DavBot, to ADHD
@DavBot@nerdculture.de avatar

Bah, three hours sleep, and I didn't do anything productive or social last night. Task paralysis is a sonofibitch. I figure the conversation went like:

😁: "Alright brain what thing do next? Chores, server, peertube relaunch, music? Schoo-"

🧠: "Nope."

🧐: "What do you mean nope?"

🧠: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."

😬: "Huh?"

🧠: "Daiiiisy.... Daaaaiiiissyyy..."

#add #adhd #TheStruggle

hollie, to ADHD
@hollie@social.coop avatar

My fellow ADHD folks, my friend just sent me this and it's pretty cool!


Try putting in "clean the kitchen" and then click the wand for "break down item". Then when you see "wash dishes," click the wand again.

Nifty keen jellybean!

#ADD #ADHD #ADHDLife #ADHDHelp #tools

skaly, to art

Gotta like ADHD, this time my hyper fixation is, well, mushrooms! 🍄💜
Here are some unisex and more fem/masc options for all. Reblog if you agree that mushrooms are great and would like to support a small business devoted to using funds to the creation of music, film and poetry about neurodiversity, the climate crisis, gender and mental health. Thank you:)
You can get any of them here:

#mushroom #fungi #art #adhd #add #smallbusiness

White mushroom round pendant with crescent moon, with clear quartz beads, silver beads and dark blue handmade necklace
Brown necklace with ladybug beads and dark orange red mushroom pendant, star beads, handmade necklace
Tiger's Eye mushroom pendant, garnet round gemstone beads, wooden beads, grey beads and brown beaded handmade necklace

counsellingkaren, to ADHD

so the bbc and the times (both far right in politics) after years of attacking lgbtqaai people have moved onto neurodivergent
There is a documentary out claiming lots of people are "misdiagnosed" with adhd/add
They did this by having a journalist lie about his symptoms
Guess what - if you lie to a doctor they will misdiagnose you
Let's ask why they did this?
#trans #nonbinary #adhd #add @actuallyautistic

aleandros, to ADHD

Any #ADD or #ADHD community on Mastodon that you people can recommend? Just for support and sharing tips/experiences.

LibertyForward1, to DBT

Dialectical Behavior Therapy #DBT is a godsend for folks with personality disorders, and I really think just about anyone - mentally ill or not - could benefit from its concepts.

As someone who simultaneously struggles with Borderline Personality Disorder #BPD and Attention Deficit Disorder #ADD/#ADHD, being able to consistently implement and maintain the principles of DBT feels like a monumental and discouraging challenge, not the least of which is the cost of attending traditional #therapy when my partner and I are struggling just to survive. And in order to become stable enough to survive, we need to develop the #CopingSkills taught in DBT.. but we can't afford it!

My ADHD augments my BPD, leaving me with zero self-discipline. For example, I've dabbled with Duolingo and have a 42 day streak going, it's probably the longest amount of time I've maintained a healthy habit in my entire life. I need help to focus and I'm tired of being ashamed to say so.

I realize people need to be compensated for their pioneering work in behavioral therapy; but I wonder if there's some way to "open source" the teaching and practicing of DBT for people like me who otherwise couldn't afford it, and will never be able to afford it without the skills therein!

At this point I'm essentially self-medicating with cannabis most of my waking hours to cope with.. well, the shitshow that is my personal life with mental illness and the burning shitshow that is the world. I can't afford to do that long-term.

I truly, honestly believe DBT is a miracle but we need a way to share the knowledge as a matter of improving overall humanity.

Thoughts? Ideas? Slipped into a coma trying to finish this? I understand.

inattentive_person, to ADHD

I am a programmer. I also have adhd.

I guess I do Anxiety Driven Development.

I_Like_Books, to Help

My husband and I need help

We cannot keep our events or our "what to do" in order.

I keep trying to get us organized and it is not working.

He is working on getting ADHD meds but they are really slow in coming (and not a total fix I am sure)

We have tried using a wall calendar (he recently asked me where he could right down some future event...I told him "how about the calendar?" and he just looked at me, I had to lead him by the hand to it)

We have a white board for things to do. I keep adding things and they do not get done.

He is really a great guy, just terrible at getting started on things.

We looked into the calendar function in Tutanota but in order to share we both have to have paid accounts and he does not want to invest that money.

I know many out in the fediverse have ADHD. Can any of you help us?

freemo, to asd
@freemo@qoto.org avatar

If you are well organized, it is a healthy trait. no one would say you are "on the OCD spectrum".. but when that trait gets out of hand we would say you have OCD, and likely would be diagnosed as such.

I see (autism) ASD and ADHD as much the same way. Most people diagnosed with it who are high functioning dont really have it at all. It is just a personality trait and all in all a positive one. high-functioning ASD are just people without social hangups, good. And people with ADHD who are high-functioning are largely just amazing multi-taskers.

The harm in putting people on a spectrum is they see themselves asa diseased, broken, something that needs "consideration.. they arent, in most cases in the right proportions these "diseases" are in fact just super powers, things more people should wisht hey have really.

chrisphin, to random
@chrisphin@mastodon.social avatar

Being a couple with undiagnosed #ADD issues is darkly hilarious because my wife texts as she’s leaving saying it’s bin day¹ and that if I could chuck some of the bin bags currently housed in our back porch² into the wheelie that would save me having to cycle them round to the dump today as I’d planned³, and I reply “Sure, if my brain lets me do that,” and she understands completely. Just a couple of fuckups tryna get through the day.

ajaxStardust, to ADHD
@ajaxStardust@vivaldi.net avatar

People don't bitch about #Adderall enough. Seriously. What are you afraid of?

I've been on it since I was a youngster. It has become next to impossible to get the Rx filled these days. It's absolutely ridiculous.

I have an accredited doctor who I happen to convene with via Telehealth. She's part of my whole clinical network/ insurance company, #Geisinger .

#Walmart refuses to fill the script because it's a #telehealth Dr.

This comes as a surprise because
1.) I've had the Rx filed by Walmart off-and-on over the past 20 years or so.
2.) I had no issues with #CVS / no idea that this was "a thing"

Now closer to a WM pharm vs the prev CVS, it made sense to have this month sent here
(Adderall patients are forced through this rigmarole every 30 days).

Why don't more people bitch? Haven't you been affected?
#bigpharma #adhd #add #ritalin #concerta #dexadrine

Webwasp, to Humor
@Webwasp@mas.to avatar

Have a break, have a Kit Kat

#humor #add #KitKat #chocolate #funny #digitalart #aiart

Webwasp, to Humor
@Webwasp@mas.to avatar

Skittles: Pee the rainbow

#humor #funny #add #digitalart #aiart

genebean, to ADHD

@ironicbadger - you mentioned journaling in Self Hosted 115… have you looked at the structure / process called bullet journaling? https://bulletjournal.com is the foundation. It really helps with #ADD / #ADHD. Also, you ever want to nerd out on #FountainPens, hit me up... I’m soooo addicted to them!
[#bujo #BulletJournal ]

Akito, to Depression

Hi, I'm akito. Here's a brief ​:blobcat:​.

I am a transfem fluid​:Blobhaj_Flag_Genderfluid:​ enby​:Blobhaj_Flag_Nonbinary:​.

I have , and .

I love , espacially and .

I play a lot of video games; , and to name some.

I love programming in #C and ; especially interested in compiler and kernel development.

I speak english and german.

If you have any questions I am happy to answer most things ​:blobcat_smiley:​.

LeelaTorres, to actuallyautistic
@LeelaTorres@digitalcourage.social avatar

Question on the #neurodiverse bubble :

Some friends of mine who are on the neurodiverse spectrum (#ADD and/or #autistic) think I'm probably on the spectrum too. Their experience is that they get on better with people on the spectrum. They think that they like me is a strong indication.

What is your experience? Do autistic people have a "detector" for this characteristic?
Or is it really the case that you feel more comfortable with other neurodiverse people than with neurotypical people?

hypolite, to ADHD
10 Restlessness
20 Take on too many projects
30 Anxiety about amount of work
40 Painfully power through/Ditch projects
50 GOTO 10

And on and on...#ADHD #ADD

pgirouard, to random
jonhendry, to ADHD
@jonhendry@iosdev.space avatar

So people who take Jornay PM:

When do you take it? How long does it last for you?

#ADHD #jornay #add #meds

KatM, to ADHD
@KatM@mastodon.social avatar

My husband is presenting in an all-day #ADHD virtual conference with other experts in the field, including Dr. Edward Hallowell, for an #ADD/ADHD audience.

He put his slide deck on #Google Slides as required. Then technical glitches occurred (slides weren’t fully loading) during the test run. The IT person asked him if he was on a Mac (he is). According to the IT person, they have trouble with Mac users being able to run slideshows when there are multiple presenters.

It’s 2024. C’mon man. 🙄

mystique, to ADHD

lol, just realized I have not one but two Doc appointments tomorrow ...

I really hate ehm I mean love my ADHD/ADD sometimes xD

And while one is "just" picking up standard prescription, I have to prepare material, too.

Of course one of them has to be completely crosstown, urxs.

Anyway, @actuallyautistic hyperfocus now.

#adhd #add

blog, to HowTo
@blog@shkspr.mobi avatar

Rewriting WordPress's JetPack Related Posts Shortcode

I like the JetPack related post functionality. But I wanted to customise it far beyond what the default code allows for.

So here's how I went from this:

The old layout has three items, with small images and indistinct text.

To this:

The new layout has 4 items, each boxed off, with a larger image and more distinct text.


The complete documentation for related posts is pretty easy to follow.

This is an adaptation of "Use ".

Remove the automatic placement

You can turn off the original "related posts" by adding this to your theme's functions.php:

function jetpackme_remove_rp() {    if ( class_exists( 'Jetpack_RelatedPosts' ) ) {        $jprp = Jetpack_RelatedPosts::init();        $callback = array( $jprp, 'filter_add_target_to_dom' );        remove_filter( 'the_content', $callback, 40 );    }}add_filter( 'wp', 'jetpackme_remove_rp', 20 );

Add the new Related Posts

In your theme's index.php (or wherever else you like) you can add this code to insert the new related posts functionality:

if ( is_single() ) {    echo "<section>";        echo do_shortcode( '[jprelp]' );    echo "</section>";}

Create the new functionality

And this goes in your theme's functions.php file. I've commented it as best I can. Let me know if you need more info.

function jetpackme_custom_related() {    //  Check that JetPack Related Posts exists    if (            class_exists( 'Jetpack_RelatedPosts' )            && method_exists( 'Jetpack_RelatedPosts', 'init_raw' )    ) {            //  Get the related posts            $related = Jetpack_RelatedPosts::init_raw()                ->set_query_name( 'edent-related-shortcode' )                 ->get_for_post_id(                    get_the_ID(),   //  ID of the post                    array( 'size' => 4 )//  How many related items to fetch                );            if ( $related ) {                //  Set the container for the related posts                $output = "<h2 id='related-posts'>The Algorithm™ suggests:</h2>";                $output .=   "<ul class='related-posts'>";                foreach ( $related as $result ) {                    $related_post_id = $result['id'];                    // Get the related post                    $related_post = get_post( $related_post_id );                    //  Get the attributes                    $related_post_title = $related_post->post_title;                    $related_post_date  = substr( $related_post->post_date, 0, 4 ); // YYYY-MM-DD                    $related_post_link  = get_permalink( $related_post_id );                    //  Get the thumbnail                    if ( has_post_thumbnail( $related_post_id) ) {                        $related_post_thumb = get_the_post_thumbnail( $related_post_id, 'full',                             array( "class"   => "related-post-img",                                   "loading" => "lazy" //   Lazy loading and other attributes                            )                         );                    } else {                        $related_post_thumb = null;                    }                    //  Create the HTML for the related post                    $output .= '<li class="related-post">';                    $output .=    "<a href='{$related_post_link}'>";                    $output .=       "{$related_post_thumb}<p>{$related_post_title}</p></a>";                    $output .=    "<time>{$related_post_date}</time>";                    $output .= "</li>";                }                //  Finish the related posts container                $output .="</ul>";            }        //  Display the related posts        echo $output;    }}add_shortcode( 'jprel', 'jetpackme_custom_related' );   //  Shortcode name can be whatever you want

Bit of CSS to zhuzh it up

Feel free to add your own styles. This is what works for me.

.related-posts  {    list-style: none;    padding: 0;    display: inline-flex;    width: 100%;    flex-wrap: wrap;    justify-content: center;}.related-posts > * {    /* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_flexible_box_layout/Controlling_ratios_of_flex_items_along_the_main_axis#combining_flex-grow_and_flex-basis */    flex: 1 1 0;}    .related-post {        min-width: 10em;        max-width: 20em;        text-align: center;        margin: .25em;        border: .1em var(--color-text);        border-style: solid;        border-radius: var(--border-radius);        position: relative;        display: flex;        flex-direction: column;        min-height: 100%;        overflow: clip;    }        .related-post h3 {            font-size: 1em;            padding-top: .5em;        }        .related-post img {            object-fit: cover;            height: 9em;            width: 100%;            border-radius: 0 1em 0 0;            background: var(--color-text);            display: inline-block;        }        .related-post p {            margin: 0 .25em;        }        .related-post time {            font-size: .75em;            display: block;        }


  • Use transients to store the data to prevent repeated slow API calls?
  • Perhaps some teaser text?
  • Adjust the layout so the date always floats to the bottom?


jxself, to random
@jxself@mastodon.social avatar

What's the most important lesson you've learned this year?

@jameshowell@emacs.ch avatar

Over the past ten years or so, I experienced a gradual shift from (a frustrated) "to get the most out of free software, I'm going to HAVE TO LEARN TO CODE!" to (a gratified) "the more I learn to code the more I get out of free software."

In short, it was the cumulative, very high-feedback, very low-barrier-to-entry list of idiosyncratic desires for tweaking my mode workflows, then customizing my workflows ... before I knew it I had written a couple of major and minor modes to mitigate my own .

Nothing impressive, but incalculably useful to me. A qualitative change in productivity. https://git.sr.ht/~jamesendreshowell/

@dekkzz76 @jxself

ChristophBuck, to ADHD German
@ChristophBuck@mastodon.world avatar

Bei ADHS (ADS) handelt es sich meiner Meinung nach nicht um eine Krankheit.

Viele Mediziner sehen das anders.

Bin selbst betroffen und sehe das folgendermaßen:

ADHS muss und kann nicht geheilt werden.

Viele von uns leiden und brauchen Unterstützung und Behandlung - Teilweise mit Medikamenten (mit denen ich gute Erfahrngen gemacht habe).

Das allwichtigste ist jedoch, dass die bekackte Diskriminierung aufhört.

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