vendetta, to KindActions

Everyone, i need help urgently, i live in a neglectful household and i dont have the money to afford basic necessities, i have no support systems to help me get on my feet currently, the people i live with are neglectful and transphobic, my mom doesnt do anything to help me. i do not have regular income of any sort and rely 100% on donations to live and afford basic necessities. I am disabled. Please donate to me and share this post with others and on other platforms. I need urgent help please. I need help to get on my feet so i can escape this house and get better.

payment information:






referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 5$.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @disability @mutual_aid @creature @Drippy_Spudd

vendetta, to KindActions

Hey everyone, i need urgent help, i live in an abusive/transphobic/neglectful household. I am disabled and unable to get a job. I am not able to get an income. I do not have regular access to food and nobody i live with wants to provide me with money or basic necessities. I am on my own with nobody to rely on sadly. The people who live with me are also very transphobic. I do not have enough to afford medical diagnosis or treatment for my disabilities. Please help me raise funds to get me out of this whole mess. Please and thank you. Please please please share on other platforms if you are unable to donate. Even 20$ helps me a lot. Thank you so much.

payment information:






referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 5$.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @disability @mutual_aid @creature @Drippy_Spudd

kaylee, to trans avatar

The sales clerk told me the stripes were parallel 😠

#trans #transfem #transJoy

fEmber, to trans

This, right here, is why I do what I do. We [trans people] will never be safe on corporate social media. Even a platform that advertises itself as "the queerest place on the internet" will happily nuke our accounts with no warning or chance to appeal.

And so I push through the stress and burnout to continue one of the hardest things I've ever done. Running this instance is a daily struggle, but it's worth it. We've suffered enough under hostile moderation and apathetic corporations, so now it's time to ensure our own protection. is and always will be a safe space for marginalized people. That's my promise, and that's the goal that keeps me pressing forward.

-- Ember, admin of ​:heart_trans:​


iana, to trans avatar
vendetta, to KindActions

Hey guys, i need immediate and urgent help, im very poor and need money to pay for basic expenses, please help me, i cannot afford HRT, adhd medication, autism and ptsd diagnosis, and other medical expenses, as well as i cannot afford food and other basic necessities, please help, i need urgent help, its an emergency, please help.

Please read my previous posts for more information on my situation, its urgent. Im doing horribly. Please and thank you for reading. Please donate and share.

payment information:






referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 5$.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @disability @mutual_aid @creature @Drippy_Spudd

#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #transfem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf

JoscelynTransient, to trans avatar

Insurance said it will cover hair restoration as gender-affirming care if I take minoxidil (rogaine) for a year on top of my spiro. So giving it a go starting today.

Any folks have experience with this after a few years on spiro? Did it help at all? Any advice on best ways to apply it?

iana, to trans avatar

"This one might be usable after a few months of hard training. Put it in the barn and have the handler evaluate it."

Meander1995, to trans

I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that thanks to the help of TeaHRT and @SleepyCatten , I have my spare coming to me. Crisis averted. I'm also meeting with a new, Medicaid-approved psychiatrist and therapist that'll be needed for the bad news.

The bad news? This morning, my mom passed away at the age of 60 due to complications of lung cancer. She was fighting via chemo on-and-off for the past five years. But about a-week-&-a-half ago, it reached the point where she sought at-home hospice. Me and my siblings were caretakers and assisted the hospice nurses as mom deteriorated more rapidly than expected.

I'm an emotional wreck right now. Thank the-deity-of-your-choice for dogs giving me support in this trying time.


HelpforLana, to trans avatar

Help request for gender affirming care continuance in Florida.

Lana is experiencing multiple life crises during her transition. Please consider boosting or sharing anywhere else.


GOAL: $1415/$3500 :transgender:

iana, to trans avatar

Layered latex on lazy day.

#trans #latex #rubber #mtf #transfem

vendetta, to KindActions

Hey yall, new account, i need help desperately, i recently got banned off of for posting mutual aid stuff, so I'm having to start from scratch.

Essentially, i live in an abusive and transphobic household, my oldest brother is verbally abusive and often threatens basic necessities to get what he wants (usually internet connection access) and my mom is neglectful and refuses to pay for any of my necessities or to get me any kind of medical help or mental help, i am also very poor, also my mom, my oldest brother, and my oldest brother's father are all very transphobic. (i should also mention that i am a trans girl)

i have many mental disabilities, and therefore i am currently unable to work, i have Autism and ADHD, i potentially have PTSD (or some form of it), I have a lot of past trauma that also affects my daily life quite significantly.

I am unable to afford anything, i cannot afford food, phone bill, or anything else without donations. i need medical help for my disabilities and i am unable to afford it and i am not on any government benefits due to my lack of an official medical diagnosis.

I cannot afford food or new clothing or any medical treatment, i cannot afford transitioning or anything without donations, without donations i will die, it's an emergency situation and i need help so i can get help and eventually be able to leave.

Please share with others and donate, it's very urgent, thank you.

payment information:






referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 5$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 100$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @disability @mutual_aid @creature @Drippy_Spudd

DaniPanic, to trans

It has come to my attention I never made an introduction post 😅

Hey Fediverse! My name is Daniella, I'm a Trans girl living on sighs Terf island :drake_dislike:

I'm a retro & indie gamer, a fan of independent adult animation and have Autism, Anxiety and ADHD. Triple word score, baby! (Uh, I never really got the hang of scrabble.)

Looking to connect with others, esp. from the UK! :bowsette:

kaylee, to trans avatar

Forgot to take off my glasses after work but they’re cute tho

#trans #transfem #transJoy

uhitssid, to foss

Time for a re-#introduction!

Henlo, I'm Sid!

I'm a #transfem from India, and I'm a poly-nerd, my primary hobby is collecting hobbies. I'm a #foss, #privacy, and #security enthusiast. I use #linux as my primary OS. I absolutely love #arenashooters, #fightinggames, #StarWars, #rally, cheesy 90s movies, #spacesims like #elitedangerous, #xmen, #spiderman, #wolverine, #transformers, among a lot more things I am forgetting at the moment. #Gaming, tinkering with hardware, goofing around with software, appreciating #poetry, #cooking, etc are a few of the hobbies I've collected over the years :>

This account does, and will always reflect my own views unless stated otherwise. This is a personal space, so follow at your own risk c:

(If you're confused as to who I am, I used to be @onebigsucc)

:blobhaj_trans_heart: :blobhaj_trans_heart: :blobhaj_trans_heart:

omnipotent, to KindActions

Hey y'all, i need urgent help as i am in an emergency situation, i need people to donate and to share this post please.

Essentially, i live in an abusive household, i am neglected by the people who are supposed to take care of me and verbally abused and hurt by my oldest brother (who often threatens basic necessities when i dont do what he says and who is very controlling), i have many medically undiagnosed mental conditions, autism, adhd, and potentially PTSD, and potentially others. I am unable to work any job or afford basic necessities. I am not on any government welfare as i am medically undiagnosed.

I have really horrible living conditions, i don't even have a proper room and people treat my room like a storage area where they put all their stuff in it. My room doesn't even have a proper door or locks. Nobody here cares about my well-being.

They also refuse to pay for anything i use, they dont want to pay for my food or clothes or medical diagnosis or anything, they refuse to help me.

Im begging for help from kind strangers, i have nowhere to go and have no money to afford anything i need, please get me donations so i can have a better standard of living and hopefully find a better place to stay where im not treated like shit, please and thank you.

I desperately need help, I will die without donations, please help me.

payment information:





referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 5$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 100$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid @creature @Drippy_Spudd

#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #transfem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf #tikkunolam


Please help! I need donations urgently! Emergency situation! Please read the gofundme to understand more or the post above this!

payment information:





referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 5$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 100$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid @creature @Drippy_Spudd

#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #transfem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf #tikkunolam

2d, to trans avatar

can some #trans #transfem people help out, is my estrogen like crazy high or is the fact that they upped my dosage at the same time I got this blood test taken fine?
The results were 436 pg/ml. They did not give me any frame of reference for this number… #HRT #estrogen #diyhrt

iana, to trans avatar
vsp, (edited ) to random avatar

Alright, .

What're you about?

I see:

  • a big ace community. (Did you know that some sharks asexually reproduce? Google automictic parthenogenesis, it's wild.) Also, . A lot of it.
  • a deep love of Blahaj and IKEA. :BlobHajMlem:

What else is there? Looking for items for the inspiration board for developing's character/logo/banner/brand.

omnipotent, to KindActions

Hey everyone i just made a gofundme, it explains everything but basically y'all im living in an abusive, neglectful, transphobic home and im disabled and not able to provide for myself, i require donations to live as this is my only sole source of income, i cannot afford food, clothing, medical bills, or other basic necessities, and without donations i would die.

Please send help urgently as it is a very dire and stressful situation for me, please and thank you.

payment information:





referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 5$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 100$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid @creature @Drippy_Spudd

#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #transfem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf #tikkunolam

omnipotent, to KindActions
iana, to trans avatar

Running mundane errands in latex just for funsies. ☺️

#trans #latex #latexfashion #transfem

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