ArtBear, (edited )

Where am I? Is this the Fediverse? What is the Mastodon? How do I Firefish? Am I Pixelfed? Do I Lemmy?

👇Click post. Help Thread cont below.

Hi there👋 What I've learnt in a year so far about #Fediverse. Condensed to help others.

1st understanding.
We make friends across multiple Fedi platforms at once.

Imagine if instagram, tiktok, facebook, twitter, youtube all connected & run by users to help users, not wall us apart & annoy us, for ad profits.

#FediTips #Help #New #Welcome #Newbie

ArtBear, (edited )


👊I know bookmarks!
Bookmark a post via an icon or 3 dots flyout menu to return to something useful.

✊Follow liberally!
More follows has zero algorithm penalty here. Is no algorithm. More people I follow, more interesting my feeds get. There are good tools for management.

🤜I can click #hashtags!
eg #FediTips #Newbies. I click hashtags to learn more stuff & find more people!

🤛I look at different feeds like local federated home etc.

#TwitterMigration #Help #HelpThread #TwitterExodus #New


@ArtBear I need to learn more about those "tools to manage" and there is a lot to discover in the fediverse. I'm eager to explore. Thanks for your thread. Following hashtags will be a nice thing for me I think.
I feel like the fediverse is all build up by activityPub and all those different stuff like lemmy or mastodon is build on top. Next I would like a layer on top of all those differing services in one of possible many apps/sites, which all present it in a nice way I like. I'm excited.

ArtBear, (edited )

👊I can put #hashTags in the search bar & find intersting things. Join in those conversations. Find more people to follow.

✊Locals on my server might answer questions eg "what's a good #hashtag to find historians with?" #Histodons Many are obvious eg #naturePhotography #ClimateChange

🤜I could pin hashtags as columns, or follow hashtags to put them in homefeed.

🤛I can edit my posts (4.0+ Mastodon & various other platforms).

#TwitterMigration #Help #New #TwitterExodus #FediTips #Welcome

ArtBear, (edited )


⭐is the❤️button but only tells the author you like their post, nobody else.

🔁Boost🔁 moves info around.

There is no algorithm, we choose & not some algorithm under corporate control. We choose by 🔁boosting🔁 posts and by using #hashtags.

If I put hashtags more at the bottom of a post it is kind to those using screen readers, partially sighted, blind etc. Fediverse has a good reputation for inclusion, we must keep it going.

#TwitterMigration #FediTips #new #TwitterExodus #Help #Newbies

ArtBear, (edited )

#Fediverse is like a fleet, with many types & sizes of ships.

Different social platforms. Different sizes of servers. But all communicating & co-operating across the Fediverse fleet.

Multiple feeds reflect this eg.

🛳️Home includes everyone I follow from multiple social platforms, any servers.

⛴️Local=everyone on my ship (my server).

🚢Federated=1 step beyond, people that locals are connected to or searching.

#TwitterMigration #TwitterExodus #Help #New #Newbie #newHere

ArtBear, (edited )

I should write an introduction post.

Include lots of hashtags, especially #introduction + #hashtags for things I talk about or am I interested in, so people can find me too.

#Help #New #NewHere #FediTips #Newbies #Welcome #TwitterMigration #TwitterExodus #RedditMigration

ArtBear, (edited )

Emails have subject line & click to expand body of message.

Fediverse has same thing. A content wrapper [CW] button when posting that adds title, then one clicks to expand post.

It takes very little extra time to do. Subject line doesn't prevent you sending email! It's good for long posts or stuff that people might not want to see.

Remember sometimes ppl just need a break from things going wrong in the world.
#TwitterMigration #TwitterExodus
#FediTips #Newbies

ArtBear, (edited )

When uploading images try and describe the images in the alt text box, this is good for people using screenreaders, blind, partially sighted etc. Try to remember to include ppl.

Fediverse is MUCH better at this than most places, something to be proud of, lets keep it that way!
#TwitterMigration #TwitterExodus
#FediTips #Newbies

ArtBear, (edited )

This place is built on kindness, on respecting each other, on listening, on benefit of the doubt, on not trying to 'win' conversations but learn from them. Humans beings are varied, that makes life interesting.

I must not leap to be be negative back. Maybe they just have too much stress today. If I have to I can block. If troll servers turn up, I can block an entire server if I need to - but probably the mod heroes will be on it anyway.
#TwitterMigration #TwitterExodus
#FediTips #Newbies

ArtBear, (edited )

If there are subjects I don't want to deal with I can set filter words in my profile settings which will stop certain topics.

#Fediverse & it's different platforms+software have masses of clever tools, & different ways to access. You communicate with people all over the Fediverse, seamlessly

So much more to discover: #PixelFed=Instagram but not trying to sell you stuff
#PeerTube=Youtube but not ads based
#Friendica=Facebook but not harvesting data
#Firefish=slick new Twitter replacement

ArtBear, (edited )

Metrics don't matter here. Numbers don't matter. Only good interactions matter.

Having more followers does not make my posts more visible.
Following fewer people does not make my posts more visible.
Having lots of favs does not make my posts more visible.
It is not a system of social overlords vs serf audience.

Fedi features are by design. They're not 'missing', they are deliberate because they encourage people to treat each other better
#Help #New #FediTips #TwitterExodus #Newbies

ArtBear, (edited )

#Fediverse has many apps & projects, many servers, many mod teams. This is its strength.

No1 can buy it up.

The code is all open source. No advertisers. There is no reason to make us anxious or aggressive to make us click more or scroll faster, there is no1 to trade clicks & scrolls to for ad$.

Everything runs on donations & volunteer time+skills.

The servers & platforms I move around to & use regularly I should contribute to.

#NewHere #FediTips #New #Help #Newbies

ArtBear, (edited )

I realise #Fediverse is an evolving co-operating culture with common protocol linking many things. No platform is trying to lock up all my attention in a walled garden.

I can have several accounts, use several platforms keep my circles across all & I'm free to move around.

On phone tablet desktop, I can have apps or open simple browser window +type my instance's name. Many ways to login & communicate across the #Fediverse

#Help #Helpthread #Newbie #FediTips #TwitterMigration

ArtBear, (edited )

#Fedi connects it's platforms together, not walls them apart. It evolves. Future proof. It's the last move.

#Twitter = #Firefish #Mastodon #Pleroma #Misskey #Akkoma

#Reddit = #Kbin #Lemmy
#Instagram = #Pixelfed
#Facebook = #Friendica
#Goodreads = #Bookwyrm
#Youtube = #Peertube

Helpful sites:



Reconnect your Twitter people.

#Help #New #Newbies #FediTips #Welcome


@ArtBear you forgot Lemmy

ArtBear, (edited )

There is no central architect!

Some people on the Fediverse contribute a lot, but no Emperors, no Kings. Power is distributed, shared. No pyramid with ruler atop.

Rest of the network can just adapt around any figure. The Fediverse can't be bought and sold.

My social is not at the whims of some central figure. If I want something different, I can move around Fediverse to where it's happening that way, even set up my own space if I want.
#Help #New #Newbies #NewHere #TwitterMigration

ArtBear, (edited )

Friends & family, plugged in to corporate social & largely unaware of effects on society. I have to accept that implications for democracy & data may never really interest many.

Yet corp silo media falls apart, because it serves shareholders & not users. Who wants to keep starting over from scratch again and again?

#MySpace #Digg #Google+

Trashposts Decline Scandals
#Facebook #Instagram #Pinterest #LinkedIn

+Binfire management

+Actual Nazis

Leave that loop.

ArtBear, (edited )

Fediverse evolves not stagnates:

  1. decisions taken to boost community not profits=better decisions

  2. new #Fedi platforms join & enhance, not compete

  3. we keep our connections & time investment while being able to access new developments

  4. Fediverse devs quite often quicker, more agile & innovative than corporate profit constrained devs!

#Fediverse #FediTips #Help #New #Newbies #NewHere #Social #Welcome #TwitterMigration #TwitterExodus #SocialMedia #Kbin #RedditMigration #Lemmy

ArtBear, (edited )

Rebuilding communities is good.

Lots more people are getting fed up with the corporate #enshittification cycle.

Check out who's come over to the #Fedi recently with various tools eg:

#Fediverse #FediTips #Help #New #Newbies #NewHere #Social #Welcome #TwitterMigration #TwitterExodus #FediFriday #SocialMedia

ArtBear, (edited )

My #Fedi feeds over time have become much more diverse in subject matter than the corporate silo feeds, if I compare them.

Corporate media seems so fixated on just recycling the same handful of
Hot-button Bad-take topics.
(& full of scammers & spammers)

In the corporate anger farms I feel myself being pushed to ignore many topics yet be futilely outraged about others.

Distance has given perspective.

#Fediverse #FediTips #Help #New #Newbies #NewHere #Social #Welcome #SocialMedia

iquaanyin, avatar

@ArtBear i agree!


Ppl are rightly upset Twitter has 1 server, that can be bought & sold, run by a central king figure, Elon Musk
His actions change the entire tone of the platform

#Fediverse adds tens of thousands of servers per year
There are no Musks
There won't ever be, ppl would just hop off his server

If a server admin allows rampant trolling, scammers, spammers they just get blocked by the rest & become irrelevant

#Fedi impetus is to moderate well, not do harm chasing ad dollars or personal agendas

ArtBear, (edited )

There is no Meta algorithm spoon.

#Meta & #Threads would only have any influence on the ordering & visibility of posts on my Fedi timeline if I install their spyware app Threads (let it hoover up all the data in my device) & then use that app to access the #Fedi

When I access the Fedi normally, through normal Fedi servers as I have always done, then Meta content control algorithms simply do not exist for me.

#Fediverse #FediTips #Help #New #Newbies #NewHere #Social #Welcome #SocialMedia


I can turn off boosts from individual users.
I can block individual users.
I can turn off all boosts in my timeline.
I can block entire servers.
I can turn these things on & off depending on my needs.

The Fedi puts users in charge, this is what decentralised means.

We decide for ourselves, we can change our minds depending on what we need that day or week, not some monolithic entity deciding the policy for entire Fedi.

#Fediverse #FediTips #Help #New #Newbies #NewHere #Social #Welcome

ArtBear, (edited )

So far my Fedi posts are public, & can be accessed in many ways including RSS. My choice.

I can see value in letting users still inside Corporate Social know that there is thriving Community Social, growing, evolving adding new platforms outside of corporate controls. Occasionally I remind them.

Us telling others, is the only marketing dept, the only ad budget, only campaign that the #Fedi has.

#Fediverse #FediTips #Help #New #Newbies #NewHere #Social #Welcome

MishaVanMollusq, avatar

@ArtBear tech grip . It’s more server farm than one server .
But it is all centralized and his killed all the fail over branch plant versions .
If he crashed his personal jet into that data center …which he might …he’s got a lot of Nero qualities


Yes I know on a technical level Twitter is many thousands of cpus & memory & storage etc scattered all around the world, but Twitter is 1 (complex) server in the essence.

Many Fedi server are technically multi CPU multi storage too. But the federation of servers lies in the distribution of ownership, operation, moderation etc.

The federation has no king.

MishaVanMollusq, avatar

@ArtBear I don’t think it’s around the world any more , Twitter data centers .
I think he’s sold them all off .
Scrapped them .
He may be building the final data center in Texas .


Not particularly surprised.

If one wanted to actually deliberately destroy the value in a social platform, one would take a lot of the same actions that Musk has.



I get it. It's a pain to move away from a social network. The owners deliberately make it so.

But once you really see it, when you grok it fully, you realize that the move to Fedi is the last difficult one. It's the last hard move you'll have to make.

Because there's nobody trying to make it hard to switch to another fedi software.

And if you are moving, you know where to avoid: Anywhere owned by a single entity that can try to make it hard to leave.

kb9ens, avatar


For anyone feeling a touch disconnected or lost within #mastodon?

I do my best to provide tips and answer questions in this thread there.

Snowshadow, avatar

This is an excellent thread about the fediverse. I've boosted and bookmarked it for newbies. Thanks : )


Thanks! I hope it helps some people.

Snowshadow, avatar


I bookmarked it because I plan to pass it on to new accounts.
I am positive it will help many people. It's well written and easy to understand.
Good work.
: )

PS: it must have taken a lot of time and thought. Very nice.


Thank you! Too kind.

oldguycrusty, avatar


Hehe.. Great pic choice for this post.



It is a bit like leaving The Matrix, leaving the Corporate Anger Farms and getting used to the #Fedi. 😂

VeroniqueB99, avatar

@ArtBear Great thread thanks! 👍

PandaChronicle, avatar

Following because 🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐼🙃


🐼 ❤️

PandaChronicle, avatar

we 🐼are bears too!


🐻 Bears ftw!🐼 *

*not about sports

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