MMRnmd, to random French avatar

Mon médecin traitant refuse de passer par Doctolib pour ses il n'a même pas de secrétaire.

Depuis 5 ans, il est l'un des 10 médecins parisiens qui ont investi dans le projet #Basiliade, une coopérative médicale, 6 rue du Chemin-Vert, dans le 11ème.

Avant ça, il a exercé pendant 15 ans dans un appartement haussmannien au loyer prohibitif.

Les luttes sociales peuvent prendre de nombreux aspects : respect Jean-Paul ✊🏼

#Medecin #Social #Cooperative

paul_denton, to random French avatar

Pourquoi Macron attise la colère sociale avant les Européennes: "Le président est toujours dans son mode dual: je régis par la peur mais je suis un banquier donc j’aime prendre mon risque. Cette politique du coup de rabots, c’est un pari de plus avant les européennes". Mon article pour Politis

filippodb, (edited ) to mastodon Italian avatar

Mastodon ha appena superato i 15 milioni di iscritti!! 🥳

Circa un'ora fa secondo l'account Mastodon users:

Mastodon, nato solo 8 anni fa è di fatto il più importante social open source ai mondo, parte fondante della grande rete del fediverso.

#mastodon #fediverso #social #OpenSource

thoughtsinuserspace, to news German

Study finds the longest lasting non-human social memories ever documented
Apes recognize photos of groupmates they haven't seen for more than 25 years and respond even more enthusiastically to pictures of their friends, a new study finds.
#news #science #social

gimulnautti, to poetry avatar

As humanity pushed on into the 21st century, our problems increasing became not about what we know but what people collectively found convenient to believe.

#futurehistory #social #poetry #humanity

anna_lillith, to Aquariums avatar


Captive #dolphins and #whales are transported across the world to #aquariums and #MarineParks. These animals are ripped away from their families and all they know, forced to live in barren concrete #tanks. Transportation is a stressful process for these animals. The journey itself poses significant risks. Stress-induced illnesses and health problems are an issue and in the worst cases it can lead to death. When transported,


anna_lillith, avatar

sometimes for hours, dolphins and whales are forced to lay immobile in small transportation containers without natural light and air.

Wild dolphins live in highly complex structures and travel many miles a day. They use a complicated system of clicks and whistles to communicate with one another and echolocation to navigate and hunt. confines these self-aware animals to small, sterile tanks. With little to no stimulation and insufficient space to roam,


minioctt, to Software Italian

Dopo qualche giorno così penso che è l’ennesimo che mancava nel mio di (anche) gestione delle digitali… come ho accennato, lo usavo secoli fa (per sfondi o immagini a caso mi pare?), poi ho smesso per non ricordo bene che motivo (più ci penso, meno mi viene in mente), ma ora, dopo anche le varie mie considerazioni degli ultimi mesi, ha tantissimo senso in più. 😇️

  • Più che un vero , lo vedrei più come motore di di foto e video che, grazie alle funzioni di gestore di , ed l’algoritmo che si basa su di essi, è tutto-in-uno e diventa più utile man mano che lo si usa (e le funzioni social sono un buon bonus). ❤️‍🔥️
  • Per cercare e ritrovare e piccoli video la UI è perfetta, lo spazio a schermo è ottimizzato al meglio con il layout a muratura; raccogliere e catalogare questi media poi (nonostante i glitch, maremma) è comodissimo con la suddivisione in “bacheche”, che a loro volta possono contenere “sezioni”, creando una gerarchia a (credo senza limiti di livelli, ma io ci andrei piano). 🗃️
  • Nello specifico io ci trovo sopra tutti quei memini tossici, le kawaii, o comunque ispiranti in generale, che dovrei (impossibile) stare al passo con millemila canali Telegram o gruppi Lemmy/Kbin/Reddit per trovare, e ne avrei comunque molti meno. 💯️

Ovviamente, essendo software proprietario, out-of-the-box non funziona mai come dovrebbe, e servono quindi buone competenze di per tappare i buchi. Una cosa che un po’ mi rode è che, per quanto l’ degli elementi salvati sia la migliore che io abbia mai visto per un di questa categoria, non è buona come spostare file in giro tra cartelle del PC… ma su questo per ora mi accontento. Poi però, ci sono altre cose che invece devo per forza affrontare, per cui sto già all’opera con il creare userscript e robe… ma dirò di più a breve. 😼️ ribadisco, i memi con le scritte che si trovano su questa sono troppo reali 💀️

paul_denton, to Poutine French avatar

Bardella s'envole à 31% d'intentions de vote dans un sondage Ipsos/Le Monde: "Présenter le RN comme un allié de Poutine n'a jamais endigué sa progression (...) Bardella va s'appuyer sur le malaise social en France et va dénoncer Macron qui agite le spectre d’une 3e Guerre mondiale", explique Bruno Cautrès

#Politique #Russie #Macron #Europeennes #Sondages #Elections #Poutine #Ukraine #Social #RN #Bardella #ExtremeDroite

christiancuratolo, to internet Italian

platforms are becoming conglomerates of hate day by day. The polarization of society is leading to a complete extinction of dialogue and constructive discussion.


splann, to Bretagne French avatar

Des pneus par milliers ont été brûlés sur des ronds-ronds de Bretagne par des agriculteurs lors d'actions menées par les FDSEA et les JA, ces dernières semaines. Des quantités telles que Morgan Large a eu quelques doutes sur leur provenance. 🤔

Elle en a parlé avec Antoine Chao sur France Inter.

#agriculture #bretagne #politique #social #manifestation #pollution #environnement #biodiversite #fnsea #franceinter #interview #splann #morganlarge #alimentation #radio

medigoth, to free avatar

Look, you either believe the concepts of and apply to platforms, or you don’t.

You can say the only applies to the , not entities—which is undeniably true—and therefore sites have no obligation to provide a platform for speech the owners of the site don’t like. This is a reasonable and defensible position.

Or you can say social media sites are the new , and therefore the owners have a moral if not legal obligation to allow anyone to say practically anything using their platforms. You can even point out that the government charters corporations, and is responsible for a lot of , so by allowing censorship in that particular environment, the government is at least complicit in interfering with free speech rights. This is also a reasonable and defensible position.

Maybe you can even try to find some kind of well-articulated middle ground between these positions, although I have to say I don’t remember ever seeing anyone do so. I think most people do hold opinions somewhere between the two, but they don’t tend to spell it out.

What they do instead is argue either side as it’s convenient, which is irritating as hell. And yes, this is a rare bit of “both sides” on my part. I see a whole lot of leftish folks, who are generally not big fans of corporate power, deploying the first position against right-wing types—while complaining about the arbitrary and often clearly biased way et al. censor left-wing statements.

The complaints are justified. Hypocrisy is not.

Just pick a position, be honest with yourself about what that position is, and stick to it. No matter where you fall on this spectrum, you have to be aware that the mechanisms of speech, and by extension the press, have changed dramatically over the last thirty years and will continue to do so. Knowing where you stand is important.

itnewsbot, to random

How Will Reddit's IPO Change the Service? - "Reddit users have been reacting with deep gloom to the firm saying it plans to se... - #social

itnewsbot, to random

Threads' API Is Coming in June - In 2005 Gabe Rivera was a compiler software engineer at Intel — before starting th... -

RaphJ, to random French avatar

Bonjour à tous, je lance le site:

(compte Masto : @heritage_pour_tous)

L'objectif est de porter l'idée de Thomas Picketty d'un héritage de base, pour tous, reçu à ses 25 ans.

Je propose un simulateur de réforme, basé sur les travaux du CAE qui démontre que ce projet est possible et profiterait à 99% des Français.

Merci de diffuser largement cette idée / ce travail. 🤗

itnewsbot, to Facebook

Meta to phase out Facebook News in US and Australia, despite agreements - Meta has announced that the Facebook News tab will be removed for U.S. and Austral... - #facebook #social #news #meta

redegelde, to internet Dutch avatar
janvlug, to foss avatar

Update on the @purism First Public Offering (#FPO).

US$240,472.48 raised by 101 #investors.

This is an opportunity to #invest in #FOSS, the #Librem5 #Linux #phone, #privacy, and hardware by a #social #purpose #corporation.

Minimal investment is US$500.

#Purism makes becoming independent of #BigTech and #surveillance #capitalism possible!

Previous report:

paul_denton, to random French avatar

Il a osé le dire: "Je souhaite une trêve sociale (pendant les JO), qu'on ne gâche pas la fête", déclare Tony Estanguet sur France 2 face au risque de grèves après les annonces d'Attal, notamment sur les chômeurs ou encore les malades en ALD dont certains pourraient être moins bien remboursés. Le Monsieur JO de Paris touche 270 000 euros de salaire annuel...

minioctt, to fediverse Italian

Ho scoperto qualche giorno fa, e ora ho confermato, che il plugin #ActivityPub per #WordPress ha un problemino che, per i #commenti ad un post nidificati ad un livello maggiore del limite consentito dal sito, decide che non possono essere messi dove dovrebbero stare… e allora li butta tutti in una pagina diversa (sempre la home, nel mio caso), cosa non proprio ideale. 🙄

Avevo disattivato completamente la nidificazione, sia perché dopo un certo livello l’indentazione visiva diventa tale da rendere illegibili i commenti, sia perché tanto il livello massimo consentito (10) è potenzialmente troppo basso per le #discussioni #social (anche se i miei thread muoiono subito, quando non lo sono in partenza, quindi… paura inutile). Ho però trovato un utile snippet PHP da una stessa pagina che usai prima (per aggiungere il tasto di risposta ai commenti di ultimo livello, che però abbiamo capito non risolve questo bug), e ho alzato leggerissimamente il #settaggio massimo… e vediamo se questo risolve… 🦍 stata 3-4 minuti buoni a scrollare questa lista per arrivare fino a 9999… credo basti per qualunque situazione, no? Probabilmente nessuna discussione in assoluto sul #Fediverso è mai arrivata a così tanti commenti nidificati, ma meglio andare sul sicuro, voglio settare ora questa #hack e non toccarla più. Riguardo l’indentazione schifosa, la disattiverò con del CSS. 😈

#ActivityPub #commenti #discussioni #Fediverso #hack #settaggio #social #WordPress

itnewsbot, to threads

Threads confirm new save feature, similar to Instagram and X - Threads is introducing a new feature to allow users to store posts for later acces... - #threads #social #news #tech #x

itnewsbot, to random

Supreme Court Hears Landmark Cases That Could Upend What We See on Social Media - The US Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments Monday in two cases that could dram... - #social

mibwright, to random avatar

The obvious truth that almost no one is saying in debates about #social media: Meta/X/TikTok are not public forums.

If you feel as if they've become public forums, you're delusional, or are simply ignoring many of their obvious features.

We should not take seriously any debate about them that proceeds from the premise that they're "public forums."

The companies want to us to perceive them as such, when it suits them, but it's not reality. It's Stockholm Syndrome.

foncu, to random Spanish avatar

Hoy he ido a hacer campaña con el partido #socialista. Básicamente dar folletos a la gente y recordarle que voten en los referéndum de la semana que viene. En especial el de la paga extra de la pensión. La otra tarea era recoger firmas para una iniciativa popular de la ciudad de Zúrich por un abono de transporte de 365 francos al año (en vez de 800 como ahora). He logrado 10 firmas en 2 horas pero estoy satisfecho.


@foncu encuentro super extraño que la gente se pueda negar a que rebajen el valor de un ticket anual en mas de 50%... y menos aun para el #Transporte #publico y #social

Muy extraño.

SergKoren, to ai avatar

Social media needs to implement a way to keep AI from following or interacting with you. That requires a way to detect AI/

ritimo, to opensource French avatar

#FORMATIONS | 💻 Cette année, formez-vous au #numérique libre !

💡 On est là pour ça :


📅 Mardi 05 et mercredi 06 mars 2024, à #Paris ➡️
⚠️ Date limite d'inscription : 05 février !


📅 Mardi 23 avril 2024 à Paris ➡️

On vous attend !

#communication #LogicielsLibres #OpenSource #formation #ReseauxSociaux #ViePrivee #Mastodon #Données #pixelfed

ritimo, avatar

#FORMATION #communication et #numérique libre [repost/rappel]

📢 COMMUNIQUER POUR SON ASSO SUR LES RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX #LIBRES : plus que 3 semaines pour s'inscrire !

📅 Date de formation : mardi 23 avril 2024 à Paris ➡️

⚠️ Date limite d'inscription : 22 mars !

On vous attend !

#opensource #mastodon #pixelfed #contentstrategy #social #media #LogicielsLibres #MerciLesLibristes

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