GottaLaff, avatar

#TrumpTrial 🧵starts HERE. #Trump #legal

Remember: I cannot reply while live-posting, so plz use NFL (Not For Laffy.. no hashtag) so I can skip your replies. THANK YOU.

Running a little late, so some preamble included here.

1/… Via Rupar: Trump wraps up his morning rant by attacking one of the prosecutors, Colangelo, which is a flagrant violation of his gag order

GottaLaff, avatar

2/ Tyler McBrien:

More elected officials have joined Trump's support group, a new one today: Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla.

Prosecution is seated, w ADAs Joshua Steinglass closest to defense table, Susan Hoffinger in the middle seat, and Matthew Colangelo to her right. Christopher Conroy and Rebecca Mangold sit just behind.


Cohen's cross-ex began w reminder that he called Blanche a "crying little s***."

Outside jury's ear, the judge then scolded Blanche for "making this about yourself."

GottaLaff, avatar

3/ Orden:

Trump is entering the courtroom, accompanied by Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert and Eric Trump, among about 20 other people in his entourage.

GottaLaff, avatar

4/ McB:

Trump keeps his eyes closed, moving only to scratch the side of his nose, but otherwise looking unbothered.

Boebert, Gaetz, and Eric sit quietly directly behind him.

Anna Bower:

"All rise" as Justice Merchan enters the room.

In the audience today? Lauren Boebert, the congresswoman from Colorado. Seated between Boebert and Eric Trump is Matt Gaetz.

Once things get started, the parties immediately head to the bench for an out-of-earshot sidebar.

GottaLaff, avatar

5/ McB:

In case you were wondering, and I know some of you are, Trump's sporting a candy apple red tie today.

Earlier in the hall, he told reporters: “Outside...looks like Fort Knox...You're not allowed to have friendly protests, we're not allowed to have anything here.”

GottaLaff, avatar

6/ McB:

Though Trump spoke to hallway reporters around 20 mins ago, for about three minutes, he did not answer the following questions:

  • Will you testify?
  • Are you worried about a conviction?
  • How do you feel about the debate?

We're still in sidebar, and Blanche is giving some sort of impassioned pitch to the judge, gesticulating dramatically, bobbing his head for emphasis often.

Justice Merchan looks on from above, arms still crossed.

GottaLaff, avatar

7/ McB:

Sidebar continues.

Another elected official spotted in Trump's courtroom entourage: Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.).

GottaLaff, avatar

8/ Inner City Press (aka Press):

[This is a long sidebar, with Trump's lawyer Emil Bove appearing to check his calendar and Justice Merchan standing up with arms crossed. Scheduling what remains of the trial?]

GottaLaff, avatar

9/ Lol, Pagliery's preamble:

The wannabe king has arrived, followed by his new batch of court jesters: Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Anna Paulina Luna.

Alas, those who toil hardest sometimes get overlooked. Despite his insurrection efforts, Andy Biggs got the worst seat in the room.


@GottaLaff guess 3-toes quit on him!

GottaLaff, avatar

10/ Klasfeld:

This is one long sidebar. We'll see if the transcript will be interesting

GottaLaff, avatar

11/ McB:

More Freedom Causuers spotted in Trump's entourage: Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) and Rep. Bob Good (R-VA).

Sidebar continues still.

The sidebar breaks up, at last. That'll be an interesting one to read when the transcript is out.

Behind Trump, Eric, Boebert, and Gaetz have played musical chairs, switching their seating order for some reason.

JeanPDeliet, avatar

@GottaLaff the judge is a clown for allowing this circus to go on

GottaLaff, avatar

12/ Katie Phang:

Are Americans subsidizing these GOP field trips?


Also spotted: Rep. Eli Craine (R-Ariz.)

We almost have a quorum here for a Congressional session.

ReedsDad, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL, that's what I was just asking a friend. How can we tell if they used tax payer money for these trips? Do they have to disclose and wouldn't the be consodered non-funded personal trips?

GottaLaff, avatar

13/ Kyle Cheney:

Bob Costello, a longtime Giuliani attorney and potential Trump defense witness, used yesterday's trial off-day to savage Michael Cohen in testimony to Congress.

Cohen has accused Costello of being part of a Trump-backed effort to pressure him against "flipping"

GottaLaff, avatar

14/ McB:

Blanche shows the prosecution a stapled stack of papers, flips to one, and circles something on a sheet with pen.

Thank you, your Honor, Blanche says, as Justice Merchan asks to bring in the witness.

Cohen takes the stand, in a dark suit and pale yellow tie, two bottles of water in front of him today. Merchan reminds him he's still under oath as he asks to bring in the jury.

A court officer hands up headsets—maybe more Mea Culpa episodes today?

GottaLaff, avatar

15/ McB:

Merchan starts by apologizing for keeping them waiting. "But we had to take care of some business," he says.

Second, he says they may have to sit on Wednesday, and asks them to tell the court officer on break if this will cause a hardship for them.

GottaLaff, avatar

16/ McB:

Good morning, Mr Cohen, Blanche starts.

We left off with Detective Jeremy Rosenberg (Manhattan DA's office), says Blanche, going back to early 2023.

Q; Did you text with him on his work phone?
A: I believe so, yes.
Q: And his personal phone?
A: Correct.

GottaLaff, avatar

17/ McB:

We start with phones—Cohen consented to surrendering his phones.

Blanche shows Cohen a redacted transcript—exhibit 117, not yet in evidence. Cohen puts on his reading glasses and skims.

Q: These aren't all the texts, correct?
A: So far, no.

Your honor, may we approach for a moment? asks Hoffinger.

Sidebar, again.

GottaLaff, avatar

18/ LOL

Via Andrew Weissmann:

Blanche asks Cohen about texts between DA investigator Rosenberg and Cohen. (Rosenberg had been disciplined by DA's office and removed from the case.)

So far Blanche is bumbling, putting up and taking down wrong exhibits!

Lizette603_23, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar

19/ Oy! Keep up the good work, Todd!


Sidebar over, Blanche takes down the exhibit, and instead asks to put up redacted B118, then apologizes. There's some confusion—it's B45 now for the defendant—no, sorry, Blanche apologizes again, the witness, parties, and the court.

It's a slow start to say the least.

GottaLaff, avatar

20/ McB:

They're texts between Cohen and Rosenberg last year.

Blanche offers it in evidence, but Hoffinger asks to voir dire—are there large swathes redacted, and therefore out of context? I believe so, says Cohen, so Hoffinger objects.

Another sidebar.

GottaLaff, avatar

21/ McB:

Sustained. Blanche continues—the texts you just read were around the time Cohen testified to the grand jury in this case.

You were discussing how you were going to hold Trump accountable?


GottaLaff, avatar

22/ McB:

Do you recall that prior to the indictment, it was leaked?

Objection—please rephrase.

Do you recall that prior to unsealing of the indictment, the public learned Trump had been indicted?


You learned that from reading the NYT?

Yes, sir.

GottaLaff, avatar

23/ McB:

Q: Rosenberg confirmed to you that the NYT article was accurate and that Trump had been indicted correct?

Did Rosenberg confirm that it was done, to you?

I'm sorry, I don't understand the question, Cohen says, shaking his head. Blanche shows him B45 again.


@GottaLaff NFL Holy shit this lawyer sucks. It’s like the first half of My Vousin Vinny!

GottaLaff, avatar

24/ NOTE: Weissmann or some other legal said that Blanche was a prosecutor so his defense attorney experience is minimal.

GottaLaff, avatar

25/ Pagliery:

Blanche is questioning Cohen on his private texts with a detective for the DA's office.

They haven't been shown to the public yet, but they seem to be interesting.

Blanche: "Did Det. Rosenberg tell you that they told the NYT about the indictment before they told you?"

GottaLaff, avatar

26/ McB:

Rosenberg identified a newspaper article Cohen says, and Blanche asks incredulously if that's really his testimony?

Did Rosenberg tell you before the indictment was unsealed in this case that they told the NYT about the indictment before they told you?


GottaLaff, avatar

27/ McB:

Q: Do you have an understanding about whether Rosenberg told you about the indictment before it was unsealed?
A: No sir.
Q: He didn't tell you before there was an unsealing in this courtroom, that "it was done"?
A: No sir.
Q: Are you sure about that?
A: Yes

GottaLaff, avatar

28/ McB:

Cohen maintains that he found out about the indictment via the NYT article, not Rosenberg.

Isn't it true that Rosenberg texted you "I know you heard, nice heads up huh"—but another objection, sustained.

GottaLaff, avatar

29/ McB:

Blanche asks Cohen about his CNN appearance, in which Cohen called himself David vs Goliath (Trump).
Didn't Rosenberg text you "You were so sharp and confident, fantastic interview on CNN"—objection, sustained.

May we approach? Blanche asks.

👉🏼No, Merchan says, exhaustedly.

Do you recall Rosenberg complimenting you about your appearance on Joy Reid?
Yes, Cohen remembers, and says yes, correct that this is around the time he was instructed not to go on TV.

GottaLaff, avatar

30/ McB:

The headsets are going back on to listen to B46, a March 2023 Mea Culpa episode called "Breaking!!! Michael Cohen Reaction to the Trump Indictment."

(The exhibit flashed on screen for a second, probably in error, then went away.)

GottaLaff, avatar

31/ Weissmann:

Blanche opening gambit is truly idiotic about why he had not been told by the DA about the sealed indictment before the NYT learned of it. So what? - terrible way to open cross after a shaky performance the first day.

GottaLaff, avatar

32/ McB:

Cohen has an index finger on his mouth, and an arm up on the bench, as he listens intently to his own podcast.

Blanche offers it into evidence, and Merchan allows it overruling Hoffinger's objection.

"I wanna thank the Manhattan DA's office and their fearless leader, Alvin Bragg," Cohen's voice cuts in, as Blanche plays the clip for everyone now.

It's a much different sounding Cohen—frantic, showboating—a sharp contrast to the slow, even-keeled Cohen on the stand.

GottaLaff, avatar

33/ McB:

CORRECTION: it's a May 2023 episode


More from the audio now played for the jury: Picture Trump having his mugshot taken, Cohen tells his listeners. It fills me with joy and sadness at the same, he says.

erica orden:

Blanche is playing portions of Cohen's "Mea Culpa" podcast for the jury, and Cohen sounds wildly different on the podcast -- loud, angry -- than he has sounded on the witness stand, where he has spoken in calm, measured tones.

GottaLaff, avatar

34/ McB:

Now another 10/23/20 episode for parties, headphones back on.

It sounds like a Scorcese script: "I truly fuckin hope that this man ends up in prison, it won't bring back the year I lost, or the damage done to my family, but revenge is a dish best served cold."

Blanche reminds jury of Cohen's stint in fed prison at Otisville. Then:

Q: You believe that the work that you did, your media appearances played a role in Trump's indictment?

A: I took some credit yes. It's what I believe.

GottaLaff, avatar

35/ McB:

Q: You continued to call Trump various names on your podcast and even doing CNN interviews?
A: Correct.
Q: That's continued even up during this trial?
A: Correct.

Blanche shows 408A, the "horseface" truth.

BLANCHE: You responded to this truth, didn't you?

COHEN: I'm not on Truth Social Sir.

GottaLaff, avatar

36/ McB:

BLANCHE: On X, you responded in kind, you called him "dumbass Donald"?

COHEN: Sounds correct.

On 4/21/24 (the night before opening statements): Do you recall saying on your Tiktok that you had "mental excitement" about this trial starting?

Yes, says Cohen, and then that yes, he believes that there was a paralegal monitoring his social media at the time.

GottaLaff, avatar

37/ McB:

Blanche wants to talk about something prosecutors spoke about Tues: Cohen's prior testimony under oath.

Blanche says Cohen has testified under oath many times: before Congress 7 times, in a trial last fall, during two guilty pleas, etc

Blanche asks, Was the oath that you took every single time the same oath that you took Mon in this courtroom? (Yes) Location doesn't change the oath? (Correct) And just because you come back the next day or two days later you're still under oath? (Yes)

GottaLaff, avatar

38/ McB:

As expected, Blanche starts on a path to hammer Cohen for his instances of lying under oath.

👉🏼It's like watching a boxer wind up a haymaker in slow motion. We know exactly where this is going.

GottaLaff, avatar

39/ Weissmann:

the trial is now is surreal territory, with Blanche asking Cohen about juvenile name-calling by Trump, and then Cohen responding to that "in kind." That cross seems to denigrate not just Cohen, but also Trump.

me_valentijn, avatar


Or the point is simply to denigrate Stormy Daniels as much as possible, and propagate it as a talking point via the press.

Most of the stupidity in this trial is probably coming straight from Trump's ego.

GottaLaff, avatar

40/ McB:

Q: In 2017 testimony before House Intel Committee, that's one of the times that you have lied under oath?
A: Correct.
Q: You submitted a two-page letter before you testified, then read letter into record, and on that occasion you lied about the Moscow project?
A: Yes sir.

GottaLaff, avatar

41/ McB:

Blanche continues on this same path:

And there were a number of different lies? (Correct) About when you stopped the project? (Correct) The number of times you spoke to Trump? (Correct) And what was the other lie? (I don't recall, I think those were the two).

GottaLaff, avatar

42/ McB:

Q: After Blanche elicits lie about traveling to Russia, he says, you knew at the time you were lying under oath?
A: Yes sir.
Q: And the reason you lied was bc of your loyalty to Trump?
A: I said that, yes.

Q: And then you lied again on those same three topics a year later when meeting with the special counsel? (Yes.) You lied under oath, then you committed another felony in the meeting with—objection, sustained—and you lied again when you met with the special counsel? (Correct)

GottaLaff, avatar

43/ McB:

After a rocky start, Blanche seems to be picking up steam, finally finding some sort of groove.

Q: When you were sentenced, you said that you were accepting responsibility for lying to Congress (yes), but you said that the reason why you lied was your loyalty to Trump?...
A: I worked with a joint defense agreement in order to stay on message about what Trump wanted, including Mr Trump's attorney at the time.

GottaLaff, avatar

44/ McB:

Q: So are you accepting responsibility or blaming the joint defense agreement?
A: Accepting responsibility.

McB: Every time I hear Joint Defense Agreement I can't help but think much it sounds like some Cold War-era anti-Soviet alliance.

GottaLaff, avatar

45/ McB:

Now to the FBI raid—you're not aware that Gene Freidman cooperated with them? But no, Cohen says, he was not aware at the time.
Evgeny Freidman, pictured outside an Albany courthouse earlier this month, had pleaded guilty to dodging $50,000 in state taxes.

GottaLaff, avatar

46/ McB:

Blanche tries to call Freidman Cohen's business partner, but Cohen clarifies: I leased my medallions from him—I had no profit-sharing with him, if he had losses I would not have received losses. I had no interest in his company at all. No different from leasing an apartment.
Freidman had to pay Cohen a fixed monthly rate for the lease, and was obligated to pay all the expenses—all he did was lease the medallion. It's the only way to have a taxi: have a medallion affixed to the front.

GottaLaff, avatar

47/ McB:

You knew that Friedman was a cooperating witness? Blanche asks.

I was told that, yes, Cohen says.

That's what 'you knew' means, Blanche responds sassily.

lawyerjsd, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL: actually, there is a difference.


@GottaLaff Typical lawyerly failure of logic from Blanche.


@GottaLaff NFL

No, Mr. Blanche is not correct; Cohen is.

For example, we were TOLD that Mr. Turmp* would be a presidential White House figure. What we KNEW was that he wouldn't come close.

[I wish I could come up with a better example, as this one sounds lame. But I'm busy following Laffy following a trial that, not-coincidentally, involves said Mr. Tmurp.*]

(($; -)}™


tshirtman, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL, no it's fucking not, do we have to believe everything we are told? are we never mistaken in our believes? And that's a high profile lawyer? The best people, really.

GottaLaff, avatar

48/ McB:

Blanche moves to Cohen's sentencing, asking if Cohen said (under oath): In tax years 2012-16, I evaded paying certain taxes that I knew was not reflected on the return. He also asks about his testimony in that proceeding regarding the HLAC form
Q: Nobody induced or threatened you to plead guilty correct?
A: As I stated previously, I was provided with 48 hrs within with to accept the plea or the SDNY would file an 80-pg indictment that included my wife. & I elected to protect my family

GottaLaff, avatar

49/ McB:

Q: So you do feel you were induced to plead guilty?
A: I never denied the underlying facts, but I did not feel I should have been criminally charged.

I want to stick to my questions, Blanche says, steering Cohen back to his inquiries.

GottaLaff, avatar

50/ McB:

Blanche asks whether Cohen lied under oath to Judge Pauley when he said nobody had induced him to plead guilty, and a tense moment bubbles up when Cohen says "that's correct," 👉🏼and Blanche snaps, Can we get through this? What's the difference between yes and that's correct?

GottaLaff, avatar

51/ McB:

Blanche asks whether Cohen's lawyers spoke at his sentencing with Judge Pauley—they wanted Cohen to get credit for cooperating though he was not technically a cooperating witness—who ultimately gave Cohen 36 months in prison, lower than the maximum.

GottaLaff, avatar

52/ Klasfeld:

Cohen's answers here are much smoother than during Trump's civil fraud trial, when he was questioned by Alina Habba.

Cohen has been delivering crisp, clear, responsive answers, with a level volume and steady voice.

At least so far, he's not sounding defensive or going off on tangents

GottaLaff, avatar

53/ McB:

Q: After sentencing, you started saying that you did not commit the tax crime?
A: No sir. I said I did not believe it was a crime I should have been charged with
Q: In your book you called the tax charge bogus and 100% inaccurate?
A: I believe I should not have been charged...
...Q: I didn't ask that. In your book, you said "let me give you the real facts," and you felt and still feel that you did not engage in tax fraud but had to plead guilty to protect your family?
A: Correct

GottaLaff, avatar

54/ McB:

Blanche says as recently as 4/1/24 Cohen said on TikTok that the federal prosecution against him "was the most corrupt prosecution in at least the last 100 years," getting a few laughs of disbelief from the press.

Hoffinger objects to the next question—sidebar.

GottaLaff, avatar

55/ McB:

Blanche shows Cohen B52, a transcript of his CNN appearance from 3/23/23. During that interview, you said that you hoped the tax evasion charges would eventually come out, and the SDNY lies would be exposed?

Correct, says Cohen.

GottaLaff, avatar

56/ McB:

Q: You testified that you provided a lot of docs to the Manhattan DA?
A: They were part of the phone, yes.
Q: You say you want the SDNY truth to come out—have you provided any materials that the charges you pled guilty to were not correct?

GottaLaff, avatar

57/ McB:

Q: You also said that Judge Pauley was corrupt?
A: Yes
Q: And he's deceased, right?
A: Yes
Q: You think Pauley was "in on it," and you've called the SDNY prosecutors and Pauley "fucking animals"?
A: Correct

GottaLaff, avatar

58/ McB:

Bottom line: Cohen maintains, once again, that in the sentencing memo and ever since, he has never disputed the facts of the case, but still believes that he should not have have been charged and prosecuted.

GottaLaff, avatar

59/ NOTE: Gotta go get ready, and because I'm so sleep deprived, I'm afraid Mr. BlowDryer may win this round.

I'll let you know that, and catch. you up on every word of the trial, when I get back.

Shadyboots, avatar

@GottaLaff Trumps favorite fixer/lawyer sure does lie alot. Do all Trumps ;lawyers lie constantly inside and outside of court?

GottaLaff, avatar

60/ Mr. Blowdryer was no match for me, even in my weakened state. HA!.

Catching up. Weissmann, all of it:

Blanche elicits that Congress in hearings goes "on and on, even more than I"-- in the audience are several MAGA loyalists in Congress.

Blanche does good cross on Cohen blames a lot of people: federal prosecutors, the judge, the accountant, the banker... and Trump. Import of his cross: none of them are to blame.
Cohen is still calm and unflappable, even when being asked about his wife.

GottaLaff, avatar

61/ Phang:

BLANCHE: You gave a statement under oath you never asked for a pardon from Trump COHEN: I never asked for it. “I spoke to my attorney about it because we had seen on television President Trump potentially pre pardoning everybody to bring an end to this.”
COHEN: “I reached out to my attorney to ask him whether or not this is legitimate.”

GottaLaff, avatar

62/ Phang:

BLANCHE: You also spoke to Robert Costello and Mr. Ryan about exploring the possibility of a pardon COHEN: I spoke to mr. Costello about that as well

BLANCHE: When you write a statement that you would not accept a pardon but asked your lawyer to pursue one, that's not true?
COHEN: “I wanted this nightmare to end” So I asked them, “Is this really something that they’re talking about, can you find out.”

GottaLaff, avatar

63/ Phang:

Blanche starts to explore Cohen’s contacts and conversations with Robert Costello:
BLANCHE: You spoke about next steps after FBI raid and one of the things you spoke about was cooperation? COHEN: I don't recall that
BLANCHE: do you remember telling him you had nothing on trump and could not cooperate COHEN: No sir, I do not recall

GottaLaff, avatar

64/ Phang:

The brief morning recess for the jury is almost over but the person who really needed the break was Todd Blanche. He was struggling this morning with several of the prosecution’s objections being sustained and his mismanagement of exhibits.

GottaLaff, avatar

65/ Starting in random spot, via McB, still catching up:

Again, it's unclear what's happening here, as Blanche tries to catch Cohen on some alleged discrepancies between his testimony and the deposition. These discrepancies are grammatical, semantic: his lawyers did it vs. he did it, he used present tense vs. past tense.

GottaLaff, avatar

66/ McB:

Maybe I'm not being clear with my question, says Blanche, I'll try to be clearer.

👉🏼A few grunts of approval from the press in the gallery.

Cohen is probably wishing that Blanche would try harder, because he says again that he can't understand the question.

But Blanche's theme seems clear enough: Cohen lied under oath—a lot.

GottaLaff, avatar

67/ McB:

👉🏼I haven't been keeping count, but my impression so far is that Merchan has been pretty even-handed with regard to Hoffinger's objections.

Many sustained, and many overruled.

As we continue to circle the drain, I can sense the morning recess approaching. Perhaps 👉🏼this is wishful thinking on my part.

GottaLaff, avatar

68/ McB:

The questions are a dense thicket of different lawyers, testimonies, depositions, and Cohen's lies (some still alleged, some admitted to).

Blanche leans one of his forearms on the podium as he drills question after question, his other hand punctuating each question with different gestures.

And as I predicted, Justice Merchan cuts in for the morning break.

GottaLaff, avatar

69/ McB:

We're back, but the jury isn't, and Colangelo is up asking Merchan for some kind of limiting instruction based on Cohen's testimony about his knowledge of the Trump indictment before it was unsealed. Blanche says there were repeated sustained objections.

Merchan doesn't think it requires instruction from the bench—he thinks defense can clean it up, or if the People can deal with this on redirect. Colangelo stands again to say that Blanche's questions were misleading.

GottaLaff, avatar

70/ McB:

Merchan also says jury cannot meet on Wednesday. [Me: YAY!]

Jurors are back, and Blanche gets rolling again: One of the reasons you accepted responsibility is because you wanted to explore cooperation, yes?

Cohen asks for clarification, Blanche restates, and Cohen agrees: Yes, sir.

In Aug 2018, when Cohen got to Otisville to serve his sentence, he began meeting with Manhattan prosecutors, Blanche asks.

GottaLaff, avatar

71/ McB:

We seem to return to the line of questioning about Cohen's attempts to reduce his prison sentence.

Even after Cohen's supervised release, he says he tried thrice to reduce his sentence.

Could it be 4? Blanche asks.

It could've been 4.

None were successful, Blanche says, but one of the times the stated reasons was Cohen's ongoing cooperation with law enforcement.

GottaLaff, avatar

72/ All caught up!


We jump back to Cohen's testimony in another trial, last Oct 24-25.

🤭👉🏼"Oh god," a reporter groans.

More questions, same theme: Cohen cooperated with law enforcement, and though he wasn't an official cooperating witness, he tried all the same to put that cooperation toward early release.

GottaLaff, avatar

73/ Pagliery:

Blanche is now focusing on how Cohen has repeatedly—incessantly—tried to cut short his prison sentence and how it keeps failing.

(He spent a year in prison and the rest at home. Now he's on supervised release until this November.)

Cohen readily admits that.

GottaLaff, avatar

74/ LOL. Sidebar via Acyn, who has the photo of Gaetz talking to crowd:

Someone holding a bootlickers sign above Matt Gaetz’s head

NorCalWineLady, avatar

Would love to see that pic and make it into a meme.

GottaLaff, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar

75/ Pagliery:

The DA really doesn't want the jury to hear about certain aspects of Cohen's Trump administration aspirations.

Blanche: Do you recall arguments being made at sentencing that you wanted a role in the White House?

Hoffinger: Objection!

Judge calls for yet another sidebar.

GottaLaff, avatar

76/ McB:

An update on Trump's row in the courtroom: much of the Congressional delegation has left, and I now see Alina Habba.

It also appears that Boris Epshteyn finally has some breathing room in his row, now that the entourage has thinned out a bit after morning recess.


@GottaLaff NFL Everyone but his wife.

GottaLaff, avatar

77/ McB:

After a sidebar, Blanche changes tack: Do you remember questions about your desire to work in the WH? And telling Congress that it was a lie that you did not want to go to the WH?

GottaLaff, avatar

78/ Pagliery:

Lauren Boebert's exact seat in the front row has been replaced by Trump lawyer Alina Habba.

How poetic.


Cohen previously testified that he knew he wasn't qualified for a White House chief of staff position, but he wanted to be considered for it because of his "ego."

Blanche suggests this wasn't true. Cohen insists that it was.

GottaLaff, avatar

79/ McB:

Blanche asks more about Cohen's WH desires—first to be Chief of Staff, then personal attorney.

Now to Nov 2016, when Cohen texted with his daughter that he still believed he could be chief of staff—but Cohen's daughter said she read that Preibus was being considered.

GottaLaff, avatar

80/ Press:

Trump's lawyer Blanche: You were going to work under Don McGahn?
Cohen: No.
Blanche: Do you know Spencer Zwick?
Cohen: Yes Fundraiser for Romney.
Blanche: He told you, Chief of Staff? And you said, That would be nice.
Cohen: I did.


Kedar Massenburg, former CEO of Motown Records, officially enters the record after Cohen confirms that yes he knows him.

GottaLaff, avatar

81/ McB:

Q: You told people that you would like to be attorney general?
A: I don't recall.

McB: Chief of staff, personal attorney, and attorney general—did Cohen fancy himself the next Henry Kissinger or something?

GottaLaff, avatar

82/ McB:

Still in Nov 2016: You don't recall telling your daughter that you were with Trump, and that he was complimentary but not happy with the title you wanted—special counsel to the president?

Now to Trump's frustrations that Preibus couldn't find a good role for Cohen in the WH.

GottaLaff, avatar

83/ Bower:

Reince Priebus didn't like that title -- "special counsel to the president" -- correct? I believe that's correct.
And Trump expressed frustration that his team hadn't come up with a role for you? Correct.
You told your daughter that the chief of staff, Priebus, got to pick what your role was? Yes, sir.

GottaLaff, avatar

84/ Blanche needs to be corrected again.


Cohen corrects Blanche about some of these conversations with his daughter: Cohen says he wanted a "hybrid" role.

GottaLaff, avatar

85/ McB:

Part of your frustration was that Trump's new chief of staff, a role that you wanted, was now trying to find you a job? Blanche asks.

McB: Again, still unclear, but perhaps Blanche is offering a different narrative about how and why Cohen broke with Trump and gave up his loyalty.

GottaLaff, avatar

86/ McB:

Blanche is trying to poke holes in Cohen's WH staffing story: Blanche says that Cohen said on Tues that he just wanted to be personal attorney, but there are convos about being chief of staff and special counsel.

"That was for my ego, yes," Cohen says, repeating his Tues self.

GottaLaff, avatar

87/ McB:

A series of questions from Blanche: When Trump appointed Gary Cohn as director of the NEC you were "despondent"? At the time, you were having a hard time getting tickets to the inauguration Your daughter texted you that Trump and his people were "walking all over you"?

GottaLaff, avatar

88/ McB:

Q: You were disappointed that after all the work you did for Trump, nobody offered you a job in the WH?
A: That's not accurate.
Q: You were not embarrassed that after everything, you were left w/ the role of personal attorney, nothing more?
A: That's the role that I wanted.

GottaLaff, avatar

89/ Sidebar:

Per Acyn, Matt Gaetz says they are there to say the things that Trump cannot say due to the gag order

People are heckling Boebert, yelling Beetlejuice at her

EvilBunnyPottymouth, avatar

@GottaLaff 😂

GottaLaff, avatar

90/ McB:

Blanche asks whether Cohen expressed these same frustrations of exclusion to Pastor Darrell Scott (even on National Prayer Day!) With these questions, he seems to suggest that Cohen must have expressed a great many frustrations to a great many people—not just his daughter.

GottaLaff, avatar

91 McB:

Now to Sept 2023: in Cohen's application for early termination of supervised released, there were "fake cases" included, and Blanche asks Cohen to explain what happened.
Cohen used Google Bard, typed in a series of queries regarding NY 2nd Circuit decisions re: early...

GottaLaff, avatar

92/ Pagliery:

Oh boy.

Blanche asks Cohen to discuss an embarrassing moment he had last year, when he cited fake cases in a court document while asking to cut his sentence early.

Blanche: "What was your role in that situation, if you can explain that to the jury."

GottaLaff, avatar

93/ McB, cont'd from before:

...termination of supervised release, but Cohen says he got "phantom" results, because AI wants to please the user, but Cohen provided the citations to his lawyer, and those citations were inaccurate.
Q: By that time you were disbarred, but you were an attorney for 30 years?

GottaLaff, avatar

94/ McB:

You testified about a phone call, Blanche asks, on 10/24/16 (he adds some dramatic emphasis to the date)—do you recall testifying that you called Keith Schiller that day in order to speak to Trump to "discuss the Stormy Daniels matter and the resolution of it?"
Yes, Cohen recalls

GottaLaff, avatar

95/ McB:

Blanche asks how that all works: you know Schiller was with Trump so you call him? Is he on speaker, or is it a private conversation?

I've seen both, Cohen says, and he doesn't know whether it was a private call or speaker phone on 10/24/16.

Do you have any recollection of what you said to him that day? Blanche asks.

We talked about the matter & it was resolved, Cohen says simply

Blanche wants Cohen to act out how that convo w Trump might have gone, but Hoffinger objects—sustained

GottaLaff, avatar

96/ McB:

Did you talk about this phone call with the grand jury? Blanche asks, but Cohen can't recall.
Two more objections, both sustained.
Do you recall ever talking to prosecutors about this phone call prior to Tues?
Objection, but, finally—overruled.
I don't recall, says Cohen.

GottaLaff, avatar

97/ Bower:

Do you recall ever talking to prosecutors about that call before your grand jury testimony? I don't recall.
On Tuesday, you were shown a call log with Schiller, you recall that, right? I do.
And you recall being interviewed on March 7 last year and not saying anything about this call? Like I said, I don't recall.

Blanche attempts to refresh Cohen's recollection. But as he proffers a document for Cohen to review, the prosecution objects. The parties approach the bench for a sidebar

GottaLaff, avatar

98/ McB:

Hoffinger asks to approach, and Cohen continues to stay hyrdrated during the sidebar. He takes a swig—looks around—another swig, looks around again.

It's hard to tell exactly, but he appears to look at Trump (who has his eyes closed) and shake his head.

GottaLaff, avatar

99/ McB:

We continue, and Blanche shows the witness and parties B255, to refresh his memory as to whether he was asked any questions about phones call on the 24th.

GottaLaff, avatar

100/ Pagliery:

Blanche's questions hint that the defense team maybe had no idea about something that came up this week:

On Tuesday, Cohen testified about an Oct. 24, 2016 phone call where Trump green lit the Stormy deal.

Cohen called DJT bodyguard Keith Schiller, who passed the phone to DJT.

It's been nearly two hours now, and so far we've only actually seen—or rather, heard—two bits of evidence today.

It's made the questions seem rather dull at times. But that might change momentarily.

GottaLaff, avatar

101/ McB:

As the cross grinds on, it's not clear if Blanche or Cohen has gained any ground.

Lunch is near. I can feel it.


@GottaLaff NFL - is tediousness the point? Like, make the jury forget what Cohen said? I don't see any strategy here beyond "you have lied before" which has been covered. Nothing toward why he would lie now, what he would gain, why he would risk perjury again if Trump had ANY evidence to refute his claims, nothing about the new evidence he has presented. Nothingburger.

GottaLaff, (edited ) avatar

102/ Klasfeld:

Scene from the supposedly locked down area Trump (falsely) likened this morning to a "Fort Knox" that none of his supporters can enter.

Libbey Dean:

Outside Trump Trial: Nearly 100 👉🏼pink penis shaped balloons with faces of Judge Juan Merchan, Alvin Bragg, Jack Smith and Judge Arthur Engoron taped to them released in front of NYC courthouse.

Grant_M, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL Jesus, wtf? :)

EvilBunnyPottymouth, avatar

No tiny trump penis balloon? 😂

GottaLaff, avatar

103/ McB:

Blanche displays People's 341, a log of calls between Cohen and Schiller, and highlights two on 10/24/16 (recall that first he got the voicemail, then a 1m36s call).

This is the call you testified about on Tues, that you called Schiller, but it was to talk to Trump about the Stormy deal—Blanche's voices is raising—and let's see what happens next. Then you texted Schiller the number, Blanche begins to say, but Hoffinger objects.

GottaLaff, avatar

104/ McB:

Blanche now shows texts btwn Cohen and Schiller to the jury (we can't see it yet, bc proper redactions have not been made).

It's starting to become clear: Blanche is casting doubt (credibly, I must say) that the 10/24/16 call Cohen had said was about the Stormy matter, was actually about a prank caller that Cohen received.

darwinwoodka, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL because a phone call can only ever be about one topic of course

GottaLaff, avatar

105/ McB:

That was a lie, correct? Blanche fires at Cohen.

Blanche is finally picking up momentum, showing signs of life, but I wonder if he'll get derailed by lunch. Or maybe I just have lunch on the mind.

GottaLaff, avatar

106/ McB:

BLANCHE: You said you had a recollection of a phone call on 10/24 at 8:02pm, that Schiller gave the phone to Trump, and you talked about the funding, but THAT. WAS. A. LIE.

Cohen still doesn't budge.

Cohen says he doesn't believe this is true, or something similar, but Blanche cuts him off.

👉🏼"We are not asking for you belief," Blanche says furiously, "this jury is not asking"—objection, sustained.

👉🏼A reporter behind me lets out a "woah."

GottaLaff, avatar

107/ McB:

Q: Were you ever shown in prep the text that I had just shown you btwn you and Schiller about the harrassing phone calls?
A: No, sir.

Based upon what was going on, and based on other texts, Cohen says he believed to be telling the truth.

Q: So you weren't basing your testimony on your memory, you were basing it on documents the People showed you?
A: To refresh my memory, yes.

GottaLaff, avatar

108/ McB:

Phew, and that's lunch. Merchan excuses the jury, then the witness.

After a pretty slow grind to the day, the tension and drama of the cross really picked up in the last 20 minutes or so.

See you at 2:15 p.m.

GottaLaff, avatar

109/ Bower:

👉🏼Oof. Over the past 15 minutes, Blanche has oscillated between yelling and hissing his questions.

As the clock ticks toward 1 pm, he says maybe now is a good time to take a break.

"See you at 2:15," Justice Merchan says.

darwinwoodka, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL I love the if you yell louder that makes it more true theory of lawyering Vinny's got there

GottaLaff, avatar

110/ Phang:

Katie's Sidebar: Blanche's cross of Cohen has been about 5 hrs. Just mins before lunch, Blanche decided to finally hit a substantive area, crossing him about an important 10/24/16 call w/Trump.
Usually cross-exam is "get in/get out" moment. The more prolonged & meandering the cross, the harder it is for the jury to be invested & to stay invested. Blanche has shown that it takes him a long time to wind up for the pitch; I'm not sure jury cares enough to wait for him to get there

GottaLaff, avatar

111/ Phang:

Blanche raising his voice, practically "shrieking" at Cohen, could be perceived as "much ado about nothing" by the jury, especially if he took so long to get to that point.
In the fact of Blanche's hysteria, Cohen has calmly responded that he “always ran everything by the boss immediately, and in this case it could have been just saying, 'Everything’s been taken care of, it’s going to be resolved.'”

GottaLaff, avatar

112/ Phang:

Blanche yelling at Cohen: “We are not asking for your belief. This jury doesn’t want to hear what you think happened.” isn't true.

Of course, the jury wants to know from Michael Cohen what he thinks happened. Unless Trump wants to take the stand to explain what happened, then Cohen is a critical voice for the jury to hear from.

GottaLaff, avatar

113/ Some color from Ben Kochman:

Trump just winked at
on his way out of the courtroom

Mike Sisak responded:

"Can confirm."

Trump has remained slumped in his chair with his eyes closed even as his lawyer lands some blows on Cohen.

Cohen has admitted today to lying to Congress, to a federal judge, and to federal investigators,

Trump has not perked up for any of this.

Blinxeto, avatar


Not a good look… “the guilty sleep…”

GottaLaff, avatar

114/ Back to Phang:

And no, I'm not saying Cohen should be speculating about what happened. But Cohen should be allowed to explain what was going on not only for that 10/24 call, but for all of the other facts and details relating to this case.

justiceLICSW, avatar

You know how when one closes one’s eyes, one is left with one’s mind, ones’s thoughts? What in gods name could that pathological liar, egomaniacal likely sociopath, be thinking? #💭

Wileymiller, avatar

He goes to his happy place...McDonald's, having a Happy Meal


GottaLaff, avatar

@Wileymiller Sadism, cruelty, violence...@justiceLICSW

Wileymiller, avatar

@GottaLaff @justiceLICSW

Wet dreams of cavorting with Kristi Noem shooting puppies

mister_shade02X2, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL. Sleeping, or pretending to sleep, is probably a way Trump believes he can further denigrate these proceedings. He doesn’t believe he should have to follow laws.

pixel, avatar

@mister_shade02X2 @GottaLaff or you know maybe he’s old and needs a nap and stays up too late posting on social media

PattyHanson, (edited ) avatar


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  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @PattyHanson NY Post

    PattyHanson, avatar


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  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @PattyHanson Exactly

    mastodonmigration, avatar


    Particularly when it is much ado about nothing.

    How does the fact that Cohen texted Schiller about an unrelated matter prove what he did or did not talk to him about in a subsequent phone call?

    mastodonmigration, avatar


    Don't see how these texts disprove that Cohen spoke with Schiller or Trump about the Stormy matter.

    If they want to refute Cohen's assertion, why not call Schiller? Probably won't, of course, as it would provide the prosecution opportunity to cross examine Schiller about all sorts of things.


    @GottaLaff NFL, two things can be true at the same time - you can have a text message about one thing and a phone call about another. It's a leap to say they have to be about the same thing. It's just an inference.

    darwinwoodka, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL oh FINALLY getting around to evidence after two fucking days of bullshit. Way to go Vinny

    darwinwoodka, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL apparently Trump thought he could say them just fine today

    KatM, avatar

    @GottaLaff So they’re there to disrupt a legal proceeding. Very on-brand for MAGA fools.

    ChrisHolladay, avatar

    How cute....Beavis and Beetlejuice
    Match made in hell

    LightningDuck, avatar


    That actually violates the gag order as well and it's no business of Congresscritters to get involved in the legal proceeding of a private citizen and criminal defendant

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @LightningDuck It only violates the gag order if they can prove Trump directed them to do this.

    Legals on MSNBC said that would be tough to prove, and since it's towards the end of the trial, it may not be worth it.

    LightningDuck, avatar

    @GottaLaff thanks for the details

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @LightningDuck 👍🏼

    MaggyWells, avatar


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  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @MaggyWells I think McB was getting at something about, he wanted to be important in many ways, not literally those things

    PJ_Evans, avatar

    The entourage showed up, got seen, and left again. Is Congress on vacation this week?

    timecraft, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL (originally posted in response to the wrong part of the thread 😅)

    > found a post with the image if anyone is interested in seeing it:

    me_valentijn, avatar


    He's trying to get Cohen to violate his prior plea agreements under oath. Which could have additional criminal consequences, from what I understand.

    He was required to swear that he admitted to wrong-doing and wasn't coerced, etc, when pleading guilty, and Blanche is leading him into walking it back. It's not relevant to the current trial - Trump is simply attempting to punish Cohen for testifying here.

    poundpj, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL I haven't read Cohen's books, don't follow him on any SM and did not read deeply about his issues with the legal system. So why if the underlying facts of his legal troubles not in dispute, why does he believe he should not have been prosecuted?

    WackyIdeas, avatar

    @GottaLaff Thank you for- you are my source for accurate information on the trial. #InternetHeros

    CuriousMagpie, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL
    If I am ever in the witness stand with an unfriendly persecutor … (yes I know the difference with prosecutor etc) … I will definitely use Cohen’s wording so that I can rattle the questioner. Might as well find some small bit of enjoyment within the stress.




    Like what I just said about feeling sorry for Mr. Blanche and seeking to put words in the witness's mouth.

    "Don't say 'that's correct' when you agree. Say something else.

    (($; -)}™


    @GottaLaff NFL

    Don't your sort of feel sorry for Mr. Blanche? He seems to be on the Wrong side of Right and Wrong. He may be unduly influenced by his client, which leads him to believe he can put words in the Prosecutor's witness's mouth. That's historically been his client's special skill.

    (($; -)}™

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Gozo No. Not in the least. He chose this job.


    @GottaLaff NFL

    I'm a long-time fan of attorneys, who know they will take on a number of people they'd rather not serve. (I remember a key case HRC [Clinton] had, that drew ample ire from the Right, during the 2016 campaign.) It strikes me as a thankless job. Much like being a politician. Both are in the category of "Can't live without 'em; can't live with 'em, and thank goodness for all sorts of alternatives."😎

    (($; -)}™

    NIH_LLAMAS, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL: Being told something doesn't necessarily mean you know it's true, so mr sassy B is technically wrong.

    suethepooh, avatar

    @GottaLaff nfl I was just wondering who’s paying their travel costs

    Npars01, avatar
    voron, avatar

    @GottaLaff @Npars01 the are stronger than their counterparts, in the fear the in it’s the government who fears the oligarchs

    lin11c, avatar

    @voron @GottaLaff @Npars01
    So true. They are "the donors".

    IAmDannyBoling, avatar

    I always appreciate when you show up to any thread. Thanks for the links and the facts.

    And while I'm at it, thank you @GottaLaff for all your posts too. Your threads are frequently the highlight of my news day!

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @IAmDannyBoling @Npars01 I appreciate BOTH of you

    Threadbane, avatar

    How is it that they GET all these seats in the first place? Aren't there any decent people who want to attend the trial?

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Threadbane I think some are reserved for each side, but not sure

    tdwllms1, avatar



    Rep. Anna Paulina Luna*tic (R-Fla.).

    dsmdexter, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL
    With loona there they may have passed into triple IQ digits.

    Atticus1956, avatar



    Oh-oh, we know what Boebert does when she gets bored.

    ChrisHolladay, avatar

    If there was ever a parade of fools...this would be it 😐

    darwinwoodka, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL must be sex offender day at the court. Did they get a discount?

    Atticus1956, avatar


    #NFL - The pedophile supports the rapist, how sweet!

    tdwllms1, avatar



    Cohen's cross-ex began w reminder that he called Blanche a "crying little s***."

    and it seems since they are still whining about it... it would be absolutely correct...

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