steve_zeke, to college avatar

Northwestern U journalism prof Steven Thrasher was on #DemocracyNow this morning and they referenced this article.

It's bittersweet. These protest camps are beautiful and inspiring, but attempts -- by college admins, politicians, police, and journalists to extinguish and discredit them is disgusting.

#university #college #activism #gaza #StudentProtest #MediaBias #journalism #USpol

e_urq, to trans avatar

Today on Assigned, a story about SEGM in Undark sought balance, but it wasn't careful enough with the misinformation peddlers at that organization, allowing errors and misleading statements to sneak into an otherwise balanced article.

#trans #news #journalism #mediabias

toddbohannon, to random avatar

“Major cable news networks Fox News Channel, CNN, ABC, CBS, & NBC all failed to cover former Pres Donald Trump's promise to Big Oil execs that he would reverse Pres Biden's climate regs if they donated $1 billion to his campaign” #ClimateAction #MediaBias

steve_zeke, to Israel avatar

The article is better than the headline. It highlights #CNN’s journalistic malpractice.
#MediaBias #StudentProtests #gaza #israel

As Peace Protests Are Violently Suppressed, CNN Paints Them as Hate Rallies - FAIR

fkamiah17, to random avatar

Ten days in, LBC has finally figured out it's official response to Sanghita Myska's disappearance 🤨

"Nobody has ever lost their job on this radio station for their coverage of the Israeli Gaza conflict"
James O'Brien

#MediaBias #BoycottLBC

JackTheCat, to random avatar

The Scottish parliament has released the division list for the no confidence vote. All 63 SNP MSPs and all seven Green MSPs voted for the government, and against the motion.

And all 31 Tory MSPs, all 22 Labour MSPs, all 4 Lib Dem MSPs and Alba’s Ash Regan voted for the motion.

Wen, avatar

@JackTheCat @kathimmel @MartinTaudio

They do, BUT, the Bute House agreement was widely misreported. Guess by whom?

A Holyrood fact checking and refutation unit should be maintained - it should not be necessary, but…


e_urq, to trans avatar

Following the NYT closely for over a year now, a picture is emerging:

Biased coverage leads back to the biases of one man, publisher A. G. Sulzberger.

The NYT is resistant to correcting errors.

The NYT relies on its reputation as the paper of record to avoid accountability.

Today on Assigned, a story in Politico, and a peek behind the curtain:

#trans #news #journalism #mediabias

Wen, to delhi avatar

Wales to change guidance on 20mph speed limits, transport minister says

And the troglodytes win. With help from the media - Guardian INCLUDED. No one ever looks at the very successful roll out in the Scottish Borders (Conservative council). Grumbles maybe, but I know of no one who wants to go back from safer, more pleasant towns and villages. But what can you expect from a Starmerite?

#ScottishBorders #Traffic #Cycling #Riding #Driving #Wales #MediaBias

wdlindsy, to Polls avatar

"[Polls] have been weaponized, cheapened, commoditized, and mass-produced to tell the American public what to believe . . . rather than reporting on what the American public actually believes.

Why does the media engage in such amoral and deceptive practices? To reinforce their editorial bias and increase sales."

~ Robert B. Hubbell

#polls #polling #Biden #Trump #media #MediaBias #MediaFail

e_urq, to journalism avatar

The language of a "medical scandal" has been increasingly used to describe the treatment of transgender youth, despite no evidence of youth having been harmed by premature or unnecessary treatments.

Today on Assigned I wrote about the medical scandal that wasn't. #journalism #mediabias #trans #transgender #science

e_urq, to trans avatar

It was a real mystery, and required hours of reporting, but we found it.

The source of claims that a new Scottish hate crime law would jail people for misgendering a trans person turned out to be...

...the UK press. They made it up. Completely.

Full story here, including a transcript of a BBC Radio 4 program that proves the press shenanigains:

toddbohannon, to random avatar

“By refusing to cover a new U.S. shipment of vast quantities of 2,000-pound bombs to Israel, the NYTimes gave a boost to the process of normalizing the slaughter in Gaza, as if this was unnewsworthy,” —Norman Solomon. #GazaGenocide #MediaBias

oatmeal, to Germany

#Islamophobia / Where Did All The Hate Go? (Mamoun Fandy)

Egyptian-born American scholar Mamoun Fandy describes the rebranding process of #antisemitism after the #Holocaust, when Western antisemitism found new victims for its abundance of hate left unused after centuries-old antisemitism had become socially unacceptable.

Having lived in the West for around 40 years in academia and public life and discussing the portrayal of Arabs in American media, Fandy questions whether the West has truly overcome its hate of the "semite" that led to the Holocaust.

Some Jews, he argues, participated in this transference, finding relief that the "semitic" stigma was moving away from them onto Arab bodies, even while many Jews were in fact part of the civil rights movement in the U.S.

But the West has not actually healed from antisemitism (as the rise of neo-Nazis in #Germany and elsewhere indicate), it has just redirected it towards another Semitic population - the Arabs. This hatred intensifies during Arab-Israeli conflicts, with the West effectively siding with #Israel as if taking a stand against antisemitism by multiplying its animosity towards Arabs.

The West does not call for ceasefire in #Gaza and shows no human compassion, even while Israeli officials call to "burn Gaza down" (and their U.S. friends retort it should be made a "parking lot"). There's seem to be readiness for another Holocaust, this time against Arabs.

Thus, antisemitism, once again, can be openly expressed towards Arabs in the West, without consequences or social stigma, as the river of hatred has just been diverted.



fkamiah17, to random avatar

WEEK 26: Nashville, yesterday. Eli Motycka, journalist with Nashville Scene, is arrested while reporting on a Palestine protest.
via Nashville Scene on the dark side.
It's been getting harder and harder to find information about global ceasefire protests for a while now.

#FreePalestine #RightToProtest #MediaBias

oatmeal, to australia

#Australia / ABC journalists call for chief content officer to stand down over alleged Antoinette Lattouf mismanagement

[…] Lattouf was contracted as a casual presenter for five shifts in December. She maintains she was terminated after three shifts, after she reposted a video from Human Rights Watch on her personal Instagram page that said: “The Israeli government is using starvation of civilians as a weapon of war in Gaza”.



fkamiah17, to random avatar

Fuck sake. The New York Times with another whitewash headline.
Language matters.
Corrected version via Jewish Voices for Peace on the dark side.

#MediaBias #FreePalestine #GazaGenocide

fkamiah17, to UKpolitics avatar

@ChrisMayLA6 Thought you'd enjoy Jo Maugham's latest "come and have a go if you think you're hard enough" 😂
A nice kick in the balls to the national media as well!

#UKPolitics #MediaBias

fkamiah17, (edited ) to random avatar

This is what the licence fee is paying for these days.

The BBC has decided to join as a co-producer of the documentary film "We Will Dance Again," which will recount the events of the Nova Festival massacre.

#BoycottBBC #MediaBias #GazaGenocide

fkamiah17, to UKpolitics avatar

Pick a mainstream news outlet to which this does not apply.

"Using misleading imagery, omitting facts, allowing guests to spread misinformation without challenge and sharing unverified information as fact are examples of irresponsible and unethical journalism."

#UKPolitics #MediaBias #CeasefireNow

Nonilex, to FoxNews avatar

#FoxNews’s #HarrisFaulkner hosted a panel on Mon afternoon to discuss a #SNL sketch mocking #POTUS #Biden. In short order…things went in a different direction.
Faulkner turned to #JonathanKott, fmr aide to Sen #JoeManchin….
“I will say this,” Kott offered. “I would rather have a president who maybe has a stutter once in a while than one who spews #ConspiracyTheory, #racist nonsense & has dinner w/ #Nazis.”

Nonilex, avatar

Tammy Bruce, a #conservative radio host, took issue w/that statement.
…If Bruce’s main source of #news is #RightWing media like #FoxNews, though, she might never have heard about that dinner. In November & the first half of December of 2022, the incident was mentioned in 89 segments on #CNN & more than twice that number on #MSNBC. On #Fox, though? It was only mentioned seven times, total.

#politics #InformedElectorate #Journalism #MediaBias #influence #MediaLiteracy #JournalisticInterventionism

EndemicEarthling, to Israel avatar

Every single week for the last 21 weeks upon #Gadigal land, there have been thousands upon thousands (sometimes easily tens of thousands) of people gathering in support of a #ceasefire in #Gaza and calling upon the Australian #Albanese government to stop supporting #Israel in its #genocide.

Every Sunday in Hyde Park at 1.30pm,* we've listened to #Aboriginal speakers, #Palestinian speakers, #Jewish speakers, politicians of various stripes (though neither of the major parties, of course, as they both remain complicit in support of the government responsible for most of the slaughter), elders who lived through the #Naqba, teenagers organising #StudentStrike4Palestine, community leaders, poets, faith leaders and more, with perhaps 75% of the speakers being women, and almost all being people of colour (most of the exceptions being MPs).

*Except when #NSWpolice has dictated otherwise, giving priority to (much smaller and only) occasional pro-Israel rallies and forcing a shift to Saturday a couple of times, under threat of #PoliceViolence.

Then we've marched (or rolled) with flags, banners, signs, drums and (loud!) voices: Arab, Aboriginal, African, Anglo, Asian and more; from those too old to walk (in wheelchairs) to those too young to walk (in strollers).

#Auspol #NSWpol #StopTheGenocide

EndemicEarthling, avatar

In over two decades of regular participation in protest, not once have I seen mainstream media cover an event in a way that I felt did it justice. Two or three times an article or video story has come close. But they have been the exception. If they bother covering protests at all, most major media outlets look only for angles to discredit what is happening.

And thus has it been for this movement. After the first week, when tabloids could push a (now discredited) claim of antisemitic chants, and the second week, when politicians floated the idea of criminalising certain expressions of public solidarity with Palestinians (even as they were being slaughtered by Israeli bombs in unprecedented numbers), the mainstream media has almost entirely ignored us. Breathless, extensive coverage of every speaker at a recent (apparently much smaller) pro-Israel rally. But almost total silence when it comes to arguably one of the most significant protest movements of recent decades.

#MediaFail #MediaBias #Auspol #CriminalisationOfDissent #GazaGenocide

EndemicEarthling, avatar

So imagine my surprise to discover a very brief mention of yesterday's march in this piece in #GuardianAustralia:

What’s this? Actual coverage? Mentioned in a headline? And then read on—surprise, surprise—to discover yesterday's instance of sustained weekly protest demanding an end to genocidal violence is treated as though it were a one-off event in response to the 'Flour Massacre' (one of the few Israeli atrocities to have received more than passing coverage by mainstream media), and Guardian Australia immediately contrasts it with a pro-Israel rally on the other side of the continent, an event that video and other reports put in the mere hundreds (with a pro-Palestinian counterprotest of similar size, the counterprotest unmentioned by Guardian Australia).
#FlourMassacre #GazaGenocide #Auspol #MediaBias #MediaFail

EndemicEarthling, avatar

Indeed, there is a clear pattern in nearly all Australian media reporting that has even mentioned the existence of this weekly act of bearing witness against the slaughter of children at a rate unprecedented this century: we are only ever mentioned if there is a pro-Israel event to contrast us with. Though there will of course be plenty of coverage of those occasional events that doesn't even mention the larger pro-Palestinian event, typically held nearby on the same weekend, and the previous one, and the previous one, and the previous one, etc.

Pointing out #MediaBias is hardly groundbreaking, I know, but sometimes the patterns are so blatant as to be worth a little repetition.

#Auspol #FalseBalance #GazaGenocide

fkamiah17, to UKpolitics avatar

Notice how they've used a picture of a ceasefire march with Irish, Pride and Palestinian flags on an article about "hate preachers"?
Something tells me Eylon Levy will still get in.

#MediaBias #UKPolitics #FreePalestine

oatmeal, to Wyze

/ Jewish Insider wants WAPO's coverage of the Middle East to be more like that of NYT and WSJ ... 🤔

Jewish Insider claims the Washington Post is "under fire" for "repeated anti-Israel bias, systemic sloppiness in Middle East coverage."

The "fire" seems to be repeated claims by sources such as Jewish Insider editors themselves, Time of Israel and organizations such as , and few others.

No need to remind anyone who or what is and how it operates, but CAMERA (so called "Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America") is possibly even worse.

"To its supporters, CAMERA is figuratively - and perhaps literally - doing God's work, battling insidious anti-Israeli bias in the media. But its detractors see CAMERA as a myopic and vindictive special interest group trying to muscle its views into media coverage. ... To many in the media CAMERA is ... an advocacy group trying to impose its pro-Israeli views on mainstream journalism." --- The Boston Globe, Mark Jurkowitz observed

The most relevant part in the WAPO's editor's note, later added to the article, states:

"The article incorrectly said that all Palestinian mothers who received authorization to leave Gaza for humanitarian reasons had to return to Gaza to reapply after their permits expired. In fact, it was not always necessary for mothers to return to Gaza."

They also mention addition of comments from Israeli officials.

"Some" is not none, but WAPO correcting itself should be praised. Jewish Insider and the other critics mentioned though want to discredit yet another publication documenting Israel's in Gaza.

Jewish Insider seem to claim that WAPO's coverage of Israel must be biased, because its tone and findings seem to be very different from that of NYT and WSJ. But, is that a bad thing?

Considering the NYT exploitative coverage of the unconfirmed systematic rape by Hamas militants (in which its reporter misled one of the victims' family) and the hit job on the ran in the WWSJ, the Washington Post has really nothing to apologize for.

“The institution as a whole is a haven for Hamas’ radical ideology,” an anonymous senior Israeli official told the Wall Street Journal in a widely cited article penned by a former IDF soldier.

The original report in question or or



[cont'd] #MediaBias / How the Times stumbled on a sensitive Israel story

Critics have questioned the Times' portrayal of "weaponized sexual violence" by #Hamas, arguing the evidence presented does not conclusively prove it was a deliberate strategy.

The controversy has led to internal tensions at the Times amid a hunt for leakers and allegations of targeting Arab journalists, which the Times deny.

The Times relied heavily on two Israeli researchers, Anat Schwartz and Adam Sella, for reporting the story, raising questions about objectivity and vetting of local sources. The practice of top foreign correspondents using local stringers/fixers for on-the-ground reporting, while common, carries risks of getting manipulated information or unreliable accounts.

#Israel #WarCrimes #Gaza

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