INCF, to Neuroscience

"To make data truly reusable, we need to invest in data curators, who help people enter the information into repositories."

Check out INCF governing board chair Maryann Martone's perspective on how to incentivize data-sharing!

INCF, to Neuroscience

We need your feedback on NetPyNE!

NetPyNE is an open-source Python package designed for the development, simulation, & analysis of biological neuronal networks 🧠

Have you used this standard? What do you like? What would you change? Share your thoughts here:

josh, to random

I'm updating a little instruction set for students to broadly search for civic technology and open government posts on the Mastodon network.

Any suggestions for hashtags to add to my list at the bottom of this post?

Or suggestions for active accounts to use to prime a list? Pic includes current list members and some instructions.

#CivicTech ALSO #GovTech
#OpenGov ALSO #OpenGovernment
#OpenData ALSO #OpenGovernmentData

Help???: @allafarce @digiphile @cydharrell @danhon @krusynth

mwfc, avatar

I would probably add the instances from the institutions
There are some for state level

There are the Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur the federal (germany) Data infrastructure who do FAIR

I would add #FAIR

And I would look for ESA/copernicus/NASA weather data, as they push it quite far.

bgruening, to random

#EOSCWinterSchool we are coming. Looking forward to discussing VREs, #usegalaxy and #fair research data management.

nfdi4objects, to news German

📬 Du interessierst dich für das materielle Erbe der #Menschheitsgeschichte? 🏛️ ⚱️ FAIRe #Forschungsdaten liegen dir am Herzen? 💻
Uns auch! Unser Newsletter berichtet 1x pro Monat über #Veranstaltungen, #CallforPapers, #Stellenausschreibungen und #News zum Thema #Forschungsdatenmanagement und #FAIR #Data für unsere Fachcommunities.
Abonniere jetzt unseren #NFDI4Objects #Newsletter, um heute nicht die erste Ausgabe des Jahres zu verpassen! 📨

👉 Anmeldung:

HeidiSeibold, to random avatar

I am collecting templates for setting up a and projects.

Here's what I already have:

🗃️ GIN-Tonic standardized research folder structure:
🗃️ My research project template:
🗃️ R analysistemplates:

📦 Python cookiecutter template:
📦 R devtools:

🔍 Anything missing? 🔎

The full list will be published in an upcoming newsletter post.

re3data, to random German

We're happy to contribute to the -IMPACT National Roadshow in Germany on January 24!

📍 The event will be virtually hosted by @NFDI


The event will focus on how Germany, and NFDI in particular, is moving forward with the definition and setting up of as common, cloud-based data spaces for industry and research in compliance with the .

msiemund, to random German

Ich war letztes Jahr auf der @FORGE23 in Tübingen und habe mit meinen Kolleg:innen von @Textplus einen Workshop zu für gehalten. Darüber könnt ihr jetzt im Blog lesen

FAIR, to geopolitics avatar

Media Obsession With Inflation Has Manufactured Discontent

Corporate media’s single-minded obsession with inflation has left the public with an objectively inaccurate view of the economy.



It's good to acknowledge the power the has over . It's all .

Ever since wrote the book in 1922, media has been bought and paid for by corporate interests.

Who are the big donors influencing ?

mikemathia, to random avatar
Edent, to Economics avatar

🆕 blog! “Reductive Thinking and the Unfairness of Spotify Payments”

In "Theory Of Games And Economic Behavior" by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern, the authors discuss the card game of poker. There are dozens of variations of poker, each with their own intricacies. But they all boil down to the same pattern - is my hand stronger than your hand? …

👀 Read more:

#economics #fair #justice

blog, to Economics avatar

Reductive Thinking and the Unfairness of Spotify Payments

In "Theory Of Games And Economic Behavior" by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern, the authors discuss the card game of poker. There are dozens of variations of poker, each with their own intricacies. But they all boil down to the same pattern - is my hand stronger than your hand?

Here's how the authors frame it:

Since a “square deal” amounts to assuming that all possible hands are dealt with the same probability, we must interpret the drawing of the above number s as a chance move, each one of the possible values s = 1, • • • , S having the same probability 1/S. Thus the game begins with two chance moves: The drawing of the number s for player 1 and for player 2, which we denote by s1 and s2.

Essentially, in two player poker, you could distribute cards labelled 1 - 100 and have people bet / bluff on whether their number is higher or lower than their opponents. That might not be a fun game - but it is a useful toy example for thinking about formal rules for a game.

It is sometimes helpful for us to reduce the complexities of the real world into simple examples. It allows us to examine our base assumptions about reality without getting bogged down in messy practicalities.

Let's take Spotify as an example. I often hear that artists complain that they get paid micro-cents per listen and that streaming is destroying their livelihood. I've no idea how much a recording artist gets every time their song is played on the radio, and I've no idea if Spotify is better or worse than the record deals generated by corrupt studio bosses.

So let's reduce Spotify to a toy example. Imagine a streaming service where people pay a fixed monthly subscription to get unlimited access to media.

This streaming service has only two users. They each pay £10 for the service. The service has no operating expenses and takes no profit. That money needs to be fairly split between the artists. We do not care about record companies, publishers, contracts, fees, taxes etc. We'll ignore copyright lengths as well. Some media is more expensive to produce than others, again ignored. We're assuming all things are equal.

So, what should happen in this scenario:

User 1 listens once to a 3 minute song by Ariana Grande.
User 2 listens once to a 3 minute song by Billie Eilish.

That's all they do for that month.

I think most reasonable people would say that artists A & B would split the money evenly. All things being equal, they each get £10.

Now let's take a different scenario.

User 1 listens to 90 songs by Ariana Grande.
User 2 listens to 10 songs by Billie Eilish.

How should the money be fairly split? 50:50? 90:10? Something else?

I asked this question on Mastodon:

What I find interesting is that there isn't an obviously fair split. Some people think the service should pay out proportional to total consumption across all users. But a significant minority think that the money should be split per individual customer. Both positions are reasonable and I can see the arguments for each.

Is it fair for some users to subsidise others? Is it fair if artist A gets paid less per stream than artist B? Should there be a maximum or minimum amount an artist can earn? Would people accept a logarithmic formula which decreases the profitability of an artist the more times they are streamed?

Mammals like us have an innate need for fairness. Our primitive monkey-brains can't exactly quantify what makes something unfair - but we know it when we see it.

When artists complain about fairness in streaming, they're probably right; it is unfair.

But when pundits start saying there is an obviously fairer solution, they're probably wrong.

And that's the purpose of this exercise. Even at the most reduced example, there isn't an obvious way to pay artists fairly.

Once you scale up to millions of users, in different countries, interacting with complex licencing regimes, exclusive deals, songs of varying lengths and of varying copyright, etc then it becomes unsolvable without radically reconfiguring how we approach consumerism.

I've written before about the Feynman Algorithm which is a universal method for solving any problem. It goes:

  1. Write down the problem.
  2. Think real hard.
  3. Write down the solution.

I think step 0 needs to be a von Neumann reduction:

  1. Reduce the problem to its very simplest use case.
  2. Write down the problem.
  3. Think real hard.
  4. Write down the solution.
  5. Return to step (0) and increase the complexity.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best if you can't solve a problem at its simplest level, you can't solve it at its most complex.

#economics #fair #justice

girls_can, to Fashion

I’m on a journey to curb my #carbon footprint and I’m taking aim at my #wardrobe. An estimated 84% of the #emissions related to #fashion are upstream (production, distribution, retail) so the best thing we can do is buy less. About 25-30% of items in the typical G20 closet never get worn, so my mission is to audit my #closet and see what I do and don’t wear to work out how to live in my #fair consumption window.

Coats and dresses hang in a crowded closet

lavergnetho, to random

Status Update:

✅ The ethos of Open Science

Looking forward to taking the next four modules in the @NASA Open Science 101 curriculum !


Status update, #NASATOPS #OpenScience 101 curriculum:

✅ The ethos of Open Science
✅ Open Tools & Resources
🔲 Open Data
🔲 Open Code
🔲 Open Results

From this 2nd module, I take with me the importance of maintaining the OSDMP: the Open Science and Data Management Plan.

And the importance of #FAIR data, obviously, but I was convinced from before.


This was the last module in this Open Science 101 curriculum which means I earned my badge 🥳 !

More importantly, I learned a lot.

I knew a few things from before, like #FAIR data, Zenodo DOIs, notebooks, github, et... But I feel the curriculum can really help me add purpose and structure to what I hope will be my #OpenScience journey onward.

I do recommend taking this #NASA #TOPS 101 curriculum online! If you have questions about it, just ask.

INCF, to Neuroscience

Did you miss INCF at SfN? Here’s the short version!
🗺️ The FAIR Roadmap
📊 Data sharing made easy
🧠 FAIR data management

🗺️ The FAIR Roadmap is a living doc that will:

  • be a framework to ID current gaps, challenges, & opportunities in open, FAIR, citable neuroscience
  • coordinate community action to produce practical guidelines & resources to aid community adoption

📊 Data sharing made easy is a new collection of community resources which we ran out of at SfN, so we've made them available online!

🧠INCF’s Principles of FAIR data management for neuroscience is
for students, researchers, data professionals (stewards, curators, librarians, etc), funders, & research administrators interested in maintaining scientific rigor & reproducibility.

Want more INCF in your life? Become a member for lots of neuroinformagical benefits!

McNige, to nature avatar

The different faces of Edinburgh at Christmas.
Old and established castle and chandelier adorned houses vs seasonal colourful fair grounds

#nature #Wildlife #art #Photography #Forest #Wood #Wild #snow #frost #river #scotland #christmas
#castle #edinburgh #market #fair #chandelier

egonw, to random avatar

You know the "linux on our desktop" meme? Let's start a new one:

2024 will be the year we have #FAIR in our research.

hvdsomp, to random

Repository people, check out “FAIRiCat: Supporting Discovery of a Repository's Interoperability Affordances”: publish a static json file to allow discovery of repo’s API, PMH, SWORD, SPARQL, … endpoints; supported metadata/packaging formats; Signposting, IIIF, … support, etc. #FAIR #signposting - please boost

petersuber, to MagicTheGathering

just announced a new "enabling the combination of arbitrary portions of content, data, semantics, & other resources from separate sources [e.g. articles, books, data sets, metadata schemes] into a single, standards-based format optimized for interchange, search, & display."

The new standard supports "machine-actionable (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) materials."

j_feral, to random avatar

I wrote for @Nature about how archivists and librarians have laid the groundwork for a smooth transition to open, #FAIR, and reproducible research data. Bring us in early on your next project and get involved in digital library communities to build longlasting relationships✨

kevinrns, to climate avatar


GET VERY DEMANDING! March! Get arrested (UK Europe mostly) demanding the agreement NOW to END OIL AND COAL!

This is the end game! GET LOUD!


👉👉Post, boost, march, phone, donate, read, research, assist, offer to volunteer, because we are COMING TO THE END OF CARBON!👏👏👏🔥🔥🔥

#cop28 #climate #klima #climat
#Fast #Fair #Full #Funded #PhaseOutFossil #fossil

evdas, to pdx

"Ableism At The Anarchy Fair"

a statement from "a small group of disabled trans anti-eugenicists [who] confronted a festival of ableist violence in so-called Portland, Oregon":

(this was privately sent to me with permission to share publicly.)

This narrative also obscures the true role of the police as shock troopers for reproducing all systems of oppression. It ignores how police forces across the country & globally are responsible for pushing anti-masking practices & COVID denial in their own ranks. This violence functions as a further enforcement of genocide through their systemic power, such as exposing prisoners to COVID while withholding masks, tests & vaccines, leaving them to long term disabilities and in worst cases, death. Our original intentions as a group were to go in, burn their ableist newspapers, make our statement at the firepit and leave, without creating bodily harm or fighting anyone. Yet upon collecting the materials we were dog piled, beaten and swung at. This forced us to respond in self defense, resulting in at least two anti-maskers getting directly damaged by our attacks. The way these reactionaries resorted to bashing the disabled trans women whom confronted their anti-masking rhetoric does not compare to the lethal violence of their willing spread of COVID. Yet we found it hypocritical that the TERFs who invaded town on 11/19/2023 and many local fascists were beaten less hard than what disabled trans women received for calling out ableism in this "anarchist" space, as unfortunately TERFs and local fascist rarely are inflicted the brutal retaliation they deserve here. We believe this intense reaction against vocal disabled trans people
reveal the fascist taint in these "anarchist" anti-maskers, who rarely enact that level of violence onto other right wingers. We urge people to deplatform their crypto-fascist newspaper and these ableist talking points everywhere. We also call for people to create space to grieve the ongoing losses & deaths from the COVID genocide, as state power & its organizational control continue to push its colonial legacy from our collective memory. From AIDS activists worldwide, to the antifascists who had fought against Pinochet, disrupting public spaces to create living sites of greiving against the ongoing violence can be a powerful act to end the silence which both obscures these deaths & benefits from their erasure. We believe that it is legitimate for people to force events like anarchy fair to be locations of grieving, so the violence is not ignored and the proud perpetrators are revealed. We are proud of resisting the COVID genocide, because to remain passive in the face of violence, or to spend our time & efforts convincing committed ableists to stop the violence, only perpetuates the reproduction of ableism. We will fight until all disabled people are liberated from the domination of ableism, and until the grip of white supremacy is destroyed by the fury of anti-colonial rebellion! We know that only in direct conflict will hierarchy begin to crumble. For the destruction of all oppression! Long live the struggle for the liberation of disabled people! LONG LIVE ANARCHY!

prachisrivas, to Futurology avatar

Useful and practical OA textbook and guide on research data management and archival.

It situates in the Canadian context, but I think it's useful for anyone who wishes to archive and preserve data on repositories and using FAIR principles of open data and open science.

We did this for our COVID-19 School Dashboard project code and data archived on @borealisdata

#FAIR #OpenAccess #OpenData #RDM #Pedagogy #Research #Science

avhuffelen, to random Dutch avatar

Digitalisering heeft grote impact. We moeten anders met data omgaan. De data waarover de overheid beschikt, moet beter vindbaar, koppelbaar en bruikbaar zijn. De legitimiteit van de overheid moet sterker. Daarom zijn we vandaag samen om tot die overheidsbrede standaard te komen.

janvlug, avatar

@avhuffelen Zeer mee eens. Zie in dit kader ook de Thesauri en Ontologieën voor Overheidsinformatie (#TOOI):

#linkeddata #overheid #FAIR

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