drq, (edited ) to FediMeta Russian
@drq@mastodon.ml avatar

Happy Birthday, Fediverse!

May you live long and prosper!

drq, to FediMeta Russian
@drq@mastodon.ml avatar

The Fediverse is turning 16 in 2 days.

This is fucking nuts, if you ask me.

mima, to bluesky

Idk why not at this point. The #BridgyFed critics got like everything they wanted. Everything is pretty much #optin. And because of that it's difficult to follow from here the artists I follow at #Bluesky. ​:satsuki_sadge:​

You could say "just ask each one of them to follow you then", but that's easy for you to say. I don't like looking like an unsolicited jerk asking if they want to hear the words of Jesus Christ or something. Which is how I see some of you here on fedi btw. Damn evangelists. No different from techbros or FOSSbros

Now I do think the early stages should be opt-in like a beta as it is right now to iron out the bugs (and there are plenty) before being available fully to the public. But I have a feeling this is never gonna go #optout as it should've been because of the harshness of those ignorant IANALs who do not really understand the #GDPR and other #privacy laws... ​:reisensweat:​


RE: https://fosstodon.org/users/hcj/statuses/112379286314634175

mima, to threads

So many #replyguys in this thread lol. OP is not even explicitly saying here that he supports #Threads, he's just pointing out how the #UX of #Mastodon (and frankly the rest of the #fediverse as well) sucks when it comes to communicating clearly to users about instances suspensions. ​:reimu_sigh:​

#fediblockmeta #fediversemeta

RE: https://social.coop/users/jsit/statuses/112207362680439053

mima, to foss

Basically: yeah "we have no rights" to demand you anything because "it's #FOSS" and there's no warranty, but we can still call you out for positioning your software (whether intentionally or not) as the "definitive" #Reddit alternative of the #fediverse and by that implication you've betrayed most reasonable people's expectations of it. Especially when you're raking in plenty of money in grants that other projects like Pleroma, Postmill, and Sharkey could ever dream of, allowing you to work full-time on the software instead of it being on the side.

Couldn't agree more. ​:alice_wine:​

#Lemmy #fediversemeta

RE: https://deadsuperhero.com/2024/03/economic-musings-on-federated-networks/

mima, to privacy

I've just done a bit more testing, since my friend emma in this Raddle thread was able to confirm in her own #Postmill instance (I've tested against #Raddle too because why not) that it's a caching reverse proxy causing images to stay longer on the server. I'm able to confirm that using a query string bypasses the proxy's cache and results in the expected 404. Hooray, and I couldn't expect any better from Raddle! ​:ai_yay:​ They always take #privacy seriously. ​:alice_wine:​

I've used this method against #Mastodon, #Pleroma, and #Misskey. The first two still returns the image I've uploaded even though I've deleted my account AND used a query string to bypass proxy cache (yikes). Misskey forcibly rewrites the URL to strip out the query string, therefore I can't conclude for 100% sure that it's a proxy's fault. But I'm still pretty confident it is the reverse proxy's doing in the case of Misskey due to the observation I mentioned earlier where the generated file URLs that never got accessed don't get cached.

Alright I'm done with this shit, #fediverse devs, do whatever with this info with mind ​:seija_coffee:​

#reverseproxy #fediversemeta

RE: https://makai.chaotic.ninja/notes/9qhpixnwgx

mima, to mastodon

This only applies in #Mastodon. #Misskey and its forks like #Sharkey have #fulltextsearch too and they will ignore your "#privacy setting" for every post it has ever seen from you. And IIRC Misskey did implement full-text search way earlier than Mastodon has started debating about it. ​:sagume_think:​

Why did this debate of full-text search arose again? ​:seija_coffee:​


RE: https://social.growyourown.services/users/FediTips/statuses/111954686984517469

fromjason, to SmallWeb
@fromjason@mastodon.social avatar

If it's between

A. the people who live in the margins; who always experience the brunt of techno-utopia, and

B. the tech-bros who say "it'll be different this time"

I'm giving all the grace and benefit of doubt to group A.

Every time. Always. Forever. ❤️ #SmallWeb #indieWeb #Fediverse #fediverseMeta

mima, to github

I mean I just told people in that #GitHub thread to stop with the threats of suing/litigating against the #bridgyfed developer and the #FLOSS/#FOSS project and I got instantly dunked on. The initiator of the issue got dramatic, despite them not really giving out legal threats to the dev (like why did you feel hurt by that generalistic statement? ​:SanaeConfuzzled:​) I guess it's easy for the #fediverse to just not care how such a litigious attitude can be damaging. I mean, who would want to work in such an environment knowing that people around you want you jailed? ​:reimu_sigh:​

We're fucking lucky that the developer gave us a heads up, an approximate timeframe (where the launch is at least a month away), and was mature in their responses. And even more lucky that despite all those legal threats and mudslinging the dev still continued engaging respectfully with the criticisms and offered an opt-in method that people I knew were vocal against the bridge's opt-out, accepted. Seriously, @snarfed.org@fed.brid.gy deserves some credit for keeping up a cool head and rest from all of that mess.

Yet most of those vocal detractors couldn't just resist acting like immature people throwing out #GDPR and comparing the dev to rapists in an effort to scare them out of fedi. One of the #ActivityPub authors/founders even had to show up in the thread to clarify how those detractors got their understanding of how the fediverse works wrong. ​:ablobcateyeroll:​

#fediversemeta #bridgy #bluesky #blueskybridge

RE: https://desu.social/users/pixel/statuses/111928612924814849

mima, to fediverse

It seems like there's a rivalry brewing between #Sharkey and #Iceshrimp on which one's gonna be the definitive "Western #Misskey" of the #fediverse ​:sagume_think:​

One could even say that there's a.. cold war going on between them 🥁​:laughing_cirno:​

#fediversemeta #joke #jokes

mima, to lemmy

's recent vulnerability and their handling of it is still miles better than 's exploit which actually took down a big instance and is something even more elementary than what Sharkey experienced.

Like seriously, the first thing you do when parsing is involved is to sanitize the hell out of it, both in the Markdown input and the HTML output. And you put up a strict for good measure. Lemmy spectacularly failed on both counts, despite existing as a project for years and a lot more instances (and therefore users, which rivals ) using their software!

I can cut some slack for the Sharkey devs here because:

  • they're relatively new (only months since the project started)
  • it only affected note imports from which is already niche enough
  • it was easy to mitigate (just disable note import)
  • it didn't affect single-user instances IIUC
  • I haven't seen any Sharkey instance get actually exploited by this
  • they're taking steps to make sure this shit doesn't happen again (haven't seen this from Lemmy yet, and last I checked their CSP is still shit)

So this is not worth blowing over in the . Your assessment is exaggerated, this energy could've been spent somewhere else, and you owe the Sharkey devs an apology.

RE: https://meowcity.club/fedi/tetra/p/1706812792.496325

march, to fediverse German

das fediverse hat übrigens ein problem wenn eine instanz wie abkackt und accounts nicht mehr an ihren content kommen oder zumindest dort eine umleitung einrichten können

@freikampf 2.1k followers die den instanzwechsel zu @freikampf nicht mitbekommen]


mima, to fediverse

Scheduled posting is something I'd like to see in / too! Would make my daily easier here in the ​:alice_wine:​

RE: https://brain.d.on-t.work/notes/9ozawfk8yewn0eqi

serge, to FediMeta
@serge@babka.social avatar

I'm so tired of the idea that people we listen to have to:

a) Have opinions on every topic (especially those outside their expertise)
b) Opine those opinions publicly or else be accused of participation in whatever someone doesn't like
c) Parrot exactly what someone else already believes or be accused of being a plant for, not just the other side, but the furthest extreme of the other side

This is not how human beings work.

People may not have well considered opinions on all topics- I certainly don't.

People may choose to stay out of a conversation for a myriad of reasons.

People may have opinions that are right in some areas and wrong in others.

We need to get away from the idea of someone not fitting a mold exactly as a moral failure. It's not a moral failure to be a person.

#FediverseMeta #SocialMedia #SocialCommentary

mima, to mastodon
mima, to fediverse

PLEASE DO NOT VOTE FOR this issue. ​:RumiaPray:​ If you are on a software other than (like , , , , and ), please give the issue's first post a 👎.

If this "privacy setting" for is implemented with it enabled by default, the result will be disastrous. ​:reisensweat:​ Since there is no other way to enforce this setting other than , we are going to see Mastodon servers strong-arming those software developers who are "non-compliant" by threatening a . ​:reisensweat:​ Developers of the -key and -oma families will suddenly have to scramble to make their implementation of compatible with Mastodon's "privacy-friendly" implementation. ​:satsuki_sadge:​ This way of "extending" the fediverse is not acceptable, and everyone who has opposed joining the fediverse due to should also oppose this issue which just eventually leads to the same result.

RE: https://mastodon.social/users/Methylcobalamin/statuses/111703640036534443

Raccoon, to trustandsafety
@Raccoon@techhub.social avatar

What are people's feelings on using the FediBlock tag for calling out individual accounts? Personally, I find it mildly annoying at best, in that most of these accounts are already acted upon by staff, but potentially harmful at worse if people are going there instead of immediately clicking the report button, or even worse, using it to call out a user by finding one of their worst out of context posts and putting it on blast.

Honestly, I'm using it as a tool to scope out instances that we need to block because they are literal Nazis, literal pedos, literally attempting to harass people off of the network, or otherwise bad faith. I would rather it not come into play for individual accounts, but be advance warning for when the actual staff of a server is the problem.

What do people think though? Is there a perspective I'm missing?

kagan, to FediMeta
@kagan@wandering.shop avatar

Some people seem to think that maybe on the Fediverse, Threads will engage in reasonable moderation, or generally behave like a decent company. This despite the fact they've engaged in so much evil that's been amply documented.

Don't fall for it! Why would they change now?

serge, to FediMeta
@serge@babka.social avatar

Would Fediverse admins like a presentation by Babka folks on antisemitism on the Fediverse, specifically what mainstream Jews/Jewish organizations consider hate speech and why?

If you're an instance admin or a moderator and you'd be interested, I'd like to hear from you. If there's enough interest, I'll put together a signup, but this is just a feeler for now.

If you're interested, please reply or DM me, thanks!

If you're not an admin, please boost or let your admin know about this! Thanks!

#FediverseMeta #Jewdiverse #Mazeldon

smallcircles, to mastodon
@smallcircles@social.coop avatar

There's a lot of focus on to migration, but the overall story is quite a bit bigger I think.

The offers huge opportunity for independent journalism in a world where so much of media are consolidated and in the hands of shady mogul billionaires. In other words Fediverse is both a threat to existing business models, as well as market opportunity.

Though I don't know if it applies, this toot was triggered by: https://dair-community.social/@ZekuZelalem/111207098660272388


@smallcircles @bob @lsn

We really didn't plan for this to happen today. We must blame (thank) @realcaseyrollins and @dcent 🙃

The bloody thing metamorphosed!

#fediverseIcon #fediOrigami #butterFedy #fediArt #fediDesign #fediverse #fediverseMeta

serge, to FediMeta
@serge@babka.social avatar

In the last three days, myself and Babka's incredible moderators have fielded hate speech reports about 90 accounts, across 53 instances.

As far as I can tell, none of them have been acted on by the remote instances. None.

Saying the Fediverse has an antisemitism problem is an extreme understatement. This network systemically hates Jews and treats us differently than other marginalized groups, even when we're the literal victims of terrorism.

#Babka #FediverseMeta #Fediverse #EndJewHate #PeopleLoveDeadJews #JewsDontCount

zorinlynx, to FediMeta
@zorinlynx@tiggi.es avatar

I'd like to make a call for instances that suspended the furry.engineer instance as a result of the Bad Space drama some time ago to consider reversing the decision.

Tensions and egos flared and the result is now the good people there cannot communicate with those on quite a few other instances.

It was all so ridiculous when I look back on it. Consider unsuspending furry.engineer so that the Fediverse can heal from this?

#fediblock #fediversemeta

serge, to fediverse
@serge@babka.social avatar

Today hundreds of Israelis were killed. Thousands were injured. Dozens and dozens were kidnapped, and held at gunpoint. Some were raped. Some were tortured. Some were burned alive or tortured in their homes. Just for being who they are.

The amount of "justification" of these terrorist attacks on innocent people I'm seeing on the Fediverse is absolutely disgusting.

Terrorism is terrorism. If you think that murder and torture are justified, you are wrong.

This "bastion of tolerance" is far, far too tolerant of hate speech when it's the "wrong kind of people".

The Fediverse congratulates itself on being better than Twitter, but I have 50 reports today where no action was taken by admins to prove you wrong.

Jews on this platform who aren't on Jewish instances like Babka are subject to just as much hate speech as on Twitter.

Do you care? Does it matter to you if Jews feel safe on his platform?

#Fediverse #FediverseMeta #Twitter

AnthonyJK, to random
@AnthonyJK@mastodon.redgarterclub.com avatar

OK....let's say, someone is fed up with his paid host providing a crappy UX for Masto that doesn't allow him to incorporate other Fedi apps like Calckey.

Suppose said someone wanted to host his own server where he could incorporate his own self-hosted instance through his domain for free, rather than through a host.

Anyone wants to provide me.....errrrrrrrr, that someone some advice, or guide me to where to start?


@AnthonyJK@mastodon.redgarterclub.com avatar

For example....

Could said someone run his own server off his laptop or reserve space on an external hard drive (4TB), using a service like Docker or something similar?

Or, would he need something a bit more robust that would cost him some money to create and expand?

Just asking for a friend of a friend of a friend....

#FediverseMeta #fediverse

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