GottaLaff, avatar

I'm back at my computer. #EJeanCarroll #Trump #legal 🧵 starts here. 1/...

(Painters slowed me down. I'm catching up...patience)

Via InnerCityPress aka Press:

Habba: My client & I wish to pt out Ms Carroll can sit in front of jurors every day. But my client has to choose between attending his mother in law's funeral--
Judge Kaplan: I have ruled. Sit down
Habba: I don't like to be spoken to that why. Please refrain. I am asking for an adjournment for a funeral.
Judge Kaplan: Denied. Sit down

GottaLaff, avatar

2/ Press:

Robbie Kaplan (RK): Plaintiff calls E. Jean Carroll.
RK: Where do you live?
Carroll: In upstate NY in the mountains, in a small cabin.
RK: Why are you here?
Carroll: Donald Trump abused then defamed me and shattered my reputation
Has Mr. Trump continued to lie about you?
Carroll: He lied Sunday, and yesterday.
Habba: Objection - non responsive, and not at issue here.
Judge Kaplan: Certainly relevant to damages. Overruled.

GottaLaff, avatar

3/ Press:

RK: How was your reputation shattered?
Carroll: Yesterday on Twitter I saw, Hey lady, you're a fraud. Previously I was a columnist. Now I'm known as a wack job. People don't write to an advice columnist that's being attacked like this. In the first case, what were your claims?
Carroll: Assault and defamation.
RK: When was the assault?
Carroll: 1996.
RK: How long did the trial last?
Carroll: 2 weeks.
RK: Who cross examined you?
Carroll: Joe Tacopina
Habba: Objection
Judge: Sustained

GottaLaff, avatar

4/ DAMN. Mastodon still glitchy @Gargron !


RK: Where did you grow up?
Carroll: Indiana. My mother was a volunteer for the Republican Party
Habba: Objection, relevance.
Judge Kaplan: Background.
Habba: You ruled no politics
Judge: Fair enough.
RK: How did your parents raise you?
Carroll: Small school house. They had 2 rules: smile and look on the bright side. I wanted to be a writer.
RK: Where'd you go to college?
Carroll: Indiana University. I was a cheerleader.

GottaLaff, avatar

5/ Press:

Carroll: I was nominated for a beauty pageant.
Another Trump lawyer: Objection
Judge Kaplan: Who said that? This is not tag team.
RK: How did you become a writer?
Carroll: After 20 years of negativity, I got my first piece accepted at age 46. I taught gym in Idaho
I was found in the slush pile at Esquire. Then other doors opened. I wrote for Rolling Stone, New York
RK: Did you move to New York City?
Carroll: In 1980 or 1981. I said, I love it here. And I stayed.

GottaLaff, avatar

6/ Press:

RK: How'd you become an advice columnist?
Carroll: Elle gave me a column in 1993. People ask questions, my answers were published. Ask E Jean.
RK: What is this photo?
Carroll: This is me [in a loosely tied tie] Dec 1995

RK: What kind of questions did you get?
Carroll: The comedy and drama of life. Mostly, How do I get my husband to take my showers? And, How do I get my wife to let me get back in bed and off the couch. I had 80% women, 20% men. I broke with the past

GottaLaff, avatar

7/ Press:

Carroll: I was all about taking action. Lead an adventurous life. It was light hearted - but deeply serious. I had a TV show too.
RK: When:
Carroll: 1994 to 1996, then the channel I was on became MSNBC. My channel was started by Roger Ailes.

RK: Did you appear on other TV shows?
Carroll: Yes, GMA, The Bill Maher Show, Anderson Cooper, the shows that were on every day. I could be slotted in for four minutes
RK: How often were you on TV?
Carroll: Often
Habba: Objection - too broad

GottaLaff, avatar

8/ Press:

RK: Most recently?
Carroll: Today Show, weekly, 2015-2016.
RK: Have you written books?
Carroll: 5. A bio of Hunter Thompson. A book of essays. A memoir.
RK: This is "Female DIfficulties." Forgive me, but it looks a little dated.
Carroll: It's from 1983
RK: Put up the Hunter S. Thompson biography.
Carroll: He's the astonish journalist. I wrote it between 1991 & 1992, it was published in 1993. It was extremely well reviewed. The reviewers were all journalists and they all loved Hunter.

chris, avatar

Holy shit. There it is:
"Hunter The Strange and Savage Life of Hunter S. Thompson" by E. Jean Carroll.

The #Laffymatic is most serendipitous today.

GottaLaff, avatar

9/ Press:
RK: And this book?
Carroll: It's about what women think --
Habba: Objection, vague. What women think --
👉🏼Judge Kaplan: Ms. Habba, when you speak in this courtroom or any other courtroom you'll stand up

Carroll: Women were very blunt, in Alabama and Arkansas & Ohio - they were thrilled to talk to a journalist.
RK: When did you start writing it?
Carroll: 2017. It was published in 2019.
RK: Was Donald Trump initially on your list?
Carroll: No. But I was overwhelmed

tersenurse, avatar

@GottaLaff "Judge Kaplan: Ms. Habba, when you speak in this courtroom or any other courtroom you'll stand up"

GottaLaff, avatar

10/ Press:
RK: What did you say about Mr. Trump in that book?
Carroll: That we met outside of Bergdorf's... He asked me to help buy a gift. We went to the lingerie department
Judge Kaplan: Ms. Habba?
Habba: Objection. Already determined.
RK: How many pages about about Mr. Trump?
😂Carroll: Nine. Ms. Kaplan, may I have my glasses? They're in my purse. Good luck finding them in that bag
Habba: I object. This goes to the underlying facts.
RK: We can redact it further. They've had this a long time

GottaLaff, avatar

11/ Press:
Judge Kaplan: I'm advised that the version on the screen is not redacted.
RK: This is what Mr. Trump reacted to.
Judge Kaplan: Ms. Habba, what about that?
Habba: The president denied an allegation on the White House lawn from a reporter.
We can't ask her about the other men, that she claimed assaulted her.
Judge: I don't get what you said but I'm going to sustain it anyway.
Habba: Move to strike.
Judge Kaplan: To strike what?
Madaio: Ms. Kaplan read it.
Judge Kaplan: Mr. Madaio...

GottaLaff, avatar

12/ Press:
RK: What an excerpt published?
Carroll: June 21, 2019 in NY Mag.
RK: What time of day?
Carroll: The NYT was going to publish an article about the book, that caused NY Magazine to rush it out on Friday, in the afternoon. They jumped the gun
RK: Did the excerpt include the assault by Donald Trump?
Carroll: yes.
RK: Yesterday Ms. Habba talked about a 5 hr interval. Did the except incl a denial?
Carroll: Yes, a denial from the WH
Habba: She is waiving the ability for me to cross examine

GottaLaff, avatar

13/ Press:

RK: Had you told anyone publicly the story about Mr. Trump?
Carroll: No.
RK: Did it factor in, that he was President?
Carroll: Yes. I went ahead and did it.
RK: Did you expect him to respond?
👉🏼Carroll: I thought he'd say it was consensual.

GottaLaff, avatar

13/ Press:

RK: Is that what he did?
👉🏼Carroll: No. He said my false accusation damaged the real victims of sexual assault, that is a lie
Habba: Objection
Judge Kaplan: On what ground? In one word
Habba: She is not a lawyer
Judge Kaplan: Overruled
RK: Have you paid dearly?
👉🏼Carroll: Just about as dearly as it is possible to pay.
RK: What is this document?
Carroll: An announcement by the Office of the Press Secretary.
RK: Move to admit.
Judge Kaplan: Received.

GottaLaff, avatar

14/ Press:

👉🏼Carroll: He said that numerous women had been paid to make false accusations about him and that these women did very well --
Habba: Objection
Judge Kaplan: Overruled.
Carroll: It was untrue. I was not paid.
RK: What about paying dearly?
👉🏼Carroll: He said people like me should tread carefully -
Habba: Objection
Judge Kaplan: Overruled.
RK: What is the context of these statements by Mr. Trump?
Carroll: He's on his way to the helicopter, questions from journalists

WagesOf, avatar

@GottaLaff so she's gonna object to every answer that speaks to what tfg said, even though it's all recorded and from global TV broadcasts.

His lawyers are such scum.

GottaLaff, avatar

15/ Press:
RK: What's this from The Hill?
Carroll: It's partially about me.
Habba: Objection. It's not part of this case.
Judge: Overruled...Jurors, this statement is not part of the application for damages
RK: What's new here?
Carroll: 👉🏼He said, I'm not his type. Meaning, I'm too ugly-
Habba: Objection - speculation.
Judge Kaplan: Overruled. You can cross examine.
👉🏼Carroll: The president called me a liar 26 times. It ended the world I had been living in. I'm in a new world.

GottaLaff, avatar

16/ Press:

RK: What next?
Carroll: I was attacked. On Twitter. On FB. It was a new world
RK: What is this?
Carroll: A FB chat, directed to me.
RK: Do you know the author?
Carroll: No. It was June 21, 2019, at 6:09 pm
RK: What is UCT?
Carroll: Universal time code
RK: What is this?
Carroll: A message on FB. The Monday, June 24, 2019
RK: What does this person say?
Carroll: He talked about how ashamed I should be, I made it harder for the true victims of abuse
RK: Did D Trump say that?
Carroll: Yes

GottaLaff, avatar

17/ Press:

RK: How often do you receive such messages?
👉🏼Carroll: Sometimes 100s a day.
RK: What are the themes?
Carroll: That, You are a liar... You hurt victims... You are ugly. Those are first three.
RK: And your motivations?
Habba: Objection. We were ordered not to discuss

Via Ben Feuerherd:

RK then displayed FB message:

“Your nothing but a liar! Trump did nothing to you! Your only saying this to promote your book! You have to answer to the LORD for your lies! I hope it was worth it.”

GottaLaff, avatar

18/ Orden:

Carroll testified: "Well, to have the president of the United States, one of the most powerful persons on earth, calling me a liar for three days and saying I’m a liar 26 times -- I counted them -- it ended the world that I had been living in. And I entered a new world."

GottaLaff, avatar

19/ Press:

Judge Kaplan: Sidebar
[Whispered sidebar ensues, then they're back]
RK: Let's start with messages calling you a liar.
Carroll: This is a Facebook chat. She says, She was not going to ask me for advice.

GottaLaff, avatar

20/ Press:

RK: This asks how much George Soros paid you. Who is he?
Carroll: A rich old man.
RK: Did you pay you?
Carroll: No.
RK: Do you know anyone at the DNC?
Carroll: No.
Habba: I will be addressing this on cross
Judge Kaplan: We'll see. I don't need announcements

👉🏼Judge Kaplan: I make the rulings here.
Habba: I was just --
👉🏼👏🏻Judge Kaplan: Sit down.
RK: How many requests for advice did you get per month?
Carroll: Two hundred a month. Now only eight.

GottaLaff, avatar

21/ Press:

15 min break

With jury out
Carroll's Shawn Crowley: Ms. Habba has twice now mentioned other men - now she's brought up that Ms. Carroll received funding for this case. That was improper.
👀👉🏼And Mr. Trump has been loudly saying, She got her memory back

darthstar, avatar

@GottaLaff Is Trump there? Habba sounds like she's trying desperately to derail the testimony.

GottaLaff, avatar

@darthstar See thread

GottaLaff, avatar

22/ Via Orden bc why not reiterate Judge Kaplan's awesomeness:

After Habba says she intends to question Carroll about a topic previously deemed off-limits, Judge Kaplan scolds her again:
"The last I heard, Ms. Habba, I do not need announcements from counsel about what they intend to do."
Habba stared to speak.
Judge Kaplan: “Sit down.”

jmcrookston, avatar

@GottaLaff 👍 and 👍

maddad, avatar


I'm really starting to like this judge 😂

GatekeepKen, avatar


GottaLaff, avatar

@GatekeepKen So good

GatekeepKen, avatar



GottaLaff, avatar

23/ Press:

Judge Kaplan: Ms. Habba?
Habba: They asked her if she had funding, she said no. We know that she had funding.
Judge Kaplan: What about Mr. Trump being vocal in the presence of the jury?

Carroll's Shawn Crowley: We asked about funding from George Soros, not for this lawsuit
Habba: It's Reid Hoffman
Judge Kaplan: I'll consider what you said.
[Leaves bench. The "Trump vocalization" issue not addressed. Yet?

GottaLaff, avatar

24/ Orden:

With the jury out of the room, Carroll's lawyer Shawn Crowley is complaining that Trump is muttering loud enough that the plaintiff's table can hear him. Crowley says Trump is saying Carroll's testimony is false and suggesting she has "suddenly gotten her memory back."

tersenurse, avatar

@GottaLaff My 13-year old son knows that trick: mutter just loud enough to be heard and just quiet enough to deny that you were saying anything!

GottaLaff, avatar

25/ While I've got a breather here from all the breaking news:

Again, thanks for the "NFL" (Not For Laffy) label because I do NOT have time to read, let alone reply, while I'm live tooting.

I'm all caught up, btw. You're getting all posts in real time now.

Snowshadow, avatar

Don't forget to take time to eat.

GottaLaff, avatar

@Snowshadow I always do. Food ALWAYS comes first, lol

Snowshadow, avatar

Ok. Just checking...erm....nagging.🤣

GatekeepKen, avatar

@GottaLaff @Snowshadow
That's for transcribing this for us. We really love what you do..

GottaLaff, avatar
Snowshadow, avatar

I am echoing Ken's reply.

GottaLaff, avatar

@Snowshadow Hugs!

CarlG, avatar

@GottaLaff And as usual, you rock Laffy!

I was visiting the Inner City Press site, but am now just relying upon your thread, in-between trying to work on my own clients' cases.

Watching Habba flail around as she completely misreads the room is gripping courtroom drama, almost as good as "My Cousin Vinny".

GottaLaff, avatar

26/ Press:

They're back.
👉🏼Judge: Before the jury comes in, I'm just going to ask that Mr. Trump take special care to lower his voice when conferring with counsel so that the jury doesn't overhear it.
Jury entering!
[Now Trump whispering directly into Habba's ear]
old but

GottaLaff, avatar

27/ Press:

RK: Ms. Carroll, what is this?
Carroll: My tweet before Mr. Trump's statement. My tweet was about taking a road trip. And this reply hits all the high spot - saying I'm psychologically messed up. And that's ugly and should avoid a mirror. I know I'm old but...
RK: Did any of the messages you received accuse you of being promiscuous?
Carroll: Yes. This email was sent to me, and my publisher and my agent. It made me feel horrible.

GottaLaff, avatar

28/ Press:
RK: Did you receive some even more upsetting?
👉🏼Carroll: They threatened to kill me
RK: How many threatened violence?
👉🏼Carroll: 100s.
RK: What was 1st time?
Carroll: Around 11:30 that night, I was in cheap hotel on 10th Av. Rm was small, there was no desk, just a board you flapped down. I went to Twitter for brking news.I saw, You lying scumbag - so I went to my Ask E Jean website, lking for support. (more)

GottaLaff, avatar

29/ Press:

😳Carroll: There was a lovely email saying You Go Girl but the next 1 I thought I was going to get shot. I couldn't get the curtain closed. There was a message with a photo of a woman who had obviously been murdered, there was blood on her neck-
Habba: Objection, inflammatory
Judge Kaplan: Sustained.
Carroll: I hit delete, delete. I couldn't help myself. I went back to Twitter

GottaLaff, avatar

30/ Press:

RK: Did you sleep a lot that night?
Carroll: No, because of the window. I didn't sleep until six or seven in the morning.
RK: What is this?
👉🏼Carroll: A Facebook message to me... "Dishonest treasonous lemmings," it describes how I should die.

GottaLaff, avatar

31/ Press:

[Me: Every perceived enemy of Trump gets the exact same false accusations. Terrorism.]
👉🏼RK: Prior to June 2019 had any reader ever accused you of being a pedophile, or a Satan worshipping Nazi?
Carroll: No.
RK: What's this?
Carroll: A Facebook message, a day after last year's trial.
👉🏼They want me murdered, they say
[On the screen for jurors: a message incl "no lube"]
💔Carroll: I'm sorry that people in this courtroom have to see these images (sobs)

GottaLaff, avatar

32/ Press:

RK: Some of these were posted on public media sites- but the threats of violence were sent to you privately, right?
Carroll: Yes
RK: Why didn't you delete your social media accounts?
Carroll: My favorite journalists are on social media - to not be on it, as a writer, would be oblivion.

GottaLaff, avatar

33/ Press:

RK: Did you ever come to regret coming forward about Mr. Trump in light of these messages?
Carroll: Only momentarily. I'm glad I took action.
RK: What steps have you taken to protect yourself?
👉🏼Carroll: I let my pitbull off his leash. I put in an electronic fence

GottaLaff, avatar

34/ My god.


Carroll: I bought bullets for the gun I inherited from my father. I keep it by my bed
RK: And driving?
Carroll: I pay attention to who's behind me. When I run errands, I look to see who is around. At the grocery I had a filled cart and I see a man in a brown shirt. Back at my home, I realized I left my groceries back at the store.
RK: Do you have personal security with you at this trial?
Carroll: Yes.
RK: Would you like more?
Carroll: I can't afford it.

GottaLaff, avatar

35/ Press:

RK: Do you tell your friends about the threats?
Carroll: No. What can they do? I stay cheery.
RK: Who is Lisa Birnbach?
Carroll: My friend of more than 30 years.
RK: What did you tell, the night in the small hotel room?
Carroll: That I was Fine as wine

GottaLaff, avatar

36/ Press:
RK: What's this?
Carroll: My texts w Carol Martin & her daughter
RK: Who is Carol Martin?
Carroll: The breakthrough Black newswoman
RK: You told her there were no security concerns - was that true?
Carroll: I didn't want them to worry
RK: Did you promote your book - switching gears, sorry
Carroll: I did 4 TV interviews & 4 or 5 podcasts
RK: What did you talk about?
Carroll: The journalists wanted to hear about Pres Trump. I saw that the bk was not selling -so I tried to talk about it

GottaLaff, avatar

37/ Press:

RK: Were you buoyant, as it said in this interview with Keziah Weir?
Carroll: That's the public EJean
RK: What was this talking tour?
Carroll: There are many tours in New York, Edgar Allan Poe
Judge Kaplan: What about this tour?
Carroll: It was in front of Trump Tower
RK: When did you decide to sue?
Carroll: I was at a party w George Conway. He took me aside. He had an iPad. He explained the diff bw criminal case & civil case. He took me thru the steps. He said he could sugg an atty

GottaLaff, avatar

38/ Press:

Carroll: A day later he sent me a recommendation.
RK: For whom?
Carroll: For yourself, Robbie Kaplan.
RK: What is this?
Carroll: A photo of us waiting to go up to your office to listen to our argument at the 2d Circuit Court of Appeals
RK: What is this?
Carroll: My personal website.
RK: You're posting an article about your case - why?
👉🏼Carroll: Donald Trump keeps lying about me. I want people to know what is happening.
RK: What's this?
Carroll: Me on Rachel Maddow

GottaLaff, avatar

39/ Press:

RK: During the first trial was there a hullaballoo getting in and out of the courthouse?
Carroll: Yes
RK: It was said yesterday that you paid for a documentary-
Habba: Objection.
Judge Kaplan: On what ground?
Habba: That's not what I said. It misrepresents.
RK: Did you ever pay to have a documentary made?
Carroll: No.

GottaLaff, avatar

40/ Press:

RK: What is this?
Carroll: Something Donald Trump put on Truth Social. By then I thought I was rebuilding, I had started a new Substack -

Judge Kaplan: What did you do?
Carroll: This was a statement I made about the last trial.
Habba: Objection - it's the last trial
Judge Kaplan: There are no damages being sought for this. But you may answer.
Carroll: This statement by the president called me a hoax

GottaLaff, avatar

41/ Press:

👉🏼Carroll: I thought I'd get my reputation back after winning the first trial. But Donald Trump went on TV-
Habba: Objection. This is not part of this case
Judge Kaplan: No speeches, just one word. Overruled.
RK: We got interrupted mid-answer.
Carroll: He lied again

GottaLaff, avatar

42/ I love this judge.


Carroll: Right after the trial he went on CNN Town Hall and lied again.
RW: What is this?
Carroll: A Truth Social about me. A video posted by Donald Trump.
Habba: We will be-
👉🏼Judge Kaplan: No announcements.
Habba: Objection, the whole video should be played
Judge Kaplan: No one's proposed anything else.
👉🏼Sit down. This is the transcript.

William3rd, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL This must be the "pound the table" phase of law since Habba has nothing else.

dangrsmind, avatar

@GottaLaff once again I just have to reflect on Habba's comments that it's easier to fake being a good lawyer than to fake being beautiful.

I think she might be wrong about that.

GottaLaff, avatar
spocko, avatar

NFL @GottaLaff
Garrypl VIA Hellsite

Alina Habba is the Scott Baio of Rudy Giulianis

Jon_Kramer, avatar

@GottaLaff , I agree. Great judge. I loved when Habba objected to political content, and he responded "fair enough". He is being amazingly fair. I see nothing that could question his integrity, even if his ruling annoys me. He is correct, to a fault.

GottaLaff, avatar

43/ Press:

RK: What was this posted on Truth Social?
Carroll: The day after the trial.
RK: Let's play it.
🙄🤢[Trump: I have no idea who this woman is... the greatest witchhunt of all time]

GottaLaff, avatar

44/ Press:

RW: Who's the woman Mr. Trump is referring to?
Carroll: Me. And Donald Trump was raising money --
Habba: Objection. That is complete speculation
Judge Kaplan: The answer is stricken.

RW: Let's turn to the Town Hall -
Judge Kaplan: Who much more?
RW: 20 minutes.
Judge Kaplan: We'll break here. 1:45.
Jury leaves.

👉🏼👉🏼Shawn Crowley: The defendant has been making statements we can hear. He said, It really is a con job, it is a witch hunt. Remind him

themamiyaman, avatar

@GottaLaff You are doing spectacular work!

GottaLaff, avatar

@themamiyaman Many thanks!

GottaLaff, avatar

45/ Press:

Judge Kaplan: Mr. Trump has the right to be present here. 👉🏼That right can be forfeited if he is disruptive, which has been reported to me, and if he disregards court orders.

🔥BOOM🔥👉🏼 Mr. Trump, I hope I don't have to exclude you from the trial. I understand you are eager for me to do that. Control yourself.
[Judge Kaplan leaves the bench]

Snowshadow, avatar

NFL Love this judge!

GottaLaff, avatar

@Snowshadow Both Kaplans are awesome

stephanie, avatar

@GottaLaff @Snowshadow I LOVE the power that judges have on their court.

GottaLaff, avatar

@stephanie @Snowshadow And I love how this judge uses it

Snowshadow, avatar

@GottaLaff @stephanie
the "Sit Down" gets me laughing.



He's worse than a toddler, and toddlers have a legitimate excuse.

GottaLaff, avatar
wndlb, avatar

@GottaLaff I just wish that Judge Kaplan would tell him "to act your age."

William3rd, avatar

Really good job today. Hope the painters are as good.

tRump is a complete ass with no respect for anyone. I am sure he wants to be excluded so his whines carry more weight and push the grift higher.

GottaLaff, avatar

@William3rd Agree.

Painters are excellent, thanks!!

And thank you.



I sure wouldn’t wanna be anything absorbent on #Trump's chair seat (that portion of his chair upon which his mudflaps are nestling).

danyork, avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you for this awesome coverage!

GottaLaff, avatar

@danyork YVW!


Translation of Judge Kaplan’s legalese for us laymen:
‘Pop a squat!’
‘You’re on my LAST nerve!’

GottaLaff, avatar

@PollyWaugh Kaplan rocks!

DoctorDNS, avatar

@GottaLaff how long before #45 whines on Truth Social about how unfair the judge is being.


GottaLaff, avatar

@DoctorDNS Like... now.

GottaLaff, avatar

46/ But wait! There's more! Via Orden:

After Trump threw his hands up in the air and said, "I would love it," Judge Kaplan continued: "I know you would," Kaplan said. "I know you would. You just can’t control yourself in this circumstance, apparently."

Dr_Elizabeth97, avatar

NFL: A getting-in-the-last-word contest that D.T. just lost.


@GottaLaff A bullet would do the trick 😀

GottaLaff, avatar

@otownKim No.

Please delete that.

GottaLaff, avatar

47/ Press:

They're back.
Judge Kaplan: I understand there is an application.
[Me: OMFG. Of course they do. 🤦🏻‍♀️]
Trump's lawyer Madaio: We move for recusal. Shawn Crowley is a former law clerk, you accepted her representation... There is an atmosphere of hostility.
👉🏼💪🏼Judge Kaplan: Denied. #WompWomp

davidtoddmccarty, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL

Imagine how fucked up the classified documents case is going to be under Cannon. She’s not going to do anything to keep them in check. I don’t know how that won’t be appealed during the trial. She’s entirely inept and in over her head.

GottaLaff, avatar

48/ Press:

Now: Jury entering!
Roberta Kaplan: In these four years, there have been times you've felt OK?
Carroll: Oh yes. Buoyant.
RK: Now let's get to the CNN Town Hall.: And this disk, did you sign it?
Carroll: Yes, ECJ. I followed along - the transcript is accurate.
Madaio: Objection, Your Honor.
🔥👉🏼Judge Kaplan: One lawyer per witness and you're not it.
Habba: What rule is that?
[Me: LOVE THIS JUDGE] Judge Kaplan: My order this morning. You heard it

tersenurse, avatar

@GottaLaff Judge Kaplan does not seem like a person to trifle with

GottaLaff, avatar

49/ Press:

Judge Kaplan: OK you've had the conference and the moment is over. I can't hear you.

RK: We'll come back to this, I don't want to waste the time of the jury.
[Video played, Hawkeye State: Trump says, "Bergdorf Goodman? It's all made up!"]

GottaLaff, avatar

50/ Press:

RK: What happened after Mr. Trump made those statements?
Carroll: There was a flurry of attacks.
RK: Have you gotten used to it?
Carroll: I will never get used to attacks like that.
RK: People congratulated you, & positive media articles- doesn't that repair your reputation
Carroll: No.
RK: Are you better known now?
👉🏼Carroll: By people who think I'm a liar- [Me: She's SO damn quick!]

Habba: Objection, she's speaking about what other people think
Judge Kaplan: Overruled

Jon_Kramer, avatar

@GottaLaff , She is obviously brilliant.

Lizette603_23, avatar

@Jon_Kramer and I contend, that's part of the reason he targeted and continues to target her. She has to PAY for being smarter than he could imagine being. Not the only man like that. Present company excepted

Jon_Kramer, avatar

@Lizette603_23 I don't tend to think that way.. But when you point it out, it's pretty obvious, isn't it?

I got the funeral riddle wrong when I first hear it, I just don't think like that. I am in awe of brilliant people:

Lizette603_23, avatar

@Jon_Kramer I don't personally know any people who are the kind of brilliant you refer to, but I've read and seen them on various media. They are few and far between. My answers to those two questions were along the lines of she found out her sister killed their mother for the inheritance (lol too much Agatha Christie) and a real hero would throw their arms around the large man and take them both onto the tracks, saving more folks. I would stand there screaming. sigh it's good to know limits?

Jon_Kramer, avatar

@Lizette603_23 "I would stand there screaming"

I hate to admit this, but ya, me too probably.

I was stumped by the killing the sister thing... But I bet tre45on got it. :)

Lizette603_23, avatar

@Jon_Kramer No idea who that is, but okay!

Jon_Kramer, avatar

@Lizette603_23 Sorry, trump. 45. Treason.

I use "tre45on" as his name because I like to fully disclose how much I despise that guy.

Lizette603_23, avatar

@Jon_Kramer ah, well, I understand that. I'm queasy at most moments when it is the topic. I'll tell you, I'm all gut here as to my reaction to him since the first moment I saw him....I'm a survivor and I know/knew in every fiber of my being he was a dangerous predator and a rapist. That's it, that's all. No defense for my reasoning, but I trust it without fail.

Lizette603_23, avatar

@Jon_Kramer And sometimes I'm wrong, but I don't stick around to prove it to others, only for myself. Then I book.

Jon_Kramer, avatar

@Lizette603_23 I used to teach a sophomore business class, and would use tre45on as an example of an absolute moral failure, back in about 2007. I have seen nothing since to convince me I was wrong.

Lizette603_23, avatar

@Jon_Kramer <standing, quietly golf clapping your statement>

GottaLaff, avatar

51/ Press:

RK: When did you stop your Elle column?
Carroll: The end of 2019.
RK: Do you still publish a column?
Carroll: Yes, on Substack.
RK: Pardon my ignorance, what is Substack?
Carroll: People can pay to read. I have 21,000 - 1800 of them are paid

RW: Have your Twitter followers increased since 2019?
Carroll: Yes.
RW: Do you make any money from your followers on Twitter?
Carroll: No.
RW: Can you still freelance?
Carroll: The assignments are all about Donald Trump, nothing else

GottaLaff, avatar

52/ Press:

RW: How much do you earn?
Carroll: About --
Habba: Objection, specify the year.
Judge Kaplan: That's a subject for cross examination.
RW: How much did you use to make, versus 2023?
Carroll: $50,000 versus in 2023, 500 thousand, I mean, 500 dollars

RW: Did you post on Twitter?
Carroll: Yes. Dog videos and a Christmas message wishing people care and love.
RW: Did you receive replies? Scroll through them, people will get a sense
["Shut up you chattering skeleton"]

GottaLaff, avatar

53/ Press:

RW: Let's show this--
Habba: Objection
Judge Kaplan: Ground?
Habba: It's prejudicial.
[Me: 😂👉🏼] Judge Kaplan: All evidence is prejudicial against the party it is offered against

RW: Who is this from?
Carroll: Someone called Nebraska Cornhusker, he writes I am a trashy whore and Trump will get back at me
Habba: Objection
Judge Kaplan: Overruled.
RW: Did he post about you yesterday?
Carroll: So I've been told. On Truth Social

GottaLaff, avatar

54/ Press:

👉🏼Carroll: This was posted as we were in the courtroom yesterday. "I had no idea who this woman was. PURE FICTION."

Roberta Kaplan: No further questions.

Judge Kaplan: Cross examination?
Habba: Give me a moment, please.

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff EJ isn't made of steel, her immune system must be in tatters after all this, for so heart aches for her

chrisU, avatar

@Lizette603_23 @GottaLaff

She has shown real courage

Lizette603_23, avatar

@chrisU As a human, her ability to stay the course is just admirable and inspiring.

GottaLaff, avatar

55/ Hooboy, here we go.

Habba: Ms. Carroll you used to live in Montana?
Carroll: Yes.
Habba: Fair to say it was boring to you?
Carroll: MT is never boring.
Habba: You were deposed 2x by me -let's look. Do you recall saying u & ur 1st husband, the spark was gone - sorry. You said, I came to NY to interview Fran Lebowitz
Judge: Can I get the transcript?
Roberta Kaplan: Your Honor, I don't see the diff
Habba: May I proceed?
👉🏼Judge: No. She just said something. & you haven't provided the transcript

GottaLaff, avatar

56/ Press:

[Me: OOOF! Pow!]

👉🏼Judge Kaplan: Ms. Habba, we're going to do it my way in this courtroom and that's how it's going to be. You tell me the line number and I read it. Then we go from there.
Habba: I was reading --
Judge Kaplan: We are going to take a recess. You will provide me with

GottaLaff, avatar

57/ Press:

💪🏼Judge Kaplan: Do not read it out loud. What line numbers?
Habba: Page 14, 6 through 8.
Judge Kaplan: What are you doing, offering into evidence?
Habba: I'm offering it as impeachment
Judge Kaplan: Those are 2 different things
Habba: She said too different things about Montana
Judge Kaplan: She said it's great and before she said, it's not boring - that's your difference?
Habba: I can ask another question.
Judge Kaplan: That would be a good idea.

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff smack her down again and again, watch her hair wilt (I am now fully a bitch, sorry)

IzzyChambers, avatar

@GottaLaff this is one of the funniest threads I’ve ever read


@GottaLaff 🤦‍♀️

tersenurse, avatar

@GottaLaff I may also have said two different things about Montana on separate occasions. Sue me.

GottaLaff, avatar

58/ Press:

Habba: You were a regular at Elaine's, right?
Carroll: Yes.
Habba: It's hard to get into, isn't it?
Carroll: No, not hard.
😂⚡️Judge Kaplan: It doesn't exist anymore. That's why it's hard to get into

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff aaaahahahahahaha

Snowshadow, avatar

NFL 🤣 🤣 🤣

GottaLaff, avatar

59/ Press:

Habba: Why was it hard to get seated in the front?
Carroll: Elaine choose
Habba: You were a regular & saw Mario Puzo?
Carroll: I saw Woody Allen...
Habba: You were in the first row?
Carroll: 4th table down from the front.
Habba: You were with Esquire?
Carroll: yes
Habba: In 1979 you were making $4000 a piece?
Judge: A piece of what?
Habba: Per article... Didn't you say in 1979 you made $29,000?
Carroll: That's about right.

GottaLaff, avatar

60/ Press:

Habba: It would be bigger to be on the cover?
Carroll: I'd rather be on the inside with a story
Habba: How about a cover story?
Carroll: I consider writing--
Carroll's lawyer: Can we have a sidebar?
Judge Kaplan: OK.
[Whispered sidebar ensues]

GottaLaff, avatar

61/ Press:

They're back.
Habba: When you were on the cover of New York Magazine, how much was the dress you were wearing?
Carroll's lawyer: Objection!
Judge Kaplan: Sustained.
Habba: What's the most you've made annually?
Carroll: $400,000



NFL So less than the guy who refers to me as #Melania Junior paid a pornstar to lie about a strap-on, calling it a Forbes magazine?

GottaLaff, avatar

62/ Press (Inner City Press, remember?):

Habba: That's a lot in today's dollars, right?
Carroll's lawyer: Objection.
Judge: You're going to have to be more specific
Habba: You agree $400,000 in 1995 is about double that today?
Carroll: Maybe.
Habba: You were on TV, too, right? Through 1997? And SNL?
Carroll: Yes.
Habba: Walk us through your books.
Carroll: Female Difficulties.
Habba: What's the whole title?
Carroll: Sorority Sisters, Rodeo Queens, Frigid Women, Smut Stars and Other Modern Girls

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff Now we can all stock up!!! I LIKE this question!

tdwllms1, avatar


I think there's another in the offing "Dumb Slutty Lawyers"...

GottaLaff, avatar

63/ Press:

Habba: What's a rodeo queen?
Carroll: You have to ride and rope, out in the West. It is difficult.
Habba: What about Frigid Women?
Carroll's lawyer: Objection
Judge Kaplan: Sustained
Habba: What about Smut Stars?
Carroll: It's an old term for pornography.
Habba: What did you first tell me?
😂Carroll's lawyer: 👉🏼Objection. No idea what she's doing.👈🏼[Me: Neither does she!]
Judge Kaplan: My order, I said, say how you are using transcripts.
Habba: She was not afraid of porn

tdwllms1, avatar


Habba: She was not afraid of porn

so that makes being raped Ok... geezus....



NFL At this point you KNOW #Trump is stirring... among the folds of his groinal... flaps.

Lizette603_23, avatar


GottaLaff, avatar

64/ Press:

[Me: Sustained, indeed!]

Carroll's lawyer: Objection.
Judge Kaplan: Sustained.
Habba: How did the book sell?
Carroll: It sold all 10,000 copies.
Habba: What was the next book?
Carroll: Biography of Hunter S. Thompson
Habba: Next?
Carroll: Two advice books - a Dog in Heat is a Hot Dog

GottaLaff, avatar

65/ Press:

Habba: How many copies of that bk did you sell?
Carroll: It's still selling today.
Habba: How much in 2023?
Carroll: I don't know.
Habba: & "how a smart woman can land her dream man in 6 wks" - did it do well?
Carroll: It did well, royalties still
Habba: Then Nina Garcia tk over at Elle?
Carroll's lwyr: Objection. Beyond scope.
Habba: Was your salary lowered?
Carroll: Yes. All magzn advertising was down--
Habba: Was your salary changed?
Carroll: Yes. Halved in 2018. From 120K to 60K

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff I'm adding ALL of these to my Amazon cart as they come across the stream. Join me, anyone who can do even one.

snarkyboy, avatar

@GottaLaff Is this cross or direct? This is clearly establishing high levels of income prior to the defamation, which one would presume means a decline afterward...

GottaLaff, avatar

@snarkyboy Cross

snarkyboy, avatar

@GottaLaff Sorry, should have been more clear my question was sarcasm. :)

GottaLaff, avatar

@snarkyboy Oh, sorry

GottaLaff, avatar

66/ Press:

Habba; Was that a low point for your career?
Carroll: It was a loss, being halved
Habba: Did you go on TV to promote your newest book?
Carroll: It is my duty as a writer.
Habba: Did you do that on previous books?
Carroll: I went on the Early Show for Mr Right

GottaLaff, avatar

67/ Press:

Carroll: So I went on more TV for that book.
Habba: Was that prime time?
Carroll: No.
Habba: How many men are in What Do We Need Men For?
Carroll: Maybe 60.
Habba: How many times is the word Trump in your book?
Carroll: Once
Habba: And how many times did you say it on TV?
👉🏼Carroll: I didn't like to say it. Usually it was the interviewer
Habba: But you do mention it often, right?
Carroll: I did it here, because that's the topic. On TV, they choose the topic

GottaLaff, avatar

68/ Press:

Habba: Did you mention any of the other men?
Carroll: Several were done in a humorous way
Habba: What does that mean?
Carroll: I tried to get the other stories in
Habba: You went public with your allegations in June 2019, to The Cut of NY Magazine?
Carroll: Yes
Habba: The president's response was 5 hrs after the publication of the Cut?
Carroll: NY Mag went online. They reached out to the WH - we never planned to do it on Fri it's not a good day to release things. But the NYT had it

GottaLaff, avatar

69/ Press:

Habba: Do you know if there is a communications team at the WH?
Carroll: I don't know.
Habba: I represent to you that it does -
⚡️👉🏼🔥Judge Kaplan: You're not going to be representing anything, or you'll be a witness.

jmcrookston, avatar

@GottaLaff 😂

ianRobinson, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL




NFL Ouch! That'll make your silicone seep.

junecasagrande, avatar

@GottaLaff Wow. Still, she's probably better than former Trump lawyer Marc Kasowitz, who couldn't spell "president."

GottaLaff, avatar

70/ LOL, via Angry Staffer:

Trump’s TV lawyer appears to be having some issues in a real courtroom



NFL Perhaps she should sit on what remains of #Trump's lap and recharge for a bit.



Bingo. I was just thinking the same.

Habba watches too many legal tv programs.

mjf_pro, avatar

@mjf_pro @GottaLaff

It's a sad day when a judge has to school Trump's lawyer.

GottaLaff, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar

71/ Press:

Habba: Did you sue over the WH statement?
Carroll: No.
Habba: You're suing over the June 21, 2019 statements, right?
Carroll: Yes.
Habba: But you got online responses before P. Trump said anything?
Carroll: Correct.
Habba: 5 hrs?
Carroll: Yes
Habba: Many people called you a liar before the Pres made his statement --
Carroll's lawyer: She's not asking a Q.
Habba: I wasn't finished. It says, "You're a pathetic old hag"
Judge: It's not in evidence.
Habba: I'm trying to get it in



NFL That's what #Trump said.

GottaLaff, avatar

72/ #WompWomp


🔥Judge Kaplan: No, we are not going to read out loud a document not yet in evidence. We are going to take a break right here to 3:30 and you're going to refresh your memory about how you get a document in.

mentallyalex, avatar

@GottaLaff :blobcatlaugh: I agree with you, this judge is awesome.

GottaLaff, avatar

@mentallyalex I am SO impressed

ClassyT, avatar


lackattack, avatar

@GottaLaff 'Nobody knew lawyering could be so hard'
-T Habba channeling her client

DavidMHarlan, avatar


Christ Jesus, she's tiresome

tinkb333, avatar

@GottaLaff I wish all judges were this good.

GottaLaff, avatar

@tinkb333 Me too! I hate weak judges

tinkb333, avatar

@GottaLaff if only I had a judge like that in my DV case in '94.

And Habba is a train wreck. I wonder how many times she took the bar exam.

As always, thank you for reporting.

GottaLaff, avatar

@tinkb333 YVW!

panamared27401, avatar

@GottaLaff Oh, SHIT! You're outdoing yourself today, Laffy!

GottaLaff, avatar

@panamared27401 Good times!

gfjacobs, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL

Fake lawyer failure yet again.

Not paying lawyers, you end up with the crappiest people.

Kakistocracy on display

Urban_Hermit, avatar

@gfjacobs @GottaLaff I think Trump finally got the lawyer he always wanted - a hot chick who will argue the case the way he tells her too. He wants the case to be about how Carroll profited from him, despite every answer not supporting that, yet Habba keeps on this track.

If Habba had independence she would argue that Trump had no direct link to the people harassing Carroll, but that would imply that Trump is not that powerful, & therefore it didn't occur to him.

Habba follows Trump's lead.



NFL At this point #Habba mounts her #Trump cordless! charging station for a refill. 🌚

Snowshadow, avatar

NFL I love this judge. Zinger after zinger and not taking any nonsense!

MichelleRNCHPN, avatar

All Habba can do, is vamp for the cameras. Actual legal procedure seems to be beyond her skill set.

GottaLaff, avatar

@MichelleRNCHPN The ineptitude burns

etherdiver, avatar
legallaurak, avatar

@GottaLaff This is just embarrassing...or at least it would be for most lawyers. Of course, most lawyers would know to refresh their knowledge of courtroom procedure before appearing before the judge ...

GottaLaff, avatar

@legallaurak Utterly humiliating, but politically fine for Flopsweat McBoneSpurs.

DavidNielsen, avatar

@GottaLaff this is an education on how trials are conducted, because someone is being taken to fucking school.

Karelgil, avatar

Bam! What a judge 💪

William3rd, avatar

@GottaLaff (anyone) Basic lawyering I presume. How on god's green earth is she the lead attorney?

DavidMHarlan, avatar

@William3rd @GottaLaff

Perhaps the situation works well with her pathological fear of getting paid

cynblogger, avatar

@DavidMHarlan @William3rd @GottaLaff

WmShakesp3are, avatar

@GottaLaff [NFL] I’ve never seen a judge so clearly pissed at a lawyer. With the resources that DJT has you’d think he’d have better representation. On the other hand, the better lawyers were smart enough to know that they wouldn’t get paid so they didn’t take the case. Clearly, Habba is no Mona Lisa Vito.

GottaLaff, avatar

@WmShakesp3are Nobody wants to work for him, even WITH pay

WmShakesp3are, avatar

@GottaLaff well he is (I left out “probably” after reflection) one of the biggest a$$holes to walk the planet.

ulidig, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL - I would pay actual cash money to watch a compilation of attorneys reacting to this line.

"Judge Kaplan: No, we are not going to read out loud a document not yet in evidence. We are going to take a break right here to 3:30 and you're going to refresh your memory about how you get a document in."

GottaLaff, avatar

73/ Omg she's a disaster.
They're back.
👉🏼Judge: Ms. Habba can't use docs that are not in evidence.
Jury entering
Habba: Did you receive Tweets in 5 hrs before P. Trump spoke?
Carroll: I hadn't seen them.
Habba: Were you tagged?
👉🏼Judge: Don't get into content!
Habba: How do you suggest I proceed?
Judge: Show it to her, ask if she recog it
Habba: Do you recog it?
Carroll: Yes.
👉🏼Judge: It's not marked. It should be marked. Do it appropriately. Do it overnight. They. Need. To. Be. Premarked.🤦🏻‍♀️

BenjaminKlein, avatar

@GottaLaff thank you so much for this thread, hahahaha

GottaLaff, avatar

@BenjaminKlein 👍🏼

NIH_LLAMAS, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL: 99% sure Habba spent yesterday fantasizing about whipping out a sheet of paper from her pocket and yelling something like "THEN HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS!!!"

Atticus1956, avatar


Remembering when she said she'd rather be pretty than smart because you can't pretend to be pretty, but you can pretend to be smart 🙄 Ms flash....It Ain't Working!

GottaLaff, avatar

@Atticus1956 SO not working.

GottaLaff, avatar

74/ Press:

Habba: Did you anticipate the public would immediately believe your allegations?
Judge Kaplan: Sidebar.
[Whispered sidebar ensues]

They're back.
Habba: So you deleted the messages - then you deleted the trash?
Carroll: I periodically delete the trash. I have an old computer.
Habba: When did you stop deleting?
Carroll: During the second lawsuit, the one that went on in May

GottaLaff, avatar

75/ Press:

Habba: You said you receive death threats daily - but you deleted then until trial? Explain what you mean.
👉🏼Judge Kaplan: Explain what she means by what?
Habba: When did u stop deleting death threats?
Carroll: I had not received how many there were
Habba: Did you receive a subpoena?
Carroll: Yes
Habba: Did you know you had a discovery obligation?
Carroll: They were just replies, slime..
Habba: What about messages in your inbox, did you delete them?
👉🏼Carroll: No. [Me: Nice try, Habba]

GottaLaff, avatar

76/ Press:

Habba: So you have the death threats?
Carroll: I deleted them.
Habba: So you-
Carroll's lawyer: Asked and answered.
Habba: This is a very important question
👉🏼Carroll's lawyer: I object to the commentary too
Carroll: I may have deleted some emails too, I'm not sure
Habba: Did you give them to your lawyers?
Carroll: No.
Habba: Why not?
Carroll: I don't want to upset them

William3rd, avatar

@GottaLaff Whoever graded and passed Habba on the bar exam needs to check if Habba was the one who actually took the exam. This is an incredible display of ignorance on how cross exam should be conducted, if she actually went to law school and took the exam. IANAL

GottaLaff, avatar

77/ Press:

Habba: Do you keep the supporting emails?
Carroll: Yes. I tend to delete questions that I know I won't use. But I have an entire label for supportive messages.
Habba: Do you control your email?
Carroll: Yes.
Habba: So only you deleted them?
Carroll: Yes.
Habba: Ms. Carroll, are you aware it is illegal to delete evidence?
Carroll's lawyer: Objection
🤦🏻‍♀️Habba: I move for a mistrial, evidence has been deleted
👉🏼Judge Kaplan: Denied and the jury will disregard everything Ms. Habba just said

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff what a cartoon Habba_rapehag is

lackattack, avatar

@GottaLaff She is so out of her league that my cringes are cringing

tdwllms1, avatar


Habba: I move for a mistrial, evidence has been deleted

😂 🤣 😂 🤣 🤮

EricsAuntStormy, (edited )


Oh no. I tossed the Forbes, the foot long, girthy, orange-stained one with the white straps and silver buckles. It smelled like #Trump. Am I in trouble? NFL

Snowshadow, avatar


#NFL What a moron! Habba is an idiot.

GottaLaff, avatar

78/ Press:
Habba: You stated u were in a cocoon of love, a week after Pres Trump's statement?
Carroll: I did
Habba: So it appears you weren't suffering much, fair to say?
Carroll: No fair. I experienced support and a flood of slime. Both. Both. Both things occurred
Habba: But some was b4 the Pres's statemt?
Carroll: It was from him-
Habba: Based on what?
Carroll: The way they were phrased
Habba: Didn't you say you went off soc med.?
Carroll: Sometimes I take a break, I come back for brking news

GottaLaff, avatar

79/ Press:

👍🏼Carroll: I take a break. One can't live by Twitter alone
Habba: Now you believe these tweets are real and not fake?
Carroll's lawyer: Objection
Judge Kaplan: Sustained.
Habba: On June 22 Lisa Birnbach texted you - I offer DX 11
Judge Kaplan: Is this already in?
Habba: Yes.
👉🏼Judge Kaplan: Then you don't have to introduce it.
Habba: You said you were confused. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff nfl well SOMEONE is confused

GottaLaff, avatar

80/ Press:
Carroll: I did sleep until noon
Habba: So it's not accurate?
Carroll's lawyer: Objection
Judge Kaplan: Sustained.
Habba: You said you're glad you're not living in Montana anymore?
👉🏼Carroll: If you say so.
Habba: Don't take my word for it. Here it is. You attracted media exposure after you came fwd w these allegations against Pres Trump?
Carroll: Yes. To promote the book I answered about Pres Trujmp.
Habba: Is he the only one you discussed?
Carroll: It's all that asked about

GottaLaff, avatar

81/ Folks, again:

NFL = Not For Laffy so that I don't have to read replies that distract me

Press = who I attribute the coverage to: Inner City Press.

I've repeated this a couple of times in the thread.

It's hard to take time out to keep mentioning them again.

Sorry, but busy busy busy.

GottaLaff, avatar

82/ Press:

Habba: Could you have mentioned others from the book?
Carroll: I could have. I didn't.
Habba: If you were so damaged, why didn't you stop going on TV?
Carroll: Anderson Cooper was my last. I was done.
Habba: Did you have to accept the appearances?
Carroll: No.
Habba: Didn't you testify you don't like talking about PresTrump?
Carroll's lawyer: Objection.
Judge Kaplan: Sustained.
Habba: Let's talk about the podcasts -- The Daily, All Ears, MeidasTouch, TrumpCast--
Carroll: Yes.




This is such a horrible line of questioning.

Arguing Carroll was resilient rather than reclusive after the attack, the truth of which has already been decided, is likely to backfire on Trump rather than help him.

It's already been determined Carroll was a sexual assault victim. Shaming her for coming forward is just bullying at this point.

mloxton, avatar



"If you were so damaged, why ..." is an ugly, baiting, and injurous question, and there is no legal reason to be asking it. Habba is demonstrating how low her morality has sunk.

spocko, avatar

Here is one of #EJeanCarroll TV appearances. She is talking to Lawrence O'Donnell about when Trump raped her.
Interspersed with the Access Hollywood tape.


#EJeanCarroll talking to Lawrence O'Donnell about when Trump raped her. Interspersed with the Access Hollywood tape.

GottaLaff, avatar

@spocko I remember that episode

GottaLaff, avatar

83/ Press:

Habba: Did you say Trump?
[🤦🏻‍♀️ she keeps having to ask this] 👉🏼Carroll's lawyer: What does she mean?

Habba: She said she didn't like saying his name. That's a lot of appearances for someone who doesn't want to say Trump
Carroll's lawyer: Objection
Judge Kaplan: Sustained. That's argumentative

StevenvdV82, avatar

@GottaLaff Wow, she's really bóring everyone to death with her stupidity, isn't she?

GottaLaff, avatar

84/ Press:

Habba: You don't book yourself on TV
Carroll: I don't.
Habba: Who pays for the publicists?
Carroll's lawyer: Objection to form, Your Honor.
Judge Kaplan: Sustained.
Habba: Ms. Carroll, status is important to you?
Carroll: Yes
Habba: You still want more publicity?
Carroll: I'm pretty much done with it, and with books.
Habba: Are you writing a book with Mary Trump?
👉🏼Carroll: She is writing the book, I'm in charge of the comments. It's Mary's money.

GottaLaff, avatar

85/ Press:

Habba: Whose idea was it?
Carroll: We were talking during the pandemic. Mary put it on Substack.
Habba: Has Mary Trump sued Donald Trump?
Carroll's lawyer: Objection!
Judge Kaplan: Sustained.
Habba: Ms. Carroll, have you ever said anything you regretted on national television?
Carroll: Yes -
Carroll's lawyer: Can we have a sidebar?
Judge Kaplan: Yes.
[Whispered sidebar ensues]



NFL How is it that this thread is more interesting than I imagine watching in person would be? Thanks. I'm gonna be exhausted.

GottaLaff, avatar

86/ Press:

They're back.
Habba: Have you deleted text message and not just emails?
Carroll: When I see threats I delete them.
Habba: Can we have a sidebar?
Judge Kaplan: No. 🤣

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff nfl Habba_rapehag knows phuqueall about lawyering in a court of law.

William3rd, avatar

@GottaLaff (NFL) Even as a non-lawyer, I am glad I am not in front of Judge Kaplan. Absolutely no room for the incompetent or lazy lawyer.

GottaLaff, avatar

87/ Press:
Habba: Ms. Carroll have u ever gotten into argumts w Twitter users?
Carroll: Possibly
Habba: But u said u were afraid. Did u get oral threats?
Carroll: Ppl left messages. I didn't answ.
Habba: You deleted them?Carroll: I didn't know u could
Habba: U don't know what the police wd do, do u?
Carroll: I think those who send messages use emails they get off of TOR, the IP address is hidden
Habba: Are u afraid they're going to come to ur home?
Carroll: Yes
Habba: But u never call the police

GottaLaff, avatar

88/ Press:

Carroll's lawyer: Objection, argumentative.
Habba: You have the same phone for four years?
Carroll: Yes.
Habba: Who is Carol Martin - would you call her a confidante?
Carroll: Yes.
Habba: You told her you felt safe?
Carroll: I do, in NYC

GottaLaff, avatar

89/ Press:

Habba: So was lying to Carol Martin appropriate?
Carroll: Yes. Her daughter was scared. So I said I had not received threats.
Habba: So you lied when you said no threats -
👉🏼Carroll's lawyer: Objection. That wasn't the testimony

GottaLaff, avatar

90/ Press:

Habba: You have a gun - do you have a license?
Carroll: No.
Habba: Are you aware that you have to have a licence-
⚡️👉🏼Judge Kaplan: Don't even start.
Habba: Do you have bullets for the gun?
Carroll: Yes.
Habba: You live in this state?
Carroll: Yes.



Ask for an extra fifty bucks to cover the #2A fine, Jean!

Jon_Kramer, avatar

@GottaLaff So, the tre45on team is anti self defense and 2nd Amendment rights???

GottaLaff, avatar

91/ Press:

Habba: Didn't you say u would advise people not to go to H.R.?
Carroll: Yes. H.R. decides cases to benefit the company.
Habba: You did a watch party w Kathy Griffin?
Carroll: Yes.
Habba: She held up the severed head of Donald Trump?
Carroll: Yes
Habba: Ms. Carroll, have you ever said you like speaking w me?
Carroll: Yes.
Habba: Is that at some level bc you enjoy the attention?
👉🏼Carroll: I wanted people to know that woman can win. I'm 80. It's not right to try to make women be quiet.

GottaLaff, avatar

92/ Press:
Habba: Ms. Carroll, you were not quiet in 1980s, right?
Carroll: Right.
Habba: But after 25 yrs you brought this suit against the sitting Pres?
🔥Judge: You're running the repeat key too often, Ms. Habba
Habba: Who is George Conway?
Carroll: He is a lawyer who does not like Donald Trump.
Habba: Has he been on TV these days?
Carroll: I think so. I wouldn't be surprised.
Judge Kaplan: We'll break now.
[As jury files out, Trump leaves too. But the lawyers are staying - there may be more]

GottaLaff, avatar

93/ If Inner City Press has more, I'll alert you.

I'm pooped.

Anyone got pie?


@GottaLaff cheesecake

GottaLaff, avatar

@JaxMax Even better!



Strawberry rhubarb, want a slice?

GottaLaff, avatar

@joesabin Need you even ask?



Here you go, slightly warmed and served with fresh homemade ice cream.

GottaLaff, avatar

@joesabin Ogod. Heaven.


@GottaLaff Fantastic job, thank you!

GottaLaff, avatar

@GottaLaff Bread pudding using leftover Xmas mincemeat.

GottaLaff, avatar

@barnesmaurice I'll take it

DoctorDNS, avatar

@GottaLaff What a great job today. Thanks very much.

GottaLaff, avatar

@DoctorDNS Thank you!

clane22, avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you so much for doing all of this reporting! Your hands must be numb!! Thank you! ☺️

GottaLaff, avatar

@clane22 LOL, no, but I'm really tired

wc_thats_me, avatar

@GottaLaff don't forget whipped cream! Say when....

GottaLaff, avatar

@wc_thats_me Keep going....



Here’s some chicken pot pie. It’s delicious. 😋

GottaLaff, avatar

@KimberlyN I haven't had that in soooo many years. Yummy!



It's one of my favourite comfort foods. 😀​

GottaLaff, avatar

@KimberlyN The best

Itchy, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar

@Itchy Yes!!!

PandaChronicle, avatar

I wish. 🥧🥧🥧

GottaLaff, avatar

@PandaChronicle I want pie!

PandaChronicle, avatar

@GottaLaff I want pie so bad. would settle for cake.
After all your work today, you deserve pie!

GottaLaff, avatar

@PandaChronicle And yet... no pie to be had. Sigh.

PandaChronicle, avatar


GottaLaff, avatar

@PandaChronicle I know!

Darxyanne, avatar

@GottaLaff You are a trooper!! Thank you for all your work today!! I was on the edge of my seat.

GottaLaff, avatar

@Darxyanne YVW! It was amazing today

Gorfram, avatar

@GottaLaff 🥧🥧🥧🥧🥧 thank you 🥰

GottaLaff, avatar

@Gorfram Mmmmmmm!

CatDragon, avatar

@GottaLaff no pie,lobster with lemon pepper pasta ok?

GottaLaff, avatar

@CatDragon Yawn, it'll do. 😉

JanisKay, avatar

@GottaLaff thanks. Much appreciated.

Dr_Elizabeth97, avatar

@GottaLaff pizza pie!

GottaLaff, avatar
elronxenu, avatar

@GottaLaff Hell of a thread. 👏

GottaLaff, avatar

@elronxenu 💪🏼

Pineywoozle, avatar

@GottaLaff Enjoy, it’s endless, just like Habba’s stupidity. 😉

GottaLaff, avatar
thezenlady, avatar


Thank you for all you do. I read your posts everyday.

GottaLaff, avatar

@thezenlady So sweet, thank you

tiamat271, avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you, Laffy. You’re amazing and very appreciated.

GottaLaff, avatar

@tiamat271 ❤️



Is sweet potato pie really similar to pumpkin pie? 🤔

GottaLaff, avatar

@birdpoof Close enough



p.s. THANK YOU, although this was supremely distracting while I was trying to work 🤣 I appreciate your little emoji commentary too.

GottaLaff, avatar

@birdpoof LOL, it's all I had space for.



Thanks for this!

GottaLaff, avatar

@PollyWaugh Yum!!!

Snowshadow, avatar

You have had a long day. Take a break. Thank you very much for your work. We appreciate this very much.
No, sorry. No pie. Perhaps some one else may have one?😆

GottaLaff, avatar

@Snowshadow See my replies, lol.

I have to stay here. We have painters everywhere. I'm stuck!

Snowshadow, avatar

I am sure you are looking forward to when they have completed work and you have privacy and quiet in your home again.

GottaLaff, avatar

@Snowshadow They're all so nice, so professional and we've worked with them before. They're a pleasure. But I would like some freedom please, lol

Snowshadow, avatar

Soon. Hopefully. Soon.

GottaLaff, avatar

@Snowshadow Should be. Usually they finish around this time

Snowshadow, avatar

Good. At least you will be able to wander around in your pjs if you want to relax.
And final completion date?

GottaLaff, avatar

@Snowshadow That's exactly what I do!


Snowshadow, avatar

So the invasion is over?

GottaLaff, avatar

@Snowshadow Soon.

Snowshadow, avatar

Good. Now go curl up in your pjs with your puppies, a big pie and rest. You deserve it.❤️

GottaLaff, avatar

@Snowshadow They're still here!

But that's exactly what I'll do when they leave.. .sans pie. Dammit.

Snowshadow, avatar

No local pie delivery service? Sheesh! What kind of neighbourhood do you live in? No wonder you're moving here!

GottaLaff, avatar

@Snowshadow HAHAHAHA!!!

Snowshadow, avatar

@GottaLaff 😉 🤣 🤣



I've been on roller coasters that hurt less. Thank you! You'll be swimming in coffees (pour them all into the tub; don't leave 'em in the cups).

GottaLaff, avatar

@LeftToPonder Coffees?



Oops. I see another way to donate. Dollars.

nonproductive, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar

@nonproductive OgodMeWANT


@GottaLaff @nonproductive
You have certainly earnt it Laffy. That was a big marathon effort.
Well done. Hope Hamilton gave you some well deserved hugs and smooches 🐾
Thank you!

GottaLaff, avatar

@adminkirsty Hammy takes very good care of me! He gave me treats. @nonproductive

juglugs, avatar


Well done, and thank you 👏👏👏


GottaLaff, avatar

@juglugs TY!

Karelgil, avatar

Thanks for your awesome reporting!

GottaLaff, avatar

@Karelgil YVW!

MichelleRNCHPN, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar


MichelleRNCHPN, avatar

Me too...unfortunately, it's only picture. I can't have this stuff in the house because it disappears...right into my mouth. 😂

GottaLaff, avatar

@MichelleRNCHPN I never buy stuff that's bad for me because I'll never stop eating it

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff myself

MichelleRNCHPN, avatar

That is my curse as well.
Everything is a serving size.
A box, a bag whatever the size, is a SERVING size. Fun being me. 😂

tersenurse, avatar
maddad, avatar

@tersenurse @MichelleRNCHPN @GottaLaff

I would be happy to take that pie off your hands if it were real....
I only make that offer because I know it's not real.😂
I am also a magician of sorts when it comes to delicious food that is bad for me.🎩 💫

GottaLaff, avatar
mentallyalex, avatar

@GottaLaff :blobcatgiggle: I actually do have a slice of apple waiting for dinner funny enough.

Sheesh this court case is a lot. This lawyer seems very overwhelmed and struggling. I'm glad the judge is keeping her lawful.

GottaLaff, avatar

@mentallyalex She's a disaster!


@GottaLaff thank you SO MUCH!!!!

(Autocorrect made that DO MUCH which is also accurate!)

GottaLaff, avatar

@GottaLaff 🥧 & 🍨
You've earned it.

GottaLaff, avatar

@wren Mmmmmm!

angiebaby, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar

@angiebaby Smart ass


@GottaLaff Keep going. I'll make one.

GottaLaff, avatar

@mydogwrotethis Want it NOW


@GottaLaff I do have fudge brownies.

GottaLaff, avatar

@mydogwrotethis YUM!!!!!!

kithrup, avatar

@GottaLaff bravo applaud

I have no pie, but that's ok, I'm in Ireland so it would be no good to you.


@kithrup @GottaLaff just knowing there's pie is a comfort 🙏

GottaLaff, avatar

@kithrup Irish pie!

RobHadley, avatar


How in God's name did Habba ever get a licence to practice law? Is #Trump so desperate for lawyers she was the only one that applied for the work?

I hear #Starbucks is hiring.

GottaLaff, avatar

@RobHadley Yes. He requires Yes Men (and women) and he doesn't pay

funguy2playwith, avatar

@GottaLaff What pie goes with Scotch? Asking for a friend. 😉

GottaLaff, avatar

@funguy2playwith All and every.

dangrsmind, avatar

@GottaLaff thank you so much for this.

GottaLaff, avatar
William3rd, avatar

@GottaLaff Had pizza pie for lunch, does that count?

At 93 threads, you must be exhausted. I see wine (red or white?) in your future.

GottaLaff, avatar

@William3rd Nope. Gotta be PIE.

Wine! Wine! Yes, Wine!

William3rd, avatar

@GottaLaff My spouse makes an incredible tart cherry pie. One person pies. She swore she was baking this week but no results to send you.

GottaLaff, avatar

@William3rd Well crap.

William3rd, avatar

@GottaLaff I agree. Homemade crust even.

Gorfram, avatar

@GottaLaff @William3rd Is there such a thing as wine pie?
If not, why not?

GottaLaff, avatar

@Gorfram omg yes. WINE PIE!!! @William3rd

William3rd, avatar

@Gorfram @GottaLaff
The brandy in mince meat pie starts as wine so wine pie.

GottaLaff, avatar

@William3rd No, no, not the same! I want Pinot Pie! @Gorfram

William3rd, avatar

@GottaLaff @Gorfram How about a pinot reduction caramel sauce over bread pudding or rice pudding?

GottaLaff, avatar
William3rd, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar

@William3rd Now you're talkin

William3rd, avatar

@GottaLaff Too much black ice to do store run but willing to try when weather clears.

GottaLaff, avatar

@William3rd Welllllll.... okay


@GottaLaff Thank you, Laffy. You are amazing. OTOH, if this halfwit actually has a law license, there’s hope for me.

GottaLaff, avatar

@donmckennan LOL.


iuculano, avatar

@GottaLaff My compliments to you, Laffy! Excellent job of relating the info to us, as always!

GottaLaff, avatar

@iuculano Thanks Joe!

wilpercy, avatar

@GottaLaff thank you for your reporting. Are you watching a live feed from the courtroom and posting here? Sorry, what’s the set up? Appreciated!

GottaLaff, avatar

@wilpercy See first toot in thread. I'm live tweeting from other's coverage. That's why I attribute every single toot.

wilpercy, avatar

@GottaLaff thanks. I joined the coverage half way and was compelled to read on!

GottaLaff, avatar

@wilpercy Oh good! Thanks!


@GottaLaff Thanks for your great work. Not only informative, but highly entertaining.

GottaLaff, avatar

@rdfranke Oh good! TY!

GottaLaff, avatar

@dhj1961 Right? mmmmmm

Dodo_sipping, avatar

@GottaLaff wasn't here til now and saw you arrived 93)! You deserve more than a pie. 🏆

GottaLaff, avatar

@Dodo_sipping Thanks! Got wine?

darthstar, avatar

@GottaLaff Herculean effort on your part today...pie won't do the trick. I suggest a coastal pinot.

GottaLaff, avatar

@darthstar Both!

EyeOnAlaska, avatar

@GottaLaff Just freshly baked bread pudding.

GottaLaff, avatar

@EyeOnAlaska Works for me!



  • Loading...
  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @diek Well I wouldn't go that far

    sticklandtim, avatar

    Watching from England, amazing work, thank you.
    Sorry it's only a virtual pie from here.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @sticklandtim But... but... I need pie!



    Here's some whipped cream for that pie:

    Via Tristan Snell:
    ""Carroll Tower" has a nice ring to it, yes?" :dance_cool_doge:

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @JaneDoeTheFirst LOVE it!!!!!



    Can you IMAGINE???! :Shriek of Joy:

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @JaneDoeTheFirst It would be chef's kiss

    NanBP, avatar

    @GottaLaff if we lived closer I would ply you with pies, cakes and cookies . And wine. Pretty sure there should be wine.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @NanBP I'd never leave. Ever.

    NanBP, avatar

    @GottaLaff hahaha. I hope you have a lovely, quiet evening filled with Hammie cuddles.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @NanBP Hammy and I just had a session! How'd you know?

    tomiahonen, avatar

    @GottaLaff Rat Pie? Sorry, I think Brother McCheesbro ate the last Rat Pie. But I've got some delish Rat pudding. How about Rat Cake? We baked extra Rat Cake in honor of the Kraken Lady flipping. It has wonderful Diet Dr Pepper frosting! Yum yum. With covfefe, hamberder and some ketchup tossed on the wall. That beats pie bigly

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tomiahonen Well see? Now you've made me lose my appetite! 🤭

    tomiahonen, avatar

    @GottaLaff LOL sorry about that. How about some humble pie? I have some Habbadabbadoo-pie. It is bitter, with a hint of entitlement, and plenty of fake pretty strawberries - don't eat those! They are decorations, I think they were manufactured in China out of industrial waste :-)

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tomiahonen I'd prefer some Rhubarb pie, heavy on the barbs. It's sharp, leaves a mark, and can result in permanent damage if left unattended. Manufactured by Chef Kaplan.

    tomiahonen, avatar

    @GottaLaff And the partial explanation. The Swedish queen of some generations ago, I think this was at time Finland still was part of Sweden, liked the blend of raspberries and blueberries. So the Scandinavian jam makers call their blueberry-raspberry jam blend the 'Queens berry' jam. That is the SECOND best thing after rhubarb. you may have to make your own, I recommend getting the raspberry jam variant without the seeds so seedless one, blend 50/50 with blubbery berries and ... is divine

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tomiahonen I'm dyin' here!

    tomiahonen, avatar

    @GottaLaff SRSLY Laffy, I was about to write to you about the Queen's berry on top of your pie.. as a follow up to Rat Pie (sorry about that) and I was going to END with the honorary berry, Rhubarb. I can't believe you started with Rhubarb. That is such a rare taste, most people say apple pie.. how boring, or pumpkin etc...

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tomiahonen How funny. Honestly? I've never had it! I just mentioned it for the barb joke.

    tomiahonen, avatar

    @GottaLaff Oh, now that is even sharper. You'll find it mid to late summer at some snobbish restaurants, it is a seasonal treat, perhaps specialist cafe's. Is far more common in Canada, and Northern Europe, but you'll find some. It is REALLY DIVINE, so do taste it, when it suddenly appears some random summer on a random restaurant menu. If you like it, do send compliments to the chef or cafe owner... Cheers

    Rhubarb for the barb joke. That is.. witty!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tomiahonen I'll keep an eye out! Thanks for all the pie insights, lol.

    Aw, thanks.

    tomiahonen, avatar

    @GottaLaff PS Rat pie and Rat Cake is of course always a tribute to Monty Python's Flying Circus. I have to celebrate any Trumpomobster flips with (very virtual) helpings of Rat Cake or some Rodential cuisine. As we say at our din din table: Rat's up!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tomiahonen I didn't know the reference! I went to Spamalot years ago, and one of the leads was out, so the understudy was on. I tweeted how disappointed I was (the lead was one of the Seinfeld regular guests). Turns out the understudy saw my tweet and teased me about it! I died. We ended up meeting for lunch and became friends!

    tomiahonen, avatar

    @GottaLaff RHUBARB !!! You read my mind. it is the only berry better than Queensberry, which is only berry that tops wild strawberries, which are better than the blubbery berry also known as the blueberry, king of the forest. Rhubarb is also MY fave! So good it SHOULD be a berry!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tomiahonen I remember having fresh blueberry pie in Oregon, on family vacations, at the side of the road, bought at a small stand. SO damn good.



    That’s a thread! If you were here, I’d serve you pie 🥧 over a trough of wine 🍷

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @MarkBrigham You win the day!!!

    Tassie_JR, avatar

    @GottaLaff Well done, you deserve pie.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Tassie_JR I deserve 2! You buying?

    Tassie_JR, avatar

    @GottaLaff they are here, let me know when you can pick them up. 👍

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Tassie_JR 👍🏼

    heidilifeldman, avatar

    @GottaLaff Thank you. It is so helpful to me as a torts scholar and professor to have this real time coverage of such an important defamation trial.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @heidilifeldman Now THAT is a compliment. Thank you.

    colo_lee, avatar

    @GottaLaff I'll make pie for you anytime!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @colo_lee You're my new best friend

    poe1178, avatar

    @GottaLaff You’re a rock star!

    And just wow. Judge Kaplan. He’s fantastic.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @poe1178 Nah, I’m just compelled to share news.

    Yes, he’s amazing.

    Mary625, avatar


    Habba is a woman's worst enemy. She's implying things that are not going to help trump and are just plain old misogyny.

    I wonder if this is her first time in federal court. What an idiot

    I have Milano cookies but no pie

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Mary625 No cookies! Pie! 😉

    Mary625, avatar


    LoL. I'll see if there's any fresh pie available at the local restaurant. Trust me, you don't want any pie I would make 😁

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Mary625 LOL



    Those in the peanut gallery breathe not a sigh of relief, butt because #TrumpSmells. They simply breathe.


    @GottaLaff I think it's pretty obvious at this point that Habba should have worked a wee bit more on the being smart part of lawyering. The being pretty part is not gaining any headway with Kaplan. 😆 Loved the..."we'll take a break so you can refresh yourself on how to admit a piece of evidence. Oh my god...that's 3rd degree burn from a federal judge.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @fulanigirl Omg, he was just brutal. She deserved it, she was pathetic


    @GottaLaff No federal judge gives a flying fig if you don't like how they are talking to you. It's their domain. That's why state court lawyers with limited federal experience should stay in state court.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @fulanigirl She shouldn't even be in state court!

    Did you see the tweet?


    @GottaLaff WOW! That tweet....well...that's special. He needs to go to prison as soon as possible and share a cell with his horrible buddy Flynn!

    My Tom Cotton's email is terribly mild in comparison. I taught CRT for many years. In 2020 Tom Cotton emailed and said I was a disgrace and shouldn't be allowed in any academy.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @fulanigirl Cotton is a putz. What a disgusting thing to say.

    Yeah, I had a few from Stone but that was the most "pointed."


    @GottaLaff You know...while it's horrible to be targeted...I got some death threats also though not from Cotton...the thing that keeps me whole is the fact that if they get so riled up, it means I am right. SO I keep pushing as you do as well. Our voices are needed.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @fulanigirl I do very occasionally, although only on Twitter. So it's been awhile. Yes, def. keep pushing.


    Meznor, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL does anyone know if this is a usual number of objections (by Habba in particular) and sidebars in this type of trial?

    It seems the objections were almost always overruled. And that Habba doesn't know how to lawyer. But I don't know based on what might be usual.

    Snowshadow, avatar

    @Meznor @GottaLaff
    She is playing at lawyering.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Snowshadow And cheating at it. @Meznor

    Snowshadow, avatar

    Well, she is working for the biggest cheat of them all, right?@Meznor

    Meznor, avatar

    @GottaLaff @Snowshadow yes!! Like trying to ask questions that get stricken because she's trying to get some garbage messages in for the jury?? (I know that from TV shows! I thought it didn't really happen! Lol)

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Meznor Oh it happens! @Snowshadow

    andybrwn, avatar

    @GottaLaff Habba is not a good trial attorney. I wonder how many federal trials she’s done before

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @andybrwn I wonder how many cases she's lost


    @GottaLaff Once again, this is great, and mesmerizing, but honestly, it's a mystery to me what Habba is trying to do. It seems incoherent, unfocused, random. Maybe it makes more sense hearing it live... Maybe not...

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @petergleick I think what she's trying to do is obvious, though. She knows this is a loser case, so she's playing to her audience of one, and to his base, and trying to cause a little chaos too, to show how little she thinks the legal system should mean.

    CStamp, avatar


  • Loading...
  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @CStamp I never said she was smart. I said she was intentionally stirring things up. To me, that's pretty stupid, but effective with her vile audience. @petergleick


    @GottaLaff @CStamp Seems counter intuitive to how the OTHER audience will take it: the jury and judge

    CStamp, avatar

    @petergleick @GottaLaff I guess if they are going to lose anyway, playing to the base keeps up their rage and donations to his legal fund.

    GottaLaff, avatar
    GottaLaff, avatar

    @petergleick Absolutely, but they keep doing that at their trials. Over and over his lawyers piss off judges, or come off amateurish, seemingly not caring what the jury and judge think. @CStamp


    @GottaLaff @petergleick @CStamp I don’t think Trump believes he will ever end up paying any penalty.

    CStamp, avatar

    @michaelgemar @GottaLaff @petergleick Yeah, but it may be that while he doesn't pay, his base will. For this one, anyway.

    The NY fraud trial will be interesting, though, as that may be beyond his donations.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @CStamp That's exactly what I've been saying. His little gullibles won't be able to afford him soon. @michaelgemar @petergleick

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @michaelgemar He already has though. @petergleick @CStamp


    @GottaLaff @petergleick @CStamp Has he actually forked over cash? I wasn’t aware he’d paid off any of his recent court awards. I may be wrong, of course.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @michaelgemar Yep, to Jean. He was forced to put it into an account up front. @petergleick @CStamp

    gooba42, avatar

    @GottaLaff I was always under the impression that lawyering and law school were complicated but if that turnip can pass the bar and make a living as a lawyer, maybe I should consider switching careers.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


  • Loading...
  • gooba42, avatar

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @GottaLaff Ironically, I'm a software dev working on desktop automation now.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, avatar


  • Loading...
  • gooba42, avatar

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @GottaLaff White collar research jobs and executives should be most impacted by the current LLMs.

    As long as you can force it to link to primary sources, a virtual assistant that autonomously pulls related case studies does a lot of heavy lifting in both law and medicine.

    And so long as we only expect executives to talk a good game, LLMs have already beaten them.



    A yuge W in the minds of team #Trump, who see common decency as a fatal flaw in human nature.



    A lawyer for #Trump calling someone a liar is like a turd calling a pickle "stinky."

    panamared27401, avatar

    @GottaLaff OOOOOOFFFF!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @panamared27401 Me likey this judge


    @GottaLaff Your coverage of this trial sustains me. I never thought I would want to hear another adversary proceeding as long as I lived. This is giving me, thank God, momentary visions of coming out if retirement. Nah.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @finserra Oh wow, so glad to help!

    msbellows, avatar

    @GottaLaff From Wikipedia: "[Habba] has served as lead counsel for three cases.... Habba has also held the position of general counsel for her second husband's parking garage company."

    I usually have sympathy for inexperienced lawyers trying to navigate trial procedure, but... dang, this is not the case to be learning on.


    @msbellows @GottaLaff This is how the Federalists are teaching them. One of my former students was captured by the Federalists in the hell state. They are pushing the lawyer to be named as a judge, a position they are not yet qualified for. I asked my former student how they could be a judge when they lacked the experience and expertise. The person said," they told me I could just learn it on the job." I asked "how many lives will you ruin while you are learning?" Crickets.....

    PJ_Evans, avatar


  • Loading...
  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @PJ_Evans Zap


    @GottaLaff I am french, I live in Finland. I am laughing alone, the funniest thread. 😂. Thanks for this moment. 👍🏻.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @lepetitprinceroucky Yay! Global kindness!

    Snowshadow, avatar

    NFL😆 😂

    NanBP, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL isn’t Habba the one who answered the question “would you rather be pretty or smart?” as “Pretty! I can fake being snart!” To which I would respond…. I don’t think so, sweetie.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @NanBP Yep

    iuculano, avatar


    Omg, everything she says confirms Lawrence O'Donnell's view (and mine) that Alina Habba is the worst Trump lawyer to date

    DebR, avatar

    @iuculano @GottaLaff I can hardly wait for his show tonight…No one does smart a$$ as well as Lawrence. I wish he was here in the fediverse.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @DebR Me too. He's become one of my faves. I love how definitive he is: "She's the worst lawyer in history" type of stuff just kills me.

    DebR, avatar

    @GottaLaff I love when he says things like ‘Donald Trump is the stupidest president the US has ever had.’ That really releases the serotonin!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @DebR SO good

    DebR, avatar

    @GottaLaff The other one is Keith Olberman. He refers to him as ‘dementia j trump’. I need to see if today’s podcast is up yet.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @DebR He's always been good

    panamared27401, avatar

    @GottaLaff Man, Habba's skin is going to be dangling from her frame in loose, scorched tatters after today.

    GottaLaff, avatar
    Lizette603_23, avatar
    666k9s, avatar

    @GottaLaff I don't understand why EG Carroll's book sales are important 🤷🏼

    CStamp, avatar

    @666k9s @GottaLaff they are trying to show that Spanky's slander of her profited her, so no big deal.

    666k9s, avatar

    @CStamp @GottaLaff Ohhh, I see. Must be okay then to rape and defame her... So disgusting.

    CStamp, avatar

    @666k9s It is. Because having strangers tell her she's a lying slut and issuing threats against her is something any sane person would choose, on top of losing job opportunities unless talking about something most would want to put behind them. It seems to be his new defence these days: I did it, so what, no one was harmed, everyone came out ahead, so I actually helped them succeed. @GottaLaff

    moira, avatar

    @CStamp Standard child abuser response when they can’t say it didn’t happen anymore. “Your success | survival is because of what I made you by doing this to you.” Literally archetypal.




    Carroll should muse aloud that she thought about pasting her face on a picture of a space suit sized for someone half her size and selling it as an #NFT like #DonaldRottecrotch... erm... #Trump, the defendant, I mean... butt thought better of it.

    1dalm, avatar


    I'm guessing Habba is going to try to demonstrate that after Trump started telling his supporters to harass her, that her career took off and ergo no harm was done.

    gfjacobs, avatar

    @1dalm @GottaLaff NFL

    oh, i get it... Trump MADE her...

    Now THERE is a double enténdre if I ever saw one.

    EDIT: (M) Not For Laffy

    1dalm, avatar

    @gfjacobs @GottaLaff

    It's the same thing with the NY fraud case. Trump's main defense there is "I made money and the banks made money, so who cares if we lied on a few forms."

    Amazing that money is literally the only thing in the universe some people can even comprehend as having value.

    mwyman, avatar

    @1dalm @gfjacobs @GottaLaff Trump has long had the view that any publicity is good publicity, so him making her more notorious among his followers was really doing her a favor.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @mwyman Good point @1dalm @gfjacobs

    jmcrookston, avatar

    @GottaLaff 😂 this judge is quick

    Lizette603_23, avatar

    @GottaLaff I love him so much

    CarlG, avatar

    @GottaLaff More disastrous than I had expected - Habba only got what, 2-3 perfunctory questions out of the way before she started screwing up, causing the judge to call a recess?

    LeftToPonder, (edited )

    @GottaLaff NFL #Habba takes a moment to sharpen the point on her head (and on her second and third boobs).

    NIH_LLAMAS, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL: Liar Liar (1997):
    "You honor, I object!"
    "Because it's devastating to my case!"

    mwyman, avatar

    @GottaLaff “objection! This testimony makes my client look bad!”

    jmcrookston, avatar

    @GottaLaff 😂

    William3rd, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL: They seem to be trying to disrupt the flow of testimony. What else could it be?

    Catherineb201, avatar

    @GottaLaff omg I love this so much! I’m reading this in Cambridge England - thanks so much for your epic thread!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Catherineb201 TY! Global love!

    Eetschrijver, avatar

    @GottaLaff Dutchman living in France here. Love what you're doing in general, and this thread in particular is A1 entertainment. Love from the Limousin!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Eetschrijver Thank you GJ!

    ATLeagle, avatar

    @GottaLaff nfl . How the hell is it not possible to prove that he fundraisers off of this nonsense? He sends out emails and asks for money right after every manufactured slight.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @ATLeagle You don't need to prove it, it's right out there. It's legal.

    _ohcoco_, avatar

    @GottaLaff I love this so much


    @GottaLaff NGL, all of this has left me a begrudging fan of George Conway.

    DavidMHarlan, avatar

    @LyleDAL @GottaLaff

    the enemy of my enemy

    ...Well, points for divorcing Kellyanne, too

    Jon_Kramer, avatar

    @GottaLaff "RK: Do you have personal security with you at this trial?
    Carroll: Yes.
    RK: Would you like more?
    Carroll: I can't afford it."

    If she is in KY ever, and wants volunteer security, I am available. Not joking.

    lin11c, avatar

    Her win needs to be huge so she can get the security she needs. This monster needs to be locked up. Mafia thug.

    NIH_LLAMAS, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL: If the jury truly accepts the prior findings of facts, hearing his childish fits might not work the way he thinks.

    LGsMom, avatar

    @GottaLaff You are the best, Laffy!! No need to reply. Just want you to know I so appreciate your time!! 🤩🤩🤩

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @LGsMom ❤️

    Eetschrijver, (edited ) avatar

    Hooray For Laffy!

    Pourroy, avatar

    @GottaLaff I have a question. The judge is Kaplan, and am I understanding correctly that the lawyer questioning Carroll is also Kaplan? Any relation?

    anathema_device, avatar

    @Pourroy @GottaLaff They are not related, as has been reported numerous times in relation to this trial (which is why I'm not finding a link in support)

    CarlG, avatar

    @GottaLaff Curative instruction time! Judge Kaplan can admonish Trump, and when the jury returns, advise that they are to ignore anything he says/does when he's sitting at the table and not testifying.

    LeftToPonder, (edited )


    Some farts aren’t stifleable, particularly greasy wet ones. #Trump is one, perhaps THE one, such fart. #NFL

    William3rd, avatar

    @GottaLaff (for Laffy to comment if time permits) IANAL but this thread seems to me that Habba is way out of her league trying to object in Kaplan's court. Ignoring previous rulings, trying to re-litigate, etc. Being told to sit down is being treated as an out of control child would be. Seems to be a losing strategy in front of the jury.

    jmcrookston, avatar

    @GottaLaff " I don't need announcements" 👍



    Habba's misusing her cross privileges to insinuated nefarious and shady motives. I didn't know she could do that. I thought the trial was done.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @JaneDoeTheFirst It is. And the judge hates her.

    CarlG, avatar


    I hate to keep picking on Habba, but she's the gift which keeps on giving. I've never seen so many overruled objections in such a brief period of time.

    Again, a seasoned litigator would know when to stop. Habba is not going to shake Roberta Kaplan (who does know what she's doing) from her examination, so her futile objections only serve to make her look bad, and like she has something to hide.

    swelljoe, avatar

    @CarlG @GottaLaff performing for an audience of one. Trump only respects bullies. That a competent judge won't tolerate it doesn't stop the performance. And, Trump can't hire good lawyers anymore because he already stiffed them all, now he's left with the dregs, looking to increase their profile.


    @CarlG @GottaLaff

    Habba's only available tactic is to disrupt the flow of Carroll and her lawyers in presenting their case.

    Habba's and her client's position is intellectually (and morally) bankrupt, so all they can do is disrupt.

    Like Bannon's "Flood the zone with shit", this is not about persuasion, it's about disorientation.

    zakalwe, avatar

    @CarlG @GottaLaff I'm almost sad for Habba. She's anchored her boat to a sinking island becasuse she thought it was the chance of a lifetime to make her name. She's made her name, but not in the way she thought she would.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @zakalwe I'm not. She knew EXACTLY what to expect. @CarlG

    CarlG, avatar

    @GottaLaff @zakalwe In fairness, Cheradenine did say "almost sad"

    I'd say that Habba is reaping what she sowed. She hitched her wagon to a corrupt rapist, and has compromised her ethics in order to represent him.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @CarlG I know, but that "almost sad" wouldn't have even entered my thoughts. She's toxic, and she knew what she was getting into. @zakalwe

    peterbutler, avatar

    @CarlG @GottaLaff It makes more sense to me if her intent is to make Trump supporters even more prejudiced against judges, courts and the law

    Trump isn’t actually trying to win these court cases. He's trying to weaken the rule of law and get his followers to stop respecting the courts and the laws

    darthstar, avatar

    @peterbutler @CarlG @GottaLaff
    They already don't respect the courts or laws. Look at the J6 defendants who have completed their sentences...they're back out acting like celebrities after fooling the courts into short sentences because they were 'sorry.'

    peterbutler, avatar

    @darthstar @CarlG @GottaLaff Sure, but there’s still the long tail of low-info GOP supporters who aren’t willing to riot or participate in violence

    That’s who he's targeting — voters who are susceptible to believing in conspiracies or the “deep state” (which now includes the courts)

    I don’t think it will necessarily work but we’ll see

    Okanogen, avatar

    Amazing woman. To continue to write, from some Idaho fitness center. Keep going, then succeed....

    12thRITS, avatar

    @GottaLaff That whole thread is an amazing thing to read.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @12thRITS It’s like some bizarro world.


    @GottaLaff Reading every word of this in the UK. Brilliant! I wonder how it will get reported in MSM.

    FairWitness, avatar

    @GottaLaff Thank you for breaking this down. That "attorney" is a whole new level of stupid.

    jstevenyork, avatar

    She got really spanked by the judge (deservedly so). And you know, she's just doing exactly what Trump (great legal mind, and all, the GREATEST, really...) insisted she do. I don't think even she's bad enough of a lawyer to think otherwise.

    ginaintheburg, avatar


    I can't believe you live-posted the whole thing.

    Mikey likes it!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @ginaintheburg Mikey has excellent taste!

    lawyersgunsnmoney, avatar

    @GottaLaff Well, that went well.....

    GottaLaff, avatar
    KatM, avatar


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  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @KatM She was utterly pathetic. Wow. I mean!

    meltedcheese, avatar

    @GottaLaff I like this judge. No nonsense.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @meltedcheese Oh, I'm a huge fan

    Beachbum, avatar

    @GottaLaff He’s not taking any bs from her.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Beachbum That's why he's so good

    tmstreet, avatar

    @GottaLaff And oh btw, he doesn't give a shit about his mother in law.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tmstreet No shit.


    Trump Disrupts E. Jean Carroll's Testimony, Calls Judge 'Nasty Guy'

    Is this true??

    br00t4c, avatar

    @customer228 Yup. That happened. Sigh. I hope they lock his a** up for contempt at some point, he has well and truly earned his spot in the pokey.

    rabbijill, avatar

    @GottaLaff ooh. I ahead loved
    this judge

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @rabbijill This judge was everything

    rabbijill, avatar

    @GottaLaff was it available online?

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @rabbijill I didn't see any links.

    rabbijill, avatar

    @GottaLaff wow. It’s going to take me a day to read all your posts about it! You are one hard working gal. ❤️

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @rabbijill I'm pooped!

    gfjacobs, avatar

    @rabbijill @GottaLaff keep reading, it gets even better.

    Yeoman's labour, for sure

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @GottaLaff The federal judges don't play with that crappy lawyer BS.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @fulanigirl Was I supposed to send you my Roger Stone tweet?


    @GottaLaff No not now. Wait till you are resettlled and at peace in Canada. Too much going on now.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @fulanigirl That won't be til May.

    Here it is, well, one of them:


    I find it absolutely horrifying that Trump's lawyers are all so incredibly disrespectful to judges.
    Who the hell do they think they are?
    Lawyers. Don't. Talk. To. Judges. That. Way.
    They've all crossed a rubicon. They've all taken on Trump's strategy that laws and rules don't apply to him.
    And it's quite chilling.

    minervakoenig, avatar

    @GottaLaff delicious

    maddad, avatar


    If he has to, Kaplan should be able to swat him on the nose with a rolled up newspaper.
    I can't believe a lawyer would talk to a judge like that.



    You misspelled “SIT YO BONY, FAKE TITTIED ASS DOWN,” butt yeah.

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