

Software developer and (sometimes) blogger trying to figure out secret to living a healthy and content life into his 100's.

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hankg, to internet

PS this is what I mean about the MSM and tech press jumping on the Bluesky hype bubble. It's complete with really shitty clickbait headlines like "Bluesky's best shot at success is to embrace shitposting" or "'BlueSky' wants to market itself as a 'Musk-free' space, says CEO". I can almost see the alien bat baby on the cover of Weekly World News supermarket tabloids when reading these search results LOL. Honestly this feels like an episode of the HBO show Silicon Valley almost at this point. #bluesky #msm #technews

Screenshot of DuckDuckGo search results for Bluesky, Page 2

hankg, to Health

Today is the final day, the transition out day, of the five day “Longo Inspired Cancer Avoidance Fast” . I didn’t sleep well at all. While I technically got more than seven hours of sleep it was pretty fragmented I’m down a yet another 2.5 pounds. My night time heart rate looked normal as does my heart rate variability and my morning blood pressure. Like the previous days I woke up feeling a bit hung over and dehydrated but once I started having some decaf coffee and water I felt much better.
#health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast

hankg, to random

I'm pretty appalled at how much blatant and latent anti-Semitism is propagated around people that I thought should know better. I 100% support expressing concern and outrage over Israeli policies but many of these expressions are well beyond that. Hamas is a terrorist organization plain and simple. Them having government roles is akin to al Qaeda in Iraq in that it doesn't change that their primary purpose and nature is terrorism. Minimizing Hamas is bad, supporting them is worse. Minimizing Hamas's role in the plight of Palestinians over the years, not just through their terrorist attacks but how they have run areas they control, is also not good. Using supposedly pro-Palestinian slogans like "from the river to the sea" which is explicitly for the eradication of the state of Israel is the same sort of anti-Semitic dog whistle as the neo-Nazis using 88, "Fourteen Words", or etc. isn't showing support for Palestinian people it is projecting anti-Semitism and supporting wiping Israel off the map and kicking Jewish people out of the area. I won't even get into the at best non-reactions that is happening to the surge in explicit anti-Semitism and attacks on Jews throughout the US and Europe.

I wish more people cared about the Palestinian people for the past several decades to help move a solution forward. No one, the West, not the Arab or Muslim powers in the region, not the governments they "elected" (the terrorist organization Hamas), or anyone else ever really have. When the Hamas terrorist scourge has been eradicated hopefully we can all focus on addressing the Palestinian's real problems productively rather than going back to ignoring them until another terrorist attack, beyond the weekly missile strikes that Hamas has been conducting for years, stokes the bees nest again.

In the immediate term the reckoning on anti-Semitism of the far left being equally horrific as on the far right needs to be addressed ASAP. It is a cancer from either part of the political spectrum.

hankg, to scifi

TIL that it wasn’t Star Trek TNG that came up with the idea for a positronic brain for androids. Isaac Asimov used that terminology in I, Robot in the 1950s. I’m not sure if he was the first but that’s still decades before Commander Data was imagined into existence.

hankg, to Health

Any one have some suggestions for health/fitness/longevity podcasts of that are interesting and not full of woo woo? Now that I'm in more of a fitness mindset and I've dropped some tech podcasts that I just wasn't enjoying any longer I've been trying to find more high quality fitness podcasts. I'm coming up somewhat empty though. The top results in my podcast app, Downcast, seems to be full of the usual trendy, influencer, pseudo-science laden crap. "Superfood" this and "what 'they' don't want you to know" that. Carnivore diet this, raw food vegan that, and again "the things 'they' don't want you to know" BS again. I lost a few back in my last fitness focus days of 2012-2014 to their parroting of anti-vax nonsense, buying into whacky stuff about magnetic fields, and pushing bizarre unfounded supplementation strategy. A few others seem to have regressed into the above categories since then and others just don't exist any longer. The only ones I have right now in regular rotation is Marathon Training Academy and probably 1/3 the episodes interest me from No Meat Athlete, and Rich Roll. I just add "Docs Who Lift" after seeing one of them on a Youtube video that I thought they did a good job on. Any others you all love?

hankg, to threads

I feel an inner cognitive dissonance on the topic of Threads joining the fediverse by federating with ActivityPub. Contempt for FAANG and Facebook in particular brought me here many years ago. I’ve seen many an EEE campaign by companies in their position of power. But I’m glad they are federating and using an existing open standard and not trying to invent their own like BlueSky. I’m glad I’ll be able to interact with IRL friends/family/associates whom I could never get to join the fediverse (or they never got beyond account creation and one hello post). My excitement for the pluses don’t negate my worry beads. But those worry beads aren’t leading me to reflexively block Threads on the server I run. I'm adding BlueSky access through their client API once the next Friendica goes into production as well. I had Twitter integration before the API was nuked. So integrating with Threads is consistent with that. The fears them becoming the defactor ActivityPub standards setters the way Mastodon is now is my biggest practical worry. It could torque it in a bad direction and then when it doesn't work not care because Threads can stand on its own but the rest of the fediverse servers cannot. So we could be stuck with a steaming pile and an exodus of users as a consequence. #Threads #fediverse #ActivityPub

hankg, to Health

Today is day two of five of the "Longo Inspired Cancer Avoidance Fast" that I've devised. It is the first "real" fast day, IOW nothing more than non-caloric beverages and ideally none with artificial sweeteners. As with yesterday I'm intending to live blog here with the same details being echoed at the below blog post throughout the day. #health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
Fasting Day 2

hankg, to Health

Today is day four of five of the "Longo Inspired Cancer Avoidance Fast" that I've devised. It is the third and final "real" fast day, IOW nothing more than non-caloric beverages and ideally none with artificial sweeteners. I definitely woke up feeling more brain fog than yesterday and this time I got plenty of sleep. I definitely felt more dehydrated when I woke up too. No headaches or anything like that though. And as I’m sipping my morning cup of coffee I’m feeling less of both. I’m down a bit over another 2.5 pounds. My night time heart rate looked normal as does my heart rate variability. Even though it hasn’t been awful I’m glad today is the last “real” day of fasting too and tomorrow is a transition day.
#health #longevity #fasting #cancer #CancerAvoidanceFast
Fasting Day 4

hankg, to windows

It is pretty interesting watching the Computer Chronicles roll out coverage of the original WindowsNT in 1993. It makes me want to fire up a VM and play with it and/or Windows 3.11 again for some UI nostalgia. It is interesting seeing all the features we've gotten used to in Windows with the modern interface but using the Windows 3.1 style interface. One interesting tidbit which I didn't realize until last week was that NT supported symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) from the original release on. Meanwhile when Apple acquired NeXT in 1997 NeXTSTEP still did not support SMP. My first foray into WindowsNT didn't come until the late-1990s when our engineering labs were equipped with computers running NT 4.0 but none of them had multiple processors. I wouldn't get my first multiprocessor machine until the early-2000s when I was attempting to parallelize algorithms for the software company I then worked in...running WindowsXP by then. #ComputerHistory #ComputerChronicles #Windows #WindowsNT
The Computer Chronicles - Windows NT (1993)

hankg, to random

First (mostly) working cut of the filter UI for #relatica so too stoked not to share it. This shows several things. First, multiple filters. Second, can choose to hide it behind a warning card or make it disappear entirely (the red bar which will be an empty widget when run in release mode). Third, you can see that posts by certain people are filtered (by content in the post) but others from that same person are not. Fourth, filtering on domains and even wildcards (the *graph.social). Lastly, posts hidden behind a warning card can toggle it back hidden with the additional "hide" button on the upper-right of the card. Still have some rough edges but the whole system before I can push out the next version but client-side filtering is now wired up and ready to go. #relatica #friendica

hankg, to android

I must be a block head but for the life of me I can't figure this out. I have a Pixel 4 phone I use for development testing. It's still on Google Fi. I bought it directly from Google. It's been off for several months. I'm trying to get the latest OS update and it says that the latest version of Android is 13 not 14. That's fine. But it says the version I have installed, from over a year ago, is the latest version of Android 13. Am I missing something? Forcing it to go out for the update refresh is returning that I have the latest version. Did Google Drop support for a 4 year old phone getting security updates?

hankg, to OpenAI

More enshitification. DropBox adds to the OpenAI data vacuum all your files unless you opt out. Having the pipe is one thing. Having it be opt out and not even telling users about it makes me furious.
Dropbox spooks users by sending data to OpenAI for AI search features

hankg, to longevity

As part of getting my whole lifestyle cleaned up for longevity purposes I want to get more rigorous about adding multi-day fasts into my annual routine. I've experiment and written about it a bunch in the past. I'll be doing a five day fast the day after 4th of July. To kick that off I figured I'd consolide all of my very amateur thoughts on fasting and how I have done it. I expect I'm going to be writing up the details of my fast, recipe for my transition days, and perhaps even live blogging the experience here for the first time. Here is my probably overly long post on the topic. #longevity #fasting #health
My Amateur Thoughts on Fasting and How I Do It

hankg, to mastodon

So as of today Mastodon now has a US 501(c)3 non-profit entity to go along with their German corporate entity that appears to be losing its non-profit status for reasons the don't know yet. #mastodon #fediverse #news blog.joinmastodon.org/2024/04/…

hankg, to tesla

The "Tesla EV charger" was submitted and accepted as the "North American Charging Standard" (NCAS). Now that it is a standard everyone is starting to use it. So why is the MSM and tech press covering it as "So and so is adopting the Tesla Charger" instead of "So and so is adopting the National Charging Standard"? Have they not done enough Tesla/Musk sycophancy to date or something? #tesla #ElonMusk #NCAS #EV

hankg, to random

Poor #NYTPitchBot can't out-satire the NYT and the rest of the supposedly liberal MSM anymore can he? It's beyond pathetic at this point. #satire #uspoli

hankg, to ai

With this morning's IntelliJ update I started seeing these AI prompts. While it is exciting to see it coming to desktop software not just up running in the browser I'm still not touching these things until it goes to local only running models. Even if I trusted all these companies with all this data I'm sick of feeding evena higher precentage of our digital lives into the data lakes of the same companies or their proxies (yes I'm referring to you OpenAI).
Introducing JetBrains AI and the In-IDE AI Assistant | The JetBrains Blog

hankg, (edited ) to twitter

I think Nitter is unofficially dead thanks to the most recent Twitter access constrictions for even just navigating there through a website. Multiple servers are giving very bad responses to profile queries that have always worked. There were a handful of accounts I still followed over on Birdshite/$8chan who either didn't jump over to the fediverse or jumped over and then jumped back. I have no intention of going to Twitter proper to see their content. I hope they at least start cross posting to either here or Bluesky (at least Friendica can bridge over to that experimentally). Until then to them I say "adiós muchachos"

hankg, to Health

Since I shared my net calories/weight graph over the past 8 weeks, I figured might as well illustrate what the average daily diet looked like over that last two week phase. It was a wedding leading into a long vacation so I planned for the heavy eating and drinking. Having tracked my food intake daily for over a decade I have it down to a science but the error bars get larger the more one eats out. That said the error in my estimated weight change over that interval was less than 0.25 pounds :). The yellow bar part of the pie chart is alcohol, on average 750 calories a day worth. That's essentially averaging 7-8 drinks a day, spaced out over a whole day so never getting plastered but still. Cholesterol and salt, not shown, were 3x recommended daily allowance. I am happy to be eating dialed into my target healthy diet again :0. #health #longevity #QuantifiedSelf

hankg, to scifi

I'm finally watching the Foundation series on AppleTV. I'm really enjoying it. Although I suck at reading fiction its making me want to read the books. However the CW is that the series is not much like the books. So I wonder how much I'd actually enjoy them.

hankg, to Bread

I’m very stoked at how well my sourdough experiment went. I have a batch of starter I haven’t fed since 10 August 2021, over two years ago. I took a little out, fed it, let it sit for 2 days, fed it one more time, and ten hours later used it to make the overnight leaven for this morning’s bread. Crumb is a little tighter than normal but still a solid loaf. It’s as good or better than last year’s at ~1 year mark. I’ll give it a try again next year too. #bread #baking #sourdough #food #YeastMasters

Photo of loaf of boule bread cut in half so can see the crumb structure.

hankg, to microsoft

The news of Microsoft adding all the AI crap to Windows and Office has never made me more pleased to be using Linux and LibreOffice. That decision looks more correct with each passing year.

hankg, to history

I never bothered to learn the origins of the Renaissance Faire/Festival phenomenon in the US. I had assumed it had analogs to some sort of festivals in Europe. Nope it's a 100% American creation. It always felt more Medieval than Renaissance era too, which it always was apparently. It was just the people sponsoring the first one in 1963 thought Medieval had negative connotation to so many people so they opted for the more enlightened era name Renaissance. That and a whole lots of tidbits in this neat video. #history #RenaissanceFaire #RenaissanceFestival #LivingHistory youtu.be/gvHCNJwbsfs?si=nLjHr0…

hankg, to random Catalan

I'm "I put two spaces after a period" old...

hankg, to Humor

Oh dear, those are SNES games even! LOL. That definitely stung LOL #humor #RetroGaming (h/t aidanmoher.com on Bluesky)

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