@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar



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PeltonenJanne, to random Finnish
@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

Persut mm. lupasivat, että lakko-oikeuteen ei puututa. Tämän lupauksen rikkominen ei näytä kannattajia karkottaneen.

Nyt persut ovat myös nostaneet bensan hintaa. Huomioiden, että yksi niiden isoimmista kampanjalupauksista oli se, että bensan hinta alas, ja huomioiden, että jos äänestää persua, täytyy olla vain omaa napaansa tuijottava ihminen, tämä varmaan vaikuttaa heidän kannatukseensa enemmän.

Tietenkin tämäkin unohtuu ensi vaalien alla, kun alkaa taas maahanmuuttovastainen rummutus.

stux, to random
@stux@mstdn.social avatar

It would be so totally awesome if meatballs like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Trump just imploded..

Just a simple "poooof"! and be done with it

Maybe ill ask that for Christmas

@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@stux According to how magic works in David & Leigh Eddings' books, trying to will something nonexistent will make the magic user nonexistent, not the object. I've sometimes thought about that... In the real world, there'd always be something or someone else to replace all the taylorgreenes and trumps. What we have to do is try to make the world so there's no support for people like that.

Running a fediverse instance is a good way to gradually build a better world IMHO, keep at that <3

@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@stux That said, I do understand the frustration :D Oh how well I do understand that :D

jon, to random
@jon@gruene.social avatar

Building the new platform at Haparanda 🇸🇪 is starting, to allow broad gauge trains from Tornio 🇫🇮 to arrive there https://www.lok-report.de/news/europa/item/48883-schweden-neuer-bahnsteig-in-haparanda-ermoeglicht-verkehr-aus-finnland.html

Having been to the station in 2022 I can confirm these works will be simple and quick - pretty much everything is there already

And electrification of the border bridge will start shortly as well

Good news!

@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@jon Yay! I was already enthusiastic about the reintroduction of passenger service between Boden and Haparanda. But it was a bit annoying to have to walk with my backpack from Haparanda Station to Tornio Eastern :D

This was back in November 2021, so at least I skipped the Covid-19 related border checks: they weren't interested in pedestrians, they only checked people in cars :-P

PeltonenJanne, to random Finnish
@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

Ylen Hyvin sanottu -sarja köyhyydestä Suomessa on mittaamattoman arvokasta luettavaa kenelle tahansa.

Ilmankos Halla-aho pyrkii romuttamaan koko Ylen. Eihän se nyt käy, että kansalaisille kerrotaan, miltä oikeasti näyttää, kun on hänenlaisiaan ihmisiä maata johtamassa.


KarjalaisenHoo, to random Finnish
@KarjalaisenHoo@mastodontti.fi avatar
@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@KarjalaisenHoo Joskus sitä sokeakin kana löytää jyvän.

Tulee mieleen mun ala-asteen opettaja. Kun siltä kysyi, onko joku läksy oikeasti pakko tehdä huomiseksi, se sanoi, että pakko ei ole kuin kuolema, verot - ja tehdä kyseinen läksy huomiseksi.

Ymmärrän sitä lakkovahtia kyllä enemmän: "pakko" on lyhenne ilmaisusta "pelkään, että jos ei nyt oikeasti panna kunnolla vastaan, suomalainen sopimusyhteiskunta ja hyvinvointi on muisto vain".

@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@KarjalaisenHoo Tää on muuten kans hyvä kolumni aihetta sivuten. https://yle.fi/a/74-20071344

stux, to random
@stux@mstdn.social avatar

This is Pi from my head without checking:


That's how far our calc in school went :blobblush:

@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@stux I had a friend at school who could easily remember long strings of numbers. Like for instance the first 300 digits of Pi. She would impress people by saying them aloud. She would judge the intelligence of her audience according to whether anyone would actually check, or everybody just be impressed by her counting out digits... :-P

PeltonenJanne, to random Finnish
@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

Just read the series on the misinformation-outrage cycle by @Teri_Kanefield and whoo boy. What a media landscape. https://terikanefield.com/can-democracy-work-in-america-part-1-there-are-no-yankees-here/

It felt so weird. But then, I get most of my American news from a source that constantly tries to discourage people from getting angry and encourage them to stay calm and collected and analytical. And also makes it a point to avoid claiming anything before there's enough evidence to support it. "Anyway, it's just a thought, y'all have a good day."

inthehands, to random
@inthehands@hachyderm.io avatar

That kitchen lady SOTU GOP response redubbed in a dalek voice.

Somebody please do this.

@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@robertstainsby @simon_brooke @inthehands The Doctor seemed to hate being called 'Sir'.

peterbutler, to cars
@peterbutler@mas.to avatar

"We find that, since their invention, cars and automobility have killed 60–80 million people and injured at least 2 billion

"Currently, 1 in 34 deaths are caused by automobility.

"While some people benefit from automobility, nearly everyone—whether or not they drive—is harmed by it.”

A very comprehensive global review of automobility and its harms"


@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@peterbutler "Abstract

Despite the widespread harm caused by cars and automobility, governments, corporations, and individuals continue to facilitate it by expanding roads, manufacturing larger vehicles, and subsidising parking, electric cars, and resource extraction"

Now this is a way to start an abstract :D

jon, to random
@jon@gruene.social avatar

Build and they will come 🎉

Riga-Vilnius train is doing better than the rail firms expected https://www.lok-report.de/news/europa/item/47509-lettland-litauen-der-zug-vilnius-riga-uebertrifft-weiterhin-die-erwartungen.html

@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@jon Wait what?! This is pretty awesome. I've done the trip from Tallinn to Warsaw before, but had to take the bus from Riga to Kaunas. (There was the theorethical possibility of a train connection via Daugavpils, but that would've been really too much, and gone now anyway as that was the St Petersburg - Kiev train.) This train is the missing piece in the puzzle <3

juuhaa, to random Finnish
@juuhaa@mastodon.social avatar


"– Toisin kuin hallitusohjelmassa väitetään, missään muussa Pohjoismaassa ei ole tehty tällaisia heikennyksiä työntekijän oikeuksiin. Työntekijän turva tulee olemaan Pohjoismaiden heikoin."


@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@ojrask @juuhaa Hallituksella on käytettävissään Sanoma-konsernin propagandaverkosto, jonka avulla lakot leimataan demokratianvastaisiksi ja pyritään luomaan ihmisille sellainen käsitys, että demokratian periaatteisiin kuuluisi valita maahan nelivuotinen diktatuuri. Se, mitä mun on vaikea käsittää, on se, miten tällainen menee läpi kenellekään.

PeltonenJanne, to climate
@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar
stux, to random
@stux@mstdn.social avatar

:nkoWave: Hello and a good meowing everyone! :cathug: I feel much more terrible than yesterday so I’ll stay in again..

Have a most wonderful day!♥️😸🐾

Looking into the cam

@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@stux Give your kitties a few good scrathes, it'll help you get better too! And hey thanks for the afternoon-morning -pictures, I really like what they do to the vibe here!

PeltonenJanne, to random Finnish
@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

On yhä täysin mahdollista, että Haavisto voittaa toisen kierroksen. Ei se vaadi kuin tarpeeksi monta uskomaan että näin voi tapahtua ja toimimaan tämän mukaan.

stux, to random
@stux@mstdn.social avatar


I didn't knew Netflix lost 55 million bucks because Carl Erik Rinsch would rather spend it on Dogecoin than the TV show he was hired to create :nkoFacepalm2:

So yeah.. don't hire Carl Erik Rinsch

@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@stux Everything related to Dogecoin is nonsense.

Back in 2014, I wanted to learn how crypto works, but Bitcoin was already too hard to mine and Dogecoin seemed like a wholesome joke with no risk of ever starting to gain actual value, so I spent some time, a tiny amount of money on well-worn graphics adapters, and some wind power on mining some.

Then along came Elon. Suddenly my small stash of mined Dogecoin was worth a high-end electric motorbike.

Still wouldn't spend any real money on it.

PeltonenJanne, to random Finnish
@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

Välillä sitä miettii ja punnitsee että pitäiskö kumminkin osallistua yhteiskunnalliseen keskusteluun jossain muussakin somessa kuin täällä missä valtaosa väestä on kovin samanmielistä monista olennaisista asioista. Vois tuulettaa aivoja jos olis erimielisyyttä.

Ainoa vaan että asiallista keskustelua erimielisten välillä on tosi vaikea saada aikaan ympäristöissä, joissa kaikki insentiivit tukee pöyristymistä ja kauhistelua ja toiseuttamista.


PeltonenJanne, to random Finnish
@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

Hei. On OK ihmetellä, miten joku Halla-aho, joka ei kauhean karismaattiselta vaikuta ja jonka ajatukset ovat aivan kauheita, on voinut saada sellaisen joukon seuraajia.

Mutta mulle on raskasta lukea yksityiskohtaista kommentointia Halla-ahon henkilökohtaisista ominaisuuksista. Olen itse ollut kynäniskainen nörtti. Oon tänään nähnyt hänestä sensävyisiä kommentteja, joita muhun laukoivat koulukiusaajat yläasteella.

Voitaisiinko rajoittua haukkumaan Jussia siitä, että hän on fasisti?

PeltonenJanne, to tesla Finnish
@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

Teslan työntekijät Ruotsissa ovat joutuneet allekirjoittamaan monikymmensivuisia työsopimuksia täynnä käsittämätöntä juristeriaa sekaisin ruotsiksi ja englanniksi. Josta liiton lakimies sanoo, että hänellä on lakimiehen koulutus, ja silti joutui lukemaan sen monta kertaa ennen kuin ymmärsi.

Teslan härskiys.


scalzi, to random
@scalzi@mastodon.social avatar
@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@scalzi Yeah. And also get rid of that screen entirely. Some analog gauges and other non distracting stuff. Just the essentials. Nothing to fiddle with while driving. At most a holder for a smartphone so you can use its navigator if you really want to use a navigator.

Strandjunker, to random
@Strandjunker@mstdn.social avatar

Have you ever wondered why Germans didn’t do anything about Hitler? Well, the rest of the world is wondering exactly that about Americans and Trump.

@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@Strandjunker We are indeed wondering; on the other hand, we also have our own hands full with our own fascists in government. At least here in Finland. And it's also quite easy to see that a lot of Americans are also trying.

stux, to random
@stux@mstdn.social avatar

:nkoWave: Hello and a good meowing everyone :blobcathearts: Have a most wonderful day and stay safe♥️🐾😸

@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@stux Hey, I love how you start each day with a cat pic <3 Thanks a lot, keep up the good work!

rolle, to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Almost everyone who says "Mastodon didn't work for me" on Bluesky seems to have posted only "me me me" stuff for months (if that) on Mastodon, followed about 10-20 people, never replied to anyone and then gave up because "nobody there, it didn't fly".

It seems there is a big misunderstanding how this free and healthy social media works. We are not here for the easy wins, likes, shares and dopamine spikes. We are here because we accept the fact we are not part of the commercial hype machine. We choose natural engagement over spoiling algorithms, we choose conversation and meaning in our social media. At least that is how I see it.

@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

@rolle ...I must admit I'm here also for the dopamine hits :D It's nice when people I seem to share an actual connection with like the stuff I post.

That's also a reason I'm not here every day. Because as healthy an enviroment this is compared to other social media, this does still have potential for serious addiction.

PeltonenJanne, to photography
@PeltonenJanne@mstdn.social avatar

The night before yesterday, the sea finally froze.

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