

And yes, #DRM and #CopyProtection is the reason why huge broadcasters have their workstations' and servers' drives cloned and backed up as setup in a ready-to-go-state because they can't be bothered dealing with shitty DRM and product activation if a device decides to die.

And money isn't the problem: They literally have fully-decked out hp z-series workstations on cold standby in case one breaks.



And yes, I think that people should press charges for #theft amidst these cases of #DigitalTheft!

I wish for #lawyers to make the precedent that #perpetual #licenses mean they'll have to honor that perpetually.

In fact, #Steam does even have provisions and insurances in place to provide people their purchased #library of #games without their #DRM in case they were to fold / declare bankrupcy / dissolve their platform...



kubikpixel, to cryptocurrency
@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar


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    @kubikpixel This is #NotFinancialAdvice and #NotLegalAdvice so do your own research and colsult licensed advisors for that...

    But I'm shure they too will agree that #Monero :monero: is the only non-#Shitcoin and #XMR is stable because it's actually being used as a means to transact funds...

    stux, (edited ) to random
    @stux@mstdn.social avatar

    So I was thinking..

    You got those people with their NFT's that are actually just images...

    I could, or i did make a "showroom" where i can put up "stolen" NFTs :flan_laugh:

    I simply made a screenshot from some random NFT and displayed it




    @stux technically it's not "theft" since you didn't take an oblect away from their possession.

    It's merely use of works that at best are copyrighted withoit a license.

    #NotLegalAdvice but claiming "copying is theft" is just #Contentmafia bs to crack down on filesharing...

    KeithAmmann, to random
    @KeithAmmann@dice.camp avatar

    Aw, HELL no, #Squarespace. This is NOT OK. #NoAI


    @KeithAmmann pretty shure that's kinda illegal in some juristictions...


    walsonde, to random German

    darf man in Deutschland thrashpandas als Haustier halten und wo bekomm ich eins?


    @walsonde @fuchsiii Nominell sind es Schädlinge, aber sofern niemensch sich beschwert und da diese soweiit ich weiß kein meldepflichtiger Befall sind wäre dies erstmal ein persönliches Problem... ^^

    aber sofern mensch diese nicht "hält" im Sinne eines Geheges/Käfigs oder so und diese sich z.B. an "Igelfutter" oder "Katzenfutter" und "Liegengelassenem Obst" vergreifen passiert erstmal nix.

    Zumal Jäger auch nicht einfach auf Privatgrund jagen dürfen ohne Erlaubnis... ^^

    mailbox_org, to random German

    So, nochmal frisch am Montagmorgen:

    ‼️ Vorsicht: Das neue sendet Passwörter, Mails und andere Daten an Microsoft-Server.

    Wir raten allen Privat- und Geschäftskunden dringend zu Alternativen wie Thunderbird oder unseren @mailbox_org Webmailer.

    👉 Für Geschäftskunden kann die derartige (wenn auch ungewollte) Speicherung personenbezogener Daten übrigens ein bußgeldbelegter DSGVO-Verstoß darstellen.

    Mehr im Blog:


    @RichieRich @mailbox_org @maxschrems @noybeu ich denke dass die existierenden Urteile und Datenlage schon hinreichend genug sind.

    #NotLegalAdvice aber wenn #Microsoft keine #Rechtssicherheit garantieren und verbindlich versichern will, dann ist auf Basis der Datenlage von der Ubvereinbarkeit derer Produkte und Dienste mit #BDSG #DSGVO aiszugehen.

    Vorallem weil aufgrund von #CloudAct nicht davon auszugehen ist dass Microsoft dies auch nur ansatzweise könnte selvst wenn diese wollten!


    @RichieRich @mailbox_org @maxschrems @noybeu @bsi

    Also ich arbeite aus Prinzip nicht für Unternehmen die mir nicht entsprechende Freiheit in Sachen Technologie ermöglichen und schon garnicht für Firmen die #Office365 nutzen...

    Allein weil mich keine #Berufshaftpflicht gegen die #Folgen jenes Technologiestacks von #Microsoft versichern kann, denn das wäre "Belohnung und Billigung von Straftaten"...

    #NotLegalAdvice aber sonst würde es nicht das Problem geben...

    mark_melbin, to TeslaMotors
    @mark_melbin@mastodon.online avatar

    #Telsa's #Cybertruck agreement bans buys from selling their vehicle in the first year.


    @mark_melbin is missing as well as .

    Such an agreement would be null and void in many juristictions as it "negatively impairs the owners right to liquidate a purchased asset or exercise their rights to ownership as per law"...

    OFC that would be different if paid buyers in a seperate & voluntary agreement for not selling it...

    And based off depreciation of cars I doubt Tesla would be willing to give a ≥40% cashback doing so.

    stux, to random
    @stux@mstdn.social avatar


    Many people do take the effort to set that all up but don’t wanna change default passwords cause it’s ’too much trouble’ :blobcatgiggle:


    @quincy @stux I'm glad such shit is illegal here as #GDPR & #BDSG really are strict re: #VideoSurveillance and that just using some "as-a-Service" solution by some #GAFAMs just doesn't fly.

    Espechally surveillance and privacy of homes is a strict topic to the point that it's illegal to have a serialized key system that could allow landlords and their stuff to non-consensually enter someones' condo.

    But that's quite specific to #Germany and certainly not applying to the #USA!!


    mic, to Instagram
    @mic@chitter.xyz avatar

    I know I should have stopped using #Instagram a long time ago, but this (much like how I ignore the whatsapp notice) makes me wonder if I should just delete Instagram too.

    I don't even really use Instagram anymore, and to ask €12.99 is outrageous. Which makes me think it's purposefully expensive to make you want to turn on ad tracking.

    #ads #gdpr #meta #facebook

    What you would agree to if you decided to use Instagram for "free"


    @mic Personally I'd not only cancel the account and ban them from retaining any data about me but also demand them to certifiy the irrevocable deletion of data and that they'll never ever try to track you or store ajy data aboit you ever again!

    #NotLegalAdvice OFC.

    #GDPR #NSAbook #StasiBook

    adlerweb, to random German

    Was zum. In wurden Schul-Geräte diverser Schülerinnen ferngelöscht. Und damit auch die zugehörigen Daten wie z.B. die persönlichen Lern-Notizen. Ein Backup gibt es nicht, das wäre wegen verboten. Und die Schülerinnen selbst dürften auch keine Backups machen – wegen Datenschutz.

    Ich glaub da müssen die Verantwortlichen dringend zur Nachschulung. Einen so krassen Fall von "selbst vergeigen und dann auf DS schieben" hab ich lange nicht mehr gesehen.



    @adlerweb @Nudelfreak #NotLegalAdvice aber im Zweifelsfalle würde ich nur nachweislich irreversible Löschung als sicher betrachten.

    Insbesondere da korrekte Schlüsselverwaltung das l9schen der Private Keys nicjt erlauben sollte!

    kromonos, to random

    Btw: Ro’s server for is located in Germany. So he is bound by German law. If your domain is in his list, you have the right to sue him for the following points:

    • § 185 StGB insult
    • § 186 StGB slander
    • § 164 StGB false suspicion

    Depending on his “tags” he uses to mark your domain as “evil”.
    In addition, the GDPR applies. Thus, also § 17 GDPR, right to be forgotten as well as § 35 BDSG, right to deletion, correction and blocking of data, which is independent of the above.

    Just thought I’d mention it.


    @kromonos #NotLegalAdvice but I'd recommend people affected to contact some spechalized lawyer (i.e. https://wbs.legal ) to represent them.


    gullevek, to random
    @gullevek@famichiki.jp avatar

    Fucking Security theater

    "has a security policy called HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), which means that Firefox can only connect to it securely. You can’t add an exception to visit this site."

    Those dum dums at that A company didn't update the certs, so all our dev/preview stuff is not accessable and you can't even "exclude" that anymore. fucking shite gobbling cunt crap that is


    @gullevek consider talking with your CLO on how you can make those that failed to update their certs liable for damages caused by loss of productivity amd/or revenue.

    #NotLegalAdvice but everyone else I know would do that...

    thor, to random
    @thor@berserker.town avatar

    get rich quick scheme


    @thor #NotLegalAdvice but that doesn't work in nations where maximum working hours per week are capped and where employers have to report employments.

    Pretty shure this would constitute #fraud in #Germany and would basically get one's criminal record amd more importantly employability shredded.

    And since that's self-inflicted there's no unemplyment pay either!!!

    gclef, to random

    bunch of comments making fun of the executive order on AI, but NO ONE LINKS TO IT. Gah. Here's the summary of it:


    can't yet find the full text, but here's where they're putting the other stuff about AI:



    @gclef Not shure if that can actually be banned, as this would more likely infringe upon artistic freedom to mock and ridicule famous politicians which by virtue of being public figures don't have much rights on their likelyness and have to accept such expressions even if those end up as as tasteless as Shapiro insulting someones' wife.

    Anything else is already covered lenghtly in existing trademark and advertising regulations, like claiming false endorsements being fraudulent.


    Cryptik, to random

    Now this is interesting. U of Chicago professors Ben Zhao and Heather Zheng have written an image distortion tool “Glaze” that actively poisons the training data for AI when artists’ work is scraped without compensation to train AI. And they’ve open-sourced it: Computer Science for Good (and a little mischief) https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/10/23/1082189/data-poisoning-artists-fight-generative-ai/


    @Cryptik except that #AI can't create nor violate copyrightable works, as AI has no personhood which is vital for any authorship.

    No Authorship = no Copyright = no Infringement!


    rq, to random


    I have installed an unlicensed copy of Oracle Database somewhere on your network. Give me five Bitcoins by the end of the week or I will inform Oracle's legal department.


    @rq Just 3 mistakes:

    1. Doing that shit in the first place.

    2. Demanding Bitcoin [because why? Every Exchange will flag those as stolen / ransom and make them non-fungible] instead of Monero.

    3. You don't sent that to Oracle, but the Lobby Org that pays Snitches for Rewards: BSA!

    #NotLegalAdvice OFC!

    FeenjaWesker, to random German
    @FeenjaWesker@rollenspiel.social avatar

    Sagt mal :

    Wie okay ist es, seine Mitarbeiter erst bis 21 Uhr arbeiten zu lassen und ihnen dann direkt den 4 Uhr Dienst am nächsten Tag aufs Auge zu drücken, obwohl sie erst frühestens 21:30 Uhr zu Hause sein können und bereits 2:30 Uhr wieder aufstehen müssen?
    Job: Bäckereifachverkäufer und diese Form der Dienstplanung kommt sehr oft vor.

    Hört sich für mich irgendwie nicht richtig an.


    @FeenjaWesker #NotLegalAdvice aber sagt das #Arbeitszeitgesetz nicht dass zwischen Schichten mindestens 11 Zeitstunden (!!!) (Ende-zu-Beginn) vergehen müssen.

    Zwischen 20:00 und 4:00 sind nur 8.


    @moonmoth @FeenjaWesker Die wenigen Ausnahmen die es gibt sind Z.B. Rufbereitschaften und Notdienste wie Feuerwehr, die haben dafür aber je 24h-Schicht danach 24h frei vorgeschrieben...

    Nur in KatS-Lagen ist ein 16/8 Rhytmus erlaubt und auch das nur solange notwendig...


    doyce, to random

    So McDonald's is giving away free fries for the rest of the year...

    ... if you use their mobile app

    ... and agree to the updated terms and conditions

    ... which say: if you use this app you waive your right to trial in any class action lawsuits against McDonalds."

    We live in the lamest dystopia.

    The stuff that got edited out of Snow Crash.


    @doyce The good part is that this shit is so blatantly that they don't even bother with that in .

    Not that are a thing anyway, but those ToS are just illegal.

    Also instead of book bans we get books as option for the ...

    chinicuil, to random Spanish
    @chinicuil@paquita.masto.host avatar

    No todos los héroes usan capas


    @Rob_l @katrinatransfem @eibhear @chinicuil I'd argue that to be self-defense against acoustic assault...


    rosano, to random
    @rosano@mastodon.online avatar

    is @delta chat the only e2e encrypted messaging app out there that doesn't have this fragility of 'lose your phone, lose your data?'



    @rosano @monocles I mean @delta / #DeltaChat has the big advantage that it's not "yet another server to maintain" and just setting up an extra inbox like @chat.domain.example is relatively trivial whilst also providing the desired auditability if one were to export the private keys to their archival solution.

    But that's #NotLegalAdvice but just bits based off my experience as #Sysadmin in #Germany where corporate comms need to be auditable.

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