
gay little catgirl in a comfy gay instance

she/her, trans woman ​:celeste_hearts_transfem:​, finsexual ​:neocat_flag_finsexual:​, AuDHD ​:celeste_hearts_autism:​, libertarian leftist (anarchist-adjacent) ​:antifascism:​, ethical vegan ​:veganStencil:​​:plant_based:​, opensuse linux user ​:opensuse:​, proton simp ​:proton:​

i am a big fan of nerdy techy shit, linux, open source, risc architectures, servers, etc

everyone deserves equal rights and fair treatment, oppressed voices must be risen, there is no place in society for those who oppress others. read up on the paradox of tolerance.

im #vegan for the animals.

vegan resources:

dni: non-ethical "vegans", nazis, fascists, transphobes, homophobes, bigots, tankies, "libertarian" capitalists, right-wingers, free speech extremists, religious extremists, non-vegan food w/o tw, etc.

#NoArchive #NoBot #NoIndex #NoSearch #NoBridge #NoAI - that i even have to specify this is absurd

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

omnipotent, to KindActions

Hey y'all, i need urgent help as i am in an emergency situation, i need people to donate and to share this post please.

Essentially, i live in an abusive household, i am neglected by the people who are supposed to take care of me and verbally abused and hurt by my oldest brother (who often threatens basic necessities when i dont do what he says and who is very controlling), i have many medically undiagnosed mental conditions, autism, adhd, and potentially PTSD, and potentially others. I am unable to work any job or afford basic necessities. I am not on any government welfare as i am medically undiagnosed.

I have really horrible living conditions, i don't even have a proper room and people treat my room like a storage area where they put all their stuff in it. My room doesn't even have a proper door or locks. Nobody here cares about my well-being.

They also refuse to pay for anything i use, they dont want to pay for my food or clothes or medical diagnosis or anything, they refuse to help me.

Im begging for help from kind strangers, i have nowhere to go and have no money to afford anything i need, please get me donations so i can have a better standard of living and hopefully find a better place to stay where im not treated like shit, please and thank you.

I desperately need help, I will die without donations, please help me.

payment information:





referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 5$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 100$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid @creature @Drippy_Spudd


Please help! I need donations urgently! Emergency situation! Please read the gofundme to understand more or the post above this!

payment information:





referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 5$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 100$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid @creature @Drippy_Spudd

omnipotent, to KindActions

Hey everyone i just made a gofundme, it explains everything but basically y'all im living in an abusive, neglectful, transphobic home and im disabled and not able to provide for myself, i require donations to live as this is my only sole source of income, i cannot afford food, clothing, medical bills, or other basic necessities, and without donations i would die.

Please send help urgently as it is a very dire and stressful situation for me, please and thank you.

payment information:





referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 5$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 100$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid @creature @Drippy_Spudd

omnipotent, to KindActions
omnipotent, to random

im gay

omnipotent, to random

instructions unclear, i drank the gender change potion from terraria

omnipotent, to KindActions

Hey guys, doing another mutual aid post, im very poor and i live in an abusive household, i dont have a job due to my disabilities, i am medically undiagnosed (i have Autism, ADHD, and potentially PTSD), I am neglected in this house and not given basic necessities or help, i don't receive any government benefits as i am undiagnosed, i cant afford to live, the people i live with are very transphobic and i believe i would be in danger if i came out to them, without donations i will die.

Please donate and share with as many people, i need at least 1200$ urgently to pay for everything immediately, i need to afford medical diagnosis among other things, please help urgently, please.

payment information:




referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 10$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 100$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid @creature @Drippy_Spudd

#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #transfem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf

ashten, to random

oh look, caught the attention of tbs again (despite us already fediblocking as many of the TBS adjacent instances that we could find)

and the drama continues...


@ashten what's TBS?

omnipotent, to KindActions

Hey guys its me again, im having troubles affording a microwave, i cant cook any of the food i have right now and the people i live with wont share their microwaves with me, i have nothing to cook with and i dont know what im supposed to do, im trans and disabled and AuDHD, i cant get a job due to my disabilities, the home i live in is abusive and transphobic, i have no income and no government benefits, i cant afford to live, i need help desperately and it goes much further than just a microwave although that's what i desperately need right now, please send any support please im desperate.

payment information:



referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 10$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 75$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid

#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #transgender #transfem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf


Basically everyone, the people i live with are verbally abusive and neglectful and transphobic. i have nobody to help me IRL, im not mentally well, i am disabled with Autism, ADHD, and (most likely) PTSD. I am unable to get a job. I am not on any disability as i cannot afford medical diagnosis. My mom is neglectful and wont help me. The people who live in the house are greedy and rude and wont help me and wont share with me what i need even if its a necessity and its an emergency (2 of them own a microwave and wont neither will let me use theirs for instance). I cannot afford basic necessities on my own. I have a cat i need to take care of. Im begging everyone to please help me as i feel alone and trapped. And honestly im so emotionally tired as i tried writing this post once and a fucking instance breakage fucking deleted it so im having to rewrite it. Please someone just help me im not doing good at all and i need help, this is literally the only way for me to get funds to live, please i need any help i can get, i dont know what im supposed to do. Please help.


payment information:



referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 10$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 75$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid

#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #transgender #transfem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf


EVERYONE!! Please boost and repost my donations requests along with the info on other platforms!!!!! i need urgent help please!!!! i cant afford to live without donations!!!!! i am disabled and unable to get a job and i live in an abusive household, please donate and share this!!! i have no other way to get help please!!!!


payment information:



referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 10$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 75$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid @dgar

#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #transgender #transfem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf


Hey all! I still need more donations! please boost and share! It's really urgent! I need donations to live! Please donate! I live in an abusive and transphobic household and im disabled and unable to get a job to afford basic necessities! Please share on other platforms and with other people and boost as much as you can please! I still dont have enough to afford everything i need! Thank you to everyone who has helped so far!


payment information:



referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 10$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 75$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid @dgar

#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #transgender #transfem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf


Hey guys! i still need more donations! please keep boosting and reposting on different platforms and to different people! Please help me it's urgent!!! this is the only way i can afford to live and buy my own necessities!!!! Please help!!!

Read previous messages to understand my situation please!!!!!

Updated goal: 170$/1200$

payment information:



referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 10$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 75$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid @dgar

#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #trafem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf


Thank you all for the donations so far! i still need more money to pay for some things but i was able to raise enough to finally buy myself a microwave as well as a couple of other things (mainly foodstuff)

Thank you to everyone so far, i really appreciate the help i have been getting, please keep boosting and sharing though! i still need enough to afford new glasses and to afford medical diagnosis for my mental conditions (autism, adhd, my potential ptsd, etc.) as well as recurring expenses like food and things, please keep sharing and donating please and thank you!

payment information:



referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 10$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 75$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid @dgar

#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #trafem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf


Hey guys! i still need donations! i need enough to afford official medical diagnosis for my mental conditions (autism, adhd, ptsd, etc.) and enough to afford new glasses (my current ones are multiple years old and dont work with my eyesight that well, im blurry even with glasses and i desperately need new ones if im to be able to do anything irl)

i need medical diagnosis so i can try applying for disability benefits. Please donate as i have nobody else to help me do this, i dont have a support system IRL, im poor and unable to get a job due to my disabilities, i have literally no money right now, i cant do anything and i absolutely need help. Please help me, im in a really desperate situation. You guys helping me is all i have right now. I dont have anyone to rely on currently.

I cant even afford basic necessities right now, please, any donation helps me a lot. Please share with other people. Thank you.

payment information:




referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 10$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 75$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid @dgar

#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #transfem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf


Hey everyone! I need money to pay for a phone number too!!!!! please send me money so i can afford one! Thanks! It's really urgent please send me money for one!

payment information:




referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 10$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 75$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid @dgar

#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #transfem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf


Hey guys please donate!!!! I need like 250$ immediately to pay for important bills!!!! like cat food and my phone number!!!!!! please share everywhere so i can get donations!!!!!! it's urgent!!!!!!

payment information:




referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 10$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 75$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid @dgar

#mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #transfem #trans #vegan #veganism #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #vegancrowdfund #veganarchist #veganarchy #veganarchism #anarchism #anarchy #anarchist #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transbian #lesbian #queer #queeradvocacy #queeraf

omnipotent, to LGBTQ

PSA to everyone to not use brave browser @brave, the CEO of Brave Software is bigoted (donated to anti-lgbtqia+ organizations trying to ban gay marriage in the past and still has never addressed it or apologized) and was also against the Covid Lockdowns and is anti-vax. Using brave browser contributes to oppression of LGBTQIA+ ppl and contributes to brave software financially through ads and other means.

I recommend anyone still using brave browser to switch to ungoogled-chromium as a non-bigoted degoogled chromium-based browser alternative. @floccus is a good browser extension to use on ungoogled-chromium to sync your bookmarks.

Source for claims: (contains links to claims within the post, multiple citations for everything here stated.) -chromium

omnipotent, to KindActions

Reposting because new account, but i am in dire need of funds for basic necessities.

Long story short, i live in a very toxic and neglectful and verbally abusive home, i am unable to get a job due to my disabilities, i get yelled at every day and basically forced to be the house maid, my home is not accepting of LGBTQ+ and i would probably be in danger if i came out, i have no support structures and nobody irl to help me, i have a cat who relies on me to take care of him, i am unable to afford HRT, i dont know anyone irl who can help me, im very poor and i cannot afford to get the help i need, i live in constant suffering and if im being completely honest my mental health has deteriorated a lot, any help would be greatful, even if it's just sharing this post.

payment information:



monero wallet: 48o9hmxpHvxQ5EihVNUn77UYCmM4vK9LdenXqJ8zLLcPYCuxCub67mxCP9qZRHucxsRUNCtvWkzpZfUZB9fbfPmE2fLFtGo

referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 10$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 75$ if you sign up, more information in the link.

@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid


@RegularHumanLady @MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid omg thank u so much!!! ur so generous!!!


@MutualAidVisibility @mutualaid @mutualaid @mutual_aid

hey guys i still need donations badly! im a disabled trans girl and i live in an abusive and transphobic/queerphobic environment. please please please make sure to reboost! please keep boosting if you can, i literally can't get a job due to my disabilities and this is my only source of income currently, and im forced to walk everywhere due to not owning a car or bike and i don't have enough to afford one, its hard enough scraping buy trying to find enough to afford other basics like food for myself and my cat, please please please keep sharing this with others! my life depends on it! i don't have anyone else to help me financially other than you guys.

payment information:



referral links i get money off of: - you get 5$ if you sign up to cashapp with this referral link and i get 10$. - you get 25$ if you sign up to a SoFi bank account and 300$ extra if you set up direct deposit, i get 75$ if you sign up, more information in the link. #mutualaid #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #queermutualaidrequest #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaidrequest #neurodivergentmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #emergencycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund #fundraiser #transgender #transfem #trans

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