

#Twitter refugee with the same ID, posting mostly on #Diaspora, using this account to reach #Mastodon network.
Iranian born Swedish semi-retired electronic engineer, with American wife and 2 adopted children from #Ghana, living in south of #France.
Posting about #Politics, #HumanRights, #SocialJustice, #Environment, #OrganicFarming, #Hydroponics, #Aquaponics, #Gardening, #food, #Humor, #Animals in #English, #Swedish, #French and occasionally #Farsi / #Persian.

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faab64, to Palestine en-us

Unbelievable pile of crap : US President Joe #Biden: #Gaza and the #WestBank should be reunited under one governance structure and ultimately under the leadership of the Palestinian Authority

Were the fuck can Palestinians in west bank live? Through Israeli checkpoints, apartheid wall, under daily attack by Jewish #Taliban settlers and humiliated by #IDF protecting the criminals? Where was he when Israel killed American citizen and Al Jazeera reporter? Where was he when Netanyahu keep expanding illegal settlements and destroyed homes, farms and schools of palestinians in occupied West Bank since the day he got into power?

It's so sickening to read such drivel every time Israel bombs and kills Palestinians and they fight back.

Specially coming from the disgusting hypocrite worse than #Trump Biden who has done nothing to stop the fascist coalition government of #Netanyahu Ben-Gvir in the past 3 years and now suddenly thinks he can sell the snake oil of 2 state solution under unelected and corrupt PA and their gang of criminals?

#Palestine #Occupation #Hypocrisy #Peace #NoJusticrNoPeace #BenGvir #Hamas #Corruption @palestine

faab64, to Israel

Urgent: The Secretary-General of the United Nations: We condemn the practices of “Israel” that led to the martyrdom of dozens of innocent people who were searching for shelter, and there is no safe place in , and this horror must stop.

@palestine @israel

faab64, to Israel en-us

Hamas will be gone after the current attacks but the seeds of hate and loss will bring up new generation of fighters full of hate and rage.

Peace is the only way to end this vicious spiral of violence.

Are we willing or able to end this before it takes more innocent lives.

#Israel #Gaza @palestine #PeaceNow #StopTheWar

faab64, to Israel

You can never stop the fever, without getting rid of the infection causing it.

#Hamas #Israel #Occupation #Palestine #Politics #SaveGaza


faab64, to Palestine

Guess which one gets unconditional support from western nations?


faab64, to politics

Just to understand the BS of Biden about a port in Gaza, remember that there are these land entries into Gaza available RIGHT now.

It's truly sickening to read and listen to all the nonsense about Biden using American Navy to set up a port of "entry" into Gaza while ignorijg the fact that there are 7 points of entry to the besieged Gaza, with over 130 trailer trucks waiting to be approved by IDF in Rafah and 100s of Jewish extremists blocking the passage of trucks via Karam Abu Salem border crossing.

The goal is not to help palestinians, it is to set-up military access and a way to deport Palestinians from Gaza in the name of humanitarian intervention.

#FoodAsWeapon #Biden #Gaza #Propaganda #GenocideJoe #Propaganda #Hypocrisy #Genocide #Politics #Israel #SaveGaza #StopIsrael

faab64, to Israel

What does it take for the world to admit that what Israel is doing in Gaza is not a war against Hamas but execution of a planned destruction of everything in Gaza.

Will they ever react? Do the care?

#Gaza #Genocide #Israel @palestine

faab64, to Bulgaria

EU just passed a resolution calling for ceasefire in Gaza.

  • 2 countries voted against
  • 8 countries abstained
  • 17 countries voted for

I'm truly disgusted by Sweden abstain vote. It's truly sad to see the country that used to be a model for peace, human rights and humanity turn into a coward with no respect for any of those.

I'm sure they will also reject the ruling of ICJ in case they vote against Israel.


faab64, to Palestine

Do not expect to see this reprinted in any western News paper EVER

Jerusalem Post is a conservative Israeli publication, having this published by them means the situation is really alarmingly bad.

It's truly sad that we have such level of celf censorship in the west when it comes to Israel.


faab64, to Israel

How can anyone with a pinch of humanity stay silent?

I'm ashamed to be part of this world.

#Gaza #Inhumanity #FoodAsWeapon #Israel #SaveGaza #Genocide #Politics #GenocideJoe


faab64, to Palestine

Verified: The Israeli army reportedly stole 10 million shekels ($2.76 million) from various money exchange shops in the West Bank during their raids last night.

Multiple jewelry shops were also broken into and looted by IDF soldiers.

Israel is truly turning into Nazi Germany in 1930s
Video shared on telegram
#idf #theft #westbank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics @palestine

IDF soldiers broke into exchange offices in occupied West Bank
IDF soldiers stole money from multiple money exchange offices during their last night raids.

faab64, to TikTok

arrested a Jewish man holding a banner "Jews Against " and confiscated his banner.

Isn't that ? Preventing the free speech of a Jewish citizen on broad daylight like this?

Video on : vm.tiktok.com/ZGeQy6hC7/vm.tiktok.com/ZGeQy6hC7/

@palestine @israel

faab64, to Palestine

Israeli soldier who bragged about murdering an unarmed elderly deaf Palestinian in Gaza has been identified.

Do you think we can expect any international call for his prosecution?

Video of them laughing and making jokes about the murder can be seen here:

Will he face ICC or Interpol for committing war crime?

@palestine @israel

faab64, to Palestine en-us

I need to verify this : Israeli military interviewed by channel 12 news claim that Israel attacked, bombed and shot at their own civilians on October 8th.

The news also claims that the family used by IDF and Netanyahu as the proof of barbaric act of Hamas during their attacks were killed by an Israeli tanks shell.

I can't find any western media covering the story but inside Israel, the story is gaining momentum and people are realizing that the official story of what happened on October 7 and 8th is from from the official story pushed world wide #Netanyahu and his blind supporters in the west.


#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #StopTheLies
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine

faab64, to politics

This is quiet extreme.

It reminds me of the munk who set himself on fire during US invasion of Vietnam. Or the street vendor in Tunisia who ignited the Arab spring.

But I have never heard of an American performing such self sacrifice inside or outside united states.

#Politics #US #Protest #Genocide #Gaza #News #USPolitics @palestine

faab64, to Palestine

Image being a doctor.

Imagine being a medic.
Imagine being a photographer.
Imagine being a parent.
Imagine being a child.

And imagine your home got bombed, after you were told to move there to "be safe". Your child gets hurt, and you end up in a hospital that doesn't have any beds, any equipment, any pain killers, not even disinfectant.

You have to hold your child screaming while the doctors performing an operation on her, the pain is so overwhelming that you have to pin down the child with all your weight.

Just close your eyes and put yourself in their position.

As a father, I can't imagine such horror. Glad I never did.

Now imagine doctors, medics and photographers having to witness and perform these operations over and over again.

And we, the people with high morals, watching it happen. It's not like the words of witnesses that Israel and their whole multi billion dollar paid propagandists repeatedly calling them for "Pollywood", to make you have doubt about what you just watched and simply move on and ignore it.

There is absolutely no need to prevent painkillers getting into Gaza.
There is absolutely no need for the world to ignore the suffering of innocent children.

And there is no way those doctors, medics and photographers to stop doing what they possibly can to help the victims of Israeli bombings.

But we don't care.

We just move on with our lives not even thinking about those little ones who later die of the shock because their tiny hearts can't handle the unimaginable stress during the bombings and the horror of ab operation.

And by then, she become a number. One of 13400+ that the civilized world has chosen to ignore.

I am not sharing the video, I simply can't. Even the image is from another victim because I'm writing this with tearsein my eyes. I hate the world we live in, the politics, the religion, the money and anything that is justifying the ongoing slaughter of the innocent little angles who had the who life ahead them.

I simply can't. But most people do.


faab64, to Palestine

Israel military photographer publishes picture of Palestinian captive being tortured

The image above was captured by an Israeli military photographer, depicting a Palestinian captive being tortured while sitting down. In the photo, an open, untreated gunshot wound is visible.
#Gaza #Torture #Inhumanity #WarCrime #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #StopIsrael @palestine

faab64, to palestine

How can people watch this and be silent?

#Gaza #StopTheWar #StopIsrael

faab64, to israel

Remember when was shooting down Yemeni drones and missiles?

They had no problem letting use their airspace to attack .

@palestine @israel

faab64, to Palestine

CCTV footage of Israeli special forces attacking a hospital in Jenin, harassing patients, stealing wheelchairs and then later (off camera) assassinating 3 patients before leaving the hospital has been released (you can see it on my telegram channel)

Israel is completely out of control and have 0 regards for human lives or international laws. While the western leaders standing on the pedestals of morality and humanity, they turn a blind eye on war crimes comitted by IDF and unconditionally supporting this rouge nations under the false cover of the "right to defence".

Israel did the same in the past, but we were not able to see them, their leaders and supporters and an army of "activists" called the accusations for false, Palestinians for liars and human rights groups for antisemitic.

But we have video after vide,o showing clear violations of palestinians rights and assassination of injured, elderly, children and in this case hospital patients. But still we hear 0 reaction from the disgusting leaders of the west who rather starve millions of desperate Palestinians, than condemn crimes of war comitted by Israeli forces.

#WarCrime #Jenin #Hospital #IDF #SpecialForces #Hyppcrisy #WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics @palestine

faab64, to Palestine

Doctors Without Borders said that the intensification of the onslaught by Israeli forces on has forced it to stop providing lifesaving care at Rafah Indonesian Field hospital as of 12 May.

"Since Israeli forces have expanded their offensive in Rafah, it has become impossible to provide lifesaving medical assistance amid a campaign of death and destruction", the organization stated.

@palestine @israel

faab64, to Israel

US military have given up repairing the floating pear they built for "humanitarian aid transport".

Not a single bag of flour, medicine or water was distributed to Palestinians from the $320M fiasco.

It's just unbelievable. The worst scam of this war.

@palestine @israel

faab64, to Palestine

Have you ever wondered what white phosphorus does to a child?

Look no further.

The people who build, distribute and use these have a special place in hell, if there is such thing, because it doesn't seem that they will ever held accountable for their crimes in our lifetime.

@palestine @israel

faab64, to Israel

Some 52 years ago, when I was in 4th grade of primary school, I found a book "who put glasses on the kid's eyes" in a small book shop in open bazaar of my hometown Ahvaz in khuzestan province of Iran.

A few days later, we had to bring a book to school and read it in front of the class. Happy as I was to have found a great book, I took it to school and read it in front of the class.

I couldn't understand why my teacher was acting so scared and stopped me before I had finished the book and sent me to the principals office.
I was nervous, didn't know what I had done wrong and our principal, who was a really nice man, and went to the same university as my oldest sister took the book and asked me where I had bought it. I knew something was wrong, so I said I bought it at the book store of our local mosque, to protect the guy who was my source of cheap and lovely books and would buy back my old ones to help me afford buying new ones.

In the evening my father came home, agitated and clearly upset. Asked me what I have done and I explained the situation, including the fact that I lied about wher I had bought the book. Told him the highlight of the book about a happy child who was living in a town with happy people who were all wearing glasses.

He was seeing flowers, colorful houses. Nice people and happy children all around him, birds flying in the sky and everyone were so friendly to him.

Until one day he fell of and his glasses broke. He couldn't believe his eyes, the flowers, colorful houses and happy people were all gone. All he could see was a run down city, with piles of garbage everywhere, people wearing worn out clothes, looking hungry and sick.

He was nece happy after that, he couldn't believe that everyone were walking around with glasses and we're happy all the time. But he was sad and miserable, because he had seen his town without those glasses.

Anyway. My father took me to a building close to the main police station on the other side of the Karun river, he spent almost entire day in a room where I could people screaming at him and a few times someone his the table very hard. But couldn't hear what they were saying.
My dad came out. Pulled my hand without saying a word, we walked for an hour to get home, didn't take taxi as we used to do.

He didn't say a word during the whole day and told me to go over my books and bring all the books I had bought from that shop, he through them in a metal bucket and poured some fuel over it, set them on fire and waited until they were completely burned, mixed the ashes to turn them into dust, filled the bucket with water and through it in the toilet.

He told me to never go back to that shop and be careful to take any books to school from now on.

That' was my first interaction with the notorious Savak police of Shah of Iran. In the next days, all the 4 book stores in our town were raided. Books confiscated and doors locked. Never heard about any of them again.

Reading the comments of pro Israeli accounts on mastodon reminded me of that book and that experience that changed my life when I was only 8 years old.

This post specially triggered those memories. Unlike the kid in my book and the people living in the town, these people know very well tat what they are posting is not true, they have seen the horror of the past 76 years of occupation, they have seen the 66 times they were subject to UNSC charges, and 45 that were vetoed by the US..

But they don't care, they see themselves as victims. They don't see the millions of starving palestinians, or the millions living in refuge camps around the world as worthy of their empathy or cause of why Palestinians and some of the world is fed up with their out of control criminal behavior

They don't have glasses on their eyes, they have chosen to be selective and above the laws of the world.

#Israel #Iran #UNSC #Hypocrisy #Revisionism #Rant #Memories #Politics #Inhumanity

@palestine @israel

faab64, to random

This is just unbelievable and horrifying.

via @Miro_Collas


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