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BinChicken, to auspol avatar

After Candid Self-Reflection, Liberal Strategists Say Best Person to Replace Rejected Kooyong MP Josh Frydenberg Is … Josh Frydenberg

Another kerb-kicker from @theshovel.

In all seriousness, this it a trial-balloon being sent-up to test people's opinions. This kerfuffle shows how divided the Liberal Party are. Factional infighting presents party members with two choices:

  • Sexist, racist, old-boys-club, RWNJ wing.
  • Old-school Conservative, generational privilege wing.

Those calling for Josh Frydenberg to replace Amelia Hamer as the Liberal candidate for Kooyong think it's okay to break their own party's preselection process, and are harkening-back to the "Good ol' days" of Scott Morrison. They've forgotten that Josh Frydenberg was one of the worst Federal Treasurers in living memory under the leadership of ScottyFromMarketing.

Those calling for Amelia Hamer haven't heard her say a word about policy, but they like her posh Oxford-educated credentials and good family-name. She gets to ride on the coat-tails of her grandfather, Rupert Hamer, the Premier of Victoria from 1972 to 1981.

Neither group is in touch with reality. Dr Monique Ryan won the seat of Kooyong in 2022 with a 2.9 per cent margin. The seat of Kooyong has been considered a safe Liberal seat for generations. It's why it's given to people in important roles such as Treasurer. Monique Ryan beat Josh Frydenberg because he's a fucking idiot and nobody liked his bootlicking of ScottyFromMarketing.

#AusPol #Teals #LNP #LiberalParty #Kooyong #MoniqueRyan #KooyongVotes #AmeliaHamer #JoshFrydenberg #ScottMorrison #ScottyFromMarketing

BinChicken, to auspol avatar

Lehrmann files court appeal with no lawyers
Bruce Lehrmann, a second-year law student, has shocked the legal fraternity with the suggestion he will represent himself in his high-stakes Federal Court appeal.

Bruce Lehrmann is keen to engage in a battle of wits while unarmed.

#BruceLehrmann #Lehrmann #BrittanyHiggins #AusPol

BinChicken, to auspol avatar

One Big Chart: how does the cost of nuclear power compare to renewables?

The chart in this article illustrates the "bang for buck" for electricity generation options. Unsurprisingly, renewables come out ahead, fossil fuels come in the middle, and nuclear is the worst. Don't take my word for it; this comes from scientists who've been working on it for decades at the CSIRO. Another takeaway: don't take Peter Dutton's word for it, either.

BinChicken, to auspol avatar

Administrative Review Tribunal legislation passes Parliament

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) is getting shut-down. Over the years, it had been systemically ruined by a series of RWNJ governments. Its independence was destroyed by nepotistic appointments by friends and former colleagues of RWNJ politicians. The scale of the corruption was absolutely staggering.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said the AAT had been politicised beyond the point it could be rescued.
"The AAT’s public standing was irreversibly damaged as a result of the former government’s appointment of as many as 85 former Liberal MPs, failed Liberal candidates, former Liberal staffers and other close Liberal associates without any merit-based selection process,” he said.

The AAT is being replaced from scratch by the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART). It will be given extra funding to boost its power for regional, rural and remote communities, user experience, accessibility, and First Nations.

#AusPol #AdministrativeReviewTribunal #AdministrativeAppealsTribunal

BinChicken, to auspol avatar

Coles and Woolworths granted more time to deal with REDcycle waste in hope of saving it from landfill

REDcycle was never about recycling.
The "return-to-store" soft plastics program was never about recycling.
Those thick, soft plastic bags were never about "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle".
Calling plastic bags "multi-use" was a lie intended to transfer the responsibility of dealing with plastic to customers.
It was about telling customers they could continue using plastic bags. Supermarkets didn't want to change how they do things, and they didn't want to deal with the marginally increased cost of using paper bags. That's it.

The government should be suing supermarkets into the dirt for their years of fraud, malpractice, and environmental vandalism.

In the meantime, the fix is far more straightforward than the naysayers claim:

  • Do not let retailers "self-regulate" use of plastics.
  • Make it illegal to give customers plastic bags.

#AusPol #REDcycle #Coles #Woolies #Plastic #PlasticBags #Recycling

BinChicken, to Palestine avatar

Netanyahu's false apologies for committing genocide in Palestine called-out by @theshovel.

#Gaza #Palestine #FreePalestine
#Israel #Netanyahu #Genocide #WarCrimes #TheShovel

BinChicken, to auspol avatar

Farmer, industry groups question how Australian beef can be cheaper in Japan than at Coles and Woolworths

Our supermarkets have been caught price gouging again. It's impossible to export top-grade locally-produced food all the way to Japan and for it to end-up far cheaper. The government needs to step-in to stop this price gouging.

The government also needs to give back power to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. After years of undermining and by the successive RWNJ governments and nepotistic placements of their own pro-big-business colleagues high-up in the ACCC, the ACCC has been rendered toothless. We need the ACCC to be an independent umpire again.

#AusPol #Coles #Woolies #Duopoly #PriceGouging #Inflation #AustralianCompetitionAndConsumerCommission #ACCC

BinChicken, to auspol avatar

Liberals dump Senator Hollie Hughes in preselection battle

Senator Hollie Hughes earned her status as Peter Dutton's preferred pick through years of dutiful performance as a crumb maiden of the patriarchy. An outspoken transphobe, she was also a frequent fearmonger on Sky News "After Dark", and recently sought public attention by voicing support for Israel's genocide in Palestine and criticising the ICC.

To put it another way, Australia will be better-off for Hollie Hughes' absence from our Parliamentary system after the next election.

#AusPol #HollieHughes #CrumbMaiden #CrumbMaidenOfThePatriarchy #PeterDutton

BinChicken, to auspol avatar

With the Coalition’s nuclear fantasy demolished by CSIRO, Labor must get cracking on renewables

Peter Dutton has realised nobody is falling for his hype about Small Nuclear Reactors, so he's pivoted to large scale nuclear reactors.

The CSIRO has conclusively shown nuclear power is a dead-end technology — not fit for purpose in Australia — we need to accelerate our work with renewable energy such as wind and solar, and build more battery storage.

BinChicken, to australia avatar

Archaeologists Unearth the Oldest Aboriginal Pottery in Australia
The find refutes long-held beliefs that the Aboriginals did not make pottery

According to the study, “The apparent absence of pottery in Australia, as noted by early and more recent European observers… both reflected and was used to support, racist social evolutionary hierarchies characterizing Aboriginal societies as lacking cultural complexity.”

In an area just 90 x 90 cm, archaeologists found 82 pottery shards that are 2,950 to 1,815 years old.

#Indigenous #Aboriginal #Australia #Archaeology #History #Ceramics #Pottery

BinChicken, to iran avatar

'No sign of life' at Iran President Ebrahim Raisi helicopter crash site

It appears that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian are deceased as the result of a helicopter crash.

A Turkish drone has located the burned wreckage near the border with Azerbaijan. Thermal cameras could not detect the warmth of living people. The weather in that locale is a cold and foggy blizzard. Another source noted the a search team at an altitude of approximately 7,000 feet.

My conclusion is that no pilot in their right mind would fly in that combination of low altitude + mountainous terrain + awful weather + little or no visibility. Maybe it was too hard to say "No" to the President of Iran?

BinChicken, to auspol avatar

Vincent Namatjira is in the news again because Gina Rinehart is a truly awful person.

I think his painting is a pretty good likeness. It's recognisable to the point of being iconic. It captures her disdain for Black people perfectly, just as his painting of Tony Abbott captured the fake smile and witless eyes of our former Prime Minister.

I want to congratulate the ABC journalist who appears to have found the reference photo used by the artist, Vincent Namatjira, and put the photo side-by-side with the painting.

Compare them.

Before you say "This painting is not a good likeness" or "The artist is trying to make her look ugly", look at both images.
Now, look at the shit Gina Rinehart has done to the land with her resource extraction while making herself one of the richest people in the world with an estimated wealth of $30 billion.

And, look at Gina Rinehart's refusal to separate herself from her father's appallingly racist words.

Here's a sample:

"Nothing should be sacred from mining whether it’s your ground, my ground, the Blackfella's ground or anybody else’s. So the question of Aboriginal land rights and things of this nature shouldn’t exist."


"[Aboriginal people] that have been assimilated into, you know, earning good living or earning wages amongst the civilised areas, those that have been accepted into society and they have accepted society and can handle society, I’d leave them well alone.
The ones that are no good to themselves and can’t accept things, the half-castes - and this is where most of the trouble comes - I would dope the water up so that they were sterile and would breed themselves out in future and that would solve the problem."

#Auspol #GinaRinehart #VincentNamatjira #TonyAbbott #ArchibaldPrize

Collection of 21 portraits painted by Indigenous artist, Vincent Namatjira.
Portrait by Vincent Namatjira of former Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbott.

BinChicken, avatar

The style of the painting is consistent with Vincent Namatjira's other portraits, and Gina Rinehart's portrait is only one of a series of 21 in the exhibition. Vincent Namatjira's self-portrait is in the same collection.

I think it's interesting that nobody else in the collection of 21 subjects has been ignorant enough of art not to appreciate the painting and its cultural context, or thin-skinned enough to take offense, or power-tripping enough to demand the gallery take down a painting in their likeness.

Speaking of family and cultural context, Vincent Namatjira OAM (Medal of the Order of Australia) is an Aboriginal Australian artist, been nominated for the Archibald Prize several times, and became the first Aboriginal person to win it in 2020.
And he's the great-grandson of another famous artist, Albert Namatjira.

Show him some respect.

#Auspol #GinaRinehart #VincentNamatjira

BinChicken, to auspol avatar

New Carbon ‘Capture & Storage’ Method Revealed

A solid explanation by @theshovel about the science and politics of Carbon Capture.

BinChicken, to auspol avatar

Australia to ban controversial live sheep exports by sea from May 2028

Why is the Australian government being gutless wonders and waiting until 2028? Scared of doing what a majority of Australian people have been demanding for more than 10 a decade and want a chance to backflip before the next election?

NoteChoice7719 made a comment on the article that is a valuable insight, so I'm going to copy it here:

The OP posted some links from what they claimed were “independent” groups opposed to the live export ban. In reality doing a bit of digging just one of these group’s boards is stacked with industry heavyweights who profit from the trade:

  • Pastoral Company CEO
  • Director of a sheep export company
  • Managing Director of a livestock company
  • Cattle company director
  • Beef cattle farmer
  • Livestock Company CEO

There is going to be a huge astroturfing operation about this, expect all these so called ‘farmers’ to appear on breakfast TV crying about how Labor is ‘destroying lives in the bush’, be aware they are not genuine.

#AusPol #AnimalRights #EndLiveExports

BinChicken, to Eurovision avatar

I'm a huge fan of the Eurovision Song Contest, but this year I'm boycotting Eurovision.

Eurovision has always been political. Its purpose is political by seeking to unite Europe with the power of love of music over the power of hate and war.

In previous years, I celebrated the overt shows of support for Ukraine, LGBTQIA people, and other oppressed people.

But this year, the organisers of the Eurovision Song Contest have chosen ignore calls for BDS and allowed Israel to enter, and they have chosen to ban other participants from showing even support of the people of Palestine.

If you think the Eurovision Song Contest has chosen an appalling stance on this issue, you're not alone. The Israel singer was booed off stage, and there have been a record number of protests against Eurovision inside the auditorium, outside this year's venue in Malmö, and in many participating countries around the world.

BinChicken, avatar

@Tooden Right, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) likes to say "Leave politics out of it" but this year they have chosen to side with a genocidal regime.
When they banned Russia after it invaded Ukraine, I applauded their decision. But when Israel invaded Palestine, they're fine with that. It's a mockery of their own principles.

BinChicken, to auspol avatar

Australia votes 'yes' at United Nations as Palestinian push for full membership gathers momentum

This is notable because previously Australian politicians have been cowards and abstained from recognising Palestine as a country — for years, they merely talked-up the possibility of a two-state solution between Israel and mumble at some undefined time in the distant future.

It's also worth noting that Israel is so hellbent on continuing to commit genocide against Palestinian people that Gilad Erdan, Israel's Ambassador to the UN, shredded a copy of the UN Charter. He's so keen to deny Palestinian people human rights that he unilaterally symbolically destroyed human rights for everyone in the world.

BinChicken, to Palestine avatar

Macklemore has released a song, "Hind's Hall", in support of the people of Palestine and the student protests around the world against the genocide in Gaza being conducted by Benjamin Netanyahu's government.

Macklemore is putting his money where is mouth is, and donating all earnings from the song to Palestinian relief.

Link to "Hind's Hall" on :birdsite:

More info:

#Macklemore #HindsHall #Palestine #Genocide #Gaza #Israel #Netanyahu

BinChicken, to WFH avatar

Bosses demanding a return to the office should stop and listen to women

The craze by inflexible managers for forcing workers back into the office has to stop. It's made worse when they demand 100% office time and 0% work from home, or doing a bait-and-switch by offering work from home but then changing the deal. It's bad for everyone, but especially bad for women who have additional pressure on them for family and health reasons (in addition to the usual workplace sexism).
Listen to women.

BinChicken, to ai avatar

Ever since Bruce Ruxton died in 2011, Australians have struggled to find a way to make ANZAC Day cringeworthy, manipulatively sentimental, insensitive, attention-grabbing, disrespectful, inauthentically mythologised, and downright embarrassing.

At last, we have all that and more — thanks to the Queensland government's Virtual Veterans AI guide to World War I. Hurrah to the Queensland Government and the brave techbros at TalkVia AI who merged the horrors of war and the horrors of an "AI" LLM chatbot.
slow clap

BinChicken, to Hydrogen avatar

Hydrogen in gas networks doubles dangerous leaks from home appliances

Pro-hydrogen tech bros will have a sook over this article, but reality has a way of asserting itself against their inane arguments. They're a sad bunch who like to think they're doing something good for the environment but they're in denial and cannot accept they've been sucked-in by greenwashing of the fossil fuel lobby who're trying to prolong the use of methane.

#Hydrogen #Greenwashing #Renewables #FossilGas #NaturalGas #Environment #ElectrifyEverything

BinChicken, to auspol avatar

Details of defence deal with Israel kept under wraps to protect Australia's 'reputation'

Anthony Albanese has damned himself on several counts:

  • Albo turned his back on Australian Zomi Frankcom and with six other humanitarian workers who were murdered by Israel in Gaza.
  • Albo is failing to take a principled stand against the genocide Israel is committing in Palestine.
  • Albo has shown he's more afraid of false accusations of antisemitism (in the style of the mud slung at Jeremy Corbyn) than he is of doing the right thing.
  • Albo is beholden to Military–industrial complex, and doesn't want to hurt the export of Australian arms to Israel.
  • Albo knows Australian arms exports are being used under Benjamin Netanyahu's orders to commit crimes against humanity, and he's not doing anything to halt our involvement.
  • Anthony Albanese is complicit in the war crimes of Israel, and he's been referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for it, yet he's continuing to show a lack of regard for the ICC.

#AusPol #AnthonyAlbanese #Albo #WarCrimes #Genocide #Palestine #Gaza #FreePalestine #ZomiFrankcom #Israel #BenjaminNetanyahu #Netanyahu

BinChicken, to auspol avatar

How the botched hire of a top cop's media chief unexpectedly collided with Bruce Lehrmann's defamation case

tl;dr: corruption and nepotism they tried to sweep under the carpet as "jobs for the boys".

#AusPol #BruceLehrmann

BinChicken, to auspol avatar

Government Grants Bruce Lehrmann Licence for Coal Mine He Accidentally Discovered While Digging Own Grave

Another absolute banger of an article from @theshovel

#BruceLehrmann #Auspol

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