unattributed, to internet

Yup, things are going just fine at #Twitter... No problems being reported at alll...

#riptwitter #twitterdown

chenchenzh, to twitter
@chenchenzh@mastodon.online avatar

thinking of #douban, where users operate permanently in the expectation that the website might be banned tomorrow. those of us remaining on the bird site could use some douban spirit.

in general folks in China use social media while knowing that their accounts could get suspended any day for political or apolitical content. every time you lose an acct with thousands of connections, you start all over again.

#Twitter #ChinaTwitter

tedtalks, to fediverse

Hello #Fediverse! We are, indeed, the official #TEDTalks! We know a lot of people are coming over here from #Twitter via #TwitterMigration & we just wanted to let you know that we’re here.

TED is all about ideas worth spreading so if you’re into the following, we think you’ll be right at home in our TED community:
#psychology #personaldevelopment #humanities #leadership #creativity #motivation #inspiration #mentalhealth #parenting #business #health #wonder #technology #science #art #design

cv_cev, to twitter

Hopefully this ship holds together as all of us rats surge away from #Twitter / #birdsite

If you can please donate to your server because this is provided for free (no ads) and we are all guests here.

Pertsch, to internet German

Nutzt bitte #Hashtags!

Anders als auf #Twitter, gibt es auf Mastodon (noch) keine eigene native Suche über alle Server hinweg.

Hashtags und Benutzerkonten (außerhalb der eigenen Instanz) können im Gegensatz dazu aber gesucht und angezeigt werden. 💡

Kleiner Tipp am Rande: Wenn ihr nur einen Teil eines Wortes als #Hashtag setzen wollt (z. B. für die Grundform), dann fügt das breitenlose Leerzeichen (https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/200b/browsertest.htm) für einen nahtlosen Übergang ein.

Beispiel: #Mastodon​ner :awesome:

rstockm, to twitter German
@rstockm@openbiblio.social avatar

Es haben nochmal hunderte Mitarbeiter:innen bei gekündigt, das Office ist für das WE geschlossen und Sonntag beginnt die WM. Musk bekommt sein "hardcore".
Wichtig: wenn der Dienst erst down ist, klappen die Migrationswerzeuge für Follower nicht mehr - JETZT ist der Moment, sich in Sicherheit zu bringen:

ChrisPirillo, to internet
@ChrisPirillo@mastodon.social avatar

If "Home" is completely empty here on Mastodon, start using hashtags. Use 'em in your posts, click 'em in your timelines, follow 'em. That's how people connect (and interconnect between Mastodon instances). There is no global search, intentionally. Don't view the value of this experience through the lens of a previous one. This is not a spoon-fed design. This is not a popularity contest. This is not optimized for time-on-site or in-app. #SocialMedia #Twitter #Help #Mastodon #TwitterMigration

unattributed, to internet

I started writing an article about #Elon and #Twitter a couple of days ago. But, then I realized that the #FTC is having a meeting this week, so I decided to wait for that before proceeding.

But since then there's been a good video about Elon's business history that came out. It's fairly concise (only ~40 minutes), which really change the context in which Elon and Twitter should evaluated, IMO.


mdmrn, to Hololive

As we're trying to do more #fandom #introductions on #Mastodon lately, I'm going to bring up a new one like @broximar did yesterday with video games, but lining up with one I had started on #Twitter before.

Introduce yourself with 5 #manga series

My list:
Kilala Princess
#Mashle: Magic & Muscles

Please feel free to post your own and please also tag me! I'd love to meet more manga fans here on Mastodon.

Tags: #Introduction #Intro #Comic #Comics #Disney

hacks4pancakes, to random

Y’all, if you’re getting frustrated you’re not seeing the content you want to like news or intel you need on Mastodon, you really need to shift your thinking from algorithmic social media. Follower counts don’t matter much here. Likes do not matter to post reach. Without your interaction, you will just see a live FIFO firehose. Some quick fixes:

Hashtag your posts liberally and consistently, and follow key hashtags of interest to you. Hashtags matter a ton here to being seen.

Follow and also alert on accounts you always want to see content from.

Consider using the built in RSS feature for your feeds and for specific hashtags.

Consider switching to the more advanced UI in your preferences, so you can watch multiple filtered and unfiltered feeds. Or a different mobile app.

Use Fedifinder to follow all the accounts you followed on Twitter, and sync up your follow and block lists.

Avail yourself of the multiple public lists of hundreds of journalist accounts on Mastodon.



@hacks4pancakes OMG this is so great! Thank you!!!! Trying to up my #Mastodon #Fediverse game and so appreciate people like you patiently & clearly letting us newbie #Twitter refugees know how to do it right!

mastomememakers, to fediverse
@mastomememakers@det.social avatar

help your friends to phase into the #fediverse

they are trapped in their #socialmedia patterns. confused about #mastodon

...it is too hard for them to grasp. seriously;

"mastodon is wired and complicated"
"am i now an instance?"
"is this a cult of some kind?"
"i will join #elonmusk on mars"

help them, as this pic has helped so many middle schoolers.

#joinmastodon #mastodonmigration #eternalnovember #twitter #facebook #plato #platoscave #meme #memes #MaMeMa

pfefferle, to fediverse German
@pfefferle@notiz.blog avatar

The AT Protocol

Vor zwei Jahren wollte Twitter in das „Dezentrale Netzwerke“-Business einsteigen und gründete eigens dafür das Projekt Bluesky. In den folgenden zwei Jahren wurde viel evaluiert und diskutiert, was wohl die beste Lösung für Twitter sei und wir alle fieberten mit ob es nun ActivityPub oder doch Matrix werden würde…

Aber das Warten hat ein Ende! Bluesky hat verkündet wie es weiter geht!

Sie entwickeln ein neues Protokoll!

Das AT Protocol, kurz für Authenticated Transfer Protocol!

Ich hab mir die FAQ mal angeschaut und dort steht warum Bluesky sich gegen ActivityPub entschieden hat:

Account portability is the major reason why we chose to build a separate protocol. We consider portability to be crucial because it protects users from sudden bans, server shutdowns, and policy disagreements. Our solution for portability requires both signed data repositories and DIDs, neither of which are easy to retrofit into ActivityPub. The migration tools for ActivityPub are comparatively limited; they require the original server to provide a redirect and cannot migrate the user’s previous data.

Das erinnert mich ein bisschen an die Subline von meinem OpenWeb-Icons Font:

Why OpenWeb Icons? Because Font Awesome had no RSS-icon […]

Weil ActivityPub keine perfekte Lösung für „Account portability“ hat, bauen sie ein komplett neues Protokoll?

ActivityPub ist sicherlich nicht „feature complete“, aber ein guter erster Wurf, was das Fediverse erfolgreich bewiesen hat! Warum arbeitet Twitter also lieber an einem eigen Format anstatt mit dem W3C zusammen an ActivityPub v2?

Warum macht sich das W3C überhaupt noch die Mühe „Standards“ zu definieren?

Wegen der Interoperabilität!

Würde Twitter mit HTTP(S), HTML oder CSS ähnlich umgehen, würde der Browser einfach leer bleiben, weil das &$%§& Internet nur mit einheitlichen Standards funktioniert!

Und das gleiche gilt auch für dezentralte Netze, zumindest wenn sie erfolgreich sein wollen! Darüber hab ich tragischerweise schon vor 10 Jahren geschrieben!

Diaspora* wurde kaum für „tot“ erklärt und schon steht das nächste Projekt in den Startlöchern! Tent.io soll ein protocol for distributed social networking and personal data storage werden. Alles neu, alles anders, alles besser als OStatus, DiSo oder Diaspora*. Aber mal ganz ehrlich… was haben die Diasporas & Co. bisher geschaffen? Ziel war es Facebooks „Walled Gardens“ aufzubrechen und was kam wirklich dabei rum? Eine ganze Reihe an dezentralen „Walled Gardens“. Na danke!

Dezentrale „Walled Gardens“

Das fediverse hat (wie schon erwähnt) bisher einen großartigen Job gemacht und verschiedenste Netzwerke mit den verschiedensten Ausprägungen vernetzt! Ich glaube bin der festen Überzeugung, dass sich diesmal wirklich das offene Format (ActivityPub) durchsetzen wird und Blueskys Authenticated Transfer Protocol auch in ein paar Monaten oder Jahren keine Rolle spielen wird!

Ben Werdmuller hat eine gesunde Einstellung zu dem Thema:

I’m so burned out by open source social, but I’m glad to see people throw energy at the problem, even if it’s not how I would have gone about it.


Mehr hab ich dazu eigentlich nicht zu sagen, außer dass wir in der aktuellen Folge des neunetzcasts sehr ausgiebig über genau dieses Problem gesprochen haben!

#activitypub #bluesky #fediverse #matrix #twitter


parsa, (edited ) to Help Persian

لازم دیدم که درباره Fediverse و #ماستودون به طور کامل و با زبان ساده برای کاربرای جدید فارسی زبان توضیح داده بشه، برای همین این مقاله رو از مقاله علیرضا حیاتی ترجمه کردم.
به اشتراک بذارید تا دیگران هم بتونند ازش استفاده کنند.
#FediTips #help #newhere #twitter #fediverse #newbies #RIPTwitter #twitterdown #تازه‌وارد

unattributed, to internet

Seen on a profile:

"Follow me and I follow you 💯 Let’s grow together."

Nope...this isn't #twitter games...

unattributed, to internet
ajsadauskas, to internet
@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

The thing about Twitter is that it really lacks a lot of the features you'd expect from a true Mastodon replacement.

For example, there's no way to edit your toots (which they, confusingly call "tweets"—let's face it, it's a bit of a silly name that's difficult to take seriously).

"Tweets" can't be covered by a content warning. There's no way to let the poster know you like their tweet without also sharing it, and no bookmark feature.

There's no way to set up your own instance, and you're basically stuck on a single instance of Twitter. That means there's no community moderators you can reach out to to quickly resolve issues. Also, you can't de-federate instances with a lot of problematic content.

It also doesn't Integrate with other fediverse platforms, and I couldn't find the option to turn the ads off.

Really, Twitter has made a good start, but it will need to add a lot of additional features before it gets to the point where it becomes a true Mastodon replacement for most users.



@ajsadauskas - I get this is supposed to be cheeky, and we're all dunking on the bird app but...
-Tweets can have content warnings
-You can Like tweets
-There are bookmarks, and with Twitter Blue there are bookmark folders
-You can't set up an instance, but you can launch a Twitter Community
-Twitter Communities have moderators you can reach out to and Community-specific rules
-Communities can be invite-only; not the same as defederation, but it makes them somewhat exclusive


unattributed, to internet

I think the footnote to this article says everything you need to know about #Elon and #Twitter:

"The Verge reached out to Musk for comment. Twitter no longer has a communications department."


unattributed, to internet

#Elon should have brought a model of the #Titanic into #Twitter HQ instead of a sink... It would have been much more appropriate.

ne1for23, to internet

Elon Musk is threatening to end his $44 billion agreement to buy Twitter, accusing the company of refusing to give him information about its spam bot accounts.



Musk proposes turning Twitter into a bank to avoid bankruptcy

Musk aims to grow Twitter users by 1 billion, then link accounts to debit cards.

#ElonMusk #Twitter #Banks #Bankruptcy


Elon Musk’s aerospace business SpaceX just ordered one of the larger advertising packages available from Twitter, which Musk recently took over in a contentious, $44 billion deal.

The campaign is to promote the SpaceX satellite internet service, Starlink, in Australia and Spain.

The ad package, known as a “takeover” at Twitter, typically costs $250,000 or more for brands advertising on the social media platform.

#Twitter #ElonMusk #SpaceX #Advertisers


Android Promoters Won't Get Caught Tweeting From iPhone Anymore With Upcoming Twitter Changes

Twitter CEO Elon Musk plans to eliminate a Twitter feature that provides details on what device a tweet was sent from, information that has gotten Android promoters in hot water multiple times over the past several years.

#Twitter #Android #iPhone #ElonMusk #Advertisers


'Sabotage'-Musk Boards Up Twitter Offices as Staffers Flock to Quit: Report

The temporary closure of the company’s offices for 72 hours comes as the billionaire is reportedly “terrified employees are going to sabotage the company.”

#Twitter #ElonMusk #FearOfSabotage #TwitterLockdown


Elon Musk Trolled With 'Space Karen' Message on Twitter HQ Wall

#Twitter #ProjectionActivist #ElonMusk #TwitterLockdown #SpaceKaren #SupremeParasite #PetulantPimple #ApartheidProfiteer #MediocreManchild

This is the video shared by @christoq on Twitter cited in the article. The side of Twitter HQ at night shows the projected messages about Elon Musk. https://twitter.com/christoq/status/1593429063317626880


Elon Musk calls for "anyone who actually writes software" at Twitter to meet him, or fly in, to help him 'better understand' Twitter's tech on Friday.

Musk's emails underline the degree to which Twitter's ranks have been hollowed out by the combination of Musk's layoffs and "so many people calling his bluff," as one former engineer put it.

#ElonMusk #Twitter #SoftwareDevelopers #SkeletonCrew

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