notizie, (edited ) to fediverso Italian

Poliverso è un progetto indipendente per mettere a disposizione modi alternativi di usare il Fediverso. Ecco i motivi per cui è importante sostenerlo. Anche se sei un utente di altre istanze

Il progetto Poliverso, da cui nasce lo stesso progetto, è stato creato per mettere a disposizione degli utenti italiani un'intera istanza basata su Friendica, che non è solo la più completa alternativa a Facebook, ma è anche il software più potente per l'esplorazione del Fediverso!

Con puoi interagire con tutti i profili delle Fediverso, ma puoi anche collegare il tuo account Bluesky; a differenza di Mastodon puoi scrivere post lunghi con il testo formattato e le immagini in linea, ma puoi anche creare eventi o interagire con gli eventi di Mobilizon, seguire il feed RSS di altri siti web o addirittura di canali telegram e puoi impostarne anche la pubblicazione automatica dal tuo profilo.
Con Friendica è possibile anche creare utenti di servizio gestiti da uno staff di più utenti ognuno con un proprio account.
Infine è possibile creare gruppi del Fediverso, come i gruppi Facebook, ossia degli account che quando vengono menzionati ricondividono automaticamente il post pubblicato, cosicché venga visto da tutti gli utenti (utenti di tutto il fediverso!) che seguono quel gruppo.

Ma il progetto Poliverso non si ferma qui: insieme al blog abbiamo aperto, la prima istanza italiana basata su Lemmy, un'alternativa a reddit perfettamente federata con il resto del Fediverso.
Su puoi scegliere una delle tante comunità tematiche presenti e aprire un nuovo thread, come su un subreddit, e segnalare o commentare i link di articoli di giornale o di post interessanti, visualizzandoli in un interfaccia che ricorda quella di un forum. non è soltanto uno spazio a disposizione dei suoi utenti, ma tutti coloro che dispongono di un account Mastodon, Friendica, Pleroma, Misskey o Pixelfed [b]possono aprire un nuovo thread (anche dal tuo blog WordPress!) creando un nuovo post e menzionando la comunità di proprio interesse![/b]

E questo è esattamente quello che abbiamo fatto con questo post che è stato creato da Friendica, menzionando l'account Lemmy @fediverso e che può essere visualizzato nella relativa comunità.

Il terzo progetto di Poliverso è costituito da, la prima istanza Mastodon in Italia dedicata al mondo dell'università e della ricerca ma anche a quello del giornalismo. Se sei un ricercatore, uno studente, un giornalista o se semplicemente sei interessato a questi temi, poi iscriverti e partecipare alle discussioni.

**Poliverso vuole essere un servizio non solo per i suoi utenti ma per tutto il Fediverso italiano, grazie agli account di informazione di Poliverso (come il nostro bollettino sul Fediverso, la rassegna sulla Cybersecurity, quella sulla Privacy e quella sulle notizie dei Pirati internazionali), i gruppi Friendica e le comunità Lemmy.
Per questo motivo, saremmo molto lieti di ricevere un contributo anche da parte di utenti italiani di altre istanze, italiane e straniere. Se vuoi contribuire al progetto Poliverso, puoi fare una donazione su questi due canali di raccolta:

  1. Ko-fi
  2. Liberapay**

Se invece vuoi contribuire in maniera specifica al solo progetto, puoi offrire un contributo economico di sostegno al manutenzione dei server a questa pagina Liberapay

Grazie di cuore ❤


Effettivamente per un pò ho utilizzato #soapbox per visualizzare il mio account #friendica in #poliverso per beneficiare di una grafica migliore. Ovviamente con le dovute e tante limitazioni.

Se riuscite ad ottimizzare soapbox per friendica fate una gran cosa!

Per gli utilizzatori di friendica segnalo inoltre l'app #Relatica attualmente in beta.

hankg, to Flutter

How the hell did I miss this implementation typo in Relatica’s spoiler alert code? I know how it happened. Dart string interpolation uses ${} for inserting expressions and I apparently mis-typed a second } instead of ). But I can’t believe I didn’t see the typo until today. Sorry folks :(

hankg, to threads

With all this Threads ActivityPub federation news I see a lot of people saying they don't want to ever see Threads content. I get the sentiment. I don't know if user-level domain filtering capabilities are coming to Friendica in the next release or not. If not it'd be a great thing to add like they have on Mastodon. However if you are using Relatica there is additional client-side filtering that you can apply. Just open up the drawer by clicking on the profile icon, and build your filter. You can either hide it entirely so you don't even know the post/comment is there or you can put it behind a warning card (as in the Elon Musk filter example from my settings).

Screenshot of the Relatica drawer with the "Filters" menu highlighted
Screenshot of building a filter with the different options for hiding/warning menu expanded.

hankg, to fediverse

Is anyone else having any stability problems with the current latest beta release of Relatica? On my iOS device everything seems fine. I don't use it as much on my macOS but I haven't seen a crash there either. On my Linux desktop however it seems to freeze up at least once a day and this morning for the first time the process died altogether. It makes me curious if others are seeing this on Linux or on devices I don't run it on: Android and Windows

hankg, to fediverse

Question for current Relatica testers (or potential future users): on the client side filtering do you think it would be better if the app remembered if you unhid a post/comment?

Screenshot of the post a user toggled to be shown even though filtered.

hankg, to fediverse

The latest beta of the Relatica mobile and desktop Friendica client, version 0.9.0, has just been released. Along with a slew of small bug fixes and tweaks this release now has a mechanism for viewing, filtering, and exporting the log events generated by the software. This will help users interact with developers (well me right now) in diagnosing problems on their system. This release also has the long requested feature of opening up tag searches on the user's home server not the remote server when they are clicked on. This is available for Apple and Google stores for those in the test program (ping me if you want access) and should have approval in the next 24 hours. Direct downloads for Android, Linux, and Windows are available from the install page.
My Social Portal / Relatica · GitLab

defcon42, to random German

Ich schreibe nun auch ab und zu über . Vieles funktioniert schon sehr gut.
@feb Fehler über Github melden oder reicht der Hashtag?

feb, to random German

Post mit . Die letzten Änderungen sind toll. Vielen Dank 👍🎉 @hankg

hankg, to fediverse

The latest beta of the Relatica mobile and desktop Friendica client, version 0.8.0, has just been released. There are a lot of bug fixes, small new features, and small and large UI tweaks detailed fully in the CHANGELOG. Some of the biggest changes (some below screenshots showing) are simpler/nicer interactions bar, a unified timeline picker, a much more descriptive sign in/accounts manager screen, and the splash screen giving more details about what it is doing on initialization. That last one helps if the server is slow to respond. Another huge thing is Relatica is now in the Google Play store, but only available for "internal" testing. Those who would like access to that please DM me here or on Matrix so I can get your email address to add you to the allowed tester list. This is in review for the iOS and macOS stores so should be available within 24 hours. It is now available through Google Play store for those testers. Builds for Android, Intel Linux, and Intel Windows are available for direct download on the install page.
My Social Portal / Relatica · GitLab

Screenshot of Relatica v0.8.0 sign in screen showing the easier (maybe not easiest yet) UI
Screenshot of Relatica v0.8.0 timeline picker showing how it is all one list now rather than a selection for various top types and if Circles/Groups was showing a list of circles/groups.

hankg, to fediverse

Just a heads up. The latest Friendica is going to have some nomenclature changes for Groups (now called Circles) and a reordering of action buttons on posts/comments to align with the order other sites use. Along with some other bug fixes and tweaks, I'm updating Relatica to reflect that as well.

hankg, to fediverse

The latest beta of the Relatica mobile and desktop Friendica client, version 0.7.2, has just been released. This fixes a bug in initial OAuth authorization the first time a user tries to connect to an account which has cropped up in the latest release candidate of Friendica. While it is fixed already it was still good to make the change to the client anyway. The Install file can be used for installing Android, Linux, and Windows version. Apple has it in review for iOS and macOS users so should be available within the next 24 hours. If you would like to join the beta on Apple platforms feel free to DM me here, on Matrix, or in the Relatica Matrix room. Enjoy!…

tux, to helpers German

Kann hier jemand im @helpers diese Frage beantworten. Ich selber nutze keine App.
Cc: @crazy2bike…


@tux @crazy2bike @crazy2bike Ich scheine der einzige zu sein, der die auf Friendica hin optimierte App Relatica verwendet. Im Gegensatz zu Tusky und Fedilab werden hier die Kommentare unterhalb des Ursprungsbeitrags eingeordnet und nicht einfach oben in die Timeline gespült.
Einige Funktionen fehlen noch, aber das Look&Feel übertrifft für Friendica meines Erachtens bereits jetzt dasjenige der anderen Apps.
Für Masto würde ich Tusky empfehlen.

tobias, to iOS German

@hankg could Relatica save the information which group/circle was viewed last and start with that instead of my general timeline? Or maybe a setting which group to show when starting the app?

msdropbear42, to random en-gb

Really reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally wish i could find a way in my shiny new #Friendica account/s to:

  1. Set all threads to be collapsed into the parent post by default, unless & until i click to expand.
  2. Hide ALL of EVERYONE's voluminous Reshares from my Network timeline. I simply don't wanna see them at all. I only wanna see (a) my followed #hashtags, (b) my followed peeps' original posts [which, per above, if subsequently spawned a thread, is collapsed].

#FriendicaHelp #FriendicaSupport #Overwhelmed #Reshare #Network


@msdropbear42 You could try the Android-App Relatica, to find your 1st wish realized.
It is still unter development, but already gives best experience for Friendica.
#friendica #android #relatica


@msdropbear42 Just noticed, the new release v0.7.0 of Relatica for Android is available now. The .apk-file has been created 3 days ago, so it seems very current.

Lots of issues with the presentation of posts are fixed. It is a pleasure to use this app with my Friendica-account.
Again great work, @hankg

z428, to fediverse German

The day I finally learnt to fully give up on all #Fediverse apps and feel happy with what mail notifications and the mobile browser are capable of doing. #Friendica web frontend has greatly improved with the last versions, and there's no "real" app handling Friendica specific features, such as in the post dialog, filtering by network type or meaningfully resharing Tumblr or Diaspora posts, anyhow - and dealing with apps can be a drain to ones time even greater than different Fediverse accounts in itself.


@petrescatraian Yes ... and in a way, too, there's .... more quantity than quality it seems. Playing through a load of different choices, it seems though they differ in some aspects, most of the general approaches of the clients used today are similar. Like, no real offline support (except for @AndStatus which unfortunately also has no "good" idea about Friendica specific stuff), no sorting or filtering or "good" notification. Somehow I still am waiting for an e-mail style Fediverse client which also allows for good client-side compensation of things such as reverse chronological order (which is more obvious than any other algorithm yet still hard to handle with a load of stuff in a timeline). Maybe #relatica or #fedilab (or even AndStatus) at some point will grow into this, but I am unsure how likely that is. And in the meantime .... I want to keep myself from that FOMO'ish patterns of repeatedly trying different tools just to notice they all have shortcomings of similar gravity and all of them have some sweet spots but some basic features are missing in all of them.🙂

benjamin, to mastodon

has really filled the empty space of clients. @hankg has been working on this solo (from my understanding), and it’s honestly more functional than some “polished” apps, for example.

pandora, to mastodon German avatar

❓ Welche App "kann" Firefish und Mastodon (und am liebsten auch Friendica)?

Ich bin immer noch auf der Suche nach dem für mich idealen "Blogging"-Dienst im Fediverse. Deshalb probiere ich neben #Mastodon z.Z. #Firefish (ehemals #Calckey) und #Friendica aus. Langsam werden meine Accounts etwas unübersichtlich. Auf dem Desktop nutze ich die Web-Apps, unter Android #Tusky und #Kaiteki. Gibt es eine App, die alle meine Dienste unter einen Hut bringt?



@crossgolf_rebel @pandora funktioniert auch bspw. mit und ganz gut. Allerdings nur die Grundfunktionen, da beide an Mastodon orientiert sind.
Es gibt außerdem u.a. noch und , habe aber keine Erfahrung damit: Friendica mit einer Mobilen APP nutzenl

m0bi13, to random Polish avatar

@agturcz I jak za każdym razem wychodzi #Friendica ;)

Wiem, wiem, nie zaczynam ;)

@miklo @ftdl @rysiek @kodmalopolskie @74 @kalisz79 @pawelszczur

m0bi13, avatar

@rysiek Mam rozgrzebany projekt #ManganApp, który już powinien się "logować" poprawnie do #Friendica (przynajmniej ostatnich dev wersji). Obsługujący podzbiór funkcjonalności "mastodonowej" friendiki.

Z kolei w projekcie #Relatica od Hanka @hankg (grzebałem w nim, działa) budowany jest osobny klient na telefony od podstaw.

Więc #Friendica nadal ma przed sobą przyszłość :)

Tylko czas...
@adam_jurkiewicz @agturcz @miklo @ftdl @kodmalopolskie @74 @kalisz79 @pawelszczur

wakest, to random

test post from on macOS from

hankg, to fediverse

I'm trying to do a bit of a social media detox (more just timeboxing my social media usage) but still want to post things. I therefore think I may add a "focus mode" to Relatica. My thought is that in focus mode is really about shutting out access to the timeline. So the only timeline you'll be able to see are your own posts. Notifications would be disable as with all other timelines. Creating posts will be fine. Browsing comments on your posts and commenting on comments would work too. Just a thought... #Relatica #friendica #fediverse

mj, to random German

@hankg Hello. Is it possible to get access to the iOS beta of ?

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