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Bonesweeper draws inspiration from Minesweeper and Tetris, having you dig up fossils and then assemble them into skeletons. I released a rough prototype last year exploring those core concepts, which you can play today!

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If you'd like to see how the prototype came together over a month or so, you can check out these threads

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The full game will expand beyond the prototype, adding an interactive map to select dig sites from, a museum for assembled skeletons, and a customiseable player avatar (plus more species, more dig environments, and an optional less stressful skeleton assembly "puzzle mode")

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I'm really excited for the new dig selection screen, which will have a slider for controlling geologic time to give some extra context for where fossils came from (and will probably have more than just Australia).

A video of a globe of the earth containing only Australia, which deforms to represent 66 million years of geologic time based on a slider. An out of focus background of an office filled with book shelves and scale skeletons can be seen

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I'm also looking forward to the museum, which I hope will be a space for players to reflect on the cool stuff they've discovered, and maybe bump into` some educational content (like #HiveTime's "Beepedia" but more interactive) #fossilfriday

A video of a character walking around a small museum exhibit, starting at an umoonasaurus with some display cabinets containing fossil traces in the background, and walking over to look at a triceratops skeleton

Cheeseness, avatar

Experimenting with using shape keys to get seamless dirt tile variants. Not sure if I'll stick with it, but it's an interesting way of getting a bunch of variation from a single model #screenshotsaturday #gamedev #indiedev

A 5 by 5 grid of dirt tiles with several tiles removed to reveal "interior" walls. The animation cycles through a range of small variations that show different shapes for the sediment layers within

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Cheeseness, avatar

Dig phase is getting closer to being functional in the new codebase

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I've also added some camera controls, with the intention of having some dig sites that are bigger than a single screen when fully zoomed out.

A video showing that 7x7 playspace being tilted toward the camera, zoomed in, panned around on, and positioned to look at the player avatar from an angle that is nice to look at, but not so gameplay friendly

Cheeseness, avatar

I want to give players the choice of a number of different "flag" types as part of character customisation. I don't know how widely they're used, but I've seen these little plastic markers in photos and thought they were cute #screenshotsaturday #gamedev #indiedev

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Hard might be tuned just a touch too hard right now

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Spent last night implementing applying settings during play. Not particularly interesting work or outcomes, but it's nice to be doing this in more robust/flexible ways than I was in the original prototype

A video showing the "coloured dig numbers" and "skip dig number depth check" options being toggled during play.

Cheeseness, avatar

Continuing to work on dig gameplay, I did a first pass implementation of special abilities. Default dig actions are now defined as abilities (but without a cooldown), which unifies a bunch of code. Eventually these will have icons rather than text. #screenshotsaturday #indiedev #gamedev

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Me: Oh yes, I'll be doing much better looking skeletons in the full version of Bonesweeper.
Also me: Behold: Testodon!

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Cheeseness, avatar

I spent some of today working on an in-game way of communicating development progress. This will be nice to have moving forward (test data pictured - the game's a long way from being that finished :D )

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The march mid-month Bonesweeper progress status update is up, which talks about how I'll be tracking progress and where things are at right now. Enjoy! #gamedev #indiedev

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Did a rough first pass on a triceratops skull icon today

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Had a few bugs creep into the map mockup with 3.4.3 (bad normals on meshes with shape keys, GI probe weirdness, and a rendering flicker). Sat down to start coming up with repro cases today and discovered that everything's addressed upstream in 3.4.4 RC2. Thanks #GodotEngine community!

The same screenshot in 3.4.4 RC2, where Australia is brown and lit correctly, and the surrounding environment is visibly brighter

Cheeseness, avatar

The image is still not finished, but it's nice to have something in for the application icon. Doing the most important bits first #screenshotsaturday #gamedev #indiedev

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First pass on making gameplay automatically scale to fit the current skeleton (gotta handle both itty bitty theropods and huge sauropods). There'll be some extra camera behaviours to help make things more interesting/fun for really biggosaurs, but this is good for now

A screenshot showing a 200mm tall testodon being assembled, with the placeholder character model legs visible in the background

Cheeseness, avatar

One new thing that's going to be in the assembly phase is an optional less stressful "puzzle mode." Got a first pass on the controls in this evening, and I think it's going to be fun for people who struggled with the default Tetris-inspired "action mode" in the prototype.

A video of the testodon skeleton being assembled using the new puzzle mode mouse controls. The assembly environment is now an open space in front of shelves full of boxes

Cheeseness, avatar

Spent some of today's stream wrestling with perf overheads. Moving a Spatial to match the mouse cursor's position was impacting frame time, if the Spatial had children. Updating the Spatial's transform in _physics_process() rather than _process() made a huge difference o.0

Godot's profiler showing 2.5ms bursts of "idle time" when the mouse is moving

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None of the Spatial's children (direct or indirect) are physics objects. "Idle time" is pretty inscrutable in Godot's profiler and I'm at a loss to explain why the same action (modifying the Spatial's transform) seems to account for 14ms or so less when done in _physics_process()

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Made some nicer shelves today #screenshotsaturday

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There's nothing new there, but it feels very nice to have it all hooked up together (looking forward to working on expanded functionality and content that that allows). I also tidied up the icon a little more ^_^

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Big dig sites aren't always a good fit for one play session. Need a break, but don't want to give up? No probs. Got the last fossil you need for a skeleton and want to go do that? Sure thing. Want to interleave progress on multiple dig sites one dig at a time? Um sure, I guess.

A video showing partial progress being made on a large dig before returning to the map. From there, the same dig site is selected again, and existing progress (including the timer) is restored.

Cheeseness, avatar

The map, dig and assembly gameplay loops are now implemented (along with saving/loading) enough that if I had more than one test skeleton, Bonesweeper would pretty much have feature parity with the prototype. I'm expecting the pace of development to ramp up a bit from here on out

A video showing a dig being completed, and an in-progress skeleton being resumed from the map screen, which is completed with the newly excavated fossils

Cheeseness, avatar

Got a first pass on dig phase UI for current skeleton progress/found fossils. Super rough, but having this feedback helps ground the dig phase within the surrounding gameplay loops #screenshotsaturday

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UI is still temp, but it's more functional. It is now possible to see how many of each fossil chunk is in your inventory in both the dig and assembly phases (and I finally implemented using the next chunk in your inventory during assembly if you had more than one)

A screenshot of Bonesweeper's assembly phase with a partially assembled "testodon." The chunks in the queue now have numbers next to them.

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UI layout mock up for the profile selection screen

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Got that functional enough for now. Multiple profiles is in and behaving.

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Cheeseness, avatar

Added in some new dig location markers to help make it easier to differentiate between new and expiring sites, and when they're neither, there's another to let you know if you've previously visited #screenshotsaturday #indiedev #gamedev

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Added a new widget type for iterating through lists of indeterminate length. Works with mouse and keyboard navigation (though won't give focus to left or right neighbours). Dropdowns are good in a lot of contexts, but this feels cleaner here and takes fewer clicks to change.

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Also added some tweens when dig sites appear/disappear to help communicate what's going on when you return from a dig site or assembling a skeleton (time intervals are being forced here with a debug shortcut)

A video showing old dig site markers disappearing and being replaced with fresh ones

Cheeseness, avatar

Put a second placeholder marker model in, implemented colour customisation, and added the ability to edit a loaded profile this evening.

A video showing a profile being edited mid-dig, changing the marker colour and model before saving and seeing those changes reflected in the game immediately.

Cheeseness, avatar

Blind-friendly TTS gameplay for the assembly phase's action mode is in (using the same implementation as the prototype for now). You don't have to see/see well to build a dinosaur skeleton.

A video showing the game's "testodon" placeholder skeleton being assembled. In the bottom left corner a webcam overlay shows me doing it with my eyes covered.

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I'm not doing a proper museum implementation for the upcoming early test builds, but I did want to give somewhere to see assembled skeletons, so I copied the temp character controller from my mock up and generated an environment scaled to fit the player's inventory of skeletons.

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Muttaburrasaurus' big schnoz (this is from a placeholder skeleton in the style of the prototype's skeleton to replace the chunky "testodon" in the short term - final skeleton designs will likely be a bit different ^_^ )

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Discovered a couple of fun bugs, and I need to rework some of the assembly camera positioning behaviour, but he's this guy in the temp museum

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I've spent the past couple of days working on a Blender addon for managing skeleton metadata. It's still a little bare bones (ho ho ho), but even in its current state, it's going to dramatically speed up skeleton production time.

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Spent most of today making tweaks and fixing some edge cases in my Blender addon for managing skeleton metadata. Here's a much more complex skeleton set up ready for export.

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Made a little aussie sauropod (Diamantinasaurus) today. Getting the camera in a good spot to the the whole thing in the temp museum is a challenge. Here it is next to the "testodon" #gamedev #indiedev #screenshotsaturday

The diamantinasaurus skeleton seen from a distance in the temp museum, dwarfing the placeholder "testodon" skeleton

Cheeseness, avatar

A bit later than usual, but here's a progress recap of @Bonesweeper development in April so far. Assembly is integrated, avatar customisation, two new skeletons, "time" passing in the map phase, and first test builds for patrons. Enjoy! #gamedev #indiedev

Cheeseness, avatar

Fixed a bunch of bugs today and then took a break to make a silly skeleton. It's very good.

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Spent a bunch of time writing out a new abstraction between dig sites and locations. Look and feel is still pretty temporary, but it's nice to be able to show information like what species can possibly be found at a dig site and what has been found at a visited site.

Cheeseness, avatar

Did a bunch of misc fixes/little tweaks today. I think my favourite is showing the site name at the start of every dig (just says "Ready! Set! Dig!" in practice mode). The temp museum got similar treatment, which is less exciting, but nice to have.

A screenshot of the temp museum with "Cheese's museum 16 skeletons" displayed in large text over the top

Cheeseness, avatar

Added more dig meshes to help show more variety in what you're digging up. Skeleton chunks can define a specific dig mesh to use (species-specific skull, or be assigned one based on the chunk name (generic tail vertebrae), or fall back to use a random generic mesh (generic femur)

Cheeseness, avatar

Figured I've been working hard enough on stuff that I deserve a day off, so instead of doing that, I implemented a new/faster skeleton preview for map markers

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Another late mid-month Bonesweeper status update for May. Thanks to the #LinuxGameJam2022 and the #HiveTime patch that just shipped, I haven't made much Bonesweeper progress, but I did find time to do/plan a few little bits and pieces. Enjoy! #gamedev #indiedev

Cheeseness, avatar

Finally making some forward progress on dig site surrounds. Eventually this space will be populated with tables and tents and buckets and doodads, but for now, it's just nice to not have the dig site hanging in space

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Wrote another Blender addon to handle exporting fossils' dig meshes, and repositioned/re-exported them all. Still a bit of fine tuning needed to guarantee they're not hovering/entirely underground, but it's already looking nicer and more varied.

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Debugging some of my surrounds generation code. That doesn't look right...

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There we go. This feels a bit more like ground. That'll do for now.

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Rock \m/

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Been doing mostly non-visual work for the past couple of weeks, so I haven't had much to share. Here's a little voxel experiment I started this evening while exploring stuff for museum customisation. Won't look or behave anything like this if I go with it ^_^

A pink rectangular prism made up of cubes that highlight yellow when moused over and disappear when clicked on.

Cheeseness, avatar

Added a setting that allows dig numbers to be highlighted like I had in the prototype today. Also works with coloured numbers.

A video showing numbers adjacent to the selected tiles being highlighted as the mouse moves across the playspace

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Working a bit more on the map screen background. Thinking of having a chance for a memento to be placed at the black marker points as you progress

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Closer-to-on-time mid-month Bonesweeper status update for June is now up! Mostly cosmetic changes this month, but I've also been working on music and museum editing systems

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Moved dig tile variation into a shader rather than modifying the actual geo before instantiating. It more than halves dig load times, so I've made "huge" dig sites bigger (1,221 tiles here!). I'll have to see whether it hurts perf on lower end GPUs before I commit

Cheeseness, avatar

Here's a quick look at the current state of Bonesweeper. Very excited to announce that @KestrelPi has joined the project to compose some lovely music! #gamedev #indiedev

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OK, so it's not a screenshot, but I've just integrated the music handler and hooked up the map track that @KestrelPi has been working on, and bam, even at the main menu with its placeholder background, it's 200% more game #gamedev #indiedev #screenshotsaturday

A short video of Bonesweeper being launched and sitting at the main menu to listen to 22 seconds of music

Cheeseness, avatar

Gave the placeholder Bonesweeper website a little tweak last night to remove the last of the prototype imagery (might need to refresh caches)

Cheeseness, avatar

New bonesweeper test builds are up! Digs that clear multiple tiles now have a little delay so you can see that cascade outwards. Might replace it with a proper fill function later, but for now, it's nice enough.

A video showing an initial dig on a huge easy dig site, revealing a lots of tiles in an expanding circular pattern

Cheeseness, avatar

Tinysaurs now get built on a table (this "toyrannosaurus" is an easter egg - not typical Bonesweeper fare) #screenshotsaturday #gamedev #indiedev #fossilfriday

Cheeseness, avatar

Finally got around to adding scroll bars to the generated settings menus. I'll probably tidy/streamline before release, but during development, I like to have settings for as much stuff as possible so that it's easy to compare different behaviours/configurations

A video showing opening and scrolling through a few different settings menus in the current dev build of Bonesweeper

Cheeseness, avatar

Spent a bunch of time on stream replacing placeholder books for the map phase background. Had to put a few journals back upside down >:D

A screenshot of the map phase with an out of focus low bookshelf filled with sets of journals
A screenshot of the tall bookshelf in Blender
A screenshot of the low bookshelf in blender

Cheeseness, avatar

Here's the slightly late mid-month #Bonesweeper status update for July. Lots of small tweaks and fixes!

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Second dev blog video with my lovely voice/silly face #gamedev #indiedev

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Dig sites now indicate what epoch the formations are from, and limits the possible species found there to ones that occurred during that epoch. With eight epochs and four test skeletons, the game now feels very empty :D

That dig site's opening text which now says "Early Cretaceous formation" where it previously explicitly stated the name of the primary species that would be found there (I want it to be a surprise)

Cheeseness, avatar

The map room's empty shelves and window sills now populates with skulls and cacti as you complete skeletons and finish digs. There aren't many models just yet (same for the book references), but it's probably the first bit of progression content that will stay into the full game.

Cheeseness, avatar

Made a piece of amber with an ant inclusion on stream today. Eventually these will show up as misc fossils in dig sites and during assembly. Need to write a shader so that I can have better control over how front faces are rendered vs back faces, but it's nice enough for now!

A closer look at the ant in amber seen in the Godot editor's 3D view

Cheeseness, avatar

Working on generating a rad travel line. Started with ImmediateGeometry's line strip to get the position, etc. right, which looked good albeit 1px wide. Decided I could turn that into triangles and get width pretty easily, and whoops, that's not it :D

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Starting to work on implementing misc fossils (only placeholder amber for now)

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First red! Exciting times \o/

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First pass on misc fossil sorting in assembly mode is in. Still only amber for now, but laying the mechanics down is the priority right now ^_^ #screenshotsaturday

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Misc fossils that have been sorted in the assembly phase now appear in the temp museum, and the temp ant-in-amber now has a bunch of different poses.

A comically tall pile of ants in amber in the temp museum
A close up of an ant in amber with a relaxed pose
A close up of an ant in amber in a squished pose, with a couple of legs missing

Cheeseness, avatar

Got a new WIP dig music concept from @KestrelPi last night exploring a more sparse take on some previous iterations. I feel like we're narrowing in on the core musical identity for the dig phase, and that's super exciting for me! #screenshotsaturday #indiedev #gamedev

1 minute and 40 seconds of Bonesweeper dig gameplay, accompanied by some very nice music

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Finally moving onto roughing out some of the museum customisation gameplay \o/

A video showing several dinosaur skeletons of varying sizes being rotated and placed in a large empty room

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August mid-month status update for #Bonesweeper
is up! Misc fossils have been the flavour of the month!

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And to go along with that, here's the third dev blog video looking at the last month's worth of progress

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Spent some time refactoring SFX loading so that new audio can be added to/removed from events without making new builds, which will hopefully ease iteration on SFX moving forward now that I've brought @luminareth on board to help out. Super excited to be working with her again!

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Cheeseness, avatar

Need to add some smarts in so that out of date/redundant destinations are ignored, and turns are a bit more smooth, but players avatars now walk around dig sites \o/

A dig site where the player's avatar walks around in response to tiles dug and flags placed

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Cheeseness, avatar

Thinking of adding the player avatar into the map phase background, and I'm just starting to realise that maybe past me took the shortcut of using exaggerated scale to control the DOF effect and FOV feel. Might need to make the avatar larger.

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Yeah, definitely needs to be bigger.

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Thinking about museum lighting options

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I wrote a little popup system that generates UI based on a few bits of data. For now, I'm only using it on first run to ask which Assembly phase mode should be used, but I'm expecting to use it for other notifications, questions, and maybe tutorials.

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Placeholder text is how I keep myself sane during development (also got around to implementing an opt-in version check)

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Well, that's doesn't look right

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Assembly and Dig phases now have a first-pass end screen to them

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Cheeseness, avatar

Here's the mid-month #Bonesweeper status update for September. Avatar walkies, a bunch of misc work, and bringing @Luminareth onto the project!

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And here's the accompanying status update video covering major items from the past month or so's worth of development

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Finally starting to implement different fossil finishes/fossilisation types (3 placeholders on here for now).

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Made some new tile markers last Blendsday. Here's how they came out after a little tweaking

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Cheeseness, avatar

Spent half of today's dev stream wrestling with sine and cosine as I worked to add these dots to the end of my big travel lines. It's embarrassing, but still feels important to show/share that even with a teeny tiny maths brain like mine, it's still possible to muddle through

Cheeseness, avatar

Here's the (very late) mid-month #Bonesweeper progress update for October. Misc tweaks and fixes from me for the most part, but more excitingly, new music from @KestrelPi and first audio from Jasmine

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And here's the accompanying status update video covering major items from the last month or so. This video also includes @KestrelPi talking about his work on the game's soundtrack, and touches on the recent chat I had with Dr David Hocking, curator of vertebrate zoology and palaeontology at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery

Cheeseness, avatar

Just implemented a new feature for Bonesweeper's "layered music player." It allows us to have a track that starts before the looping parts start, and can have overlap if desired. Godot's OGG stream class has a loop_offset, which would be a good fit for less complex use-cases.

Cheeseness, avatar

Made a start on "full specimen" dig sites (less-common sites that have one and only one of each of a skeleton's fossils) during this morning's stream.

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Added some unique materials for "full specimen" dig sites. Super temporary, but they already make these feel nice and special (eventually these will reflect rare forms of fossilisation like what happened to Eric here ) #gamedev #indiedev #screenshotsaturday

Those shiny golden fossils being assembled
Shiny golden skeleton in the temp museum

Cheeseness, avatar

Local travel lines are looking slightly less chunky now

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Can now name specimens \o/

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Cheeseness, avatar

Here's the November mid-month status update post for #Bonesweeper. Been mostly giving attention to behind-the-scenes museum stuff, but the map phase has gotten some love too, and there's a new WIP music track from @KestrelPi in the game.

Cheeseness, avatar

And here's the accompanying video, covering the past month or so's worth of development, touching on "full specimens" and how they frame some types of rarity in the game, fleshing out the museum, and making map travel lines look nicer
#IndieDev #GameDev #FossilFriday

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Still very temporary, and new rooms will be unlocked via the research screen, but I've nearly got this functional enough to allow players to grow their museums to house any number of specimens (probably won't put an upper limit in).

Looking forward to being able to have an exhibit that's just headless sauropods.

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Cheeseness, avatar

Added a few new room shapes - eventually I'll need to adjust them so that they follow respect some common length/width intervals to make piecing stuff together easier, but for now, it's fun to just have some variety

A screenshot of a long room with partitions and a vaulted ceiling

Cheeseness, avatar

Mid-month status update for December is here. Since most of the past few weeks has gone to other projects, I've also included some reflections on the game's progress over its first year or so of production

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This month's progress update video has the same. I enjoyed digging up old recordings/checking out older versions of the source to make new ones #gamedev #indiedev #devlog

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Here's a little concept I scribbled last night while waiting for a rough cut of the most recent progress update video to render.

I'm a little embarrassed to share it because it's not even remotely accurate, but a) it's important to overcome that (with a disclaimer, of course), and b) concept pieces are about communicating ideas/intent rather than being perfect ^_^

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Cheeseness, avatar

Made some headway on getting the musem map keyboard/gamepay friendly today, and added a placeholder cursor to make input/interaction states a little more readable

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Wrapped up keyboard/gamepad support for the museum map this morning, and also added a setting to randomise the initial unlocks for a skeleton as a possible way of getting a little more interesting variation in that always-feet-first doesn't provide. Also added an interface setting for customising the "placement shadow" colour

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Very, very, very, very late Fossil Sweeper mid-month status update for January \o/

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And the accompanying video!

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Thinking about dig biomes

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Thinkin' about more dig biomes

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Offscreen indicators so you're not lost when you're lost (will make these look nicer later)

A video of panning around the museum map, with arrows appearing on the side of that offscreen rooms are located

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Adding a first pass for informational displays ahead of implementing the research phase. Exciting times \o/

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Dinosaur names are mostly Latin, so I may as well just make the informational displays Latin, right?

A video showing a first pass on the reading UI for informational displays with Latin placeholder text ("lorem ipsum dolar sit amet" et cetera).

Cheeseness, avatar

Late-but-not-as-late-as-last-month mid-month status update for February \o/

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It's still just a first pass, but I've finally got the research phase implemented. You can now spend your surplus fossils on extra bits and pieces to customise your museum with (only additional rooms for now, but that'll expand to include skeleton mounts, display cases, informational displays, lighting, etc.). Once started, research progresses as you visit dig sites and work on assembling skeletons.

A video showing the first pass research phase screen being interacted with. A list of available and in progress research shows rooms of various shapes and sizes, each with 6 slots that can be filled by a fossil chunk. When all slots are filled, a "start research" button becomes available for that item, and when clicked, a progress bar appears.

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This represents a significant milestone! Every gameplay phase is now represented in the game to some extent. Until now, there was still a gameplay loop missing, and while I need to fill in a lot more content, do a visual pass, make it TTS-friendly, etc., I feel like I can now better demonstrate the "shape" of the game as a whole and it feels a little exciting to come back from a dig site to find some research has finished.

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Doing some initial work on getting more variation/identity into dig biomes

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Looking slightly better

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Sometimes forward progress doesn't look like forward progress

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There we go

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Still a long way from done, but this already feels like somewhere (also there's only two models here - it's amazing what a little rotation and scale will give you for "free")

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Quick and dirty, quick and dirty

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Another one

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Mmm, shrubs

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Bit of sand

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A little snow

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Here's the even-more-late-than-last-month "mid-month" status update post for March \o/

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And the accompanying video, which includes a visualisation of the flow of fossil chunks through the game's various gameplay phases now that the bare bones (ho ho ho) version of the Research phase is implemented.
#gamedev #indiedev

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I've been a bit slack on posting progress to social media. Not much has been happening that's visually interesting (and balancing contract work has been tricky). Here's a little something I did today. The temp chunk selector UI for the Research phase is now paginated (loads way faster) and has a nice spinny effect when mousing over chunks

A video showing the new pagination behaviour and fossils/misc fossils rotating slowly under the cursor as the mouse passes over

Cheeseness, avatar

Running very late again this month, but here's the regular mid-month progress update post. Topics include the Research phase background and a few quality-of-life tweaks

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And here's the accompanying video talking about development across the first half of April
#gamedev #indiedev

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I've been slack with posting #FossilSweeper progress lately. Amber now gets rounded/polished after being sorted, and might have some different things (still placeholders for now)

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Almost on-time with the mid-month progress update post this time! Topics include misc fossil gameplay and Research phase UI

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And here's the accompanying video talking about the past month or so's worth of development #gamedev #indiedev

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Between Hive Time's World Bee Day update and , and contract work, progress has been pretty slow on the Fossil Sweeper front for the past few weeks. Have been working on display cases for misc fossils, though!

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Here's the mid-month progress update. Not a lot of work over the past could of weeks thanks to other commitments, but I was able to make a little forward progress on some important museum stuff

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And the accompanying video - a nice short one this time!

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Initial Rodney clip from yesterday's stream (I hadn't considered that Rodney might be a diamantinasaurus)

A Twitch clip showing me testing floor mounts for the first time, and selecting a skeleton that was much too big

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Shipped new test builds for the first time in over a month last night. Nearly got skeleton mount and display case interactions behaving

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Here's the mid-month progress update for July! Specimen placement/positioning is in much better shape.

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And, as always, the accompanying video

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Been working on being able to select multiple items at once in edit mode. Makes rearranging things a lot more comfortable!

A video showing a skeleton mount flanked by two misc fossil display stands and an informational display being picked up and moved together to another corner of a museum room

Cheeseness, avatar

Today I spent time on drag selection. Turns out that Godot's camera's far clipping distance to project_position() technically represents a point outside the frustum and gives weird values - makes sense, but it took a while to realise what was going on :D

A video showing a skeleton mount and a misc fossil display stand being picked up by clicking and dragging a box around them

Cheeseness, avatar

I spent some time earlier this week improving my click and drag box selection implementation. To avoid redundant calculation, when multiple input events are received per tick or when no relevant input events have been received, but I'd forgotten an important line :D

Cheeseness, avatar

Still need to do some stress testing with a ton of objects, but it's already a lot snappier than it was!

A video showing the box selection being dragged back and forth across two dozen or so objects in a museum

Cheeseness, avatar

Here's the mid-month progress update for August. Avatar footsteps, new music, and museum interactions \o/

Cheeseness, avatar

And as always, the accompanying video with my handsome face doing handsome talking

Cheeseness, avatar

As part of assessing how the current museum music implementation is likely to scale/map against a growing museum with a diversity of themed rooms, I put together a little example museum with a dozen or so rooms full of placeholder models and varied the lighting a little.

I think walking around the extended space does a better job of communicating where this is headed, but still feels empty without customiseable light placement and wall displays. This'll do for now though!

A video showing a player walking from a room called "hub room" into a larger room containing an exhibit of aquatic/ocean fossils (plesiosaurs, trilobites, shells, various small fish, and a couple of pteranodons)

Cheeseness, avatar

Here's the September mid-month progress update for Fossil Sweeper, a palaeontology game I've been making in #GodotEngine for a while now. Mostly museum work again this month!

Cheeseness, avatar

And as usual, here's the accompanying video
#indiedev #devlog #GodotEngine

Cheeseness, avatar

Here's the (late) October mid-month progress update for my fossil diggy-uppy game Fossil Sweeper. Mostly focused on museum music UI and implementation stuff this month!

Cheeseness, avatar

And as usual, here's the accompanying video

Cheeseness, avatar
Cheeseness, avatar

I also updated the temp lighting controls to work like the music HUD so that lighting can be changed while walking around the museum and looking at the specimens affected by that lighting.

Cheeseness, avatar

Here's the November mid-month progress update for my fossil diggy-uppy game Fossil Sweeper. Composer Peter shares some thoughts on music process, and I've been doing more museum UI work

Cheeseness, avatar

And as usual, here's the accompanying video #indiedev #devlog #GodotEngine

Cheeseness, avatar

Got temp UI for viewing info on the individual bits that make up a skeleton - where they were found, when they're from, etc. etc.

Cheeseness, avatar
Cheeseness, avatar

Updated how selecting nearby items works for gamepad and keyboard controls to make it less fiddly - being able to select something you're near to without having to walk around to make it the closest nearby item is heaps nicer

I video showing a character walking up to and cycling between a number of interactive objects, including a muttaburrasaurus skeleton, and interactable items for lighting controls, music controls, and the museum map

Cheeseness, avatar

Here's the December mid-month progress update for my fossil-diggy-uppy game Fossil Sweeper. Dig site size tuning, temp museum UI work, and some more TTS support

Cheeseness, avatar
Cheeseness, avatar

Updated the edit menu buttons to use the same focus cycling controls as proximity items in interact mode, which unlocks a bunch of museum functionaly that wasn't previously accessible with gamepad controls \o/

A video showing the new edit menu button focus behaviour. A small arrow points to the current item as edit mode is entered, the music HUD is opened and closed, and a new misc fossil mount/display case is placed.

Cheeseness, avatar

The January progress update video is running a little late (January's been busy in general, and this video is a bit bigger than usual). I've still been doing bits and pieces though.

Today I finished implementing size variation for skeletons across the assembly phase/museum. Not sure to what extent I'm going to try to express ontogeny, but regardless, it's cool to have every skeleton be unique now \o/

Still unsure on expressing ontogeny in this, but if I do, smaller will have younger features

Cheeseness, avatar

Better late than never, here's the January mid-month progress update for my fossil-diggy-uppy game Fossil Sweeper. More temp museum controls for keyboard and gamepad, and some reflections on the second year of development

Cheeseness, avatar
Cheeseness, avatar
Cheeseness, avatar

Still needs some work, but already that's a lot more interesting than a boring rectangle.

Cheeseness, avatar

Expanding the perimeter by one tile in cardinal directions helps get rid of the single-tile "protrusions" seen on the far left side of the previous screenshot (those tend to be awkward/more likely to require a guess, which is less-interesting gameplay).

Still need to think about what all this means for coordinates when playing with TTS (don't think I'll do anything special, but there's a big amount of "wasted" coordinate space in the top left and bottom left).

Cheeseness, avatar

Because these are generated, I get a bunch of variation for free. I don't think that variation feels like "content," but it helps make digs feel less samey, which is a big deal for the sort of game this is.

I've still got a bunch of other stuff to wrap up before I can start focusing in earnest on content and variation density, but it's exciting to on the cusp of.

I mocked up some museum floor textures for the last video, and variation there from such a minimal change is more than I expected.

Cheeseness, avatar

All that said, I think I'll probably add an option for square dig sites for any players who want that.

Cheeseness, avatar

I spent some of today's stream poking around with hotloading meshes and attaching them to existing skeletons (for character customisation).

I already do this in places with skeleton fossil chunks, and I'd done some previous experiments, but it seems I'd overlooked that vertex group information seems to get broken/stomped on if meshes are exported separately - and not consistently (if they're imported as separate files, that's fine). A little frustrating, but I think I have something workable.

A video showing the placeholder character model swapping in gloved hands while switching between animations to show that they're deforming properly
A video showing the placeholder character model's walk animation, where the hands mesh is deformed incorrectly

Cheeseness, avatar
glassbottommeg, avatar

@Cheeseness That,

is a lil tongue :ameowbongo:

aral, avatar

@Cheeseness @lashman Lovely updates; keep going, it’s looking great :) 💕

Cheeseness, avatar

@aral @lashman Thanks! It's slow going at the moment, but I hope things will pick back up before the year is out

aral, avatar

@Cheeseness @lashman Nothing wrong with slow and steady. A little bit of progress everyday is still just that: progress :)


Cheeseness, avatar

@aral @lashman It's complicated when there are stakeholders and other oblications in conflict. I am looking forward to the current period of divided attention being over before the year is out.

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