grissallia, to gaming avatar

I'm not one for "New Year's resolutions", but I am one for overly ambitious projects.

For 2023, Project365 is "One New Game Per Day".

Given that I have 634 unplayed games in my Steam account and {mumble} unredeemed bundle Steam keys, there's a reason my unplayed collection is tagged "Pile of Shame".

I'll pin this to my profile, and give a brief summary here each day (or x, if I miss x days due to work or stuff).

I'll play 15-30 minutes of (at least) one new game I've never played before (or played less than 15 minutes of). I'll give every game at least 15 minutes, even if I hate every minute of it.

I'm also open to suggestions; if you reply to this thread with a game, I'll schedule it, or tell you what I thought of it.

One of the things that's come up is that I have a bunch of games that I've played once, and not touched again.

Unplayed games: #NewPlay
Trying a game again: #RePlay
Going live on Twitch: #GrissGames

I'll hashtag these with #Project365ONG so you can mute it if you're not interested.

#Project365 #Gaming

grissallia, avatar

Apr 26, 2023 - Day 116 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 131

Game: Honkai: Star Rail

Platform: Standalone Launcher (Win)
Release Date: Apr 26, 2023
Library Date: Apr 26, 2023
Unplayed: 0d (0d)
Playtime: 65m

Honkai: Star Rail is the long-anticipated latest release from HoYoverse (previously miHoYo), the developers of several games, but arguably best known for Genshin Impact.

Like Genshin, H:SR is an gacha-driven third-person RPG. Like Genshin, H:SR you collect multiple characters, 4 of which can be added to your active battle team.

I could create a list of parallels, because H:SR fundamentally feels like a sci-fi-themed reskin of Genshin Impact, right down to the button locations on the UI - but for one critical change.

The main menu is on the right, instead of the left.

Seriously though, while that IS true, it's the combat system that's fundamentally different.

Instead of the frantic character-switching active combos of Genshin, combat is a turn-based attack system from a fixed perspective.

This change does make the game feel significantly different, at least in the hour I played it. There are still character synergies at play, but with all characters in play simultaneously, it becomes a question of how you form your team to balance defense with offense.

While I'll need to play longer to give a more in-depth review, initially, Honkai: Star Rail feels:

4: Good

#HonkaiStarRail #RPG #ThirdPerson #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay

grissallia, avatar

Apr 19, 2023 - Day 109 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 118

Game: Super Daryl Deluxe

Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Apr 10, 2018
Library Date: Feb 2, 2019
Unplayed: 1537d (4y2m17d)
Playtime: 51m

I've said before that games had me stumped for what "kind" of game they were; Super Daryl Deluxe is somewhere beyond that. It defies my abilities to describe in. It's a one-of-a-kind.

I mean that literally. It bills itself as a "RPGvania", which explains the platforming, mashed up with the RPG, and a dash of roguelike, and then liberally doused in Napoleon Dynamite. If you Google "RPGvania", it's the only game that comes up.

The art style is unique, rendered in largely greyscale with some colours in use to make them pop out, and a lot of colour washes.

The quests kept me playing long enough to get me into the rhythm of the game, and I'm curious as to where it's going.

Unfortunately, a lot like Napoleon Dynamite, that style of humour starts to become grating after a while. I'm not sure it can carry my interest for an entire game.

Super Daryl Deluxe is:

3: OK

#SuperDarylDeluxe #RPGvania #RogueLike #Platformer #RPG #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay

grissallia, avatar

Mar 14, 2023 - Day 73 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 79

Game: I Am Bread
Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: April 10, 2015
Library Date: Mar 14, 2023
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 32m

This is a game like no other.

I suppose it's an RPG.

The role you're playing is that of a sentient piece of bread, trying to find a heat source to become toast.

No, you're not high, that's the game.

You're not an anthropomorphic piece of bread, either.

Just a piece of bread that flops around from side to side, and end to end, grabbing and climbing things, to reach your goal of becoming... toast.

My word, this is a weird game. I Am Bread is...:

3: OK

#IAmBread #RPG #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay

grissallia, avatar

Mar 13, 2023 - Day 72 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 78

Game: Citizen Sleeper
Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: May 6, 2022
Library Date: Dec 24, 2022
Unplayed: 79d (2m17d)
Playtime: 42m

Citizen Sleeper is an RPG.

It's just unlike other RPGs I've played, and I don't know whether that's because of a lack of experience on my part, or whether Citizen Sleeper is just unique.

You are synth who's gone rogue from the corporation that apparently now owns the human body you signed over to them. A consciousness bound to a synthetic body.

Having stowed away on a ship, you now find yourself on a space station where you need to try and stay alive, as without regular chems from the corporation, your synthetic body will reject your bio-organic components.

There's no third person or first person views here. The station is a scrollable map, where you can interact with various locations, and each day you get a literal "roll of the dice", up to six dice you can spend on different things to try and survive and build a life.

I might even stream it for a while later today, if I can get my streaming setup running properly, because Citizen Sleeper is:

4: Good

#CitizenSleeper #RPG #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay

grissallia, avatar

Apr 21, 2023 - Day 111 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 121

Game: NeuroVoider

Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Sep 1, 2016
Library Date: Jan 30, 2019
Unplayed: 1542d (4y2m22d)
Playtime: 27m

NeuroVoider is a top-down roguelite twin-stick shooter RPG... with pixel art.

I don't have a lot to say about this game, so allow me to digress; I don't get why so many indie games are done in pixel art. I'm not saying they can't be done well, I don't understand why so many people choose them.

Maybe it's selection bias on my part; a lot of my games came in Humble Bundles, and maybe someone at Humble has a huge amount of nostalgia for pixel art games.

There's the occasional one that transcends the style, but for the most part, the game has to be that much better for me to be able to get past the pixel art.

Anyway, NeuroVoider was off to a rough start for me being a pixel art game, but twin stick shooters are a huge ask.

You play a brain in a robot body, that has to shoot other robots.

I don't quite understand why, but in spite of being able to do a huge number of different things with one hand on my beloved G13, and the other targeting with a mouse, when I need to move with the left stick and aim with the right, I become incompetent.

If you're a fan of this kind of game, it might be more your thing, but I can't see myself going back to it.

NeuroVoider, sadly, was:

2: Meh

#NeuroVoider #PixelArt #RPG #TopDown #TwinStick #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay

autogynamelia, to internet

It's easy to say "you should leave politics out of D&D" for people whose very existence hasn't been forcibly politicized. Even if I didn't play trans PCs, as a trans woman my very presence at the table is political. 1/4


When you break bread with bigots, you show them that there are no social consequences for their bigotry. And you show marginalized people that you can't be trusted, because you care more about your social bonds with bigots than you do about the victims of that bigotry. 3/4


The poster claimed to have "strong feelings" but apparently not strong enough to keep them from hanging out with a Republican regularly for a year. I couldn't feel comfortable doing that for 5 minutes because Republicans want people like me dead. 2/4

retrovulcano, to random Spanish avatar

Dragontorc es uno de estos juegos que dejan un buen recuerdo y son una mezcla entre arcade y aventura con muchos elementos de los juegos de rol.
Ambientado en la Gran Bretaña medieval tomaremos el papel de un poderoso mago que debe liberar a Merlín del encantamiento que lo tiene cautivo tras la desparición de las gemas del Dragontorc, enfrentarse al cambiante brujo Morag y restituir las joyas a su lugar.
80 personajes con los que interactuar en un mapa de más de 200 «habitaciones» y cientos de objetos garantizan horas de juego, conjuros y deducción.
Gráficamente está a la altura de lo que cabe esperar de un juego del con unos decorados efectivos y personajes bien definidos.
Una delicia que recuerda mucho a los gandes clásicos de Ultimate.
Un gran programa que si bien fue alabado por la crítica no fue un éxito de ventas. Merece la pena recuperarlo desde si te gustan los juegos tipo Knight Lore.
¡Disfrútalo! 😃🕹️👍


WoodooProd, to gaming French avatar

I finished a game of Dungeons of Dredmor that I had started about 10 years ago. I had reached the last level of the Dungeon to the confrontation with Lord Dredmor, the final boss of the game, which is particularly difficult to defeat. I was stumped and couldn't find a solution. I decided to sit back and think about how I could finally defeat him. He can kill you in one go... it's complicated to approach him to deal damage.

#Gaming #Games #VideoGames #RPG #RogueLike #RetroGaming

WoodooProd, to gaming French avatar

I went to explore other places I had been before, and finally found a solution. With patience, several hours, and with the right weapons (spoiler: various grenades, mainly, and other little miscellaneous and useful things), I finally got through it! 10 years later! haha
RIP Lord Dredmor.

#Gaming #Games #VideoGames #RPG #RogueLike #RetroGaming

It's a rogue-like:

Ps: Saving to the cloud is a handy feature.

liy, to nonbinary

An #introduction for the fediverse: I'm Liy (like Bruce Lee)— a 30s #audhd #nonbinary #Muslim on a Malaysian island in #SoutheastAsia.

I like nerding with notes, languages, philosophy, reading non-fic, #solarpunk, #Dimension20, exploring non-d&d #rpg systems, waterfalls, poems, playlists, #cats. I have an admin job that inspires me to pay attention to intersections of #tech, #climate, #gender, & #rights in the #globalSouth.

#MYToots #TootSEA #Malaysia #Obsidian #queer #poetry #actuallyautistic

mdhughes, to random

Fanboys: Oh yeah Hasbro's learned their lesson and are less evil now.
Hasbro: Hires the actual motherfucking Pinkertons to steal Magic cards from people at gunpoint.

I mean, good news is the Pinkertons didn't murder him and his family, which is their usual M.O., they just made his wife cry.

But do not give the Hasbros money, attention, or the basic respect of any living creature. Ever.

#rpg #ttrpg #hasbro #dnd #dndbegone

BraveRobynArt, to RPG avatar

The project is out!
I'm so nervous. Really hope you like it and please please let me know if you play it & how it goes ♥️ You can find this on DriveThruRPG:

#ttrpgCommunity #rpg #ttrpg

repeatro, to gaming avatar

...characters and an all-female main cast. The game is one of the few entries to have multiple possible endings. 🔀

#retrogaming #gaming #finalfantasy #rpg #jrpg #retrotrivia

ToxicAlly, to random

We found the Dawn Shard in the tomb only to be captured by Archades. The fleet blew up and maybe Ashe could use the shard for independence?

🌬 Streaming Final Fantasy 12 on Twitch

#streaming #twitch #twitchstreamer #smallstreamer #rpg #gamer #FinalFantasy #playthrough #gameplay #let's play


retrovulcano, to random Spanish avatar

EL ORIGEN DEL RPG Y LA HISTORIA DE LOS VIDEOJUEGOS QUE DEFINIERON EL GÉNERO: Dungeons & Dragons, Temple of Apshai, Rogue, Ultima, Wizardry, Dragonstomper, The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy…
Muy interesante 👍 #libros #videojuegos #retrogaming #rol #rpg

Reid_Sisson, to random

#Lashunta Inspirational Pic of the Week
Artist is Yvonne Clarinval (Salammbo Invoking the Moon, 1910)
This is a piece of historical romance, inspired by Gustave Flaubert's novel published in 1862. I find it intriguing because of the Art Nouveau style, the pose, and also because it deals with nature-centered worship, which is of course a major theme among Lashunta Religion.

It also occurs to me that much of Fantasy - be it High, Sword & Sorcery, or dare I say Planetary Romance - grew directly out of Nineteenth Century Historical Romance. Before we let our imaginations play wild among the stars or on different worlds, we first played in the past, such as this portrait, set in Carthage after the First Punic War was lost to Rome. Thus it is a tale inherent with tragedy, and as one would expect with Nineteenth Century Tragedy, along with paintings like this, there have been a few operas composed.

#Pathfinder #Castrovel #RPG #worldbuilding

CupHogGames, to gamedev

The development of Alveron is nearing completion. The release on Steam is currently being prepared. Have a look at the trailer for our project!

#gamedev #pixelart #indiegame #jrpg #rpg #indiedev #indiegames #mapdesign #gameplay #trailer #rpgmakermv


gamersthumb, to random

Had a blast talking RPGs, FFXVI, and more on the premiere episode of Side Quests. Can't wait for episode #2!

#rpg #finalfantasy #octopathtraveler

allanon, to random Italian avatar

#kta <-- il mio gioco

Per generare degli oggetti semi-casuali ho bisogno di un database dove andrò a memorizzare dei template, questi saranno poi randomizzati al momento della generazione.
Nello screenshot si vede la struttura del template e a sinistra AMOSPro che se la carica :)
Adesso dovrò creare almeno un template per ogni tipo di oggetto per assicurarmi che tutto funzioni.

#AMOS #AMOSProfessional #Amiga #RPG #Retroprogramming

syntaxseed, to random avatar

I really want to enjoy top-down ARPGs like Diablo & Grim Dawn, but I don't know what it is about these games & how my visual processing works but they usually turn into just a chaotic riot of noise on screen & I often lose track of where my character is or find myself shooting uselessly at my pets & allies.

And if I'm playing with my spouse or a friend & I'm not navigating & just following.... I totally lose track of where we are & what we're doing. Just button mashing.

#ARPG #RPG #VideoGames

ToxicAlly, to random

Found Panelo, saved "Amalia" who was the dead Princess Ashe, and now we head to King Raithwall's Tomb to find a special magicite.

🌬 Streaming Final Fantasy on

#Twitch #TwitchStreamers #TwitchAffliate #rpg #gamer #finalfantasy #gameplay #playthrough #let's play

Wraithe, to gaming avatar

Found this really cool app/site for making dungeons for RPGs #DungeonsCrawl #RPG #Gaming #TabletopGaming

thevglibrary, to Artist avatar

Whether played on the exotic felt tabletop in a palatial casino, or on the rough-hewn bar in a tavern's smoky din, the game of #Gwent is never a dull one.

Check out this artbook featuring the gorgeous card art from the game.


#TheWitcher #Artist #Art #TheWitcher2 #TheWitcherII #TheWitcher3 #TheWitcherIII #WildHunt #Artbook #Gaming #VideoGame #VideoGames #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #PC #PCGaming #Xbox #PlayStation #CardGame #Cards #RPG #CardArt #CDProjektRed

HatchlingDM, to gaming

Dragon Dowser is launching on Kickstarter soon! If you’re interested in a solo RPG influenced by Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, join us today by following the link👇


People sheltering from raging storm
Character approaches ancient forest temple
Character climbing towards ice dragon lair

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