titania2468, to random

The badass birds of Lily Seika Jones

@fell@ma.fellr.net avatar

@titania2468 That's awesome! Now I want to come up with a #fantasy #tabletop #rpg setting where every player is a bird.

grissallia, to gaming
@grissallia@aus.social avatar

I'm not one for "New Year's resolutions", but I am one for overly ambitious projects.

For 2023, Project365 is "One New Game Per Day".

Given that I have 634 unplayed games in my Steam account and {mumble} unredeemed bundle Steam keys, there's a reason my unplayed collection is tagged "Pile of Shame".

I'll pin this to my profile, and give a brief summary here each day (or x, if I miss x days due to work or stuff).

I'll play 15-30 minutes of (at least) one new game I've never played before (or played less than 15 minutes of). I'll give every game at least 15 minutes, even if I hate every minute of it.

I'm also open to suggestions; if you reply to this thread with a game, I'll schedule it, or tell you what I thought of it.

One of the things that's come up is that I have a bunch of games that I've played once, and not touched again.

Unplayed games: #NewPlay
Trying a game again: #RePlay
Going live on Twitch: #GrissGames

I'll hashtag these with #Project365ONG so you can mute it if you're not interested.

#Project365 #Gaming

@grissallia@aus.social avatar

Apr 19, 2023 - Day 109 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 118

Game: Super Daryl Deluxe

Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Apr 10, 2018
Library Date: Feb 2, 2019
Unplayed: 1537d (4y2m17d)
Playtime: 51m

I've said before that games had me stumped for what "kind" of game they were; Super Daryl Deluxe is somewhere beyond that. It defies my abilities to describe in. It's a one-of-a-kind.

I mean that literally. It bills itself as a "RPGvania", which explains the platforming, mashed up with the RPG, and a dash of roguelike, and then liberally doused in Napoleon Dynamite. If you Google "RPGvania", it's the only game that comes up.

The art style is unique, rendered in largely greyscale with some colours in use to make them pop out, and a lot of colour washes.

The quests kept me playing long enough to get me into the rhythm of the game, and I'm curious as to where it's going.

Unfortunately, a lot like Napoleon Dynamite, that style of humour starts to become grating after a while. I'm not sure it can carry my interest for an entire game.

Super Daryl Deluxe is:

3: OK

#SuperDarylDeluxe #RPGvania #RogueLike #Platformer #RPG #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay

@grissallia@aus.social avatar

Apr 26, 2023 - Day 116 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 131

Game: Honkai: Star Rail

Platform: Standalone Launcher (Win)
Release Date: Apr 26, 2023
Library Date: Apr 26, 2023
Unplayed: 0d (0d)
Playtime: 65m

Honkai: Star Rail is the long-anticipated latest release from HoYoverse (previously miHoYo), the developers of several games, but arguably best known for Genshin Impact.

Like Genshin, H:SR is an gacha-driven third-person RPG. Like Genshin, H:SR you collect multiple characters, 4 of which can be added to your active battle team.

I could create a list of parallels, because H:SR fundamentally feels like a sci-fi-themed reskin of Genshin Impact, right down to the button locations on the UI - but for one critical change.

The main menu is on the right, instead of the left.

Seriously though, while that IS true, it's the combat system that's fundamentally different.

Instead of the frantic character-switching active combos of Genshin, combat is a turn-based attack system from a fixed perspective.

This change does make the game feel significantly different, at least in the hour I played it. There are still character synergies at play, but with all characters in play simultaneously, it becomes a question of how you form your team to balance defense with offense.

While I'll need to play longer to give a more in-depth review, initially, Honkai: Star Rail feels:

4: Good

#HonkaiStarRail #RPG #ThirdPerson #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay

@grissallia@aus.social avatar

Apr 21, 2023 - Day 111 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 121

Game: NeuroVoider

Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Sep 1, 2016
Library Date: Jan 30, 2019
Unplayed: 1542d (4y2m22d)
Playtime: 27m

NeuroVoider is a top-down roguelite twin-stick shooter RPG... with pixel art.

I don't have a lot to say about this game, so allow me to digress; I don't get why so many indie games are done in pixel art. I'm not saying they can't be done well, I don't understand why so many people choose them.

Maybe it's selection bias on my part; a lot of my games came in Humble Bundles, and maybe someone at Humble has a huge amount of nostalgia for pixel art games.

There's the occasional one that transcends the style, but for the most part, the game has to be that much better for me to be able to get past the pixel art.

Anyway, NeuroVoider was off to a rough start for me being a pixel art game, but twin stick shooters are a huge ask.

You play a brain in a robot body, that has to shoot other robots.

I don't quite understand why, but in spite of being able to do a huge number of different things with one hand on my beloved G13, and the other targeting with a mouse, when I need to move with the left stick and aim with the right, I become incompetent.

If you're a fan of this kind of game, it might be more your thing, but I can't see myself going back to it.

NeuroVoider, sadly, was:

2: Meh

#NeuroVoider #PixelArt #RPG #TopDown #TwinStick #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay

WhyNotZoidberg, to gaming
@WhyNotZoidberg@topspicy.social avatar
curiousdynamics, to gamedev
@curiousdynamics@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Does anyone here having any thoughts on / experience with using the 'RPG' Steam tag on your strategy games?

Two of my most closely related games, Crusader Kings and Old World, both use it in their top 5 tags, so I'm trying it out as well, but it feels like such a loaded term, and I suspect expectations amongst players can vary greatly as to what it means exactly.

Any thoughts?

#gamedev #strategy #steam #marketing #RPG

chloethecartographer, to random

It’s not done; I’ve got quite a bit of detail to add, settlements, roads, etc. but this gives a taste of the concept I’m heading towards. I like this topology and render now, the mountains look like mountain chains, the hills are hilly, the plains are flat, the rivers are visible and they are all where they should be for the Moonshea isles. There are still issues, I have somehow lost heightmap precision. Getting there. #worldbuilding #mapping #cartography #cartographer #rpg #dnd #map #ttrpg

jake4480, (edited ) to random
@jake4480@c.im avatar

Diablo Immortal has some of the most beautiful loading screen art I've ever seen in a game. The other Diablo games do too in some ways, but these are just BEAUTIFUL.

Also, the game is free to play, which is cool, and it doesn't have in-game ads or anything. I feel like it's the most fun, immersive mobile rpg I've ever played. You'll need a strong phone to run it, though. It's big and resource heavy. I have a new Samsung S21, these are screenshots from that. My old Samsung S7 could NEVER have run this properly.

#Diablo #DiabloImmortal #MobileGames #rpg #rpgs #arpg #arpgs #Android #Samsung

laidbackdm, to pathfinder2e
@laidbackdm@dice.camp avatar
BigJackBrass, to random
@BigJackBrass@vivaldi.net avatar

Dug out my Small Furry Creatures Press edition of En Garde! as I'm starting an online game. @RogerBW is running it and @lordof1 is the poor sap who will be trailing in the wake of the dashing Jean-Paul De Caunes. Should be fun, if I can get my brain in gear.

@BigJackBrass@vivaldi.net avatar

En Garde! has maintained a surprisingly enthusiastic following since its debut in 1975. In some ways it's an unusual game, a proto-RPG with elements of other forms of gaming, but that made it remarkably adaptable and well-suited to solo play and play-by-mail. You can play strictly by the rules, or embellish the roleplaying side of it as you prefer, scheming with other players, making and breaking alliances etc.

It's still in print, too: http://www.engarde.co.uk/buy.html#direct

#RPG #EnGarde

rwhe, to random
@rwhe@retro.pizza avatar

@ttrpg @Chaosium

Wouldn't it be sweet if every #TTRPG setting and character and system could be used with every setting and character and system in an enormous #RPG #multiverse?

So many systems already have multiverse settings (#GURPS, arguably #BRP, even #DnD if they still have that planar thing going on).

Groups could team up for one-offs in the shared intersection of their usual settings.


youronlyone, to gaming

I don't know if I should laugh or I should applaud.

I mean, it is understandable why they are doing this. That is good and all. However, #FPS games are, well, #games. FPS games are not #RPG, that's #RolePlayingGame not rocket-propelled grenade. 😅

In an FPS match, there is nothing to be gained in not blowing up buildings. On the contrary, it can serve as an advantage to do so because your enemy will have less places to hide, while you are waiting to snipe them.

NPCs are NPCs. They are not people. It doesn't matter if you shoot them, burn them, drown them, or whatever.


And #gaming is more about rewards.

For example, in #GuildWars2, which is an #MMORPG, we get rewards healing a downed NPC, so, we do it without the need to ask us.

Lastly, heal your enemy? In an FPS game? If that is even possible to do, why would anyone do it? Even in RPG, no one would do it even if that is possible. A #PK / #PvP kill is a kill, let them spawn by themselves.

Again. Good idea. The intention is there, and I applaud them for that. However, none of it makes sense in games meant for competition and matches.

RE: https://mastodon.social/users/massivelyop/statuses/110255112423997477

MikeMyler, to random
@MikeMyler@dice.camp avatar
AnalogEggRoll, to gaming

Anybody got anything neat or fun to share? I'm trying to find more people to follow. Trying to avoid the toots about the doom and gloom of the world.

I guess i'm just scrolling again, trying to avoid working on a Monday. If you like any of the stuff below, holler at me!

BigJackBrass, to random
@BigJackBrass@vivaldi.net avatar

You may have missed it at the time…

"Chainsaw Combat in Traveller" from The Space Gamer magazine issue 62, April 1983.

#RPG #TravellerRPG #Traveller #SpaceGamer #YouMayHaveMissedIt

allanon, to random Italian
@allanon@mastodon.uno avatar

#kta <-- il mio gioco

Per generare degli oggetti semi-casuali ho bisogno di un database dove andrò a memorizzare dei template, questi saranno poi randomizzati al momento della generazione.
Nello screenshot si vede la struttura del template e a sinistra AMOSPro che se la carica :)
Adesso dovrò creare almeno un template per ogni tipo di oggetto per assicurarmi che tutto funzioni.

#AMOS #AMOSProfessional #Amiga #RPG #Retroprogramming

autogynamelia, to internet

It's easy to say "you should leave politics out of D&D" for people whose very existence hasn't been forcibly politicized. Even if I didn't play trans PCs, as a trans woman my very presence at the table is political. 1/4



When you break bread with bigots, you show them that there are no social consequences for their bigotry. And you show marginalized people that you can't be trusted, because you care more about your social bonds with bigots than you do about the victims of that bigotry. 3/4


The poster claimed to have "strong feelings" but apparently not strong enough to keep them from hanging out with a Republican regularly for a year. I couldn't feel comfortable doing that for 5 minutes because Republicans want people like me dead. 2/4


Wraithe, to gaming
@Wraithe@mastodon.social avatar

Found this really cool app/site for making dungeons for RPGs #DungeonsCrawl #RPG #Gaming #TabletopGaming


tashasounart, to random
@tashasounart@worldkey.io avatar

Finished Agnea's story in #Octopath2. Still my least favorite, just couldn't get into the "dancing makes me happy!" storyline. The song during the final battle was cool though 😊
#NintendoSwitch #RPG #JRPG

monkeyslunch, to random
@monkeyslunch@mstdn.ca avatar

Another potentially unpopular #ttrpg opinion:
Character death should be more common.


@monkeyslunch Without the chance of death, there's no real challenge. Characters who draw steel on an enemy should be putting their lives on the line, with even odds if it's a straight duel with an equal. So like real fighters, they have to imbalance the odds to live, better gear, training, numbers, tricks & tactics. "Combat as war, not sport" as some put it.

For other situations like traps, poisons, etc. I'm a little kinder, slow the oncoming death train so they can do something.
#rpg #ttrpg

brunty, to random
@brunty@brunty.social avatar

My very first roll with my new character in game and using my new dice was a #Nat20

I then stole some drugs

Just a #rogue doing rogue things

#DungeonsAndDragons #TTRPG #RPG

DarkestKale, to random
@DarkestKale@mastodon.social avatar

Good morning folks

@DarkestKale@mastodon.social avatar

Also the #TwilightImperium #rpg sourcebook for #Genesys seems to FINALLY be reaching some level of distribution.

Thank fuck.

Hashtag fucking finally

WhyNotZoidberg, to gaming
@WhyNotZoidberg@topspicy.social avatar

I had just gone thru the initial speech with the scrawny gentleman in the back to initiate his questline when little miss violent came along with her cousin trying to start something.

VERY rude.
(CW: Realistically rendered dead animal)

#Gaming #ACOdyssey #RPG #CRPG #OpenWorld

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