@1dalm@deacon.social avatar



Texas Licensed Professional Environmental Engineer. Advocates for joining things.

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atomicpoet, to random
@atomicpoet@atomicpoet.org avatar

Vintage hardware on my wishlist:

  • Blueberry G3 clamshell iBook
  • Translucent blue Handspring Visor
  • IBM ThinkPad T42
  • Fossil Abacus smartwatch with Palm OS
  • BlackBerry PlayBook

I might regret writing this down because I’m sure someone will start buying this stuff up!

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


Man. When I was in high school I wanted a Handspring Visor so bad. I still wish cell phones were modular like that.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

America: You need to have health insurance!

Me: Cool, that makes sense, but it's going to cover my whole body, right?

America: Depends, do you use your teeth and eyes?

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


FYI, your health insurance should cover your eyes too, at least trauma, illness or injury to your eyes. Vision insurance is basically just pre-paying for a pair of glasses.

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


Agreed. And you shouldn't wait to get skin cancer to go to a dermatologist or wait until you get colon cancer to get a colonoscopy.

Colonoscopies that have no corrective actions are also often not covered by insurance.

RL_Dane, to random
@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

Hey #tooters,

How do you buy (paper) books ethically?
I was looking at abebooks, but they're owned by #LexCorp now 🤦‍♂️

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


There are lots of online book stores that aren't Amazon. I normally just google the book and find a seller. Amazon typically isn't even the best price.

1dalm, to random
@1dalm@deacon.social avatar

If you've followed me for any amount of time (here or previously on Twitter and Facebook before I left those platforms), then it won't surprise you that I'm very happy about yesterday's trial result.

I'm most happy about it not because I hate everything about Donald Trump and everything he stands for (I do) and not because it helps "my team" (that's still unclear) but because it demonstrates that the institution of jury trial still works. An appeals judge can choose to overturn the conviction, that can still happen, and we still have to defeat him at the ballot box, but for today the institution is still functioning as intended.

This ruling demonstrates why strong, robust institutions are more important than ideologies.


GottaLaff, to legal
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

NEW 🧵starts HERE.

Plz remember to use NFL (Not For Laffy, no hashtag) so I can ignore those replies while live-posting. TY!

1/... Tyler McBrien:

It's 2:09 p.m., Trump walks in with his defense team in tow.

Alan Dershowitz is still here as well.

All five members of the prosecution are already seated.

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar



Trump not testifying.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

The Epaulette shark is only about 9 million years old as a species, making it the most recent branch in the shark family. And it is slowly but surely evolving into a land animal!

You will have to choose your side!

HELP THEM! “We' missed you, pal!” “Their filthy Water" "If you see a Horrid Beast evolving, welcome them home.

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


Welcome the stranger! We are all from the same flat worm family!

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

If the gods exist, it's mighty presumptuous to think they have our best interests at heart, or even think about us at all.

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar

@RickiTarr wakes up from afternoon nap and:


vwbusguy, to random
@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

The state of LLM right now is more or less that of a corporate-sanctioned Napster that hasn't (yet) been gutted by litigation. I'm curious to see what kind of more mainstream torrent/Spotify type thing emerges from this after the hype bubble inevitably pops. In the meantime, I suggest not betting the bank on any one major vendor. Copilot, ChatGPT, Llama, etc could all be one good lawsuit away from shutting down. Factor that into the business risk of adoption.

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


OpenAI is a bit more of a question mark in terms of legality, but MS, Meta, and Google are all easily within their legal frame because their are pulling from their own user's data that their users agreed to allow them to use in their EULAs.

Even then, I think the courts are highly likely to find that even Open AI's use of copyrighted material for it's training is sufficiently different that it constitutes Fair Use.

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


Well, I doubt that MS would be pouring billions into development and deeply integrating Copilot into both Windows and Office if their lawyers didn't think they were on good ground. MS is known to have some pretty good lawyers.

But, yes, there will be court cases on this in the next few years, and those cases will be appealed, and those appeals will be appealed again. It'll take the better part of a decade before this all settles out. But my personal bet is that Facebook, Google, MS, Apple, Disney, and basically literally every Fortune 500 company in America will come out on top on this one.

GottaLaff, to legal
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

started earlier than I did today. Grabbing coffee, starting THREAD HERE🧵1/…

Here’s the list of Trump’s allies attending his trial today:

AG Alan Wilson
Rep. Eric Burlison
Rep. Andrew Clyde
Rep. Mary Miller
Rep. Keith Self
John Coale
Alan Dershowitz
Will Scharf
Steve Witkoff
Bernie Kerik
Kash Patel
Vernon Jones
Jerry Kassar
Chuck Zito

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


There are lots of problem with your primary witness being a known liar.

1dalm, to random
@1dalm@deacon.social avatar

A village generally functions as a large family.

A town or neighborhood generally functions as a large village.

But a city does not function like a large town or a large neighborhood. It functions like a collection of competing and cooperating towns and neighborhoods.

I think this is a big reason why capitalism and our car dependent zoning has broken the way cities function. Urban and civil planners and franchise planners, etc. plan out development to optimize cities, not to optimize towns/neighborhoods.

For example, when Walmart plans a new store, they plan to optimize their sales based on service to the larger city, not in service of the town/neighborhood they are opening up in. When city planners plan a new highway, they plan it to optimize transportation in the whole city, not to optimize transportation in the town/neighborhood. Everything is planned to optimize on the city level and the village/town/neighborhood level is sacrificed as a result.

That's why people have to drive 30 minutes to go to a grocery store and 40 minutes to go to church, etc. this is what has killed our communities.

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar

To expand on this, this is also why our "global village" of the #internet fails as a village. Because companies that have taken over the internet didn't treat it like a village, they treat it like city planners treat a city. Optimize everything for the greatest number of users.

Which is part of the interesting thing about #Mastodon and ActivityPub. An individual Mastodon server really does function more like a village than it does a city. It's a small group of people collectively trying to make their little internet community better, and they are more able to police their own users as a result. #ActivityPub is able to function like a more healthy city that supports cooperating and competing towns and villages.

LeslieBurns, to random
@LeslieBurns@legal.social avatar

If you encourage not voting for Biden, especially as if that is a noble and compassionate thing to do (like, bc he hasn't stopped the Gaza genocide), you are contributing to the death of democracy not just in the USA, but globally.

Grow the fuck up: you won't get what you want by taking your toys and stomping off the playground.

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


People that say things like that are either 1) Russian trolls trying to take advantage of a liberal "purity culture" to create a political crisis, or 2) highly susceptible to Russian trolls trying to take advantage of a liberal "purity culture" to create a political crisis.

GottaLaff, to legal
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

NEW 🧵starts HERE.

Remember: I cannot reply while live-posting, so plz use NFL (Not For Laffy.. no hashtag) so I can skip your replies. THANK YOU.

Running a little late, so some preamble included here.


Tyler McBrien:

At 2:04 p.m., the prosecution strolls back in and lays out stacks of papers, binders, and other documents on the desk.

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


it's this kind of detail that I follow you for.

RickiTarr, (edited ) to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

What advice would you give to someone just starting out in a relationship?

Mine might sound kind of dark in relation to the question, but here goes:

People change, and they should, it's part of being a person. Some people are lucky, and they change in the same direction, but some don't, and that's okay too. There's no shame in leaving a relationship or changing the nature of a relationship that no longer serves you. We are all taught that every relationship, whether romantic or friendship, is supposed to last forever, but nothing is forever, and forcing something that no longer works, just ends in anger and bitterness. Knowing when to let go is as important as knowing when to hold on through a rough patch, and how to know either of those things is the most cliché advice of all, COMMUNICATE.

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


My relationship advice (which will decidedly be unpopular around here):

It's not all about you. Your personal happiness is not the only important thing and it's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that you understand the commitment. It's the "through poorer... through worse... through sickness" parts that is most important. Your partner doesn't need you through the good times and the healthy times. It's when your partner gets cancer and has to go through chemo and you two have to go through hell together. That's the important part. That's the commitment.

And if that's too big of an ask of you, just remember that it might turn out to be you that needs the partner. It's better to have a committed partner.

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


It's a lot. And it's not just sickness. It's financial struggles. It's having a baby. it's the layoff. It's grad school. Etc.

If you aren't going to be there through the bad times, what's even the point?

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


That is probably correct and explains a lot of the "Your feelings are the only things that matter and you should leave if you are not feeling personally fulfilled by the relationship" kinds of replies.

I would also add that my reply above only pertains specifically to marriage relationships. It's literally the thing that make s marriage different than all other kinds of relationships.

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar

@RickiTarr @tinyfrights

I would have chosen to use the word "covenant" but I recognize that word has complicated individualized connotations.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

I'm going to ramble a bit, but it will hopefully come around to something. When I was growing up, I read a lot of older historical book series, a big one would be the Little House On The Prairie series. While I really enjoyed it, there are some very obviously negative portrayals of Native Americans and African Americans. I remember being angry about it as a kid, and my Dad telling me, that part of learning about history is that we have to acknowledge the people we were, and still are. But because Little House on the Prairie is only semi-autobiographical, I still have mixed feelings about this. I do think they are well written books by a female author, an interesting perspective on early American life, and as an adult I can see and acknowledge the issues with the text. If we try to get rid of every author with racist ideas there wouldn't be much left to read from the 20th Century, and it also feels like being dishonest about who we are. So, I'm very mixed, how do you all feel about it? Do you think children can handle books with racial issues like this if it's explained to them? What is our responsibility here?

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


I feel like Disney did a good job when they rolled out Disney Plus.

1dalm, to apple
@1dalm@deacon.social avatar

After watching the decidedly poorly thought out #Apple iPad commercial, I kind of suspect it was a set up. It's so bad, it looks intentionally bad.

Like some business guy thought up the idea and told his creative people to do it. His creative people told him it was a bad idea and the guy made them do it anyway, so they said "We are totally going to make that jerk regret this!"

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


There is another explanation for why the commercial was so bad: It's it's gotten more people talking about it than any other ad I can think of and is probably the most watched, most successful iPad TV ad ever.

crecente, to llm
@crecente@games.ngo avatar

Assume a website plans to use user-contribution content to train LLMs. The license for the content is CC BY-SA.

❓ Would the output from the resulting LLMs be required to provide attribution?


@1dalm@deacon.social avatar

@crecente @law

Not likely in the US. I personally believe that it's unlikely any of the copyright claims against AI generators will stand.

If Google Books -a web site that literally copied full copyrighted works and allowed people to search through them and showed them actual images of the search results- was deemed to not be in violation of copyright law, then I just don't see how AI systems are going to be found in violation.

Ultimately, if just analyzing and learning from prior works and using that knowledge to create derivative works is copyright violation, then literally every single human that has ever drawn or written anything at all is also in violation.

1dalm, to HashtagGames
@1dalm@deacon.social avatar

10 Things I Hate About Last Summer


GottaLaff, to legal
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

New 🧵starts HERE.

REMEMBER: I can’t/won’t reply while live-posting. Please use NFL (Not For Laffy) so I can skip your reply, but NO hashtag on that. Thx.

Picking up after my "mistrial" thread/ 1/...

All via McB for awhile:

Counsel approaches, brief sidebar

"Binoculars down."

As I mentioned, courtroom rules strictly enforced. During sidebar, court security doesn't allow reporters to use binoculars they had brought to see exhibits and facial expressions better

@1dalm@deacon.social avatar


"... and not accept any bribes."

Would the jurors be required to disclose bribe attempts and other contact to the judge?

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