mikedev, to random
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


The times they are a changin' - it's quite the popular topic in #Fediverse_City and closely followed by many....

But, how 'bout you enlighten many with a few #dark_theme pics? It's very pretty - and more importantly, intuitively operable by the average user due to the simplified UX it exposes :)

Thank you for your envisage of what social communications can be today, right now, without waiting!

#tallship #Streams #FOSS #Fediverse


testing, to fediverse

bullshit on the fedi, thank you mastodon > pls have a look at the whole conversation

RE: https://diversispiritus.net.br/item/5ad5a33c-ca86-43d6-925c-8b6c58310d5a

DoomsdaysCW, to maine

Inside #PolandSpring’s Hidden Attack on #WaterRules It Didn’t Like

By Hiroko Tabuchi | Oct. 24, 2023 | New York Times

"When #Maine lawmakers tried to rein in large-scale access to the state’s #freshwater this year, the effort initially gained momentum. The state had just emerged from #drought, and many Mainers were sympathetic to protecting their snow-fed #lakes and #streams.

“Then a #WallStreet-backed giant called #BlueTriton stepped in.

“BlueTriton isn’t a household name, but its products are. Americans today buy more bottled water than any other packaged drink, and BlueTriton owns many of the nation’s biggest brands, including Poland Spring, named after a natural spring in Maine that ran dry decades ago.

“Maine’s bill threatened BlueTriton’s access to the #groundwater it bottles and sells. The legislation had already gotten a majority vote on the committee and was headed toward the full Legislature, when a lobbyist for BlueTriton proposed an amendment that would gut the entire bill.

“'Strike everything,' starts the proposed amendment, which was written in a Word document that contained a digital signature showing that it had been created by Elizabeth M. Frazier, who represents BlueTriton and is one of the most influential #lobbyists in Maine. The document was e-mailed by Ms. Frazier to lawmakers in the days after the committee vote.

“After BlueTriton’s intervention, the committee pulled the bill back. The company’s actions, which haven’t previously been reported, were described to The New York Times by three state legislators. The Times also reviewed several of the e-mails sent by Ms. Frazier as well as the Word document.

“'We couldn’t believe it. Their amendment strikes the entire bill,' said Christopher Kessler, a Democratic state representative who represents South Portland and a committee member who voted to advance the bill. 'Because all this happened behind closed doors, the public doesn’t know that Poland Spring stalled the process.'

“Bottlers have faced increasing scrutiny for the millions of throwaway #plastic bottles they produce, the marketing message that their products are safer or healthier than tap water, and for a business model in which they buy freshwater, often at low cost, only to sell it back to the public at much higher prices.

“And while the bottled-water business doesn’t use nearly as much groundwater as the nation’s thirstiest industries, like agriculture, the pressure on bottlers is building as awareness grows of the stress that intensive pumping can place on local water supplies. A Times investigation this year revealed that many of the aquifers that supply 90% of the nation’s water systems are being severely depleted as overuse and #GlobalWarming transform fragile #ecosystems.

“BlueTriton has been caught up in issues of local opposition and water use, and not only in Maine. The company also is fighting for access to water sources in numerous states, including #Michigan, #Colorado and others.

“In response to detailed questions, BlueTriton on Monday pointed The Times to a new page on its corporate website. 'After thoughtful consideration, BlueTriton opposes the proposed legislation,' the page says, because the bill 'would make it unaffordable for any large-scale water purchaser, including Poland Spring, to invest in infrastructure and operations.'

“Ms. Frazier didn’t respond to detailed questions.

“Groundwater use is regulated by states, not the federal government, which means there is little national coordination, monitoring or management of a vital natural resource. Maine’s bill seeks, among other things, to put a seven-year limit on contracts for large-scale freshwater pumping by corporations that ship water out of Maine, and to make the deals subject to local approval. That would block BlueTriton’s current efforts to lock in contracts up to 45 years long for pumping water.

“'We couldn’t believe it,' State Representative Christopher Kessler said of the lobbying effort.

“Industries and other interest groups routinely try to influence lawmaking, and there has been no suggestion that Ms. Frazier violated any rules. But it seemed 'unusual procedurally' for a corporation to propose rewriting an entire bill after it had already advanced within the Legislature, said Anthony Moffa, associate professor at the University of Maine School of Law.

“State senator Mark Lawrence, a Democrat who heads the committee considering the bill, said the committee would consider amendments proposed by any interested person or party. In Maine, 'a lot of the legislation that’s proposed is written by lobbyists, companies, different people like that,' he said.

“Mr. Lawrence also said that, at the same time the amendment was proposed, several members had begun to express fresh concerns that the State Legislature would be setting overly stringent curbs on contracts.

“BlueTriton finds itself pitted against local water boards, environmentalists and other groups across the country.

“In Colorado, environmental groups have been battling a 10-year contract that BlueTriton renewed with a semi-arid county to pump water from the Upper Arkansas River Basin, a region affected by historic drought.

“In #California, BlueTriton has publicly criticized and vowed to fight a cease-and-desist order issued by the state’s water board to stop diverting millions of gallons of water from a spring in San Bernardino County.

“In Michigan, lawmakers have proposed legislation that would close a loophole that enables BlueTriton and other commercial water users to pump water from the protected Great Lakes watershed. Known as the 'bottled-water loophole,' it allows for water to be used this way if it’s in containers that are 5.7 gallons or less.

“On its new corporate page, BlueTriton said 'there is no evidence of adverse impacts to the aquifer' in Colorado, and that California’s ruling 'negatively impacts every water agency and farmer in California that relies on groundwater, and in doing so, indirectly harms every Californian.'

“BlueTriton is a major presence in Maine, drawing water from eight locations around the state. It is currently trying to lock in a new contract of up to 45 years to pump water in Lincoln a former mill town.

“That would be BlueTriton’s second decades-long contract in the state, the kind of deals that would run afoul of the State Legislature’s proposed 7-year cap. The company’s pursuit of these deals, and the uncertainties of how climate change may affect Maine’s water supplies in the future, is what inspired the legislation, said Margaret M. O’Neil, the Democratic state legislator who introduced the bill.

“'We’re seeing our communities get locked into these contracts that are going to last, basically, the rest of my lifetime,' which is too risky, she said, considering climate uncertainties.

“In 2016-17 and in 2020-22, Maine experienced significant drought, followed by wet years. The state has also started seeing what scientists call 'snow drought.' As winters warm because of #ClimateChange, #snowpack and groundwater recharge can dwindle.

“John Mullaney, a hydrologist with the USGS's New England Water Science Center, said that a warming climate meant Maine was likely to experience more variability, with stronger rains but also worsening drought. 'The question is, what will we be able to do in 50 years,' he said. 'There might be changes that need to be made, including reducing groundwater extraction.'

“Industry groups emphasize that Maine still has ample groundwater and that bottled water accounts for only a small portion of its use compared to practices like irrigation. They also stress bottled water’s value in emergencies when drinking water is disrupted.

“And in Maine, BlueTriton has a powerful local ally: local water utilities, which say the revenue generated by selling water to bottlers helps keep costs down for everyone else.

“'Turning away a customer that’s seeking to pay money to the utility because of an alleged problem with extraction would be contrary' to ratepayers’ interests, said Roger Crouse, a board member at the Maine Water Utilities Association. 'If they have a contract that could be expiring in seven years, and the math doesn’t work out, they’re going to have to invest their money somewhere else.'

“Still, hydrologists warn that bottled water should not be discounted as an additional strain on aquifers and watersheds, as well as on residential wells. Last month, the US Geological Survey began its first-ever study of how the activities of the bottled water industry result in changes to groundwater levels, spring flows and water quality. 'Withdrawals, no matter what the use, influence movement of groundwater,' Cheryl Dieter, a hydrologist who is leading the study, said in an interview.

“BlueTriton itself is a creation of Wall Street. It is owned by the private equity funds One Rock Capital Partners and Metropoulos & Co., which paid $4.3 billion in 2021 to buy Nestlé’s North American bottled-water business.

“In Maine, some neighbors of BlueTriton, like Natalie DiPentino, are skeptical of the company for more personal reasons.

“Ms. DiPentino, who lives near Lincoln, can’t prove it but wonders if pumping by Poland Spring contributed to a crisis in her home during a drought in 2017, when her well ran dry along with those of several neighbors. Her family had to haul buckets of river water to flush the toilet, she said. Stores nearby ran out of bottled water.

“After learning about BlueTriton’s proposed 45-year contract at its Lincoln facility, she led calls for a public hearing, arguing that deals were being cut behind closed doors and that Poland Spring would be paying too little, $15,000 a month, for millions of gallons of water. 'You don’t know how badly you need water until you don’t have it in your house,' she said.

“The hearing she sought is now scheduled for next month."

Full article:

#WaterIsLife #WaterCrisis #BigWater #WaterRights

DoomsdaysCW, to Minnesota

Dirty Water and Dead Rice: The Cost of the Transition in Rural

the critical minerals needed for electric vehicle () could threaten local water supply and .

By Karina Atkins
November 21, 2023

"More than 250 years ago, the people, one of the largest Indigenous populations in North America, received a prophecy to migrate westward until they reached the land where food grows on water.
When the of Ojibwe encountered wild rice in north-central Minnesota, they knew they found their new home. Rice harvesting has been a cornerstone of Ojibwe culture ever since.

"Today, mining exploration company , also has its sights set on Minnesota. Some of the world’s richest high-grade and deposits are thousands of feet below the state colloquially known as 'the land of 10,000 lakes.'

"Talon seeks to construct a mine in the rural town of Tamarack, which it says will be integral to building the nation’s domestic supply of materials necessary for a clean energy transition.

"Nickel and copper are key components of rechargeable ion () batteries that are widely used for low-emission technologies like electric vehicles (EVs). The company already has an agreement to supply with nickel from its proposed mine, potentially bringing hundreds of unionized mining jobs to this rural area.

"The federal government has also recognized nickel and copper as 'essential to national defense,' adding them to the U.S. critical minerals list in 2022 and 2023, respectively. And, this September, the Department of Defense awarded Talon a $20.1 million matching grant to continue searching for deposits throughout the region.

"However, , the type that would happen at Tamarack, has a poor track record. The Mille Lacs Band and local warn that it could nearby , and , threatening the vitality of wild rice and local water supply down the .

"As the U.S. strives to be a leader in clean energy transition, the encapsulates both the promise and challenges that lie ahead.

"The Dangers of Sulfide Mining

"Kelly Applegate, the commissioner of natural resources for the Mille Lacs Band, was shocked when he first saw deep earth imaging of nickel-copper deposits beneath his tribal land in the late 1990s.

A study from the U.S. Geological Survey suggested that the Lake Superior region could have deposits as lucrative as high-yield mines in Canada and Russia.
'Oh my gosh, look at these mineral deposits that may one day be sought out,' he recalls thinking to himself.

"Two decades later, Talon Metals, a mining company founded by former Canadian venture and based in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), applied for a permit with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to create the Tamarack Project just over a mile away from the closest Mille Lacs Band community. "


writer13_press0451, to DOOM

Friendly reminder, that a big birthday is coming up, DoomGuy will turn 30th on December 10th. I might stream the game myself, although I just finished it a few weeks ago.

If not, Romero and Carmack will do a livestream at https://twitch.tv/theromero

Sigil II will also come out on this day which is an entire episode for Doom, made by Romero himself.

#Doom #birthday #games #retrogames #streams #Romero #Carmack

testing, to fediverse
TimKStanton, to hiking
@TimKStanton@mstdn.social avatar
SirTapTap, to selfhosted
@SirTapTap@mastodon.social avatar

Is there a #selfhosted equivalent to #googledocs? Specifically spreadsheets

We keep a fairly basic spreadsheet for our future #YTP #reaction #streams

Google Sheets isn't causing any problems YET but, I'm challenging myself to self-host as much as I can. I already killed Linktree, that was easy.

DoomsdaysCW, to cars

#Beets as a de-icer! Encourage #RemoteWork! More #LightRail, less #Cars!

Scientists have found a ‘sleeping giant’ of environmental problems: Earth is getting saltier

#Salt used to de-ice roads is the single biggest source of salt in the U.S.

By Kasha Patel
October 31, 2023

"Human activities are making the globe saltier, specifically in our soils, fresh water and air, according to a study released Tuesday in the journal Nature Reviews Earth & Environment.

"The excess salt has already caused serious issues in freshwater supplies in recent decades. Saltier water led to brown tap water for months in Montgomery County, #Maryland. It also played a part in creating the #toxic lead-laden water in #FlintMichigan.

"Salt pollution isn’t some flashy threat to our existence — like, say, a meteor hitting Earth — but the issue is gravely overlooked and is a 'sleeping giant,' said Sujay Kaushal, lead author of the study. He said it might be the 'most boring but contemporary problem that we have.'

"Most people think of salt as the white specks we put in our food or the salt in oceans, chemically known as sodium chloride (NaCl). That sodium salt can also be found in detergents, other household products and more, but there are many different salts, including calcium, magnesium and other ions used in additional products — and they’re all increasing in places where they don’t normally occur.

"Over the past 50 years, salt ions have increased in #streams and #rivers as people have begun using and producing more salts, the study says. The team found that across the globe, about 2.5 billion acres of soil — an area about the size of the United States — have become saltier. Salt lakes are also drying up and sending saline dust into the air.

“'We use water for everything from growing crops to drinking to industrial processes to heating and cooling,' said Kaushal, a geologist at the University of Maryland. 'But when you have salt in the water, it affects all of those things … and it’s increasing.'"

Read more:

#WaterIsLife #SaltPollution

youronlyone, to fediverse
@youronlyone@c.im avatar

A fictional way of looking at #SNS

  • #Mycelial Web (the multiverse)
  • Zot #Mycelium (a.k.a. #Zot protocol universe)
  • #Streams galaxy
    -- note 1: communication with the Fediverse is standard practice in this universe.
  • #Hubzilla galaxy
    -- note 1: developed a way to communicate across the Mycelial Web (a.k.a. the multiverse). Can also communicate with BlueSky and diaspora.
  • #Fediverse Mycelium (a.k.a. #ActivityPub protocol universe)
  • #Friendica galaxy
    -- note 1: developed a way to communicate across the Mycelial Web (a.k.a. the multiverse). Can also communicate with BlueSky and diaspora.
  • #Firefish galaxy
  • firefish.social star/solar system
  • #Mastodon galaxy
  • c.im star/solar system
  • #Rebased galaxy
  • c.wtf star/solar system
  • #Pixelfed galaxy
  • pixelfed.social star/solar system
  • Sky Mycelium (a.k.a. #ATprotocol universe)
  • #BlueSky galaxy
  • bsky.app star/solar system
  • #Jabber Mycelium (a.k.a. #XMPP protocol universe)
  • Matrix Mycelium (a.k.a. #Matrix protocol universe)
  • #Meta Mycelium
  • #Facebook galaxy
  • #Instagram galaxy (closed borders; isolated; aware of other mycelium/universes)
  • #Threads star/solar system
  • #X #Twitter Mycelium (closed borders; isolated; have not discovered there are other mycelium/universes besides their own)
  • #Tumblr Mycelium (closed borders; isolated; rumours has it their government decided against connecting with the other mycelium/universes, but they are aware)
  • #Flickr Mycelium (closed borders; isolated; aware of other mycelium/universes)
  • #Pebble / #T2 Mycelium - collapsed
  • #diaspora* Mycelium (Diaspora protocol universe)
  • diaspora galaxy empire (software)
  • diasp.org star/solar system (instance)
  • #SocialHome galaxy (software)
  • socialhome.network star/solar system (instance)
  • #Google+ (#GooglePlus universe) - collapsed

… and so on.

#Fiction #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #ScienceFantasy #YourOnlyOne

jnktn_tv, to music

Recordings from Saturday 28th October

📼 📼 📼

Thanks 🙏 to those that had a slot and to everyone who tuned 📺 in!

Files 📁 will only be available for 7 DAYS 🗓️ from today and require a password 🔒 to access, found below ⬇️.



Let us know if you have any issues 😖 accessing.

#jnktn #streams #recordings #music #audio #video #online

RookieNerd, to fediverse

@fediverse Let's face it. When talking about the Fediverse, it is very hard to sell interoperability between different types of instances as a major advantage.

@youronlyone@c.im avatar

@RookieNerd @fediverse

#Firefish #Pleroma (and its forks) #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #SocialNetwork to mention a few, fits your description. ^_^

@youronlyone@c.im avatar

@RookieNerd @fediverse

Do not recommend one software and/or one instance.

Using your scenario, would you recommend photography instances based on #Mastodon knowing Mastodon only allows up to 4 “attached” images? Not only that, Mastodon will only display 4 images even if there are more than that?

Or, are you going to recommend #Pixelfed designed for images. Or, maybe #Firefish, #Friendica, #Hubzilla, #Streams, which all allow more than 4 images and will display all the images even if it exceeds their software's attach limit?

Quite frankly, in my opinion, with the image display alone, Mastodon is highly not recommended. So, the number of users and instances Mastodon have does not make it the best #Fediverse software, as you have mentioned earlier, “Mastodon is the level of UX other projects should aim to”. It's not.

The best approach is we understand what the user needs and suggest to them the appropriate software and instances that will suit their needs.

Let's forget about the Fediverse for a while.

We have to remember that not everyone is on Twitter or Facebook. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals who only have an Instagram account. Why? They don't need Twitter and Facebook.

In Korea, for example, they have their own culture and platforms for communication Twitter/Facebook-like, so they don't need those. But many of them have Instagram accounts.

Now, let's go back to the Fediverse.

If those are the users we are reaching out to, then there should be no problem recommending Pixelfed. Because for these target market, their only concern and type of use is to share, well, photos or their latest digital artwork. They don't care about a Twitter/Facebook-like experience or use.

That brings us back to the features of #ActivityPub. It is an “added benefit”.

  1. Users who want to follow this content creator can do so using their existing account.

Okay, you can't do this with #Lemmy, the last time I checked, however, you can do it with #Kbin. That's a Lemmy limitation, not the fediverse.

  1. For the content creator who migrated to the fediverse, in particular, Pixelfed in our scenario, they have a greater reach because they're federated.

(Extra: You can actually turn Pixelfed into a regular Twitter-like software if you are using the web UI. Although, last time I heard it will be removed eventually.)

(Extra 2: BookWyrm also allows Twitter-like feeds and interaction, it's not restricted to just books.)

TimKStanton, to HikingPics
@TimKStanton@mstdn.social avatar

Have a great weekend everyone! Enjoy this gorgeous #stream that I crossed yesterday on my #backpacking trip. Can you see the mist in the air just above the water upstream? Lots of moisture in the air with all of the rain this area was getting. White #Mountains, #NewHampshire. #hiking #streams #waterfall #waterfalls #landscape #photography #LandscapePhotography #nature #NaturePhotography

TimKStanton, to HikingPics
@TimKStanton@mstdn.social avatar

This is one of the beautiful that I passed earlier this month while in the White , . The is appropriately named “Falling Waters Trail”!

TimKStanton, to HikingPics
@TimKStanton@mstdn.social avatar

Just returned from an all-weather adventure in the White , ! Camped halfway up a mountain near a , then hiked up to the ridge the next morning, summiting three peaks before returning. , , dinner overlooking a valley at sunset, plus some heavy rain, hail, and being buried in the clouds while the ridge— this trip had it all and I had a blast!

Photo of hammock strung between two trees in the forest. A v-shaped tarp is immediately above the hammock to protect from rain. Leaves on trees are green, leaves on ground are reddish brown. The ground immediately below the hammock is nearly flat, the ground is sloping steeply up to the left and sloping steeply down to the right. Falling Waters Trail.
Photo of me standing at the summit of Mt Lafayette, facing the camera. Green moss-covered boulders in the foreground and background. Behind the background boulders, it is completely gray, illustrating the dense cloud cover that I was in. In fact, the background boulders are slightly masked by the clouds. I am wearing a blue rain jacket with a hood. A broad rim hat is on my head and pulled over the hood. I am also wearing black rain pants and have blue rain gloves. I am holding two trekking poles and have a white backpack on my back. I am smiling, enjoying having reached the highest point of my trip.
Photo of cloud covered mountain peak as viewed from a distance. Framing the peak in the foreground is a gray and green (moss) boulder on the left and green tree branches on the right. The overhead clouds are dark and gray. Old Bridle Path Trail, partway down the mountain and looking back at the ridge I had just hiked.

TimKStanton, to HikingPics
@TimKStanton@mstdn.social avatar

These magnificent , cascading down 80’ of rock ledges, were a major feature in my trip last week in the White , . I had already snowshoed by them this winter while they were completely frozen (see March 1 post) and I couldn’t wait to them again falling freely. Their beauty is stunning in each form.

LoisBryan, to art
@LoisBryan@mastodon.social avatar

Something a little different from my usual autumn pieces … less colorful, less brilliant … a bit more moody and contemplative. To see where my head was really "at" when I created this one, click into the links below to read the descriptions .. or not and enjoy it your way! 😁

#Hand-painted and created entirely from my imagination, no photos involved, in #CorelPainter. #NotAi #HumanMade.


#art #giftideas #autumn #fall #digitalhandpainting #trees #streams #LoisBryan

jnktn_tv, to music

Recordings from Saturday 7th October

📼 📼 📼

Thanks 🙏 to those that had a slot and to everyone who tuned 📺 in!

Files 📁 will only be available for 7 DAYS 🗓️ from today and require a password 🔒 to access, found below ⬇️.



Let us know if you have any issues 😖 accessing.

TheMetalDog, to random
@TheMetalDog@mastodon.social avatar
SirTapTap, to Halloween
@SirTapTap@mastodon.social avatar


Spooky streams all month long! 6PM every Thursday and Friday. More details:


TimKStanton, to hiking
@TimKStanton@mstdn.social avatar

I passed this beautiful while in the White , in August. This was 8 miles deep in the wilderness and could only be viewed while halfway across a that I was fording. This and the many other picturesque features in this wilderness made the trip a memorable one!

kris, to streams French


I just installed a server with .

I can create an account and it seems working.

How to be admin now ? I think I am not admin

testing, to fediverse
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