bluGill avatar


A programmer with an interest in transit, making music, and building things of all types.

I have dysgraphia which makes writing difficult for me. I hope you can figure out what I mean despite my issues.

AlexanderESmith avatar



I don't know how to feel, other than conflicted.

I originally went with because it was the instance run by the guy who was the dev of the software I ultimately wanted to use on my own instance (because I wanted both threads and microblogging in the same place). I kinda lost faith in this instance because I was effectively locked out for a week or two. It more so scared me off of someone else hosting my data than this specific instance, but... the result is the same.

I also kinda lost faith in the future of the codebase, because the root cause(s) (whatever they may be) of the lack of administration on the instance will surely affect Ernest's ability to actively develop it.

Was using (without logging in) to at least keep current (as much as one can without subscriptions), and I saw that it was running mbin (an actively developed fork of kbin), so when I created my own instance (just in the last few days), I went with mbin.

I hope that good things come to Ernest, but the project is stagnant, and the new admin is an unknown quantity to me, so... yeah. I still come back to keep up to date, but it's not my home instance anymore.

My reflex to reply was triggered by your comment about defederation. I've subscribed to as many magazines as I could from here (that I was already following, and that didn't trigger a 500 error), and I hope to maintain those. I guess we'll see how that goes.

Edit: I'm dumb. This whole post is about federation not working and I posted it from my personal instance. I guess you'll see it too when federation is working again.

TomF, to random avatar

Just got caught up on The Discourse of CPU design and this article:

Let me skip to the chase - it argues that x86 is shit because it's got variable-length encoding, is out-of-order, and does speculative execution. It then says ARM and RISC-V are much better.

Er... except they also do all those things in the fast chips. Which the writer clearly didn't know. So they're not just wrong, they're ignorant.

TomF, avatar

They also assert the original 8086 is not microcoded. Absolute garbage - it was - the 8086 and 68000 were microcoded far far more than any current CPU - why do you think even "simple" instructions took 3-4 clocks?

As an x86 architect, I can give you a huge list of reasons that x86 is terrible and ugly and should be fixed. This article mentions none of them. It is junk, and nobody should read it. There - saved you 10 minutes of your life.

msbellows, (edited ) to random avatar

I'm gonna share some completely anticlimactic TMI for the benefit of other middle-aged men:

The day before yesterday, I was very stressed and anxious for a variety of reasons, and we were moving some furniture out of a storage locker, and I was feeling lethargic and a little lightheaded and generally out of it, and then I began feeling nausea and indigestion and my jaw was tight and then my left arm and hand started feeling a little numb. Nothing terrible! Just: feeling meh, and those minor symptoms.

And then guess what crazy thing we did?

We went to the nearby emergency room.


And they were very nice to me, and quickly administered an EKG and blood tests, and guess what?

I wasn't having a heart attack.

I was just stressed and tired and anxious. That's all.

But if I had been having a heart attack, going to the E.R. could have saved my life. And even though I wasn't, they were very nice to me. No one made fun of me. No one called me a whiner or a hypochondriac. My wife expressed gratitude that I took my survival seriously. And I was home again in less than two hours.

So this is for my fellow typical men, who are inclined to ignore health issues because: John Wayne or something, and fear of embarrassment:

Don't ignore stuff. Don't wait until you're sure. Be willing to overreact. Be willing to waste everyone's time. It's okay! The world won't end! (And you may even get to take a nap under a warm blanket, like I did!)

capntransit, to random avatar

RT @aarmlovich Decommodification--ditching the price system in favor of a lottery, waitlist, or other rationing--can be done, but urban housing scarcity is a physical fact

It is possible to turn high prices into 20-year waitlists, for example, but it will not fit 100 families into 90 homes

marcprecipice, to cycling avatar

If riding an ebike is "cheating" compared to other exercise, why do my ebike rides have such a profound effect on my happiness and physical well-being? Why do I have measurably better health and get dramatically more minutes of activity compared to when I was riding a non-electric bike? Why can't I find a single downside to this form of exercise other than cost?

If it walks like exercise and quacks like exercise, maybe just call it exercise and leave off the judgment.

jef, avatar

@marcprecipice Ebikes are not cheating because bicycling is not a game.

TheConversationUS, to music avatar

In the 1970s and 1980s, bands made money from album sales and concerts just promoted the album.

In the 2020s, bands make pennies from streams and rely on concerts to make money.

A industry scholar and former drummer looks at how this plays into the government’s antitrust lawsuit:

pomCountyIrregs, avatar

@TheConversationUS @lisamelton Let’s not forget that the vast majority of bands, and mine was one of them in the 80s, got nowhere near a record contract, and the vast majority of those who did get a contract did not sell enough recordings to retire the advances.

Add that a shockingly small percent of those with a contract had one ten years later, and one should conclude that for a musician playing live or sidemen (union) gigs, not the hit record, were the ways to make a living.

randahl, to random avatar

"Dear Mr. Biden

We have been leveling cities, torturing, raping, killing, plundering and abducting children for so long, my army seriously needs a break, before all those western weapons arrive, and we lose the war.

Therefore, I think western countries should give us a breather, so I can replenish my troops and get back to full blown genocide in about 6-12 months.

From Russia with love ♥️

Vladimir Putin"

AlDente, (edited )

I live in a 7a USDA Plant Hardiness Zone, so it gets down to around 0°F and salt is definitely used in the winter. However, if I drove a different car, then it would be the one to get the additional wear and tear. Seems more cost effective to limit the exposure to one vehicle.

Also, I’m not one to baby my belongings. I mentioned the car is blue from the factory, but it’s currently rocking a used red front bumper cover and hood after a front-end collision. In another example of my vehicular abuse, I had to replace the power steering rack after a failed attempt at a creek crossing. Water got in the original one and it started getting crunchy. Parts aren’t too expensive though, so it was fixed with a $400 remanufactured unit off eBay.

E: This Miata got pulled out of the creek the next morning after we sobered up and went out to buy a tow strap. Again AMA.

baldur, to random avatar

We really don’t make enough of the fact that you don’t need JS to make a nice website. Just HTML and CSS

And, whatever most programmers say about them, HTML and CSS are absolutely much more accessible to learn than JS ever has been or will be

whitequark, to random avatar

the problem with telemetry in open-source applications is that the majority of people who use them don't tell anybody about their workflow, so whenever you change something, you have to be prepared for a sudden and unexpected inflow of angry complaints about you breaking something

you could do polls, but that selects for people who would complete a poll, again excluding many who would be touchy about their workflow

nus, avatar

@whitequark remember when Brave canned a privacy feature because their statistics said people weren't using it -- the statistics that privacy people disable?

futurebird, (edited ) to random avatar

The bald eagle could have easily gone extinct. But we did all sorts of "woke" things protecting it legally, ran conservation and study programs, banned DDT (that was good for other reasons too) and in 2007 they were removed from the endangered species list.

Likewise pine forests could be dead from acid rain.

The ozone could have a huge hole.

We CAN take care of nature when we want to. And the successes have been worth it.

I feel like we forget this, you know?

mcc, to random avatar

Thinking about how Mozilla is "pivoting to AI" but DeepSpeech, one of the very few "AI" products you could possibly find a positive use for (pure-local speech recognition), is not only a Mozilla product but so abandoned that you actually have to downgrade to Python 3.9 to run it

mcc, avatar

@depereo I am concerned by the extent to which they keep abandoning the well-thought-out programs they do make to chase new trends

ai6yr, to random avatar

Remarkable how out-of-the-mainstream utilitarian cycling seems to be in my neighborhood. Strong car-centric culture in Southern California, for sure. (yes, I was, until recently, part of that). 🤔

John, avatar

@ai6yr we are a species where people will drive to the gym, push a button and wait for the rear hatch to open, take out a gym bag, go work out, come back push a button and wait for the rear hatch to open, put the gym bag in, and drive away.

I think if you understand that you understand everything.

nixCraft, to random avatar

The twitter block issue is caused by Firfox filters. Firefox is working on a fix. The announcement reads as: Hey folks, we are aware of the Twitter issue and our team is working on a fix at the moment.

In the meantime, disabling Enhanced Tracking Protection or changing it from Strict should fix this issue temporarily. Here's how to do that:

knowprose, avatar

@nixCraft or don't use Twitter. 😂😂😂👀

danderson, to random avatar

Hi. Quick break from the posting for a serious PSA.

Please have a bottle of aspirin in your home. Make sure the tablets can be chewed as well as just swallowed. Make sure you remove any fiddly foil seal and such. Don't use this aspirin for regular pain relief, just keep it around and know where it is.

Hopefully, you'll never need it and will just feel silly for having it. But if a bad time comes for you someday, being able to chew aspirin when emergency services tells you may save your life.

18+ danderson, avatar

Chewing aspirin is like sending reinforcements to the "pls no clots" faction of your body, as quickly as possible. It stops new clots forming, and existing ones growing. It gives your body some extra margin that it can use to start dissolving the one(s) causing your cardiac event.

It's not a cure, not even close. It's an emergency mitigation that may buy you extra time while paramedics reach you and get you further help.

But trust me, you want to have that option.


My thoughts for soon-to-be new ebike riders is to go to an ebike shop and just have a look around. There are so many styles of ebike and not all of them have a comparable analog to conventional bicycles; you might find a style which you’ve never even heard of that suits you well.

During your research phase, any ebike shop will be fine, since the goal is not to decide on a brand yet, but to hone your interests. You can also get advice from the staff, taken with a grain of salt, of course.

For new riders, I strongly encourage buying local, simply because maintenance and parts availability is what will soon distinguish serious ebike machines from cheap toys. And you can test ride it. But you may also want to consider various makes that sell online-only, as this can save decent sums of money.

Good luck and enjoy riding!

histoftech, to random avatar

“At Microsoft, the share of senior employees as a portion of the company’s overall workforce declined more than 5 percentage points after the return-to-office mandate took effect, the researchers found. At Apple, the decline was 4 percentage points, while at SpaceX — the only company of the three to require workers to be fully in-person — the share of senior employees dropped 15 percentage points.”

mekkaokereke, to random avatar

If you got upset at me for pointing out that more people died of Covid under Biden than Trump, in large part because Biden rolled back common sense restrictions that were in place under Trump...

Then you'll hate me pointing out that Trump introduced a 25% tariff on Chinese EVs, and Biden is upping that to 100% tariff.

We can't allow the US to get off of fossil fuels... unless US billionaires win! 🤡

Fear the BYD Dolphin! (an EV car for $12K)

icastico, avatar


This is part of the tragedy of the endless campaign that we have now in the US. Criticism of the current president isn’t an endorsement of the opposition in a campaign for an election. It is criticism of the current president - a reaction to policy. The campaign shouldn’t even come up at this point in the year.

The US media’s obsession with covering government like a sport rather than informing citizens about policies and their consequences has paralyzed the political discourse.

bagder, to random avatar

It has been a long time coming, but I've made it official:

"Daniel no longer answers questions on stackoverflow. Use a dedicated public curl forum for accurate and timely answers about anything #curl. "

(yes, speaking about myself in 3rd person)

mboelen, avatar

Great action 👍🏻. My hope is that we get more specialized pages/blogs, instead of those central places that sooner or later get way too much power. Especially if that power is based on contributions by the community. For this reason, I decided to revamp my blog (, specialize, and still allow #AI to crawl it. After all, if it continues to exist, I rather want it to use knowledge of higher quality.

skinnylatte, (edited ) to transit avatar

I’m interested in a lot of transit activism in N America but I swear people would think you’re a total weeb if you talk about transit in places with good transit. Trying to imagine talking to people in Singapore or Hong Kong or Seoul about.. loving trains

I think they would back tf away from me and run away.

Like my friend always says ‘I don’t want to be a transit fan. I just want great transit’


talon, to random avatar

Hey if Sonos can just up and screw their UI then I can just up and decide to never use them for future speakers. Time to check the resale value of this garbage in case they can't fix the UI accessibility like yesterday.

jscholes, avatar

@x0 It's possible. But it's hard work, and none of the options (including React Native) are going to give you perfect, native-feeling accessibility out of the box. There will always be something off, and it's just a question of how much it ends up mattering to the user. Teams that opt for these toolkits also tend to lose some of the guardrails that native UI provides. @simon @talon

bagder, to random avatar

"To me, the latest is the latest my OS provides me. If maintainers dont care about pushing the latest into the OSes they support, it's not me to blame. I think curl maintainers should push Centos to provide the latest to all users. What's the purpose of you fixing multiple bugs and security holes if you dont spend time to make it available to the broader audience?"

We are obviously all just too lazy.

foosel, avatar

@bagder Some people... 🙄

While at it, we lazy maintainers should obviously also make sure that cold fusion finally gets invented, because we obviously don't care about our projects if we don't care about the future of humanity. Same thing with world peace, naturally. /s

enobacon, to random avatar

These 20 four-digit pin numbers are 27% of the ones people choose, mine is 6969

cshentrup, avatar

@enobacon you said "pin number". you are going to hell.

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