GottaLaff, avatar

🧵starts HERE.

Remember: I cannot reply while live-posting, so plz use NFL (Not For Laffy.. no hashtag) so I can skip your replies. THANK YOU.

1/… more preamble, via Rupar:

Trump this morning printed out new NYT poll showing him ahead in swing states+ some Fox columns for good measure.

"A legal expense is a legal expense. It's marked down in the book, 'legal expense'" --Trump still pretending he doesn't understand why he was charged w crimes re Stormy payment

GottaLaff, avatar

2/ Weissmann:

There is a very large space between Susan Necheles and Emil Bove--big enough to put another person at the defense table, but it's just empty space. Quite odd.

Judge Merchan disallows the prosecution from introducing the Weisselberg severance agreement to show why he is not here as a witness. Says it is not proof of the charged crime. (I think it shd have been admitted precisely to explain why the witness is not here.)

GottaLaff, avatar

3/ NOTE: I’m having Internet issues for some reason. Sorry. Nothing is loading, yes I’ve tried everything.


Judge DENIES prosecutors' bid to allow Allen Weisselberg's separation agreement with the Trump Organization into evidence.

"This would be used to explain why somebody is not here," the judge notes.

Neither side has subpoenaed Weisselberg, who's jailed for perjury.

GottaLaff, avatar

4/ Tyler McBrien:

Seems to Merchan that it would just be used to provide explanation on why someone isn't here, but not the offense itself.

No other preliminary matters from either side.

"If there's nothing else, let's get the jury in," Justice Merchan says.

GottaLaff, avatar

5/ Oy, not Xitter isn't loading. So, it's Katie Phang from Threads for awhile:

The prosecution calls Michael Cohen to the stand.

He is 57 years old, married for 30 years. Two children. He is testifying pursuant to a subpoena and his atty is present in court today.

Susan Hoffinger is conducting the Direct Examination of Cohen and is walking him through his educational background.

He graduated from law school in 1991, admitted in 1992 to the practice of law.

GottaLaff, avatar

6/ Phang:

As Michael Cohen testifies against his former boss, Donald Trump sits just a few feet away, his eyes appearing to be closed.👈🏼

memphismary, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL they drugged him for today 😂

ChrisHolladay, avatar


Watching everyone leave his beach blanket bingo NJ rally really wore his ass out .

GottaLaff, avatar

7/ Phang:

Cohen bought and invested in real estate. In 2007, he was offered a job by Trump at Trump Org. as "special counsel."

Cohen ID's Trump in open court, standing up at the witness stand to peer at Trump, and testifying that Trump is wearing a blue and white tie.

GottaLaff, avatar

8/ Xitter loaded. McBrien:

Cohen recounts his early life: Lawrence, Long Island, part of the five towns in Nassau Co. His father was a holocaust survivor who emigrated to Toronto for med school, met my mom, "four kids later, here I am."
"Actually I really didn't want to be a lawyer, my grandmother wanted me to be a lawyer"..His family is comprised of drs & lawyers, the lawyers are married to doctors and vice versa. "I wanted to go to Wall Street and my grandma said that's not gonna happen."

GottaLaff, avatar

9/ McB:

In addition to law, he also bought part of a business in taxi medallions—in 1995, he invested in "Manhattan Maintenance," as well as some real estate along the years. "Specifically in Trump properties, my very first one," Cohen says.

Cohen is speaking calmly, in his familiar Long Island accent.

Do you see Mr Trump in court today, and can you point him out?

Cohen wheels around two times in his seat, stands up, then points him out.

GottaLaff, avatar

10/ McB:

Cohen says he met Trump through Don Jr.—there was a board issue at a Trump building, where Cohen and relatives had a bloc of apartments, and Cohen and his allies took over the board.

That was the start of their relationship.

GottaLaff, avatar

11/ McB:

Cohen says he started doing work for Trump, initially at no cost. Finally, Trump asked Cohen to review lengthy documents related to Chapter 11 reorg plan of Trump Entertainment Resorts, so Cohen finally gave Trump a bill for $100k.

Trump summoned Cohen to his office to discuss the bill and asked him if he was happy at his "sleepy little firm," and whether Cohen would want to come work for him instead.

"I was honored, I was surprised," Cohen recalls.

GottaLaff, avatar

12/ McB:

The bill never got paid.

Instead, Trump offered him a position as Executive VP of Trump Org and special counsel to Trump, reporting directly and only to Trump, "working on issues that were of concern to him."

After a negotiation, they settled on a $375k base salary.

GottaLaff, avatar

13/ McB:

"I actually never went back, not even that day," says Cohen, as associates from the Trump organization went over to Cohen's old firm to pack up his things and move them to Trump Tower.

Cohen would work there for ten years: 2007 - Jan 2017.

How old were you when you started at the Trump Org, asks Hoffinger, but Cohen laughs nervously and says I can't recall (despite just saying he started in 2007).

McB: I'd be nervous too.

GottaLaff, avatar

14/ To reiterate, via Weissmann:

👉🏼Trump stiffs Phillips Nizer for $100,000 legal bill when he hires Cohen as Trump's special counsel and EVP. Worked there from 2007-2017.

GottaLaff, avatar

15/ McB:

Right out of the gate, Hoffinger is establishing that everything Cohen did, he did at the sole 👉🏼discretion of Donald Trump.

Cohen says his duties 👉🏼"concerned whatever [Trump] wanted."

👉🏼He had only one boss: "The Boss," Mr. Trump.

GottaLaff, avatar

16/ McB:

Q: Did he ever ask you to renegotiate bills for him?
A: Yes
Q: Examples?
A: A law firm would send an invoice, Trump didn't believe it was fair, reasonable, justified, so he'd give me the task of renegotiating.
Q: What about for specific vendor bills for Trump University?
A: Yes

GottaLaff, avatar

17/ Klasfeld:

Cohen recalls Trump telling him, "It's fantastic. It's incredible," when he successfully renegotiated bills and invoices.

Q: How did that make you feel?
A: Like I was on top of the world.

GottaLaff, avatar

18/ McB:

Cohen recounts how he renegotiated all the Trump University bills, at Trump's direction. Cohen was able to work out all but two vendors.

"They just...went away," Cohen says of the two vendors who didn't want to accept renegotiations.

Cohen says he wanted Trump to understand that he was "accomplishing what he wanted." After his work in the Trump University matter, Cohen remembers that Trump said "That's fantastic."

Q: How'd that make you feel?
A: Like I was on top of the world.

GottaLaff, avatar

19/ McB:

Now to another problem Cohen the fixer says he fixed: Cohen "brought an arbitration against" a Miss USA Pageant contestant who defamed the pageant organization, which they resolved.

Did you do negotiate for Trump in a strong or threatening matter?, Hoffinger asks.

"I would say so," Cohen responds with a note of regret in his voice. "Not all the time, but often."

GottaLaff, avatar

20/ Klasfeld:

Cohen testifies about threatening to sue companies and individuals for Trump, including someone from the Miss Universe pageant and reporters.

"I would express to them the need to redact or take the article down."

GottaLaff, avatar

21/ Bower:

Did you threaten to sue people on behalf of Trump during your time at Trump Org? Yes.

He provides an example: If the press said something that angered him, he would reach out to the press and request that they redact or take the article down or else Trump would sue.

GottaLaff, avatar

22/ Orden:

Cohen testified that he would talk to Trump every single day and multiple times per day.


More matters: getting a settlement from a yellow cab that hit a Trump car, handling adjustment with the insurance company about a residence bathroom, and, more to the point, working with the press to minimize negative stories and enhance positive stories about Trump and his biz.

GottaLaff, avatar

23/ McB:

Hoffinger asks about floor plans, not for the first time this trial: Cohen says he ended up sitting at a desk "maybe 50 feet" from Trump's office.

Q: How often did you speak with Trump when you worked there?
A: "Every single day, and multiple times a day."

GottaLaff, avatar

24/ McB:

Q: Did you ever contact Mr Trump through somebody else?
A: Yes
Q: Who?
A: Many people, depending on who he was with. Could be Rhona, Keith Schiller (whom Cohen called his "personal attaché"), Trump's children, Hope Hicks.

GottaLaff, avatar

25/ [Today I learned that my iPad is too old and unreliable. Sigh. I start off my live posts by typing these while still in bed--Calif. time, so early here!--, on my iPad, then switch to my Mac after I break. This will have to change. Moving on...]


Trump NEVER had an email: said people get into trouble. Trump said he had seen people "go down" because of them.
{See eg Trump:Roy Cohn never took notes]

rlstone4dems, avatar

@GottaLaff Laffy: Something tells me that the iPad I'm using is older.

GottaLaff, avatar

@rlstone4dems I think mine's a gen 4, but not sure

GottaLaff, avatar

26/ McB:

Q: Did Trump use email?
A: No, Mr Trump never had an email address.
Q: Did Trump share his philosophy on emails?
A: Trump would comment that emails are like written papers, he knows too many people who have gone down as a direct result of having emails prosecutors can use.

GottaLaff, avatar

27/ McB:

Mr Trump had an open door policy, Cohen says. He would often go to Trump's office, knock on the door, say Boss you got a second?, and walk right in.

Would he generally record those meetings in his calendar. "No ma'am," says Cohen.

Cohen says Trump would say, Keep me informed, let me know what's going on—what he's saying, what everybody did, as soon as you had a result or answer, you'd go straight back and tell him.

Q: Was Trump a micromanager?
A: Yes ma'am.

GottaLaff, avatar

28/ Inner City Press (aka Press):

Prosecutor: Were you told to update him on matters?
Cohen: Yes. If you didn't immediately tell him, it would not go over well for you.
Prosecutor: Was he a micro-manager?
Cohen: Yes ma'am. I called him Boss. There were great times, for the most part I enjoyed it

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff nfl jfc

GottaLaff, avatar

29/ McB:

Q: In working for him for 10 years, what was it like for you?
A: Fantastic. Working for him especially was an amazing experience in many, many ways. There were great times, several less than great times, but for the most part I enjoyed the responsibilities that was given to me..I enjoyed working with my colleagues at the Trump Org, the Trump children, it was a big family.

GottaLaff, avatar

30/ McB:

Q: Did you lie for him?
👉🏼A: Yes, it was what was needed.
Q: Did you at times bully people for him?
👉🏼A: Yes, in order to accomplish the task—the only thing that was on my mind was to accomplish the task to make him happy.

Cohen says he was rewarded for this with titles and seats.

GottaLaff, avatar

31/ Bower:

In connection with his work for Trump, some have called Cohen a "fixer."

It's a "fair" description, Cohen says.

GottaLaff, avatar

32/ Press:

Prosecutor: Did you lie for him?
Cohen: Yes. I bullied people too. I wanted to make him happy.
Prosecutor: Did you get additional titles?
Cohen: I was put on the board of Miss Universe. I was treasurer at some of the properties.

GottaLaff, avatar

33/ McB:

Q: Are you aware that in connection for your work with him, some called you his "fixer"?
A: Yes some have described me as that.
Q: Is that an accurate moniker?
A: It's fair, (he says solemnly).

Hoffinger is asking about two phone numbers (last four digits), likely CP1 and CP2.

GottaLaff, avatar

34/ McB:

Thus far, the jury remains as poker-faced as ever, ping-ponging their gaze between prosecutor and witness like tennis spectators, scribbling down a few notes occasionally.

Q: Did you provide those phones in Jan 2023?
A :Yes, that sounds correct.

GottaLaff, avatar

35/ Klasfeld:

In addition to text messages previously entered into evidence, Cohen's phone logs also entered the record on Friday, showing him on the phone with Trump twice on Oct. 26, 2016.

That will be key evidence for prosecutors, and an almost-certain topic of Cohen's testimony.

GottaLaff, avatar

36/ Klasfeld:

Cohen testifies that he and Trump decided to sync his contacts into his phone, leading him to have more than 30K contacts in his phone at one time.


..contacts in his phone—names, email addresses, cell numbers, home numbers.

We ult decided, & Trump agreed, to have his contacts synced to my cell phone as well, so that it would be easier when we traveled together, Cohen says.

GottaLaff, avatar

37/ McB:

While Trump had no email addresses, Cohen had three:,, and a personal gmail address.

GottaLaff, avatar

38/ McB:

Hoffinger asks whether Cohen knows David Pecker.

Yes, they initially met at a "function" on Long Island, before Cohen worked at Trump Org, but was "reintroduced" once he became Executive VP for Trump.

Did you communicate with David Pecker using encrypted app called
?, Hoffinger asks.

Sometimes we thought that encryption and not having the message traceable would be beneficial, Cohen says.

GottaLaff, avatar

39/ McB:

Before 2015, Cohen communicated with Pecker only on a few matters. One example: trying to place a positive story that Trump donated to Harlem for Hoops.

Q: Prior to Trump announcing his run for the presidency, did AMI ever pay to suppress negative stories of Trump?
A: No ma'am.
Q: Do you know someone named Dylan Howard, what was his role?
A: Yes, he worked for Mr Pecker to the same extent that I worked for Mr Trump.

GottaLaff, avatar

40/ [I'm so dreading having to keep my appt. with Mr. BlowDryer because this testimony is hard enough to keep up with without having to take a break.. so, I WILL catch you up, but it will be a lot]


In 2011, Cohen says he saw a poll stated 6 percent of respondents thought Trump should be the president, and he showed Trump.
It's interesting, we should look into it, Cohen says Trump said to him, and Cohen started a website:

GottaLaff, avatar

41/ McB:

Ultimately Trump decided not to run, but promised Cohen he would do it in the next election cycle—which they continously talked about in the years leading up to 2015.

Q: What was your campaign role?
A: I wasn't going to be part of it, just going to be a surrogate—someone who speaks on behalf of the candidate and defends him in the press. Speaks to the press, provides color, but not as a member of the campaign, but rather as an outside person.

GottaLaff, avatar

42/ McB:

Cohen says one of the things he noticed about the Trump campaign is that it was very white—he said that if we're going to win, we need diversity.

Q: Prior to the campaign announcement, did Trump express any concern about his past?
👉🏼A: [Trump said] You know that when this comes out—meaning the presidential announcement—just be prepared there's a lot of women that are going to come forward.👈🏼

GottaLaff, avatar

43/ McB:

Cohen describes what was discussed at the meeting with Pecker: the power of the NE in terms of its location at the cash registers of so many supermarkets and bodegas that if can place (+) stories about Mr Trump, that would be beneficial, and if we could place (-) stories about some of the other candidates, that would also be beneficial.

GottaLaff, avatar

44/ McB:

Q: In the course of the election, did AMI preview for Trump and Cohen some of the positive and negative stories they planned to run?
A: Yes, Cohen says, and describes some of the negatives ones: Hillary Clinton wearing very thick glasses w/ allegations that she had brain injury

GottaLaff, avatar

44/ Bower:

Cohen discussed the August 2015 meeting w/ Trump and Pecker at Trump tower. Pecker told them that he could place positive stories about Trump and negative stories about his opponents. And Pecker said he could tip off Cohen about negative Trump stories on the market.

Cohen recalls some of the negative stories that Pecker's magazines ran about Trump's opponents. Stories about Ted Cruz's father, Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton.

GottaLaff, avatar

45/ Bower:

According to Cohen, the covers of these stories were sometimes sent over to Trump. Why? To show that David Pecker was "loyal" and doing what he promised to do during the August 2015 meeting.

GottaLaff, avatar

46/ McB:

Hoffinger shows People's 166: it's an email from Cohen to Barry Levine (AMI), cc Howard. Levine sent to Cohen some positive stories, and Cohen responded: "Take out the part of the penthouse pet Sandra, as it offers nothing," along with another bit about Atlantic City.

GottaLaff, avatar

47/ Weissmann:

Cohen said when the presidential announcement comes out be prepared as THERE WILL BE A LOT OF WOMEN coming out with stories.

GottaLaff, avatar

48/ McB:

The email was from Jan 6, 2016, and Cohen thought the Penthouse pet bit would be negative for Trump, the way it dealth with women and penthouse—ultimately AMI agreed to take it out. The article eventually ran as: "World Exclusive: The Donald Trump That Nobody Knows!" (1/13/2016)

GottaLaff, avatar

49/ McB:

Hoffinger asks about the doorman story: after Cohen learned a story was circulating, he spoke to to Trump about it, "to 👉🏼get his direction on what he wanted me to do."
Q: Did you provide his name?
A: Yes, I provided all the information

GottaLaff, avatar

50/ McB:

Cohen says Trump told him to make sure this doorman story doesn't get out: "You handle it."
Q: What did you do?
A: I worked with Pecker and Howard in order to obtain the "life rights" story.
Q: Along the way did you update Trump about the matter?
👉🏼A: Immediately.

GottaLaff, avatar

51/ McB:

To borrow a phrase from David Pecker, Cohen says they acquired the life rights to "Take it off the market."

Q: Did you tell AMI that Trump would be grateful?
A: Absolutely.
Q: Was Trump grateful?
A: Absolutely.

GottaLaff, avatar

52/ NOTE: Break for me, Mr. BlowDryer is demanding that I get ready for the day.

I will catch you up when I get back, promise.

JeanPoole_AZ, avatar

@GottaLaff My boys always welcome your Mr. BlowDryer appointments because they signal the arrival of their breakfast. 😊

GottaLaff, avatar

53/ Pffft! Mr. BlowDryer is such a wuss.

Catching you up now, via Phang, Weissmann:

Cohen reviewed contract to "catch and kill" Dino the Doorman's story. He showed it to Trump to show that AMI was doing something about it. Cohen recommended a $1 million liquidated damages clause (a "heavy hammer" to make sure Dino didn't break the terms of agreement)

HOFFINGER: Did you tell Howard and Pecker that Mr. Trump would be grateful? COHEN: Absolutely. HOFFINGER: Was he grateful? COHEN: Absolutely

GottaLaff, avatar

54/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: did you suggest another term involving perpetuity? COHEN: Yes, the agreement had an end date, so i suggested make it in perpetuity. HOFFINGER: Did AMI agree to that term as well? COHEN: They did.

HOFFINGER: Did you tell Mr. Trump? COHEN: Yes, “In order to get credit for accomplishing the task.” HOFFINGER: What was Mr Trump’s reaction when you told him that? COHEN: “that’s great”

GottaLaff, avatar

55/ HOFFINGER: Is it your understanding that AMI did buy the life rights as part of Pecker’s agreement with you & Trump at TT in August? COHEN: Yes.

Now, the prosecution moves on to ask Cohen about Karen McDougal story.
HOFFINGER: June 2016, did you learn McDougal was looking to sell her story? COHEN: I received a call from Pecker & Howard & they said that she is a Playboy playmate and there is a story that is looking to be sold to news outlets about her relationship that she had w Mr Trump.

GottaLaff, avatar

56/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: What if anything did you think about the potential impact on the presidential campaign
COHEN: “Significant”

“So I went to the office, knocked on it, boss I got to talk to you. Come in. I went in. Told him about what I had just learned. I asked him if he knew who Karen McDougal was, knew anything about the story.”

COHEN: “His response to me was, she's really beautiful.” COHEN: “I said ok but there’s a story that’s right now being shopped.”

GottaLaff, avatar

57/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: What did you do? COHEN: We needed to acquire the story so I reached out to Pecker.
Asked whether he communicated regularly with Pecker and Howard from June 16, 2016 through August 5, 2016, Cohen affirms he did in order to ensure the story was purchased and taken off the market:

GottaLaff, avatar

58/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: Did you meet regularly with Pecker and Howard re McDougal's story? COHEN: Yes, to stop the story from getting to an outside source. HOFFINGER: did AMI regularly update you about negotiations regarding the story? COHEN: Yes HOFFINGER: How did you communicate with Pecker and Howard? COHEN: it would either be by phone, text, email, Signal app

GottaLaff, avatar

59/ Phang:

This June 16, 2016 text exchange, Cohen says, was about a meeting with Karen McDougal's people.

Cohen is now shown texts between him and Keith Schilller, Trump's bodyguard.

These texts are dated June 16, 2016, and Cohen is trying to reach Trump (through Schiller) regarding the Karen McDougal matter, after getting an update from Howard.

GottaLaff, avatar

60/ Phang:

Cohen testifies that he was trying to reach Trump to give him the McDougal update.

GottaLaff, avatar

61/ Phang:

SERIES OF TEXTS BW HOWARD & COHEN DATED: JUNE 20, 2016 are shown to Cohen.
DH: “I am about to meet with her. Her name is Karen McDougal. Former Playboy Playmate.” MC: “Ok. We need to speak” DH: “Yes” DH: “When we break.” MC: “Ok. Obviously important.” (more...)

GottaLaff, avatar

62/ Phang:

DH: “Spoke to DP. We just broke. I’m wrapping up with them. And then we will convene a three way call between us all to sort this out. Understand I’ve got this locked down for you. I won’t let it out of my grasp." DH: "Just heading to hotel. Will call you when in room for privacy"


GottaLaff, avatar

63/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: A little later in June 2016, were you present for a conversation that Trump had with Pecker about the Karen McDougal matter? COHEN: Yes ma’am, I was in Mr. Trump’s office, and Trump used a speaker box on his desk so I heard the conversation

GottaLaff, avatar

64/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: Who else was in Trump's office besides yourself and Mr. Trump? COHEN: Just the two of us. HOFFINGER: Did David Pecker call in? COHEN: Yes ma’am, in Mr. Trump’s office, he had the call put through and he had a speaker box on his desk.
He asked Pecker how things are going with the matter and David said we have it under control and we will take care of it.

GottaLaff, avatar

65/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: What was the conversation about? COHEN: “David [Pecker] stated that it’s going to cost him $150,000 to control the story, to which
Mr. 👉🏼Trump replied no problem, 'I’ll take care of it.'”

GottaLaff, avatar

66/ Phang:

COHEN: “AMI was going to lay out the funds, and as Mr. Trump had stated to David, I’ll take care of it.” HOFFINGER: And what did you understand that to mean?
👉🏼COHEN: “That [Trump] was going to pay him back”

GottaLaff, avatar

67/ Phang:

EXHIBIT BEING SHOWN to Cohen – TEXT MESSAGES BETWEEN HOWARD AND COHEN (Cohen is reading a series of texts about conversations to and about Karen McDougal)
HOFFINGER: why were you pressing for this information from Dylan Howard? COHEN: I wanted to know what the number was because I'd have to report back to Mr. Trump.

GottaLaff, avatar

68/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: Was there some particular pressure at this point [in time]?
👉🏼COHEN: “There was the campaign, and we were concerned that this story was going to find its way to ABC News.

GottaLaff, avatar

69/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: Did you learn an agreement had been finalized with Karen McDougal? What were the terms? COHEN: I was told by David Pecker and Dylan Howard: the terms would be compensation to her in the amount of $150,000 and AMI provide her with 24 penned articles as well as she would be on two covers of one of the various magazines that they owned.

GottaLaff, avatar

70/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: Did Pecker tell you the agreement was bulletproof? COHEN: Yes, it would be locked down and prevented from going to ABC News. Effectively, the story had now been “caught”. HOFFINGER: “What was Mr. Trump’s reaction to hearing that an agreement had been signed, and done, and that it was bulletproof"? COHEN: Yes, 👉🏼[Trump's] reaction was “fantastic, great job”

GottaLaff, avatar

71/ Phang:

Now, the prosecution asks about 8/5/16 email from Keith Davidson to Michael Cohen wherein Davidson asked Cohen to give him a call.

GottaLaff, avatar

72/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: After AMI finalized the deal [with KM] and paid the money for her life rights, did you speak to Pecker about Mr. Trump reimbursing? COHEN: Pecker wanted the $150,000 back because it was too much money for him to hide from the CEO of the parent company and he had laid out $30,000 (also for Dino the Doorman) so he was putting pressure on me to get the money to pay him back.

GottaLaff, avatar

73/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: Did you have lunch with Pecker where he pressed you on the matter? COHEN: He asked me to meet him at a restaurant and again he expressed his anger saying i need the money back and i said Mr Trump said he will pay you back.
HOFFINGER: “did you talk to Mr Trump about that? Did you inform him about that?” 👉🏼COHEN: he said “don't worry, i'll take care of it.”

GottaLaff, avatar

74/ Phang:

COHEN: “There’s a file drawer, or a locked drawer as Pecker described it where files that relate to Mr. Trump existed. And at that point in time, David was being considered for the position of CEO at Time Inc.” COHEN: “And one of the concerns that I had that I expressed to mr trump, was that 👉🏼if Pecker goes, there’s a series of papers there [at AMI] that relate to you. HOFFINGER: Was Mr. Trump concerned about that? COHEN: Yes

GottaLaff, avatar

75/ Phang:

Now, the prosecution asks about that now-famous taped conversation in Trump Tower:
HOFFINGER: I now direct your attention to Sept 2016. Did you record a convo with Trump re: purchasing Karen McDougal life rights? 👉🏼COHEN: Yes and this was the only one I taped.

GottaLaff, avatar

76/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: Why did you tape this one? COHEN: “It was so I could show it to David Pecker, and that way he would hear the conversation, that he was going to be paying — that he was going to be paying him back.” “And I also wanted him to remain loyal to Mr. Trump.”

GottaLaff, avatar

77/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: How did you record it? COHEN: I had the cell phone in my hand and I used voice memo app and hit record and walked in, it was in my hand. HOFFINGER: How far away were you? COHEN: Opposite side of his desk
👉🏼HOFFINGER: “Was Mr Trump aware that you were recording this conversation?” COHEN: “No, ma’am”

GottaLaff, avatar

78/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: whose voices are on that audio recording? COHEN: Trump, mine, Rhona Graff COHEN: Rhona came in and out but you can hear her voice, she was trump’s assistant.

Cohen explains that before they got to the McDougal payment, they were talking about a real estate project in Charleston and one other topic.

GottaLaff, avatar

79/ Phang:

NOW the audio of that recorded conversation between Trump and Cohen is being played in open court.

The jury is listening to the audio recording while the transcription is being shown on screen so that they can read along while listening.

Here is the link to that transcript:

GottaLaff, avatar

80/ Phang:

Cohen: "Our friend David" I was referring to David Pecker.

Cohen is testifying that he was discussing opening an LLC to hold all of the information that Pecker would transfer to them; the utility of the LLC was "to 👉🏼keep it away from Mr. Trump" for purposes of his privacy "and for the benefit of Mr. Trump."

GottaLaff, avatar

81/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: Why didn’t you use David Pecker’s full name? COHEN: It wasn't necessary. Mr. Trump knew who I was talking about, It was an ongoing conversation that we had.

HOFFINGER: You mentioned in your convo with mr trump Allen Weisselberg. Who’s he? COHEN: CFO of Trump Org HOFFINGER: Why did you tell mr. trump you were setting up the LLC and discussing it with mr. Weisselberg?

GottaLaff, avatar

82/ Phang:

COHEN : Because Mr Trump had previously directed me to speak to Mr. Weisselberg about getting this matter handled, because we are going to need money and open up the LLC and resolved this issue.
AW was the Chief Financial Officer and “Every penny that came in or out went through Allen’s office."

GottaLaff, avatar

83/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: What did Mr. Trump mean “what do we got to pay for this? COHEN: We were going to have to pay for [KM's] lifetime rights. COHEN: “Trump already knew based upon conversations with David, which is why he mentioned the number 150.”

COHEN: “All that stuff” is referencing the information that David Pecker had accumulated over the years related to Mr. Trump that was in that locked drawer, including the Karen McDougal story.

GottaLaff, avatar

84/ Phang:

When Cohen used the word "financing," what he really meant was "funding," or "how much money needed to be paid to David Pecker or AMI," he said.
When Trump instructed him to pay cash, Trump meant green, which would have been one way to avoid papering the transaction, but wasn't "what I thought was the best way to handle it.

GottaLaff, avatar

85/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: The tape cuts off and there is a voice, whose voice is that? COHEN: Me, because i received an incoming call
HOFFINGER: Why did you take the call? COHEN: It was an important call. COHEN: “I didn’t want to record more. I already had enough that I would have been able to show David Pecker as to convince him that he was going to receive the $150,000 back.”

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL buncha disgusting lowlifes, Cohen right up there with the orange pustule

GottaLaff, avatar

86/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: ATT record…..calls to and from your cell phone ending in 0114, around the time that your recording shuts off? Does that indicate the number of the incoming call? COHEN: It does, it comes back to Kathy Battle, Branch Manager at Capital One Bank.

GottaLaff, avatar

87/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: After the recording did you continue the conversation with Trump? COHEN: I said I would call Pecker’s office and get back to you.

Cohen denies altering the recording in any way.

GottaLaff, avatar

88/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: was it typical for you to discuss financial matters with Allen Weisselberg? COHEN: “It was typical for everyone” to discuss financial matters with Allen Weisselberg because he was the Chief Financial Officer, and it’s also because Mr Trump directed me to speak to Mr. Weisselberg

HOFFINGER: Did AW report directly to DT ? COHEN: Yes

GottaLaff, avatar

89/ Phang:

Cohen: Any deal, regardless of magnitude, would be handled by AW, in or out.

Cohen: I told AW I was going to open up an LLC to keep it separate.

GottaLaff, avatar

90/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: Can you describe the conversation with Allen Weisselberg about the Karen McDougal agreement? COHEN: I went to Allen’s office and expressed to him we needed funding of $150,000 to consummate this transaction and Allen said to me 👉🏼“If we do it from a Trump entity, that kind of defeats the purpose, because the point is not to have the Trump name affiliated with this at all. That would create a barrier.”

GottaLaff, avatar

91/ Phang:

COHEN: so he asked me to think of ways to come up with $150,000, so i told him i would come up with an LLC

HOFFINGER: How many conversations with Weisselberg about Karen McDougal transaction? COHEN: 10-12

HOFFINGER: Did there come a time you worked with Daniel Rothstein to transfer rights from AMI to an LLC? COHEN: He was an employee at AMI

GottaLaff, avatar

92/ Phang:

Rothstein and Cohen communicated via Signal, the encrypted messaging app.

From Daniel Rothstein To Michael Cohen “Please find possible names. I am working on the assignment agreement”
HOFFINGER: Was that just one day after you had taped the conversation with Mr. Trump about setting up an LLC? COHEN: Yes

GottaLaff, avatar

93/ All caught up. I lied about posting Weissmann... no time.


Cohen says he had 10-12 convos with Weisselberg about the McDougal matter.

Hoffinger shows People's 209—communications btwn Cohen and David Rotstein, an associate at AMI, about five possible names for the LLC. The first message was from 9/7/2016—just one day after recorded convo

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL liar liar pants on fire and of course we love you anyway because your hair looks fabuuuuulous

GottaLaff, avatar

94/ Gotta post Pagliery!

For two minutes now, Trump has been slouching back in his chair, toying with a small stack of papers in his hand.

He's totally still. His eyes are closed. He hasn't turned a page. He's leaning left.

Trump just passed the papers from one hand to another, licked a finger, then went back to staying still.

At first glance it looks like he's been staring at the same page for quite a while. But he remains there while Cohen discusses the McDougal deal.

GottaLaff, avatar

95/ Sidebar, via Ron Filipkowski:
Tuberville splits after 90 minutes and is crying that they are calling him “Mister” Trump in court.

Tuberville: I'm disappointed in the courtroom. I'm hearing Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump. He is former President Trump. Give him some respect.

GottaLaff, avatar

96/ Klasfeld:

Another message, referring to the assignment agreement, is dated right before AMI was going to acquire McDougal's life rights, Cohen says.

Cohen is shown the formation records for Resolution Consultants LLC, used for the assignment for the Karen McDougal deal.

He's then shown the assignment of license agreement, transferring the McDougal rights from AMI to Cohen's shell company.

GottaLaff, avatar

97/ Btw, that was WAY more catching up than usual. I was away for less time than usual, but there were a ton more posts covering the trial.

This ain't easy, folks. Okay, moving on.

JaneinNJ, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL You make it look easy, Laffy!

GottaLaff, avatar

@JaneinNJ It’s so not easy 😄

mastodonmigration, avatar


Hang in there! This stuff is riveting!

GottaLaff, avatar

98/ Phang:

There have been very few objections this morning so Cohen's testimony is clipping along at a steady pace.
Blanche will be crossing Cohen.

Katie's Sidebar:
Todd Blanche is seated at the defense table, listening carefully to Michael Cohen's testimony. He will likely be the one to cross Cohen.

GottaLaff, avatar

99/ Klasfeld:

Asked why the LLC invoiced $125,000 — and McDougal's deal was $150,000 — Cohen says Pecker valued the remainder for McDougal's services under the agreement.

GottaLaff, avatar

100/ Ben Feuerherd:

Cohen: "What I was doing, I was doing at the direction and the benefit of Mr. Trump"

GottaLaff, avatar

101/ Pagliery:

Cohen & Pecker decided to have AMI sign over the "life rights" of McDougal's story to Trump, have him pay back the firm.

Sept. 30, 2016, Cohen incoporates the infamous shell company "Resolution Consultants LLC."

That same day he & Pecker sign the rights transfer contract.

erica orden:

Cohen again emphasizes that his work on the McDougal matter was expressly for his boss, Donald Trump. “What I was doing, I was doing at the direction and for the benefit of Mr. Trump.”

GottaLaff, avatar

102/ And just for good measure, via Klasfeld:

Asked whether the assignment agreement would have him or Trump own McDougal's story, Cohen says it was Trump.

"I had no reason to own, no need to own, the life rights," Cohen says. "What I was doing was at the direction of and for the benefit for Mr. Trump."

GottaLaff, avatar

103/ McB:

Cohen: Pecker stated it was no longer necessary to have Trump pay the $125k. I asked him why, satisfied that I wouldn't have to tell Trump he'd have to pay that much money The reason was bc the McDougal Mens Health front cover had sold more copies than they ever sold.

GottaLaff, avatar

104/ Klasfeld:

Prosecutor: The invoice doesn't reference the McDougal hush-money, but rather a "flat fee" for so-called "advisory services."

It doesn't say AMI, but says another company.

Cohen: It was clearly a "separation" in order to "mask the transaction."

GottaLaff, avatar

105/ McB:

Q: What about the other materials in Pecker's "locked drawer"?
A: David was no longer considered for Time, he was going to stay at AMI, so there was no need to worry, and he believed none of the docs in the locked drawer were detrimental to Trump anyway.

GottaLaff, avatar

106/ McB:

How many conversations did you have with Trump about the Karen McDougal deal?, Hoffinger asks.
Quite a few, says Cohen.

He adds that he never ended up playing the recorded conversation for Pecker: "I just never played it."

GottaLaff, avatar

107/ McB:

Fast forward to 10/7/16: where were you on that day?
A: I was in London, for my daughter's 21st birthday as well as my anniversary.
Q: While there, did you become aware of the release of the AH tape, and how?
A: Yes, I received a phone call from Hope Hicks.

GottaLaff, avatar

108/ Backtrack a little. Klasfeld clarifies:

Cohen confirms that David Pecker told him to "rip" up the agreement, but he gives a different account of why.

He says Pecker told him it was because McDougal's front cover made them a lot of money.


Pecker testified that he pulled out of the assignment agreement after a conversation with his lawyer, and that Cohen warned him Trump would be upset.

GottaLaff, avatar

109/ McB:

Cohen remembers receiving an email forward from Steve Bannon about the AH tape, and Hoffinger shows Cohen that email (which also includes Hope Hicks, Jason Miller, and Kellyanne Conway) on his monitor.

Hoffinger offers People's 218 into evidence, Blanche objects—overruled.

GottaLaff, avatar

110/ Kyle Cheney:

Nearly2 hours into Cohen's testimony, at how little he's been interrupted, even as he's reached heart the case against Trump. He's providing calm, detailed, measured acct as prosecutors seek to shore up his cred for the upcoming cross.

COHEN described giving Trump a "complete & total update" on his efforts to suppress McDougal story.

Sound familiar? Trump routinely offers his "complete & total endorsement" of political allies. Can take the guy out of the Trump Org but...

GottaLaff, avatar

111/ McB:

We all see the email now, from David Fahrenthold to Hicks, re: Urgent WaPo query, asking her for comment w/r/t the leak of the tape from AccessHollywood, with a transcript attached.

Hicks had emailed to Bannon and Miller: "Need to hear the tape to be sure" then "deny, deny, deny" — which Bannon had forwarded to Cohen.

Cohen responded: Please call me, "because I wanted to be sure things were properly being taken care of to protect Mr. Trump."

GottaLaff, avatar

112/ McB:

Cohen writes in another email to Bannon: "It's all over the place. Whose doing damage control here?"
👉🏼Q: Were you concerned about the impact of this tape on Trump's campaign?
A: Yes.👈🏼

GottaLaff, avatar

113/ McB:

We see a call log, calls that Cohen took in London while at dinner with family and friends.

Q: What did you at that time to assist with the damage control effort?
A: I reached out to members of the media to have conversations with them.

Q: What was your understanding about why the press reached out to you about this?
A: The recording was quite damaging, and they wanted comment.

Hoffinger displays People's 257, 10/8/16 texts btwn Cohen and (then CNN anchor) Chris Cuomo

GottaLaff, avatar

114/ Klasfeld:

Displaying phone records, the prosecutor shows Cohen on the phone with Trump twice on Oct. 8, 2016.

"The spin he wanted to put on this was that it was 'locker room talk,'" Cohen says, adding that 👀Trump told him that's what Melania "thought it was."

Cohen recalls speaking to the press about the tape.

"The recording is quite damaging, and they wanted comment."

DaPickle, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL anyone and everyone who thinks Melanie is an innocent prisoner in Trump world needs to open their eyes. She is just as slimy, grifty and corrupt as the rest of them. She lies, plagiarizes, promotes worthless products, and pretends she is naturally (as opposed to cut up and put back together) beautiful. When will everyone stop giving her a pass?!?

GottaLaff, avatar

115/ Klasfeld:

At least on direct, prosecutors are showcasing a starkly different Michael Cohen from his public persona: calm, slow, methodical, and even-keeled.


We see text messages between Cohen and Chris Cuomo, the former CNN anchor.

Cuomo: You going to defend him?
Cohen: I'm in London. I have been asked by everyone to do shows starting Tuesday. Not sure what I will do.
Cuomo: Will be too late. He is dying right now.👈🏼

GottaLaff, avatar

116/ Bower:

This was about a month before the election. It's one example of communications Cohen had with members of the press about the Access Hollywood tape.

Cohen understood the tape would be "impactful," particularly w/ women voters.

GottaLaff, avatar

117/ Q: What did you understand "he is dying" to mean?
👉🏼A: That this is a tremendously negative story w/r/t the Trump campaign.
Q: What did you understand to be the impact of the AH tape on the campaign?
Hoffinger restates, objection—overruled.

Cohen says that he understood the Access Hollywood tape "would be significantly impactful—especially with women voters."

GottaLaff, avatar

118/ McB:

Another email is now displayed: an email from Cohen to Howard, cc Pecker. It's about a story from Oct 2006, before AMI owned it, Radar Magazine, headline: "Donald Trump, Playboy Man"

Cohen says the 2006 Radar Online story "Donald Trump, Playboy Man" talked about a recorded conversation between Trump just how exacting the real estate blowhard's standards are regarding women"—he asked Pecker/Howard to immediately take it down.

helma, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL ... just saying that I love how everyone reads Laffy's repoeting and adds NFL in their reply so she is not overwhelmed later. 🫶

GottaLaff, avatar

119/ McB:

Cohen says he told Trump "the situation would get handled"—"to get credit" he adds—and "I wanted David Pecker to get credit as well."

Now, hours into the direct, we hear the name "Stormy Daniels" for the first time.

GottaLaff, avatar

120/ McB:

Q: When Howard told you on 10/8/16 that Stormy Daniels' manager was trying to sell her story, did you know who she was?
A: I did—in reference back to the 2011 scenario that I had dealt previously with Davidson on, in order to have the story removed from The Dirty dot com.

Q: In terms of Daniels story getting out, what if anything did you think in terms of potential impact on the campaign?

👉🏼A: Catastrophic, that this is—he pauses—horrible for the campaign.

GottaLaff, avatar

121/ LOL, "never heard of her," amirite?


Q: What did you understand Daniels' job to be?
A: That she was an adult film star.

Q: In 2011, did you have a convo w/ Trump about Stormy Daniels?
A: Yes, after I received info from Howard, I immediately went to Trump's office, and

I told him about the conversation, asked him if he knew who she was,
👉🏼 he said he did...👈🏼

GottaLaff, avatar

122/ Press:

Prosecutor: Did you have a conversation with Mr. Trump about Stormy Daniels?
Cohen: Yes. I relayed what Dylan Howard said

Cohen: I told him, We need to take care of this. He said, Absolutely, do it.
Prosecutor: What did he tell you about 2006?
Cohen: That he was playing golf with Big Ben and met Stormy, that she liked Mr. Trump over Big Ben.
Prosecutor: Did you ask if they had sex?

GottaLaff, avatar

123/ McB:

...and I told him that one of the things we needed to do was take care of it, and
👉🏼Trump said "Absolutely, take care of it."
Q: Did Trump tell you anything about meeting her in 2006?
A: He told me he was playing golf with Big Ben, and they had met Daniels and others there.
...but she liked Mr Trump, and that women prefer Trump even over someone like Big Ben.

GottaLaff, avatar

124/ McB:

Q: Did you ask him in 2011 whether he had a sexual encounter with Daniels?
A: I did, but he didn't answer me directly.

Cohen says Trump just said that "she's a beautiful woman."

[Me: Then he called her "horse face" repeatedly online]

mbwood, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL... I forgot who McB is...please remid me someone.

GottaLaff, avatar

@mbwood Tyler McBrien

GottaLaff, avatar

125/ McB:

Hoffinger asks about Cohen's efforts taking down a separate article—one from In Touch magazine also in 2011—after which Cohen heard nothing about the Stormy Daniels matter from then until 2016.

We see People's 177A, 10/9/16 texts btwn Howard and Cohen—
DH: Emailed you
DH: Keith will do it, let's reconvene tomorrow

Which Keith would that be? Long pause... Keith Davidson.

There are far too many Keiths mixed up in this case.

GottaLaff, avatar

126/ McB:

More texts, 10/10/16, a 3 way text between Howard, Cohen, and Davidson
DH: Connecting you in regards to that business opportunity. Spoke to the client this AM and they're confirmed to proceed with the opportunity.
DH: Over to you two.

GottaLaff, avatar

127/ Bower:

On Oct. 10, Howard connected Cohen with Davidson via text.

The prosecution displays the texts

The "business opportunity" Howard cryptically alluded to in the text was the opportunity to buy Daniels's life rights and squash the story about Trump, according to Cohen.

GottaLaff, avatar

128/ McB:

Q: What was the business opportunity Howard referred to?
A: The acquisition of the life rights to the story of Stormy Daniels.
Q: After you learned from Howard and Davidson about Daniels' story, did you speak to Trump? Why?
A: Yes, because it was a matter that affected him, and that was what I always did, to keep him abreast of everything.

GottaLaff, avatar

129/ McB:

It was also a very serious matter at this time.
Trump was very angry: "I thought you had this under control? I thought you took care of this?" We did in 2011, but I had not control over what she goes out and does. He expressed to me there's previous denial. "Just take care of it," there was a lot going on in the campaign.

GottaLaff, avatar

130/ McB:

Cohen says that upon hearing about Stormy Daniels' intention to sell her story, Trump told him, 👉🏼"This is a disaster—a total disaster—women will hate me. Guys they think it's cool, but this is gonna be a disaster for the campaign."👈🏼

AtheistIntelligence, avatar

@GottaLaff nfl, guy here. I do not think it is cool to cheat on your wife.

GottaLaff, avatar

131/ McB:

At the time, Trump was polling very poorly with women, Cohen explains, and this coupled with the previous Access Hollywood [tape], he just stated this is a disaster [and told me] "Get control over it."

Q: Any conversation about strategy in dealing with it?
A: Well he told me to work with Pecker and get control over this, purchase the life rights, just stop this from getting out.

GottaLaff, avatar

132/ McB:

Q: Any conversation about period of time?
A: Yes, during the negotiation,
👉🏼Trump told me to push it out long as you can, just get past the election, because if I win it will have no relevance, and if I lose I won't even care.👈🏼

Hoffinger asks about any conversation about Melania. Cohen says he was concerned about Melania, but Trump told him don't worry.

👉🏼"He wasn't thinking about Melania—this was all about the campaign," Cohen says. 👈🏼.

GottaLaff, avatar

133/ Kyle Cheney:

COHEN finally gets to the heart of what prosecutors want. Trump's effort to silence Stormy Daniels: "This was all about the campaign."

He said he asked Trump about Melania and Trump made a crack about whether he'd be "on the market" for long, presumably ... after she left him? 👀

GottaLaff, avatar

134/ McB:

We see People's 63: an email from Davidson to Cohen 10/11/16—the Daniels NDA and side letter agreement are attached, as are payment details

GottaLaff, avatar

135/ Gotta drive this home:


Cohen says he broached the subject of Trump's wife Melania by saying: "How's things going upstairs?"

According to Cohen, Trump replied: "Don't worry. How long do you think I'll be on the market for? Not long."

GottaLaff, avatar

136/ Again:


There were negotiations to purchase the Daniels life rights. Regarding the timing of a potential payment, Trump told Cohen to "push it out as long as you can" past the election. If I win, Trump said, then it no longer has relevance. If I lose, then I don't really care.
Cohen also says that Trump wasn't thinking about Melania. This was all about the campaign.

GottaLaff, avatar

137/ Again:


Katie's Sidebar:
If anyone is wondering why Melania has not been attendance at this trial...

Cohen asked Trump: "How are things gonna go upstairs?" [referring to Melania]
Trump responded: "Don't worry; how long do you think I'll be on the market for? Not long."
Cohen interpreted that to mean he was not worried about Melania; he was worried about the campaign.

GottaLaff, avatar

138/ McB:

Cohen recaps the gen terms: for $130k, Daniels would execute a NDA, that the life rights to story would never come out and she wouldn't speak of it. There was a very large, $1m per violation liquidate punitive damages clause.

As we see many now familiar exhibits—the NDA, the side letter agreement—relating to now familiar aspects of the narrative, this is a good reminder of the prosec's strategy w handling Cohen's "baggage" all along: as much as poss rely on him for corroboration only

GottaLaff, avatar

139/ Bower:

At this point, neither Trump nor Cohen had signed the agreement. Why? Because it was all about delay for Trump, Cohen says. Delay past the election.


"Let's go ahead and take our lunch recess," Merchan says, as he gives his intstructions to the jury before excusing them.

We'll see you at 2 p.m.

GottaLaff, avatar

140/ McB:

Jurors depart, Cohen departs, Merchan departs, Trump & co. depart, and oddly, prosecution lingers.

Lather, rinse, repeat, sort of.

ChrisHolladay, avatar

He isn't worth a porta potty party at a flea market.
On the market my ass 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Lon3star, avatar

@GottaLaff wow, the degree of dirtbag he exudes is amazing anyone would trust him

GottaLaff, avatar

@Lon3star It's not about trust.

Lon3star, avatar

@GottaLaff true, you're either in it with your own expectations on how to profit or you're the mark

Okanogen, avatar

@GottaLaff @Lon3star
Everything is transactional. Remoras on a great white shark.

BigBoppa, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL

They’re up to their teeth in Keith’s…. I’ll show myself out now..

LiberalEd, avatar


The "Women seek out my life essence, Mandrake" vibes are real.

darthstar, avatar

We'll hear him say this line a lot.

GottaLaff, avatar
ralfmaximus, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL

Defendant Trump is more timely & accurate nowadays.

ChrisHolladay, avatar

Tommy Stupidville is back at it again.
Showing everyone his single digit IQ

samiamsam, avatar

@GottaLaff republicans are a bunch of whiny crybabies lol

TFFPrisoner, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL Boo fucking hoo.

pujiazza86, avatar

@GottaLaff Greetings from Jakarta, Indonesia

vaughnsc, avatar

@GottaLaff It does seem like the daily tussle went into overtime today 😆
#rootingForYa 🤞

Blow Out Hair GIF by Chippy the Dog

dashrb, avatar

@GottaLaff any interest in selling the old iPad?

GottaLaff, avatar

@dashrb Why, you want it?

lkngrrr, avatar

@GottaLaff Your ability to span across so many sources to bring us these summaries is very impressive. Thank you!

GottaLaff, avatar

@lkngrrr It's exhausting, and thank you




How can a "pled-guilty" crime not count, in a court of law, as "proof of the charged crime"?

(($; -)}™

davidtheeviloverlord, avatar


It's marked down in the book "not a crime", so it's not a crime!

That's not how it works.

memphismary, avatar

@GottaLaff, NFL omg, this obsession with his ‘positive’ printouts is demented; his family doesn’t care about him one whit. he is a step or two away from drooling in a wheelchair but no one cares. ride the ride till the bitter end i guess. what a family of savages.

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