Teryl_Pacieco, to writing
@Teryl_Pacieco@mastodon.social avatar

The knight struggled out of his armor then strode toward the dragon, "I need to be crushed immediately."

The dragon shifted his massive body, waiting for the knight to lay flat in his nest of furs and fabrics. Then he gently rolled some of his mass onto the knight's, worriedly asking, "Rough day?"

"Rough week," sighed the knight.

"It's Monday!"

There was no response, the knight had already dozed off under his favorite weighted-blanket.

MarSolRivas, to random French
@MarSolRivas@mastodon.online avatar

Christian passait son temps à chercher des objets petits et grands, qui dans leur infinie perversité s'évertuaient à le torturer en disparaissant volontairement dans le trou noir de l'oubli. Aussi quand le site internet intrusif afficha "Profession" en tant que champ obligatoire, Christian entra "Chercheur".

sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#WordWeavers 2405.20 — How did you settle on your antagonist's appearance?

Antagonists almost always are regular people with different agendas than the MC's. Rarely, they have a skewed sense of right and wrong or how reality works, which could describe a few MCs. In any case, I very much wish to prevent latching on to a stereotype as it will paint a divergent picture of what I want to represent and, far worse, comes with a subtext that I have no control over. Like the MC POV, I keep appearances vague so the reader can use their imagination, only less so because antagonists are seen and features important to the story must be eluded to. The MC will also make uncensored comments in her internal dialogue, aka 1st person narration.

In one case, the antagonist got her own side story as the POV. Note in the following #excerpt from Fledge, she has woken up with bodily changes (and amnesia). She self-labels herself as a chimera, a monster that's a combination of creatures but in her case parts of other people. She never states facial features, needs never say anything about hair color, or what we relate to as race. She does mention an in-story kind of human. However, the following feature is important to her "appearance" as it relates to the question, as well as the plot. She's squatting on a tree limb two dozen stories high...

He [her rescuer] pointed at the useless things on my back. "You remembered enough to shield your fall [...] using them. You're learning."

Below my normal right shoulder blade, a red-feathered monstrosity twitched. Adjusting my hips carefully, I glared left to see iridescent blue and purple feathers and down lit by the setting sun, better suited for a pigeon's breast. The day angel wing poked out, balancing, splaying breeze-rustled feathers to instinctively steady me. My blue "add-on" was larger than the red. Both went thwack to my back, acting as if they'd noticed I'd noticed my alien, unasked for, new limbs playing—behind my back—and hid. I had to steady myself with a hand.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]

#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool

#fiction #fantasy #sf #sff #sciencefiction #writing #writer #writers #author #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon
#RSstory #RSInklingsStory #RSReluctanceStory
#microfiction #flashfiction #tootfic #smallstory

Teryl_Pacieco, to writing
@Teryl_Pacieco@mastodon.social avatar

The teenagers hovered over the stadium, hidden behind numerous hologram-projectors. The audience below was already a thick hum of excitement.

"Is she on yet?"

"Any second!"

"And you're sure we won't get caught?"

"Nobody's looking up here, even security won't take their eyes off her."

The crowd roared as the hologram of music's greatest queen synergized.

The concert was totally outrageous and the teens watching from above went unnoticed.

MarSolRivas, to random French
@MarSolRivas@mastodon.online avatar

Sa voisine était la frappadingue de l'immeuble. Quand Alice sonna chez elle pour lui demander de réceptionner un colis à sa place, elle la trouva avec un collier d'aimants autour du cou et une paire de ciseaux à la main. La voisine déclara qu'elle ne pouvait pas, parce que le soleil étant dans la maison de Saturne, c'était jour pour se couper les cheveux. Alice renonça à demander à quoi servait le collier.

Unixbigot, to random
@Unixbigot@aus.social avatar

“Emerald 457 Scaley this is Tower. You are clear to approach paddock 22 east”

Air traffic control used to be a fairly unexciting, though important job. After I retired and joined ATC Sans Frontières, I learned just how precarious air travel has made the life of dragons. Dragonkind was driven almost to extinction before ASF provided radio collars and traffic guidance.

“457 please also be advised of helicopter muster operations to your north. Our records show this flock is BSE negative. Good hunting”

VisualInspiration, to aiart
@VisualInspiration@creativewriting.social avatar

2024-05-18 Visual Inspiration prompt.

A lot of time to think.

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it. Or a very long one!

To find more inspiring images, browse the tag.

@knodel@mastodon.de avatar


  • Are you real? What are you, and what are you doing here?
  • Funny, I was about to ask you the same.
  • Me? I’m just a dirty n*** they wanted to lock up.
  • Why?
  • Who knows? Walking in the park? Wearing a hoodie? Ask the cops. I refused to get into the patrol car, and they gave me six years for rioting.
  • Bad thing.
  • Yeah. And you? A yellow rabbit with blue ears, electric sparks coming out of your tail. You’re just a hologram, right?
  • Touch me.
  • Touch you? Like this… ouch!
  • Mind the sparks.
  • This must be setup. They’re trying to see if they can drive me crazy.
  • No setup. Now listen, Charles D. Munroe: You won’t remember, but as a little boy, you helped me and my kin in a peculiar situation, and now we’re repaying you. If you want.
  • What? But I...
  • We’re getting you out of here. I’m pretty good with electricity and can override the electronic locks. I’ve already overloaded the cameras, so they might not notice your escape. But in the corridors, stay at least twenty steps behind me while I handle the guards, okay? Once we’re outside, we’ll take you to Canada, Mexico, or wherever you want.
  • I must be going mad. I’m imagining breaking out with the help of a plush animal.
  • Then keep imagining and follow me. Door opens in ten… nine… eight...
@jeffc@mastodon.online avatar


Basically, I'm in solitary for the duration. (Don't never piss off no warden.) I'd be crazy if I hadn't found the gate.

It's in the cell, but you can only see it from certain angles. Go wherever you want; time stops while you're gone. Stay too long, it'll yoink you back.

I got no money 'cept what I can make on day job, so I'm "on a budget," but it keeps me sane while I'm doing time. Even if the clock stops while I'm gone.

Teryl_Pacieco, to writing
@Teryl_Pacieco@mastodon.social avatar

"Eat pests, always trip potential burglars, and when the mood strikes, provide purrs."

The kittens repeated these wise words from the older cat.

"What about the red dot?" asked one curious ball of fluff.

"What about the red dot?" the older cat asked back.

"How do we catch it."

The older cat washed her whiskers making her pupils wait, "If you catch it, then what?"

The kittens couldn't answer, realizing the chase was much more exciting.

ZenobiaVayne, to random
@ZenobiaVayne@wandering.shop avatar

Live. Laugh. Lie in wait beneath the murky black waters of the lake, wreathed in seaweed and smiling at the horrorstruck man in the boat with your sharp black flashing teeth as you snake your cold gnarled fingers around his wrist so tight the bones creak, pulling him down down down into the dark cold quietness of the foul rancid muck where you make your bower, watching all the beautiful glinting bubbles cascade up up up from his mouth as his scream dies with him

#flashfiction #microfiction

MarSolRivas, to random French
@MarSolRivas@mastodon.online avatar

"- Un cocktail hihi. Nan un café, merci."
Arnaud arbora son sourire commerçant N°8, spécial connivence. La blague ne l'avait probablement même pas fait rire la première fois qu'il l'avait entendue. Demain marquerait les dix ans du bar, et il se demanda combien de fois il avait dû faire semblant, depuis l'ouverture de l'établissement au quinze du boulevard Viatcheslav Mikhaïlovitch Molotov.

Teryl_Pacieco, to writing
@Teryl_Pacieco@mastodon.social avatar

"What did you do to my laptop?!"

The young mage beamed before noting the anger and dismay; deflating slightly, "I m-made it more secure?"

"You carved runes into the letters! And all around the lid, the base, there's goo on the camera..."

"T-the glyphs protect you from typos, battery failure, spam and spy-ware."

"Oh. Sorry technomancy wasn't a thing when I was your age. Thank you."

"That's okay, mom."


"Er, I mean, ma'am!"

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #UrbanFantasy

mhthaung, to girlyposting
@mhthaung@mastodon.scot avatar

Whistling, the detective strolled in. "Morning!"

The rookie gulped his coffee. Hopefully his hangover would abate. "Enjoy last night, sir?"

"I did. Learned something interesting."

"Oh?" He cringed. Even if they'd all been plastered, they surely wouldn't have blabbed—

"My nickname."

"Er, I can explain..."

"I'm not offended. In fact, I'm flattered. After all, panthers are sleek, elegant, lethal at times..."

The rookie sighed with relief. No mention of #Pink.

#MastoPrompt #MicroFiction

MarSolRivas, to random French
@MarSolRivas@mastodon.online avatar

Monsieur Raymond avait un âge certain. Le réparateur qui se présenta chez lui pour s'occuper d'une porte défoncée fut surpris par l'ampleur des dégâts causés par Wouiki, petit clébard fuyant. Il ressemblait fort à son propriétaire, dans une improbable convergence biologique, et le réparateur trouvait ça réjouissant. Un peu vexé, monsieur Raymond, pas du tout amusé par ses problèmes de porte, lui demanda ce qui le faisait rire.

#RéécrisMai #MicroFiction

Unixbigot, to random
@Unixbigot@aus.social avatar

Here in the Precrime Division we solve crimes before they happen. There’s a rumour that we use psychics, and it serves us well to let it spread uncorrected. Just between you and me, we mostly monitor search engines for queries like “statute of limitations” and “countries without extradition treaty”.

#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot

VisualInspiration, to aiart
@VisualInspiration@creativewriting.social avatar

2024-05-16 Visual Inspiration prompt.

Almost there?

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it. Or something in verse.

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


@jeffc@mastodon.online avatar


Sometimes the moon's so big and close you feel like you could touch it, you know?

Thing is, you can.

I tried once. First I touched it. Then I tried stepping over, but it was too hot and cold all at the same time.

So I wrapped myself up in a bunch of space blankets, the shiny kind, and got some good boots, and tried again.

It worked.

I could walk around up there.

So if you look at the moon and see something shiny, it's me. Wave, and I'll wave back.

@knodel@mastodon.de avatar

A very rich merchant in Edinburgh fell ill. Every step he took exhausted him, his heart raced, he had headaches, and his back ached. He consulted several doctors, who gave him powders, pills, potions, and lotions, but none of them helped. Desperate, he wrote to the famous Dr. Ironbeard, who lived many hundreds of miles away on the south coast of England. Dr. Ironbeard replied, asking the merchant to list precisely what he ate and drank throughout the day. The merchant responded with a long letter.
In his next letter, Dr. Ironbeard wrote, "Sir, I am quite certain I know the cause of your unwellness. Unwittingly, you have swallowed a tiny lindworm egg, which is slowly growing inside your stomach. I can remove it, but you must come to my home. To prevent it from hatching and releasing the lindworm, you must not ride a horse or travel by carriage; you must walk on foot. Furthermore, you may eat nothing but dark bread and raw vegetables."
So the merchant began his journey south on foot. In the early days, he needed to rest after just five miles, but each day he covered a longer distance, and his illness gradually disappeared. When he finally reached Dr. Ironbeard’s home, he was completely healed. Smiling, he handed the doctor a pouch full of money. Then he turned around and walked back home.

gahlearner, to random
@gahlearner@writing.exchange avatar
MarSolRivas, to random French
@MarSolRivas@mastodon.online avatar
  • Je leur envoie :
    "Après examen de votre dossier
    nous verserons le différentiel
    lorsque vous aurez dûment envoyé
    le justificatif manquant essentiel."
  • Haha, des rimes !
  • Hein ? Ah ouais trop forte 😄

Unixbigot, to random
@Unixbigot@aus.social avatar

“Whosoever”, proclaimed the wizard Merlin, “pulleth sword from stone shall prove to all their rightful throne!”

“You’ve got this, Kid”, I reminded my protégée, “Remember the Rule of Two and you can’t go wrong.”

I handed her the roll of duct tape and the can of WD-40, both still half full ten years after my time slip, “Now go get your destiny!”

VisualInspiration, to aiart
@VisualInspiration@creativewriting.social avatar

2024-05-15 Visual Inspiration prompt.

Lift off!

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it. Or a very long one.

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


@knodel@mastodon.de avatar

Eight years late, Ferris Gawalkow returned to Earth. The logfiles didn’t report anything special from orbiting Uranus obviously without using any oxygen, water or energy. The pilot himself couldn’t tell what he had done or what he had seen. He didn’t tell about slipping through spacetime and entering the Nandaii system, about making contact with the Fisaf, a peaceful and advanced cicilization of shapeshifters. He didn’t say a word about falling in love with A’Galsig and living with him for quite a time. He didn’t report being shown around on the Fisaf’s homeworld and seeing fantastic garden-like cities. He didn’t talk about their culture that had no word for possession at all and was founded on absolute respect for every individual. And he didn’t tell that he asked them to wipe his memory before they brought him back.
A’Galsig himself did it with just a spell and he made good job of it.
When Gawalkow returned, he had forgotten everything of the voyage. He didn’t know why he was aboard a spaceship or that he was an astronaut at all, so, traveling back to Earth for six months, locked in a narrow vessel, seriously traumatized him. The rest was done by the authorities’ efforts to find information in his dreams, later in his head. They tried it with hypnosis, neuroleptica, narcotics, electroconvulsive therapy, finally with brain surgery. He died in a mental hospital four months after his return.

@jeffc@mastodon.online avatar

I'm an Earth-head. Always have been. So 40 years ago I figured I'd try to trade with them, maybe score a Walkman. I painted the saucer like one of their shuttles and snuck into their spaceport.

As soon as I landed, they came boiling out, and they looked mad. I jumped back in and took off. Then I realized I'd dropped my phone.

Today I see a native on a phone that looks like mine. I guess they reverse-engineered it. I sure hope they don't figure out the AI part.

Teryl_Pacieco, to writing
@Teryl_Pacieco@mastodon.social avatar

"You missed a smudge," said the magic mirror.

"Where?" asked the young manservant, squinting at his reflection - a little taller and richly dressed, not a hair out of place.

"Up along the frame, you'll need the step-stool," his reflection said, pointing at the spot.

"There. Did I miss anything else?"

"You finished early, could you brew some tea?"

"You can drink?"

"No, I'd like some company; there's cake in the pantry you can have too."

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #Fantasy

VisualInspiration, to aiart
@VisualInspiration@creativewriting.social avatar

2024-05-14 Visual Inspiration prompt.

Do you need a hand?

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it.

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


@knodel@mastodon.de avatar

Rudiger Kaminski, master puppeteer, lost his right arm in an accident. Luckyly his insurance was willing to pay for a transplant. So he got an arm from a wrestler. It was way to blunt and clumsy and Rudiger had it removed. His second replacement arm came from a mechanic. It was flexible and seemed perfect for puppeteering, but Rudiger noticed a lack of inspiration from the moment he woke up from surgery. He had it replaced with an eletrco-mechanical model. Finally, five years after the accident, he was able to work in his profession. The Kaminski Theater opened its curtains again.
Two weeks later, he died of a nervous disfunction of his immune system. But he left the world smiling.
The robot arm kept performing puppet shows and became director of the Theater, later the CEO of Kaminski Media, that we are now celebrating as #1 - world's leading entertainment company. Ladies and Gentlemen, raise your glass to the memory of Rudiger Kaminski.

@jeffc@mastodon.online avatar


"Have you seen my arm?"

"It's not with your other parts?"

"Find My Body Parts says it's around here somewhere. What a pain! The world's gone virtual. Why do we still have to vote in person?"

"They were worried about vote fraud. You could skip it."

"After the Great Mess? No way."

"Found it!"

"Where was it?"

"On the table, thumbs-up, with an 'I Voted' sticker."

"Oh! From the selfie last time!"

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