GottaLaff, avatar

🤔Gee, who owns the ? Oooo, ooo! Pick me! I know!🙋🏻‍♀️ 1/...

Via democracydocket:

BREAKING: Republican National Committee files lawsuit alleging that 's voter rolls are outdated and the state is in violation of the National Voter Registration Act. The RNC wants Michigan to purge voters before the November election.

GottaLaff, avatar

2/ I dedicate the above post to those who laughed off Trump's takeover of the RNC.

I maintain that his doing that is dangerous and helps destroy democracy.

You may be gleeful that the GOP is imploding, but while they're doing that, they're also doing real damage.

Eetschrijver, avatar

@GottaLaff They used to share at least basic values with the other side. No more of that since the Trump takeover.

GottaLaff, avatar

@Eetschrijver Yeah, or pretended to

Eetschrijver, avatar

@GottaLaff Well, yes. But I daresay that, take one, Dubya, despised at the time and admittedly for good reason, has more in common with any Democrat you can think of than with Orange Hitler.

LittleTownJane, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar

@LittleTownJane That's only one. They're going to bombard.

leswarden, avatar

@GottaLaff My god, it’s like trying to stomp roaches. They just keep coming back.

GottaLaff, avatar

@leswarden They never left

Cotopaxi, avatar

@GottaLaff You're absolutely right, this is an alarming development in an already hair-raising series of developments. Too many Americans are ignorant of events leading to Hitler's rise to power. This is straight out of the fascist play book and it is terrifying in its implications. These days my keen interest in politics is down to 'can't look, can't look away'.

GottaLaff, avatar

@Cotopaxi Right. Mine too. And thanks for getting it.

JonChevreau, avatar

@GottaLaff Geek, do you think the guy who whined endlessly about an election being stolen from him would possibly be considering stealing an election himself?

GottaLaff, avatar

@JonChevreau He never stopped.

Joe_Hill, avatar

@JonChevreau @GottaLaff
#DefendantTrump got ~1 million more votes in 2020 vs 2016, despite his incompetence causing the death of ~765,000 Americans. Mitch McConnell won his election despite his lowest poll numbers ever. Lindsay Graham and Susan Collins were re-elected despite huge unfavorability numbers.

I don’t know if I’ll ever get rid of the feeling that trump’s “rigged election” claims aren’t due to the fact that they insufficiently gamed the voting machines.

Joe_Hill, avatar
mastodonmigration, avatar

@Joe_Hill @JonChevreau @GottaLaff

This is stunning. The degree of actual election fraud alleged here is breathtaking.

thepoliticalcat, avatar


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  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @thepoliticalcat The people I’ ve known on there for years are trustworthy @mastodonmigration @Joe_Hill @JonChevreau

    tdwllms1, avatar


    my comment from the other day...

    This is truly quite harmful to the nation and our state of politics. Trumps goal of being Putin took a leap forward today as the RNC is now Magaland... The GOP is officially dead and coffin nailed closed with this move. Trump now runs a full political party to bend to his will and diseased outlook... this truly is a very bad day for America...

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tdwllms1 Because you have a functioning brain. I keep telling you that, lol

    tdwllms1, avatar


    lol.. ya ya.... it's works upon occasion... generally very early in the day.

    My hope is the more that the true-conservatives ala Cheney's and more moderate-Murkowski's' band up and causes the final rift that splits the party into two separate entities. That may be a huge help that helps to save democracy along with democrats... . That limits the total power that MAGA\trump will hold as a full political party.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @tdwllms1 I hope so too. But it's taking too long.

    Aviva_Gary, avatar

    @tdwllms1 @GottaLaff Keep in mind they are okay with the fashie stuff (look at their voting records) it is the leader they object to... 👀

    tdwllms1, avatar


    Yes... and I'm going to guess the heritage foundation has their hands deeply involved in this already and knowing their only chance to win is election fraud and theft... will run hard with that just as fast as they possible can..


    gulovsen, (edited ) avatar


    GottaLaff, avatar

    @gulovsen He’s a hero, but it may not be enough this time.

    axeshun, avatar

    @GottaLaff agreed. Absolutely nothing they do is funny. It's aimed at destroying us all and it is very calculated by minds far beyond trvmp's.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @axeshun 🎯

    not2b, avatar

    @GottaLaff I still maintain that Trump's takeover of the RNC isn't going to help the GOP's chances, because he'll loot it: siphon off money to pay his legal bills instead of campaign expenses. The Michigan GOP could have brought exactly this same kind of lawsuit without the RNC.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @not2b I hope you're right, but I have a genuine nagging worry

    danciruli, avatar

    @GottaLaff @not2b My attitude: "Only most of the people in MAGA world are incompetent grifters."

    In other words: yes, a huge chunk are just there to use any mechanism they can to funnel cash to themselves.

    But there are also real, competent, nefarious people in that world (see the Operation 2025 folks) who aren't there for the grift -- they're there for the facism. And they'll do real damage.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @danciruli A lot of them. We applied for PR in Canada back in 2018 or 2019 for a reason. I started worrying enough to convince my family back in 2015-16. @not2b

    Daniel_Keppler, avatar

    @GottaLaff @danciruli @not2b Ditto! In 2016 is when we started planning for early retirement in France (initially)….

    SailorDisco, avatar

    @GottaLaff @not2b I do have to wonder how much collateral damage he’ll cause while taking down the RNC with him. I don’t think it’ll be limited to just republicans.

    mloxton, avatar

    You are dead right to have those nagging doubts.

    A zombie or fully theofascist party could still come to power, and even if they fail to capture the presidency, they could gain local power all over the place and bring the country to a grinding halt.

    Think of Jan 6s all over the place, armed people showing up at local statehouses, and regular little putsch attempts. Think of ongoing stalemate in Congress, endless obstruction, and infinitely looping outrage storms


    GottaLaff, avatar
    artemesia, avatar

    @not2b @GottaLaff

    The RNC had only $8 mil cash on hand per their january reports. That's like, two medium House races worth of cash. Yeah, mangolini will steal it, but it's a rounding error WRTG his "needs". Also who (among Americans) is going to donate to the RNC knowing that money will go to mangolini's expenses, not winning lege majorities.

    > The Michigan GOP could have brought exactly this same kind of lawsuit without the RNC.

    No, they can't, because they're broke and spending what little time and money they have on a leadership shitfight.

    joeinwynnewood, avatar

    @not2b @GottaLaff

    It's the firing of 60 staffers that will cause the most damage. You can't rebuild state & county relationships over night.
    Running an effective coordinated campaign requires coordination that's hard enough when you know most of the people involved, their strengths and weaknesses.
    When you're coming in blind and starting from scratch in April? Good luck.

    DSDJ3147, avatar

    Here, here!
    You can’t take your eyes off these “destroyer of (political)worlds”.
    It just “burns my buns” the bs they try to pull.
    I know our Sec. of State & AG will do their part…
    But so must we…

    I encourage all those able…
    *keep checking your #voting reg. at:
    After I vote I follow to check status.
    We shouldn’t have to…#trust but #verify
    #michigan #republicans #registration

    skydog, avatar


    And AWAY we go! I hadn't seen that coming, using the RNC as a legal attack base. They're wasting no time, laying down their smoke screen. Marc Elias has his flank to worry about, now. Democratic state committees better hear the klaxons going off!

    This is going to perturb the entire fundraising landscape, as Trump drags the Dems into legal fights on what will be all conceivable fronts. We're going to either need independent war chests, or Trump can decimate the DNC funds, just like he has the RNC's.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @skydog This is why I wasn't gleeful

    lin11c, avatar

    @skydog @GottaLaff
    Why don't the courts just say no. After 2020 and 2022, I believe everyone is aware that these "lawsuits" are not valid in any way. The RNC does not have control over State election policy. Why does anyone appease them? I don't get it.

    skydog, avatar

    @lin11c @GottaLaff

    Out of deference and procedure. The alternative tempts violence.

    This is a case where there's a good way to do it, and a bad way to do it. And the good way is just less bad.

    lin11c, avatar

    @skydog @GottaLaff The courts should require evidence to open any of these "voter fraud" cases. These frivolous lawsuits cost taxpayers a lot of money and tie up the courts. Raise the requirements. Why wouldn't we? The RNC does not deserve deference as previous bad actions have proven. They are not legitimate, especially NOW!

    amart, avatar

    @GottaLaff @lisamelton my what a coincidence (via NYTimes): RNC Shutting Down Community Centers Aimed at Minority Outreach

    Starcade, avatar


    I don't understand what's happening to the RNC and worse yet, why no one in the party seems to be voicing concern. People are okay with what appears to be the foundation for setting up a dictatorship... install your family everywhere and your close allies.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Starcade you do understand. Perfectly.

    Edelruth, avatar



    Because, of course they do.

    I'm laughing because superficially this is hilarious.
    I'm actually dying a little inside.


    GottaLaff, avatar

    @Edelruth your hashtag is spot on

    SueShannon, avatar


    So, I started reading Disproven, by Ken Block, who was hired by the Trump campaign to look into data driven claims of voter fraud in 2020. The book was released yesterday. On p. 10 he says "States that do not provide full dates of birth in their voter files should be sued in advance of the election in order to secure the data necessary to properly evaluate results."

    The book so far is pretty reasonably argued, but this seems like a weird coincidence.

    Snowshadow, avatar

    @GottaLaff 🤦 @#$#@%$#@ !!!


    @GottaLaff strange how it seems to be Democrats who get purged.

    kristen_d, avatar

    @GottaLaff Party of Trump = all funds go in HIS pockets.

    Anyone still thinking this is normal politics better wake the fuck up.


    bibliofishy, avatar

    @GottaLaff shades of Florida 2000 - outsource the voter rolls review to a previously unknown company and remove any name similar to a felon.
    Send the list to other states, remove more felon-adjacent names.
    The SCOTUS has your back.

    CindyS, avatar


    More performative jackassery. They think they're laying some kind of bullshit groundwork for their next act of treason in November when Biden kicks the tangerine twattgrabbers ass.
    I honestly don't even know why they keep up the pretense. EVERYONE knows exactly what they're doing and they certainly don't seem to be shy about admitting their fascist, anti-citizen agenda, but I guess admitting that they're fomenting another coup attempt is slightly over the line, even for MAGAts.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @CindyS Because they can win court cases... or so they think. That would make it harder to vote.

    KanaMauna, avatar

    @GottaLaff I guess the only question at this point is which state won’t they contest.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @KanaMauna And where the money is coming from

    darthstar, avatar

    They don't want Michigan to purge all of the voters...just the ones who look like they may vote Democratic.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @darthstar Well yeah, lol

    not2b, avatar

    @GottaLaff But that was the "motor voter" act, requiring states to make it easier to register to vote. How does having allegedly outdated registrations violate the law, and why should that require that the rolls be purged? Seems like a "Hail Mary" to me, but maybe there is something I don't get.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @not2b Consider who's bringing the case. 'Nuff said.

    not2b, avatar

    @GottaLaff I guess my question is whether the lawsuit will be instantly tossed or if it has any chance of having an effect, but we'd need a legal expert to address that.

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @not2b Yeah, I'd love to know

    steveo1049, avatar

    @GottaLaff - are there any self respecting Republicans?

    mentallyalex, avatar

    They know History is written by the victor - they don't need to be self-respecting if they can pretend it was all for the greater good.


    GottaLaff, avatar
    CindyS, avatar

    @steveo1049 @GottaLaff

    Re-question: Are there any Republicans?
    Nope. The Republican Party no longer exists. It's now the MAGAt Party (or the-party-formerly-known-as-Republican).
    They may keep calling themselves "republicans" but these are the same asswhipes who call themselves "christian" and "patriots" so, no. There is no longer a Republican Party.

    HistoPol, avatar


    I'm still betting on the #GQP becoming the #AmericaFirst Party if #TFG wins in November.
    @steveo1049 @GottaLaff

    tob, avatar

    @HistoPol @CindyS @steveo1049 @GottaLaff or if he loses. I can totally see Trump blaming his loss on "Deep State Republicans" and declaring that the only answer is to "start over with a brand new party."

    Of course, he won't actually start anything over because that would be hard and cost money. But a re-branding in service of his continued grift?

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