@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar



So. Cal. engineer (hardware/software, retired, he/him), born at 313 ppm, musician, chef, now living in West Virginia. KW2P ham radio (the original social network), father of three, grandfather, astronomy, solar dynamics, photography, writing, birding, birdwatching, eBird, fountain pens, cats and dog, reader of banned books, Chairman of the Charcuterie Board, Whisk Manager, Compuserve refugee, founder of The Church of The Unwarranted Assumption. Crypto is short for cryptography. Blog: shuttersparks.net


"To hold a pen is to be at war." --Voltaire

"I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous amount of fumes and everything." --Donald Trump

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lovelylovely, to random
@lovelylovely@masto.ai avatar

The Biden Campaign knows just how to make a total fool of the clown Donald Trump 😂 😂


@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@lovelylovely As you can see, Trump does a fine job by himself. Problem is his followers think it's genius.

As I've long said, this kind of thing says more about his followers than it does about him.

dev, to random
@dev@discuss.systems avatar

All her circuit boards were falling apart, it seemed hopeless, yet she soldered on

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@dev Thanks. That one goes into the "groaners" pile.

StillIRise1963, to random
@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

The fact that this presidential immunity question is being discussed in SCOTUS makes this nation look like the land of morons. Seriously.🙄

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@StillIRise1963 Or the nation that wants to slide into totalitarianism.

An ever-present feature of all dictatorships is immunity for politicians. This legacy still poisons many Latin American countries that used to be ruled by dictators. The immunity laws are often still on the books. Why would politicians get rid of them?

Because of the history, many of the people take it for granted that politicians and judges have immunity.

This is gradually being fixed in places like Guatemala but it takes decades.

And here we are in the U.S.A. talking about it like it was a reasonable thing to consider and argue about. This is crazy. It's not.

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@hasani @StillIRise1963 Exactly. This was brought up by one of the justices.

I mean, why was a pardon appropriate? What's more, why did Nixon accept it? Everyone at the Supreme Court today was a lawyer and they all know that accepting a pardon is a tacit admisson of guilt. Nixon knew this too, of course.

A pardon is not the same as an exoneration.

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@CStamp @hasani @StillIRise1963 We don't have to imagine it. It's what Nixon did and got busted for. He had the FBI spying on opponents.

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@StillIRise1963 The unfortunate truth is that those people in Congress and on the Supreme Court are people that we the people are ultimately responsible for putting there. We allowed it.

I'm not saying you or I individually condoned or supported it but around half the population did. And quite a few of those want to go much farther toward the right. (They're ignorant and don't know what they're doing, but they think they do.)

I saw this in the population 30 years ago and more. The U.S. is full of nasty entitled people, bigots, racists, xenophobes, people who want the U.S. world hegemony that we've enjoyed since WW2 to translate into us forcing our will on the rest of the world.

I've spent a lot of time out in the world and in so-called third-world countries. I was constantly embarrassed by "ugly Americans".

Anyway, we have a huge problem in this country. A large fraction of the population is under the sway of right-wing media. They're addicted to it and get their fix every day. And, they all vote.

Anti-intellectualism has been a constant theme throughout U.S. history. "My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge and this is proven by the fact that my vote counts just as much as yours." So you can be darned sure they all vote. Voting is the great equalizer for stupid people.

The disadvantage liberals have is we all think for ourselves so organizing liberals is like trying to herd cats. Whereas right-wingers are accustomed to regimentation and being told what to think, starting with their religion. So they easily fall into lock-step and goosestep their way to electoral victory. Modern technology has made it very easy to organize these people. How to fix it is not at all clear to me because the fundamental need is for education, and that takes generations to fix. I really don't know how we're going to dig our way out of this mess.

cdarwin, to random
@cdarwin@c.im avatar

House Republicans blame Greene and Freedom Caucus for lack of border wins

A growing number of House Republicans are accusing their conservative colleagues of enabling Democratic wins, especially after this weekend's foreign aid votes.

Multiple members believe they could have gotten concessions from Democrats on border policy in exchange for Ukraine funding, only to be blown up by backlash from conservatives.

🔹GOP leadership brought up border security provisions alongside their foreign aid package — but the package was blocked by Republicansfrom reaching the House floor under normal rules.

🔹It ultimately failed to get the two-thirds majority needed to pass the House under suspension of the rules.

"If you were a true conservative, you would actually advance border security, but what they want to do is they want to blow up border security," Rep. Andy Barr (R-Ky.) told Axios.

🔸"[T]he members who scream the loudest about border security were actively and knowingly preventing us from getting it done," another member said.

🔸"They're making us the most bipartisan Congress ever," a third member told Axios. "Because they are unwilling to compromise just a little bit in a divided government, they force us to make bigger concessions and deals with the Dems."


@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@cdarwin Yes, those "politicians" are not acting like politicians. They're acting like spoiled children. Politics is the art of compromise.

They've missed the whole point of government by consensus. I don't think that's an accident. They and their constituents don't want consensus, they want a dictatorship or they think they do.

ai6yr, to hamradio
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

Ah, this would make a good portable table for Parks On The Air or maybe just for some plants out on the back patio. Checking off "brought back furniture on bicycle".

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@ai6yr Neato. But too heavy for portable ops.

I use an aluminum lap-desk with my key stuck to the top right corner with magnets. A towel on the ground for the electronics.

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@ai6yr Bahahaha. "Glamping", I like it.

HopelessDemigod, to TikTok
@HopelessDemigod@mstdn.social avatar

Here is my personal take on the TikTok drama.

  1. The app and service is trash.

  2. I personally think it should be banned along with Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Reddit and Instagram because it’s only purpose is to harvest data.

  3. Any law banning TikTok will most likely be struck down as unconstitutional.

  4. A better approach would be creating laws codifying the right to privacy, data retention, data destruction and banning the sale of data from these services. No exceptions.

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@HopelessDemigod Agree on all points.

randahl, to random
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

In my news feed right now:

— Trump's first criminal trial begins opening arguments Monday.

— An arrest warrant is in the works for Benjamin Netanyahu in The Hague.

— The US is sending long range ATACMS missiles and 61 billion dollars worth of equipment to Ukraine to defeat Vladimir Putin.

Being evil just is not what it used to be. 🤷🏻‍♂️

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@randahl Good. ATACMS missiles are great for this kind of warfare. I hope they also send some Mk84s for use with the F-16s the Ukrainians should have by now. The Russians need some discouragement. Mk84s are very effective for that.

After all, there are reports that the Russians are using fuel-air bombs or so-called thermobaric weapons against Ukrainian targets. Okay, then the Russians have no cause to complain about Mk84s.

lovelylovely, to random
@lovelylovely@masto.ai avatar

Confederate racist month 2024.


heritage month my ass......👇


@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@tuban_muzuru @lovelylovely Hah, funny way of putting it but the embarrassment is at times really effing irritating.

I avoid hobnobbing with bad people because guilt by association is a real thing. In this case I can't not be associated to some degree with white racist idiots because I am white guy.

Every time I see some openly racist white guy it pisses me off. "You're making me look bad."

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@tuban_muzuru @lovelylovely I feel that too. It's kind of a form of empathy. I want all humans to succeed. But it's the natural association with that person due to our common white skin color that I resent.

Free_Press, to news
@Free_Press@mstdn.social avatar

Former Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) on Friday knocked Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) for “acting completely irresponsibly” amid her opposition to delivering aid to Ukraine.


@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@Free_Press Yes, it looks irresponsible to us but not to those who have her loyalty.

lovelylovely, to random
@lovelylovely@masto.ai avatar

Oh...wow. listen to this .

#PresidentBiden. Share.💙 💙


@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@MarleyandMe @lovelylovely Some? Here in West Virginia it's the standard mantra everyone repeats to everyone else. They get it from Fox News of course: "Crooked Joe Biden".

Propaganda works.

ascentale, to random
@ascentale@sfba.social avatar

@xtaran wonders about campaigns designed to boost cycling:

Q4. Given campaigns like , (this is happening right now!) or : Which type of campaign motivates you most? Are you more looking for "as often as possible" (e.g. at least once per day, outbrave any weather) or more at the distance ("see how "much you cycle get within some period")? Maybe regular group rides similar to a ? Or something completely different?

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@ai6yr @ascentale @xtaran Hmm, outside of riding the school bus on rainy days (not common in West Los Angeles) I biked or walked from kindergarten, through junior and senior high school. I don't remember my parents ever taking me to school or picking me up. And I'm glad of it. I enjoyed the freedom to leave school when I pleased (I often stayed late), ability to stop at a friend's house, or library on the way home.

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@ai6yr @ascentale @xtaran Correct. Around 1990, police and prison guard unions began spending tens of millions of dollars on ad campaigns designed to frighten the public. This enabled things like 3-strike laws. Its main purpose was to ready the public and legislators for the unions' demands for large increases in funding and pay, which they received. At the same time, prison systems were redesigned not to rehabilitate and get people back into society but to retain them for as long as possible, increasing prison populations, which was then used to justify more prison construction, more law enforcement and corrections officers, so more members in the unions, more dues, more funding for ads and promotion, and so on.

Today it's all pretty much a scam designed to funnel taxpayer money into private pockets. The process began in California and quickly spread to most states.

ErikUden, to random
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

hello netherlands you mean to tell me I don't need to download a separate app for every local transportation system for every city I visit but can simply use my existing credit, debit, or EC card as both payment and ticket?

My feeble German mind cannot comprehend this

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@ErikUden The Dutch are possibly the most common-sense / practical people on Earth. At least that's been my experience since the 1960s.

Free_Press, to news
@Free_Press@mstdn.social avatar

A video of the fall of a Russian supersonic strategic bomber, Tu-22M3, which attacked Ukraine today

A Russian air defense shot down their own TU-22M3 over the Stavropol region of the Russian Federation, mistaking it for a Ukrainian drone.

The bomber is valued at $40,000,000 USD.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia


@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@ff0rt @Free_Press I didn't see any parachutes either. The plane was in a flat spin so the pilot(s) needed to eject immediately. If they didn't the centrifugal force of the spin can make it impossible to eject.

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@ff0rt @Free_Press Well, there is that too. I can't imagine they don't have ejection seats. Pilots are valuable. Training a pilot is a very expensive thing. By the time you become a fighter pilot, the military has millions invested in you.

claralistensprechen3rd, to random

@devevo@diasp.org:> Jabiru Stork (Jabiru mycteria) adult feeding its hideous children, family Ciconiidae, order Ciconiiformes, Mato Grosso, Brazilphotograph by Xavier Topakian


@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@claralistensprechen3rd Hahaha. They are dinosaurs, after all.

lovelylovely, to random
@lovelylovely@masto.ai avatar

What the Hell is wrong with people.

Authorities Hunting for Vandals Seen Destroying National Park Rock Formation https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/authorities-hunting-for-vandals-seen-destroying-national-park-rock-formation/ar-BB1lEL4F?ocid=socialshare

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@lovelylovely Yes. The makeup of society has changed completely since I was raised in the 50s and 60s. Nowadays, being a feral "caveman" is A-OK.

DanielEriksson, to random
@DanielEriksson@mstdn.science avatar

Tried to pour coffee in the wrong end of my mug this morning.

How's your day coming along?

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@DanielEriksson Clever. I'm pleased to say this isn't something I've ever done. However, if this was the first cup of coffee of the day, I can't rule out the possibility.

shuttersparks, to random
@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

Upgraded my Internet here to 80 Mbps. Building a Linux system here and getting 59 to 65 megs sustained. I like it. whoo hoo!

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@HopelessDemigod Hah, Linux here. Although the Commodore 64 would be welcome here too.

healyn, to random
@healyn@mastodon.social avatar

there are 50 year old men out there saying "based"

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@healyn I guess one can also be too old. 70 here and I've never heard the term before.

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