cmdr_nova, to fediverse avatar

I've written a bit of an extensive guide on navigating ActivityPub and its many apps, and instances, along with some initial questions new users might have, and links to mobile apps.

#activitypub #mastodon #misskey #pleroma #lemmy #friendica #GNUsocial #peertube #pixelfed #wafrn

argumento, to mastodon Spanish avatar

Genocide apologist are safe and welcome at dot social. This person has dedicated their time to harass, lie and libel the @palestine They keep spreading proven lies as the "beheaded babies" and "mass rapes" (there's zero evidence of either), yet Mastodon dot social mods don't do anything about this obvious troll, while they ban pro-Palestine accounts.

Please report this islamophobic scum.

coloco, avatar

@trankten No se que podemos hacer ante eso, pero espero que si es cierto que se ha vendido a Meta le espero que le pase lo mismo que "hizo" el con cuando dejo Ostatus y puso ActivityPub. El como bien sabes es muy grande.

@scrum @argumento @palestine

kalisz79, to random Polish avatar

To nie jest trochę to co już mamy dzięki wspólnemu logowaniu do różnych usług na via @ftdl ? :)

m0bi13, (edited ) avatar

@kalisz79 @ftdl

Dobrym podejściem są też web-aplikacje starające się integrować wiele profili z różnych serwisów. Np. , który ostatnio integruje i (jego Media-firt UI jest świetne).

Podobnie na integruje profile z różnych usług: Mastodon, , Pixelfed, , , .

Takie podejście mi się podoba :)

Innym tematem jest uparte trzymanie się przez Mastodona obsługi jedynie typu Note (i ułomne wyświetlanie Article). A ponieważ Mastodon dominuje w , nie rozwija się (tak jak mogłoby) wsparcie dla innych typów treści : image, video, audio, artist, album, track, playlist. De facto obrazki czy filmiki albo audio to po prostu załączniki do typu Note, bo Masto tak ma i nic innego nie wyświetli :/

Więc IMO pole do rozwoju jest ogromne, nie trzymajmy się kurczowo jednego konta (to wymysł marketingowców budujących silosy), zostańmy przy jeden login do wielu usług, jeśli już musimy ;)

tk, to fediverse avatar

Is there a skin that mimics the old look of ?

smallcircles, to random in meta groups avatar


There's something to terminology and design to ponder, I think.

@diogo of #GNUSocial submitted the #UnboundGroups #FEP before, that can be used to indicate an #ActivityPub Group is 'spread out'/supported on multiple instances:

A metagroup has an unfortunate association to Meta. Is it an unbound group, or maybe a compound, or composite group?

For example:

"Front-end" group is a composite of "NodeJS" + "Deno" groups (where these groups may both be unbound too).

tk, to fediverse avatar

The Fediverse (formerly known as GNU Social).

youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

If you haven't heard, sadly, , one of the popular “groups” platform, is shutting down “probably” on February 29th.

In an email they sent to admins, the owner and developer can no longer support financially as they failed to find a new job after they were laid off by last year.

So, if you have a Chirp.Social groups, either move to ( (as suggested by Chirp.Social), or if I may, to (, an [flagship] instance.

This reminds us the importance of having a built-in groups feature, and one where the groups feature actually federates.

Back in 2008, when the was born, we did have a built-in federated groups in / (today known as ). We used bang (!) instead of at (@). A built-in groups feature is more stable as established instances can host them.

Today, we have and (as well as -based instances) to fill in that, as groups is a built-in feature in those software products. It's just a matter of finding an instance that's open to hosting groups for any topic for the ActivityPub protocol.

That said, any Friendica, Hubzilla, Streams-based instances you suggest for groups?

kzimmermann, to fediverse avatar

A unearthed a record of when I first joined the #Fediverse, way back in 2015.

I just noticed that the message ends with "Thanks for your time." Well, what can I say? Don't thank me, thank you, Quitter!

#fedihistory #quitter #gnusocial

tk, to fediverse avatar
jwz, to random avatar

Remember when Mozilla made a web browser?

Mozilla 2023 Annual Report: CEO pay skyrockets, while Firefox Marketshare nosedives:

Earlier this year, Mozilla laid out their vision for the future of their organization -- and it did not include Firefox....


@mima @gabriel @jwz @Schouten_B @americanjeff
We were going to say redirect donations to a fork of Firefox rather than Firefox.

FF really doesn't respect ppls donations. They are Goo-funded. Scamazon and Cloud(G)lare work through them too. A few years ago Mozilla snubbed bitcoin donations. Their priorities are clear.

Projects that seem to respect ppl and/or seem to need support/volunteers, include , , FSF, (gnulinux), .at, ForgeFed, , DeCloudflare.

liaizon, to random avatar

looks like I lost my testing account @wakest because I hadn't logged in in a year. I cant imagine this really saves much storage, it should only be a few Kb at most as I don't think I had even posted any photos on the account...

smallcircles, to mastodon avatar

There's a lot of focus on to migration, but the overall story is quite a bit bigger I think.

The offers huge opportunity for independent journalism in a world where so much of media are consolidated and in the hands of shady mogul billionaires. In other words Fediverse is both a threat to existing business models, as well as market opportunity.

Though I don't know if it applies, this toot was triggered by:


To be fair, we get a sense that many instances are operated by those who are invested in highly questionable endeavours, which make them function similarly to a large corporation.

One of the goals of Fediverse proponents like us is to make setting up secure instances fairly easy, and not too burdensome. We think isn't able to provide such, but with and no javascript, maybe it can.

We wonder how and I2P-friendly (eg. ) might help.

santisbon, to fediverse

My #Fediverse viewer now supports any server type (as long as the server's APIs are correctly configured)!
Find out if a server is right for you based on custom emojis, character limit, users, translation, and more.

Tested on #Mastodon, #Firefish, #Iceshrimp, #Pleroma, #Akkoma, #Friendica, #Takahē, #Fedibird, #Lemmy, #Pixelfed, #WordPress, #Peertube, #GotoSocial, #GNUSocial

#emojos #emojis

boris_pohler, to mastodon German avatar

Warum #Mastodon?

Ich beobachte aktuell eine große Wanderung von Twitter zu #Bluesky. Vor allem der aktive Kern der Twitterer zieht dahin um.

Mein Frage an Euch: Warum Mastodon und keine der anderen Alternativen?

[Bitte teilen]

tk, to fediverse avatar

Anyone who wasn't on the in the / / days is but a wee gnoob.

tk, to mastodon avatar

is just bootleg . :blobfoxmlem:

tk, to fediverse en-us

Let's not forget where we came from.

We Distribute, Part I: The Road to Federation by @deadsuperhero

In the beginning, there was Laconica, which later became known as StatusNet. A massive amount of the work that went into this is due to Evan Prodromou ( @evan ) , who is now spearheading an effort to standardize work on a communication protocol with the W3C Social Working Group.As a networking project, it was the first public implementation of the communication protocol known as OpenMicroBlogging, which later evolved into the OStatus protocol. These technologies provided a significant building block for future federated networking projects to study and reference.

In terms of how StatusNet was used, it resembled an early version of Twitter, with the added benefit of group functionality. What made it unique is that users on one Laconica server could communicate with users on completely different servers.

#Fediverse #Mastodon #GNUSocial #Pleroma #MissKey #ActivityPub #OStatus


coloco, to random Spanish avatar
coloco, avatar

@isaakubus Creo que se puede quitar en configuracion.

AndStatus la usaba para antes de nacer .
Twidere tambien, pero la que mas que gusta es fedilab para moviles hoy por hoy para mis cuentas.


tk, to mastodon avatar

@lanodan I’m having trouble getting following to work now. My user on KBBS is following my GS user on both the Pleroma side:

pleroma=> SELECT id, ap_id FROM users WHERE id IN('0000016f-ee31-77b4-218b-430a336b0000', '00000188-d57c-611f-35da-dfec06df0000');
                  id                  |                  ap_id                  
 0000016f-ee31-77b4-218b-430a336b0000 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a>
 00000188-d57c-611f-35da-dfec06df0000 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a>
(2 rows)

pleroma=> SELECT * FROM following_relationships WHERE id = 18491;
  id   |             follower_id              |             following_id             | state |     inserted_at     |     updated_at      
 18491 | 0000016f-ee31-77b4-218b-430a336b0000 | 00000188-d57c-611f-35da-dfec06df0000 |     1 | 2023-06-20 14:11:01 | 2023-06-20 14:11:01
(1 row)

And on the GS side:

MariaDB [social]> SELECT id, profileurl FROM profile WHERE id IN(3, 29);
| id | profileurl                        |
|  3 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a> |
| 29 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a>          |
2 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [social]> SELECT * FROM subscription WHERE subscriber = 3 AND subscribed = 29;
| subscriber | subscribed | jabber | sms  | token | secret | uri                                                                             | created             | modified            |
|          3 |         29 |      1 |    1 | NULL  | NULL   |,2023-06-20:subscription:3:person:29:2023-06-20T07:11:02-07:00 | 2023-06-20 14:11:02 | 2023-06-20 14:11:02 |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

But I’m not getting non-mentions in my KBBS user’s timeline despite re-establishing this over and over. Any ideas?

#GNUSocial #Mastodon #Pleroma #Fediverse

tk, to fediverse avatar

Does this #ActivityPub look weird at all? #Pleroma is rejecting it from #GNUSocial for some reason. #Fediverse #Mastodon

    "@context": "",
    "id": "",
    "type": "Create",
    "directMessage": false,
    "to": [
    "cc": [
    "actor": "",
    "object": {
        "@context": "",
        "id": "",
        "type": "Note",
        "published": "2023-06-20T02:18:41Z",
        "url": "",
        "attributedTo": "",
        "to": [
        "cc": [
        "conversationId": "",
        "conversationUrl": "",
        "content": "Another #<span class="tag"><a href="" rel="tag">test</a></span> .",
        "isLocal": true,
        "attachment": [],
        "tag": [
                "@context": "",
                "name": "test",
                "url": ""
tk, to fediverse en-us

Has anyone tried to run in recently? I followed these steps, by the way.

Aside from an error complaining that vendor/autoload.php is missing, I was getting this logging constantly when running docker compose up:

gnu-social-worker-1   | Fatal error: Uncaught LogicException: You need to add "symfony/framework-bundle" as a Composer dependency. in /var/www/social/bin/console:18
gnu-social-worker-1   | Stack trace:
gnu-social-worker-1   | #0 {main}
gnu-social-worker-1   |   thrown in /var/www/social/bin/console on line 18

tk, to fediverse avatar

Has anyone tried to run #GNUSocial in #Docker recently? I followed these steps, by the way.

Aside from an error complaining that vendor/autoload.php is missing, I was getting this logging constantly when running docker compose up:

gnu-social-worker-1   | Fatal error: Uncaught LogicException: You need to add "symfony/framework-bundle" as a Composer dependency. in /var/www/social/bin/console:18
gnu-social-worker-1   | Stack trace:
gnu-social-worker-1   | #0 {main}
gnu-social-worker-1   |   thrown in /var/www/social/bin/console on line 18

#Fediverse #Mastodon

tk, avatar

At this point, #GNUSocial still doesn't run correctly because no tables were created in the database. I haven't found any installation scripts for this version of it, either. #fediverse #mastodon

mj, to mastodon German avatar

Ich startete 2017 mit #GnuSocial ging dann 2018 zu #Mastodon und probierte auch #Pleroma, #diaspora, #Hubzilla, #Misskey, #Calckey und #Friendica aus. Schaute mir, #Plume und #WriteFreely an.

Habe einen Mastodon-Account und einen Backup-Account (auch bei Mastodon), bin bei #Pixelfed, #PeerTube und #BookWyrm.

Von wegen es gibt keine "Alternativen".

HailSatan, avatar

Ich war viele Jahre komplett ohne Social Media. Vor vielen Jahren hatte ich einen Facebook Account. Den habe ich irgendwann gelöscht weil der FB Algorithmus es schafft das schlechteste in mir zum Vorschein zu bringen. Vor einiger Zeit dann zu Twitter. Sobald klar war dass Musk übernimmt habe ich das Konto zur Löschung eingestellt. Seitdem Mastodon.

PabloBzz, to random Spanish avatar

Primero hay que dejarlos que vengan a Mastodon y cuando se descuiden ¡Zas! Les instalamos un linux en la Pc!!

coloco, avatar

@PabloBzz Yo en esta red no, en #GNUsocial entre con windows y gracias a el #fediverse conocí #GNUlinux y me tire de cabeza sin saber apenas nada, esta red me hizo cambiar a GNUlinux y desde entonces no tengo de llamar a mi compa informatico para que me arregle mierdas del puto win, desde entonces he intalado unas 10 distros diferentes, #Debian me enamoro y ya no la suelto por eso.

march, to random German

so. das archiv ist gezippt. frau frohmann schrieb neulich, dass das radikalste aktuell meist sei, etwas nicht mehr zu tun. und das ist deeper, als einiges, was ich in letzter zeit gelesen habe.


und damit meine ich wo war denn euer engagement bei [, , , und wo seid ihr jetzt]

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