Godfrey642, to auspol
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

In Australia's Parliament this afternoon (16th Oct) there was a debate around The Water Trigger. The Bill needs to pass bc it is urgently needed to ensure that gas fracking projects don't harm local water resources and the local environment.

In NT two projects are in the final stages of authorisation. Both will poison water in the local #indigenous communities.

As things stand, Dr Sophie Scamps and Zali Steggall argued boldly that NO Australian citizen should go without safe drinking water because of Fossil Fuel industrial projects. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-10-16/water-trigger-bill-to-close-fracking-loophole-introduced/102982456

Go without water ?
In Australia 2023 ???

Saturday's referendum NO-voters need to realise that the referendum wasnt about division, bc Australia has division and inequality ALREADY .

How about some fracking in Dutton's seat?? God forbid !!!! His supporters would demand a #Voice and rightly so.

How many Australians really KNOW anything about First Nations' hardships or how the machinery of White Australia racism really works?

Truth is, like all other #FirstNations globally, they are in the way of the colonising overlords who want to seize land and resources for their own use.

And historically those overlords just needed to "wipe out" those indigenous ppls by any means possible: massacres, displacement, theft, siege, exploitation, disease, death, imprisonment...

The way Australia's First Nations are being treated nowadays is nothing new. They are unheard and invisible and 60% of voters are just fine with that.

#auspol #auspol2023 #voicetoparliament
#Aboriginal #Decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #Treaty #FuckRacism #FuckWhiteness #FuckColonisation

timrichards, (edited ) to auspol
@timrichards@aus.social avatar

I think this is the very last thing I'll share about the Voice referendum - but it's an interesting one.

This statistical analysis shows the results were very similar to the 1999 republic referendum: re regions, wealth, education, etc. Even the same electorates at the top & bottom of the Yes votes! Shows how hard it is to shift some people to a Yes vote, no matter what the question.

I suspect there are are two basic starting problems with any constitutional referendum:

a) Whatever the referendum is about, it can be characterised as "ignoring real issues";
b) There's a big chunk of people who deeply resent having to engage with politics, so forcing them to the polls outside an election will inevitably irritate them.

And that's before you even get to arguing the question! [sigh]

Beyond No, here’s what we know about the Voice results - ABC News https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-10-15/voice-results-explained-map/102978520

#VoiceToParliament #auspol

@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

Go here to the Victorian Curriculum website: https://victoriancurriculum.vcaa.vic.edu.au/overview/cross-curriculum-priorities
The first paragragh has a link to mandated curriculum for learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. (Level 1 = Grade 1 and Level 9/10 is broadly Years 9/10)

It's all there: Language Arts Civics Technology History.. TEN PAGES of curriculum. Every blue interactive link takes you to teaching materials, organisations and suggestions.

Not mandated in private schools of course.
And frankly a disaster in the hands of a NO voting Principal or teacher who won't ensure its taught.

#auspol #Auspol2023 #FirstNationsVoice #VoicetoParliament #voteyes

BinChicken, to auspol
@BinChicken@rants.au avatar


A Week of Silence for the Voice

This statement comes from Rachel Perkins, respected Arrernte & Kalkadoon woman, and co-chair of Yes23.



To the Australians who supported us in this vote - we thank you sincerely. You comprise many millions of Australians of love and goodwill. We know you wanted a better future for Australia, and to put the colonial past behind us by choosing belated recognition and justice. We thank the Prime Minister and his government for having the conviction to take this referendum to the Australian people at our request. We thank him for his advocacy and all parliamentarians who did the same, including members of the Teals, Greens, Nationals and independents who stood by us. We pay particular respect to the Liberal parliamentarians who bravely advocated for the voice. We also thank our fellow Australians from all sectors of the community, including multicultural, faith, professional, business, creative and sporting organisations. To the hundreds of thousands who took to the streets, knocked on doors and made over a million phone calls, thank you for your love and support.
Our deep chagrin at this result does not in any way diminish our pride and gratefulness for the stand they had the moral courage to take in this cause now lost. We know we have them by our side in the ongoing cause for justice and fairness in our own land. Now is not the time to dissect the reasons for this tragic outcome. This will be done in the weeks, years and decades to come. Now is the time for silence, to mourn and deeply consider the consequence of this outcome. Much will be asked about the role of racism and prejudice against Indigenous people in this result. The only thing we ask is that each and every Australian who voted in this election reflect hard on this question. To our people we say: do not shed tears. This rejection was never for others to issue. The truth is that rejection was always ours to determine. The truth is that we offered this recognition and it has been refused. We now know where we stand in this our own country. Always was. Always will be.
We will not rest long. Pack up the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Fly our flags low. Talk not of recognition and reconciliation. Only of justice and the rights of our people in our own country. Things that no one else can gift us, but to which we are entitled by fact that this is the country of our birth and inheritance. Re-gather our strength and resolve, and when we determine a new direction for justice and our rights, let us once again unite. Let us convene in due course to carefully consider our path forward. We are calling A Week of Silence from tonight (Saturday 14th October) to grieve this outcome and reflect on its meaning and significance. We will not be commenting further on the result at this time. We will be lowering our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags to half-mast for the week of silence to acknowledge this result. We ask others to do the same. 14 October 2023

BinChicken, to auspol
@BinChicken@rants.au avatar

Beyond No, here’s what we know about the Voice results

This article has some interesting data visualisations that show how people voted in the Referendum. These factors stand-out strongly:

  • City vs rural
  • Educational level
  • Age
  • Income

Curiously, the societal divisions on these maps are that same as last time there was a referendum, nearly a generation ago.

#AusPol #VoiceToParliament #VoteYes #Referendum2023 #IndigenousVoiceToParliament #FirstNations #Voice #VoteYesAustralia

amonkeyinsilk, to auspol
@amonkeyinsilk@theblower.au avatar

It is now up to the progressive No campaigners, and their racist peers, to explain what they are going to do to close the gap and enable Indigenous Australians to participate in Australian society without entrenched disadvantage.

I am going to need lots of detail.

#voteyes #voteno #auspol

Marmari, to auspol

I'm proud of my . You should be too. Let's look at the bright side: large cities overwhelmingly voted yes. I think younger people probably did too. Any change requires time and quite often multiple attempts. Let's not forget the role of the misinformation campaign. Most people who voted no had been misled. It's truly the post truth era. Let's figure out a solution for that.

andrewdenton, to auspol

To alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Voice.




nice to know australia is either racist or uneducated.

aby, to random
@aby@aus.social avatar

This is going to be unpopular.

I keep seeing people say they're shocked how anti-Indigenous Australia is, and when I go look at their profiles they all have "leftist" written.

You all need to understand what this means for how your leftism is tied in to white supremacy.

If you're shocked to find out that a colonised country is racist, you haven't been listening.

If your leftist selves haven't been listening to Indigenous people on this Stolen Land, you're leaning into white supremacy.

#Aboriginal #Indigenous #Decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #Treaty #FuckRacism #FuckWhiteness #FuckColonisation

@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

@aby You can call it socialism or left leaning but what this referendum shows is both the overwhelming meanness of 2/3 Australians and/or the gullibility that they believed the dross swilling around social media.

An educated, empathetic and open minded population wouldn't have voted this way.

cheekydevil, to auspol

On excruciatingly disappointing nights like these, I think it important to remember that Australia has the most consolidated media market in the western world.

To be clear, this means that misinformation and deliberate lies can be more easily spread and embedded and with greater affect here than almost anywhere else.

Decades of Govts on both sides have privately railed against it but publicly remained both silent and unmoved to do anything about it.

Explains the no vote #auspol #voteyes

dmakovec, to random
@dmakovec@theblower.au avatar

No surprises tonight.

While I did , and my electorate and neighbouring ones did (there's obviously a reasons we moved to inner-suburban Melbourne), it was pretty obvious how the country as a whole would go.

The deficiencies of the Yes campaign were obvious from the start. Calling it the "Voice" was too abstract, lefty and wanky for the average Australian to get behind. If they'd just named it simply as a "Committee for Indigenous affairs" it would have had a better chance. Calling people racist if they didn't get it was just stupid. Telling people to "Google it" was obviously insulting. The whole thing was a free kick to the Duttons and Hansons of Australia.

Albanese and his buddies should realise that they didn't win the election because they were any good at campaigning - they won it because an empty chair could have stood against Morrison and won. Too often, Labor get lucky after we get sick of the Libs and think they're God's gift. Tonight should set them straight.

cheekydevil, to auspol

Anyone else see the irony that the NT vote won’t count in the state results in the Voice referendum. It is literally the perfect fucking metaphor for this pathetic bloody populace #auspol #voteyes

MsDropbear84, to auspol
emmadavidson, to auspol
@emmadavidson@aus.social avatar

At the Museum of Australian Democracy / Old Parliament House

It was also my 18 year old daughter’s first time voting

#VoteYES #YES23 #ausvotes #auspol

Emma smiling and wearing a YES campaign shirt with green hedge and Old Parliament House in background

ariaflame, to random
@ariaflame@masto.ai avatar

I have voted in the Referendum

FerdiMagellan, to auspol
@FerdiMagellan@aus.social avatar


“Regardless of what the referendum result is, Pearson's prediction of how the campaign leading up to it might run has proved painfully accurate.

“The abuse and even death threats faced by Indigenous people on both sides of the debate are shocking.

“As my colleague, ABC Indigenous Affairs Editor Bridget Brennan, wrote this week: "Indigenous people deserved so much better than the debate we were subjected to this year: the misinformation, death threats, conspiracy theories, the racist nonsense and everything in between. The worst of Australia has been on display."

#Auspol ##VoteYes #VoiceToParliament

From: @jhaue

pfred60, to auspol
@pfred60@aus.social avatar

What's good about Australia?

Vote Yes and grab a sausage after you are done?



golgaloth, to auspol
@golgaloth@writing.exchange avatar

Well, that's a YES from me.

acb, to random
@acb@mastodon.social avatar

Apropos of nothing, in 1902, Australia held a referendum on giving the vote to women. As always, the conservatives had their arguments for rejecting change laid out: #VoteYes

CosmicRami, to australia
@CosmicRami@aus.social avatar

Australia, it’s time. 🖤💛♥️

Yes to recognise the world’s oldest (65,000 years) living culture.

Yes to listening to the voices of Indigenous peoples on matters that affect them.

Yes to better education, employment, housing, justice for Indigenous people.

Yes, it’s time.

bastardsheep, to random
@bastardsheep@aus.social avatar

If you don't know, look at the company you'll be keeping. Even if you yourself are not one of them.

has all the racists, cookers, white nationalists, and conspiracy theorists. They outright lied time and time again. They quoted (and selectively misquoted) people repeatedly without that persons authorisation for their statement to be used by their campaign.

has 80% of the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people.

biancanogrady, to random
@biancanogrady@aus.social avatar
trib, to random
@trib@aus.social avatar

I'll be voting YES! Because I want to live in a country that recognises 65,000 years of Indigenous culture in our constitution. Listening through a Voice means we'll work together to create a better future. #yes23 #VoteYes

Heliograph, to random
@Heliograph@mastodon.au avatar

good morning tooterinions :ablobwave: :ablobcatcoffee: :annoyingdog: I'm guiding a walk along the coast today so when I'm back I hope you've all voted for the right thing!! :akko_fistup: :blobcat_hearthug: :Koala:

mythologyandhistory, to art
@mythologyandhistory@mas.to avatar

Attention: This post is mildly . (Apologies)

Did you know that Burrup Peninsula features the largest collection of in the world? It's also under threat.

Would be useful if an representative could talk about it to the .

Luckily for those of you with an Australian passport, that can be easily done tomorrow WHILE eating a !

As an , I can't vote.

But if I could, my vote would rhyme with 'finesse'.


@Heliograph@mastodon.au avatar

@fkamiah17 thank you and yes my postal democracy sausage rhymed in deed with grandness :akko_fistup: :BigBlobhajHug: :ma_boomerang: @ExtraPenguin @dgar

evolvable, to random
@evolvable@aus.social avatar

My final thought on this.
Please vote after getting informed, and with empathy.

Don't wake up 😱 the day after voting 🗳️ on the Voice to Parliament 🗣️ to find you've helped put a stop to Indigenous reconciliation 🫱🏽‍🫲🏻 for a generation because someone fooled you 😈 into thinking a non-binding advisory panel is risky. 🤨

Get the facts 🧐, and #VoteYes:


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