@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

This is part of the reason I couldn’t get to a good place (mentally) in order to do a real “Saving Open Source” talk at #PHPTek:

From @geerlingguy: “2024 is the year corporate open source died”


@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

Maybe it’s just time to say “fuck it” and #GPL all the things?

The #OpenSource movement was a response to corporate skittishness around using #FOSS, and it focused on very permissive licenses to make corporations feel more comfortable using it. Maybe that turned out to be the wrong approach. Maybe the #OSI helped create the problem.

If the OSI helped create it, #GitHub encouraged and exacerbated it.

@kboyd@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey I've been on the fence about gpl-all-the-things myself. It might indeed be time.

@Crell@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey I'm now making all my code some *GPL. Which variant depends on context.

MIT/BSD are "free labor for corporations" licenses, which is why they like it. Screw that.

Anything short of AGPL on the web is an attack on users.

See also: https://youtu.be/sJpXhVD18-c

@jay@phpc.social avatar

@Crell @ramsey I think about that now and then, but then chicken out because "nobody will use it anymore, then" :/

@Crell@phpc.social avatar

@jay @ramsey For a library, LGPLv3 is fine. If someone has an issue with that, I don't want them using my code.

Fpr a full application that you install, AGPLv3 or bust. If someone wants to use my labor for free, they can damned well respect their users. If they don't want to, they don't get to use my work.

@ekis@mastodon.social avatar

@ramsey I'm happy to see you settled on a GNU license

Everything I work on, hardware and software, is GPLv3 (despite the criticisms)

Stallman gets a lot of flak, and some of it is warranted

But as far as important things to come out of the hippies from the 60's I would have to put the open source concept and eventual licenses as one of the greatest achievements of computer science

It wouldn't exist, its that simple

Beyond a shame not in other sciences, closed source firmware on sequencers?

@ekis@mastodon.social avatar

@ramsey If two schools buy two different versions of the same sequencer, but they have firmware differences.

The replication problem plaguing all sciences becomes pretty obvious.

How can you know if your firmware is the same as the other schools? What if it has a bug?

And the cost of the equipment being a fraction of the product is just upsetting. 500k for automated syringe on GCMS? Fucking hell

@ekis@mastodon.social avatar

@ramsey It was a massively bad sign that the biggest opponent of open source software was allowed to buy the biggest repository of open source software.

Everyone who worked, or specifically owned github, and sold it to Microsoft are some of the biggest class traitors to ever exist.

They could have sold it to anyone else, but it shows how either they truly didn't understand their role, or their greed was more important than basics of computer science.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@ekis In the last decade, Microsoft has been releasing a lot of their software under permissive open source licenses.

@ekis@mastodon.social avatar

@ramsey They also ruined the search functionality of Github, you can't get more than a few pages of code based searching (and have to be logged in)

They added a marketplace

And none of their changes have addressed any serious problems with open source communities: like governance

Instead they went the way of trying to collect payments. Which seems premature when the governance system is completely missing

To me what they have done feels like being served red kibble, then tell us its good

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@ekis I can’t argue with that.



You can find Bruce Perens on mastodon. After cofounding the OSI which created many of the problems we face today, his current big idea is called postopen.

It's like a funhouse mirror of the GPL. Powerful centralized organization with taxation powers, naive worship of small business, payment mechanisms that can be gamed and lead to endless disputes, and worse.

Unrealistically utopian in the very worst sense of the word. I would be frightened to live in a world where it could exist.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@marvin Oh, I know. I’ve been following it, and I don’t think it’s the answer at all.

@vascorsd@mastodon.social avatar

@ramsey yes please. gpl and agpl all the things. companies running away scared scared of it and not wanting to touch it is good and on purpose! if they can't play good, they shouldn't play at all.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

I wonder if the community has grounds to sue any of these companies who are ditching the AGPL in favor of proprietary, source-available licenses, especially under “third-party beneficiary contract” legal theories, like @conservancy did in their suit against Vizio.

If the source code originally used AGPL, isn’t it still contractually obligated to ensure those rights to its users, including any new source code added to it?

@lewiscowles1986@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey @conservancy
One of the models of true FOSS is that folks can do this, but they need to buy a license exception from the license holder.

If somehow redis labs became the license holder as example, they can do WETFTW (whatever the F**** they want)

In a Stallman situation he'd have sought to enforce his commits were pulled.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@lewiscowles1986 @conservancy In truth, I know how this all works. I’m exploring the hypothetical “what if the licensor is bound by the license themselves?”

Obviously, everyone and their brother wants to point out that I misunderstand this and it’s not the case because the licensor can do whatever they want, since they own it. Yep, I know that.

But, when you release something to the Commons, is it really yours anymore? (That’s the gist of what I’m exploring.)

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@lewiscowles1986 @conservancy And I really do think there’s a good argument here for, “No. You don’t own it anymore.”

@lewiscowles1986@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey @conservancy
@isaacs argued for similar when I complained about npmjs restoring a package that was maliciously updated.

NPM walked back the new version (effectively just refusing to distribute it) if I understand correctly and restored the prior version against the author consent.

@isaacs@fosstodon.org avatar

@lewiscowles1986 @ramsey @conservancy
IANAL, and also I'm not a lawyer, but I have paid lawyers to explain this stuff to me.
You do still own code once you've released it under a FOSS license. You've just given permission, to everyone and irrevocably, to do certain things with a certain set of artifacts.
You can change the license for new bits going forward, but those old bits stay out there.

@isaacs@fosstodon.org avatar

@lewiscowles1986 @ramsey @conservancy Above and beyond your software license, publishing to a package registry usually requires accepting certain terms, chief among these that even if the license says otherwise, the registry has permission to distribute what you uploaded, at their sole discretion. A package registry would be practically impossible otherwise.

@lewiscowles1986@phpc.social avatar

@isaacs @ramsey @conservancy

Thank you, this is informative. It's nice that it matches my understanding, but I also thought your experience would be invaluable here.

I finally got the low-down on exactly your impact on node watching the documentary. Nice one again.

@isaacs@fosstodon.org avatar

@lewiscowles1986 @ramsey @conservancy personally, I think "free as in beer" is the problem, exacerbated by a "corporations are people and must be treated fairly as such" paradigm, and "exposed source" licenses with usage restrictions are likely an eventual path forward for oss sustainability.

@lewiscowles1986@phpc.social avatar

@isaacs @ramsey @conservancy
What do you think of the FUTO movement and their license attempts?

Example https://gitlab.futo.org/alex/voiceinput/-/blob/master/FTL_LICENSE.md

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@lewiscowles1986 @isaacs This is my first time seeing this, but it feels similar to some of the proprietary licenses that have expiration dates on them, after which they convert to an open source license. I think I’d prefer those styles of licenses over FUTO, which is ambiguous, at best; there’s no guarantee if or when it will ever convert to open source or what its open source terms will be, when it does.

@isaacs@fosstodon.org avatar

@ramsey @lewiscowles1986 Personally, I'm not a fan of the expiration-style licenses. Any timeframe chosen is simultaneously too long and too short.
I'd prefer a FUTO style non-commercial license, with an guaranteed option to purchase a FAND license based on objective company criteria, and a fallback that if a license is not available for purchase, it permanently reverts to a liberal non-copyleft OSS license.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@isaacs @lewiscowles1986 “a fallback that if a license is not available for purchase”

When would this trigger?

@isaacs@fosstodon.org avatar

@ramsey @lewiscowles1986 If a commercial entity makes a good faith effort to purchase a license, and the copyright owner refuses or does not respond within 30 days (or some explicit timeframe, but a month is probably enough for most situations.)
So companies don't face the risk of "the maintainer went werewolf, now we have to do a cleanroom rewrite, because copyright".

@lewiscowles1986@phpc.social avatar

@isaacs @ramsey
How is ignoring, versus refusal differentiated?

If I refuse to license Ice or the military, which I can easily do with source available proprietary license?

@isaacs@fosstodon.org avatar

@lewiscowles1986 @ramsey If you wanted to say "No licenses for XYZ type organizations, ever" then that'd be carved out in the main license. The fallback is a feature for those entities offered a FAND and otherwise restricted from use. So it would not revert in the military case.
Technically speaking, for the purpose of offering a paid license to a commercial entity, "ignoring" is just a slow form of "refusing".

@lewiscowles1986@phpc.social avatar

@isaacs @ramsey

Thanks, I think this is inconsistent with the earlier text:

> If a commercial entity makes a good faith effort to purchase a license, and the copyright owner refuses or does not respond within 30 days (or some explicit timeframe, but a month is probably enough for most situations.)

I also appreciate Isaacs participation, and am sure we won't solve this over mastodon. It's an interesting set of viewpoints.

@lewiscowles1986@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey FWIW I do find the licenses such as JetBrains license quite fair (except for their differentiation between individuals and businesses); same with Sublime Text.

That said I absolutely loved 90's and early 00's licenses; pay once, own forever, but no free updates, or limited free updates.

@lewiscowles1986@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey @conservancy
Ah. Mine was less for you and more for others reading your posts; but I guess in a raw sense, even if closed source, there is no physical or natural way to compel anyone not to use any "public code" or "code they can read"

Like if I took away the CLI daemon shell to redis and embedded it into a closed executable, most folks wouldn't know. I could further rename a bunch of symbols and I could likely get away with it... but I'd definitely be sith / dark-side at that point.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@lewiscowles1986 @conservancy You might also be infringing upon their copyright.

@lewiscowles1986@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey @conservancy
In volation of a copyright doesn't mean much though was my point. I Get it, it could ruin your life and reputation if you do it. My point is more about the practical, actual limitations, natural or physical, or which there are none. It's like the invisible wall the mime fights against.

@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@ramsey @conservancy I think there's a severability for new source, treating it as a customization, which is why everything forks from the last (A)GPL release.

@derickr@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey @conservancy Why would any new code not under AGPL be covered by it?

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@derickr @conservancy Because it’s viral. Any modifications you make to the source code that is licensed under GPL/AGPL must also provide the same rights to users.

@derickr@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey @conservancy Sure. The original code is still free under AGPL.

But if you relicense the whole source (as say BSL), then new code is no longer AGPL.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@derickr @conservancy How can you relicense the source, if the license is non-revokable?

@derickr@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey @conservancy The license for what is released under the license is indeed not revokable. That doesn't prevent relicensing under a non copyleft license (as long as you have permission under one form or another).

@vascorsd@mastodon.social avatar

@ramsey @derickr @conservancy copyright holder of a piece of software always can change the license of NEW code release. But that can only be done if and only if they are the sole copyright holder over the software. That happens because people sign CLAs waving their own rights to code they contribute.

An already released piece of code out there under gpl cannot be changed retroactively to something else.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

Wasn’t the whole point of the GPL that there could never be a rug-pull?

It doesn’t matter that you own the copyright on the software, you can’t revoke the rights on the code that was licensed under its terms. Therefore, even the copyright holder is bound by these terms. They can fork their own project, but if they want to relicense it, since the existing source includes these license terms, any new source must also give users the same rights. Right?

That’s the whole point. Right?

@derickr@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey No. Not if you can relicense the whole code base because you have all the rights to it (or get every contributor's permission). For example through CLAs where contributors give you a non exclusive right to do whatever you want with their contribution. Unlikely to happen with GPL, but quite common for companies using the AGPL (like MongoDB did).

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@derickr Those contributors would have to completely assign their copyrights, and even then, I’m not convinced that the original owner could technically change the license. I don’t think this argument has ever been made in court.

@derickr@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey Yes, they have to agree with it in one way or another.

Which is exactly what many companies with AGPL software require: a CLA that reassign copyright, or ones that allow the CLA owner to do whatever they want with a contribution.

@hisham_hm@mastodon.social avatar

@ramsey @derickr Unfortunately contributors completely assigning their copyrights via CLAs is extremely common. But I've been told that even without explicit copyright assignments it is possible for majority maintainers to change a license under some circumstances (I remember this came up in the context of the @htop license, do any of the current maintainers have any more pointers?)

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@hisham_hm @derickr @htop Yes. It’s possible to change the license without input from the contributors, as long as you’re not changing any of the end-user rights they implied with their contributions. For example, it might be possible to change from a BSD-like license to an actual BSD license, because the rights granted by each contributor are not changing.

@linc@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey I worked for a company that used GPLv2 with a CLA precisely so they could relicense. It's the "rules for thee, not for me" licensing tactic, used for when startups are concerned about their ability to sell out if all their code is GPL-bound. You basically use your accrued CLA rights to publish a "new" copy that isn't encumbered. I forked a GPLv2 project from that company but I don't have the CLAs so my fork is GPLv2 forever.

linc, (edited )
@linc@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey Basically, you need significant contributions outside the company under the GPL without a CLA for it to "stick" — at least, that's my understanding of prevailing legal theory. I don't think most license strategies have been tested in court because they turn into protracted Google v Oracle messes because suddenly the entire industry cares.

@grmpyprogrammer@phpc.social avatar

@ramsey I was actually surprised that you didn’t talk about how nobody gave a shit about all your OSS contributions while job hunting

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@grmpyprogrammer I did mention that, but only in passing.

@ramsey@phpc.social avatar

@grmpyprogrammer My original subtitle was something like “A Tragedy (of the Commons) in Five Acts,” but we all know tragedies never end well. Usually, everyone dies. It was getting pretty depressing and dark, so I changed tactics.

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