@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar



🌈💚 Editorial Guild at Permaculture Design Magazine / Teacher-Designer #Agroecology #EarthRepair🌎
Born@312ppm CO2 (1952, organic garden farmer since 1975)
#TerraformEarth1st (w/ human-scale #earthworks, #water catchment, #restoration
#Homestead 10 A of partly forested sand in MI with my co-conspirator of 25 yrs, Peter Bane, (prev. #editor / #publisher of #Permaculture Activist, now Pc Design Mag, author Pc Handbook)
Be Fruitful & Mulch Apply

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KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

I'm a Tenured College Professor. I'm Quitting. Here's Why.
by Jessica Wildfire

"Most of my professor friends can't support themselves. That includes the fancy tenured professors, even at nice schools. They have sugar mamas & sugar daddies. They're married to lawyers and bankers, or IT managers. If they're like me, they've got a secret side hustle.

Here's an irony:

My university forces everyone to disclose outside income. So if you have a second job or a side hustle, you're technically supposed to report it. You're supposed to ask them for permission. They can say no.

That's right, the same university that gave me a chocolate bar for a raise also says I can't take on a second job to support my family. They're worried it would distract me from all the free work I'm doing for them." https://www.okdoomer.io/im-a-professor-heres-why-im-walking-away-from-my-tenure/

@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

2/ snip "It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out what's going on. I mean, we know where the money isn't going:

The money isn't going into classrooms. The money isn't going to faculty or staff, not even to reimburse us for all the professional development we pay for. The money isn't going to scholarships or financial aid. The money isn't going into better ventilation, even though the pandemic has taught us the importance of clean air. That would make a difference. That would actually attract students & give them something in return for their tuition.

We know where the money goes:

The money goes to hire new directors of athletics. It goes toward new athletic facilities. It pays for the Starbucks our vice-chancellors love so much. It pays for the sushi bars they think will attract a "high caliber" of student. It pays the inflated salaries of the upper administration, who make healthy six figures even when they're terrible at their jobs."

@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

3/ snip "It's popular for universities to hire consultants to solve their problems. But the consultants can't solve their problems. The consultants can't tell them why they keep losing #students. The consultants can only give them the answers they want: Build another Starbucks, and so on...

Consultants can't tell them the truth:

#Education is collapsing.

It's collapsing because nobody really cares about it. As a tenured professor, I'm not supposed to say that.

It's true.

Nobody really wants to admit they don't care about education. Some people get angry when you point out this simple fact. Everyone wants to talk about how much they care about education. They want to watch movies about great teachers. They want to complain about the bad ones.

They want to pretend to care."

@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

4/ snip "For a few years, part of my job was to do outreach with high school English teachers. So I drove around all over my state visiting high schools & observing classes. The rich kid schools had tablets & chrome carts. The poor kid schools had textbooks so old they were falling apart.

The rich kid schools had happy, well-rested teachers. The poor kid schools had tired, stressed, overworked teachers.

The same thing happens in higher education.

Hedge fund managers & CEOs have captured the boards of trustees of most public universities. They're funneling all the money to the top, away from smaller satellite schools like mine & away from the arts in general. They're directing all the cash & resources to business schools & STEM programs at their flagships, and they're letting everyone else wither & die. They don't want normal people to get an education, not anymore. They want normal people to do undesirable jobs, at least until the right robot comes along."

KeithDJohnson, to asia
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

Peter Dynes wrote, Apr 27, 24:

"Human survivability at its absolute limit in #Asia currently: #Thailand, #Myanmar, #Cambodia, #Vietnam, and the #Philippines. All hit temperatures above 40°C, with some places experiencing an incredible life-threatening heat index of up to 52°C."#climate

KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

"Scientists cannot yet predict if #BirdFlu will become the next global human pandemic, says Torres. Yet what is clear is that the #disease is here to stay – and we need to be prepared. "Every time there's a jump between species, it's a signal of potential increased risk," says Torres. "That's why we're quickly acting to try to understand and anticipate its evolution."

Torres adds: "The worst case is it adapts to mammals, with a greater risk of human-to-human transmission." https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240425-how-dangerous-is-bird-flu-spread-to-wildlife-and-humans

KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

"Federal regulators have discovered fragments of #BirdFlu virus in roughly 20% of retail milk samples tested in a nationally representative study, the Food and Drug Administration said in an online update on Thursday.

Samples from parts of the country that are known to have dairy herds infected with the virus were more likely to test positive, the agency said. Regulators said that there is no evidence that this milk poses a danger to consumers or that live virus is present in the milk on store shelves, an assessment public health experts have agreed with.

But finding traces of the virus in such a high share of samples from around the country is the strongest signal yet that the bird flu outbreak in dairy cows is more extensive than the official tally of 33 infected herds across eight states."

KeithDJohnson, to Scotland
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

About 2m people have #LongCovid in #England & #Scotland, figures show
Many report symptoms lasting two years or longer and about 1.5m say disease affects day-to-day activities
"“If five years ago, we were to imagine that a completely new disease, which for some can cause medium- to long-term, and potentially disabling symptoms in approximately 3% of the population, which is what the new figures suggest, we would be enormously concerned.” https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/apr/25/about-2m-people-long-covid-england-scotland-ons-figures?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2sZuhhneQ_JWIoQVlKCbJlMYtmJElWtFUnO1KewHxrbbcWqiFrLQPpJ8I_aem_AcX_8jf0TOm9Awea5yH2ZPehXIYYKni3JhUJlEgtyYgSYuuo2ypIDJfGsaangH9HPJHsrz9HnPaiCuxJol78JKuD

KeithDJohnson, to H5N1
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

It turns out that European and Asian countries have deployed farm animal vaccines since 1995, and some countries like China have mandated vaccinating poultry specifically against #H5N1 as far back as 2004.
They also outlaw feeding chickenshit to cows.

KeithDJohnson, to cooperatives
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

Tolerance + = Peace
“It feels like mine,” she says. “We work hard, but it’s a totally different feeling from working for someone else.”
That sentiment is echoed by Mondragón’s 70,000 other workers. Made up of 81 autonomous the corporation has grown since its creation in 1956 to become a leading force in the Basque economy.
More than its economic success, though, Mondragón has become a beacon for the co-operative model, as a more humane and egalitarian way of doing business that puts “people over capital”. Every worker has a stake in the company’s fortunes and a say in how it is run, and receives a share of the profits. But the goal is more about creating “rich societies, not rich people”. That means looking after workers during not only the good times but the tough times, too." https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/apr/24/in-the-us-they-think-were-communists-the-70000-workers-showing-the-world-another-way-to-earn-a-living?CMP=share_btn_url

KeithDJohnson, to oregon
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

Since this is critical infrastructure for #Oregon, you'd think the State would subsidize it.

"The Port of Portland says it cannot afford to keep the state’s only shipping container terminal open past September after a deal with a third-party operator fell through. Despite more business, costs have gone up, pushing the port’s container facility into the red.
The Port of Portland has lost more than $30 million during the past three years, the agency stated in a news release in March. That includes a projected $14 million shortfall for this year."
(paywall-free) https://archive.ph/ncZpd#selection-2775.0-2785.110

KeithDJohnson, to coronavirus
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

"On a sunny day 7 years ago in the Budongo Forest Reserve in Uganda, researchers were startled to observe chimpanzees scoop dry bat feces from under a hollow tree & devour it. In 60 years of observations at Budongo, no one had ever seen such a thing, recalls veterinary epidemiologist Tony Goldberg of the U of WI —Madison. “Aside from the ick factor, we all had the exact same thought. They must be exposed to horrible bat-borne .”
That suspicion proved correct. Though the bat feces is rich in nutrients, it contains dozens of previously unknown viruses. These novel pathogens include a new —a relative of the one that causes -19.
Ordinarily, chimps & other animals in the area get these minerals by eating the pith of the raffia palm.
Local tobacco farmers nearly extirpated the palm to make string to tie up tobacco.

When the palm disappeared, chimps, monkeys, & antelopes had to look for other nutrient sources, including clay & bat dung"https://archive.ph/qeBEC#selection-1543.156-1561.147

KeithDJohnson, to H5N1
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

"In early March, veterinarian Barb Petersen noticed the dairy cows she cared for on a Texas farm looked sick & produced less milk, & that it was off-color & thick. Birds & cats on the farm were dying, too. Petersen contacted Kay Russo at Novonesis, a company that helps farms keep their animals healthy & productive. “I said, you know, I may sound like a crazy, tinfoil hat–wearing person,” Russo, also a veterinarian, recalled at a 5 April public talk sponsored by her company. “But this sounds a bit like influenza to me.”

She was right, as Petersen and Russo soon learned. On 19 March, birds on the Texas farm tested positive for #H5N1, the highly pathogenic #avian_flu that has been devastating poultry & wild birds around the world for more than 2 years. Two days later, tests of cow milk & cats came back positive for the same virus, designated" https://www.science.org/content/article/u-s-government-hot-seat-response-growing-cow-flu-outbreak?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1oEliR1b0NDsUdtT_rT8nuT_Fe_me8LkCSthoo-2JwEDLeptr8Ge0ivSg_aem_AVeCSVJif2jI_FDNvDRXIQBNIe76cNqHqFqoSh3jP5Awbgyt9INzU088iHjLnjUkbiG_cqYB6YcZDGLbOvXBScFu

GrimmReality, to random
@GrimmReality@beige.party avatar

Bold of old preening bourgeois authority figures to come out against students protesting war and genocide because there's such a great track record of people who advocate state violence to beat kids down and shut them up being cool, virtuous heroes remembered fondly for their courageous unnecessary oppression.

@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar
Twitter_expat, to threads
@Twitter_expat@mastodon.world avatar

Hey @Gargron
Why I never see a @potus post in the #trending section? Is there are discriminations towards #threads posts?

@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

@Gargron I searched through Settings and Preferences and did not find a place to opt-in to Trends. Maybe my server doesn't provide it.

KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

#JimWright wrote:
"Trump's lawyer, Todd Blanche, tried to claim #Trump is taking "great pains" to comply with the gag order.
The Judge literally looked at Blanche in utter disbelief and then said "You're losing all credibility. I have to tell you right now, you're losing all credibility with the Court."
Now, I'm not a lawyer and I don't pretend to be one, but if you ARE a lawyer and the judge in your most important case says to you in PUBLIC "you're losing all credibility with the court," well, it seems to me that would be BAD, lawyering wise, and maybe you should think about a career in something else. Like dog walker or donut maker or just moving to a remote island without internet and spending the rest of your days eating raw coconut meat and thinking about your life choices."

KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

#JimWright wrote:
"Donald Trump is fundamentally broken inside.
His brain is filled with faulty circuits forged by a lifetime of wealth, privilege, and never ever being told no.
He's not a functional human being, he's a spoiled, ignorant, selfish, self-centered, power-mad psychopathic serial abuser who is utterly lacking in empathy, compassion, self-reflection, self-control, self-restraint, or any of the normal checks and balances of a healthy mind.
He can't be fixed.
Donald #Trump needs to be isolated from power for the safety of society."

KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

"Humans are not Earth’s chief occupants. Trees are. There are three trillion of them, with a collective biomass thousands of times that of humanity. But although they are the preponderant beings on Earth – outnumbering us by nearly 400 to one – they’re easy to miss. Show someone a photograph of a forest with a doe peeking out from behind a maple and ask what they see. “A deer,” they’ll triumphantly exclaim, as if the green matter occupying most of the frame were mere scenery. “Plant blindness” is the name for this. It describes the many who can confidently distinguish hybrid dog breeds – chiweenies, cavapoos, pomskies – yet cannot identify an apple tree." https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/23/mother-trees-and-socialist-forests-is-the-wood-wide-web-a-fantasy

KeithDJohnson, to Birds
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar
KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

Reflecting on Columbine, 25 years later, a survivor writes: "When a door plug falls off a plane, we ground hundreds of planes and investigate. When it’s believed a car battery might cause a fire, millions of vehicles are recalled. When a batch of lettuce isn’t processed properly, we remove it from the shelves and the FDA posts a warning. We regulate, investigate and set up systems and protocols for safety in this country for nearly everything — except guns. We’ve set up a national hotline for suicide prevention, but nothing exists to report suspected would-be mass murderers. Why? Why do we refuse to do better?
If we’d taken mass shootings seriously 25 years ago, how many children would be alive today? How many families’ loved ones? How much blood has to be spilled before it’s enough? Will our collective empathy ever kick in?

I am doubtful."

KeithDJohnson, to random
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

Umair Haque wrote: "So imagine a machine that takes trees, people’s happiness, the possibilities of entire generations, the social bonds of societies, chews them up, & spits out…money. This is what capitalism — this variant — is doing. And that’s why so much of the world around is going extinct.

I often say this feels like a joyless age. That’s because we’re experiencing all these forms of extinctions as deadenings. Not just the planet, but our possibilities, our inner lives, our relations, our connections to the world, our sense of faith in the future, the stability of our polities & societies. The result is a kind of mass blunting of emotion, & a pulsation, a convulsion, of despair, ripping across the world.

All of which feeds demagoguery, & creates the sort of vicious circles that result in Trumpism, Brexit, the rise of the European far right."

augieray, to random
@augieray@mastodon.social avatar

Shopping during is riskier than you might think. This interesting STUDY is locked behind a paywall, but the abstract is fascinating. It combined credit card data with testing data to track infections when people were in shops together.

“Exposure to an infected individual in a store is associated with a significantly higher infection rate in the following week… Transmissions between retail shoppers made a substantial contribution to the Covid-19 pandemic.”


@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

@augieray No paywall to read it here: https://archive.ph/kY4e3

KeithDJohnson, to Sexism
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

"Rep. Katie Porter absolutely shreds Lindsey Burke, a right-wing Heritage Foundation official, who tries to say there's not enough money to invest in universal . Porter delivers a brilliant breakdown on the nationwide need for an investment in universal childcare, points out how there's plenty of money available to invest in children for future, in and so much more." https://youtu.be/d59kfp7CNCk

KeithDJohnson, to climate
@KeithDJohnson@sfba.social avatar

Bill McKibben wrote: "A new study released today in Nature examines data from 1,600 regions of the earth for the last 40 years, & concludes that by 2050 climate change will be causing economic damage worth $38 trillion every single year. That seems like…a lot.
The entire world economy at the moment is about $100 trillion a year; the federal budget is about $6 trillion a year. $38 trillion is 150 Bezoses (which is sick in its own way).

If those numbers seem impossible to comprehend, then let Bloomberg break it down for you, “planetary warming will result in an income reduction of 19% globally by mid-century, compared to a global economy without #climate change.” https://billmckibben.substack.com/p/is-38-trillion-a-lot?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=438146&post_id=143493398&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=2823q&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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