JoscelynTransient, to trans avatar

Would you be willing to let me share pictures of your transition timeline on my blog?

There are so many of us that feel like it will be impossible to ever be ourselves. I want to show what social transition, HRT, and/or gender-affirming surgeries are capable of doing for us because I know that would have made a difference for me once upon a time.

If you can reply or send me a direct message with your timeline or before/after images, and let me know whether you want your name/masto handle on it or if you would prefer to have no name/handle on it, I would really appreciate it! The piece in question will discuss a little bit of complicated history of the before/after transition images but then focus on the power of seeing how dynamic our bodies are and how much is possible through different kinds of transition. If you change your mind after sharing, I can always remove your images.

Impossible_PhD, to trans avatar

One of the biggest challenges in transition for many trans people is getting their doctors to give them the care and medicines we need.

Patient Self-Advocacy is one of the best ways to bridge that gap, but you probably don't know How To Get What You Need From Your Doctor. Come by and have a read to see what good self-advocacy looks like, as returns from holiday break!

pvonhellermannn, (edited ) to random avatar

#ClimateDiary As 2023 is ending, I recall my hopeful optimism a year ago that 2023 might be a #TurningPoint for climate awareness, carbon emissions plateauing and #Transition / #Regeneration - it being the 50th anniversary of Schumacher’s #SmallIsBeautiful and all that (see 🧵 in link) .

I kept on sharing this great cover (“the new world is almost born” #Gramsci). But has 2923 been a turning point? 1/5

Tweetfiction, to trans

Today officially marks 2 months for me taking HRT. The differences have been small so far, but they are there. My skin is definitely softer and I feel my emotions have opened up a bit. Or maybe that's just allowing myself to let that happen. Who can say?

Either way I'm super excited for the future and can't wait to see what 2 more months and 2 more years does, and what my life will be like. LFG! 🤙💗
#trans #transition

Impossible_PhD, to trans avatar

The first series on my Substack, Opening the Black Box, is a detailed dive into what it was like to live through the questioning process. We have a lot of accounts of what it's like to and to grow up but it seems like almost all of our accounts of people like me, people who hatched but had no idea before they did, are (ironically) comics.

This is an attempt to change that with my .

jmkorhonen, to Finland

Hi you all!

I'm working for just, at the Social Democratic think tank Sorsa Foundation ( in , .

I've been trying to advance since about 2007. I originally have a background in and , and did a PhD about technological substitutes for critical resources. However, has been my main focus.

I firmly believe that broadening is THE key to sustainability.

SleepyCatten, to trans

I was formally referred to an #NHS England GIC for gender-affirming healthcare back at the end of May 2021.

After being transferred to the East Of England Gender Service (#EOEGS) waiting list in January 2022, I had my 1st assessment in November 2022.

After a further 9 months, I finally have a 2nd assessment appointment today.

I am simultaneously a quantum superposition of anxious AF & calm AF about it.

#trans #transgender #transition #healthcare #TransHealthcare


miriamrobern, to TransJoy avatar

I am continuously gobsmacked how the significant changes to my outward appearance from #transition are miniscule when compared to the internal restructuring going on inside my brain.

I feel like a house that got a fresh exterior coat of paint while the interior was torn down to the studs, a whole bunch of those studs were replaced, and then a completely new floorplan was installed.

It is DIFFERENT in here, now. Way more roomy, way more comfortable, way more functional. Just… wow.


SleepyCatten, to trans

Query for fellow trans / non-binary folks in the UK who want gender affirming healthcare via the NHS:

If the NHS actually offered world-class gender-affirming healthcare, what would you ask for? :TransHeart: :NonBinaryHeart:

#trans #enby #transgender #NonBinary #NHS #NHSEngland #NHSWales #NHSScotland #NHSNI #NHSUK #TransHealthcare #healthcare #transition #UK

ValerieMars, to trans

My brain has been working overtime, I’ve written 3 essays in 2 days. Strap yourself in, or on… whatever 🤷‍♀️


Last night I realized that my transition took about as long as it would take former me to write and produce an album of music, but transition has already given me more than a lifetime of making music ever did.


#trans #transition #TransJoy

SleepyCatten, to trans

Who wants to guess what my hormone levels will be when my test results come back next week?

My last results in October 2022 were:

• Estradiol - 3178 pmol/L
• Testosterone - 2.4 nmol/L

This was back when I was doing ~0.15 mL (6 mg) of estradiol enanthate weekly alongside a 12-weekly triptorelin injection.

I'm now doing 0.125 mL (5 mg) of estradiol enanthate weekly & boofing a 100 mg progesterone capsule daily.

What do you reckon?

Natasha_Jay, to random

Exciting morning goes like 🚗

  • Read up on changing name and gender on my UK driving licence (form D1)
  • Find I can't do it online so :ms_swearing: and go out and
  • Get photocopies of UK Deed Poll made
  • Get ID photos taken. Pay
  • Omg, decide they were actually so bad :ms_swearing:
  • Chuck photos in the nearest litter bin 🗑️
  • Buy Postal Order (it's like a paper check , for non UK peeps)
  • Swear at UK Govt for not taking online driving licence payments in 2023 :ms_swearing:
  • More ID photos taken at another place. Bit better this time, praise the lord!! 🙏
  • Fill in form D1, making note to change my Gender as there is no actual field in it because ofc trans people aren't properly handled (sigh)
  • Eat curry :ms_curry_rice: to recover (a Chicken Bhuna)

Not so much #BeGayDoCrime as reality is more like #BeTransDoAdmin? :flag_transgender:

#Trans #Transgender #Transition #LGBTQ

Amanigordon, to KindActions Spanish avatar

Hi, I'm Amani, could you please help me with my transition?

I am trying to change my life and finally be able to be a happy woman. I just hope to have the support of my entire community and all good people. Please, if you can donate and share, I appreciate it very much🤞🏼🏳️‍⚧️



SleepyCatten, to random


Despite persistent myths within the trans community to the contrary, it is NEVER too late to transition :TransHeart: :NonBinaryHeart:

Sure, if you're seeking a hormonal transition, starting on blockers before or during your first puberty will prevent some unwanted changes.

HOWEVER, most folks transition successfully despite having gone through a first puberty that doesn't match their gender identity.

#trans #transgender #NonBinary #transition #queer #LGBTQ


Meander1995, to trans avatar

I normally don't like doing this at all, but when I made the payment for the shipment, my bank account comes up short and there's not enough money to pay my insurance this month. Insurance that I will need for appointments and paying for the legit way in the future.

So below is my venmo account for anyone who wants to donate to help me fund my insurance payments for this month. I was originally thinking "This isn't as severe as helping trans women move to a less-hostile environment," but then I realized that that was impostor syndrome talking. And that if you need help, you need help.

To anyone that will say "Get a job," I'm working on it via talking with job coaches. The process is slow, but steady. Hopefully, I will not have to do this again.

fdor, to scifi French

Imaginez une société qui n'a plus aucun code implicite socio-animal. Vous vous souvenez comment c'était avant ?

#microfic #incongruités #transition #scifi

SleepyZee, to trans

for the e uses of the fedi lands.

Is it typically when ones low on E energy levels drop quite hard?

My implants where due about a week ago but been trying to work another doc to do them.

So I am likely lower than normally and I feel so fucking tired and terrible... This is expected? I guess there isn't much I can do until I get things going again?

eltarion, to random French avatar

Hewo Fedi ! Ceci est une annonce, du coup les #boost sont plus que bienvenus !

Je suis à la recherche du Graal visiblement: un institut de beauté qui ne se met pas à faire le mort lorsqu'on lui demande d'épiler une personne en #transition. Dans le pire du pire à l'échelle du Grand-Est ou, idéalement, dans les alentours de #Reims.

Si quelqu'un a une adresse ou un élément de réponse, je m'engage à lui faire livrer un paquet de Choco Moo.

Merci bokou bokou par avance ❤️

miriamrobern, to random avatar

So it's a well-known effect/side-effect of feminizing HRT, but wow has my appetite gone through the floor. Not like "never hungry" but like, "it takes a lot less to satisfy my hunger."

This is colliding with my grew-up-poor impulses to always finish what's on my plate.

I never understood it when a woman didn't finish her fries, and now I sit there staring at half an order of fries, not knowing what to do with myself.

#Transition is weird, y'all.

Francois, to Futurology

Greetings everyone ! My name is François Rincon, I am a theoretical physicist working in France at CNRS. I spent the first 20 years of my career doing research on nonlinear astrophysical fluids, plasmas and magnetic dynamics in astrophysical systems spanning many scales, ranging from the Sun, to protoplanetary accretion disks, to clusters of galaxies and the primordial Universe.

(Astro)Physics has been a core part of my personal identity since my childhood and illuminates my views of the natural and human worlds. In particular, doing research on dynamical complexity on astronomical scales has contributed to the development of my increasingly alarmed scientist perspective on a variety of very earthly issues, chief among which our climate & ecological crises.

However, paradoxically (or perhaps as a logical conclusion ? ), what I have learned in part thanks to my astrophysicist viewpoint has also increasingly led me in recent years to wonder if I should not use my scientific skills and training to help mitigate these crises instead of doing astrophysics. After much weighing of what was the best move from my comfy position in the astrophysics ivory tower, I have finally “looked up” from my speculative theoretical calculations, and have recently decided to gradually shift my research priorities to ecological sciences with a focus on biodiversity conservation, in an attempt to make the most of my research training, experience and vocation to modestly help, to the best of my scientific abilities, understand and mitigate the ecological crisis we are facing here, on Earth.

Why ? Well, first of all, with increasing professional experience, my personal views of astrophysics & astronomy have evolved to become quite a mixed bag. On the one hand, it is a field full of very smart people and intellectually challenging and exciting. But it is also now sufficiently mature that we essentially know all we need to know to grasp our position, both insignificant and precarious, on Earth and in the larger Universe. In some sense, mission accomplished: the field has done its job (well) to scientifically enlighten human bipedes. On the other hand, there remains a myriad of unanswered questions, of lesser importance I think, and more or less interesting to solve, that in my opinion me and most of my colleagues could spend their lives working on without making any significant difference to human progress, knowledge, and well-being in relation to our environment. Most of the research questions we work on have become in my opinion misguided intellectual raisons-d’être in an era of bloated, overhyped academic research and industrial-scale scientific publication. Working on such questions make us feel busy and smart, but in reality my own impression, informed by accumulated experience, is that we are nowhere near to have the adequate tools, theoretical, numerical, observational, or experimental, to make any significant progress on most of these. Why then waste our energy and time on these questions, most of them quite insignificant – when exceptional times invite us to focus our intellect on more pressing issues ? Fact is, astrophysics is and will remain a very speculative field, with very limited falsifiability, in the foreseeable future. I may expand on this in future posts. What matters here is that having spent most of my professional efforts myself on not even being wrong, all of this while the world burns, has become a major existential issue for me.

Then, there is the problem of the pollution footprint of astrophysics. Let’s write this plainly: we are the most polluting scientific field on the planet: mega-observatories, steel and concrete cathedrals of science built in remote desertic locations, mega-space observatories packed with electronics dumped into space by huge rockets (some of them built by corporations that are actively contributing to the destruction of our environment), billions of CPU hours spent in high-performance computing numerical models of doubtful informational value sucking lots of not-so-low-carbon electricity (3t/MCPUh in the lowest-emitting countries), lots of electronic purchases to develop high-tech astronomical instruments, and buzzing international travel all over the world to conferences and international collaborations all contribute to our huge footprint. In my current research institute, each individual, researcher or other, emits on average 28t CO2 eq/ year in his/her professional activities ! My own individual professional footprint, including HPC (but excluding my occasional use of observational data from space observatories) was of the order of 10t CO2 eq/year until recently. None of this is sustainable and justifiable for a field that is nowhere near essential to document and help solve our environmental crises. However, despite a rising awareness among the base, our community has barely started taking significant steps to change that at the science policy power levels that really matter. This would require questioning the actual need for our most polluting, core research activities, and to downscale significantly instrumentally and in term of human resources, especially on the engineering side. I am having a very hard time being part of the problem in the environmental catastrophe movie unfolding in front of our eyes. Here too, I will probably talk more in future posts about the detailed arguments underlying the case I’m making, as I do not want to give the impression that I am saying this lightly.

Mix all these considerations together, and shake with a pinch of mid-career scientist professional existential crisis and boredom, having the feeling of having done everything I could and not being able to give more to the field, and you have the recipe for a major introspection and reconsideration of future career directions. I have honestly grown tired of astrophysical sciences, its research practices, and of my own perceived personal inadequacy to do anything significant there. I feel both useless and wasted. So I have concluded it is high time to use my energy and experience to serve more important research causes before I get too old and intellectually rotten, modestly and with whatever limited intellectual capacities I have left at my advanced age of 44. What better cause to serve than ecology and biodiversity conservation research for someone with a deep sensitivity for nature, mountains, and complex patterns of the natural world ?

This place will be here to describe my experience, thoughts and struggles as a scientist in the process of such a (scientifically difficult, and certainly not obvious) transition. I thought it would be a good idea to share my experience as it unfolds, both for egoistic reasons, to encourage myself and to conserve momentum when things get difficult (as they inevitably will do), but also to make other younger or older people with similar questionings, and maybe eager to take similar steps, relate and share. And also maybe as a bit of an activivist too, to contribute to instill through some logical arguments some sense of emergency and questioning among some of my colleagues less sensitive to these issues.

How, when, where all of this is going to happen, what is going to be posted in this place, that will be a story for upcoming posts. I hope you enjoy the ride. Please feel free to weigh in in the comments now and then to tell me/us about your own experience and thoughts on the matters I will post about, especially if you are a scientist yourself. I would also like this place to be a forum for debate or experience-sharing. What is important for me though is that this is always done constructively, in a civil and informed way, and in good faith. My view of these exchanges is that they should in the end lift us up all to help us better understand our place and role as humans and sometimes scientists, both as part of, and powerful actors (for the best or the worst) of our earthly natural world. This kind of conversation, in my view, is more than ever needed (actually, well-beyond scientific circles) in times of massive media dis- or mis-information and through-the-roof political irresponsibility on the biggest issues of our times, preserving the physical wonder that is nature and life on the pale blue dot.

breton, to random French avatar

« C’est du vert », « ces entreprises font du beurre sur la énergétique en artificialisant des terres agricoles. » Par Justin Carrette pour

transactualuk, to trans avatar

“I have been in denial, trying to conform for 64 years. My family, friends and acquaintances knew me as a ‘straight woman’. I know this is not going to be easy for them. Time is not on my side, so the long wait I am faced with for GIC appointments is daunting. But there is only one way for me to go now and that is forward!”

Alt text: Text as in post. Picture is a close up of someone holding a phone.

#Trans #TransHealth #Transition

commownfr, to random French avatar

Que faîtes-vous le jeudi 7 septembre 2023 ? 🤔

Rien ?!?

📆 Réservez la date pour l'Onde De Coop sur le thème du travail organisé par Les Licoornes à Paris.

Pour vous faire patienter, vous trouverez ci-dessous le programme de cette journée placée qui promet d'être enrichissante !

Inscrivez-vous par ici 👉

Mobicoop Réseau CitizCoopCircuits Enercoop Label Emmaüs La Nef, pour la banque éthique TeleCoop France Railcoop

#ODC #OndeDeCoop #travail #emploi #transition

kebra, to livres

Tout plaquer, la desertion ne fait pas partie de la solution mais du problème, Anne Humbert

Un petit essai qui parlera de la transistion, du choix que certain et certaine feront pour changer de boulot et mener une autre vie plus en accord avec nos valeurs.

Ce que critique Anne Humbert est justement tout un mouvement qui fait dans l'Art du storytelling et le vend. Un mouvement qui oublie ses racines, son héritage, plus exactement leur classe sociale qui leur permet de réaliser leur rêve quelqu'en soit le cout et le risque.

C'est une chose que la majorité des gens ne peut pas se permettre à cause de leur situation fragile.

Donc pour résumer, ya la narration "j'ai été ingénieur.e et j'ai tout plaqué" sous diverse forme. Qui sous-entends "quand on veut, on peut". Ya la classe sociale, "j'ai de l'argent, je peux acquérir des terres, changer de boulot comme de paire de baskets"

Sur le fond, je suis plutot d'accord avec ses idées lorsqu'elle explique qu'on manque de paysans et paysannes parce que les terres agricoles sont inaccessibles à cause de leur prix. Plus exactement des investissements à réaliser sont élevés. Et que forcément celleux qui ont les moyens sont avantagés.

Reste, que ya tout de meme une autre vocation derrière le métier paysan où une grande partie seront à la retraite et l'agrobuiness va acquérir leur terre. Ya aussi la question de l'insécurité alimentaire, instabilité climatique où il faut agir très travailler dans le vent sous la pluie, laver les carottes dans l'eau froide, se lever à 4h du matin pour le marché à 6h un samedi, les demandes de dérogation, autorisation de construction, planifications, plein de choses qui ne sont pas abordés ou ellipsés via le ménage des champs.

Au final, le très petit livre n'offrira pas vraiment une perspective nuancée, ce n'est pas son propos mais elle nous rapelle que la transistion n'est pas forcément accessible à tous et toutes. Et qu'il existe d'autres moyens de luttes.

#ToutPlaquer #NeoPaysan #Transition #AnneHumbert #Ecologie

astrocat, to transgender avatar

Number2 just told us about transitioning.
I would love to have insight, info and testimonies from trans people and their families!
Her dad doesn't really get it... I will need to be the buffer and explain things to him.
Any info, link, book recommendation and sharing of your experience welcome!

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