stefan, to accessibility avatar
stefan, avatar

I just added a note on Phanpy. I really like how prominent the image description field is when you upload an image, and I am guessing this contributes to the notably high use of alt text.

Great work, @cheeaun!

lisamelton, to random avatar

After the disruption from the nightly build on Monday, I began experimenting with both @phanpy and @elk, alternate Web interfaces for Mastodon.

While is quite nice with always-available mouse-based back navigation, it doesn't seem to support either multi-column views or auto-refreshing timelines.

So, is a much better fit for my use case. However, it suffers the same limitation sorting notifications as the current unfixed nightly build, i.e. no quick-access filter bar.


lisamelton, avatar

And while allows creating a shortcut/pinned column for most views, including an individual List, for some mind-numbing reason Phanpy does NOT allow the Lists view itself (i.e. the view of all your lists) to be a shortcut/pinned column. 🤦‍♀️

Why is this important? Because if you have a shitload of lists like I do, then going back and forth from the master Lists view is something you do A LOT. And you don't want to shortcut/pin that many single List views.


lisamelton, avatar

With , liking or boosting posts---as you know, something I might do once or twice a day 🙄---requires multiple clicks since Phanpy's timeline post preview tiles don't have affordances for either task. 🤦‍♀️

You need to right click on a post preview for a context menu or left click to get an enlarged view in order to like or boost. And for boosting you need another click to select between a normal boost and a quote post. This dance is... very inconvenient. 😬


lisamelton, avatar

Still, is worth checking out if you're an over-caffeinated Mastodon power user like I am.

I wish the developers well and hope they keep iterating on it. 💖


StefanMuenz, to fediverse German avatar

[1/7] Mit dem Standard-Web-UI von Mastodon hab ichs einfach nicht so, und nutze es üblicherweise über alternative Web-Clients. Auch den bekanntesten davon, #Elk, habe ich schon verwendet. Lange Zeit jedoch am ehesten den Web-Client von #Soapbox. Jetzt aber steige ich gerade auf #Phanpy um, das unter erreichbar ist.

Wie bei anderen alternativen Web-Clients für Mastodon muss man auch dort erst mal seine Heimatinstanz eingeben, also, oder wie eben heißt. Dann muss man noch die Erlaubnis erteilen, dass der Client die im Browser aktive Anmeldung bei der Heimatinstanz nutzen darf. Somit kann der Client die API der Heimatinstanz genauso nutzen wie der Web-Client der Heimatinstanz selber.

Obwohl sie auf die gleichen Daten via API zugreifen, können alternative Web-Clients diese Daten durchaus anders aufbereiten. Phanpy strengt sich dabei besonders an. Nachfolgend ein paar Beispiele:

StefanMuenz, avatar

[3/7] Ein Thread wie dieser hier, bestehend aus mehreren Einzelpostings als Folge von Antworten auf das Vorgängerposting, erkennt explizit als Thread und signalisiert das deutlich sichtbar mit einem "THREAD"-Flag. Kleinere Threads wie im Beispiel ein Zweiteiler werden auch gleich direkt im Zusammenhang in der TImeline angezeigt:

StefanMuenz, avatar

[2/7] "Lost in Fediverse" meint oft: Man liest ein Posting und sieht erst auf den zweiten Blick, dass es eine Antwort auf ein anderes ist. stellt optisch geschickt den Bezug zum Posting dar, auf das geantwortet wird:

kalisz79, to random Polish avatar

To nie jest trochę to co już mamy dzięki wspólnemu logowaniu do różnych usług na via @ftdl ? :)

m0bi13, (edited ) avatar

@kalisz79 @ftdl

Dobrym podejściem są też web-aplikacje starające się integrować wiele profili z różnych serwisów. Np. #Phanpy, który ostatnio integruje #Mastodon i #Pixelfed (jego Media-firt UI jest świetne).

Podobnie #Fedilab na #Android integruje profile z różnych usług: Mastodon, #Pleroma, Pixelfed, #Peertube, #GNUSocial, #Friendica.

Takie podejście mi się podoba :)

Innym tematem jest uparte trzymanie się przez Mastodona obsługi jedynie typu Note (i ułomne wyświetlanie Article). A ponieważ Mastodon dominuje w #Fedi, nie rozwija się (tak jak mogłoby) wsparcie dla innych typów treści #ActivityPub: image, video, audio, artist, album, track, playlist. De facto obrazki czy filmiki albo audio to po prostu załączniki do typu Note, bo Masto tak ma i nic innego nie wyświetli :/

Więc IMO pole do rozwoju jest ogromne, nie trzymajmy się kurczowo jednego konta (to wymysł marketingowców budujących silosy), zostańmy przy jeden login do wielu usług, jeśli już musimy ;)

pixelfed, to Pixelfed avatar

✨ You can now use 3rd party webUIs like phanpy with Pixelfed!

#pixelfed #phanpy #mastoAPI

mastobit, avatar

@pixelfed @fediversereport


Are there any other webUIs??


jwildeboer, (edited ) to random avatar


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  • tezoatlipoca, avatar

    @jwildeboer #Phanpy on the other hand seems to be on the fence. It caught your monospaced but put asterixes around my italics.

    coffeegeek, to fediverse avatar

    I need some help, #fediverse

    We need to better incorporate our Mastodon feed into the website.

    Part of the problem is, in the platform we use (Wordpress / Elementor), there's almost zero support for Mastodon in our share, follow, and embed tools. So either we have to write something from scratch and make it work with our existing share tools, or... well if there is an Elementor / WP friendly share plugin out there that actively supports mastodon, I want to know about it.

    Any thoughts? Ideas? Guides? Step by step to make it happen? The research I've done so far shows it's tricky to have a proper share popup for Masto like you can have for Facebook, for eg (second screen cap below) because of the decentralized nature of mastodon.

    For instance, I want to have a Mastodon share button in this cluster, which is created via a convenient widget in Elementor:

    Share Popup for Facebook



    Hi Mark,

    I've got a follow up here for you :)

    A few items, but for the tl;dr please scroll down towards the end. The first few appear to be precisely what you asked for, the third is my rather enthusiastic recommendation.

    I believe this first one is the plugin I mentioned, and was found to be quite lacking, further, frustrating to most - This showcases the glaring problem associated with conflating mastodon with that of the #Fediverse - most things break, early and often, over and over again.

    • A simple share button that breaks about a fourth of share attempts:

    Here's Terrence Eden's article on the Share on Mastodon plugin. I thought a link to this article best, as it leaves you lots of breadcrumbs to pick up along the way to the plugins page at WordPress. Including Jan's blog article. I believe this was the one with the least utility, that caused the most problems with people, which is quite a bit more than frustrating for a lot of people, angering many. masto isn't even the big man on campus anymore - those days have passed, and are in the past; it's just one of many increasingly popular platforms that people use in the ActivityPub portion of the Fediverse.

    I believe Jan is incorrect on the number of images that masto can accommodate - yes it used to be four, but lately, when authoring articles in the Fediverse with platforms that accommodate inline media in the posts, I've noticed that masto actually will include 5 images, the rest it summarily discards, making for an even more confusing event for those on masto (NGI Zero funding has just been secured BTW, to at least bring masto into the 21st century with Quote Posts - like pretty much everyone else has had for a long time, some for a decade now).

    Perhaps in time this will improve, or you can get into it with the aid of some of the others below, or just move past all that and install the plugin at the end of it all which performs famously ;)

    • Conflating mastopub with the Fediverse is a Bad thing:

    I've heard a few good testimonies of how well the Fediverse share button performs. Note that no where in the description or documentation is the word mastodon used; no one is mislead to believe that there is such a thing as a mastodon network - because there isn't.

    • People should be offered the opportunity to share interesting content into (and throughout) the Fediverse, not some small slice of the available platform choices existing there:

    This next option was heavily inspired by the old AddToAny plugin back when a kazillion different silos were popular and extant. I remember using that plugin to support sharing across upwards of 30 or so various social networking, bookmarking, link aggregation, and other types of obscure sites in far flung places of the world. I've also heard some good things about this solution too - please take note of all the certified platforms that it supports, and yes, mastopub is one of those ;)

    If you do choose this method, do please join us in the Fediverse-City Matrix room to offer a review / evaluation as to how well Fediverse Share works for you. Several project leads there are always interested in viable solutions that are inclusive and accommodate the wider community at large without any marginalization through misleading brand recognition.

    I do like the colorful buttons too in the demo here. I also like the non-traditional "Lorem ipsum" example prose too. I find it refreshing :)

    • Either through simple naivety or conscious exclusionary arrogance, here's some other masto branded share options, at least one, IIRC, was much less than satisfactory, but I typically don't traffic mastodon branded things anymore when the insinuation is that the product represents the Fediverse. You may find, however, that one of these is just what you need, and that with a little bit of tweaking will fit nicely into your website's business processes. A little branding can go a long way, but sometimes a solution depends on, for example, a "share API endpoint", not strictly compliant with the W3C's published specifications, that serves to marginalize all other platforms by excluding them (that's commonly regarded as EEE). I'll just post the links w/o commentary:
    • mastodon share button
    • Share on mastodon button
    • MastodonShare
    • Toot Proxy
    • Yet another mastodon share button
      *Share to mastodon

    There's another utility by Nikita Karamov (creator of the Toot Proxy above) that doesn't embrace the predatory branding of a diluted trademark:

    • Share₂Fedi - Share₂Fedi isn't a button, exactly, but the functionality is there and it is inclusive of the larger diaspora of the ActivityPub powered portions of the Fediverse, avoiding any sort of marginalization as a result of marketing through leveraging overt, and predatory branding campaigns.

    Alright, I know you're interested in getting to the good part. Yes, I'm guilty of that same sort of mindset that makes you scroll down to the bottom of the ToS before you can click on the submit button. But before we get to the tl;dr:, we have one more which in spirit at the very least, is promising, I encourage you to read it:

    • Honorable mention goes to shareOnFediverse, which works even with GNU Social, Diaspora, PixelFed, Hubzilla, Lemmy, Friendica, Kbin, Misskey, Pleroma, Etc.


    That bit of markdown above (the H1) may not show up on your platform, depending. Regardless, you've arrived. Here's the solution that I personally recommend, a very fine solution that not only allows one to share their content into the Fediverse by providing links back to their website, but providing the gateway for people in the Fediverse, #Fedizens, if you will, to engage the authors of news and blog and lifestyle and cookbook style tutorial and HowTo sites, directly, with two way commenting and sharing of dialog in true open and participatory fashion:

    First, (and it has indeed come a long way since the post of this article), a page on how exceedingly simple it is to install and configure this, the WordPress ActivityPub Plugin:

    Bear in mind that the plugin was in beta at the time, so never mind the sourpusses in the comments who wanted it, and yet couldn't have it because they weren't self-hosting #WordPress. I must reiterate that development has come a long way, the plugin is in general production release and available for any WordPress site, managed, self-hosted, or otherwise, and it's got a powerful feature set.

    Posting links back to clear-net websites on the open Internet is fine, it's not like clicking a share to Faceplant or InstaSPAM button when you share an article that you like into the Fediverse, After all, it's every blogger's mission to drive traffic to their own site (not Faceplant or InstaSPAM), but then your visitors are limited to offering comment replies in the manner of a form submission on the site that really only allows you to subscribe your email for subsequent comment notifications for the article or thread that your commenters spawned.

    What the #ActivityPub plugin enables for those who engage with you, is to provide an instant audience of several million MAU (monthly active users) throughout the Fediverse who will be able to directly participate and engage in the conversation from their own native Fediverse platforms, receiving replies as well.

    I've called this, A Game Changer, before. A few times, actually. @matthias @pfefferle and his small team of developers created and curated this plugin that enables this hitherto (mostly) inaccessible feature set for the masses. Literally anyone in the ActivityPub portion of the Fediverse can now comment and reply to the comments of others on WordPress sites, which is pretty much like 40% of the entire word wide web nowadays, and you can check this out for yourself right now by visiting his blog at in the comment section of any one of his articles.

    There were some issues, which could be attributed to the predatory marketing practices by Mastodon gGmbH, whereby a lot of what is actually ActivityPub or Fediverse centric was being referred to, and worse, attributed to mastodon in one sense or another, further diluting their trademark which places it in jeopardy of losing its registration (the first item in mastodon's general guidelines states, "Only use the Mastodon marks to accurately identify those goods or services that are built using the Mastodon software." - but the defense of trademarks themselves is another matter entirely, although the discussion has come up many times with the responsible parties, often, in very heated, public, forums.

    Anyway, Mattias and his team have become incrementally more mindful of placing emphasis upon #Fediverse, the brand, instead of masto, the brand, and that's a good thing because it goes a long way toward correcting the existing confusion that exists due to the abuse certain marketing personalities have, and continue to pursue. Indeed, the plugin itself is named ActivityPub, which is appropriate - and it certainly is not an exclusive tool for mastopub.

    You can download the latest and greatest version of the WordPress ActivityPub Plugin HERE, which was released just 3 days ago, and I know because I was on the periphery of an issue that was resolved, making this an even more relevant and quickly becoming (IMO) essential tool for #DeSoC and Fediverse aware bloggers, journalists, chefs, and anyone else that knows they can benefit from deploying their own WordPress site for business or personal use in communicating with the world beyond the walls of the deprecated, proprietary, privacy mining monolithic silos.

    In wrapping things up here, it goes without saying that one of the very most powerful aspects of the #WordPress_ActivityPub_Plugin isn't actually that people can respond to your published articles from the comfort of myriad clients such as #FediLab, #Husky, #Phanpy, or the native web or desktop interface for their Fediverse instance, but the reality that they can simply follow you, on your blog, and receive your blog or news or HowTo articles in their streams whenever you publish a new item. From there, they can boost (more exposure for your published works), reply (of course), and even offer a bit of narrative introducing your work with a #Quote_Post. It's like a butterfly affect, or concentric circles emanating from one little plop of a pebble into a pond.

    Oh, one more thing, there's nothing preventing you from including one of the pretty little Fediverse Share buttons either, in conjunction with the ActivityPub plugin. After all, some folks like to comment and let you know their thoughts, while others prefer to simply share it with others who will also tell two friends or themselves offer comments to your articles - it's a win win for everyone on both sides of the line that divides the Fediverse from those so-called Big Tech institutions comprising the walled gardens of subjugation by the #Sunnyvale_Syndrome.

    I hope you've found this helpful, I didn't want to send you on an errand of discovery without making sure that there's been some decent coverage of several different alternatives currently available for you.

    All the best!

    #tallship #FOSS, #Automattic @pfefferle


    admin, to random avatar
    SirBoostALot, avatar

    @admin @cheeaun The thing I like about #Phanpy is the ability to quote a toot.The one thing I don't like is the inability to boost with just a single click. Why can't we have one client that does both?

    SirBoostALot, avatar

    @admin @cheeaun One other thing I am not finding in #Phanpy is any way to mute someone. I tend to mute people who post in languages other than English because I can't read them, and there is too much in my timeline already, so I am just trying to remove some of the clutter. But there is no way (that I can find) to mute in Phanpy without reporting someone, and I don't want to report them, I just want to mute them.

    tantramar, to Cats avatar

    Considering setting up an alt account that only follows cats 🤔 #cats


    @tantramar As an alternative, if you are on desktop consider the #phanpy web client. It's multi-column mode has the ability to have a column follow (multiple) hastags. I am currently running 4 columns, one of which displays the hashtags cats, dogs, cute, and bloomscrolling.

    kimerwinbc, to random avatar

    ang maganda dito sa mastodon ay lahat ng public posts nagfefeed sa lahat ng users

    Jerry, avatar

    @kimerwinbc You might want to try an alternative UI for Mastodon that is available on this server, #Phanpy. I prefer the ordering of the posts on Phanpy over the regular UI.

    ttpphd, to random avatar

    Trying out and so far I am digging the timeline choices. #Phanpy

    admin, to random avatar

    Our alternative Mastodon UI at has just been upgraded to the latest version.

    I use Phanpy 99% of the time when I use Mastodon in the browser. I think the UI is superior to the one that comes with Mastodon. Reading posts is so much nicer. You should give a look see if you haven't checked it out.


    ngmi, to random avatar

    Testing #phanpy 👌

    stfn, to random Polish avatar

    Hej @m0bi13 dzięki za podzielenie się #phanpy, to chyba będzie przełom w tym jak korzystam z mastodona, na pierwszy rzut oka jest świetne

    okpierre, to fediverse avatar
    expert, to mastodon

    I think @phanpy is one of the best Mastodon apps.

    You want to quote posts? Try Phanpy.

    You want a Twitter-like expirience? Try Phanpy.

    You want to have GIF support and you're not an Apple user? Try Phanpy.

    You want to think less about writing ALT text for attachments? Try Phanpy.

    Dev version: (has GIF support and generates ALT text)

    Stable version: (no gif support/alt text generation)

    #phanpy #mastodon #phanpysocial #phanpysocialdev

    samurro, to apps

    Checking out the listed web / desktop for most of them are really underwhelming. They even fail to describe on why one should use them. I didn't find a single desktop app which was worth installing, just from the information provided on their webpage. Multiaccount usage is irrelevant to me, for now.
    With the I am now briefly trying out and

    anon2020, to mastodon Spanish avatar

    Phanpy para mastodon también a agregado cosas interesantes en el tema de emojis

    stfn, to random avatar

    #phanpy ( is an awesome web client for Mastodon. Finally I can browse Mastodon using only the keyboard, something I missed on the default webpage.

    snail, to UX avatar

    One of my most favourite features of @phanpy is the experimental "Switch to <user's> instance" option.

    I get to see all the comments on a post (or all the posts on a profile) but it stays in the same interface I've grown fond of (including the beautiful threading)

    liaizon, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

    So so glad @phanpy added a toggle for per account notifications! This was one of the last remaining reasons to regularly open Mastodon web.

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