sesivany, (edited ) to random avatar

I left Twitter 6 months ago, but I haven't deleted my account. Just in case it will get better in the future which seems even less likely now than 6 months ago, so I'm considering to say the final goodbye, but it was a big part of my online life for 12 years, it's not an easy decision.
How about you and the birdsite?

giorgiolucas, avatar

@sesivany I joined #Twitter on 2008, when there was nothing there. No press, no people.
No one knew what Twitter was about.
My colleagues and I just posted random stuff for each other. We shared news, personal thoughts, we cursed and stuff, followed random people with similar interests around the world.
It was pretty much how I feel about Mastodon today.
But I think #Mastodon will do better in the upcoming years, because #Fediverse and #ActivityPub is really mind-blowing and it makes much more sense.
The learning curve is a little bit steeper, but once you grasp it gets very exciting.

box464, to random

Hmmmm……. 🤔

​:calckey:​ 🐦


@atomicpoet @box464 I appreciate that, and I really don’t want to be harsh of mastodon and the teams there. I wasn’t there and can’t judge.

I can’t help though but imagine that in hindsight there was a pervasive attitude and mentality that we can now critique. My bet is that at its root was the unwillingness to meet newcomers halfway but to still desire growth. The feeling that “we” made the right choice and want everyone to come join “us” in our “place”. Which is cool, I get it. It’s just that crashing someone else’s party can get old quickly and you shouldn’t be too surprised if people bounce.

I don’t know if core mastodon people care or are surprised right now. But I think many of the migrants who came to mastodon hoping to have their friends join them justifiably feel a little bothered. Maybe they went to the wrong party, maybe the hosts they picked weren’t really what they were after and now their friends have all scattered and the buzz has been killed, and maybe for good reason?

Of course mastodon doesn’t owe us anything and we can be very entitled about all this. But growing communities is a serious craft, and it makes sense to wonder about what happened back there in the winter of 2022.

Beyond that, is base calckey, excluding whatever lessons have been learned from mastodon, not closer to what many lost migrants were after? Search, QTs, recommendations, fun, custom feeds/antennas? #calckey #fediverse


@atomicpoet @box464 @kainoa thanks for the response! Appreciate it. You’ve provided some clarity I didn’t quite have.

Somewhat back to my point, how much do you expect mastodon to become more flexible with its strict opinions over time, especially if other platforms gain momentum? #calckey #fediverse


@maegul @box464 @kainoa I know that #Mastodon devs are looking at #Calckey 🙂

I also hope they work with us, and we can get much of these innovations standardized. In fact, I spoke with @evan today about much of his work continuing with #ActivityPub, and it’s far better to work collegiately instead of as siloed platforms going it alone. For we know that with silos lies madness.

Plus, the time when Mastodon dominates the #Fediverse is going to end soon. Not because of Calckey, Akkoma, Pixelfed, etc., but because of developments at Automattic and Meta.

So we might as well work together.

maegul, (edited ) to fediversenews avatar

Looked up someone who used to be on here (@vicki, basically stopped posting in March) and went back to their Twitter, and found this exchange. Don’t know how representative it is, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it is for a number of “lost” fediverse users. I know vicki tried for a while. Don’t really know how I feel about this.

Full Twitter thread if you’re interested:



@eshep @vicki @maegul I agree with you. I think there has been some pressure, for some reason, to make the #Fediverse a direct replacement for centralized social media, and mostly Twitter. But if you're trying to convince people this is just like centralized social, then you will try behaving more and more like them. So first you may start talking only about your platform, for a more consistent experience and to not confuse users. Then you find out that having to choose a server also confuses users who want an experience just like Twitter, so you make one server the default for onboarding. Is it so hard to see that this leads to some kind of centralization, which is futile because it just goes against the very nature of this place? If you want a centralized experience, look for (or start) a centralized platform.

So many people have been trying to prove that this is better than centralized social media, which implies that they are directly comparable. This is not how I perceive this place. I mean I prefer it from centralized social a million times, but not because it's the same but better - because it's different, and I personally like the ways in which it is different.

People seem to forget that the decentralization of the #Fediverse occurs because we're essentially federated communities. We are both a wider interconnecting network, but we're also local communities. If you try to interpret the #Fediverse as only the first or only the second, you're totally missing the point, you don't see complete picture:

A centralized, "universal" network means mainstream social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok.
Local communities are things like forums.
The #Fediverse is both and neither.

It's dialectics: first we had forums, then we had big social. The Fediverse combines and surpasses them. This is why this is the next level. We come from the future. ​:blobbonedealwithit:​

dab, to random German

Ich hab ein bißchen die Befürchtung, dass der Vogeldienst sich hält und Masto wieder in Vergessenheit gerät, jetzt wo SpaceKaren eine Nachfolgerin gefunden hat, die nicht komplett "irre" zu sein scheint - auch wenn das Einstellungsvoraussetzung war. Das werden viele als "jetzt wo er wieder weg ist, ist alles wieder gut" für sich deuten und den Wechsel sein lassen. Was schlimm wäre.


@dab Oh je - wir hatten im #Fediverse über die vielen Jahre schon jedem Menge Twitter-Wellen - Leute kommen, Leute gehen, Leute bleiben. Das #Fediverse muss keine Zahlen haben, es muss kein Wachstum haben, das #Fediverse ist nicht kommerziell. Quantität ist hier nicht Synonym für Qualität.

kraft, to random

Alright junkies, I'm a Mastodon instance admin and I'm an engineering group lead at Automattic (think the company of WordPress' founder) who is leading the work to add Mastodon as a supported service for our Jetpack Social product.

That said, what's the sell to get me to spend more time here?

smallcircles, avatar

@evan @panos @kainoa @dansup @kraft @paul

And to top off the discussion I'll add an obligatory reference to the Enhancement Proposal process, where any dev can take the initiative and bring a particular mechanism into standard use..

Check out:

Discussion of take place at at:

rober, to random Spanish

Hoy hace ya 6 meses que me lancé a gestionar un servidor generalista de Mastodon y anuncié la apertura de 🥳 (Aquí:

Tengo que reconocer que he incumplido la primera parte de mi promesa de una "comunidad pequeña", pues aunque la ambición fuese poca al principio, en poco tiempo nos convertimos en el mayor servidor generalista de habla hispana :blobcat0_0:

Espero poder decir que he cumplido con la segunda parte, eso sí 🤭

Para celebrarlo, aquí van unas cuantas estadísticas extra sobre el servidor:

  • Tenemos 19852 usuarios, de los cuales 4188+ son activos y 1320 borraron su cuenta o se la suspendimos.
  • Conocemos 14463 servidores y casi medio millón de usuarios de todo el Fediverso.
  • Hemos resuelto alrededor de 300 informes de moderación.
  • Ha tenido un coste de unos 300€ hasta ahora, que se han cubierto con 400€ en donaciones.

En las imágenes, entre otras, las estadísticas sobre retención, que por primera vez están "completas".

Tasa de retención de usuarios. Suele estar en torno al 40-50% tras el primer mes, y declina al 10% tras varios meses. En meses más recientes, la tasa de retención inicial es peor que la de los primeros meses (probablemente debido a que al registrarse más gente en, aquí un mayor porcentaje de registro acaban siendo cuentas de spam que son suspendidas).

coloco, avatar

@rober Siempre es un buen momento para abrir un servidor mastodon o cualquiera de los del #fediverse.

atomicpoet, to socialmedianews

Wow! 😲

If you don't log into your Twitter account every 30 days, Twitter might delete it!



@atomicpoet @socialmedianews I was having a break during winter - nobody deleted me and #fediverse is as much fun as it was 👍

thoralf, to random

Gibt es mit #Calckey eine Möglichkeit, einem RSS-Feed zu folgen.
Wenn ja: Wie?


@julianwki Elevator-Pitch:

#Calckey ist eine social media Plattform im #Fediverse, wie es mit Mastodon, Pleroma, Pixelfed, etc. so einige gibt.
Es ist eine Microblogging-Plattform, die sich auf die User Experience konzentriert und du Nutzung möglichst angenehm gestalten will.

Noch kürzer: wie Mastodon, aber schöner/nutzerfreundlicher und weniger dogmatisch

RemeJuan, to gaming avatar

And that’s the end of the journey, did a few sides and exploration in the beginning, but the sides feel pretty pointless to me so happy to call it with the final mission complete and 22 hours under my belt…
#JediSurvivor #starwars #playstation #console #gaming #PS5Share


RemeJuan, avatar

@darth I just noticed this and made me thing of your post about #spoilers a ways back.
In #metatext I have set my images to sensitive which does not hide the text, but I just opened ivory and realized that’s probably not a #fediverse feature. Maybe at least some of them are accidental #spoilers

jeffjarvis, to random avatar

I have been eagerly awaiting @mmasnick's game to demonstrate the nuances, difficulties, and issues of content moderation.

wendinoakland, avatar

@jeffjarvis @mmasnick Good to learn that I suck at a job that I totally don’t want. Also, #Fediverse peeps, give some love & a little moolah to your #mods. It’s unenviable work and hard. ♥️

TNLNYC, to ai avatar

@mfioretti_en is an amazing thinker on the impact of AI from a sociological standpoint. His latest ( here ) has a lot of content to ponder. So I highly recommend reading the whole thing if you want to get your brain going.

#AI #longread

mfioretti_en, avatar

@TNLNYC (this is for real, I kid you not)

the following PSA to the #fediverse is literally dictated by my wife, now standing behind me:

That Tristan guy is right, so BEWARE. Doing the "amazing thinker" thing is EXACTLY how he tricked me into marrying, then "living in interesting times", as the Chinese proverb goes. You've been warned.

PS, still by her: but NO, he's NOT on the market. Still my problem and mine only

breakfastmtn, to random

#Calckey app suggestions for Android?

Is PWA the way to go for now? #Milktea seems nice but I keep getting network errors when loading the TL. Very excited for Fedilab support in the near future!


@breakfastmtn I have been looking for iOS. I found some for MissKey but the fetching is insanely slow, I have better luck on the web, but even that encounters issues regularly #fediverse

cliffwade, to gaming avatar


  • Loading...
  • damon,

    @cliffwade Holy Toledo!

    Toward ActivityPub 2.0 (

    We are going to need an Activity Pub 2.0 which fixes the major pain points in the eco system. It must be backward compatible with 1.x, but will introduce new, more scalable, extensible, interoperable ways of doing things for a larger federation and ecosystem. Systems using 1.x can signal it, and those using 2.0 should accept 1.x...

    indieterminacy, to xq_icebreaker in Toward ActivityPub 2.0

    You could try this group, which convenes different parties:

    They have an active chatroom here

    ...and of course its helpful to engage people in the aforementioned community cited in the link:


    forevermarked, to vegan German

    Herzlich Willkommen in unserer veganen Gruppe bei #signal!


    Zur Gruppe:

    #vegan @vegan

    fuesstest, avatar

    @forevermarked @cryptosteve @boarddezernat
    Bevor ihr aus einem offenen #Fediverse in ein geschlossenes Netzwerk wie #Discord abdriftet, überlegt euch doch einen #Matrix #Space zu benutzen. Damit macht ihr euch wenigstens nicht so abhängig.

    symfonystation, to Symfony avatar

    Explore today's @symfonystation Communiqué of Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Fediverse, and Cybersecurity news. #Symfony #SymfonyCasts #PHP #Drupal #Cybersecurity #Fediverse #CSS :symfony: :elephpant_purple: :drupalicon: :fediverse: :mastodon: 🇺🇦

    asahi95, to fediverse Japanese

    Ok so it seems that spam bots are starting to reach some users from once again (I'm gonna have to mute the instance once more on my other accounts since already limited the big instance)

    Be on the lookout Fedi, and as always...Report first and Block!


    #fedi #fediverse #mastodon #mastodonsocial #spambots #spam

    symfonystation, to Symfony avatar

    Explore today's @symfonystation Communiqué of Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Fediverse, and Cybersecurity news. #Symfony #SymfonyCasts #PHP #Drupal #Cybersecurity #Fediverse #CSS :symfony: :elephpant_purple: :drupalicon: :fediverse: :mastodon: 🇺🇦

    redegelde, to fediverse

    #goedemorgen #fediverse #onderwijs vrienden. Als goed is lezen alle #mastodon en #calckey #server vrienden dit. De kracht van gekoppeld zijn.

    symfonystation, to Symfony avatar

    Explore today's Symfony Station Communiqué of Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Fediverse, and Cybersecurity news. #Symfony #SymfonyCasts #PHP #Drupal #Cybersecurity #Fediverse #CSS :symfony: :elephpant_purple: :drupalicon: :fediverse: :mastodon: 🇺🇦

    redegelde, to internet Dutch avatar

    Ok Twitter alternatief werkt. Check.
    Nu ook in mijn ogen leuk #Facebook alternatief opgezet
    #onderwijs actief op de #fediverse
    Ik heb net de beta open gezet voor aanmelding

    Daar even #eurovision2023 actief maken dan ;-)

    mobileatom, to Symfony avatar

    Explore today's @symfonystation Communiqué of Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Fediverse, and Cybersecurity news. #Symfony #SymfonyCasts #PHP #Drupal #Cybersecurity #Fediverse #CSS 🇺🇦

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